#(sorry this took 5ever ;0; )
gonnabefamous · 1 year
@mal0dramatic // (x)
Though she didn’t say it out loud, Mallory had to admit that she could kind of understand Zach’s friend. After all, he had big dreams and there was always a chance that they wouldn’t come true. How many people tried to become famous, and how few of them ended up making it? There were probably some depressing statistics on that. She doubted his friends hadn’t told him that already and yet he still seemed determined. It was honestly kind of heartwarming.
When Zach asserted that his friend Amy would have totally ratted him out to his parents, Mallory narrowed her eyes in suspicion. He really did start the fire, didn’t he? She was almost sure of it now. But still she didn’t call him out on it. Nothing bad really happened, everyone made it out alright and…well, she had no concrete proof to be accusing him with. Mal ordered the same thing as Zach, except with a doughnut on the side since she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. It wasn’t the most nutritious thing to order and she’d probably feel bad about it later, but she was too tempted by all the glazed goodness that was sitting beneath the glass displays of the café.
As soon as her doughnut arrived, Mal’s eyes lit up and she quickly started eating, all the while listening to Zach’s idea. He was talking about editing now. She paused, taking a moment to swallow her latest bite before she interjected: “But…don’t you need footage first?” She had no idea about the camera’s that usually followed him around, or the fact that they took off running after his fire-stunt went awry. “I guess if you have a camera and a green screen, it could work…” She tried to be encouraging, but she wasn’t sure how much Zach really knew about editing. She certainly had very little knowledge about it, it wasn’t like she could give him tips in that area.
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“And don’t you need somebody to film, also? If we both need to be in frame at the same time, who will be behind the camera?” All sorts of questions were popping up in her head now. Honestly, it was kind of fun thinking about this project, even if it wasn’t her idea.
Zach picks up his frappe when it arrives and sips on it, a garbled scoff leaving him at her question.
“What, do I look like a guy that didn’t come prepared? Of course I have a camera and green screen.” He pauses to take another sip, holding up a finger as if to indicate that he needed a second. His face crinkles into a complicated expression and he exhales through his nose, fighting off a self induced brain freeze. A moment later, he’s once again ready to speak as if it hadn’t just interrupted their conversation.
“Way ahead of you-- I actually have my own camera crew.” He tells her, an excited laugh leaving him after. He would leave out the part about blowing his life college savings on said camera crew in order to obtain his uncertain fame. “They, uh... were on break when that whole thing happened.” He quickly makes up an excuse as to why they weren’t present at the theatre, going back to sipping on his frappe moments later whilst leaning back in his seat.
It doesn’t cross his mind just yet that she would be able to witness the start of the prior chaotic event through the footage they captured before editing and Zach was no professional editor. He just assumed one of his camera guys would know what the heck he was doing. “Mmm, this is so addicting. Next time I’m asking them to sprinkle chocolate chips on it.” Half way done with his frappe by this time, Zach stands quickly, his mind onto more important matters, i.e becoming famous.
“I only live a few blocks from here, come on! While I still feel inspired!” The tall young man quickly darts out of the coffee shop, beverage in hand as he makes his way back to his parents house. He slows down about half way, pausing to breathe. “Shit... I gotta... go slow. Otherwise this frap is gonna come back up…” a hand rubs at his chest as he attempts to contain his acid reflux before pressing on.
At Zach’s house, the camera crew had seemingly made themselves at home in his living room. His parents were out which was great because he didn’t want to hear any harassment about bringing a new friend over. Parents were so annoying sometimes.
“Hey, guys! This is Mallory, she’s a new friend and coworker.” Zach introduces her to the crew, glancing over at her with an excited smile. “She rescued me from the fire that you jerks left me to die in.”
“Well it wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t—“ The cameraman’s words are cut short when Zach interrupts.
“AH—we’re not… here to point fingers.” He laughs nervously, giving the man a look afterwards. “A-Anyway… I wanna show her the footage we have so far. We gotta edit it, you guys. Obviously. Who here knows anything about editing?” He asks, a finger lingering in the air, moving from pointing at one person in the crew to another. No one seemed enthusiastic about raising their hands nor does anyone end up raising them. “Goddamnit, you guys… I gotta do everything myself.” Not true.
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flashofyellowlights · 3 years
Cont. With @acceptedmyself​ From X
The scent of blood and metal are almost blended at this point of the procedure. Not like either really bothered Angela to begin with; she’s smelled worse.
Be it by some error on the nurse’s side or her focusing so much she’s managed to also cause tunnel vision, it seems the blaring bright lights were not doing their job very well. The way this bulb outlined every exposed vein and muscle was nice, sure, but the doctor could barely see the tools in the corner of her vision. She’s been relying solely on muscle memory of her trays’ setup, which to be fair; it hasn’t failed her yet. Somewhere from behind her a phone is playing Beethoven’s Kreutzer Sonata, but that barely does anything to the silence that plagued the room. Hell, with the way it bounced back and forth along the blank walls it was pissing her off to no end.
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Note to self: turn it off when you wash your hands.
Oh, and fix the damn light.
It’s not even like the room itself is dark; it’s an operation room, where seeing things is kind of important. Ironic that things are blurry to the point of squinting. Beneath the mask on her face, she’s gritting her teeth to an ache, one that’ll cause a migraine sometime later. There’s a lot to be said right now, but first things first; get this arm attached again.
I’m getting tired of this...
He’s so nonchalant, too. 
His voice makes her jump.
There’s no laugh to brush it off, no glint in the eye to show him that she’s already forgiven the slight startle. Here eyes aren’t even open, the doctor having bent back to the point she looked like she was in a chair. Her hands, bloodied at the fingertips and palm are balled into light fists. There’s a long drawn out sigh when she opens her eyes again, looking downward and giving a short huff. Hand reaching by his armpit, she retrieves the needle she’d dropped and continues her work.
The pause before she spoke was so long it was as if she didn’t plan on answering in the first place.
“ I want to know why you feel the need to do this. ”
Her eyes shoot up the moment those words are spat at him, the look on her face made the clinic turn into an interrogation room. 
“ How can you sit there, in this state, and try and pass it off as if this is some kind of lunch out? I’m reattaching your arm, Genji. Do you think because it can be rebuilt it’s less of an issue? That it’s not as bad as losing something made of flesh? ” 
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hajimescutie · 3 years
Madi Madi Madi omg angst to fluff time... when they get to busy with work and their kid thinks their dad hates them :0 - 🦉
# — their kid thinks their dad hates them
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includes: o. miya, k. sakusa, & r. suna x gn!reader
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: some swearing and sad little kids
a/n: :o you know how much i luv angst to fluff 🦉anon. so sorry this took 5ever. i hope you like it! ilysm <3
main masterlist
inarizaki masterlist itachiyama masterlist
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you both knew what you were getting into when you decided to have a child with osamu. with him being the owner of his own, very popular, restaurant, it was inevitable that he wouldn't be home a lot.
but you didn't think it would come to the point where your little girl would constantly cry every night before bed, wailing for her father.
"when is daddy coming home?"
"i miss daddy..."
"i wanna stay up until daddy comes home!"
seeing tears stream down her chubby little cheeks broke your heart as each day passed. you tried to talk to osamu about it, hopefully opening his eyes on how much he's been neglecting his time with you and the little munchkin. but, that would only end up in arguments, and at this point you were fed up with it.
the worst part was that osamu knew he wasn't spending enough time at home as he should. but he just gets so busy. he works with some incompetent people so he has to step in and work twice as hard. he figured it would all pay off in the end, when really it's doing quite the opposite.
so tonight, even though he told you he was scheduled to close at the restaurant, he was able to find someone to cover for him. he didn't tell you, since he wanted to surprise you, and made his way home, driving a little faster than usual.
when he walked in, he tried to be as discreet as possible to not disturb the surprise. he walked to your guy's shared bedroom, only not to find you in there. he did hear a small giggle though, his heart soaring at the thought of being able to finally spend some time with his little girl and with his beloved partner.
he tiptoed toward her room, seeing that the bedroom door was slightly ajar. he peeked through the crack and saw you both on the floor playing with her toys. he was about to walk in before he heard a question that undoubtedly shattered his world.
you were mindlessly playing with the toys when you heard your daughter ask, "does... does daddy hate me?"
your head immediately shot up, eyes wide with sadness and heartbreak. "no, no, no, no, baby come here," as soon as you pulled her into your chest, her little sobs started to surround the room, your own eyes filling with tears.
"daddy doesn't hate you at all, my sweet angel. what makes you think that?" you asked, caressing her back.
her small voice was muffled by your shirt, "d-daddy's never home anymore... s-so he must not like me anymore, r-right?"
osamu took that as his cue to step into the room, startling both you and your daughter. you let the tears fall as soon as your saw him, his own getting watery at the sight of your weeping child.
he sat down next to the both of you, reaching for her and pulling her onto his lap. she looked up at him with a wide, teary gaze," daddy? you're home?"
"i'm home, angel. i'm here. daddy could never hate ya okay?" he cradled her chubby cheeks in his large palms, swiping away any stray tears.
"y-you promise?"
samu felt a couple of tears slip from his eyes, "i promise. i'm sorry i made ya feel like i hated ya. i love ya, i love ya both so much."
you crawled over to osamu and your daughter, pulling them into a group hug as you all wept on the floor of the bedroom. this was osamu's wake up call. he was going to be better, and you knew he would.
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sakusa knows he hasn’t been the best father. he could tell from the way his little boy always had tear-stained cheeks whenever he went into his room when he got home from practice; or when he’d find you both fast asleep on the couch, most likely from waiting for him to get home.
you’ve exasperated the grief your child is going through to the curly-haired male on multiple occurrences. his excuse was always that he had to practice, or that hinata made him stay late to practice spiking, or he lost track of time.
sakusa used every possible excuse in the book. in all honesty, it broke his heart to see his little family so troubled all because he wasn’t home often. he’d been wanting to do better, but he just never had any time.
he rarely ever had a break, and if he did, it was either spent practicing or sleeping. you were at your breaking point and sakusa was on thin ice when it came to maintaining a good relationship with your child.
unfortunately, your breaking point was tonight when your little boy asked you a question before bed that completely threw you off.
“does daddy hate me?”
you immediately started crying, pulling your son into lap as your cradled him. “my baby boy, daddy could never hate you.”
"but he's never home... maybe it's because of me," that's when he starts to cry, balling up his fists to wipe away any tears that escaped his sad eyes.
"he's just busy, sweetie. i know he's never home but he loves you so much, i promise," you responded, sweeping the hair out of his face.
after you settled him down in bed, you trekked back into your bedroom, thoughts racing throughout your brain. your body was in shock, and you needed to have a very serious conversation with sakusa. you couldn't believe he let it get to this point to where your own child was questioning if his father even loved him. it broke your heart into a million pieces.
speak of the devil, right as you were about to climb into bed you heard the front door open and shut.
“now or never,” you guessed.
you waited patiently for him to saunter into your room, wracking your brain for any way of how to bring up a conversation like this to the curly-haired male.
after what felt like forever, he finally came in with tired eyes, his mask pulled under his chin, a frown evident on his handsome face. his eyes widened slightly to see you glaring at him, "you're still up?"
you didn't answer him, instead turning your head to break the eye contact, anger starting to build up in your chest. sakusa dropped his bag near the bed, coming to stand in front of you.
"what's wrong?" he asked, worry filled in his eyes.
there was a minute of silence before you finally looked up at him again, sakusa's heart dropping slightly as he saw something in your eyes. something he knew wasn't going to be good.
"i just had the weirdest conversation with our son today..." you started, "i was tucking him into bed, about to say goodnight before he asked me this question."
sakusa gulped, afraid of your next words.
"you wanna know what he said? he asked 'does daddy hate me?'" you snarled, making dead eye contact as you spat each word, hopefully getting him to realize how close he is to ruining everything.
sakusa felt like his whole world collapsed. he felt out of breath, so much he had to sit down on the edge of the bed. he ran a shaky hand through his black curls, head hanging low as he was beginning to feel like the worst parent in the world. how could he not have seen how much this was damaging your family? all those times he ditched you both for some more unnecessary practice, all those times of going to do god knows what with the msby team. how did it take him this long to realize how much his actions were hurting you and his son?
you came to stand in front of him. your intentions weren't to make him feel like a bad parent, you weren't trying to compete to see who was better at taking care of your guys' child. you loved sakusa more than anything in this world, all you wanted was the bare minimum; for him to make time for you and your son.
"omi, look at me."
when he did, you were surprised to see tears in his black eyes. you were about to open your mouth to continue when he suddenly grasped the end of your pajama shirt desperately, "please. don't leave me. don't take him. i'm sorry. i'm so so sorry."
you let out a shaky sigh, feeling your eyes begin to burn with tears.
"no, please let me speak."
you gave him a look before nodding sadly. he let out a deep breath, "i know i haven't been the best dad lately. i know i've been neglecting you, our son, our family. i know it shouldn't have taken me this long to realize that. i'm truly sorry for putting you both through that. i never want to make him feel like that again. i'll be better, i'll cut back on practice, i'll come home earlier-"
you both whipped your heads to the bedroom door, seeing your son rubbing his eye tiredly with his little fist. "daddy? you're home?"
sakusa was over to him in an instant, scooping him up in his arms and hugging him with all he has. that's when the tears fell free, for both of you.
"hi bubs, daddy's here. i don't hate you. i love you so much, you're my world, both of you are."
he felt tiny hands make their way to his hair, playing with the frayed curls as your son's little head slumped on sakusa's shoulder. you walked over to the duo quietly, standing in front of you lover and wrapping your arms around the both of them. you felt a kiss on the top of your head as more tears and sniffles were let out.
"i'm going to be better. i promise."
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you were at your wits end with suna.
this was the third time in three weeks that he had blown off yet another family date. when your daughter came into your life, you wanted to make an occasion where at least once a week you both take a day to spend time with your daughter, whether it be staying at home and watching movies or going out to eat or whatever the case may be.
it was always the same excuse.
"sorry babe, they're making us stay later for practice. raincheck?"
you felt like you were going to crush your phone while you dialed suna's number. you really didn't want to express your anger in front of your daughter, but you were left with no other choice.
although, you were slightly thankful when he didn't answer, but all the more frustrated that he's skipped out on yet another date. you let your phone slip out of your hand and onto the table at the restaurant you were at. you let out a frustrated sigh.
"is daddy not coming?" your daughter asked with a pout on her lips.
you frowned at her, "no, i'm sorry baby. he has practice again."
you both sat in silence, looking over the menu finally since you were waiting on suna so you could order. it wasn't until you heard a small sniffle that made your head shoot up, your daughter silently crying into her hands.
"oh sweet girl, come here," you pulled her into your side, rubbing your hand up and down her back, trying to calm her down.
as you were comforting her, you saw suna's contact appear on your phone, vibrating on the table. you let out a scoff, pressing what you thought was the ignore button.
"does daddy hate me?" you heard her ask from beside you.
you froze, the hand on her back pausing. you took her face in your hand gently, making sure that her gaze met yours.
"my sweet girl, daddy could never hate you, you hear me? he loves you so much. he just... gets busy," you reassured her.
if you weren't frustrated before, you were beyond fucking livid. you silent cursed yourself, cursed suna, cursed everything that was around you for her father making her feel hated because he wasn't showing up to your dates anymore.
once she calmed down, you promised to get her whatever dessert she wanted, hoping to end this date on a good note. as you both drove home, it was silent. you were too much in your thoughts about what your little one said to you. you kept hearing her question repeat over and over in your head, your heart breaking each time it replayed.
you finally pulled up to the house, a confused look appearing on your face when you saw suna's car parked in the driveway.
"weird," you thought, "maybe he got picked up from the house today."
but, your thoughts were wrong when you walked into your home to see it completely decorated with lights, flower petals, and some snacks near the tv where your daughter's favorite movie was paused. and in the middle of it all stood your tall, green-eyed lover with a sheepish look on his face, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand.
"rin," you started, "what is all this?"
"daddy!!!" your daughter ran straight to her father, wrapping her little arms around his tall legs.
he dropped the flowers and crouched down to her height, pulling her into a tight hug. he snuggled his face into her neck, feeling tears spring to his eyes, "hi sweet girl, i'm sorry i couldn't make it to the date today... i hope you know i could never hate you, you know that right?"
your eyes widened at his statement, thinking back to dinner when you realized now that you had accidentally accepted the call.
when suna heard those words come out of the small girl's mouth, he immediately told the coach he had to skip the rest of practice. he didn't wait for a response, bag already backed as he bolted out the door and to his car.
he cursed himself the whole way home. he felt like a piece of shit, he couldn't believe that he made his own child question whether or not he loved her. it's not that he intentionally misses the dates, the team is just always swamped with practice and it makes him lose track of time. whatever the case may be, it wasn't an excuse and he had to think of a quick way to make it up to the both of you. which led him to here.
"but daddy, you never show up to our dates anymore..." she mumbled with a pout.
"i know baby, and i'm so sorry. from now on, i'm going to be better, for both of you," he looked up at you when he said the last bit, placing a kiss on your daughter's forehead before making his way to you.
"'m so sorry, angel. i was- no, i am an idiot. i shouldn't have neglected you or her. can you give me a chance to make it up to you?"
you were about to answer when you felt little arms wrap around your legs and suna's, both of you looking down to see your little munchkin holding you tight.
you felt a smile creep on your face, looking back up to your lover, "okay rin."
"i love you both, so much."
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reblogs are appreciated! <3
©hajimescutie 2021, all rights reserved.
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poursomesunaonme · 3 years
Do you think Sukuna would like nipple sucking? Or would allow his pet and/or s/o suck on his tits? The guy has breasts for days and I'd would love to give his chest some praise.
HELLOOOO NONNIE IM SORRY THIS TOOK 5EVER i was thinking of doing a little drabble w this but i have 0 self control so who knows what that would turn into😮‍💨
but yes, a million times yes.
sukuna is the textbook definition of a hedonist and i know for a FACT that he would try anything at least once! this includes pegging and i will die on that hill😌
i’m with you there bestie i would love nothing more than to bury my face in the king of curses’ titties<333
ugh now im drooling at the thought of his hand clasped around the back of your neck while he watches your tongue swirl around the perky bud of his nipple. how his face contorts as the pricks of electricity zap through him with each movement of your warm mouth. damn, he did not expect it to feel this divine…
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queenlydweeb · 8 years
Loving another woman isn't wrong at all and I hope one day you'll be able to get over the internalized homophobia (I'm not trying to come off as mean or like bitchy or anything o h g o s h)
You’re not all at!!! This is super sweet omg I’m sorry I took 5ever to answer it. Usually I’m pretty comfortable with who I am and who I love but Oh Boi sometimes the Brain Goblin comes out to party and 0/10 not fun. The support and love I get tho???? 12/10 Incredible thank u dearest (/)v(\)
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