#(skellies go brrrr in the brain)
ashenwinds · 2 months
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there was originally a relationship going on between Duchess and Flameheart during their time aboard what would be known as the Burning Blade. A lot of it was Duchess had to beat it over Flameheart's head what she wanted -- not only interested in him for his looks and drive but also because they shared a lot of the same desires. She knew immediately when he joined the crew that he was significant. They did not start out as close with each other, considering both were vying for the First Mate position, but eventually they started to find equal ground and growing quite close. Close enough that Flameheart not only trusted Duchess with his plans to take the ship, but also his forename.
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There is a lot of history between the two of them -- countless nights under Cap'n's nose planning and getting themselves worked up, a lot of pent up frustrations trying to agree on things turning into an intimate encounter. Even after Flameheart claimed the Burning Blade and made it his own ship, the two continued their meetings. Not even Hammer and Anvil know what happened between the two, but something caused their bond to break, and Duchess rarely ever returned to the Stronghold after that. The two very mature and adult skeletons avoiding seeing each other for decades. Only Hammer and Anvil are privy to the knowledge about Flameheart and Duchess's history -- and will not speak a word of it to anyone under the threat of being hunted by both. Such a relationship is highly unlikely to be rekindled
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mxbloopsies · 3 years
Sometimes I think to myself
'it's 1am, why am I drawing skeletons'
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