#(since you want to go 2 hydro set 2 hp set)
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relto · 2 years ago
i did some math to compare how childe would perform with heart of depth vs the new artifact set, depending on how much atk/atk% substat you have the difference is fairly miniscule but the non-na damage (riptide effect and the various burst effects) actually get a solid increase bc the new set gives atk and overall hydro bonus rather than just a na bonus.
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prismatic-glow · 1 year ago
new to genshin and confused? here's what EVERY character does! || p6 - anemo
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Hello everyone! Today, I'll be summarizing every character's abilities in case you are new, confused, or just don't want to spend the time reading and understanding what everybody does (especially when all the new characters have an entire novel as their elemental skill)
In part 6, I'll be going over every anemo character! If you want to see the previous 5 parts, i'll link them at the bottom of this post
Before I get into it, I want to talk a bit about elemental absorption. This is something some anemo characters have with their skills where they can "absorb" cryo/hydro/pyro/electro from enemies or applications on your own characters. These skills will then convert certain hits of Anemo damage into damage of the absorbed element. I try to keep all my kit explanations 2 sentences or below in length so i'll be including elemental absorption in a new category
ALSO I'll be abbreviating Viridescent Venerer (artifact set) as VV since it is the BIS of most Anemo characters. The set increases swirl+Anemo damage and when an opponent is hit by swirl, it will decrease their resistance to that element. Normally I don't include anything build-related in these posts but it's pretty central to Anemo
Let's begin!
╰┈➤ 4 stars
Sucrose (Support)
❥ Skill: Deals Anemo damage that gently pulls in enemies and launches them ❥ Burst: Creates a wind spirit that pulls in enemies, launches them, and deals Anemo damage for its duration ❥ Passive: Buffs EM of your party members when Sucrose triggers Swirl, or when her Burst/Skill hit opponents ❥ Elemental absorption: Additional damage from Burst ❥ Roles: EM buffer/VV support, Crowd control, On-fielder in taser (electro-charged) and some aggravate teams ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack ❥ Buff scales off of: EM
Sayu (Support)
❥ Skill: Hold to curl up into a wheel and enter a state that allows her to move around quickly and deal Anemo damage to enemies she hits. The end of the state, as well as her tap skill, will deal a kick of Anemo damage ❥ Burst: Deals Anemo damage, Heals all of your party members, and creates a field. The field will heal your active character/deal Anemo damage depending on if they are below/above 70% HP ❥ Passive: Heals all characters when she triggers a swirl reaction while on-field ❥ Elemental absorption: Collision damage from hold skill ❥ Roles: VV Healer, Exploration ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack ❥ Healing scales off of: Attack (Burst), EM (Passive)
Heizou (DPS)
❥ Skill: Hold allows him to build stacks by charging, then unleashes a punch that deals Anemo damage when he has 4 stacks. Tap unleashes a punch that deals Anemo damage ❥ Burst: Pulls in opponents and deals Anemo damage ❥ Passive: Gains a stack after triggering swirl ❥ Elemental absorption: If his burst hits opponents affected by Hydro/Cryo/Pyro/Electro, it deals additional damage of that type after a short delay ❥ Roles: DPS, VV support, On-fielder in taser/other similar teams ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack
Faruzan (Support)
❥ Skill: Deals Anemo damage and enters a state. The state allows her next fully-charged aim shot to deal increased damage and fire a vortex that pulls enemies in, deals Anemo damage, and decreases Anemo res of enemies (from passive) ❥ Burst: Deals Anemo damage and creates a polyhedron that moves along a triangular path. The polyhedron will pulse at each corner that decreases the Anemo resistance of enemies and grants your character an Anemo DMG% buff ❥ Elemental absorption: None ❥ Roles: Buffer for Anemo DPS characters ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack
Lynette (Support)
❥ Skill: Tap executes a thrust that deals Anemo damage, heals her, and then drains her HP at certain intervals. Hold allows her to move swiftly for a short duration, then execute a thrust at 1 opponent ❥ Burst: Deals Anemo damage and creates a taunt that periodically deals Anemo damage. Grants all your characters and attack buff based on the number of different elements in your team (from passive) ❥ Elemental absorption: Additional damage from Burst ❥ Roles: VV support ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack
╰┈➤ 5 stars
Venti (Support)
❥ Skill: Hold deals Anemo damage and launches enemies. Tap deals Anemo damage, lifts Venti into the air, launches enemies, and creates a wind current (from passive) ❥ Burst: Creates a vortex that pulls enemies in with a large force and periodically deals Anemo damage ❥ Elemental absorption: Additional damage from Burst ❥ Roles: Crowd control (Strongest CC), VV support ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack
Jean (Support)
❥ Skill: Tap deals Anemo damage and launches enemies forward. Hold continuously consumes stamina to pull in/hold opponents, then launches them to deal Anemo damage in a chosen direction ❥ Burst: Hold heals all party members and creates a field that continuously heals your active character and applies them with Anemo. Enemies leaving or entering the field will take Anemo damage ❥ Elemental absorption: None ❥ Roles: Healer for Furina teams, VV support ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack ❥ Healing scales off of: Attack
Xiao (DPS)
❥ Skill: Deals Anemo damage, has 2 charges ❥ Burst: Enters a state that grants him an Anemo infusion, enhances his jumping height, increases his AoE, and continuously drains his HP ❥ Elemental absorption: None ❥ Roles: Plunge Attack DPS ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack
Kazuha (Support)
❥ Skill: Jumps into the air, deals Anemo damage, sucks enemies in, and enables a special plunging attack that deals Anemo damage and pulls enemies in. Hold has increased AoE, damage, and jump height ❥ Burst: Deals Anemo damage and creates a field that continuously deals Anemo damage ❥ Passive: After Kazuha triggers swirl, all characters will gain an Elemental DMG% bonus corresponding to the element swirled ❥ Elemental absorption: Additional damage from Burst, Special plunged attack (from passive) ❥ Roles: VV shredder, Versatile buffer, Crowd control ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack ❥ Buff scales off of: EM
Wanderer (DPS)
❥ Skill: Enters a state that launches him in the air, allows him to float, and enhances his normal/charged attacks. He can move around freely in this state and his charged attacks will not cost stamina, but jumping to gain height or dashing will consume additional duration from the skill ❥ Burst: Deals Anemo damage multiple times and cancels the state from his skill ❥ Passive: Attacks while in his skill have a chance to grant him a buff that causes his next dash to not consume additional duration as well as deal 4 hits of Anemo damage ❥ Elemental absorption: The cast of his skill will grant him additional duration/attack/crit rate/energy restoration if it comes into contact with hydro/pyro/cryo/electro ❥ Roles: Anemo DPS ❥ Damage scales off of: Attack
That's all for today! I had a bit of trouble shortening some of the abilities since they were kinda complicated but I think I did a decent job
Dendro ✧ Electro ✧ Pyro ✧ Cryo ✧ Geo
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bi-turtle-enthusiast · 2 years ago
genshin meta friday
because i forgot about tuesday
today's topic: cursed diluc teams
1. Hydro Diluc members: Diluc (4pc Heart of Depth), Candace (2pc2pc HP set), Kazuha/Sucrose (4pc Viridescent Venerer), Bennett (4pc Noblesse)
You'd think this is a joke because Diluc is a pyro character. And you'd be WRONG. Diluc was always meant to be a hydro character. His best in slot is 4pc Heart of Depth. His most meta teammate is Candace.
Ok seriously though, I tried it out with my half-assed Diluc build and mf did 70k with a NORMAL ATTACK. This is because the Vaporize reaction has different multipliers based on whether it's hydro-on-pyro or pyro-on-hydro. Pyro-on-hydro vaporize multiplies the damage of the attack that triggers it by 1.5. However, hydro-on-pyro has a 2x damage multiplier. Pyro-on-hydro is usually called reverse vaporize, while hydro-on-pyro is called forward vaporize.
In a typical Diluc team, you'd be triggering reverse vaporize. You'd typically apply hydro using Xingqiu/Yelan, then use Diluc's skill so the skill damage gets vaporized. After using his burst, you'd do the same with his pyro-infused normal attacks.
In a hydro Diluc team, you'd be triggering forward vaporize. You'd use Candace's burst to infuse Diluc with hydro, then you'd use Kazuha/Sucrose's burst and infuse it with hydro, and lastly you'd use Bennett's burst to provide an attack boost. You don't want to use Benny's burst before you swirl hydro with Sucrose/Kazuha because you might accidentally swirl pyro and you don't really want that. Then, you'd switch back to Diluc and alternate using his skill and 2 normal attacks. For this team, you really don't want to use his burst since Diluc is functionally a hydro character and his pyro infusion is going to override Candace's hydro infusion.
2. Pyro Xiao team members: Diluc (whatever build you like running him with), Venti (4pc viridescent venerer), hydro applicator who isn't Xingqiu or Yelan OR a sub DPS like Xiangling, Bennett
So there's a little thing called a Dragon Strike team. Basically, there's a thing called hit lag in Genshin. What it means is that there's a little bit of a lag after a character deals a melee attack—it slows down the attacker and the entity that's been hit. This is done so that the attacks actually feel like they're doing damage. Claymore characters have significantly more hit lag than other weapon classes, since claymore attacks are supposed to feel heavy and powerful. Sometimes, you can take advantage of this hit lag in a way that launches you upwards enough to do a plunge attack. Thus, the Dragon Strike team is born. Diluc is a good option for dragon strike since his plunge attack multipliers are actually really good.
I honestly don't understand Dragon Strike mechanic nor can I execute it on mobile. But I DO have a Venti. Thus, Pyro Xiao is born. The rotation is really easy. Bennett burst, Venti held skill, Sub DPS/hydro application, Diluc burst, plunge attack using the wind current generated by Venti's held skill. Diluc's plunge attacks do a lot of damage so yay! This team is meta-ISH in the sense that if someone was to play it really skillfully I'm sure it would work. I am not that person. I just think it's hilarious.
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daggryet · 1 year ago
i wanna pull for him. im gonna pull for him
it's like. i like him a lot, I like his design, I like his whole thing AND his hydro and a catalyst which suits me very well
i only have Barbara for a hydro and while with certain artifacts she makes pyroenemies (like, yknow, the bosses, for ascension materials) easy peasy she's just. she's not it (also like. it's soooo hard for me to ascend her cause I need to kill the water thing for it and you need archers for that AND I AIN'T DOING ARCHERS NO WAY)
i might actually build fischl but like. only after i build my main and sub-team. so very not right now
I hope neuvilette will be good. i don't actually play catalysts that much but I hope he'll be good. i even know what I kind of team I want to put him in, if his talents allow it. my hopes is that he will be similar to ningguang because I like her playstyle. or barbara, cause she's not bad either, just difficult to ascend and also a healer which is not what I want (I wanna put neuvie with yaoyao if it works. him, yaoyao and kuki and like. idk maybe xiangling. she kind of got replaced by thoma because i found his skills worked better for me with beidou. and also I love him and I am not above salivating at pixels)
on that note: you've mentioned you've built thoma and same!!!! im in the process. what kind of artifacts do you have on him? I wanna lean into his defense/shielder thing but all the guides are so confusing
also, yknow what's been in my mind: does anyone main Lisa? like someone must. but I've never seen that
ALSO ALSO: razor and lisa both say "blitz" when using their elemental skills. it's cute (though Lisa's flirty while razors is a scream)
this reads a little like an oldtimey letter lol. I feel compelled to sign off like
"With my best regards,
or smth
NEUVILLETTE IS ALMOST HERE!!!! i'm so excited, will be my third debut character with lyney and kaveh. i really hope i'll get him early since i've only got 19k rn, and i have such a long list of characters i wanna pull for lmao there's yae miko, cyno (for 4ggravate completion, tighnari will come home at some point i believe!!), venti would be nice for crowd control
i've not built my barbara but doing the last banner, i got her c6 so i'm kind of hoping neuvillette will work well with her so i have an excuse to build her. the only downside is that i'd have to fight a lot of oceanids and omg that boss kicked my ass when o had higher level than it, it's kicking my ass even harder now that it's 10 levels above me. even with lyney who is so cracked, i died like three times las time i attempted it, so i feel your pain!!!! FUCK OCEANIDS!!!!
you did remind me of xiangling, i always mean to build her but then i get sucked into trying to get the perfect artifacts for my main team and well. i'm not spending money on genshin, but damn do i feel scammed in domains. so many hp and defense pieces when i'm just farming for my dps
i don't play a lot of catalyst characters actually, wanderer is the only one i Really use and i think that's because he's flying so while he is vulnerable (like all catalyst characters are), he is still a bit harder to reach than normal catalyst characters. but for neuvie, with his design and his va and his personality, i will make a difference and learn how to play catalysts well. i did it for lyney and bow characters, i will do it for neuvie as well.
and for thoma!!! my best boy. i don't have a set as such for him, i read somewhere his shield scales off of hp, so i've just slapped A LOT of hp and hp% pieces on him. if that site lied to me, well shit. i will have to go look for which specific set is good for him, but i've been leveling artifacts so much recently i have like ten four stars left. and his talents are like 2-7-6 i think.
i dont know, i'm suere there's a reddit group for them but i've been thinking of leveling her and building her, so maybe she can be in an alhaitham team with a lot of er and a very leveled burst talent.
also that's cute:') i love when characters have matching lines
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mannakete · 2 years ago
Unit building depends on what you want them to do. 
For the bare bones, on Bennett you want a High base atk weapon (Sapwood Blade for f2p) with an ER% main stat with a 4pc Nobellese Oblige set. You can gear it either toward healing (HP/ER/Healing Bonus main stats) or damage (Pyro/ER/Crit) and adjust your ER needs depending on if you can burst off cooldown. If you can, you can adjust substats so he does more damage/heals more or weapon to get a higher atk buff from his burst.
For Yaoyao, who has terrible energy needs, she wants to run Favonius Lance to help hers and her team’s energy needs. Ideally she wants to run Deepwood Memories with HP/ER/Healing Bonus but she can also run the lower rarity Instructor’s set to give your team for Elemental Mastery, which dendro loves. 
Alhaitham is a dendro driver and what stats he wants depends on the team. His usual team of Spread is much like Vaprorize or Melt teams and it amplifies the damage done so he wants Atk or EM sands (depends, try them both out. If you have his signature weapon Light of Foliar Incision, EM is the way to go), Dendro DMG Bonus Goblet and Crit Circlet, whichever gets you closer to a 1:2 ratio (but aim for 75% or higher Crit Rate first, if you have Foliar, pick Crit Rate main stat circlet). If he’s used as a bloom driver instead of Spread, he will want a lot more EM. For sets, you can either use Gilded Dreams or Deepwood Memories AS LONG AS, no one on his team is using it. The effect does not stack.
Chongyun is the wild card. You can use him as a Shatter-Freeze DPS, Melt DPS or as a Nuke Support. Either way, he wants a DPS weapon with ATK%, Crit DMG or Crit Rate.  You can run him as a nuke with 2pc Nobellese and 2pc Blizzard Strayer (Atk/Cryo/Crit, you can also do Melt nukes but swap the sands for EM), you can run him with 4pc Nobellese (Do not run 2 4pc Nobellese holders, it doesn’t stack), you can do Melt with 4pc Gilded Dreams (EM/Cryo/Crit) (must have his skill leveled up so his Cryo infusion lasts longe) or you can do Shatter-Freeze because he’s not going to leave enemies frozen as Claymore attacks are heavy and break Freeze. For this you do 4pc Blizzard Strayer and stack as much Atk and Crit DMG as possible. Its important to note for freeze you want to avoid having a lot of crit Rate as you will get a lot of it from Cryo Resonance and Blizzard Strayer's 4pc Effect. Freeze set ups require Hydro, Anemo and a 2nd Cryo to use effectively. 
I like to use these spreadsheets which ranks the best builds for characters (taken from KeqingMains) in descending order. The builds listed are not to be taken as the one and only build since you need to consider the rest of your team’s needs, some of them do get complex, especially the more meta relevant characters so use them more as a guide to help understand how a character might be used.
why is the hardest thing for me to understand in genshin is how to build my characters properly 🫠
if anyone knows how to build or has built: Bennett, Yaoyao, Chongyun, and Alhaitham let me knoooooow
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years ago
I come bringing ideas and headcanons.
OK, so we all already know what The Three oldest archons abilities. So I’ve come up with my own ideas we could use for the younger archons! (And yes I’m grouping Ei, Venti and Zhongli as the older siblings since Ei Is 1000 years old Venti is 2,500 and Zhongli is 5,000-6,000 and the other archons are still in the hundreds I think)
Again these aren’t canon just stuff you can use for future Requests for Twisted wonderland x Teyvat God! Reader
For Dendro archon!Reader
Definitely a Bow User. And Is a Healer. But the their Ult can cause damage
I have a theory That during the Archon War The dendro Archin created the Regisvines to fight for them, and only two were left. I also Headcanon The dendro archon can bring plants to life and overwrite what each plant can do. (Maybe even bring mushrooms to life 👀).
Maybe They can create a giant plant from the ground that spreads Healing energies and since this is a god where talking about can Cure Curses (Ahem Vils Curses Ahem) and major Diseases and what not.
For Their Ult maybe a giant plant monster (kinda like how Gouba and Oz exists ) that will attack for them (could make for fun combos with different elements like if the dendro archon was wet Hydro Plant monster)
For Hydro archon!reader
Polearm or sword (theirs way too many Hydro Catalyst) Healer and Dps, Why? Cause I say so.
You’ve mentioned how Hydro archon summons a giant wave? I’ll do you one better and their E skill summons a giant sea creature of your choosing to soak the fighters (A cool visual is their polearm turning into a big dream catcher then going swoosh and Baam Maybe like A giant Water Koi fish finna drown your ass *ahem ace ahem*)
Now mihoyo likes to reference Their character form honkai impact into genshin impact (and since they took a characters look from Honkai and another characters abilities with the whole Dual ego thing for Raiden shogun and Ei) I’m gonna base this Ultimate Skill From a character from Honkai (for research search up Herrsercher of Sentience)
Since the Hydro archons whole thing is about Justice. Now here me out here. WATER WHIP. Just a giant whip of water that can go on for miles (maybe it’s salty maybe it’s like fresh water depends on our readers mood lolol). Like, It’s whip of water strong enough to cut diamond or whatever it would be very cool (Kalim would wanna see if he could do something like that with his UM Que jamil trying to stop him)
Maybe their hair turns into water too.
Pyro archon! Reader
Claymore. A Big strong war god needs a big strong weapon. Dps and Defense.
Now It’s not just one claymore, It’s DUAL-CLAYMORE, why? Cause it’s a war god that’s why!
I like to think the shield is like Xinyans and XiangLings combined and it’s constantly sending off tiny Fire Discs. Or just symbols shooting fire like what the Pyro Abyss mages can do
For Ultimate I like to think it’s like Childes Daggers but Bigger and on fire just a huge sword made of fire.
The pyro archon doesn’t think just BURNS. and STABE
Cryo archon! Reader
I can’t really come up with much for Cryo archon. But maybe a Catalyst that can summon a giant blizzard that drops down giant ice swords (kinda like Ganyus)
Definitely a sub DPS.
Maybe a healer too since The Tsaritsa is The archon of love?
What do you think about these abilities? Since you mentioned that the students and staff would assume their just strong mages I tried to be very creative with these abilities.
Also how I think the lore could go is maybe somewhere after leonas overblot and before azuls, Crowly has found a way to send Yuu home reluctantly. Yuu, grim and the aduece duo, and maybe some of heartslaybul or savana claw whoever you want come with them to the office to send them home. But Yuu is contemplating whether or not they WANT to go home now. But something goes wrong, maybe grim messes up the spell for the portal to work becuase (although he doesn’t want to admit it ) doesn’t want Yuu leaving, and their greeted with a surprise guest. Now this gives Yuu time to decide if they genuinely wanna go home and when teh archon finally has the materials they need to create a portal Yuu will tell them to leave the portal open (maybe put it into a tiny pocket mirror like the how we have the teapot) because they wanna stay for a little while or just until grim graduates (Que a happy fire cat ) and the archon whose grown attached to some people here was like ok “let our friends visit whenever they want, only if their headmaster allows it”
Now onto the headcanons
Anemo Archon! Reader and Mondstadt! Yuu
Everyone expected a lot of things not a person with Green eyes and (H/C) hair with green highlights. And an odd thing about them was the glowing stone on their person, Yuu didn’t have that?
Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve accidentaly taken another person from Yuus world.
And since Venti Is a well known famous bard In teyvat let’s say or Dear (y/N) is also a known bard and is not at all freaking out about what’s going on in fact let’s say our dear reader recognizes Yuu! And so now (Y/N) is now a new student (and a new headache for Crowley) in the ramshackle dorm! Yup! Just an ordinary human bard, Ehe~.
I’ll leave the rest of this up to you, Where Yuu has to explain what the world of teyvat is like (and why Yuu doesn’t have a phone (and a vision) because Twisted wonderland is far more advance in Technology and teyvat has JUST invented the Camera)
Also I head canon that people with Visions can summon their weapons and object with their visions, ok? Ok. To make things make more sense when reader pulls out a lyre from floating glitter.
Geo archon!reader and Liyue! Yuu
Same things happend here, but hey! We’ve summoned a Funeral Consultant! A very (ahemATTRACTIVEahem) Wise funeral consultant at best!
Our dear Friend (y/n) is very calm about the situation as well. After all everyone and liyue knows their god was killed and The Adepti are watching over them
So Our dear reader is seeing this as a free vacation 😊
Electro Archon!Reader and Inazuma!yuu
Since the god of Inazuma isn’t “Dead” or hasn’t left and the people know what their beloved archon looks like, Yuu will definitely Be Freaking the fuck out
insert the meme of the womens face that gets zoomed in on the second panel “the. WHAT.” 😃
And y’know how Eis “Hello” voice line where she makes the traveler her guard she says the same thing to Yuu except “I recognize you are one of my people as your archon I shall be your guard and keep you safe from any danger in this Foreign world” and let’s say The puppet will not be used and Reader will be in control becuase they don’t have to worry about erosion right now so the puppet will be resting while (Y/N) is in control protecting their Precious Inazuma citizen is ok.
Well until They can get the materials they need to open a portal. I’ll let you figure out the rest, but congrats ramshackle you now have a god in your abode 😃✨
-Plot Anon 💗
PLOT ANON-SAMAAAAAAAAAA ILY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work sob
Anyways, for skills of the archons-
Dendro Archon
I think they'd use a sword or a catalyst tbh, if the skills you listed, it makes a little more sense to have them be more of a catalyst
For their elemental skill, I think they'd summon/throw something similar to Klee's and Aloy's elemental skill except they heal if someone in your party is nearby, their healing could scale by their EM or ER.
For their burst, I like your head canon for the Dendro Archon, so I might go off from that and your idea for their burst, just more tweaking. The dendro archon would be able to summon a large plant that heals AND deals Dendro damage by sapping mobs hp. The amount of life sapping it does and the healing would scale off their original HP (artifacts that give hp won't be of use)
Hydro Archon
I agree with hydro polearm or sword. Too many catalysts
Mmm... To be honest, I think you should have the burst be her skill... The whip idea is intriguing, but I think it would work more for a skill which can allow them to use it several times before waiting for the CD to go down. I think the whip skill would work better with Crit as well.
AND AS FOR THE MENTIONS OF WAVE AND A SEA CREATURE, I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER BUT FOR THEIR BURST!!!! They summon a large tsunami which takes form of a monster/animal and lunges at the mobs (similar to Zhongli tossing down a dumbbell), however the amount of damage the burst can do is depending on if they are afflicted by the wet status the mobs are afflicted by. If already afflicted with hydro, the mobs would receive double damage while those with other elements afflicted on them would receive the element combination DMG and normal DMG while those that aren't affected by an element, they would receive normal damage. The amount of damage the burst does is scaled by EM.
Pyro Archon
Hmmm.... I think the skill would be they set an AoE with magma, mobs will receive damage from it and will continue to receive damage if they stay on it, but those who are in party, they will receive an ATK boost that scales from HP.
For the burst, I think I'll use a character from Honkai Impact with their special move which is Murata Himeko in Vermilion Knight: Eclipse battlesuit. Pyro Archon uses their claymore and another claymore but made of pyro and is far more larger and their cut scene has the Archon raise the pyro claymore above their head and slam it down to send pyro erupting from the ground (similar to the pyro axe wielding hilichurls)
Cryo Archon
I agree with catalyst
Mmmmmm.... I'd say her skill would beeeeee... Trapping several mobs or so in ice. They can either do 2-4 ice traps depending if you got their c1. (The ice traps are similar to Mirror Maidens traps BTW but it deals or affects the mobs with cryo)
For burst, I like the idea of summoning a blizzard/swords, but it's similar to Ganyu's. SO I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!!! Cryo Archon will summon a blizzard which freezes mobs without having to use hydro, the freeze status lasts for a total of 15 seconds or higher if you got their c3
Hmmm... I like the idea, but imma tweak it a bit. The archon was in fact summoned through that portal because Grim decided to mess it up just for Yuu to stay a little longer, and so the Archon now resides in Twisted Wonderland as well in order to aide them until they can return back to their world. That way it makes more sense and makes it more fun.
Anemo archon
Yuu would be a bit jealous about them because they got a vision.
Crowley needs to hide his money
Sam has been strictly told to not give them wine that Sam stores in his shop...
Vargus is conflicted about them because they legit float without magic
Trein recurved a major headache
Divus is praying to whatever god existing to take them back
Geo Archon
Yuu feels awkward meeting the consultant of the funeral parlor having to meet the Director...
Crowley is praying for dear god for them to go away.
Train + Crewel + You = Besties
Sam was literally threatened to not joke around with you with business.
You legit did not fuck around with people when in contracts.
"Osmanthus wi-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP" - everyone
Electro Archon
Yuu is literally terrified in "your" presence.
Shogun malfunctioned due to being in an entirely new world so you had to disable Shogun's rules and create new ones regarding this world.
Yuu is still unaware of Shogun being a puppet
Crowley is no longer safe.
The staff (specifically Crewel) is supporting Shogun/You to beat Crowley's ass into shape.
Only the Diasomnia dorm knows your predicament with you and your puppet(s).
You are the definition of Queen/King/Royalty of the school. If you search up NRC, your picture literally plastered on it as the definition.
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bluexiao · 3 years ago
#Character Reviews (2.5 Reruns)
—as much as I want to include Yae, I can’t really say anything other than the fact she seems to be a main dps
—REMINDER: again, this is in terms of practicality, but i don’t really have a definite choice between raiden and kokomi because it depends on who YOU need.
—also these are MY opinions (and also my friend who uses kokomi a lot) but if they stand corrected, i’ll be editing them if necessary
—do take note that i am a raiden main on my main account but my raiden is c2 so if you see videos here, my raiden will naturally have high damage
(let’s first go to who i really have and built)
she is quite flexible in a team; dps or sub dps. i personally use her as both, especially with national team (w/ xingqiu, xiangling, bennett)
she’s hella strong. just build her right and you’re good to go.
a really good one-shotter. it’s so satisfying most of the time hahaha
ER polearms are easy to obtain
electro, neverminding the bad reactions, is very flexible especially against hydro, pyro, and cryo
really good in co-op
she keeps your team’s ult (burst) up ALL the time. this is why i use her with the national team :)))
are you a eula main? i swear, get Raiden. Eula’s burst will be up real quick. (that’s a video i took with my friend’s account and nope i’m not used to using eula but wow the freeze comp with kokomi and ganyu plus raiden…)
actually, number 1 con is that you will not be able to use her against the new raiden boss. that’s going to be a tough fight, buddy.
another con is that she only has very few polearms that fits her, whereas she’s on the recommended build, that is. (but like i said, er polearms are easy to obtain)
she can only be built to the max when you unlocked inazuma. if you’re a new or mid-game player, do remember this.
electro has bad reactions…
(f2p weapons are with *) (also, they’re kinda arranged from best to least)
Engulfing Lightning, R5 The Catch, Skyward Spine, *Prototype Starglitter, Favonius Lance (yes, all ER weapons)
Others with good main stats: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade-Winged Spear, *Blackcliff Pole, Deathmatch, White Tassel (basically all crit weaps)
Others with (kind of) good passives: Calamity Queller, Dragonsbane, Halberd
personally, building her as ER sub dps is the best option. you need not to focus a lot on her crit, unless you’ve got your er at the very least at 200%, however having 1:2 crit ratio is a must for her if you want higher damage
i think i’ve done this to a couple videos i’ll be linking here, but while doing her burst, i do 3 normal attacks and then a charged attack afterwards. this attack combination is probably the best one for her
if you use Engulfing Lighting with her, having her ER as high as possible is REALLY a priority, especially with the passive of the weapon.
her best artifact set is 4pc Emblem of Severed Fate. I think you can do 2pc Emblem+2pc Noblesse for the meantime or as placeholder
REALLY REALLY good healing. idk what others say like during her banner that she sucks at healing, i beg to differ. you’re NOT just building her right.
just slap on HP% artifacts and you’re pretty much okay already
she’s way easier to build and get artifacts on (compared to raiden)
really good with co-ops as well
with the incoming enemies (and current ones), she will be very useful, trust me
there’s no need for a shielder, especially since her heals are quite a big number per tick of the jellyfish (her skill)
her animations are really cute and she has one of the best character designs
she is from inazuma and you can’t really level her above 40 if you haven’t opened inazuma yet (pretty much like raiden’s situation, but in this case, i do admit kokomi is much easier to build since Maiden artifacts are available in Mond)
she has -100% crit rate… well honestly it’s not even a con because if you want to build her as healer, she won’t even need a crit (unless you wanna be a boss and make her your main dps… no judgement here)
her hydro application is not that too big of an AoE and constant, because her Skill CD is quite long (it can be solved with Sacrificial Fragments hmm), but it’s better than most hydro characters (although you can always have Xingqiu or another hydro in the team IF you need the reactions)
might not be the best healer out there, but she does work well with pyro and cryo mains with melt and freeze reactions
hu tao and kokomi are not really much of a good team… unless you time koko’s skill right, along with hutao’s burst (who knows maybe you can fight the dogs with hutao without worrying about corrosion)
(f2p weapons are with *) (also, they’re kinda arranged from best to least)
Everlasting Moonglow, *Prototype Amber
others: Sacrificial Fragments, Wind and Song, Favonius Codex, Hakushin Ring, *Mappa Mare (these are not the ideal weapons to her, but they’re better than those unmentioned, nevertheless, her best weapon, f2p wise, is prototype amber)
focus on her HP and ER. most of your damage will come from your burst, and guess what it does heal everyone too, so yes you have to make your burst as constant as possible
her best artifact set is the 4pc Ocean-Hued Clam. you can give her Maiden+ToM or Ocean-Hued+ToM as well, from what I know of. however, having the 4pc Ocean-Hued Clam would give you more damage long-term wise.
I love using her with Ganyu’s Burst like seriously it’s so satisfying to have everything get frozen while you’re healing up everyone
actually, having her with Bennett is really good, especially when you really need healers in the team. just pop her skill and benny’s burst and boom Melt (it’s gonna be so satisfying i swear)
VIDEOS (just for fun:))
do take note that my (and my friend’s) artifacts are NOT perfect, so i can’t really show the maximum damage for both of them
this is a video that i took during the alchemy event please skip to 1:10 to skip the buffs i used (don’t judge me for not remembering the title of the event)
here is another video with ei + kokomi too (with my friend’s account! ily bestie) — i’m basically just showing kokomi’s damage and healing capacity with the build that she has)
this is the full video of the raiden vid above (and yes i buff myself up with food while fighting azhdaha what’s wrong with that ksksks)
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an-awful-goose · 3 years ago
Help!! I Don’t Do Enough Damage!!: A Genshin Guide (1)
We have all been here. Tartaglia isn’t critting, Xiangling’s pyronado simply isn’t doing enough or Zhongli’s meteor is doing damage closer to a pebble. Let’s take a good look at 3 reasons over 3 posts!! This is the first one on:
Let’s use my Ayato as example (Sorry bud.): 
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He is running a Main DPS build on 4 pieces of Heart of Depth. You may notice a constants between his pieces: They have Crit Rate, Crit Damage or both. This is due to him being the main damage dealer of many of my teams and some favoritism. 
Let’s see why I did what I did and the internal questions I ask myself while building.  QUESTION ONE: What role do they fill? A DPS is going to require different stats than a Healer or Support and therefore they need different considerations. A good rule of thumb is 50% Crit Rate to 100% Crit Damage at first, and then you can increase the crit damage from there. For Example, my Yae is about 50% Crit Rate to 190% Crit Damage. First, we want them to crit, secondly we want the crit to do high damage.  However, most supports are there to either provide application of their element, specific buffs or healing and don’t need crit stats. In this case, you will sometimes have to read their skills or look up a guide for which stats to use.  EXAMPLE SUPPORTS: Shenhe vs Yunjin Shenhe buffs based on her attack, while Yunjin buffs based on her defense. Both have energy issues however and have issues getting their burst when they need it. So, you can run an Energy Recharge timepiece if it’s your personal preference to have your burst back fast, but you can run a timepiece with their stats they buff from.  This leads into Question Two. QUESTION TWO: How do they do their role?
This decides on the set and what stats we need along with the question above.  Lets take Healers as an example. Jean and Kokomi both have healing capabilities, but we can’t use the same artifacts...Why is that? Well Kokomi’s healing scales on Max HP, while Jean’s scales on her Attack.  Hm. Well, that’s unfortunate. What about Noelle’s Healing? Well, that’s based on her Defense. Confusing, isn’t it? We need to take this into account when building. All characters list what they want in their talent descriptions, so we will take a look in there to find out.  Let’s Put it All Together!! Let’s go back to Ayato. We know that he is a Hydro unit that is a damage dealer, so 2 piece Heart of Depth is looking nice. But then we look and see that he uses Normal Attacks to deal his damage, so the 4 piece would be a perfect fit! 
He doesn’t have any significant alternative scalings, so we go with an Atk% Timepiece. 
And since he needs to do Hydro Damage, we put on a Hydro Damage bonus goblet. 
And finally, He needs a circlet. I am running Black sword, which offers Crit Rate, so I run Crit Damage on him. However if he had below 50% Crit Rate, I would run a Crit Rate Circlet.  But hold on. Now, why is there still an Issue?
To achieve artifacts with these stats on him, I had to farm for weeks. Building a character well can take lots of resin, time and disappointment at pieces. However, artifacts aren’t the only way to improve.  If you are still confused as well, I can help by taking your characters step by step or do more detailed guides on each character! This page: Artifacts Next pages: Talents and how to Read Them (Coming Soon), Team Compositions (Coming Soon)
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catcze · 3 years ago
YAY my fav koko main is back! how are you doing today?
genshin is literally testing my patience rn because of yae. like… i just want her so i could stare at her with heart eyes all day; she’s so pretty bdjcndjk. but since ayato and jade cutter are coming, i gotta skip her </3. why do am i attracted to pretty 2d men and swords /lh.
earlier i was thinking of kokomi and went, “she’s so pretty.” imo she has the best design in the game; i mean, look at her?,$:!&,&;& (and maybe also because her vas are pretty too send help bsjcjdj.) i was thinking of pulling her too but i’ll just wait until her third rerun </3.
speaking of which, can you give me tips on how to use + build her? when i used her as a trial character in the potion event, i was struggling lmao. —vera
Vera darling omg im sooo sorry this is late–– I literally fell asleep just a bit before u sent this and i was busy most of the day aaAA <//3
But !! I'm super duper glad to see you tho :DD And good luck on ur ayato and jade summons!! I hope you manage to get them asapppp
As for the Kokomi tips, sure!! I'd love to give you a couple <3 This is a little long, and I'm doing these off the top of my head so it might be a bit disorganized, but I hope it helps! (this is long I’m sO sorry)
Okok, so there are mainly 2 ways to play Kokomi: Either you play her supportively for her skill, which is her jellyfish, or you play her as a DPS. Personally, I go DPS Kokomi, but that's because mine is high invested and crowned atp ajksdnsa
Building her is, like, super easy lmao. an hp/hp/healing bonus set is one of the basic and most universal Kokomi sets, no matter what playstyle you're going for, and you don't need to worry about substats much at all. Going for ER or flat hp in the subs is pretty good, but you don't need to stress over it too much.
Viable Kokomi sets are maiden beloved, ocean hued clam, tenacity of the millelith, (and for DPS purposes) heart of depth.
Since it’s not uncommon to have Kokomi as the lone hydro character, she needs a lot of ER, depending on your weapon + how often she stays on the field. A good baseline would be 180 ER to get your burst on cooldown, and just adjust n test to see what suits you. 
If you play her fully as a support, you're either going to be using her jellyfish as a hydro applicator in freeze/electrocharge teams, and you'll be using her burst only to refresh the duration of her jellyfish. She isn't as useful in vaporize teams though, since her hydro application can't keep up with characters like Xiangling and Hu Tao, so she's not as popular in those.This is the one where you build her hp/hp/healing bonus. As a support, tenacity is one of her really good sets, since she can use both the additional hp, and her jellyfish is able to proc the 4pcs effect, which adds to the team's overall damage. maiden and clam are also good options, though and feel free to mix and match 2pc sets across the three sets if you need. Viable weapons for support Kokomi are Thrilling Tales (good for buffing the entire team's DPS) prototype amber for the heals, or even sacrificial fragments, if you're not used to popping her burst to refresh her jellyfish duration, and you need a cooldown to ensure full uptime on her hydro application.
Playing support Kokomi is super easy lmao–– basically just pop into the field, cast your skill, then before its 12 second duration is up, you switch to her, cast her burst to refresh the duration of the jellyfish, then swap back out. This ensures that your skill will be off cooldown by the time the refreshed jellyfish expires for good, and you'll be able to keep 100% uptime on your heals and hydro application!
Another way to use Kokomi’s skill is in the sukokomon team. It’s a bit complex, but it does surprisingly high damage and even with low investment, so it’s worth checking out. 
Now, DPS Kokomi is my personal favorite and what i currently have (sort of.) This is the one where you obvi deal damage with her in her burst, often using Kokomi's normal attacks to proc reactions. One of her best (and honestly most fun and satisfying) team comps is a taser comp, (I fondly call my taser team Electrofish) It’s basically Kokomi with Raiden/Beidou/Fischl/Kazuha/Sucrose to make the most of rapid fire electrocharged reactions, with viridescent shreds from the anemo characters. Here, the viable sets are 4pcs clam (for that spicy phys dmg every few seconds) or 4pcs HoD. Mainstats you want are hp/hydro/ healing bonus, with ER and flat hp/hp% and some attack%. As for weapons, moonglow is definitely her best, though prototype amber and even the hakushin ring are viable. 
In an electrocharge team, the rotations might vary depending on who you use, but the general pattern is kokomi E – Electro offield supports (raiden E, fischl E, beidou Q) – anemo chara’s skills/burst for the vv shred – Kokomi’s Q. Now, when you normal attack with Kokomi, it’s not very recommended to use her charged attack, since it takes up time and stamina. It’s generally best to normal attack twice, then dash cancel her animation, then rinse and repeat. 
Personally, I run a dps/hybrid Kokomi, since I mainly use her in co-op (and because the clam domain hates me and hasn’t given me a decent hydro dmg artifact smh) and I’ve built her on hp/hp/healing, with Everlasting Moonglow so she heals a really good amount while also doing damage while in her burst + capitalizing on the damage from the clam’s bubble. 
ajshdbasj that’s all i can think up rn–– i hope it helped a bit vera!! I’m sorry if it’s a bit of an info overload, love ^^ Good luck on ur pulls!! <3 SMOOCH <33
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windblooms · 4 years ago
answering meta/build asks i got over the past week below!
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Anonymous said:
okay team comp help,.. I need your advice - I want to use diona, bennett, rosaria and childe on my team but I’m not entirely sure about rosaria’s mechanics... what do you think?
rosaria is meant to deal physical damage - of course she can be a cryo damage dealer, but just like xinyan, physical damage is more convenient with the nature of their skills.  it’s too early to definitively say what rosaria’s mechanics are, so i’ll just comment on your team’s elemental resonance and synergy: two cryo gives +15% crit rate against enemies affected by cryo.  bennett and childe is already a good combo, great for vaporize and big damage.  you also have a freeze comp going on sans bennett.  rosaria could be your dps whenever childe switches back into ranged form!  so i think so far your team is pretty solid :0 
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Anonymous said:
I have a question! Are you familiar with the Genshin yourtuber Zy0x? I really like their videos, but do you know if they’re any good? Thank you!
i have heard of him yes!!  admittedly though i don’t really watch a lot of his content . . . all of the things i’ve heard about his videos, though, have been very positive!  in-depth and explains the nuances between different artifacts, weapons, etc.  i believe he’s (mid)core with how he explains things as well . . . ?  overall someone who i’d trust if i was lost on a genshin topic.
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Anonymous said:
what artifacts/weapons would you suggest for a sub dps/support xingqiu? c5 btw
i would recommend support xingqiiu over (sub)dps xingqiu.
weapons: primordial jade cutter/skyward blade > sacrificial sword > festering desire.
artifact sets: 4piece heart of depth > 2piece heart of depth + 2piece noblesse. 
artifact main stats: hp flower, atk feather, atk% timepiece, hydro damage bonus goblet, crit rate/damage circlet
artifact substat prio: crit rate/damage > atk% > hp% > energy recharge.
weapons: skyward blade > sacrificial sword > festering desire.
artifact sets: 4piece noblesse > 2piece heart of depth + 2piece noblesse.
artifact main stats: hp flower, atk feather, hp% timepiece, hydro damage bonus goblet, hp% circlet
artifact substat prio: hp% > energy recharge > atk%. 
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Anonymous said:
hello!! i’m not sure if you’ve already answered this type of question before but with the fact that childe’s potential is locked behind his constellation is he still worth pulling for a f2p? :0 he’s not really kind in that regard lmao so i’m still trying to decide who to pull between him or venti and which bow would be best for who when i have both stringless and rust sitting around unused ㅠㅠ
yes!  childe is still worth pulling.  let me put this on a scale, hm . . . if diluc is the best dps in the game, a 9/10 on the scale, then childe is like . 7.5/10??? even if he doesn’t have constellations.  his aoe (in my opinion) is actually more than diluc’s due to riptide procs.  he also has amazing synergy with bennett, even when not ulting.  my point with bringing up childe’s constellation lock is that there’s just so much more he can do with them than without - c0 childe and c6 childe are not the same character, unlike c0 vs c6 keqing (hahaha someone fight me over this).  
stringless is currently venti’s best gacha bow, besides skyward harp, but the new 5star weapon elegy for the end is looking to be venti’s own 5star weapon.  so weapon prio for venti would go elegy of the end > stringless > skyward harp > favonius warbow imo. 
for childe, skyward harp > viridescent hunt > rust > stringless, but only stringless if you build bennett!  explanation here. 
hopefully i helped clear any confusion. :0
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Hey! I have a few questions, which is a better healer, Qiqi or Barbara? Also, can I be considered really luck if I get two five stars within thirty pulls (hu tao and qiqi), cause people are talking about getting a good five star in ninety pulls and im like “???”, I barely have enough primogems for a three ten pulls.
Istg, your such a good help when it comes to genshin.
qiqi is the better healer - 5stars have higher base stats than 4stars.  qiqi scales off of atk, while barbara scales off of hp.  qiqi’s skill can also apply the physical debuff superconduct because it’s electro, whereas barbara’s hydro skill cannot apply debuffs. 
same logic kind of applies with their ults, with the addition that qiqi can just quick cast and switch out to have her allies attack enemies who are marked, continuously gaining health until the mark wears off, while barbara’s ult heal value is fixed. 
and yes, you are really lucky if you get a 5star within 70 pulls - much less 30!!  and about the “people are talking about getting a good five star in ninety pulls”, this is true.  90 pulls is hard pity, and there is a chance to get a 5star between 76-80 pulls.  getting a 5star in less than 76 pulls is rare enough already, so the fact that you got 2 within 30 (when the pull rate for a 5star is 0.6% - not even a full percent) is amazing. 
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Anonymous said:
Hi, could I have some Genshin advice please? If not, feel free to ignore! I currently have an r5 white tassel on Hu Tao as her weapon. I like the crit rate stat, but I feel bad having a three star weapon on her. I also have the favonious lance and a dragonspine spear, should I swap the tassel out for one of those? Thank you!
keep white tassel, especially if it’s r5!  don’t use dragonspine spear because the physical damage bonus on hutao is icky.  r5 white tassel beats out favonius lance on all regards imo as well, since the white tassel r5 passive increases normal attack damage by 48%.  yes, even if it’s a 3star weapon, i’ve seen lots of hutao players excel with it.  so it seems as if white tassel r5 is your best option so far!
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Anonymous said:
Catch me looking at childe's complicated af playstyle and thinking "big brain time"
HSADLJFSDFD YEAH?  his playstyle doesn’t take long to get used to though :0 it’s just about counting your seconds or getting a feel for when you should switch him back to ranged form so your skill cd isn’t too long.  he also has a lot of repetitive terminology in his kit LOL thanks mhy ;; but i promise playing him is easier than it sounds :0
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purplesurveys · 4 years ago
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (2/3)
F o r e v e r - y o u r s - F
Do you fancy any celebrities? If so, who? KIM TAEHYUUUUUUNGGGGGGGGG
Do you watch any FBI shows? Which ones? No.
Have you ever been to a festival? Which one? I don’t think so.
Do you have a fireplace in your house? Hell no. Just the idea of having a fireplace considering where I live and the general climate we have all year makes me nauseous haha.
Do you have a hot flask? I’m not so sure what you mean but if you’re referring to tumblers like Hydro Flask that keep drinks hot/cold for a really long time then yeah, I have one.
What decade were you four in? 2000s.
Do you like the TV show Friends? I love it. I haven’t watched an episode in a while, but it’s always a go-to for me whenever I feel really really really down.
Do you like the feeling of cat fur? Sure, it’s pleasant. Same with dog fur.
Go girl, go; G
Do you have a back garden? Not really a garden but we do have a sort of backyard; basically some space behind the house. 
Do you have a gentle touch? Idk...depends on what I’m holding or touching, I guess? Like I would obviously hold an infant as gently and gingerly as possible, but I wouldn’t pay as much attention if I’m holding something ordinary like my phone.
Do you like girly programmes like Gossip Girl? LOL at girly. Who says Gossip Girl and literally any other show out there has to be for a certain audience?
Do you ever use gloves? Only when I order from Frankie’s since they provide gloves with their meals.
Do you prefer gold or silver? Silver.
Are you a greedy person? What makes you greedy? A little bit, when it comes to food hahaha. I don’t like sharing and I get angry if someone eats a portion I already called dibs on.
Have you ever seen a gypsy? No.
Hold on honey, I'm here. - H
Do you have any bad habits? What? I pick at my nails - either set - when I get tense. I also tend to get a liiiiitle bit reckless with my money, if I do choose to spend. I’m pretty self-disciplined for the most part, but I let that go as soon as I give myself the green light lol. Exhibit A would be me spending a total of nearly P7,000 just this week alone on BTS merch...
Do you know anyone called Helen? I don’t think so. My dad has a cousin named Helena, though.
Have you ever watched a documentary about Hitler? Not directly related to him, but I remember watching Night Will Fall in high school.
Do you put hm in a lot of your survey answers? Not a lot. Occasionally, though.
When was the last time you went to hospital? What was it for? May last year. Blood and urine tests.
Do you like HP (Harry Potter)? Who's your favourite character? I didn’t grow up with it, but it’s not as if I’m a passionate anti. It’s just not my cup of tea, even after trying to read the books.
Do you spell it honey or hunny? I never spell it as hunny unless I’m saying it sarcastically or playfully with friends.
Are you afraid of this Swine Flu Hype? That’s gone now, right? We’re dealing with something else entirely.
In the end we all die broken. - I
Have you ever been to Ibiza? Nopes.
Do you take ice in your soda/fizzy drinks? I don’t really have a preference as I don’t regularly consume fizzy drinks anyway, as long as it’s not lukewarm.
Who do you think is a complete idiot? Anyone supporting the government at this point is a good runner-up.
Do you often wonder what if? Sometimes. But I also find it a waste of time, so I don’t dwell on them.
Have you ever seen an Igloo? I haven’t.
Do you get ill often? No, almost never.
Do you ever imagine you were not human? What did you imagine you were? No, this has never come to mind.
Do you like sexual innuendos? If it’s not too trashy, sure.
What is your IQ? Idk, I’ve never had it checked.
Do people often call you irrational? I’ve never been called this before, at least not to my face.
Do you think the name Isis is pretty? ...Welp, not anymore.
Do you get itchy eyeballs? That never happens. Is that even possible?
Do you know what ix stands for in roman numerals? 9.
Just breathe baby, breathe. - J
Have you ever been in jail? I have a very vague memory of visiting a prison with my parents before, but I no longer remember why I was there.
Do you like JD (Jack Daniels)? Nahhhhhh. Had a tiny sip of it once, found it absolutely nasty.
Do you get jealous easily? Not anymore.
Do you tell a lot of jokes? Yeah. I like making people laugh, so I drop jokes whenever I can whether I’m in a formal or informal setting.
Do you finish school/college in June? When I was in college, my school year ended every May. Before that, the academic calendar ended every March.  
Kiss me, kill me, thrill me. - K
Do you know a girl called Karla? Yeah, one of the managers at work is a Karla but I don’t work with her. I also went to grade/high school with a girl named Karla; she was my friend for a while as well, but we grew apart over the years.
Did you watch Kenan and Kel? Nope.
Do you prefer kisses or hugs? Depends on the person, I guess. But in the context of being in a relationship, I do love being kissed.
Do you like Korn? I don’t listen to them.
Do you like watching films with Kung Fu in them? Not in particular.
Lessons learnt the hard way are the best I've ever had. - L
Do you like Lady Gaga? She’s okay. I’m not super crazy about her but I tend to like all the stuff she puts out.
When was the last time you had lemonade? Wow, it’s definitely been a while. Maybe a year or so ago? I don’t get to have it a lot; usually only when it’s offered at hotels or resorts when I go on vacation.
Do you ever lie to save your own skin? Sometimes, but I never let the lie be too big just in case it bites me back in the ass one day.
Do you think llamas are cute? Sure.
Do you use Lol a lot? Yes.
Do you think you are lucky or unlucky? Neither.
Melody in my heartstrings. - M
Do you like Mac and Cheese? Loooooove mac and cheese, especially truffle mac and cheese.
Do you ever eat at McDonald’s? What's your usual? Not very often tbh, but I do like McDonald’s. I don’t eat it frequently enough to have a usual order; I get whatever I feel like having at a given moment. And since we’re here, I’m gonna be plugging the BTS Meal, in stores 5/26! HAHAHA
Do you like Medieval games like 7elda? You mean The Legend of Zelda? I do love that franchise, but I don’t like the medieval genre as a whole; I just happened to grow up with the Zelda series and Nintendo as a whole, so I’ve taken a liking to it. 
What's on your mind right now? That it’s Monday again tomorrow. I feel like I’m starting to get burnout :/ I’ve definitely noticed I haven’t been being 100% at work lately...but it could also be because the weather is crappy hot again, which makes it a lot harder to work and keep focused.
Is money in your opinion, the root of all evil? It’s part of it.
Do you like Mr and Mrs the show? I’m not familiar with it.
Do you read murder mystery books? Which ones? No.
Do you find Mystical stuff fascinating? Not really.
Nobody loves me, what a change. - N
Do you know the name of your local shopkeeper? We don’t have those here.
Have you ever been called nerdy? I’m sure I’ve been.
Are you you truly a nice person? I hope that’s what people see and think.
Do you overuse nouns in your sentences? I like using adjectives, for one; but I don’t exactly know how you can overuse nouns hahaha.
Do you know anyone personally who is a nurse? Yes, I have several relatives who are in nursing.
Only you - it always has been. - O
Do you obey authority or deliberately disobey it? Obey for the most part.
Is there anything in your room that is an Octagon? What is it? I don’t think so.
What odor can you smell in the room you're in now? The neutral scent my aircon is blowing out.
Do you get offended easily? I think sensitive would be a more fitting word.
Have you ever been to Ohio? No.
Do you ever say Oi? Sure, but not frequently.
Do you spell it OK or okay? I use both; I don’t have a preference. What I avoid is ‘K,’ though.
Are you older than the number day you were born on? Yes.
Have you ever watched the film the Omen? I haven’t.
Name one thing you always have taken for granted? The basic things, I guess, like breathing.
Have you ever had an operation? On what? Never.
Do you like things in a set order or doesn't it matter? As much as possible I do want things to be organized, yeah. I get restless if I see a very messy spreadsheet or Powerpoint, for instance.
Do you have a habit of overreacting? I was a lot more...theatrical in my reactions before haha. Not so much these days; I’ve toned down a lot.
Do you think Owls are nice? Sure.
Do you know what an Oxymoron is? Yup.
Have you ever tried Oyster? Yessssssss I love them and now you’re making me crave them :(
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pokemon-card-of-the-day · 1 year ago
Pokemon Card of the Day #2964: Quagsire (Dragon Majesty)
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The last Water-type from the set, Feraligatr, didn't get too far since it needed so much recycling of certain cards to be consistent. Like Feraligatr, Quagsire did need a large contingent of Stage 1 Pokemon on the Bench. Unlike Feraligatr, said set-up did not require any Stage 2 Pokemon to work, and Quagsire itself could help its partner move Energy around. Said Energy just needed to get into the discard pile, so while the realistic damage ceiling was lower here, the chances of hitting hard enough to take things out in 2 hits, along with the chances to use back-up attackers, were quite a bit higher.
120 HP was nothing special, with quite a few decks able to get to that number rather easily. Streaming attackers was vital to making this concept work, and with Stage 1's it wasn't the easiest thing but was at least doable. A Grass Weakness basically meant nothing since the type was both rare and generally able to get to 120 with its best Pokemon in the era Quagsire was usable in. The Retreat Cost here was 2, but you'd almost never care because of the combination of Quagsire's Ability and that of its best partner, Naganadel.
Quagsire had Wash Out as an Ability, and it let you move Water Energy from your Benched Pokemon to your Active Pokemon as much as you wanted during your turn. The plan was to get a few Naganadel on the Bench and let those get a Water Energy each turn from the discard pile. Quagsire could then move the Energy around, either to itself (if you had a second Quagsire ready to go) or another attacker like Keldeo-GX or Lapras-GX, depending on format. There was a lot of evolving here so it wasn't the most consistent thing in the world, but there were no Rare Candy uses to worry about this time around.
Hydro Pump was actually pretty decent. The start was just 60 damage for 3 Colorless Energy, but you were never using Colorless Energy in a Quagsire deck in the first place. 20 damage for each Water Energy attached to Quagsire boosted this nicely, and 120 was typical for the set-up. If you could add an attachment from the hand the goal was 140 here, and it wasn't always going to be achieved but that was indeed in Tag Team range for a 2-hit KO.
Quagsire was an odd one. It was never near the top of the game because it did require setting so many Stage 1 Pokemon up at once, hurting its consistency. It still got there often enough to get a couple of decent results, though it never quite got top cut in a major tournament. This, when paired with Naganadel, was a low-end competitive option that players tended to have a lot of fun using. It also had more success in younger age groups. Quagsire was generally decent, with the risk of falling flat at times being the thing holding it back.
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prismatic-glow · 1 year ago
I'm bored, so i'm gonna main a random character || p1
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Hello everyone! A bit of a different post for today but I wanted to switch things up. I really enjoyed making my last series so today i'll be starting a new one where I document my whole process of building + maining a new character for a bit
For those of you that like my more educational content, i'd still love if you stuck around for this one because it will cover a lot of my thought process and you might be able to pick up some tips along the way.
Let's begin!!
╰┈➤ part one : ̗̀➛ goals
Obviously the description of "building and maining" a character is kinda vauge. So, here are the criteria i'm giving myself for this challenge
: ̗̀➛ level 90 the character
: ̗̀➛ crown a talent. This one is a maybe but i'd like to do it. Consider it an "extra credit" assignment for myself lol
: ̗̀➛ all artifacts have the correct stats + correct set
: ̗̀➛ at least a 60/120 or 70/140 crit ratio
: ̗̀➛ a complete team for them (not a team that will carry them though, aka hyperbloom)
: ̗̀➛ a "functional team". A team that isn't just for the showcase, but is somewhat practical for everyday use
: ̗̀➛ kill a boss with the team in a somewhat impressive amount of time. I'm not talking any crazy nukes since my Mona isn't built yet but around 5-10 seconds is the goal. I'm not gonna try to reach 100k or anything crazy with them though since if it's a "bad" character that's probably a waste of my resources
╰┈➤ part two : ̗̀➛ selecting the character
ok, so you have no reason to trust me on this but I 100% promise the character I get is the first one I roll.
I plugged all my unbuilt (all level 60 or below) characters into a wheel and, incase you're curious, here's the list:
Lynette, Mika, Candace, Dori, Yun Jin, Kirara, Gorou, Thoma Chongyun, Dehya, Charlotte, Freminet, Faruzan, Heizou, Mona, Kayea, Ninnguang, Kujou Sara, Amber, Razor, Collei
Gonna spin it now and then immediately write my first thoughts so, here we go!
Ok I got Candace! Honestly not too sure how to feel about this. One one hand her infusion should allow her to function as a DPS but since she's HP scaling, my options are limited when it comes to choosing teammates. Honestly, I think I can do this. ALSO she's super pretty and I love her design which is a plus. The wheel allllmost landed on Charlotte which is a bit of a bummer because I was eventually planning on building her but, oh well
╰┈➤ part three : ̗̀➛ build and team ideas
if you aren't interested in this kinda thing, skip to the end this section for a summary :D
ok, now I actually have to figure out a build for her. Before looking at any guides, the sets that stick out to me for maybe being viable are:
Nymph's Dream for Hydro damage bonus and attack. The attack won't boost her skill or burst damage but could help her normal attacks especially since her scalings are less than impressive. But the fact that a) one of the stats is useless for 2/3 of her kit and b) that the domain is super inefficient to farm + I have no preexisting pieces for it makes me not want to go for this set
The second set that once I immediately was drawn to after thinking of it was Marrechausse Hunter. Not only does it boos her normal and charges attack damage, but the 4pc will help a ton with crit stats. Of course, this does mean running her with Furina but I promise i'll take off her artifacts once it's time for a showcase since her summons will 100% destroy everything. The other benefits of this set are that I already have a few pieces and that I don't mind farming it for Noelle and Furina
Unfortunately the KeqingMains guide for Candace is only up to date with 4.3 but looking at the artifact section, 2pc/2pc is only 3-5% worse than Nymph's Dream. From this I think it's safe to assume that Marechausee Hunter will be at worst, only a bit less damage than ND
note: I asked on the KQM discord and it seemed like people agreed
As for weapons, I unfortunately don't have any 5 star Polearms so my options are kinda limited. Of the polearms I have, the only one that I think could work is White Tassel but with 4pc MH the crit rate might be too much when factoring in CR from substats
Other than that, Missive Windspear could work for Vaporize
I could also use Dragon's Bane for EM but atp I'm just gonna wait till artifacts are done
note from the future that i'm adding later: will probably go with missive windspear
Finally, it's time to decide a team
Because of her set, Furina is needed. I should also slot in Kazuha because it's Kazuha. For the last slot, I have a few choices
Bennet is an obvious choice for the Attack. I could also go Xiangling on 4pc Tenacity for Attack + Attack from passive + Pyro application. Probably a worse choice than Bennett
A strange but not horrible choice would actually be Lisa! Her ascension passive shreds the DEF of enemies. She can run 4pc Noblesse to buff attack and as a catalyst, can use TTDS for even more attack!
I think i'll try both Bennett and Lisa in the final showcase to see which has more damage
As for the practical team, I think a Taser (electrocharged) team with Sayu/Beidou/Furina would be a ton of fun. I chose Sayu for the teamwide heal bc I don't have Jean and she's already built
Honestly this practical team ig getting me kinda excited to play her!
╰┈➤ part four : ̗̀➛ build/team summary
if you skipped this last part, welcome back! Here's a summary of what I talked about above
Artifact Set: 4pc Marechausse Hunter
Artifact Substats: ATK/Hydro DMG/Crit DMG
Weapon (undecided but probably gonna use MW): White Tassel/Missive Windspear/Dragon's Bane
Team 1: Furina (no artifacts so she doesn't destroy the enemies)/Kazuha/Bennet or Lisa
Team 2: Sayu/Furina/Beidou
╰┈➤ part five : ̗̀➛ what i'm gonna do today
Unfortunately neither her talents or the weapon materials are available today and I already condensed my resin so I'm just gonna farm level up mats lol
Okay, that's the end of the post! Remeber to drink some water today (hydro woaaah)
k bye!!
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alcoress · 4 years ago
i wish there were new bosses once you ascend past 50 😩 i just wanted to fight the hilichurls and the electro cube that you have to face when dong the quest. the difficulty spikes aren’t too bad in my opinion but that’s bc i have my characters raised to do decent damage.
ooh yeah i don’t mind explaining :0 i mostly kin him bc of his devotion and need to continuously get stronger and better. ig the picking fights in game with hilichurls and such also plays into it. he’s similar to Oikawa from hq in a way with his thinking which is why i kin them both. his loyalty to the tsarista is also a perspective that i understand and kinda agree with in a way
yup! i usually help out a lot of my irl friends with stuff in genshin like artifacts and building characters and if i have the confidence to, i sometimes join random people’s world to help with things.
i highly agree. abyss is painful. easy tip though, is that you don’t need to have two full teams to progress through it. since you have kazuha, you can have a quick swap team with only 2 others in the party. the other team can be the rest characters you have raised and such. i’m not bothering with floor 12 at all since i only have one raised hydro character
the thing about waiting till 45+ to farm is sort of true? but also you can still do domains for a good set of 4* artifacts and such. just don’t use up your fragile resin since you’ll need that for the higher ars
lmao i went on a little rambling spree here kshsjk
hey but at least inazuma will have new bosses!! bc pyro cube right :0 also wait it doesn’t change? like the domain is the same every time? idk why but i thought it would be different after a while but ig that’s fine!! it’s just higher level enemies of the same type?
i have no idea what qualifies as decent damage like. i literally have zero idea ajsjd i mean obviously more damage is more decent but? i also start off new WL by farming exp books (if i don’t have enough already) so i can level up and avoid leveling suppression on my damage
thATS SO COOL!! also yeah he kinda does remind me of oikawa, who i kin? i haven’t finished haikyuu but from what i have watched,,, hello oikawa kinnies unite aksks ? also i do not know enough abt genshin lore but i am rlly curious abt the tsarista and the harbingers :0 genshun lore in general is fascinating to me, esp the archon wars and the diff btwn gods and archons and such like??? waAAAH i love worldbuilding and storytelling!!
that’s so cool :0 ik i just said that abt smth else but it rlly is!! i am figuring out how to build characters/farm artifacts effectively hehe like i feel like i have like. 50% of it down,, and the other 50% is me just not knowing wtf is going on lmao,, also maybe this sounds dumb but i have seen videos of like high AR players joining low level worlds to help out and it’s always so wholesome?? gives me serotonin lmao also i will send my uid to u in dm if that is ok?
wAIT WHAT?? deadass i was out here thinking i needed a whole 8 people im :(;゙゚'ω゚'): also quickswap is my preferred style bc it’s so fascinating to me? and the elemental reactions <3 dAMAGE <3 i was planning on running kazuha with bennett bc pyro swirl + attack boost (bennett is C1 so there’s no longer an HP requirement on attack boost, not that that will prob affect quickswap team as much bc not on field as much = not taking as much damage?)
also wait why is floor 12 smth u need multiple hydro characters for :0
ah ok ok duly noted!!
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shysongnightmare · 4 years ago
Dmg Automotive
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Get directions, reviews and information for DMG Automotive, Inc in Commerce City, CO. DMG Automotive, Inc 4920 Oneida St Commerce City CO 80022. Reviews (303) 717-3724 Website. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations. Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions.
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Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG)IndustryAutomotiveFateMerged with Benz & CieSuccessorDaimler Benz (in 1926)Founded1890FounderGottlieb DaimlerHeadquartersCannstatt, Stuttgart, GermanyProductsAutomobiles
logo used by DMG since 1901
DMG Automotive Inc Auto Repair Engine Repair and Rebuild, Machine shop in premises, Fleet services, Air Conditioning Service and Repair, Brakes, Clutches, Cooling System S.
Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft Poster for a Mercedes Double Phaeton (1908)
Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) (Daimler Motors Corporation) was a German engineering company and later automobile manufacturer, in operation from 1890 until 1926. Founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, it was based first in Cannstatt (today Bad Cannstatt, a city district of Stuttgart). Daimler died in 1900, and their business moved in 1903 to Stuttgart-Untertürkheim after the original factory was destroyed by fire, and again to Berlin in 1922. Other factories were located in Marienfelde (near Berlin) and Sindelfingen (next to Stuttgart).
The enterprise began to produce petrol engines but after the success of a small number of race cars built on contract by Wilhelm Maybach for Emil Jellinek, it began to produce the Mercedes model of 1902. After this automobile production expanded to become DMG's main product, and it built several models.
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Because of the post World War One German economic crisis, DMG merged in 1926 with Benz & Cie., becoming Daimler-Benz and adopting Mercedes-Benz as its automobile trademark. A further merger occurred in 1998 with Chrysler to become DaimlerChrysler. The name was finally changed to just Daimler AG in 2007 when Chrysler was sold.
2Expansion (1902 to 1920)
6International licences
7Airships and fixed-wing aircraft
Daimler, Maybach, and DMG at Seelberg[edit]
DMG employees in 1890
By 1882 both Daimler and Maybach had left Nikolaus Otto's Deutz AG Gasmotorenfabrik. In 1890 they founded their own engine business, Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG). Its purpose was the construction of small, high speed engines they had developed based on the same stationary engine technology.
DMG thus grew out of an extension of the independent businesses of Daimler and Maybach, who would revolutionize the world with their inventions for the automobile of a four-stroke petrol engine, carburetor, and so on. They would manufacture small internal combustion engines suitable for use on land, sea, and in the air (the basis for a symbol Daimler devised of a three pointed star, with each point indicating a different way).
On July 5, 1887, Daimler purchased a property in Seelberg Hill (Cannstatt) previously owned by Zeitler & Missel who had used it as a precious metal foundry. The site covered 2,903 square meters, cost 30,200 Goldmark, and from it they produced engines for their successful Neckar motorboat. They also sold licences for others to make their engine products and Seelberg became a centre of the rapidly growing automobile industry.
Daimler ran into financial problems because sales were not high enough and the licences didn't yield significant profit. An agreement was reached with the financiers Max Von Duttenhofer and William Lorenz, both of whom were also munitions manufacturers, along with the influential banker Kilian von Steiner, who owned an investment bank, to convert the private business to a public corporation in 1890. (This agreement is regarded by some historians as a 'devil's pact',[1] as the inventors never got along with the new status.)
Not really believing in automobile production the financiers expanded the stationary engine business, as they were selling well, and even considered a merger with Otto's Deutz-AG. (During 1882, Gottflieb Daimler had serious personal problems with Nicholas Otto, when Daimler and Maybach worked for Otto.) Daimler and Maybach continued to advocate car manufacturing and as a result even left DMG for a short period. Daimler's friend, Frederick Simms, persuaded the financiers to take Gottflieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach back into faltering DMG in early 1896. Their business was re-merged with DMG's. Daimler was appointed General Inspector, Maybach chief Technical Director and Simms a director of DMG.[2]
In 1892, Maybach designed the Phönix, an inline two-cylinder engine fitted with a new carburetor.[3] Following the withdrawal of Gottlieb Daimler and Maybach to their own business to concentrate on cars,[2] the enterprise had been close to a crisis but stabilised itself, selling mobile and stationary engines through a number of retailers around the world, from New York City to Moscow.
The first Daimler car, a singularly inelegant model, appeared in 1892,[4] followed in 1895 by a two-cylinder vis á vis and, in 1897, DMG's first front-engined model, a Phönix-engined four-seat open tourer.[5]
In 1900, Gottlieb Daimler died. Later DMG's successful Mercedes models based upon race cars designed by Wilhelm Maybach to the specifications of Emil Jellinek (who wanted a more modern and safer car, following the death of Willhelm Bauer in a Daimler racer)[6] changed the board's outlook in favour of the automobile. Maybach continued as designer for a while, but quit in 1909 and was replaced by Gottlieb's son, Paul.
Expansion (1902 to 1920)[edit]
DMG's automobile sales took off, particularly with the first Daimler-Mercedes engine designed by Maybach placed into several race cars of 1900 built for Emil Jellinek. That race car was later referred to as the Mercedes 35 hp. Production capacity was extended to Untertürkheim. In 1902, DMG produce the first Mercedes models, led by the 60, the most famous early model, and officially adopted Mercedes as its automobile trademark; capable of 120 km/h (75 mph), the 60 combined touring and racing capacity, and was the top-status car to own (or for other makers, among them Berliet, Rochet-Schneier, Martini, Ariel, Star and FIAT, to copy; in the U.S., Daimler Manufacturing Company {Long Island, New York} may have built one under licence in association with Steinway).[7] In part due to the model 60's success, the number of DMG employees went from 821 (1903) to 2,200 (1904).
1906 to 1913 were further expansion years, with the creation of new capacity reducing the number of external suppliers. Increased mechanization took the annual productivity from 0.7 cars per worker, to 10. In 1911, shares of DMG were listed on the Stuttgart stock exchange.
On October 2, 1902, DMG opened a new works in the mountainous region to the south of Berlin. Its scope was initially limited to motorboat and marine engines. Later, it expanded into making trucks (1905) and fire trucks (1907). The region became a centre of the automobile industry, and other businesses moved in.
Untertürkheim was an ideal location to site a large factory as it was close to both the Neckar river and the Stuttgart–Ulm railway. The local Mayor Eduard Fiechtner sold the land (185,000 square meters) at a low price and also arranged for a railroad extension with its own station and energy from the Neckar's hydro-electric plant which had been built in 1900.
DMG had planned to open the facility in 1905 but the total destruction of Cannstatt's factory by fire in 1903 hastened the work and the new Art-Nouveau building, with a jagged-roof, was brought forward to start production in December 1903. The work force continued to grow.
On May 17, 1904, Unterturkheim became DMG's headquarters with the rest of the administration staff moving in on 29 May. In 1913, an additional 220,000 square meters were acquired and between 1915 and 1918 it was extended further. By the 1920s, Untertürkheim had almost all the production processes on one site from foundries to final car assembly. In 1925 the DMG design department also moved in.
The Cannstatt Fire (1903)[edit]
On the night of June 10, 1903, the original Seelberg-Cannstatt plant suffered a great fire. All the machinery and 93 finished Mercedes cars, a quarter of the annual production, were destroyed, together with a small museum with historical items like Daimler-Maybach's first ever motorcycle, the Reitwagen.
The displaced workers received haven-salaries and additional bread rations. Neighboring businesses lent workshops, allowing production to continue. DMG created a Relief Fund (one of the first worker insurance schemes) and began building separator blocks in all its plants.
The following year, 1904, the whole operation moved to Untertürkheim. The last unit produced in Seelberg rolled out in the first weeks of 1905.
At the outbreak of the First World War, in 1914, there was a rush to produce war supplies. In the autumn of 1915, DMG opened the Sindelfingen factory for military vehicles, aircraft engines, and even entire aircraft. After the war, limited by the Versailles Treaty, it produced only automobile bodies.
The production of motorboats by Daimler and Maybach began early, in 1886, with the Neckar (4.5 meters long with a speed of 11 km/h (6 knots)), the first in the world, and tested on the local Neckar river. That boat became DMG's first commercial hit, helped by the poor state of Germany's roads. Once the public corporation was formed, motorboat production became one of the new financiers' main interests and lead in 1902 to the building of the Berlin-Marienfelde factory specifically for their manufacture.
DMG truck (1898) with Phoenix engine
1912 Mercedes Knight 4.0 50Hp at Technikmuseum Sinsheim
Daimler had sold automobile-engine licences all over the world including to France, Austria, the UK, and the United States through an agreement with the piano-maker Steinway, in New York.
The first DMG automobile sale took place in August 1892 (its registration still survives) to the Sultan of Morocco.
Commercial vehicles had also been made mainly using a Phoenix engine, but up to 1900, when Daimler died, the bodies had not been standardised.
In 1902, the Mercedes car was built, compact and modern, with many improved features, a move which sparked the board's interest in automobile production. Mercedes then became DMG's main car brand name. There were some small exceptions: the Mercedes Simplex of 1902–1909, (the name indicating it being 'easy to drive') and the Mercedes Knight of 1910–1924, featuring Coventry Daimler's development of Charles Yale Knight's sleeve-valve engine. All models were priced by their hp-rating.
The first truck, of 1.5 tons payload, was sold to London's British Motor Syndicate Ltd on October 1, 1896. Its rear-mounted Phoenix engine produced 4 hp (3 kW) at 700 rpm.
In 1897, the production of light commercial vehicles began. At that time they were popularly called business vehicles, and were very successful in the United Kingdom.
At the first Paris Motor Show, in 1898, a 5-ton truck was displayed, with a front-mounted engine.
Phoenix (1894)[edit]
In 1894, while working from temporary premises in the unused Hermann Hotel in Cannstatt, Gottlieb Daimler, his son Paul, and Wilhelm Maybach designed the Phoenix engine. It amazed the automobile world with:
four cylinders placed vertical and parallel (a first for an automobile engine)
camshaft-operated exhaust valves
spray-nozzlecarburetor (patented by Maybach in 1893)
improvements in the belt-drive system.
Production of this engine which was put into cars, trucks, and boats became DMG's main product until the Mercedes car of 1902.
Mercedes (1900)[edit]
In 1902 an automobile that would later be called the Mercedes 35 hp was created by Maybach to the order of the successful Austrian merchant Emil Jellinek who became fascinated by both the Phoenix engine and race cars. The name was derived from an engine Maybach built to the specifications of Jellinek in 1900 that could achieve 35 hp (26 kW). Jellinek had stipulated that the engine be called Daimler-Mercedes and when it was successful, he stipulated a new model in an edition of vehicles that he would market and use personally. Later this was referred to as the Mercedes 35 hp (26 kW) model. It was never marketed by DMG until its success was seen to be substantial.
Jellinek competed as a driver, painting 'Mercedes' (Spanish for godsend), on the automobiles he raced after his 10-year-old daughter. Jellinek's pursuit of higher speed brought him to Stuttgart personally, to Wilhelm Maybach's office where he also met with Paul Daimler, son of Gottlieb. Together they designed a new kind of automobile that would be 'larger, wider, and with a lower center of gravity'. A small number would be produced for Jellinek under contract. This was the first true automobile designed by DMG, as opposed to a coach with an engine fitted into it.
Blending the technical refinements of Maybach's new 4-cylinder engine, with a new chassis the automobile stunned the motorsport world of 1901. Jellinek had promised to purchase a large number of the race cars, (36 units for 550,000 Goldmark), if he could also be the sole concessionaire in Austria-Hungary, France, Belgium, and the USA, using the name Daimler-Mercedes for the engine, and also become a member of the Board of Management.
In June 1902, after DMG realized that they had already conceded their Daimler trademark to Panhard & Levassor for the whole of France, they decided to name all their cars Mercedes after the engine and began to produce the Mercedes series. The great demand for the car soon had DMG operating at full-capacity.
In these early years, car races were used as advertising for their makers. Therefore, both DMG and Benz & Cie., their great rival, put the best of their cars on the track. Daimler cars were able to beat Benz until 1908, when a Benz achieved the land speed record, but in the following years, both brands were equal.
First automobile multinational[edit]
DMG expanded with a subsidiary company in Austria
Austro Daimler 's Imperial trademark
International licences[edit]
French licences[edit]
Edouard Sarazin began early negotiations to license Gottlieb Daimler's engines in France. After his death, his wife finally succeeded, helped by Émile Levassor and René Panhard (then a timber-machinery manufacturers) selling their first engine in 1887.
Armand Peugeot, one of their clients, began fitting vehicles with Panhard & Levassor engines, and acquired Daimler's licence from them. Peugeot focused, successfully, on the German market.
Panhard & Levassor designed a complete automobile. Levassor mounted an engine (Daimler's) over the front axle, giving better balance and turning. Marketed in October 1891, it featured rear wheel drive by two side chains, pedal clutch, front radiator, and steering by lever.
Historians consider that the automobile was 'a German invention, while France expanded it commercially', mainly by publicity from car-racing since in January 1886 Karl Benz was granted the first patent for an automobile he designed and built in 1885.
American licences[edit]
In 1888, Gottlieb Daimler established a cooperation with the German-born piano maker William Steinway in Astoria, Queens, later New York City, to build stationary and marine engines for gas and petroleum, and later on, 1892, also to build cars as full copies of the German design. The engines and cars were produced in Steinway's premises of the 'Rikers plant' opposite of Rikers Island which is in use for piano production until nowadays. This business was sold after William Steinway died in 1896.
British licences, The Daimler Motor Company Limited[edit]
A Coventry Daimler: The DS420
Daimler Double-Six 50 alloy V12 150 bhp (110 kW) Corsica drophead coupé body designed by Reid Railton (1931)
In 1890 Hamburg-born Frederick Simms, a consulting engineer and a good personal friend of Gottlieb Daimler returned to the United Kingdom with the Phoenix engine for launches (though expressing thoughts for cars) having obtained from him British (and British Empire) rights to the Daimler patents. In 1893 Simms formed The Daimler Motor Syndicate Limited (DMS).[2]
At the end of 1895 Simms received an offer from a London company promoter called Lawson of, at first, £35,000 to purchase all the Daimler rights. As part of the necessary arrangements, Maybach and Daimler having parted from DMG, Simms arranged to pay the now drifting DMG £17,100 on the condition that DMG took back Gottlieb Daimler. A 'contract of reassociation' was signed on November 1, 1895. The result was the divided Daimler-Maybach and DMG businesses then merged and were rejuvenated. In early 1896, having agreed with Daimler Motor Syndicate it would buy the Daimler rights, Lawson floated The Daimler Motor Company Limited (DMC) in London (with Gottlieb Daimler a director), the works to be in a disused cotton mill in Coventry. Simms became a director of DMG (Cannstatt) but not DMC (London).[2]
In 1910 Daimler Motor Company while retaining a separate identity, merged ownership with that of BSA (munitions), and began producing military vehicles. It also dropped the word motor from its name.[2]
For over 65 years, The Daimler Company Limited produced a wide variety of premium quality vehicles including very many buses, ambulances, fire engines and some trucks but in particular medium-sized and large cars which were often very expensive. Their vehicles were distinguished by their finned exposed radiators, later by scalloped radiator shells.[citation needed] Until the early 1950s it was often said 'the aristocracy buy Daimlers, the nouveau riche buy Rolls-Royce'.[2]
In 1960, the business was sold to Jaguar, which soon engaged in badge-engineering and often Jaguar and Daimler cars could only be distinguished by the grille and name badge. In 2005 the only Daimler models being produced were luxury models, such as the Daimler Super Eight.
The Daimler name moved with Jaguar into British Leyland, back to an independent Jaguar, and then into Ford.[citation needed][8] In July 2008 Tata Group, the current owners of Jaguar and Daimler, announced they were considering transforming Daimler into 'a super-luxury marque to compete directly with Bentley and Rolls-Royce'.[9]
Airships and fixed-wing aircraft[edit]
Daimler built the engine for the first airship fuelled by petrol in 1888. From 1899 to 1907 DMG provided Maybach designed engines to Zeppelin. Wilhelm Maybach quit DMG in 1909. After 1909 Maybach and his son Karl founded their own enterprise in Württemberg and took over supplying the engines.
During the First World War, from 1915 the Sindelfingen factory produced large numbers of winged aircraft and aircraft engines. Production was prohibited after the conflict under conditions laid down by the Treaty of Versailles.
Three-pointed star: land, water and air[edit]
In the 1870s, while working for Otto at Deutz AG Gasmotorenfabrik in Cologne, Daimler sent his wife Emma Kunz a postcard, marking his residence with a three-pointed star and writing: 'one day this star will shine over our triumphant factories'. Since then, this line has inspired both Daimler and Maybach when developing light and powerful engines for 'land, water, and air'.
In the 1900s, after the Mercedes' success, DMG was still lacking a trademark. Paul and Adolf Daimler, the sons of Gottlieb (who had died in early March 1900), suggested using that symbol. Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft's board accepted the proposal in June 1909, also registering a four-pointed one. The four-pointed star became the emblem of Deutsche Aerospace AG (DASA) in the 1980s and then the logo of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS).
The three-pointed star debuted in 1910. In 1916, it was surrounded by a circle with four additional stars, with either the name Mercedes or of the respective factory (Untertürkheim or Berlin-Marienfelde). In 1937, the familiar symbol was registered by Daimler-Benz, a three-dimensional three-pointed star, contained in a circle.
German crisis (1920s)[edit]
DMG was one of the most important German businesses at the time of the German crisis; tripling its capital to 100 million shares in 1920, and moving its headquarters to Berlin in 1922.
After the war the German automobile industry stagnated because of insufficient demand and because automobiles were taxed by the government as luxury items. The country also was hit by a petrol shortage.
In 1923, DMG production fell to 1,020 units, compared to Benz & Cie. making 1,382 in Mannheim. The average cost of a car was 25 million marks. Strike action and inflation pushed DMG to the limit. To survive DMG produced Mercedes bicycles and typewriters, and it even issued its own emergency money.
Daimler-Benz and the Mercedes-Benz brand (1926)[edit]
For the two separate businesses to survive the financial problems of the day, in 1919, Benz & Cie. proposed a merger, but DMG formally rejected it in December. Then, as the German crisis worsened, the struggling firms met again in 1924 and signed an Agreement of Mutual Interest, valid until the year 2000. They standardized design, production, purchasing, sales, and advertising—marketing their car models jointly—although keeping their respective brands.
On June 28, 1926, DMG and Benz & Cie. merged into Daimler-Benz AG, establishing its headquarters in the Untertürkheim factory.
Their automobiles were named Mercedes Benz, in honour of DMG's most important car model and the last name of Karl Benz. Its new trademark consisted of a three-pointed star surrounded by the traditional laurels of Karl Benz's logo and labelled Mercedes Benz. The next year, 1927, the number of units sold tripled to 7,918, and diesel truck production was launched.
In 1890, DMG was delivering stationary and marine engines to Russia. In 1910, it opened its first dealership in Moscow. From 1912, it was a purveyor to the Russian Royal Court. Even after the war and the socialist revolution, the Mercedes won most of the great show competitions it entered in Russia.
In 1892, DMG designated Otto Speidel as its Munich representative.
In 1896, Bavarian Engine & Automobile also began to sell their products, naming Karl Moll as representative in 1898.
In 1910, it opened a shop for trucks, buses and motorboats in Hiltenspergerstrasse 21.
In 1914, in Paris, one of the greatest races in history took place, with 37 cars of six manufacturers from six countries. To beat the favorite Peugeot team, DMG used an aircraft engine designed by Paul Daimler and Fritz Nallinger. It was built by the automobile department but tested by the airship department. The cars produced 105 hp (78 kW) at 3100 rpm (no Mercedes had exceeded 1500 rpm before then). It had four steel cylinders (M93654), and sixteen valves, an aluminum crankcase, crankshafts of special Austrian steel, a single camshaft, and displaced 4483 cc.
In 1921, DMG presented the superchargedMercedes Kompressormotor, successful in both the private market and on the race track.
See also[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft.
^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on January 4, 2017. Retrieved February 1, 2006.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
^ abcdefLord Montagu and David Burgess-Wise Daimler Century ; Stephens 1995 ISBN1-85260-494-8
^Wise, David Burgess. 'Daimler: Founder of the Four-Wheeler', in Northey, Tom, ed. World of Automobiles (London: Orbis, 1974), Volume 5, p.483.
^Wise, p.483.
^Wise, p.482 caption.
^Georgano, G.N.Cars: Early and Vintage, 1886–1930 (London: Grange-Universal, 1990), p.39.
^Georgano, G.N., p.41.
^Reed, John (August 2007). 'Daimler agrees to name change with Ford'. Financial Times – via LexisNexis Academic.
^The Times July 28, 2008
Eric's Auto Service
Wise, David Burgess. 'Daimler: Founder of the Four-Wheeler', in Northey, Tom, ed. World of Automobiles, Volume 5, pp. 481–483. London: Orbis, 1974.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years ago
Gen 1 Bug Team Moveset/Stats
I wanted to post the movesets of my gen 1 bug team. Keep in mind this is gen 1, so there’s an extremely limited moveset available back then. It made for an interesting challenge.
Also keep in mind this was an in-game team, so I needed some HM slots. For some HM moves (Flash, Surf, Fly) I had to deposit one of my team, withdraw the HM slave, use it, and immediately re-deposit the HM slave. The HM slave was not used in battle at all, since the rules were this was a strictly all-bug team.
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Pinsir: Double-Edge/Strength/Seismic Toss/Submission
Pinsir was my most physically defensive poke on the team, which was essential for my survival. He also had the highest physical Attack. As the physical tanker and attacker, I decided to also give him the high-basepower recoil moves, Double-Edge (BP 100 in gen 1) and Submission. Double-Edge was a TM in gen1 and nearly all pokes could learn it. And yep, Submission was a TM in gen 1 as well, and was very handy against Ice and Rock types. Seismic Toss has a unique feature in gen 1, in that it can hit ghost types. So that’s why I left that on there. Strength is not only useful for all those damn boulder puzzles, but it has a solid BP for Pinsir when I didn’t want any recoil.
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Scyther: Quick Attack/Swift/Slash/Swords Dance
Scyther was the speediest on my team (although Venomoth was almost as fast), and carried the very useful priority Quick Attack for finishing off things just in case he still couldn’t outspeed (which did happen sometimes). I let him have Swift specifically in case I ran into a trainer that loved spamming Minimize or Double Team or somethin’. Not useful in any other situation, but I had an extra slot. Slash was his main move, and its high crit chance was very useful. Several other bug types can learn Slash (Parasect, Pinsir), but I decided to leave Slash up to the very slashiest-looking bug so I could have a little more variety on the team just for the fun of it. Scyther uses the move well, anyway, because he has great Attack. Swords Dance is nice on Scyther because he’s speedy enough to easily set up and sweep.
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Butterfree: Psychic/Double Team/Supersonic/Reflect
Butterfree doesn’t learn Psychic naturally, unlike Venomoth, so I taught it to her via TM. Reflect was also a very useful TM for her. As you can see, Butterfree’s Defense is not exactly super great (though Beedrill’s is even worse). Reflect works differently in gen 1. It doesn’t have a 5-turn duration and instead lasts until you switch out. It will only apply to the pokemon that used it, not the entire team. Anyway, it let Butterfree survive hits she normally wouldn’t. Supersonic has pretty shit accuracy, but it’s a real nice backup strat in case shit is hitting the fan and the battle isn’t going well. Double Team is just filler, to be honest, as it’s not a move I usually bother with.
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Venomoth: Psychic/Mega Drain/Toxic/Substitute
So this was a fun set to use. The idea is toxic stall, as you might have guessed, setting up subs, getting a toxic off and then Mega Draining some HP back. Mega Drain was also nice coverage to hit the Ground/Rock types in the game. Substitute is a very difficult TM to obtain in gen 1, but I really wanted to try it out. Janeway didn’t always even need sub to stall a pokemon out, as she was my strongest pokemon in Special, and could tank special hits and hit pretty darn hard with Psychic. That said, when facing down a Charizard or some shit, it’s nice to have a bug with Substitute.
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Beedrill: Cut/Twineedle/Skull Bash/Swords Dance
This fellow clearly doesn’t have the best stats, but considering Butterfree and Beedrill are super early-game pokemon, that makes sense. As I noted in another post, Beedrill’s signature move in gen 1, Twineedle, was the strongest bug-type move of that generation (BP of 25 but always hits twice, for a total of 50.) This helps make up for Beedrill’s not-stellar stats (Parasect also has a signature move that does this), and as my best bug STAB user, he actually did a lot of work, surprisingly. Swords Dance (needs to be taught via TM) also helps make up for Beedrill’s lower stats. Beedrill also was my designated cutter and I decided to give him Skull Bash mainly for the lolz. Gen 1 has some bizarre TM compatibilities, and the idea of a Skull Bash Beedrill just amuses me to no end. (I mean, bees don’t even have skulls. they have exoskeletons XD) That said, Skull Bash is BP 100 so it also helped Beedrill to do some actual damage on those that resisted bug type moves.
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Parasect: Dig/Spore/Solarbeam/Body Slam
Finally, last but not least, we have Parasect. This fellah’s stats sit somewhere between the two early-game bugs and the two Safari Zone bugs. His speed is absolutely apalling, so don’t expect this guy to outspeed anything anytime soon. That said, the other stats are decent compared to his fellow bug types of this gen, and while his Attack is higher than his Special, he can still make use of Solar Beam and impart that grass STAB. Obviously I also had Spore on his moveset. This is Parasect’s signature move of gen 1, and incredibly powerful compared to the other sleep-inducing moves. Frustratingly, sleep can last as short as a single turn in gen 1, and it felt like that always happened to me, so I admit I didn’t bother with it usually. I opted for Body Slam on Parasect instead of the usual Slash, just for some added variety and the para-chance. (although oddly, for some reason, Body Slam cannot paralyze Normal types in gen 1)
I also had Dig, which was not only very useful for exiting dungeons speedily, but was really nice coverage on a team that really could not learn much in the way of coverage moves. Keep in mind Dig was a BP of 100 in gen 1, so it’s as strong as Earthquake. It’s also pretty neat to have a move that’s super-effective on Fire types, although on a Parasect? I didn’t exactly have a lot of opportunities to actually use Dig on fire types. With that speed and 4x weak to fire, yep, he’s mostly gonna get KO’d before he can get a hit off, but sometimes he did do important damage to a fire poke. Parasect’s best work was probably vs. the Gyaradoses and tanking Hydro Pumps, though.
And that does it! I plan to do an all-bug run of gen 2 next, so stay tuned for that. :)
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Mar 2, 2017.
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