#(silwan is under ongoing demolishens btw)
emptyanddark · 3 years
only some recent cases of the Israeli crimes against Palestinians
This is 15 year old Imad Khaled Saleh Hashash. Yesterday he was killed by Israeli regime forces during a raid on Balata refugee camp near Nablus. Imad was watching the raid from the roof of his house when they shot him in the head with live ammunition. Rest in power Imad. pic.twitter.com/O0wjLqlBgz
— Dr. Yara Hawari د. يارا هواري (@yarahawari) August 25, 2021
🇵🇸#Palestine || Last week, Israeli settlers hit 15-year-old Tareq Z. with their car, chained him to the hood, hung him by his arms from a tree, and beat him unconscious. Tareq survived the attack but is still unable to walk. Via @DCIPalestine pic.twitter.com/fbg0F95n3j
— Eye on Palestine (@EyeonPalestine) August 27, 2021
read article here: https://www.972mag.com/settler-attack-teen-palestinian/
Omar Abu Annil , a 12 year old child who got shot near the barbed fence a few days ago, has passed away from his injuries to the neck. [r] pic.twitter.com/i6TVTrtlCz
— TIMES OF GAZA (@Timesofgaza) August 28, 2021
"What do I do if I had to give birth away from you & chained. You know what it's like to undergo a cesarean delivery outside of a jail, how would it be to undergo it chained inside the jail?" Anhar Dik,a Palestinian pregnant woman in a letter to her husband, from Israeli prisons pic.twitter.com/F71Jc5HzgM
— Maha Hussaini (@MahaGaza) August 25, 2021
Anhar Al Deek is currently confronted with a terrible fate. She faces having her most precious moment in life (childbirth) while in jail. The detention centre where Anhar resides is renowned for it's inhuman conditions, no MOTHER deserves this!#SaveAnhar #انقذوا_انهار_الديك pic.twitter.com/8S1K905Pna
— عبدالعزيز الدغيم (@AzizRashed0) August 25, 2021
Anhar a 25 year old, is 9 months pregnant and a mother who has been arrested and imprisoned in an Israeli military prison without trial. She is expected to give birth in prison. Israeli military prisones are notorious for many reasons, including incomphernsible brutalization of female prisoners.
Gaza is still constantly bombarded by Israeli airstrikes
Settlers backed by the military are still terrorizing and brutalising Palestinans who are just existing on their land (just some recent examples on my dash: X X )
Israel keeps demolishing Palestinan property including homes you can read more here
over 2 million Palestinans are still living under seige in the world's largest open-air prison. leaving is practically impossible - including for medical treatments- and needed supplies are mostly prevented entery. even Egypt recently closed its only crossing point, which was the major way people and supplies could cross, a few days ago they said they will only allow citizens stranded outside Gaza to return - for 3 days. X activists, journalists, protesters are being arrested, imprisoned, brutalized, harrassed, oppressed, threatened and killed. bodies of Palestinans, whether they are protesters or just happen to be in the cene, are kidnapped by Israeli military and witheld from burial by their families and cummunities.
Palestinans are constantly being punished for simply existing, for resisting the violent, systemic oppressive military apartheid regime. there is no end to the crimes perpetrated by Israel. Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine still deprives Palestinians basic human rights. Palestinans deserve much more than basic human rights.
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