#(side note the word jeremiad is really really cool)
Okay SO the professor supervising my research officially made me project leader on one of my pet projects and on one hand I am very honored. But on the other hand I am anxious as hELL because I genuinely really, really struggle with project management. Delegation, communication, sending concise and clear emails on time- all of these are points of weakness that have resulted in me sinking projects I really care about in the past. 
I really don’t want that to happen again. But I’m kinda petrified. I feel like I ruin everything I touch, that I’m really good at starting things but apparently incapable of finishing them, stranding people and ideas and inevitably letting everyone who ever believed in me down. 
Which is not a productive way to think but it is true. In a sense. I have meaningfully, unambiguously fucked up in the past and probably will again. That much is inarguable. But also. I care about my work, and sincerely believe there is something about my idea that is valuable. Worthy of proper exploration. Even if it fails, I want it to fail on its own merits, not because I was so afraid of failing and so paralyzed by executive dysfunction that I didn’t even bother pushing it to see how far it can actually go. 
I guess all that is to say I am excited and scared in equal measure. So... nothing to do at this point but try, right? 
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