#(shoutout to anyone who found this little addendum before today by clicking on links)
partystoragechest · 4 days
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A story of romance, drama, and politics which Cullen has accidentally become invested in.
Supplemental material for Unwanted, from the perspective of Cullen. In this addendum, Cullen wonders how he knows Trevelyan's name.
(Masterpost. Addendums. Words: 390. Rating: all audiences. Warning: addendums may contain spoilers for Unwanted and are best read after finishing the story entirely.)
Chapters 3-9, Addendum
Something still bothered Cullen about that ludicrous gala: Trevelyan of Ostwick.
Not the woman, of course, but the name. He’d heard it before. The problem was, he did not recall when or where.
Until days later, that is. It was not even the walk that did it. It was when he’d emerged from Josephine’s parlour, after their third or fourth shouting match of the week, to find a startled Lady Trevelyan outside.
By surprise, the name had re-entered his mind, and it was when he entered his office that he had recalled his reason for knowing it:
“The Ostwick delegation.”
He marched for his desk, and sifted through his documents. Surely, somewhere, he would have a copy of the list.
Apparently not. Which meant that the first runner unfortunate enough to enter his office with some report or other was at once recruited to his cause.
“Ask Leliana for the names of the Ostwick delegation,” he told them. “She’ll know what I mean.”
Order obeyed, off they went. Cullen was left to wait.
The matter had almost entirely slipped his mind by the morning, when Leliana’s reply at last arrived. He supposed it had taken her time to find the list—but no. What she sent in reply was no list:
Lady Trevelyan is who you think she is. Josephine is aware. Her Ladyship has not yet been questioned on the matter. Perhaps it would make good conversation, for your next romantic outing together?
- L
Cullen scoffed, and tossed the note aside. It joined a pile of many others—one he wouldn’t be sorting any time soon. Soldiers were currently filing into his room, precisely on time for a meeting with their Commander.
These were the kind of meetings no one in Skyhold dared disturb. All that was known of them was that they were very serious, and of great importance to the Commander. Therefore, not a soul would trespass them.
Until that day. An odd coincidence, that it happened to be the same woman whose name he’d been contemplating.
Her departure was swift as her arrival. No nonsense. Cullen ought to have been delighted with the fact! But as his soldiers informed him that she was gone, and his eyes lingered upon doorway she left empty, he could not help but feel that he perhaps had further questions.
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