#(she didnt but she came into my office earlier when i was looking at fanfic )
polaroidcats · 10 months
Friend... please enlighten us.
What does a part Veela/part house elf character look like? (And you can't just say 'Remus'.) 🤣
Hi friend I'm so glad you asked!! See it all started when veela Lyall Lupin fell in love with house elf rights activist Hope Wolfiewolf (free houself), and they had a beautiful baby boy!! Because his beauty is hard to describe I made you a very scientifically accurate drawing, hope this helps! I'll be happy to answer any and all further questions or provide more drawings, now that I am also finally also a professional wolfstar fanartist!!!
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I cheated and my answer is totally still Remus Lupin, just in picture form hehe
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avidfanficwriter · 7 years
Rollins Vs. Amaro. (Chapter 1)
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Characters: Amanda Rollins. Nick Amaro. 
Rating: M. 
Warnings: Talk of abuse. Drinking. Anger. (more to come)
Authors Note: Takes place during the episode Spousal Privilege. Mainly after/During Nick and Amanda’s encounter at the bar which inspired me. (was posted on Fanfic but i lost rest of the story so, I’m reposting here technically) 
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. 
Chapter One: Drunken Fights. 
Amanda had got at the bar earlier than Nick did, an hour before they were even suppose to met. Drink after drink, she ordered and drank down. By the time Nick arrived, she had a buzz and wasn’t anywhere close to stopping. He walked over to her, smiling; no longer dressed in his suit but now a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a brown jacket. If she hadn’t of already been drinking, she would have been frustrated that he was late but instead took another long swig of her drink. 
“I started without you.” She said as he approached her eye sight, sitting on the stool next to her. 
“Went to the gym first.” Was all he said ordering a drink for himself. 
He fibbed. He wasn’t at the gym, in fact the last twenty-some times he’d used that excuse it was nothing more than an excuse. Most of the time, he was drowning himself in alcohol or dialing Maria’s phone number begging for her to talk to him. This time he was mentally yelling at himself for screwing up his relationship with Maria and now loosing his daughter. This case wasn’t helping, seeing Paula and A.J. having issues not exactly the same as he was in but they also couldn’t fix them, the only way he found how was the hit Paula. Nick could never allow himself to do that, no matter the problems he and Maria had. He would never lay his hands on her, not even in a joking manner. He wasn’t that man. His marriage was hanging off an edge of a cliff, Maria didn’t want to talk anymore, she didn’t want to see him; she wanted to leave. He didn’t blame her, he allowed it to happen. When he was finally able to talk, she was leaving. 
“You okay?” Amanda asked. “That was rough.” 
“Well, Calhouns just doing his job.” 
“Yeah, but she had no right to go after you like that.” Amanda said taking another sip of her drink then scoffing. “She’s got a point though.” 
“Yeah?” He chuckled, trying to hide his confusion. “Yeah, what point is that?” 
“That it’s a private---private manner...” Amanda was trying to composure herself, to pass off that she was sober but she looked anything but. The blonde resembled a kid who had just found alcohol, over indulging their selves in it. “between Paula Martin and her husband. I just think we’re over reaching.” 
Nick sits up straight, “Amanda, he hit her. End of story.” He couldn’t believe he was having to stress that point to Amanda of all people. He knew he shouldn’t have to, any sane person on this earth would feel the same but her, being an Special victims detective made it worse. She had a job to fight for the victims not the bully. 
“So, we get to decide what’s best for her? That’s infantilizing. That’s” She scoffs again. “that’s making her the victim all over again.” Amanda couldn’t help but chuckle. 
Nick looked at her, in disbelief. “Take it easy.”
Amanda did the opposite. “You counting my drinks now?” She accused in a annoyed tone. Nick clenched his jaw at Amanda, watching her stare at him in her drunken glaze. “Saint Nick? Right? Savior of damaged women.” She said leaning closer to him. 
“Stop.” Nick said in a loud tone. “Look, all I’m saying is: no man has the right to hit a woman.” 
“That’s right. That’s right.” Amanda agreed. “But some of us, don’t need to be saved. Okay? Like you married a woman who didn’t. Right? Maria?” She chuckles, proud of herself. “I saw the way she went after you in the squad--” 
“I never laid a hand on Maria.” He interrupts her, angered. 
She continues egging him on. “Yeah, but you never wanted too?” Not at all?” She asks leaning closer, she not even in her chair anymore, now standing on her own two feet trying to get right into his face. “She got to you.” A wicked smile appears on her face. “She still gets to you.” She pushes him, her hand colliding with his shoulder and shoving him away. 
“Right.” Nick agrees, trying to turn his attention back to this drink. 
“Huh, that doesn’t get to you?” 
She pushes him once again, harder this time. “Come on. That wouldn’t get to you?”
“No.” ‘
‘Really? How about that?” She speaks quicker now, pushing him harder and harder. Trying desperately to prove her point. “Come on, Nick, I know it does.” 
“Are you jealous of Maria?” Is that whats happening now?” He asks in both annoyance and anger, hoping that just maybe this would stop her pathetic attempt to anger him further. 
It’s her turn to look at him in disbelief. “Really? That’s where you’re going with this?” She asks. 
Nick’s plan failed, miserably. ‘Then what are we talking about here?” He asks. 
“You! Nick!” She says pushing him again. Harder, now grabbing the front of his shirt, tightening her grip around the cotton material. “No, no, no, Just drop the rock. No, we’ve just all seen you loose it. The whole squad room heard you yelling at your wife on the phone.” She continues pushing him, pulling him so he has no choice but to look at her in the eyes. “Listen, Paula Martin has the right to choose whether she presses charges or not. Okay? Because some of us don’t want to be victims.” She hit him this time, forcefully colliding her hand with his chest. 
“Hey!” He shouts. Rising to his feet so quickly, he kicks his chair back. He walks right in front of her, towering of her. His breathe quickens and he steps back, being a better man than she was expecting to get. He hits his drink, causing it to shatter on the floor. He wanted to yell at her but the last thing he was going to do was give her exactly what she wanted. He was done. 
“Alright, I’m gonna do what A.J. Martin should have done” He pulls his wallet out, slamming money on the counter, “walk away.” He gives her one last look, grabbing her drink before walking away. All eyes are on Amanda know, the drunken blonde causing a scene in the bar. 
Amanda resumed her seat at the bar, chuckling with amusement. “They’re all alike! They think they can tell us what to do. Order us around and all because of that thing they have in their pants.” She chuckles again. 
It wasn’t long before the bartender cut her off, telling her to get home. She argued as expected, going on about how she was a police officer and deserved respect. Unfortunately for Amanda, she was escorted out of the bar and told to come back when she could behave herself. The left her tab open as a courtesy to police officers but took her badge number in case she decided to skip paying it off.
She argued and kicked the whole way out, creating even more of a scene before tossing her jacket over her shoulder and stumbling down the road. She’d taken her hair out of the ponytail, letting her blonde hair flow in the slight breeze.
Amanda was drunk, far to drunk to think right and even worse could barely navigate where she was. Which helped stem her next bad decision. She pulled her cell phone out, after getting into a fight with her pocket. Dialed Nick’s number and held it to her ear.
He didn’t answer. It went straight it voicemail and he rant began. “Hey…. Nick, Nicky, nick.” She said in a slurred voice. “You… You are a good one, you know. Maria.. Maria, she doesn’t deserve you, I know that. Yo–you know that. Maybe you shouldn’t hit her but you should tell her you deserve better, you know? Tha–that you are better.” the sound of a car honking take her voice away from the phone as she shouts at it. “I’m on the phone asshole!” she tosses an arm up in the air angered. “But yeah… ” she says turning her attention back to the phone. “Just say it. Like you mean it. It’ll be fun, Nicky.” she takes the phone from her ear, glancing at the screen, ending the call before she spots another bar.
It was one thing she loved about New York, there was always a bar no matter where you were.
Nick’s eyes slowly fluttered open to the sound of a television in low, his head was pounding and his eyes were dry. Slowly, he sat up, letting the blanket fall from his chest when he noticed Maison was sitting in front of him. She was seated directly in front of his legs, a coffee mug in her hand and her eyes starring at the television paying no attention to him.
He groaned as fully sat up, “He’s alive.” Maison shouted with glee as she finally turned to face him.
Maison had a peculiar sense of humor and most of the time, it came out at the worst moments. They’d meet when she was just a rookie, had two weeks experience on the job when she stumbled upon a crime scene that had multiple illegal drugs and weapons. She was tiny but tall a good 5'7" with chocolate hair and a pair of light brown eyes. She was native to Staten Island but moved to The Bronx when she was eighteen. She joked at the scene in perfect ear shot of nick, “Maybe I should bag me up a few of these drugs for the headache, my paperwork is gonna give me.” Nick jokingly responding: “The dealer would give you hell.” It was a start of a beautiful friendship, with time she’d became a family member. “Aunt Maison.” Who came bearing gifts to make Maria and Nick miserable. As well as an outlet for Nick, when he and his wife fought, Maison would sit along side him listening as he went on and on about their problems. Usually within a few hours, he’d make his way back home to apologizes, coming to the conclusion he was in the wrong and things would be better until next time.
The most recent time, he came out drinking, a pained look on his face as he told the story of his wife cheating on him. Maison denied it, knowing with absolute positivity that she wouldn’t do that Nick or Zara. Only it didnt end there, Nick went full recon, spying on her and ultimately ruining his relationship for good. Rather than taking him home after their night of drinking, she was taking him to a hotel room and making him hand over his gun and go to bed. He was a mess. Which is how he wound up living with her, in her tiny two bedroom apartment. It’d been six months since he officially moved out of his home and into hers, boxes still sat in her living room and the spare bedroom.
Nick put his hand to his head. “How long have you been awake?”
Maison raised her hand, glancing at her watch. “Two, three hours.” She says then pointing her hand at the end table behind Nick. “There’s water and a aspirin on the table for you.”
Nick rubbed his face, breathing deeply and slowly started pulling his tie off. He was a miserable mess and overwhelmed by the fact that he didnt accident my choke to death in his sleep.
“Big night?” She asks, watching him drink the water.
“No.” He nods.
“Maria?” She asks focusing her attention back to the TV.
Slowly, she shifts her gaze back to him, confused. “The blonde chick?”
Maison chuckles, “Doing real great with the women in your life.” She smiles, taking a sip of her coffee. “What’d you fight about?”
“I think she wanted me… to hit her.” Nick says confused. He wasn’t sure if that was what Amanda was trying to do or if she was simply just angry. It could have been both for all he knew.
“Wait? She wanted you to hit her?” Maison chokes out, blinkly quickly.
“I-I dont know.” He says shaking his head.
“What? Did I? Is that what you’re asking?” Nick raises his voice at her, puffing out his chest. “No, I didn’t.”
“That’s not what I was asking and you know that.” Maison objects annoyed. She puts her mug onto the coffee table. “So you what decided to drink besidehe while she tried to frame you for abuse?”
Nick cocks his head at her, “No, I left Amanda and went to another bar.”
Maison nods. The pair sat in silence, Maison returning her attention to the news and Nick laying back down and starring at the ceiling. Maison had only meet Amanda and the gang once or twice around the time Nick has first transferred to SVU. Right off the bat, Maison could tell Amanda was trouble and because Nick was the sweet, far to caring guy that he was he didn't see it.
It was Nick’s first month at the new precinct, he sat at his desk across from Olivia’s, starring at the pile of paperwork. Fin was slowly making his way to Nick’s desk.
“Hey, newbie. What do you say you join us for some drinks?” Nick meet Fin’s eyes and suddenly realized everyone else’s eyes where also on them as well.
“I.. Uh… I appreciate the offer but I’ve got plans with a friend.”
“Bring ‘em.”
“I dont know, she’s homicide. My old squad didnt want anyone who wasn’t narcotics around.” He says, shrugging his shoulder.s
Fin who was now sitting on Nick’s desk, chuckles looking over at his partner, John. “As long as she ain’t the rat squad, she’s alright in my book.” He then glances at his desk, starring at the paperwork he had yet to touch. “But compared to my paperowkr I got, I’ll take your homicide friend and the rat squad any day.”
Nick and Maison arrived at the bar, quickly ordering their drinks and heading over the group of svu detectives. Olivia was the first to introduce herself to the young detective, shortly after Fin and John followed.
“I thought Amanda was coming.” Nick said looking around.
“Running late.” Fin said smiling The detectives all squashed together at a table, sharing the horror stories of past cases mostly at the fault of Fin and Maison. The two trying to top one another. Half an hour later, Amanda walked through the door, smiling as she approached the table. It wasn’t a pretty scene, her hair was a mess, eyes glazed and kept blinking it was uncomfortable yet no one said a thing, Nick however could tell that Maison was starting too and casually stepped on her foot to prevent her from. She gritted her teeth, elbowing Nick in his side while the conversations continued.
As the hours ticked by the detectives made their way home, leaving Nick, Maison and Amanda sitting at a table together trying to make small talk. Maison would have opted to leave shortly after Fin did but Nick was her ride and if she’d taken a taxi, he would have been tailing her, so Maison sat leaning on the wall as she played with her drink watching Amanda pull her lower lip into her mouth. She was flirting… With Nick. Openly flirting. A small smile, a chuckle, a casual hand rested on his bicep and some corny comment asking if he’d been working out. It was pathetic. Nick knew what was going on, he wasn’t furthering it but he also wasn’t putting a stop to it.
“Hey, Nick. Don’t you think it’s time to head home? Zara’s probably not asleep yet, huh?” Maison asks, not actually wanting to go home but wanting to escape the drunken escapade of Amanda Rollins.
“God, what are you his mother?” Amanda retorted, chuckling.
Maison smiled, leaning her arms on the table. “No, just a detective that knows how to handle their liquor.”
“Sure, it’s not Nick you want to be able to handle?” Amanda remarked with a smirk.
Maison cocked her head with an annoyed expression on her face. “Excuse me?” She asked in a tone Nick knew far to well.
“Maison, you’re right. We should start heading home.” He said putting his arm on her shoulder trying to keep her in her seat. “Amanda, this was fun but I’ve got to get home to Zara.”
“Nick, come on. Dont listen to her.” She whined, trying to grab his arm.
“Maison, let’s go.” He said, forcefully pulling Maison out of the chair, making her follow him.
Inside of the car, Nick looked at Maison disapprovingly, mimicking an expression he’d give his own daughter. “How the hell is she a detective?” Maison asked avoiding his gaze.
“She’s a good cop, Maise.” Nick argued.
“Yeah, good at making cops look bad.” Nick didn’t respond.
The memory wasn’t a pleasant one for either of them, Maison nearly ripped Amanda’s head off and Amanda was trying to sleep with him. “I told you something was off about that girl.” She said finally breaking the silence and glancing over at him.
“She’s not off, she needs help.”
Maison stood up, grabbing her coffee. “Amado, you need help now. Drink your water and don’t sleep with her. You’ve got enough problems.” She said leaving the living room.
She disappeared down the hall and shortly after the sound of the shower starting proved she wasn’t planning on coming back at least for a while. He laid back down, checking his cell phone and saw he had five missed call from Olivia. Instead of calling her back, he shut off his phone. He wasn’t going to work today, not with a hangover and not after what happened with Amanda. Instead he was going to lay down… until Maison kicked him off the couch and do nothing all day.
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sakura-stories · 7 years
The Perfect Day
Well, this is my first post in this blog and I don't really know how this all works. (Guess, I will be taking baby steps for now.) This was one of the first fanfic I wrote. Forgive me, for my writing skills are bad (like, really bad. Pathetic, actually). But this was a really good story I came up with and my friend really liked it. So I thought i will share this as my first post. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : I do not own bleach. I saw my future in those eyes. As I fell deep under his spell, I became more and more oblivious to the world around me. It was as though I was never alive till then. Everything seem to fall in place. "You can say I love you now, you know."He told her as she accepted his proposal to marry him. Her face looked shocked even though she managed a nod, accepting the life he offered. Together. "I love you, Kuchiki Rukia". She blushed deeply at his words. "You could have figured that out earlier, genius" she smiled. This was the best thing that could have happened to her. She was sent as a messenger to the noble houses, delivering some important documents. She had just handed the printed paper to the noble head when the orange headed strawberry changed her world. More like shocked her to oblivion. The ring was a big suprise. She never thought he would ask her to marry him at the most unromantic moment of her life. Sure she had very few of that in her life. She was a shinigami. Their life was a constantly in battle. But even she had dreams on how she would get proposed. But in front of all the noble clan members, just as soon as they declared that the Kurosaki's were no nobels as they did not want to take the Shiba name, was not in her wildest dreams. Thank goodness Nii sama was not there. Ichigo had luck on his side. "Ahem..." someone coughed, embarrassed. The magic of the moment broke. They looked away from each other, going from pink to beet red. "I presume we are done here. You are all welcome to leave." One of the noble head said. He was clearly trying not to look at them as they left for their quaters, clearly in a hurry. "Let's go." Ishin said, in a very polite manner. All the Kurosakis (with the new addition ) opened the door which was their only escape. -----------*****************------------ "You guys should have seen their faces" Yuzu piped up. "Finally they did it. Thank god for that ! " Matsumoto laughed. "Let's celebrate with sake! " she exclaimed. Matsumoto will always be Matsumoto. She would take anything as an excuse to drink. A lot. Rukia blushed as all five pair of eyes glued onto her and her going-to-be-better-half. Her fiancé was busy keeping her father-in-law- to- be in a deadlock, for comenting about future grand children. Yuzu had called up a party the following night to celebrate their engagement and was busy with the preparations. But no one should have underestimated Kurosaki Isshin. He was capable of spreading gossip faster than Youroichi sama's flashstep. The guests tuned up pretty quick. Matsumoto, Rengi, Ukitake Taicho and Hanataru ( though she had a feeling he was there for someone else. Her future sister in law was the destination of his eyes. Coming here for them was just an excuse. ) were all gathered in their living room. " Congratulations Rukia chan". her taicho said "I hope you are happy, Rukia." Reji said " and I will bankai your ass if ya ever hurt Rukia" he shouted to her fiancé, who gave up on his father and joined her side. "Yeah,yeah. I would bankai your ass if you fall dead with all that sake." Ichigo replied. Matsumoto was filling everyone with sake. Even Ishin was drinking more than usual. Rukia blushed more than she thought was possible as Yuzu beamed at them while she passed the food around. The Kurosakis were in a celebrating mood today. "Yuzu, we have to come up with baby names. Lots of 'em." The drunk Kurosaki taicho told his daughter. To her amazement, all of her guests were too into this little task with more enthusiasm than necessary. "Hey Rukia, come with me." Ichigo wispered to her as they moved out to the garden. -------------**********************-------------- He was awestruck by her beauty. But what amazed him more was that she was his now. For the rest of eternity. " I think they are just too happy for us." Rukia said as she gazed at the moonlight. His mind was dragged back to reality ( and eyes from her face) at those words. He could live the eternity just looking at her. He would do anything for her. Would be anything for her. "My family emmits craziness. I think you should have been more careful when you said yes to me." Ichigo smiled at her playfully. "I think I got the rotten apple of the lot. My faith!! " she was being very melodramatic. God! I was happy that she was miles away from those soaps she used to watch, he thought. But they were a greater evil. More dangerous than Aizen himself. "Oh yeah! Then why did you say yes?"he retorted. "I was in shock. You took advantage of my situation. "She replied in mock horror. "Uh. I must have brain damage to love you."his reply earned him a rock on his head. "Hey! What the hell was that--" his words forgotten in her kiss. "I love you, idiot" Rukia said, softly. He was an idiot for not asking her out for all these years. But he was now ready to grab the moment and make the most of it. He closed the distance between them. His lips found hers as his hand moved onto her body, exploring it. Rukia's small kiss was all the acceptance he needed. He now had her as his own. "Well, when are you planning on telling Nii sama about this?" Rukia enquired, her face a bit worried. Damn it. I had totally forgotten about that. "Maybe we should go now,before he...." "Karin! What --???" Yuzu's hiped voice caught both of their attention. He followed Rukia's eyes back to the room. He just couldnt believe his eyes and ears as heard the rest. --------------*********************-------------- All the Kurosakis were in the most joyful moment of their life. He was happy with the news of thier engagement that Ukitake just couldnt resist the temptation to congratulate them first. He was enjoying the evening tea Yuzu offered him(though the others were having sake), with the hunt for perfect baby names. The two lovebirds were off in the garden with their private moments. Ukitake was glad it all ended well for both of them. They deserved to be happy after all that they had to endure. He was himself thinking of a few baby names as the door slid open. Noone noticed the absence of the other Kurosaki twin until she entered with Shiro chan. The white haired taicho was certainly uncomfortable. His expression was rather tense. But what caught Ukitake's eyes were the pink tint on the young taicho's cheeks. Was he blushing? Ukitake wondered. "Hello Karin Chan" Ukitake greeted her. Others looked up from their little game. "Where were you Karin?"Yuzu asked. The couple, who were hand in hand when they walked in, readjusted themselves. "Good evening Toshiro chan. You must have heard about Ichinii and Rukia nee". "Yes. Congratulations." He said. He was clearly very uncomfortable now. "Taicho! Glad to see you came." Matsumoto said. She was one of a kind. That woman had more tolerance to sake than any of her other drinking friends. ( who had all passed out on the floor. ) Ishin, however, remained conscious and sane. "Hey Toshiro. Thanks for coming. Why dont you go and congratulate your going-to-be-in-law!" He smiled devilishly towards the young taicho who was more red than a tomato. "Hey, Ukitake. Sorry we are late. " Kyouraku said as he entered the room followed by Nanao Chan. "Congratulations Kurosaki Taicho. You are just one lucky man. Son got engaged and daughter got married. All in one day." He said to Ishin. "What do you mean Kyoraku.?" Ukitake asked his friend, completely confused by his statement. What was he implying? "Oh! Didnt Karin chan tell you that she and Hitsugaya Taicho just got married a few minutes back? They kept us up till now doing the paper work for all that." He smiled at the young couple as he helped himself to the sake. The look Karin and Shiro Chan gave him was a good 'I will kill you for this', which he ignored in the presence of sake. Well, it was a well earned glare as Ichigo, the most destructive person in all of soul society and her brother, was in the house. The reactions of different people present in that room to this news varied from "wow! My girl is all grown up" by Isshin to "my taicho is finally a man "by Matsumoto. "Karin?? What--" a voice broke the glaring-ignoring contest. The other twin responded with a shocked expression. Her voice was loud enough to get the attention of her brother and sister in law. They entered the room, with a slight blush on their faces. Well.. today seems like a very good day as a lot of people were blushing. "What the hell happened Yuzu?" Ichigo asked. His eyes narrowing at the black and white haired couple. "Oh Ichigo! Our little girl got married!!!! Karin and Toshiro just came in after that.!!"Ishin babbled on happily. Ichigo looked at his father and the groom, as if trying to decide whom he should go after first. Murder was written all over his face. "I am so glad Karin. But you could have gave us some sort of a warning." Rukia and Yuzu congratulated her. Ichigo was looking at his family, a mixture of cluelessness and 'what the hell is happening?' on his face. The 4th seat of 11th squad knew where danger lies. So her eyes never strayed from her brother's face. She looked calm, as though she knew this would happen. Shiro Chan looked very nervous. Even he cared for his life, to not be dead on his wedding night. Ukitake watched all this in silence, as he wondered what would happen now. But what happened was a whole different story. ------------------****************---------------- "What happened?" He asked, as she rushed to his office. She usually stayed with him in his office most of the time. 10th squad office was her second home. "Come with me, Toshiro. " she dragged him away, a smile plastered onto her face. He had started dating her for a little over a year. But he knew her since she was a human. He knew very well that her smile was not to be trusted. He mentally kicked himself as he understood that it was his suvival instinct that told him it was dangerous. He never realised till then that she was trying to get him killed by her brother, as she explained her plans to Kyoraku Taicho. "So, can we complete the whole marriage formalities in a few hours?" She asked the new soutaicho. "Well, yes. But why are you two in such a hurry? You are both very young now. Dont you want to enjoy some time in a relationship? " the soutaicho asked her. What the hell was she thinking? Why now? All of a sudden. From where did she get this idea! "I would like to get this done. The biggest issue of our nobility is now out of the way. So I dont see why we should wait." She shruggd off his question. He had to do something. She was trying to get him killed along with destroying the whole of seritei. He got hold of her arm and excused them outside the 1st division office. "What is it Toshiro? " she asked, annoyance clear in her voice. "What are you doing Karin? I haven't still asked your brother or your father for your hand. Ichigo would kill me if I just went to him, married to you." He tried to reason with her. "He would try to kill you either way. So lets just do this. If I remember, it was you who wanted to marry me before we took our relationship 'seriously'. "She silenced him." And we dont have to tell them about this now. It will be our little secret. " He was dumbfounded by the fact that she was saying this in the soutaicho's room, though they were out of their earshot. He couldnt believe she was actually making him do this. But what silenced him was the truth in her words. Yes, Kurosaki Ichigo will not listen to half of what he said before trying to kill him. Even if it was before or after the marriage. It didnt matter. And he did insist on marrying her before they did something he would regret, no matter how irresistible it was getting. Karin was more stubborn than he thought. The Kurosakis were indeed very stubborn. Karin dragged him back to the office as he just looked at her, stupified. The rest of the events were still blury to him as his mind failed to understand that he was married to Karin, the only girl he ever loved with all his heart. "Now that all the paperwork is done, you are both officially married to each other. Congratulations! ! You may kiss the bride." Kyouraku Taicho said with a smile. The newly wed couple blushed at these words, as they rushed out of the office doors. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Ichi nii is now engaged to Rukia nee." Karin said. Hitsugaya almost froze into place. "You mean we got married on the same day your brother's engagement? " "Yeah. Oh dont worry so much dear, I am sure they will be pretty happy with us." Karin said with fake innocence and a teasing smile. "I am happy that we are not going to tell them about this now" he said, completely defeated. "Oh, I forgot to give this to Yuzu." Karin said, holding a packet. "She asked me to go shopping for dinner. They are planning on celebrating. " Thus they went to the Kurosaki house, without a hint of what was going to happen. -------------****************------------------ Thay never thought that all hell would be let loose when they got to her home. Sure Kyoraku Taicho wasn't informed about their plan to keep things quiet. But that didn't mean he should have announced the news in front of everyone. Her eyes were plastered on her brother as though he was a bomb, about to explode. No, he was not a bomb. He was much more destructive that that. She could feel her usually calm husband, very tensed. Her sister and sister in law were congratulating them. But her eyes and ears were scanning her brother who looked visibly shocked. For someone else, it would look like he was confused about what to do. But Karin knew her brother well to know that he was trying to decide how he would kill Toshiro. "You! How dare you?!!" Ichigo shouted at Toshiro, glaring at him. It seemed as though Ichi nii was to try to kill Toshiro with just his stares. "I love her, Ichigo. We want to be with each other."Toshiro explained in his calm voice. "OF ALL THE NERVE!!!! BANKAI !!!" ichigo said as he rushed to Toshiro with his sword. "Ichi nii" Karin blocked his attack with her sword. The occupants of the room were too dumbfounded to react. Rukia was the first to recover. "Ichigo! What are you doing???" She kept a tight grip on his arm. -----------****** --------- How dare he even thought he could look at her??!!!! Ichigo's head was going from 'what the hell' to 'I am going to kill you slowly and painfully' as he saw them standing in front of him. "You! How dare you??!!" He hissed at the white haired menace in front of him. "I love her, Ichigo. We want to be with each other."Toshiro's calm voice did nothing but infuriate him. He was outraged to a point where he would kill this man, the source of all trouble. The reply made by the calm taicho made him snap. "OF ALL THE NERVE!!!! BANKAI !!!" He screamed as he lunged forward with his sword. His attack was blocked. He looked up to see Toshiro with his sword. He was shocked beyond words to see it was Karin who stopped his attack. He just stared at her. She was stubborn. Her eyes said that he would have to go through her to get to Toshiro. "Ichigo! What are you doing??" Rukia called to him. Her grip on his arm was firm. He knew she was trying to make sure noone got injured. But he just couldnt give a dammn to anything other than ripping the white haired nuisance in front of him, in two. "Move back Rukia. I will finish it now. "He deflected Karin's sword which made them step back. They were in the courtyard now, Ichigo pointing his sword menacingly at Hitsugaya. He lunged forward to deliver his blow. He stopped mid flight. He realised that there were a lot of cherry blossom petals surrounding him though it was too cold for it to bloom. "Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." A mild voice said. Ichigo was now paler than ever. He knew what he had to do. What was the ONLY thing he had to do. He flash stepped away with such speed that would give Youroichi a run for her money. The cherry blossoms followed him followed by a dark haired man. No one knew what happenened. But everyone was happy that the house wasn't turned to rubble. And for Ichigo, all they heard from him that day was a scream to Toshiro "I WILL GET YOU AFTER THIS !!"
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