#(shamelessly spam tagging right now)
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theoryofwhatnow · 7 months ago
yeah aha, so normal! we’re soooo normal about them. *feral noises*
All of My Devotion Turns Violent
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Hello:) I wanted to share with you all this very unfinished drawing of Alex and Nigel I made- which I unfortunately won't get to finish anytime soon because of work.
This was my second time ever trying digital art, and I want to apologise for the terrible quality, I made the canvas size too small and only realised halfway through. It's definitely not perfect, and hopefully, once I get a little bit of free time, I'll be back with something so much better.
Special thanks to @not-a-heretic for being there to watch it all come together (we are so normal about them)
( listened to a lot of Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke and Take Me To Church by Hozier while making this.)
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nekropsii · 10 months ago
homestuck fandom circa 2012-14 was a nightmare fr. so many big art accs had a nsfw side accs dedicated almost exclusively to incest/pedo ships it was insane... but god forbid you made the striders black
Hell, half of the time shit wasn't even on a side account. Most of the time it wasn't even tagged. Not just as NSFW, but as the other shit that it was. No content warnings, nothing. Sometimes people would deliberately not even tag the ship so you couldn't filter it out without blocking either the main tag or a whole character - like, for example, not tagging BroDave as either "BroDave", "Stridercest", "[CW/TW] Incest", or "[CW/TW] Pedophilia", and instead just tagging it as "Bro Strider", "Dave Strider", and "Homestuck"... So in order to avoid seeing that, you'd have to either filter "Dave Strider", "Bro Strider", or "Homestuck", and that's just not fair.
It's weird when people act like CW/TW tagging has always been a thing that the Proship-type crowd have abided by, like, religiously, and that anyone complaining about shit not being tagged just isn't being careful enough, when... No, that's really not been my experience whatsoever. Hell, there's still untagged incest content in the Homestuck main tags now and then to this day. It's even weirder when people say that tagging incest and pedophilia is "a courtesy that no one has to abide by", and refer to it like a privilege that can easily be taken away, like a toy from a child. Like, god damn, so much for caring about victims, huh? So much for the whole motto about respecting people and their boundaries, right? So much for that defense that "no one can complain because everything is tagged". Man. What the fuck, lol.
At least nowadays you're way, way less likely to get flashbanged with Pedophilic Incest Porn spammed on your dash at random. Fandoms were so egregiously, violently, shamelessly fucking unsafe for kids back in the day. I hate the fact that people are nostalgic for that era - the behavior people were exhibiting was frankly just disgusting, and there was practically no barrier between "adult space" and "all ages space". The way fandoms behaved back then was wildly unchecked and fully fucking dangerous. That history of constantly exposing kids to porn of 13 year olds getting fucked by their adult parents/siblings is not something to be proud of. People should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. This is not a point of pride. So many kids were victimized and traumatized. Just abominable. Nightmare is right. Being a kid in the Homestuck fandom in the early 2010s was terrible.
Purposefully exposing kids to this fucking nightmare pornography is a point of pride, people loved doing it, but god forbid you drew anyone Black, or Fat. God forbid you were Black yourself. God forbid you were Disabled. God forbid you tried to critique the story in any way. God forbid you were Gay, or Trans, or Bi/Pan, or Nonbinary, or anything at all. God forbid you had headcanons that went against the status quo. God forbid you "drew the characters wrong" (e.g. Blonde Vriska). God forbid you "liked the wrong characters" (e.g. Vriska Serket, Mituna Captor). God forbid you "liked characters for the wrong reasons" (e.g. Nepeta Leijon, for being strong, mature, and emotionally intelligent, and Vriska Serket, for any reason at all). God forbid you critique the Fandom's Behavior, or Fanon. God forbid you breathe. God forbid you express any individuality at all. Nightmare dimension. Fuck.
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senorarelojes · 4 years ago
Pizzaverse artwork and ficlet: 'A Little Piece'
@maiyashu made this really cute and beautiful Instagram post of Pizzaverse Dave being silly and drawing little monsters/creatures on the notes he leaves for Alan and their kids around the house. Of course, Alan shows off his husband's work on Instagram. Under the artwork is an accompanying ficlet set in the future for the Pizzaverse timeline. Thank you dear Shu for your gorgeous (and funny) artwork! Happy Father's Day to the boys!
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Title: A Little Piece Pairing: Dave/Alan Rating: General Tags: Pizzaverse, Kid Fic, Fluff
Dave was always amused whenever Alan teased him about being the one in their relationship who was more addicted to social media. It seemed they were both on an even keel; Alan posted more often, while Dave had a variety of accounts across various platforms that he’d lost interest in after the initial posting frenzy. They had their different addictions too: Dave liked the spontaneity of Twitter and TikTok, while Alan for some reason preferred Facebook and Reddit. But Instagram was their common vice, and most of their friend circle were on it as well.
Before fatherhood, Dave had imagined that his use of social media would dwindle because he simply wouldn’t have the time. But instead he’d found the opposite to be true: now he wanted to post about Alan, Paris and Stella all the time, and he didn’t even care if no one outside their family and a few chosen friends would find it cute.
Of course, both Dave and Alan took care to obscure the faces of their daughters. But the adorable things they did were up for grabs: Paris’ first steps, then followed by Stella’s in a few years. Their first stuffed toys. Their first drawings. Dave shamelessly spammed his IG feed with various pictures and videos, and refused to feel bad about it because Martin was doing the same with his kids, and so was Fletch, who seemed convinced that his daughter was a maths prodigy.
Of course, Dave posted pictures of Alan on his feed as well. Naturally his husband was usually included if it was a picture or video with one of the girls, such as Alan helping Paris with her homework or feeding Stella at dinnertime. But sometimes Dave saved a few precious shots he’d snuck on his phone, like Alan frowning at the computer in his tiny makeshift home studio, or stealing a rare moment after the girls had gone to bed to listen to one of the many records he owned. Those didn’t get as many likes and comments as anything Dave posted of the girls, but he didn’t care much.
In truth, Dave would have probably gone on like this if Alan hadn’t taken him aside one night and asked him why he’d stopped posting pictures of his art. “My art?” Dave echoed, genuinely surprised that Alan had been keeping track because Dave certainly hadn’t.
“Yeah, your paintings.” Alan gestured towards Dave’s most recent effort, which was a white cat posing regally by a candle. Even that had been painted more than a year ago, before Stella had come into their lives. “You don’t really post them anymore. Or paint much more, for that matter.”
Dave just kept staring at Alan in astonishment. When they had gotten married and subsequently made the decision to become parents via surrogacy, it had been pretty much an unspoken agreement between them that family and work would have higher priority. This meant their hobbies were naturally the first thing to be sacrificed for time, and Dave had been fine with that. They hadn’t touched the band in years, not since the last time everyone had performed at Martin’s wedding.
But now Dave realised that he missed painting with an ache like a phantom limb, like something that had always been a part of him was now oddly missing. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d picked up a paintbrush for the hell of it. Everything he’d designed or illustrated over the past year had solely been for work, and that thought pained him like a spike through his solar plexus.
In contrast, Alan - who had always been very driven and disciplined - seemed to have no problem reviving his interests in mixing and composing after Stella had started sleeping at more regular hours. So Dave didn't even have the excuse of fatherhood.
“You should pick it up again,” Alan told him with a gentle squeeze of his hand, before moving on to the topic of Father’s Day, which was coming up. Dave just nodded distractedly when Alan suggested ordering in brunch from a nice restaurant, still preoccupied with thoughts of Alan’s mind-blowing revelation.
After that conversation with Alan, Dave decided to try and carve out time for painting. Although that wasn’t always possible, he did want to show Alan he was trying, so he started with small gestures. If he left reminders and post-its for Alan around the house, he’d be sure to draw a funny cartoon to accompany his loopy handwriting, like a sentient postbox (to remind Alan to go to the post office) or a funny caricature of Martin and Fletch (to ask Alan if he wanted to have dinner and catch up with them).
Alan never really mentioned the little drawings beyond an amused eye-roll, but Dave knew Alan was never particularly verbose about his true sentiments anyway. Dave had learned to look towards Alan’s actions instead. Sure enough, Alan started taking pictures of Dave’s little drawings and posting them on Instagram with an accompanying dry and witty caption, along with the hashtag ‘#artisthusband’. To Dave’s surprise, it really took off among their friends and other family members, and Dave always had to fend off demands from his mum and Sue about more cute artwork everytime he called home.
Since Paris and Stella loved the drawings too, he started drawing little monsters for them on their paper lunch bags, which he would prepare for them before Alan would drop them off at daycare. It wasn’t long before Alan started posting these on Instagram too, and his comment section would get animated at times because Martin, Fletch, Paul, Daryl and the rest would start discussing which creature Dave had meant to draw. He didn’t have the heart to tell them he’d made them all up on the spot.
Having Alan’s support like this, even for his silly little drawings, was more fulfilling and touching than Dave had expected. So he’d really meant it when he said he was going to get art supplies, but more often than not Dave would get distracted and buy Elsa colouring books for the girls instead. Alan hadn’t said anything at all, but Dave knew how to read him pretty well by now. His husband was definitely planning something.
On the morning of Father’s Day, Dave was the first out of bed so he put in the order at the restaurant before going for a run in Hyde Park. His metabolism wasn’t what it used to be, and he’d gotten into the habit of eating off the girls’ plates whenever they couldn’t finish their food. Alan was a really good cook too, so Dave knew he had to fit in a run today if he was going to be feasting on french toast and eggs benedict for Father’s Day.
When he got home, he thought he spotted Alan in the study with a giggling Paris and Stella. “Hello, my loves,” he yelled out at the door, even more mystified when Alan quickly stepped out of the study with the girls, closing the door hurriedly behind them.
“The food’s just got delivered, I’ll set the table,” Alan told him with a too-bright smile. ‘You go shower first, yeah?”
Dave decided to let his suspicious behaviour go for now. “Alright, sure.” He loped over to where they were, giving Alan a brief kiss and a I’m-on-to-you squint before bending down to stretch his arms out to the girls. “Can I get a hug first?”
“Daddy’s stinky!” Paris protested laughingly, while an uncomprehending Stella just giggled along with her older sister.
Dave’s jaw dropped in mock outrage. “Stinky, am I? How about I make you stinky too, huh?” He pretended to chase a squealing Paris and Stella for a hug, laughing when they ran to hide behind an amused Alan’s legs.
“Just go shower, the food’s getting cold, you lunatic.” Alan shook his head at Dave with a grin before shepherding the girls to the dining area. Dave left him to it, washing up quickly so he could join his family for breakfast.
However, he wasn’t expecting to find Alan and the girls waiting for him outside the bedroom, all of them grinning innocently at him. “What’s going on?” a suspicious Dave asked.
Paris took his hand and tugged him to the study, Alan picking up Stella and following with her in his arms. When Paris pushed open the door, Dave stared in shock at the brand new easel waiting for him, along with the art supplies neatly piled on top of a blank canvas. He stepped forward, picking up the paints and brushes with trembling hands. Alan had gotten everything right, remembered every detail from when Dave used to paint before they’d gotten married and become fathers.
“I had to take a bit out of the holiday budget for this,” came Alan’s soft voice behind him. “But it’s worth it for me to delay our trip. I’d rather see you painting again.”
“We want more of Daddy’s paper monsters!” Paris declared gleefully, while Stella stared at all of them in bafflement.
“I--” Dave just couldn’t speak. His heart was so full, like it was going to overflow with joy and sentiment and his overwhelming love for his family. There were simply no words that could possibly encapsulate the emotions warring within him now, so instead he grabbed Alan and the girls to him in a tight hug, his breaths ragged and his eyes wet.
“Happy Father’s Day,” Alan said quietly, the smile evident in his voice even though Dave couldn’t quite see his face.
“You too, Al.” Dave pulled away to kiss him, then smothered his squealing girls with equal affection.
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multiply014 · 6 years ago
#31 Days of CoAi ends...
Happy CoAi Day (5/1), everyone!
Today is the last day of 31 Days of CoAi!
The 31 Days of CoAi project has been my way of keeping my promise to start posting up a prompt a day (which I had imagined I’d do for a year, but here we are). Since 4/1 and 5/1 were both days celebrating the CoAi submarine, I figured, what better way to celebrate the ship (and shamelessly spam the coai tag) by putting into action what I initially planned (but in a smaller scale)! And I even managed to wheedle out friends to do it with too!
And so, I struggled the entire month. Without noticing, it’s already the end..!
In my first post for 31 Days of CoAi, I talked about how I started shipping CoAi. Now, on the last day of 31 Days of CoAi, I think the best question to cap this project is: Why do I still ship CoAi?
(And, if you remembered what I said during my 4/1 post, what does my answer to that question have to do with Shinichi and why I’d love Shiho for Shinichi?)
Why do I still ship CoAi?
Given that it’s more or less never going to happen in canon, why do I keep clinging? Well, no canon ever has stopped anyone from shipping!
I can’t deny though, it was very clear from the start that Shinichi and Ran would be endgame for the series. Was there even doubt?
(Before you maul me, please let me just reiterate that I ship CoAi from the bottom of my heart, I swear!)
You see, Shiho had no one, but Shinichi actually had a whole lot of people on whom he could rely. Even though the number of people who knew could be counted in one hand, he at least still had someone. As CoAi shippers, we could say—But there was no one else that was in the same de-aged Organization-entangled boat as him! Shiho would be the perfect person to understand him!!!
But, really, if we were holding a competition as to who understands Shinichi the most, would Shiho really win? Perhaps, yes. But wouldn’t Ran, being Shinichi’s closest and best friend almost all his life be a good contender for the number one candidate for the title?
I think it is at this point that my shipper feelings completely win out: that Shiho can actually contend with the people Shinichi has known his whole life and the people that share Shinichi’s love for mysteries. In fact, this is one of the ideas that just captivate me in the CoAi dynamic: that she knows him so well despite having spent just half a year with him and being so different from each other.
Of course, we could always attribute Shiho’s understanding of Shinichi and being in sync with him to her constant observation of him. That, and that she’s a genius in her own right, so she is likely to be able to keep up with his thoughts.
But, more than that, and I think this is something I’ve already said countless times in my first post, I ship CoAi because of their shared experiences that had unfolded right in front of us, the audience. And, I keep shipping the two of them because I can imagine so much of what I wanted those shared experiences to mean for the two of them, especially how I wanted Shinichi to be affected by it.
I know this is fiction, and the series is definitely not strictly constrained by real-life logic (otherwise, would really only half a year pass? Would people really drop dead everywhere Shinichi goes? And that’s only two of the most glaring of all unrealistic elements in DC, not that it’s anything bad), so characters are not expected to act as if they were real people too. This is true for all series.
(Though I do believe that “Truth is stranger than fiction” but let’s not go there right now, haha!)
But we, the audience, abide by real-life logic, and are immersed in it. I can’t help but use this standpoint to construct their characters and to imagine the unsaid, to fill the blank spaces in between:
—What happens in their daily lives as school kids?
—What happens in the nights Shiho works on the antidote?
—How has Shinichi’s inner thoughts, logic and feelings been affected by his encounter with the Organization, living a lie, living in hiding (as much as that means for Shinichi, really), in constant fear that he will be found out and cause the people around him their lives?
—When Shinichi realizes he now has “friends” he’s actually close with besides Ran, how would this change him?
And now I ask the more shippy and canon-divergent questions:
—When Shinichi realizes there is actually someone else not Ran or his family who would “go that far” for him, how would he feel?
—As much as Shiho had changed throughout the story, what Shiho habits had Shinichi picked up?
—If Shinichi had stayed with Agasa instead of the Mouris, how would have Shiho and Shinichi fared as housemates?
—If Shinichi had gone with his parents, how would have Shiho’s introduction arc gone, and what aspects of their relationship would change? 
There are a lot more questions in my head, and probably a lot more that others can come up with! 
And, actually, canon touches on most of these. But there’s a great big hole, an empty lot that screams the meme “It’s free real estate!” for us CoAi shippers.
Of course, you could argue the same for any two people in the series. 
Since we’re already talking about something we can say for all pairings, I’d like to slide in how I’m so charmed by the thought of Shiho and Shinichi tied by the red string of fate. Imagine, Shinichi and Shiho, two unrelated people (unless proven otherwise by Gosho...) are lucky enough to experience the super rare side effect and survive APTX. What a coincidence, right?
In any case, I acknowledge that most of these questions and points for takeoff are really not that unique to CoAi. I can spin the questions around and it would probably be applicable to every possible ship ever. However, the answers (and further questions that those answers spawn) that I think up to those ideas keep me shipping CoAi, because it’s just so them.
Their possibility, for me, is irresistibly attractive.
Honestly, though, as much as I’ve written explaining why I ship CoAi, it’s not like there needs to be rocket science to ship two (or more) people together. I could have just said, “Ah, they look cute together!” and be done with it. And I personally believe there isn’t anything wrong with that!
I just wanted to share how I got so attached. I don’t think I would have fallen in this deep if there weren’t those.
Going forward, I plan to finish up my promises on my update post last 19-01: I’ll whip up Mask’s third (and probably last) chapter, Deja Vu’s extra chapter (probably a prequel), Rest and that KaiShi fic I promised momo and Angel-Chan234. After that, I will be focusing on reviewing the fics everyone has already done because I think the CoAi fandom needs more audience!
My askbox will always be open though, and I’m always up for conversation!
Still! The last day of 31 Days of CoAi has yet to end! In 4 hours, I’ll be posting my last fic post for the project (tag for all fic posts: x fic posts), and 4 hours after that, I’ll be posting One Chilly Morning (tag for all prompt fills: x prompt fills; tag for all fics in One-verse: x dcmk one rainy afternoon).
If you missed it, my previous meta post is posted here on my Tumblr blog (tag: x meta) and all the posts I’ve done for 31 Days of CoAi is here as well (tag: 31 days of coai)!
Thank you for staying with me throughout this project!
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moonlit-theft · 6 years ago
SHIPPING INFO !! Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST ! Do NOT reblog.
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WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER?: I have -- several. I guess most notable are Kaname x Eiri and Zero x Eiri? ( with Kaneiri as a main because that’s the ship she started out with, but Zeiri as a very, VERY close second ).
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: I’ll write a lot of things??? As long as it doesn’t break character (i.e cheating) and as long as it stays clean (no smut yo!).
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: A bit hard to tell - especially since most of her ships are supernatural. If it’s with humans? Not too large. Maybe somewhere between her age and up to 10 years older? Though the larger age gaps would take place in her 18 years old verse. Supernatural characters? No age gap is too big - I mean, it’s not like she’ll die when she awakens. The longer they stick together, the smaller the agegap is gonna look, right? xD (face it, what’s a 10k years difference when she herself is like 20k+ years old?)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Semi, I guess? All I require is a lot of chemistry and plotting. I’ll honestly ship anything that works, but I won’t force ships that don’t work, either.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NS/FW?: If it gets to the hand roaming part of making out, I guess?? Just in case that’s where I tend to read more things. Once things get past the making out and down to the stripping however, is when it’s time to fade to black.
I--- have a lot of ships xD. I can and will gush for hours, but instead I’ll just uh, tag a few of them who are the most active ones right now, so you guys should definitely check those people out!! 
@imperialsea (not on these accounts, but several of our sideblogs!)
Most of the others are currently on a hiatus, but asdfg I don’t love those ships ANY less! >w<!! 
Same as with all my platonic ships: love, love them!!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: It-- can help? xD Though it’s also fine for their character to start having unrequited feelings for mine, and then to wait and see what happens.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: When it works, it works! And if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. 
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE - OR - LESS?: Mm... Both?? I’m not gonna go out of my way to ship with people, but I will spam ship stuff until the end of times when we ship :’D  While I ship with duplicates, I don’t auto-ship with a character just because she’s shipped with a duplicate of that character. Each interpretation is different, after all, and will definitely be treated as such!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Probably Kaname x Eiri! Though that tends to switch mood dependently with Zero x Eiri, but since Kaname was Eiri’s first ship in the RP in which she was created, I’ll always have an immense soft spot for that!
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: With a lot of interactions - both ic threads and memes, and ooc gushing and plotting and headcanon’ing -- so probably the same as for most? Before approaching me for a ship however, we’re gonna need to have some things done to set the pacing for our characters! Though we don’t need to have done things all the way up to romance’ing, I’d like to at least see the way our characters interact : no chemistry? No ship!
TAGGED BY: No one, I shamelessly stole it from @thebastardlady TAGGING: @darkfated @imperialsea @sadistic-sakamaki @humanitylost @random-vk-scenarios @x-blood-bound-x @raiiju @rasasvadx @horclogium @umbracxlo @hysterickanxto @witheredknight @ivoryfated @hidarikiki-no-kenshi @bxd-kxrma @arrogantlycompassionate @mizuiropearl @bite-x-the-x-bullet @royalbounds and literally everyone else who wants to do it!
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protectjugheadjonesiii · 8 years ago
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Read “Ever Since New York” first
Check my series masterlist for updates!
Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Description: The morning after the first time (Y/N) sleeps in Jughead’s room, he realizes that it’s not just a crush.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,377
A/N: sorry, the writing in this is kinda really trash. on an unrelated note, I will be travelling abroad for the next three weeks (don’t worry, I’ve got the next parts queued) so I won’t be able to add anyone new to the taglist.  enjoy!
Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and then see what we find?
It really shouldn’t have affected the way he viewed her.
He always thought she was clever, amusing, and drop-dead gorgeous.  But there was something about seeing her quaint vulnerability in the morning that made her even more beautiful.  It was more vulnerable than those nights that she’d sit in his room and spill her secrets; this was a serene type of vulnerability.
The way the sunlight poured into his hotel room and highlighted all her features, flawed or perfect.  The way she was positioned in a way that should not seem attractive, yet it enticed Jughead even more.  The way her soft breaths betrayed her harshly sarcastic exterior.
It felt like a cliché scene pulled straight out of a romantic comedy: he laid in his bed, unmoving, watching (Y/N) as she slept, admiring every feature.  He justified this to himself by thinking that if he moved, he could wake her up, and he didn’t want to disturb her slumber after the long night they had.  But really, deep down, it was because he wanted to shamelessly admire her for just a little bit longer.
I'm selfish, I know But I don't ever want to see you with him I'm selfish, I know I told you, but I know you never listen
It was a Saturday, so there was no harm in allowing (Y/N) to sleep in.  Jughead knew that if he woke her up, he’d have to deal with her grumpiness that accompanied her exhaustion all day.  He knew that side of her too well.
Jughead remembered last night so well: how (Y/N) called him with a shaky voice, and her trembling body tentatively entered his room.  He remembered how the numbers on the clock quickly progressed from midnight to three o’clock, and he remembered how it was too late to allow her to return to her room.
Her legs were tucked towards her chest, her hair spread out against her pillow.  Her lips were slightly parted, and her face was pressed against Jughead’s chest.  
He’d have to be an idiot to wake her.
So he didn’t.  He remained in bed, keeping his body exactly how it was positioned when he first woke up: legs entangled with hers, arms wrapped around her waist.  He even kept his breaths shallow in order to let her sleep.
I hope you can see, the shape that I'm in While he's touching your skin He's right where I should, where I should be But you're making me bleed
“Jughead?” her groggy voice pulled Jughead out of his trance.  He shifted so that he could turn his head and look down at her waking figure. “What time is it?”
Jughead turned to face the clock sitting on his nightstand.  “Almost ten o’clock,” he informed her.  
She wriggled so that she disentangled her limbs from his and was propped up on her elbows.  “Jesus,” she muttered, rubbing her eyes.  “I didn’t realize I slept in so much.”
He shrugged.  “I mean it’s Saturday, so I figured I’d let you sleep.”
(Y/N) glanced up at him and smiled.  “Well thank you for that,” she said, slowly removing the blankets off of her.  “I should probably get back to my room now, though.  Gotta get dressed.”
“Right.”  Jughead awkwardly nodded with a tight-lipped smile, not knowing what else to say.  Before she could open the door, he spoke up again: “You know, you should start leaving some of your stuff in here.  If you’d like to, that is.  That way, if this happens again, you won’t have to bother going back to your room. Especially if it happens on a weeknight.”
(Y/N) peered over her shoulder and grinned at Jughead.  “I’d like that very much.”
Woman Woman (la la la la la) W-woman Woman Woman Woman (la la la la la) W-woman Woman
Something about that morning threw Jughead off.  He repeatedly told himself that nothing happened last night, and there should be nothing to overthink.  That didn’t stop him from constantly thinking back to the moment he woke up and saw (Y/N) laying in his arms.  It wouldn’t leave his head all day.
When they walked to breakfast, hand-in-hand, Jughead couldn’t help but remember how his arms were wrapped around her waist just an hour earlier.
When they sat down in a quaint café, he couldn’t help but think about how they sat on his bed last night, her on his lap as they talked the night away.
When (Y/N) ordered a sunny side-up, he couldn’t help but think about how the sun made her skin glow that morning.
“Jug,” (Y/N) asked in the middle of breakfast, “are you okay?  You seem kinda distant today.”
Jughead shook his head. “I’m fine.  Great, actually.  Sorry, I’ve just been overthinking some things.”
(Y/N) set her fork down. “Overthinking?  Do you need to talk about anything?”  To her surprise, Jughead grinned.
“No, it’s fine.  Just overthinking the good stuff, you know?”
Tempted, you know Apologies are never gonna fix this I'm empty, I know Promises are broken like a stitch is
This wasn’t the first time Jughead had realized his feelings for (Y/N).  He had known for weeks about the crush he was developing on her.  How could he not?  She was witty, hilarious, and not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. But after last night, something felt different.  He felt like it may be something more than just an insignificant crush.
He could go hours without thinking of her perfect smile and melodious laugh, but now she never left his mind.  She made a home in his heart, and he had no intentions in trying to remove her.
Jughead couldn’t find the right word to describe it.  It was quite ironic, considering he met her through a writing internship.  He was a master with words.  Why he struggled to find the correct word puzzled him.
He checked a thesaurus, searching for words listed under “crush.”  None of the synonyms fit: affection, admiration, care, desire, devotion, hankering, sentiment, yen.  Nothing slipped off his tongue just so.
I hope you can see, the shape I've been in While he's touching your skin This thing upon me, howls like a beast You flower, you feast
“(Y/N),” he said, turning to face her, “I’m searching for a word.”
“What word?” she questioned, looking up from her book.
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking,” he replied, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes, but she still wore a smile.  “I need a word that describes a crush, but more.  Like a word that describes your heart racing when you see that one person. Or when their smile makes your day a million times better.  Just their mere presence seems like a gift that you don’t deserve, but they’re still there, making your life infinitely more amazing.”
“Jughead,” (Y/N) cooed, her grin widening.  “Are you thinking of a specific person?”
“What?  No,” he scoffed, shrugging indignantly.  “I’m writing something, (Y/N).  It’s what writers do.”
She nodded, unconvinced. “Uh huh.  Well there’s one obvious word that I though of.”
“Which is?”
“Love, Jughead,” she told him, staring him straight in the eye.  “You’re thinking of love.”
Woman Woman (la la la la la) W-woman Woman Woman Woman (la la la la la) W-woman Woman
Love?  That couldn’t be it.  Jughead did not know many things about love, but he did know that what he felt for (Y/N) surely wasn’t love.
Searching for her familiar face during their internship was definitely not love.
Counting down the minutes until he could go to dinner with her was definitely not love.
Not being able to sleep until he had a late-night hot chocolate chat with her was not love.
The aching in his heart when she wasn’t around could not be love.
The overwhelming warmth he felt when he saw her that morning, bathed in the early sunlight, could not be love.
But then he rethought it. Every time they held hands, every time he wrapped his arms around her, every time he saw her smile and it sent his heart racing.  It wasn’t just a crush, nor was it as simple as desire or as plain as affection.
Jughead was in love.
Tag list: @isis278 @lost-in-wonderland-x @spam-to-follow @thatspidernamedmeagan @isabellarose5150 @mariadrinaa @amyyleblanc1999 @sweetvengeancee @latenightbooknerd @sweetthoughts-of-insanity @icouldntcomeupwithausername123 @britishfancyturtlebraindead @sxazzaxs @fragilefrances @opiate-this-hazy-head @onceuponagladerhead @deanskitten @vibes09 @rainbows-and-glitter-bitch @pharaohkiller @platonicasever @littlemisscaptainfandom @becausefuckkyouthatswhy @poorsop @klf1999 @cass-v-95 @eliza-hamilton-helpless @bugheadedarchie @emmacoffey13 @disneykidafi @we-are-vintage @jockarchie @yikesyellow @thegirlwhofuckinglived @8th-weasley @riverdalemami @juggiejones-iii @jvghead-jones-iii @arian5a @luv2reade16 @maddie-leighhh @madhatterxd @thesaraaaaahpfan @damiansbeloved
Tags for this fic series: @crazygirl107 @imagine-inc @bubblegumcat229 @riverdalephan @angelina-g-l @rachel-mcn @sardonic-jug @aussiebealynch @thisloveisgoodbadours @laa-rose @bulletin-thedark @fixacious @band-nerdie @bellasett @walkitoffpietroplease @tailsbeth @ivyxchaplin @kandikane-monsta
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andmyvape · 8 years ago
20 Questions pseudo-tagged by @dreamerinsilico
Name: Yall are not privvy to such dark secrets
Nickname: Momo! Or Wrath.
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 5′ 4"...
Orientation: I'm gonna go with somewhere between demi and bi..?
Ethnicity: white
Favorite fruit: Kiwi!
Favorite season: Seems like summer is when I do my most interesting stuff so we'll go with that
Favorite book series: Dresden Files by Jim Butcher! The man is a genius for modern retellings of old, old folklore
Favorite flower: Corpseflower
Favorite scent: I wear lavender and peppermint a lot but if we want to talk about favorite things that I have smelled then I'll have to say lasagna day in the high school cafeteria, because it's distinguishable and the sign of a Not Horrible day!
Favorite color: Deep blue, almost navy
Favorite animals: Wolves and Rather Intelligent Birds
Coffee, tea, or cocoa: MONSTER
Average sleep hours: I murder everyone in sight if I don't get at least 8 hours
Cat or dog person: This is not a fair question I have a cat who thinks he's a dog and a dog who thinks he's a cat and they're both fantastic!
Favorite fictional characters: ... Am I allowed to answer with my own? Lol just kidding. Buffy from BtVS, Serana from Skyrim, Rose Lalonde, VRISKA MOTHERFUCKIN SERKET, Charlie from Supernatural, Murphy and Maeve from Dresden Files, and Styxx from the Dark Hunter series.
Number of blankets you sleep with:  I have SO many blankets right now you have no idea. We're talking ten, and a mix of a bunch of different fur, fleece, so on
Dream trip:  Find the biggest, most remote valley with a river in it, and live there for a year
Blog created: Like 2013, after the Gigapause
Number of followers: 314, trimmed of porn blogs and spam. Give me a minute while I scream mightily at that number jfc
Tagging: @shimmy-sham-with-the-fam @redarmswingydealything @shamelessly-anonymous @taeloerohz 
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astralarchived · 8 years ago
Asexuality asks 1-25. Sorry m8
[insert the *inhales* BOI meme here]
13, 19, and 24 have already been answered here
1. When did you know that you were asexual?
technically i realized back in like 2014, when i took the kinsey scale test and the result came up as “x” (non-sexual) but i put off looking into it until the end of may of this year
2. How do you define asexuality for yourself?
okay so i’m a gray-ace, which means i’m on the spectrum, so i can still like, get turned on and fuck, but really i have a low sex drive and i don’t have any desire for sex, and it’s not something i factor in when i’m looking for romantic partners/lifetime partners. i lean heavily toward the demisexual definition (sexual attraction only after a strong romantic bond is formed) but like...even then a lot of times i don’t wanna fuck so i’m just like “gray-A it is!!”
3. What is your romantic orientation?
straight. unfortunately. 
4. What is your full orientation?
wtf does this mean ahhh cis girl (she/her pronouns), heteromantic gray-ace (does this even answer this question??? lmfao)
5. Do you like sex?
i mean, i’ve never had sex, 17 and living that GOOD CHRISTIAN VIRGIN LIFE (this is sarcasm don’t attack me pls), so i wouldn’t know if i personally like it, and as for like it like, in fiction...i tend to skip smut scenes whoops
6. Do you like romance?
hell to the fuckin YES
7. Would you be in a romantic relationship?
8. Would you be in a sexual relationship?
not if it’s strictly sexual. i’d only want a “sexual” relationship if it’s like, we’re married (i’m not fuckin before marriage if you’re not ride or die then forget it)
9. Would you be in a platonic relationship?
like...a friendship??? i'm in like, seven of them
10. Describe your attraction to men?
kiss me and cuddle me and hold my hand while we watch star wars you fuckin COWARD
11. Describe your attraction to women?
i need best friends i can snapchat at 1 in the morning asking if you can see my bra through my shirt (women are like my sisters basically)
12. Hugs or kisses?
hugs tbh
14. Preferred kisses to give?
honestly just refer to my answer for 13
15. Favorite thing about being asexual?
that would explain why i never felt bad about never having fucked anyone, and now i can just say “i’m ace” to anyone who asks. plus, my loves of space and dragons are both ace stereotypes/memes, so i fit right in
16. Least favorite thing about being asexual?
we get left out of lgbt+ spaces a lot, especially if we’re heteromantic (...so, like me), and it’s such an underrepresented sexuality that NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS so coming out is basically me handing over my phone, where i have an explanation saved in my notes
17. Worst thing someone has said to you about your identity?
no one’s said anything bad yet, but i’m only out on the internet, my immediate friend circle, and to anyone at school who follows my instagram spam account
18. Best thing someone has said to you about your identity?
there’s really nothing specific anyone has said, all of my friends were just super happy for me and super supportive so i was like ALRIGHT BET
20. Cake?
yes, ice cream is the best variety
21. Dogs?
i fuckin love dogs my dog is great his name is toby and he’s a cute lil bean
22. Cats?
cats are cool but i’m a dog person but i won’t hesitate to pet a cat when given the opportunity
23. Do you consider yourself LGBTQA?
what the fuck do people think the A stands for, automobile??? ambiance?? america??? of course i consider myself LGBTQA the A means ACE YOU FUCKERS
25. Asexual headcanon?
all of the characters in this ask
this is the part where i would link back to the ask meme and my ask box but these were all the questions so here’s a link to my writing tag bc i’m going to shamelessly self-promote
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elluvians · 6 years ago
I’m gonna shamelessly indulge myself in all the Dragon Age 4 reblogs/edits/meta/theories right now so if you don’t want to see me spamming you can blacklist these tags:
dragon age
dragon age 4
dragon age inquisition (i’ll probably reblog lots of that as well)
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jess-cas1800 · 8 years ago
Tagged by the ever so awesome @smileyoureoncamera
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours and when you’re done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you
A - Age: 19
B - Biggest Fear: Currently it’s falling down those steep stairs they have at stadiums
C - Current time: 6:57
D- Drink you last had: lemonade
E- everyday starts with: me waking to my alarm and spamming @mivends until he wakes up then falling asleep
F- Favorite song: Loch Lomond sung by Peter Hollens
G- Ghosts, are they real: Yes. Don’t fuck with them
H- Hometown: Houston born and raised!
I- in love with: @mivends we’ll be a year next week
J- Jealous of: my sister because she’s terrifying and I need that power
K- Killed someone- not yet
L- last time you cried- couple weeks ago. I think…
M- Middle name- N/A
N- Number of siblings: 4. I’m the oldest
O- one wish: I’ll survive the next four years intact
P- Person you last texted: boyfriend
Q- Questions you’re always asked: How do you spell your last name?
R- Reasons to smile: I have boyfriend. He’s awesome. And he’s mine. And I still love him and he’s awesome. Did I mention he’s awesome?
S- Song last sang- Devil went down to Georgia
T- time you woke up: 7:57 a.m then I went back to sleep until 8:15 a.m
U- underwear color: Can’t tell ya
V- vacation destination- going around the world
W- Worst Habit: I bite my nails. I’m trying to stop.
X- X-rays you’ve had- i had one last year to confirm if I have TB. I don’t, I just always get positive results and the doctors never believe me.
Y- You’re favorite food- Enchiladas made by my mom. I am seriously craving those right now.
Z- Zodiac sign- Aries
I shall now tag @mivends @strawberryishness @thesilkbow @shamelessly-anonymous @paragrin and anyone else who wants to
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jaeehee · 8 years ago
thanks to @emilyrosepetalinfected for tagging me! c:
DIRECTIONS: Answer these questions/fill in the blanks and tag twenty followers you’d like to get to know better.
NAME: Sherine NICKNAME: pan, shrine GENDER: Female STAR SIGN: Leo HEIGHT: 169cm SEXUAL ORIENTATION: het ace HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw FAVORITE COLOR: Black FAVORITE ANIMAL: Jellyfish c: TIME RIGHT NOW: 3:27AM AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: either 4 or 12 there is no in between CAT OR DOG PERSON: I CAN BE BOTH FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: I honestly don’t know? Maybe Yuuri from yoi cause i relate to him a lot?? Or maybe Shizuku from Whisper of the Heart? Cause that’s probably one of my all time fave movies NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 1 FAVORITE SINGER/COMPOSER/BAND: I don’t really like based on singers/bands, i’m more of individual songs? Honestly can’t pick anything omg DREAM TRIP: maybe to a beach with friends, or to a theme park. something that’s not a day trip. WHEN WAS THIS BLOG CREATED: this one in particular was created like... a handful of months ago? I think around July/Aug ‘16 WHEN DID YOUR BLOG REACH ITS PEAK: erm idk what this means but i’m gonna say about a couple months back?  WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO MAKE A TUMBLR: erm i joined tumblr like yeaaars ago, but that was just cause of curiosity. stayed for fandoms. i made this blog in particular cause i didn’t want to spam my main blog with mm stuffs (it’s supposed to be a marvel blog but now it’s shamelessly voltron and yoi hahahaha)
i have no friends so let’s just pretend i’ve tagged people :’D anyone can feel free to do this and tag me, i’d love to read your answers c:
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bucksbisexual · 5 years ago
just finished ep5 so here goes my opinion on it:
hands down the best episode of the show (i’ve literally only watched 5 but,,,)
so many things happen in it, i was constantly stopping the episode to process them oof
so: COMMUNICATION!!! what i mean by this is kao telling pete that he should listen to him before he assumes and gets angry (maybe it should be another word but im stupid and my vocabulary isn’t big) and pete being like “i’ll try to not beat this child up next time i see him”
AND HE DOESN’T!!!! character development baby!!!! old pete would’ve trashed that shirt and given it to him after beating him up but this pete? he was angry but didn’t act on his emotions and it makes me so proud of him yes baby u do that become good <3
i had to stop the episode after the dad said he was okay with whoever pete dated as long as they made him a better person because i was about to cry,,,,, we never see many supportive dads in lgbt media (or at least supportives right away like he was) and even less in real life and it just... it’s so important to have supportive parents when you’re lgbt because it can break you apart not having the love and the support from people who have raised you and who you have adored for so many years
which is why kao’s reaction to every little thing that might out him to his mom feels so real when you’re a lgbt viewer. the anxiety and the worries of not being accepted by one of the people you love the most in the whole entire universe are HUGE. i relate to him a lot because i also went through the “fuck my mom and my sister can’t know because what if they don’t accept me? how do i even tell them when we’ve never talked about relationships or anything like that at all?”
i honestly hope that kao can come out to his mom in the way he wants to and that mOTHERFUCKING CHILD DOESN’T OUT HIM BECAUSE IF HE DOES I’M GONNA CH*KE HIM
i’m still not done with petekao hold up
THE POOL SCENE!!!!!!!!! SUCH AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ll probably gif it to please myself but like...... i felt that conversation
the second bed scene with them talking about how kao should say it when he’s ready is so cute,,, pete is so supportive of kao and you can see he loves him so much and he does it shamelessly while respecting kao’s choice of not being out to other people and i’m just- so emotional i’m not gonna be ready for the “what are we” thing gOD
okay now i’m done with petekao
but am i really? yes i am ksfhskjf
the conversation non(t) overheared made me so angry oh my gOD I HATE CISHET MEN!!!!!!!! I HOPE U CH*KE BITCH BYEEEEEEEEEE
rain and the girl (i forgot her name sorry ;-;)!! they looked so cute baking together but that cupcake(?) with hearts being for mork Hurt Like A Bitch,,,,,,, my boy deserves better!!!!! he deserves someone who likes him back :-((((( but also girlie if u wanna hmu instead of trying to be something with mork who’s uhm cómo se dice gay then u can i am free every single day of the week i am an unemployed gay *eyes emoji*
sun and mork going around coffee shops to see the competition sjkfhs so cute but i wonder who was in charge of the whole shop when they were going on their coffee date...... rain wouldn’t be able to handle it all......... oh god
alright this is really long but i specifically didn’t live post my reaction just so i could make this longer and not spam the tag hhhhh
it’s early so i think i’m gonna watch ep6 now and maybe continue watching either tharntype or history3 trapped afterwards............
okay bYE
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/fans-of-canceled-teen-show-shadowhunters-are-shamelessly-spamming-jimmy-fallon/
Fans Of Canceled Teen Show 'Shadowhunters' Are Shamelessly Spamming Jimmy Fallon
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What are the odds of winning the $1.6 billion Mega Millions jackpot? About 1 in 303 million. What are the odds that the eventual winner of said jackpot would use the winnings to rescue the Freeform show “Shadowhunters” from cancellation? Surprisingly, pretty high.
Every week, Jimmy Fallon’s Twitter account sends out a prompt for the “Tonight Show” hashtag game, and his team collects the best in-theme responses to be read on the show. For example, one week he asked for the best #momtexts, and he received the following response: “I once got a text from my mom where ‘You’re amazing’ autocorrected to ‘You’re adopted’ #momtexts.” 
Usually, tweeters stay on message. (Moms do text hilarious things after all.) This week, however, they did not.
Fallon’s Tuesday hashtag, #IfIWonTheLottery, was simple: It asked people to divulge what they’d do with their billions if they were to win. But instead of fun hypothetical lottery-winning scenarios, Fallon’s prompt sparked a deluge of spam from an unlikely source: the overzealous “Shadowhunters” fandom community, desperate to save a show that was canceled back in June.
It’s Hashtags time! Tweet out a funny or weird thing that you would do if you won the lottery, and tag it with #IfIWonTheLottery. Could be on the show!
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy the rights to #Shadowhunters and save it from its unnecessary demise. Or use the money to make a continuation with the same cast and characters.
— Tasha Adamski (@TashaAdamski) October 23, 2018
Absolutely 💪👍 #SaveShadowhunters
— Linda (@Linda_Grace74) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy @FreeformTV and SHUT THEM DOWN! Then resurrect @ShadowhuntersTV which they cancelled despite it being their best show. #SaveShadowhunters
— Tasha Adamski (@TashaAdamski) October 23, 2018
#SaveShadowhunters 👍
— nicolevanderheide (@Nicoleeh___) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy the rights to #Shadowhunters this show means the world, to so many people. The fans are literally being ignored, no matter what we do so, I would set up my own network and treat fans how they deserve to be treated #SaveShadowhunters
— Goth Spice of #TeamEdom ➰🇬🇧➰ (@LexioftheDSC) October 23, 2018
Definitely. Its horrid the way we have been treated. #SaveShadowhunters #Free3B pic.twitter.com/DiVgpebw2Q
— Tasha Adamski (@TashaAdamski) October 23, 2018
At this point, you might be asking, “What the hell is #Shadowhunters?”
Based on the book series “The Mortal Instruments” by Cassandra Clare, “Shadowhunters” told the story of Clary Fray, a young woman who finds out on her 18th birthday that she’s a Shadowhunter ― a human-angel hybrid who feels compelled to suddenly hunt demons, as one does.
Freeform canceled the show after three seasons in June 2018, but the network is set to air a two-hour wrap-up event in early 2019. Nonetheless, fans are clearly unsatisfied. If they won $1 billion, they would use it to bring the show back in full, and they want to make sure Jimmy Fallon knows.
#IfIWonTheLottery I’d renew Shadowhunters for more seasons, Sue @FreeformTV for mental damages and take the entire fandom on a much deserved holiday #SaveShadowhunters
— Emma 💘 #SAVESHADOWHUNTERS (@emmeboo79) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy the rights to #Shadowhunters and continue it with the same cast & crew for more sesons! #SaveShadowhunters
— Vicky ➰ (@vickychrissy) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery of course I’d #SaveShadowhunters! I’d also rent a huge Stadium, bring all my Shadow Family there and hire the entire cast so that everyone could meet them and tell them how much we love them ❤
— Elodie 🇫🇷 #SaveShadowhunters (@malecistruelove) October 23, 2018
Buy out Freeform close it down and tell the staff they’re now unemployed via social media then #SaveShadowhunters for as many seasons as I can afford
— janbo baggins (@jkbelisle) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy 3B from @FreeformTV so we can watch the Halloween episode of @ShadowhuntersTV #SaveShadowhunters
— Lillian loves Dom #SAVESHADOWHUNTERS (@Lilybane24) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy the rights to @ShadowhuntersTV and give our cast their jobs back because they deserve to have a season 4! #SaveShadowhunters pic.twitter.com/mRf0HI2K8M
— Lillian loves Dom #SAVESHADOWHUNTERS (@Lilybane24) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy @FreeformTV and the rights to #Shadowhunters !!! And #SaveShadowhunters
— amvar27🇦🇷❤️➰ (@amvar27) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would save our show first obviously @ShadowhuntersTV hire Morgan Freeman to read me bedtime stories and quit my job after telling my boss he’s a nobhead and that he has a tiny dick #SaveShadowhunters
— Emma 💘 #SAVESHADOWHUNTERS (@emmeboo79) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would make fans all over the world happy and #SaveShadowhunters 🤗❤️ pic.twitter.com/vyE4gyCQ4Y
— Simona 💐 (@SimonaViola7) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would #SaveShadowhunters, a show that never should have been cancelled.
— C.B. Wentworth (@cbwentworth) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I’d definitely #saveshadowhunters
— Mel- Leo(notDicaprio)’s mom (@mellyb6) October 23, 2018
Also #SaveShadowhunters because the epic series with an awesome cast and crew make so many people around the world happy. #Shadowhunters #MalecForever pic.twitter.com/nvQ4ylt84f
— shadowhunters_austria🇦🇹 🇪🇺 (@ShadowhuntersOE) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would probably use it to #SaveShadowHunters
— Hollie ❥ HBD Emma Swan (@xhollie_sealeyx) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would #SaveShadowhunters & would make a #ShadowhuntersCon on every continent costs for hotel / flight / pass (inkl. photo & autograph) would be payed by me so that everybody of the ShadowFam get the chance to join a con & meet the cast & vice versa pic.twitter.com/pUdBiNu0lB
— Simona Seidler (@NiKaTaru) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would definitely buy the rights to Shadowhunters#SaveShadowhunters
— 🎃Kiki #SaveShadowhunters🎃 (@shadowsxmalec) October 23, 2018
well #IfIWonTheLottery I would hire someone to free season 3B of #Shadowhunters from abc family because they seem to be unable to air them themselves #SaveShadowhunters
— lui 🍁 | #SaveShadowhunters (@glitter_magnus) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery i would do everything to #SaveShadowhunters
— Trisha ➰ 🇲🇺 (@Trisha950) October 23, 2018
I’d buy Shadowhunters to #saveshadowhunters for ten more seasons
— Jess🍃#SaveSH!🍂LY Tour Berlin🖤💛 (@sfjessii) October 23, 2018
#IfIWonTheLottery I would buy the rights for #Shadowhunters so I can #SaveShadowhunters ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
— Lyra 🐿️ (@LyRa86337997) October 23, 2018
“Shadowhunters” fans have actually tweeted at Jimmy Fallon before, but their efforts have never been quite as coordinated as the #IfIWonTheLottery bunch. They’ve also made other, more extreme, efforts to save their beloved show ― including starting a Change.org petition, renting billboards in Times Square and even reportedly hiring a plane to circle Netflix’s LA headquarters with a pro-“Shadowhunters” banner.
Hey, if fans of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” and “Nashville” could help their chosen shows find a new home, some light hashtag trolling is the least this fandom can do. So hang tight, “Tonight Show.” Though you walk through the valley of the “Shadowhunters” of death, you fear no retweets.
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fans-of-canceled-teen-show-shadowhunters-tweeting-jimmy-fallon_us_5bcf73cbe4b0d38b587d33d3
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makeyour-lists-blog · 7 years ago
Internal Linking Best Practices
Internal Linking has to be the most simple yet most complex part of SEO. You can do it on your own completely. You do not have to contact other blogs, pay someone for a sponsored article, give free food in exchange for a review or anything. You just need to sit down and take a few hours of your time to really plan it out.
Recently I watched a video by Neil Patel, who of course, does not need any introduction if you have stumbled on to this page. The video was about internal linking, which led me to research on this easy yet elusive strategy. I would like to share my findings with you.
What is Internal Linking?
Before your content can start ranking, Google needs some links to the content, it is known as the World Wide Web, after all, you need links to your website! What we forget is that internal linking is as essential. So, you went out and got a thousand backlinks for your website, but now what? How does Google crawl your website? What is important? What is not important?
This is where internal linking plays an important part. It tells Google which pages on your website have high authority and are absolutely essential and which pages are not ( About Us, Contact Us should ideally have fewer links coming to them than a full-fledged article)
Let us start with an example :
Suppose you have a blog and you are in the affiliate business. You have a cool offer for your viewers and you are going to get a hefty commission for it. It is a win-win for both of you. Let us consider you are an affiliate for a web hosting company, so how should your internal linking structure be?
You add a link at the end of every post?
You stuff links wherever possible
You look for relevant content on your website and smartly use the correct anchor text for driving traffic to a particular page?
You know what you have to do right? Simple? Still many people ignore this part of SEO. I have just started implementing it, and I have got some results already. This blog is only a month old and I am sure as I continue using this practice, it is going to work out in the future!
Establishing a Relationship between your Content
The Google Bot crawls your website by following links. It is our job to help the bot crawl it more efficiently since there are millions of websites on the internet and it is our responsibility to make the job easier for the bot. The easier you make for the bot, the better your chances of ranking. It is that simple!
So how can you do this?
All the Content Management Systems have this inbuilt functionality of showing related posts when a user is browsing a particular article. Make sure you use the right tags so similar posts are linked together
Use awesome anchor tags to link your content. I personally love how Neil does this. He uses his anchor text as a link to another article but makes the anchor text so compelling that it serves as a call-to-action! I usually find myself jumping from one article to another and spend hours reading his content.
Linking to categories/tags is also a great practice. Suppose you are writing about something new you learnt about SEO, it is a good practice if you link to the category. See what I did there? *wink wink*
Internal Linking Best Practices
An internal link is basically a link where the source and target domain are the same! Let us learn about the best practices you need to observe while building your internal linking strategy
1) More Content = More Internal Links
The title is pretty self-explanatory. The more content you write, the more chance you will get to link related content to each other!
Do not worry about the number of links, no one knows what number is the Optimal Number. Just do not spam links, wherever the link is relevant, just insert it. The only question you need to ask yourself is “Is the user going to benefit from this link?”. If the answer is a resounding YES! then you do not have to worry about anything.
2) Awesome Anchor Text
I request you to search for any keyword and read the top five blogs from the result page. One thing you will find in common with all of them is that they make excellent use of Anchor Texts. Let us see what you think of it :
Which anchor text are you more likely to click :
For more information about building backlinks , refer this article
To achieve the best results you need to adapt this in-depth strategy about backlinks!
There is nothing wrong with either of those links, they both convey the same point. But I know which one you and I are more likely to click. Using good anchor texts is an art! Take your time to think and then use it!
3) Go hard, go deep!
Everyone links to the Home Page and the About Us and the Contact Us pages. That is not new, that is not special. It just makes your website look spammy. These pages are already in the Grid Menu, you are just adding more links and after multiplying it by the number of pages on your website, it all becomes very messy.
So, unless it is a call-to-action like Contact Us when you are promoting an offer, please do not add more links back to your top-level pages. Now I am going to shamelessly take a cue from Moz and illustrate this with an example :
First of all, please appreciate my amazing illustration. *facepalm*
But I think I have made my point, the google bot enters your website at A and crawls A, B, C but since there are no links to D, E, F, G the bot never makes it till there. Now your articles may be one of the best god-damn articles ever seen but if the spider is not going to crawl it, it does not matter. Now I hope you understand the importance of Internal Linking and deep linking.
4) Make sure you use dofollow links
The use of dofollow links is the best practice while building your internal link structure. It passes authority to a particular page and the more authority a page has, the higher chance it has to rank. Goes without saying that, do NOT spam. Google has evolved its algorithm a lot and they know when you are trying to bullshit your way to the top and the only way you are going after getting penalized is down.
5) Number of Links
No one knows what the optimal number for links should be. Keep in mind three things though:
Links should be natural and not forced
Links should be relevant
Use dofollow links
Make sure that one page does not pass two links to the same page, it is usually a good practice to avoid spamming even by mistake!
Internal Linking vs Backlinks
Backlinks are absolutely essential for your website, however, they are not the only links you should be focusing on. I believe both are equally important, and after reading this article I hope you agree to it! I have started reviewing my articles and finding the best internal linking opportunities.
We have all the control over our internal links, we can see what works and what does not work and change accordingly. We can change our structure if we want to purposely pass more authority to a particular page. Possibilities are endless!
Spend equal time building your backlinks as well as your internal linking structure. I know I am going to fix my internal link structure in the next few days, are you going to do the same?
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