#(partially because it's the combination of gentleness and groundedness/normalcy and also Being Really Fucking Funny
scribefindegil · 2 years
absolutely dying to hear ur thoughts on mob. literally any thoughts. i love him so much
He's so good!!!!! He's SO good! I haven't had my laptop for a week (& likely won't consistently for a While; Nate gets it while his is in the shop) so have Tragically been prevented from compulsively rewatching in preparation for S3 but I watched a couple eps again tonight and found myself half-chanting-half-wailing "soft! soft! soft!" the entire time so that gives u some sense of where my head is at (filled with love)
I love him!!! I love how he seems so perfectly passive and malleable until he isn't; once he's made his mind up about something he is absolutely not budging and there's nothing you can do about it. And I love that at first we see this stubbornness with comparatively "small" things like his commitment to the Body Improvement Club and then eventually the things he isn't budging on are like. his belief in The Fundamental Human Capacity For Change and The Transcendent Power of Community. & it's so hard and so scary to believe those things!! But he does, and the show says over and over again that he's right!
I love the milk thing! Not just for the jokes or bc i Also love milk, but because it's just so normal! He's just a middle school kid who's bad at math and wants to be better at sports to impress his crush and loves milk! And the introduction of this detail in the middle of the creepy ominous cult stuff is just. Very funny obviously, but also it tells you so much about Mob and also about the show as a whole--it's so so so good at the little grounding details that make everyone feel real and fleshed-out and like they fit into the world and at not letting those details get lost even in the most over-the-top psychic battle sequences.
I love watching him slowly learn to trust himself. I love every single one of his friendships and relationships so much. I love how much faith he has in the people around him, even (especially) when they have no faith in themselves. I love that he's kind.
I love him.
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