#(or with Zelda's lullaby or with the Sun's Song............ so many options...........)
rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
hmmm starting to think about. musical leitmotivs for the animatic project. Because I'm thinking nintendo will come to my house and kill me in person if I just pump out the actual soundtracks in the videos, so.... I'll probably need to dust off the good ol' keyboard for this one?
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luxdea · 4 years
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( cute chiz | @corferox​ )
he enjoys the quiet moments ; the ones that happen in the later hours of the day, after they've finished their daily tasks & can simply relax while the sun disappears over the horizon outside. he looks over the shiekah slate, plotting their travel course for the following day, all while she reads through a book, her head resting comfortably in his lap. separate, but together, cozy & serene, & he can't help losing himself in it, fingers idly combing through her hair & a gentle song wordless on his lips : a quiet hum. it takes him a moment to realize that he doesn't actually know this song, for it's not one he recognizes from his travels. no — it feels older, the song pulling from some hidden memory within his subconscious. he doesn't fight it. whatever it is, it reminds him of a lullaby, which feels most fitting in the moment, &, as he continues threading his fingers through zelda's hair, he finds that it somehow reminds him of her, & of these gentle moments in between.
     SHE HAD NEVER dared to dream of a life as perfect as this one.
     THERE HAD ALWAYS been this...assumption about her future. there were only two options, really. upon sealing away ganon, she would begin learning to take her father’s place. her research would have to fade into the background in favor of her duties as the future sovereign, & she would enter a loveless marriage–––– though she had dreamed of the possibility of her father allowing her to marry for love, since he & her mother had been able to, & she’d hoped that his pride in her sealing the calamity would grant her at least some freedoms–––– & would live out her days as hyrule’s queen.
     THE SECOND, MORE morbid option, was that she never unlocked her power & died as the calamity decimated her home. it hadn’t been an option she wanted to entertain, but it had always been there in the back of her mind, waiting for the moment where she was alone in the dark of her room to rear it’s ugly head.
     TO HER SURPRISE, neither of those things had happened. the sealing of the calamity had been a hundred years in the making. & now, in a peaceful hyrule in a new century, she had the opportunity to wonder if she wanted to rule at all.
     LINK HAD MADE the falling in love concern quite easy–––– lucky her.
     THEY HAD TAKEN to doing more things together, even if they’re not doing the same things. it had been just the other day when she’d realized. sitting by the fire, her most recent research notes open in her lap so she could write by it’s light, her side had been pressed gently into link’s own, who had been at the fire to cook that night’s meal. though they were facing in opposite directions, they never relinquished the touch. she hadn’t even noticed until he had asked her for a preliminary taste of their meal, & her head had turned to find it was mere inches from his own.
     SHE HAD SILENTLY blamed the flush of her cheeks on the heat, though she’d known even then that hadn’t been the truth.
     SINCE THEN, SHE had begun to notice how often such positions worked their way into their daily duties. &, despite how flustered the realization made her feel, she wouldn’t trade even a moment of it.
     THESE WERE THE moments she treasured most, & this one was no exception. neither had said a single word to one another for at least the last half hour, but there was no need to. their presence was more than enough. she had initially been embarrassed by just how comfortable she had been resting her head on link’s lap, but he hadn’t seemed to mind–––– he’d been quite welcoming about it, in fact–––– & zelda was not going to be the one to break their connection.
     HER EYES WERE already beginning to flutter, the peacefulness of the day & the comfort of link’s closeness starting to make her wish for a mid day nap. initially, she was determined to finish at least another chapter. even as the words got a bit blurry & she let out a soft yawn, that determination rang strong.
     & THEN, LINK’S hand started brushing gently through her hair, already making the task of keeping her eyes open even more difficult. a song, familiar & soft, began to leave his lips in a gentle hum, &, for a moment, her surprise won over her exhaustion.
     SHE KNEW THAT song. it was like an old friend, familiar & sweet, & instantly memories were brought forth. her father, humming it into her hair as he carried her late in the night after a nightmare, walking back & forth along the windows. her mother, wordlessly singing as she tucked her in, only stopping long enough to press a kiss to her forehead.
     HERSELF, PRESSING HER palms to her arms in a hug that did nothing for comfort, trying to warm herself after yet another failed attempt at a spring. the notes coming out through trembling lips & haggard breaths as she cried, trying in vain to console herself.
     THAT SONG HAD been sung throughout the castle halls in the name of the princess for many years. much longer than she’d been alive. though the words had been lost to time, the melody had endured, & it had once been well known to any who spent time on the castle grounds.
     SHE WONDERED IF he remembered.
     A PART OF zelda desperately wanted to ask. but, with the moment of surprise gone, her fatigue had returned, amplified by the song of her childhood & the tender motion of link’s hand in her hair. her eyes fluttered again, fighting a brief, losing battle as they shut.
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     COMFORTABLE IN THE company of one she loved & a familiar spirit of her childhood, she fell into a gentle sleep. deep with nothing but pleasant dreams of a life she had never thought she’d get to live. 
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creativerogues · 7 years
Bardic Colleges: College Of The Ocarina
The Bardic College that You Voted For in Our Community Vote!
The College of The Ocarina is an Old One.
Created by a Group of Wandering Fey Creatures, this College is quite possibly the finest of them all.
After joining the College, the Student, Elven or Otherwise, is gifted a wooden ocarina, many of then gain runes or magical symbols on their surface, from the years of play...
But make no mistake, this College is not for simple tunes, this College does not just “Play” their Instruments, they Master them.
They become forces to be reckoned with. They can travel the Planes and Beyond with a single Song...
“So, if You are willing, allow me to teach You my ways...”
- The Words of Li’fulan, the High Elf and First Bard of the College of the Ocarina
Songs of Hope
At 3rd level, you learn three Two Song of Hope Options: 
Sun’s Song, Zelda’s Lullaby, and one other option of your choice.
You learn an additional formula of your choice at 6th, 9th, 14th, and 17th levels. 
To use any of these options, your Ocarina must be within reach. 
If an Song of Hope option requires a saving throw, the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
3rd Level Song of Hope Options
Scarecrow’s Song -  When played, this song summons forth a Scarecrow.
A summoned Scarecrow disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when you stop playing.
The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. 
Roll initiative for the summoned Scarecrow, which has their own turn. 
They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). 
If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. 
The DM has the creatures' Statistics.
Sun’s Song - While you play this Song, the effects of the Daylight Spell are in place.
Zelda’s Lullaby -  While you play this Song, the effects of the Sleep Spell are in place.
Saria’s Song - While playing this Song, the effects of Your Bardic Inspiration can be increased by 1 Additional Die.
For Example, a level 2 Bard has 1d6 Inspiration Dice. While playing this Song, this increases to 2d6.
Epona’s Song - . While you play this Song, the effects of the Phantom Steed Spell are in place.
Song of Storms -  This song summons forth a rainstorm, that rages for a small amount of time.  When played, a short, swirling beam of yellow light surrounds you, creating whirling gusts of elemental air.
While playing this Song, you can use a bonus action to fly 25 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
6th Level Song of Hope Options
Serenade of Water - This teleportation song transports You to the Elemental Plane of Water, You arrive in front of the entrance to the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls.
Minuet of Forest - This transportation song teleports You to the Feydark, on the Plane of the Feywild, You arrive in a cavern, filled with skeletons and dried, splattered blood.
Requiem of Spirit - This teleportation song transports You to the sandy desert of Raurin, You arrive in front of the entrance to a sand covered ancient tomb.
14th Level Song of Hope Options
Bolero of Fire - When played, this teleportation song transports You to the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire, You arrive in front of the entrance to the Mosque of Blistering Atonement.
Prelude of Light - It transports You to the Layer of Eronia on the Plane of Elysium, You arrive in front of a large flaming brazier.
Nocturne of Shadow - When played, this teleportation song transports You to the Gloomwrought in the Plane of Shadow, You arrive in front of the entrance to a Ruined Temple.
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