#(or just. explain the nickname and its non racist origins like they do in the book/movie)
muirneach · 2 years
i think the ‘there were no black surgeons in the korean war’ thing they used about cutting oliver harmon jones is so fucking stupid like this is mash since when did u care about historical accuracy...
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pocparks · 6 years
I really wish adam and blake’s relationship wasnt romantic like i really wish they would’ve kept the whole “he was my mentor thing” have it be that blake learned from him and idolized him and his cause in a way that would seem romantic to others (so we can keep that one line from illya) and have him take advantage of that infatuation in some way shape or form so that we can still hate him,
Blake becomes disillusioned with him over time and the last straw comes some time before the train attack in the black trailer (maybe he kills someone in front of her, maybe leaves some humans to die) by the time the black trailer comes she’s already decided to leave and does leave. Then through the volumes at least ones just SHOW US the adam that blake idolized like is that so hard!? Give us a reason why blake would look up to him (let alone fall in love with him good god they dont show us any good sides of adam at all and it sucks bc thats what i wanted to see the most, i have faith that blake doesnt just fall in love with murderers)
Keep his volume 3 appearance (minus the “my love” because ew wtf he could call her something else like kiddo or a nickname or something) and then if adam is her mentor now and taught blake everything(maybe not everythingbut alot) she knew then that explains how busted he is slicing through yangs aura and arm like butter keep scary adam!! Erase jealous diabolik lovers abusive boyfriend adam!!!
Give him a real reason for his actions show us him actually being a leader the faunus would trust, have him win over the white fang faunus and overthrow sienna khan without killing her to show his smarts and dedication to his cause (but if she mist die then have it be that she tries to overthrow him back and then he kills her with no problem or whatever) then show us a hint of what happened to his eye, little flashes show him being restrained or something, a voice saying something racist about him then snap out of it and use that to ‘humanize the monster’
Then have him fight blake on menagerie and she breaks his aura but still beats her easily(bc remeber he taught her how to fight) and let her live out of a sick sort of pity for his student (maybe hes like “ill let you live if you just come back but she fakes him out and gets away) to keep him scary to us and to her (and make it more satisfying when she actually does kill him in volume six) and then give him an actual reason to go after blake but dont make that the focus of his character! Maybe she has something or knows something that he wants(or he thinks she does) maybe hes going after all the defected faunus he taught to either kill them or get them back maybe he just wants his favourite student back i dont know something dont make him throw a temper tantrum like a baby and stand there not even drawing his sword to fight after being cornered especially not after you just showed him kill someone(and not just some human, he killed a faunus) in cold blood with no problem(because what the fuck did they just forget hes a cold blooded murder man? How did blake get close enough to him to bop him in the neck i laughed out loud when that happened) then his fall from grace could be the faunus that were on his side seeing what hes doing to other innocent faunus and maybe one of them shoots him somewhere non fatally but still does alot of damage hes almost incapacitated but THEN blake can bop him in the neck and he goes down, then things can go down in about the same way he craws away with the bullet wound trailing blood and dropping his mask.
And show us how the shit happened to his eye goddamnit! Maybe he was originally a peaceful revolutionary, he was trying to liberate faunus from the factory in a peaceful way and begged and pleaded and got an audience with whats his face asshole schnee senior,,, jaques?? He goes with one other faunus but its a set up, they retrain them both and they brand adam and they’re branding the other faunus but something goes wrong maybe the brand the wrong place and hes screaming and they’re screaming and the guards are laughing and it’s an uncomfortably long scene just to let it sink in that that moment changed him irreparably and he gets out by killing a guard and jumping out a window with the other faunus but its too late they’re already dead(boom i just wrote a character short hire me rooteeth) you can have his eye be shadowed or bloody or something during this so that the reveal of the SDC scar is still a shock and then boom, explains how suddenly yang and blake can go toe to toe with adam “one shot aura breaking” taurus and kill him and have it mean more than just a “lets go lesbians!” Moment (seriously no kiss???)
Tldr for the word soup up there keep adam scary, take out the romance, make him actually care about the faunus and make him more gray
Idk this is word soup and probably makes no sense but im gonna post it anyways bc i need to get these feelings out somehow and no i dont want adam to be redeemed i just want him to be better, i didnt want to be annoyed when he was on the screen i wanted to be scared i wanted to feel what blake felt but i never got the chance because before i knew it adam went from a scary monster to a shitty whiny baby that i didnt even want to see die i just wanted him gone, written into the abyss
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