#(now they should make midori rap or growl)
turkey-sandwich · 12 days
Yeah boyyyyyyy
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nitewrighter · 5 years
How would Angela and Genji react to eachothers summer skins?
Well I’ve written Genji reacting to Angela’s summer skin here, but as far as Mercy reacting to Genji’s summer skin…
It was a breezy summer day and they were a few miles outside of Zurich. 
“I’m honestly amazed they didn’t toss everything out,” said Genji, hauling up the door of the storage unit, “I mean, sure, I was still paying for it, but 5 years…”
“I’m amazed that everything in here wasn’t seized when the Petras Act took effect,” Mercy stood with her hands on her hips behind him, “Though… they probably had no idea. Perks of Blackwatch, I suppose?”
“Wow… there’s one whole perk of being in Blackwatch,” Genji chuckled, “I should call McCree and tell him the good news.”
Mercy snickered.
It wasn’t a terribly full storage unit. Just some boxes here and there–Overwatch issue lockers. Technically this was ‘confiscated evidence’ from the various raids on Shimada estates and operations, but since a lot of it wasn’t pertinent to the investigation, objects that weren’t identified as contraband or historically significant went to Genji. He had the option to incinerate all this stuff back then, and he was so angry he very nearly did, but, he supposed his obsession with ending the Shimada clan had forced him over to the side of Save it in case there’s something useful for killing Hanzo later. Going through it now, it was mostly a handful of miscellany that Genji found himself more attached to than he really thought he could be. Genji could feel Mercy smiling even with his back turned to her. “What?” he said.
“Doesn’t seem that minimalist to have a storage unit, Mr. ‘I’m a ninja who spent months with robot monks’” said Mercy.
“Well it’s not exactly apartment stuff,” said Genji, rifling through a box and pulling out a holodata drive with ‘Midori Rider: Season 1′ written on it, he tossed it in the bag “Just… things I would grab during missions against the Shimada clan.”
“Your things,” said Mercy, she paused, “You’re all right with going through this right? You can let me know if it starts bothering you.”
“Oh of course. It’s all nostalgia at this point,” said Genji, tossing a few things into the duffel bag he had brought with him.
“Can I…?” Mercy started.
Genji gestured at another couple of boxes, “Be my guest,” he said with a shrug.
Mercy opened one of the boxes and dug through it a bit. The first bin she found nothing—some old clothes, mostly. The second she had to dig through a bit before pulling out a picture of a family in a cracked frame. There was a man who looked like Hanzo with a few more scars, a tattoo that sprawled across both his pecs, and longer hair, and a woman with hip-length hair and Genji’s sharp, mischievous eyes. The couple was smiling proudly, the woman holding a baby in her lap, and between the wife and husband there was a toddler with his head strategically shaved for bangs and sideburns in the front and a topknot in the back.
“What is it?” said Genji, leaning over her shoulder.
“Is that you?” said Mercy, pointing to the baby.
“I–yes,” said Genji, “…I’m surprised I didn’t destroy this photo,” he said quietly.
“I think this is one of the only pictures I’ve seen of your mother outside of Overwatch’s archives on the Shimada clan,” said Mercy, “She’s beautiful.”
“She’s… probably why I kept that photo,” said Genji.
“Did they make you go through that haircut too?” said Mercy, pointing to Hanzo.
“The chonmage? Yes, but only until I grew it out. It was this old tradition that the elder council insisted on. Would have made preschool a nightmare if Hanzo and I weren’t being looked after by private tutors.”
“I’m taking this back with me to the apartment and you can’t stop me,” Mrcy said firmly, pressing the picture frame against herself.
Genji smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “I wasn’t going to,” he said, breaking away from her.
They spent a bit more time digging through things. Most of what they got out of the storage unit were data drives—either things Athena might find useful, or old media Genji was attached to. Mercy was about to call it and suggest she grab them some dinner while Genji finished up, when Genji suddenly went “OH!”
“Mm?” Mercy glanced up.
Genji was holding what looked like a metal basket.
“What is that?” said Mercy and Genji quickly set it down in the box.
“Oh just an old…” Genji tried to play it off but his own excitement seemed to overwhelm that intention, “Actually, could you keep an eye out for me? I want to try something on.”
“Old clothes?” said Mercy, smirking.
“Something like that,” said Genji.
Several minutes had passed and Mercy’s stomach growled as she waited outside the storage unit.
“You’re being very mysterious about this,” she called back towards the storage unit.
“Just give me another minute!” called Genji and Mercy smiled and rolled her eyes.
The door of the storage unit suddenly opened with a rumble and Genji leapt out with a flourish in a bulkier-than-usual outfit and a metal basket-like face guard, brandishing a bamboo sword.
“Hyah!” the call that came out of him was definitely more theatrical than aggressive.
 The shift in his appearance was jarring and Mercy jumped slightly. “Oh!”
“It’s okay! It’s okay!” Genji thumped the sword in his hand, “It’s bamboo.”
“Oh! I know this!” said Mercy, “It’s–um–It’s that… katana… fencing….”
“Kendo,” said Genji.
“Kendo!” said Mercy, “It looks wonderful, Genji.”
“I can’t believe it still fits!” said Genji, turning around, “You can’t even tell I’m–” he caught himself. He wasn’t really sure how to continue that thought or if he even wanted to. He cleared his throat, 
“You couldn’t even tell if it was an omnic underneath all that,” said Mercy with a sympathetic smile. She poked two fingers against the basket of Genji’s faceguard, “But I’ll always know it’s you.”
“I don’t doubt that… I could teach you a few things, if you want,” said Genji, giving the bamboo sword a spin and then catching himself, “That’s… uh… not standard.”
“I’d love to,” said Mercy. She rapped her knuckles against his chestplate playfully, “Let’s bring it back to the watchpoint.”
“You mean that?” said Genji.
“I do,” said Mercy, she pulled up the picture of the Shimada family again, “You can show me those moves when we get back. Just as long as I don’t have to shave my head like this,” she said, pointing to the toddler Hanzo in the photo.
“Hmmm a tough sell, but we can make it work,” said Genji, chuckling.
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