#(not) twilight sparkle: i’m a unicorn who shoots rainbows what part of that am i not gonna believe?
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devilsrecreation · 3 months ago
People are like “Mordetwi this” and “Mordetwi that” when Eeyore x Twilight Sparkle is RIGHT THERE
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cdc1345711 · 7 years ago
Rick And Morty/My Little Pony Crossover-part 1
(It was a typical day in the life of Rick Sanchez and his Grandson/sidekick Morty Smith,Rick planed to steal some interesting tech only to have lead to a laser fight)
Rick:(Shooting the aliens)Get us out of here Morty”
Morty:(Trying to use Rick’s Portal Gun)I’m trying Rick”
Rick:(Shooting 3 more aliens)GODDAMMIT MORTY PIC SOME DIMENSION”
Morty:Okay Rick(after mashing different buttons he finally opened up a portal)I did it Rick”
Rick:Great-now let’s get the fuck outta here”
(They go through the portal but they end up falling out of the sky to their deaths)
(Morty and Rick try to grab it but sadly they can’t but luckily the two hit a tree and end up with ‘minor’ bruises)
Rick:(Sees his broken portal gun)Awe what the fuck-the portal gun is fucked up now”
Morty:I’m sorry Rick”
Rick:Okay whatever Morty time to see which Non-Existing God forbidden Hell you brought us to so we can fix this fuck up you did”
(They look through the bushes to see........PONIES,Earth,Unicorn and Pegasus)
Morty:HOLEEEEEE SHIT Rick-we’re in Equestria”
Rick:(Looking at Morty in a confused expression)What?”
Morty:Equestria?-land of ponies,home of the Mane 6?,My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic?(Rick is still looking at Morty)The show me and dad watch when you were shitfaced drunk”
(A few months ago)
Rick:(Seeing Morty and Jerry watching My Little Pony)What the fuck are you guys watching?”
Morty:My Little Pony Friendship is Magic”
Jerry:It’s a show about friendship and togetherness”
 Rick:(Not giving a shit)GAAAAAAAAY-wake me when they finger or in this case ‘hoofing’ each other”
Jerry:(Disgusting)You’re sick Rick”
Rick:Don’t give a shit Jerry(passes out drunk)”
Rick:Okay since you’re the expert here Morty-what should we do?”
Morty:Well the logical move is to find Princess Twilight who is a genius(Rick makes a loud ‘HA Bull-Shit’)but we’re new so we’ll probably be introduced to a certain pink party pony in 3........2........1″
(Somewhere at Twilight’s castle the girls are having fun while Pinkie Pie feels something)
Pinkie Pie:(Feeling the presence of 2 newcomers)Oh my GOSH-GIRLS,WE GOT NEW ARRIVAAAAAAAAAAAAALS(zooms out to find them)”
Twilight:Wow-sometimes Pinkie scares me a little”
Rainbow Dash:(Chilling on a cloud)Eh-it’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie”
(Back with Rick and Morty)
Rick:Okay Morty where’s this ‘Pink Party Pony’ you talked about?”
(Pinkie Pie magically appeared there and yelled)
Pinkie Pie:Oh new arrivals-WHERE ARE YOOOOOOOOOOU?”
Rick:(Covering his ears)JESUS CHRIST-SHUT THE FUCK UP”
Pinkie Pie:GAAAAAASP-This is a kids show also hey I’m Pinkie Pie”
Rick:I can tell by your squeaky high annoying voice you’re the ‘glue snorter’ of your group?”
Morty:RICK!!!!Hello I’m Morty and this is Rick and-”
Pinkie Pie:You’re a Grandpa Grandson duo who go to different dimensions and planets and crazy,zany and ultra violent adventures with just you two or your sister or parents even though they did separated but since got back together and you’re stuck here because your do-hickey that allows you to go to different universes is broken and you need my help to get you back home(she makes a big smile)”
Rick:(Shocked she knew their predicament)What kind of glue did your parents let you sniff as a kid?”
Pinkie Pie:I never sniffed glue but I have sniffed flowers(Rick mutters ‘bet one of those ‘flowers’ was weed�� to Morty)and sorry I don’t know much about sciencey stuff but my Friend Twilight Sparkle might help”
Morty:Yes-please take us to her”
Pinkie Pie:Okay follow me(she leads the way)hey how come you don’t call Rick ‘grandpa’?”
Rick:Wow new record only met you 2 minutes and already I don’t like”
Pinkie Pie:Ha ha silly-you will once you get to know me”
Morty:Trust me Pinkie-you DON’T want to know Rick”
(After a long hour of Pinkie’s rambling-and Morty making sure Rick doesn’t stab her in the neck-they finally arrive at the castle)
Pinkie Pie:Okay-I’m gonna let my friends know you’re here so leave it to me(she walks in)”
Morty:(To Rick)Now Rick I know you have a ‘history’ with royals but please don’t do anything to make Twilight upset”
Rick:Oh please Morty-she must what in her 20′s? she’s too young for me”
Morty:Actually she’s 18 but still don’t mess up”
Rick:Whatever(drinks his flask and enters the castle)”
(Rick and Morty enter the castle and the Mane 6 come to introduce themselves)
Twilight:Hello Rick and Morty,I am Twilight Sparkle Princess of Friendship”
Pinkie Pie:And you know me”
Rainbow Dash:I’m Rainbow Dash-fastest pony in Equestria”
Rarity:I’m Rarity the most fashionable pony from Ponyville to Manehattan(Rick thinks to himself ‘Jesus Horse pun names for places)”
AppleJack:I’m AppleJack honest member of the Apple family”
Fluttershy:And I’m Fluttershy,I take care of animals(she says in a soft shy voice-because she’s not quite good at being calm in front of new people)”
Spike:And i’m Spike the fire breathing dragon”
Rick:Wow I just met you and I know all your parts of the group-”
Morty:Rick please”
Ricky:(From order of introduction)You’re the high and might smart-ass,still the glue snorter,tom-boy,primadonna,country bumpkin,the pansy and............the sidekick”
Morty:(Slaps his face)Dammit”
(The Mane Six are disgusted by his comment)
Twilight:High and mighty ‘Smart-ass’”
Pinkie Pie:I said I never snorted glue”
Rainbow Dash:Tomboy?”
RarityWell I never-”
AppleJack:I may be country but I ain’t no bumpkin”
Fluttershy:But why am I a flower?”
Spike:I’m more than a sidekick(Rick mutters ’Doubt it’)”
Rick:(Seeing Morty’s mad face and makes up a good BS lie)Sorry-I just worried I won’t get back home”
(They slowly forgive him then they inspect his broken Portal gun and are at a lost for words)
Twilight:I’m sorry I don’t know much about this ‘advanced’ technology’”
Spike:Oh man if Twilight can’t fix it-who will”
Twilight:But maybe we could use my portal to my Canterlot high friends world to help”
Morty:Don’t bother Twilight it’s too advanced for that world too”
Rick:Wait you got a portal here?”
Morty:Yeah(and whispers)from those horse-shit ‘Equestria Girls’ movies”
Rick:Show me(he inspects the portal and comes up with a solution)well it looks like if ‘crap’ and ‘shit’ got together and made an inbred dumb-ass but it might work-with the right tools and equipment”
Twilight:Then it’s settled-I’ll send a letter to the other Princesses to help”
Rick:Other Princesses? how many of you are there?”
Morty:So far 4-five if you count Cadence’s baby Flurry Hearts”
Twilight:My lovely niece”
Rick:God-okay let me shit,then sleep till your princesses answer your letter”
(Rick and Morty go to their rooms)
Rarity:Rick is such a vulgar being”
AppleJack:Yeah-he’s even worse than Discord-and that’s saying something”
Twilight:Still it’s our duty to help them-no matter how much of a pain it is”
Fluttershy:Morty is a nice boy though”
Rainbow Dash:Yeah he is”
(In Rick and Morty’s room)
Morty:I hope they can help us Rick”
Rick:Meh-my portal gun is far too advance for their tiny pony minds”
Morty:Just don’t piss off the other Princess’ tomorrow Rick-we need to get home”
Rick:Okay okay fine get off my ass Morty-but know if they try to lock us up i’m turning them into horse meat”
Morty:Dammit Rick”
(The two go to bed hoping their new pony ‘acquaintances’ to help bring them back home)
(Int he Real World)
Justin Roiland:Hey since when did Rick and Morty become part of the My Little Pony show?”
Tara Strong:I don’t know-maybe a crossover for fans of both shows?”
Justin Roiland:Maybe-God have mercy on the poor ponies of Equestria”
Tara Strong:You said it”
THE END-for real
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