#(not an exact translation im still learning portuguese im trying my best please please please correct if its wrong)
aseon50 · 13 days
Mike: I don't trust Cellbit, man. I don't trust Cellbit. He came back, and it seems like people forgot, right? 'Everything's fine' Man, he stabbed Pac, man, and that won't be cheap, man. He has a nice face, man, but there's only misfortune in his head.
can we talk about cell and mike i am insane
i love the cell/mike dynamic so much,, mike hates cell so fucking much for what he did to pac. he forgave him once, never again.
pac cant help but forgive cell again and again and again, every single time, so if pac can't hold a grudge mike will do it for him
something something about pac always going for dangerous people/being attracted to danger in general and mike always having to protect pac cuz he wont fucking protect himself
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