#(needed to double check something on panettes blog and did a take for chidori persona)
fiberflxwer · 6 months
"Greetings Faye." Panette hands a cup of cider to her former teammate before taking a sip herself. "I must say, you put up quite the fight out there. I'm certain your deadly skills could send your opponents away and afeard, if they are not already."
Faye instinctively takes the cup of yellow-ish liquid that is offered by the other's hands, initially nervous to speak of her past failure. However, even though she was unable to protect her fellow student in battle and unable to avenge her afterwards, Panette was...not angry? Faye could see herself fuming if in the same position as her, falling due to an ally's slip-up. And yet...
"Thanks, Panette," Faye glady speaks from her initial pause, the warmth of the beverage in her hand pushing back physical and metaphorical chills. "But you were super good out there too! I could never imagine lugging around an axe and using my fists at the same time! I could learn from you, if you uh...don't mind."
The villager goes for a small sip of the drink, discovering its identity to be a spicy cider. Not her...preferred pick for a relaxing refreshment, though the spiciness does cancel out the initial bitter taste somewhat. But sharing such a drink with a friend (Or comrade? Are we friends or comrades? Is there a difference?) makes it slightly easier to gulp down.
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