#(nah it was lucky 7 & unlucky 13 & then we had a third sib slot open & both times it was filled it was a girl named 11)
rcdiostcrs · 1 year
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presenting: eleven elaine skellington.
so, obviously eleven is the adopted daughter of jack & sally, as well as sister to my oc seven & gamecn’s oc thirteen.
she’s twenty-three years old.
rachel sennott fc.
polyamorous, biromantic, & bisexual.
basically, eleven has a lot of love to give, but you have to earn it to receive it.
alrighty, here’s the dealio, eleven is like her mother: a living doll (though eleven is porcelain, not rag). no one knows who created her. doctor finkelstein refutes the claim that he is responsible and no evidence as been found to make one disbelieve him.
see, eleven wasn’t found in halloweentown. she was found in valentine village (what i hc the town behind the heart door is called). it was a very confusing time for all of the valentine folks to see this obviously halloween kid in their town. no one has figured out how she got there.
but she is very welcomed in the valentine community, even so much as having close friends & visiting the place constantly.
she was brought to halloweentown on september eleventh (11.11) the year before auradon was established. at just a year old, she could already walk and say full words. jack & sally were smitten by this little girl made of cloth, pulling her into the family as their child. as her creation date is unknown, sep 11 is her honorary bday.
this date is also where she got her name from.
speaking of her name, she goes by the full “eleven,” but some people call her “ellie” if they think a number is a silly name.
like how seven sometimes goes by “sev.”
she has a golden doodle named “four hundred forty four.” yes, this is a long name. why such a long name? eleven enjoys numerology—especially angel numbers. sequences of fours symbolize stability. if one sees fours in a sequence, then they are putting down roots or grounding themself. she knows that if she’s ever feeling doubt about her place in life, she can look at her dog & feel sure in herself once more.
plus, seven had already claimed “two” for his cat.
two & 444 don’t like each other. zero & 444 are besties, tho.
speaking of numerology, eleven is a number about being at one with the universe & one’s self / inner wisdom.
even if her name didn’t come from this meaning, she’s delighted with it anyways for the same reason she likes 444′s name—she can look at herself & feel sure because she’s always going to have her own wisdom & the universe on her side.
eleven wants to be an electrician. she is currently under apprenticeship for this work.
since she’s a doll, she can remove her limbs. each part of her body can come apart & be put back on. this is good for her since she can just send an arm or a hand to do a thing that’s too far for her.
she is glued at each limb & her neck. se also has minor glue spots where she has chipped before.
she has a whole lot of tattoos. they cover up the glue lines holding her together. her favorite is the barbed wire around her throat.
eleven absolutely adores her family. especially her brothers.
she jokes that she’s the odd one out—only one to not have a previous life, only one to not be twenty, only one to be a girl—but she doesn’t ever feel left out.
while she wouldn’t kill for her family, she would make anyone who hurts them have a miserable rest of their life. no one touches a skellington & gets away with it. not if eleven has anything to say about it.
i’ve mentioned before that i think the skellingtons would be kind of ostracized in royal auradon circles for being figurehead royals. eleven, as crown princess (only in name as jack will never die & therefore never leave his throne), is far too aware of this. it’s always her name on the invitations to royal functions. it’s always her name in the mouths of snobby royals.
it’s the same with those of halloweentown who have conflicted feelings. they feel that if their king will never die, what is the purpose of calling his kids “prince(ss)?” why even have children in the first place? they aren’t even royal by blood, only adoption.
she tries to not let it get to her, but it’s hard sometimes.
when she’s off the clock, she & seven dress a lot alike. comfy & oversized sweaters, dark colors, lots of layers. the main difference is that eleven uses blues, reds, & blacks while seven uses oranges, blacks, & neutral tones.
however, she has a secondary aesthetic of “goth, but make it fusion.” if you’ve ever heard of hawiian goth or cowgoth—that’s what i’m talking about.
freckles!! they aren’t natural, but eleven takes the time to put a brown eyeliner to her face & a toothbrush w/ brown eyeshadow to her cheeks every morning.
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