#(mortality makes him to better himself and MK11 scorpion would rather die. than live like a pawn forever)
sasorikigai · 4 years
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Send a muse + an ending || @lotuskissed​ || accepting 
BAD END- The bad guys win. Everything that can go wrong for my muse had gone wrong.
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥|| Hanzo Hasashi always had been a dreamer; for a dreamer is one who can only find his way by tenebrous darkness, leaning against the cool moonlight. And his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. The sea of wildfire, flowing with life through passionate veins, will condemn the prospect of evil as once severely depressed, a miser with a sole survivor’s guilt hellbent on destroying himself, rendering him as a heap of smashed bones with crushed skull, with splattered, liquified viscera that would entangle and gleam against his ancient katana. The suffocating trauma, the mind’s entombing shackle is too unbearable and toxic that he refused to live no longer. 
Not like this, not as the slave of his emotion and living with a forced, unwilling choice to drag forth his life, instead of living his life to the fullest. Unending guilt and abundant responsibilities as the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster prevents him from doing the honorable deed. Hanzo always feels such debilitating emotions with its full effects. While he knows life always finds to offset the opposites; as happiness couldn’t be known without sadness and there would be no light without dark. While most emotions are best, ephemeral at best, his obsidian, hollow darkness was all that was vast, dark and unknown. While the rest is ancient stardust; ever-changing and ever-knowing, but alas, the dark matter that once entirely engulfed him in entombed glacier - as de-spined head of his would stare the world with vindictive ember glowing as Fire Demon of Scorpion would resurrect him, so that he could become an Infernal Spectre of Vengeance and Wrath. 
All his life, Hanzo had been damaged; learning, yet making the same mistakes over and over again, trying to better himself, as he matured little by little. He’d literally waste decades trying to quell such hatred - mostly towards himself, but of the world, of his damned fate - and he still doesn’t know why he pushes good things away and self-sabotage. Even with the imbued Jinsei coursing around his body, giving him semi-immortality (hadn’t he already defeated death not once, but twice?) As serrated blade and kunai pierced his being, as thousand screams gurgled in his throat and tearing through his brittle bones and blackened heart. Hanzo Hasashi’s being shattered into stained glass mosaic, yet he could never view himself as a work of art, lest a masterpiece as beautiful things become the gentle curves of his musculature and chaos of the soul solidifying the vehement grandeur of his mind to become something else. 
Even fabricated perfection, the undying life itself could cast tenebrous shadow on its flaws. Hanzo remains enraptured in the illuminative light, of unperturbed tranquility may pour forth, yet such indescribably beautiful things have to come to decisive ends, as the curves and chaos of the reality as nothing, really, is permanent. The whole concept of being refined into perfection is mistaken; as the definition is ever-changing, even for the same person. Over time, it all moves out and the hands that draw the finish line blur from within. The Shirai Ryu will die out, and diminish in its size, an more greater, wicked evils will rise. 
The alliances will crumble into pandemonious disarray and once fulfillment of his solidified relationship will disintegrate. Kenshi will meet his gruesome fate, diabolically tortured beneath Red Dragon’s hands, Takeda will never see his offspring as he would meet the same fate, trying to fend off the world’s darkness. Jacqui may have grown older than both Takahashi’s, but it doesn’t mean that the Specialist’s fate would be no less afflicted with ravaging war and annihilated Earthrealm. The fissured engulfment will drown the world in magmatic flames, as the Netherrealm’s infernal, destructive fire will drown the world in torrential floods, as what Hanzo Hasashi had known of the Earthrealm will simply vanish. Even when the scorched nothingness of the Earth will reconstruct over so many uncountable years, nothing will be ever be the same. Even when impervious power and prowess of him grew stronger than ever as lightning sparked within his bones and veins, he would be without company. The unending perpetuity of loss and death will take its toll, laminate into Hanzo’s brains that no signs of supremacy that comes from his overachieving fluidity of his soul that seek flawlessness will suffer in more tribulations. 
Hanzo Hasashi will get too blinded by the definitions imposed by him on him, and no one will ever fathom to understand the condemnation that is his immortality. The once immense, healing and soul-filling love he once had with Kuai Liang will crumble just as the impermanence strikes once again and the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster will become an unhappy man, who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and cry pass through them, it sounds like moribund music, worse then the requiem he’d sing repeatedly as the torturing fire within his heart will soar and suffocate him. One miser’s death would have made the world much adaptable place to live, instead of the Earthrealm’s fate and fragile sustenance hanging off the cliff’s edge, as being toyed around under numerous Titans’ hands, as if they were casting lots. Bound by the Earthrealm with coursing Jinsei in his blood, his fate will entirely depend on the existence of the realm he had vowed to protect with all his life. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥||
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