#(lol Magda- did you think you would get through this without knowing the drama)
thebeladimitrescu · 3 years
Vague || Closed RP
@the-dimitrescu-seamstress   “The answer was evasive. I should have liked something clearer; but Mrs. Fairfax either could not, or would not, give me more explicit information of the origin and nature of Mr. Rochester’s trials. She averred they were a mystery to herself, and that what she knew was chiefly from conjecture. It was evident, indeed, that she wished me to drop the subject, which I did accordingly.” Bela shut the novel gently within her hands at the close of the thirteenth chapter, as tempting as it was to continue onward in the reading. If only they did not run through maids as often as they did, a part of her wondered if she would have been contented leading a small group of them into becoming more cultured, educated creatures. When they died so soon there was little point in bringing them above being dull as cattle. Most of them were only that, but there were a few exceptions. After placing the book gingerly aside, Bela removed her gloves. She never did so before reading from the book. It was a seventh edition, but even so Jane Eyre was on the list of nearly sacred texts. Not literally, of course, and she certainly wouldn’t make such a statement out loud. That was heresy.  “I wonder why she was being so vague....” She said of the novel, despite the fact that she absolutely knew why the household staff was refusing to reveal certain aspects of his background. Despite having read it so many times discovering the secret that Jane’s new employer kept was surprising and scandalous each time.  Certainly, it was less shocking than what occurred regularly in the castle dungeons and cellars. Other people’s skeletons in the closet- or attic, as it were- always seemed worse than one’s own. Though it could not be said that the Dimitrescus were exactly hiding any skeletons- be it figurative or literal. Bela observed Magda at work. When the seamstress had invited her to recite poetry in her workshop the witch had been thrilled. It was the chance to behave like a proper lady. Have poetry readings and a cup of ordinary tea. The tea she would merely touch her lips to and make a pantomime of drinking, of course. If there was blood it would be more agreeable to her, but it would ruin everything. There was was more fun in this rare façade of humanity.  Over the months, the poetry inevitably evolved into this. Hell would freeze over before she let any.... companion of hers pass through life without having read her favorite novel. Companion was an interesting word, would friend be better? Was that too....- Favourite? No. Bela would think more on it later. “What are you currently working on?”
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