#(like in a sense you could really say that yosano's story began with that butterfly pin made from the soldier's book)
note-boom · 2 years
Ik this is random and is gonna sound crazy but i had this theory that both sigma and atsushi were created by the book since both. Have black n white hair,some sort of white color scheme(albinism?) And seem to be both REALLY socially akward as if they DIDNT spend enough time around humans(in sigmas case ofc but atsushi? He grew up SUROUNDED by other kids,and ofc he was an outcast and he was probs afraid of punishment so ofc that could be an explanation) both are REALLY similar
They aaaare, and it's not crazy (have you seen canon?)!! I've seen stuff about Atsushi and Sigma parallels and it FASCINATES me how similar they are (I read the Sky Casino arc and MAN was that intense).
And while I don't know enough to disagree or agree with your theory OP, canon HAS already stated through Fitzgerald that Atsushi has a connection to the book. And considering how Sigma was created from the book and how you and the fandom in general see to see Sigma and Atsushi as incredibly similar....well, there's definitely SOMETHING going on in there.
(Also, there's another post I know that also pointed out how Q was similar to Sigma design-wise, which I was reminded of with your ask....I don't know if there's a point to that but...)
I do think so far, though, that Atsushi is human. He's mentioned to have parents and his childhood seems to be pretty well established. Of course this is a seinen action manga and they always seem to have the most convoluted plotlines. Like just watch as they pull out a plot twist that Atsu and all his backstory WAS created by the book and that the beginning of the manga is the beginning of his true birth...please don't take that seriously...
Anyway, I went on an unrelated tangent again (as usual) but thank you for the ask, OP!! I don't think about Sigma/Atsu parallels enough and your theory definitely isn't crazy...but we shall have to see.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Drop Dead || Witch!Yosano
So this was both suggested and something that I already planned, cause she doesn’t get enough love imo 😞 but this is my first time writing for her too so yayyyy 🥳 Also thought it would be cool if she practiced necromancy. we stan ✨ Doctor ✨ Yosano in this house 😌 Reader is gender neutral!
CW: blood
Dream’s Spooktober 2021
You see, in the village, there was a rumor spreading like the plague itself.
An evil witch, worse than the Devil himself, having the forbidden power of raising the dead with just a single touch. But just as she can raise the dead with just a touch, she can also make people take their last breath with that same touch. The other villagers warned of her dark magic roaming through the forest, and Saki swore he saw the monster with his own two eyes. He recounts the monster doing the ritual, the malicious smile spread across her face as she hacked away at the poor soul piece by piece, only then to resurrect them as another one of her mindless servants-
(But Saki is also the village drunk, so who knows how much truth his words hold). You just chalked it up as another story to keep children from wandering and misbehaving.
That was until you came face to face with the witch herself.
You would have been in complete awe at how much grace and power she displayed in her stance alone (hell you still were), if you weren’t currently dying and trying to stop the blood from gushing out of your stomach.
“My my, what do we have here?”
When she kneeled down and placed her hand so delicately on your cheek, you couldn’t help but melt into it. It was so warm, she was so warm. You didn’t realize how cold you are, and her eyes narrowed in concern when she felt it too. “Tell me, how did this happen?”
“It was-“, you coughed, wincing from both the pain and the small specs of blood that clung onto her cloak. “The villagers. They-they casted out. Deemed me as an outcast! Kajii ac-accused me of- practicing the dark arts and convinced Father Mori that I- I should be burned at the stake! I ran away before they could chain me up, but the other villagers- they started to chase after me…and-and-”
“So he still hasn’t learned from his mistakes huh? Still deciding to play judge, jury, and executioner.”
She had heard enough.
“I guess I have to go and teach them myself.”
The sadistic gleam that came across her face sent shivers down your spine (or maybe it was from the blood loss?), but the look soon vanished as she started to lift your ripped tunic. “But, I’ll have to wait for now. I have to treat you after all, and I would hate if you just perished from a small wound like this.”
“Small?! You call this small?!”
“Well of course. I’ve seen and handled much worse than this. It would be a shame to let you die, especially at the hands of those so undeserving.”
“Please, I don’t- I don’t want to die!”
“And I will make sure that you don’t.”
With conviction in her voice, she started to wipe away your tears. “But first, I should introduce myself properly.”
Holding out her hand, you watched as a flurry of glowing butterflies flew from it and began to take shape, of what you couldn’t tell yet, but you were in complete awe at the sight. 
“I am Akiko Yosano, a healer. I’m not sure what those idiots at the village told you, but I don’t practice necromancy, because I don’t give people the chance to die in my hands.”
She’s the witch?!
The shape finally manifested, and you felt your heart stop.
“But while my methods can be seen as cruel, I see it as a true blessing. Being able to bring them back after seeing the light flee from their eyes just to be full of life mere moments later no matter the injury…a true blessing indeed.”
A cleaver, as long as her legs, was held in her hands.
“I’m known as one of the greatest healers to ever grace this land, but I don’t get to show off as much I want to. You see, in order for my healing to work, they need to be on the brink of death.”
Oh no-
“Now, don’t look so scared. You won’t be killed- in a lot of pain, yes- but you won’t die. You’ll be healed before you know it, which is a pity for me-”
You tried to crawl away, but seeing that she whipped the tip of the blade centimeters away from your nose, you took that as your one and only warning.
“I would prefer to do this back at my home, I have much more toys to play with than this, but it’ll do. Now then-”
She lifted the blade high above her head-
“No- nononononono! Please don’t!”
“Now, I swear by my hand, thou shall not die!”
Your shrill screams echoed through the forest as she brought the blade down.
“And you got this information…from the town drunk?”
Okay, now that she’s saying it out loud, it doesn’t sound very credible-
“That’s what you get for listening to that man,” she just shook her head as you rubbed the growing sore spot on your forehead. After being “treated” by the wit- Yosano, she’s been gracious enough to let you stay at her small home. Here you are, drinking tea and going through all your troubles and what lead up to this point. It was odd, you two were talking like everything was normal. HA! Like your life will ever have some sense of normal again after this.
While you don’t remember much of her “treatment”, you do remember the feeling afterwards and the wave of butterflies that followed after. You felt so light, so airy, as if you were living among the clouds not a single care in the world. You accepted that wow, she was telling the truth- but you’re very careful to not let yourself get injured again.
“Well I guess it doesn’t matter now, not like you can go back anyway.”
Her words brought a sting of pain to your chest. It wasn’t like she was wrong, you couldn’t go back even if you wanted to. The very people who you come to look at as family were the same ones ready to watch the flames consume your body alive. Even if you explained how you weren’t practicing dark magic, how could you explain your wounds healing and walking around basically brand new? They would just make sure that you wouldn’t get away this time-
“But, I have an offer to make to help with your…situation.”
That snapped you out of your thoughts.
“I’ll let you stay here, if you become my assistant.”
“Your assistant? How could I exactly help you? I can’t do any magic, I’m pretty much useless-”
Her cup clattered against the table. “Not true. You think just because you don’t have the power to do magic that your life loses meaning? Goodness, it’s a good thing you did get out of that village when you did.” She stood up and brushed the imaginary dirt off, and then made her way towards you.
“Listen (Y/N), all life has meaning, and no one else has the ability to change that. The fact that they tried to take that from you, that they tried to kill you- it’s a disgrace and a slap to the face to what life truly is. I vow to crush anyone who holds life with so little regard with my bare hands!” She balled her fists up, then extended her arm to you. You couldn’t stop yourself from flinching, thinking that she was going to strike you for saying something so foolish-
But instead, she held her hand out.
“Stay by my side, and let me show you how valuable your life truly is (Y/N).”
Your life…being valuable? Even after how pathetic you looked to her? Can you really trust her words? Did she really your life as valuable? An outcast with no power, no status, seen as valuable?
But, would she have saved you if she didn’t think it was?
It’s not like you have anything else to lose, and you know that you just met her but…it was obvious that she saw something in you that you didn’t see.
And you wanted to see what convinced her that your life is valuable.
You gripped her hand, a tearful but appreciative smile on your face.
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