#(joking about reality shifting just... fyi)
nururu · 2 years
Everyone huge News!!!!! I had my first dirty Zoro dream last night 😏 I deserve celebrations from everyone.
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cvntyre4d5 · 1 year
(HIIII Okay so since I just moved from quotev I’m just gonna paste my story from there)
(Sweet Dreams~ PART 1- Where it all began) (also my fanfics are meant 2 be for everyone unless it says otherwise so yeah and I wrote this abt 3 months ago so enjoy)
(Before we start FYI anytime you see she or he thats NOT you!"
'RIIIIIIIIIING RIIIIIIIIIIIIIING RIIIIIIIIIIII-.' As you throw your phone at the wall, you sleepily wake up and grab your phone off the floor. You look at it shocked cause somehow it's not even close to broken. With a sigh of relief, you get dressed and walk downstairs.You open your phone out of boredom and decide to scroll through Tiktok. A few videos later, you see a anime shifting video, you laugh what a big fucking joke. "Why not try it out?" says your tired roommate. "Hell I have nothing better to do." "Have fun with that, those take fucking hours." says your roommate laughing, she walks upstairs to her room.
You watch the Tiktok again seeing what all you'll need, you choose a method and head over to the store. Grabbing some paper, a pack of pencils, and then just some random snacks. You go pay for your stuff, but just your, luck your card declines. The cashier complained over your declined card. A few seconds later a tall figure approaches, he comes up and pays for your items, you take a good look at him as you thank him. Black hair, but it wasn't jet black it was much darker, mysterious red eyes.. almost glowing, and height was an understatement, he was tall but not too tall. He gave you a smile and walked off tipping his hat. You walk home thinking about the man. He was dressed strangely in a suit? "Probably from the Anime Convention nearby", you think to yourself. You make it home and decide on your script. Writing down the most random crap, not caring what goes on the paper. After all it isn't real, right?? A few hours later, you head up to your room; getting everything set up.
You lay down, slowly closing your eyes, gently you say "I hold the power to shift my reality", "I hold the power to shift my reality", "I hold the power to shift my reality..." You fall asleep.
(I do commission btw cause why not)
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
SuperM/WayV AU: 8th member
YinYin x SuperM/WayV/NCT
Yinnie gets up to trouble with the dreamies, and reveals some deeper problems of her own.
A/N:ALSO FYI check out my patreon (patreon.com/kllamallama for exclusive posts!)
Requests are Open…and your feedback is still super important to me.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Noona! We didn’t know you were here.”
YinYin paused, looking into the practice room. She’d been on her way to the gym, but some excited voices stopped her.
“Jisung?” She smiled when she saw him waving. “Are you guys practicing?”
She turned to walk into the room, finding the rest of NCT Dream inside.
“Just kind of messing around, to be honest.” Haechan told her. “You?”
She dropped her gym bag on the ground. “Just going to the gym.”
“By yourself?”
“I’m currently trying not to murder Lucas, so I figured I’d ditch him.” She walked up behind Renjun, messing up his hair with her hand. 
“Why are you mad at Lucas?” He asked in Chinese.
“Yeah,” Chenle laughed. “Did he break into the bathroom again?”
“No, he -”
“Korean please.” Jisung begged. 
“Just for you baby.” YinYin winked. “So I take it I’m not interrupting?”
“Not at all.” Jeno promised. “Jisung is trying to teach us how to do a back flip. We could do with a real teacher.”
“Yah, you said I was doing a good job.”
“But we need a master.” They all looked to Yinnie.
She blinked. “What? That’s me?”
“Yes please.” Renjun asked.
YinYin rolled her eyes. She really should go to the gym, as she shouldn’t be doing any sort of exercise without a proper warm up, but she could never resist a chance to fool around and impress the dreamies.
“Just let me stretch.” She joked, pulling her sweater over her head, leaving her in her tight black leggings and matching long sleeve crop top.
She bent down to touch her toes.
They just watched her.
“Why aren’t you guys stretching?”
“Right, we’re going!”
They all followed her through her stretching routine, and they took the chance to chat. YinYin moved smoothly into the splits, and they all did their best imitation of her.
“Were you just born doing this or something?” Haechan winced.
“Seriously, it’s like it doesn’t even take effort for you.” Jeno told her.
Yinnie reached forward to touch her toes. “I was in gymnastics since I was three years old. I guess I do find it kind of easy.”
She rolled over so she was just lying on the ground, letting her muscles relax for a minute. Around her, the boys melted to the floor.
“You know so many cool tricks.” Jisung sighed. “Can you do the thing where you put your leg over your head?”
“I thought you wanted me to do a backflip?”
“After. Show us the trick.”
Yinnie rolled her eyes and stood. She hadn’t really stretched enough for the move they wanted, but it should be fine. Besides, she’d just have to do it once and then she could move on to something easier.
“Fine, watch and dream, children.”
“Isn’t it watch and learn?” Haechan asked.
“We can’t do it.” Renjun answered for her. “Let’s go Yinnie!”
She took a deep breath and kicked her leg up behind her, grabbing it with one arm. The aim of the move, which was common in Chinese dance, as to make her legs a straight line. But it put a lot of strain on her back, which meant she had to transition slowly into the split.
“Do you normally do it this slowly?” Chenle asked.
“Uh, I can go faster.” She lifted her leg straight up, feeling the painful pinch in her lower back.
“Wow, that looks so cool!” Jeno exclaimed. “I don’t know how you do that.”
Yinnie dropped her leg, trying to keep a neutral expression as her back screamed in protest at the movement.
“Let’s try the backflip.” She grimaced.
“Okay, what’s first!” 
An hour later, YinYin hobbled out of the practice room. She’d made an excuse about needing to get to the gym before it got busy, but in reality she wasn’t sure how much longer she’d last. Her back was still hurting with every movement, and she couldn’t afford to let it get worse. She just needed to get home and put some heat on it, and hopefully it would feel better.
“Noona, you forgot your-”
She turned as Jisung excited the studio, holding her sweater in his hand.
“Noona?” He tilted his head, taking in her posture. She had one hand on the wall to support her weight as she tried to work up the energy to walk down the stairs and call a cab.
“Thanks, Jisung.” She forced a smile. “It’s my favourite sweater.”
“Are you okay?” He hurried over, ignoring her feigned response. “Did you hurt yourself?”
“Of course not, I’m just a bit...sore.”
He narrowed his eyes. “I’ve never seen you get sore after a practice, especially one as lame as that.”
“Well, I am.” She took the sweater and tried to take a step. Her back seized, and she stumbled a little. Her hand went right to her spine as she breathed in a sharp breath.
“Is it your back?” He reached out, grabbing her elbow. Despite how much she refused to admit it, it was nice to shift a bit of her weight onto him.
“It’s just....” She sighed. “I didn’t stretch enough. It’ll be fine with some rest.”
“I asked you to do the trick, and now you’re hurt.” He frowned. “Do you want me to call a doctor? Or Kun?”
“I’m fine, Jisung.” She promised. “I just need to get home and rest.”
“I’ll help you down to get a cab.” He shouldered her gym bag and wrapped his arm around her waist, helping her down the steps.
“Thanks, Jisung.” She squeezed his shoulder. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Call someone else.” He teased.
“No, I...ah-” She hissed as they descended the last step. “I’m kind of keeping this on the down-low. I’ve been doing some physical therapy to help it, and it really isn’t that bad.”
“Was it...” He swallowed. “Did it come from what happened on Weekly Idol? When they bent your leg?”
YinYin was silent for a moment, before she decided to answer. “I think so. My therapist thinks that it was a microfracture that never got properly healed, but it doesn’t bother me all of the time.”
They stepped through the doors of the building and outside.
“You promise you’re okay?” Jisung asked as he waved down a taxi.
“I promise.” She smiled at him. “Besides, you know me. I’m too tough to let something like this get me down.”
“Be careful, Noona.” A cab pulled up next to them. “But I know you’re a badass.”
“You know it.” She winked, letting him lower her into the cab. “Work hard, Jisung.”
“Rest hard, Noona.”
YinYin smiled as the cab pulled away, watching through the window as Jisung disappeared back into the building. 
The second she was certain her was out of frame, she let the pain return to her face.
“Are you alright, miss?” The cab driver asked.
She shrugged. “I hope so.”
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, Ch.10
A/N: FYI, more violence with a spritz of character development~
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08 |  09
AO3 | Fanfic
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A month had passed since Nanami began training with Rappa. Though she regularly checked her eardrums to make sure they hadn’t ruptured from his teaching style, aka yelling 24/7, she was already seeing the benefits. Thanks to his recommendation to add some more proteins and healthy fats to her diet, she noticed her muscles were more toned. And thanks to his “be ready for a fight at all times” attitude, she noticed her reflexes had improved. It was an effective way of teaching as it carried over to her life outside of the gym, much to the disappointment of Dr.Tanaka who was notorious for his practical jokes and jump scares around the hospital.
“It’s no fair, you’re always so ~*cool and reserved *~ now. How am I supposed to get in my midday pick-me-up pranks in now?” Tanaka whined as they sat in the café for their coffee date.
“Oh, so I’m cool now? Besides, if you need a mental break, just lock your office door and hide under your desk like the rest of us functioning adults.” She replied, casually sipping her drink while checking her phone.
“You kids nowadays, always so depressing. What’s got you so zoned into your phone anyways?”
“One, you’re literally only 5 years older than me. And two, you wouldn’t get it, old man.”
Tanaka gasped dramatically clutching at an imaginary dagger in his heart. “You wound me—oh thank you!” he responded as the barista brought his drink over, cutting off what Nanami was sure would have been a Shakespearean performance. “Anyway, so how’re your classes going? You look like you’re getting shredded already.”
“Oh please, it’s only been a month or so. But to answer your question… it’s been awesome! Super tiring, but awesome, nonetheless. I feel… more secure.” The conversation was meant to be light, but the last part came out more sincere and thoughtful than she intended.
From across the table, Tanaka could see a far-off look in her eyes as she gazed out the window for a beat, fiddling with the crow keychain on her phone. He knew there was something more going on that she wasn’t telling him since her fiasco at the construction site but also knew better than to pry. From her residency until now, Nanami proved she could handle herself and he trusted that if she wasn’t saying anything, it was probably for good reason. However, it did little to alleviate his worry.
Looking back across the table, Nanami could see her friend deep in thought. Tanaka was a goofball, but he knew when something was off and when to get serious. Though she was protecting him, Hitomi, and everyone else close to her by lying, the guilt persisted. Now realizing they were staring at each other, they shared a moment of realization and then a snicker, and a laugh. A knowing smile crept across their faces, Nanami patting Tanaka’s hand.
“You’re a real bro, you know that?”
“Always.” He smiled warmly as his beeper went off, “Oop, duty calls. We’re still on for dinner next week though, right?”
“Oh yeah, let me write it down before I forget. I’ll meet you at the restaurant, sound good?”
“You bet, I’ll see you later—be safe getting home, ok?”
“Of course,” She smiled, nodding. Nothing was said directly, but she knew what he meant. He left the café, Nanami now enjoying her mocha and treats at last.
Looking back at her burner phone for what felt like the millionth time today, there were still no further messages. It had been a week and a half since she’d seen Overhaul. It was Sunday night when her phone vibrated, the text simply reading “Out on business. Be back in 2 weeks.” The follow-up text coming a minute later, “Don’t burn the place down.” Looking back at them she found herself almost sad she wouldn’t be seeing him for a bit before slapping herself back to reality. I am not sad, I do not miss him. I am elated to have a break from that moody asshole.
As she cursed into her cup, a crow perched itself on the windowsill by her table. It pecked at the glass, cawing, interrupting what would have been a peaceful break. Nanami leered, irked at the timing. Tch. Still better company. She mused, comparing the two birdbrains. She smiled smugly as an idea popped into her head that she was just bored enough to entertain. Pulling up the camera app, she snapped a picture of the winged nuisance, sending it with the caption “Found your replacement.” After a quick chuckle to herself, a sense of panic came over her as she realized what she’d done. That was definitely too casual. He’s probably carrying out a hit or something and you sent a dumb picture of a bird? Why am I such a cornball? She bemoaned inwardly as she hurriedly locked the phone, laying it face down on the table like the bad decision would go away if she simply ignored it. He probably won’t even reply anyway… He’ll just give me a judgmental look when he gets back and never speak of it again…First order of business is finding a rock to crawl under.
Just before she facepalmed herself into oblivion, the phone vibrated. Her eyes shot wide as she stared at the offending object, knowing she’d have to pick it up at some point. Clearing her throat, she worked up the courage to turn over the phone, the text reading, “Same here.” with an attachment. She opened it up, choking on her drink when she saw a picture of a dumpster.
Yup, I walked right into that one. She thought, shedding a single tear inwardly, having only the strength to send a sad face emoji.
“Busy now. See you Monday.”
Sighing in defeat, Nanami gathered her things, hoping whatever had him so busy would make him forget her blunder.
It was now Thursday evening and Nanami was in her workout gear, walking briskly towards the training room. Hearing Rappa completing his usual sets, she knew it was time to put her game face on. They’d been sparring twice a week after each session, but beforehand, he had her doing a myriad of drills and weightlifting. As she approached the door cautiously, she heard his voice booming, “DON’T JUST SIT OUTSIDE, GET IN HERE AND ON THIS BENCH.”
“Yes sir!” She piped, knowing he was officially in drill sergeant mode.
Dropping her bags and plopping in her earplugs, she headed over to the benches, completing her sets as Rappa counted aloud each repetition while throwing motivational insults in the mix. She knew the words “Get to it you sad sack of bones” and “you wreak of failure” had to be on a Ballmark card somewhere.
Finishing out her final squatting reps with a grunt, she wracked the bar, breathing heavily. Just as she was fantasizing about the water bottle in her bag, she heard him yell “NO BREAKS YET, MAGGOT” as he swung at her. She barely had time to dodge, but a week ago it would have grazed her and two weeks ago it would have had her doubling over as it made full contact. Without a second thought, she had her guard up and she was in the proper stance to launch a counterattack. They traded blows, Nanami landing 5 for every 10 of his. She’d made great strides, but becoming a master fighter in a matter of weeks just wasn’t realistic, quirk or not.
This continued for an hour, Nanami only taking a break to heal her injuries. Though it wasn’t the main goal, she’d cut her healing time in half, but it came at the price of pain. Having to repeat this over and over on small parts of her body, she could see how it would be slightly maddening to perform it on a large scale over the course of a lifetime. Interrupting her thoughts, Rappa landed another punch to her gut before tossing her across the room. Her recovery was better than the first time, but it still hurt like hell. She staggered, rushing to heal and counter him as he charged forward.
She was knocked down again and again, but refused to stay down. Today, she felt he was being particularly hard on her, but she wanted to rise to the occasion striking back every chance she got. Now feeling her stamina running low, she stumbled to her feet again, assuming her stance as she had the first time.  
“Why don’t you just use it?”
A bit dazed from the last blow, Nanami asked what he meant.
“Your quirk. Why aren’t you using it to defeat me?”
“What’s with this all the sudden?” She rasped, still out of breath, “I’ve been using it this whole time.” She defended, weakly gesturing to the pillars she’d created to help her maneuver around the arena.
“No. I mean on me. You could have ended this an hour ago… Is this a game to you?” He spoke gravely, sounding a tad annoyed.
“What? No, not at all. I ju—”
“NO EXCUSES. You think your opponent will care about your little hang-ups when it’s life or death?” He cut her off as he charged forward, barely missing her as the punch landed on the floor leaving a small crater. Her eyes widened at the realization that the punch would have split her in half.
“That could’ve killed me!”
The adrenaline began rushing through her veins as she felt the air in the room shift. Behind every blow there was killing intent. Confused as to why he was now hellbent on escalating the match, she managed to blurt out “W-why are you doing this?!” as she rolled to dodge another potentially fatal blow.
Still not understanding his anger, she continued to try and dodge like her life depended on it, because in that moment, it did.
She knew what he wanted her to do, but the fear of losing control was still there. In her moment of doubt, he landed a blow that sent her flying into one of her pillars. She heard a sickening snap as her leg bashed into the corner of the structure, undoubtedly shattering her femur. The pain was more than she expected, and she cried out bitterly for a moment before stifling it once again as blood welled up into her mouth from the previous blows. Spitting lazily, she saw him stalking towards her as he continued to speak, “Do you think someone in a real match is going to use restraint and wait for you to have your little breakthrough? Plenty of weaklings would kill to have a quirk like yours, but here you are wasting it. Makes me sick.” He spat, as he bent down to hold her up by the neck and she thrashed in vain to break free. “I dunno who I saw during that trial, but you sure as hell aren’t her. Let me end this pathetic existence for ya,” he said squeezing tighter.
Suddenly, the fear turned into anger and a calm rage came over her as she stopped thrashing and used her right hand to grasp firmly on his wrist. “You don’t know shit about me, but you’re about to fuck around and find out.” Taking as deep a breath as she could while still in his chokehold, Nanami focused on his anatomy, surveying every cell, every blood vessel, and every hair. In the next instant, she dropped to the floor as red coated the arena. Looking up, a moment of pure terror took over her being as the flashbacks to the first time she’d done this took over. Hyperventilating, a million thoughts raced through her mind. Just as she was felt she was drowning, she felt two hands grabbing her shoulders, squeezing firmly giving her a gentle shake before letting go. It may have been part of the episode or her brain trying to regain control, but it was enough to bring her back to earth long enough to calm down.
After a few, centering breaths, she managed to recompose herself, taking stock of the situation. Rappa was now all over the room, literally coating it. No. No more panicking. You have to focus before it’s too late to put him back. Remember the structure. Remember the shape. She repeated to herself like a mantra before gaining a clear picture in her mind of how to assemble him. Pressing her hands to the floor he was now embedded in, the pieces of him came rushing back, snapping back into shape before her eyes.
He took a sharp inhale, staring at his hands in almost disbelief that he was real. She watched him closely, hoping she hadn’t forgotten any pieces of him. He stared in her direction for a beat and she wondered if “he” was still in there or if she’d brought back some empty husk. Her question was soon answered.
“I…I almost had a mental break and you’re critiquing me on my timing?? You almost killed me!”
“Yup, but you got me first. Good job today.” He reassured her, now serious.
Still reeling, all she could manage was a weak, “Thanks.”
He closed the distance between them, extending a hand in front of her. They clasped forearms as he pulled her up and she quickly remembered she hadn’t fully healed since the last couple blows. Leaning on him a bit she recovered, hoping to never have to fix injuries like them again, at least on herself. They walked over to the seats lining the walls and sat down, both recovering from the mini trauma session.
“Hey doc,”
“What made you wanna train?”
She flinched reflexively, posting up before he reassured her it wasn’t the pretext to another barrage of attacks. “Well… to get stronger, obviously. Why do you ask all the sudden? Never figured you one for deep conversation.” She remarked, taking a swig from her water bottle.
“Just curious. You and the boss got the same quirk. I think man-to-ma—or person-to-person combat is the greatest thing in the world, but you don’t have to go through all this. Most people with quirks as powerful as yours just kinda coast off that.”
She thought for a moment, reflecting to give an honest answer,” I want to be more than this.” She said, studying at her hand, outstretched in front of her. “A lot of people become reliant on their quirks--  and I did the opposite-- but in a way it’s just a different side of the same messed-up coin. I still let it define me. I just want to be capable, quirk or not… Does that answer your question?”
“Yeah, I think it does.” He said giving her a firm pat on the back, “Go get some rest, doc. “
He rose, leaving the room and Nanami alone with her thoughts. Thinking back to what grounded her earlier, she remembered a detail and quickly shook it off. He’s not even here. I really need to go home and sleep this off. And promptly call my therapist…
As she grabbed her things to go, she was so focused, she hadn’t noticed the familiar figure in the room. Clearing his throat to get her attention, she nearly jumped out of her skin. So much for the awareness training...
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
He raised his brow at the obvious question.
“Well, not like that. I mean of course you’d be here; I just mean... like what are you doing here now?” she managed to get out. Why the hell am I nervous?
“I finished my business early, decided to see how you’d progressed.”
“Oh, ok. So… you saw all that, huh?” she cautioned a glance, more than a little embarrassed.
“Most of it.”
“…Any thoughts?”
He paused, before answering,” Rappa was correct. Your hesitation will get you killed. Don’t make the same mistake again, I might not be there the next time.”
She nodded, walking past him towards the door before taking a moment to register what he’d said, “Hey, by the way… when I… disassembled him—I know this is a silly question—but did you… do anything?” she almost immediately regretted even asking.
“Like what?” His expression was blank.
Sighing to herself she decided it had to have been her brain throwing her a bone back there to save her from a mental break, “You know what? Nevermind. I’m just tired, must’ve been imagining things. See you later.”
As he watched her leave, he retrieved a clear bag with his bloodied shoes and gloves, glad he had returned earlier than planned. Replacing his subordinate would be an inconvenience, but replacing a partner would have been infinitely more difficult.
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sweetwritertanya · 5 years
Sing With You (Part 2)
Summary: Much to your disbelief, you were actually recording a song with the boy you had the biggest crush on since you found out about him. Always so professional and friendly, you learn that Jungkook had been keeping a secret… that changes everything.
Warnings: this is pure FLUFF. Nothing to worry.
REQUESTED: YES! Someone requested a part 2, so here it is! Also, FYI, if you ever want a sequel to one of my writings, feel free to ask. But if you want it with smut, tell me or I’m gonna assume you mean fluff. Anyway, hope the person who requested this likes it!
Word Count: 2342
It took him a week to actually reach out. You had already accepted that nothing was going to happen, why would Jungkook be so interested in singing with you? He had lots of other female artists he could collaborate with, more famous and prettier than you, surely.
But when you received a text from an unknown number saying it was Jungkook, asking if you were serious about the proposal he made the night of the charity event, you shrieked and threw your phone to your bed. You were so amazed that he was actually texting you about it.
Regaining composure, you texted him back that you’d be honored to collab with him and were willing to work around each other’s schedules to make it work.
It started very professional, with both of you reaching out to your labels, explaining the situation. No opposition was lifted from any sides, and the collaboration seemed to have a green light. You had an ever present grin on your face as you texted back and forth with Jungkook, trying to come up with a theme and ideas for the song, voice memos with melodies going back and forth.
A few weeks after, though, you found yourself talking to him about things completely unrelated to work, telling him about your day and the new visions you had for your next album. In return, he would tell you about his day also, about the schedule he had and even about his mistakes and short-comings he struggled with. Something you always comforted him about, knowing he was very hard on himself, a lot more than he should.
When he started texting you jokes and memes just for the laughs, that’s when you realized that you may be developing more than a professional relationship with the boy. Maybe, just maybe, he actually wanted to be friends. And your heart skipped a beat at the thought, your smile so wide it hurt your face.
Those thoughts changed, however, on the first day of recording for the song. He invited you to go and record with him on his studio, even offering for Yoongi to listen to the first draft of the song and see what he thought, maybe improving some things you and your team were missing.
The producers that were recording both you and Jungkook on the studio informed you they would take a fifteen minute break, going downstairs to grab a coffee. It was just you and the boy on the recording booth.
“I think this is going so well!” you exclaimed, feeling so happy you were basically jumping in place with joy. Jungkook found it adorable and couldn’t help but smile lovingly at your enthusiasm.
“Can’t wait to hear how it will sound when we’re done” he shared your passion.
“Yeah…” You bite your bottom lip, eyes shifting to your hands, paying with your fingers nervously as you considered if you should say what was on your mind. Jungkook tilted his head at you, curious about what made you shift in mood. “You know, I haven’t said this already because I thought it was obvious, but… Thank you, Jungkook. For asking me to sing with you. For being so patient during this chaotic process. And for being so friendly with me. I never thought, in a million years, that I would ever befriend someone like you. So, thank you.”
You gazed up at him and he was staring strangely at you, a lost look behind his chocolate eyes, making you blush and regret saying anything, for now you were embarrassed and had no idea how to behave. You settled for turning your back and pretending you had somewhere to go to.
“I… I’m going to get coffee too. Do you want something? I can bring your order up if-”
As you were about to reach the door, a hand curled around your wrist, pulling you away from your exit. His hand was not forceful, even shaking slightly as you turned back to him, uneasy eyes slowly raising up to set on his. He winced almost imperceptibly under your shy gaze, being his turn to avoid direct eye-contact with you. He was chewing at the side of his cheek, a guilty expression on his beautiful face, and you knew something was up.
“Y/N, I… I h-have to confess s-something” he murmurs, letting go of your wrist and shoving his hands on his pockets, still not looking at you but rather at your feet. “I d-don’t want to be friends. I never w-wanted to be friends.”
Your heart breaks right then and there, like someone just drilled a hole right through it, your eyes filling with unshed tears at the pain. You stopped breathing, afraid that any movement would only increase the pain that was threatening to break you.
“Oh… That’s fine” you lie in a whisper, your voice betraying you and whimpering a bit. “W-We’ll just finish this song and go on our ways. Don’t worry, I won’t b-bother you.”
He looks up at that, frowning with confusion until he sees your watery eyes and realizes what he said. Immediately his confusion turns into panic and he gasps, raising his hands in front of him, as if trying to stop the whole situation from continuing.
“NO! N-no, that’s not what I mean” he yells, anxious and growling in frustration with himself, scratching heavily the side of his neck. “I meant to say, I don’t want to be just friends. I, I like you, Y/N.”
You watched with parted lips and wide eyes as Jungkook’s cheeks and ears turned a bright red, his eyes glancing everywhere except at you, shifting his feet nervously. You weren’t sure you heard him correctly, the pain you were just feeling still too fresh for you to hang on to hope.
“I-If you don’t like m-me, that’s okay” he started to say, hurt evident in his tone. Reality seemed to hit you all at once and you took a deep breath, bringing your hands to your open lips, still in disbelief of what was happening.
“Please don’t play with me” you ask, shaking your head as you stared at the awkward boy in front of you.
“I’m not” he insisted, frowning his eyebrows, feeling slightly offended you thought he would. He was about to say something else, probably out of frustration, but you stopped him.
“Because I like you too. But if you’re just messing with me, this is really not funny.”
In complete awe, you saw as the facial featured of his attractive face changes before your eyes. His frowning eyebrows rose in his forehead, dark big eyes widening brightly as he finally set his gaze on yours, no nervousness behind them, the cheeks rising as his lips curled up in the sunniest, cutest, most angelic looking smile you had ever seen.
“You like me?” he asked in a whisper.
“Yes. Very much” you confessed back, as lowly as he did.
Before you knew what was happening, two arms enveloped you in the warmest of embraces, squeezing your back close to his chest, his head falling to the crook of your neck as he spanned you around for a moment, extracting the silliest giggles out of you.
“Oh, thank God!” he exclaimed, still holding your close as he settled you down, but raising his head just enough so you could stare at each other. “I thought I made a mistake telling you. You got me so scared for a moment, Y/N” he admonished you.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t like you back?” you questioned tilting your head, bravely lifting your arms to surround his waist and keeping him close. You still could not believe this was happening.
“Well, I hoped you did. I mean, I’ve been flirting with you since the beginning and you never hinted me to stop, so…” he explained, but you frowned at that.
“Flirting? When did you flirt?” You truly had no idea what he was talking about.
“All the time. The jokes I told you, the compliments I gave you, the voice memos of me singing for you, they were all me flirting.”
“I thought you were just being friendly! And the singing was about the song we are making, how is that flirting?” You chuckled as he touched the tip of his nose to yours, making you blush slightly. At least he was blushing too.
“I never said I was good at flirting” he offered as an elucidation. “But I am good at this.”
And that’s when he lowers his head down, still holding you in a warm hug, and pressed his soft lips against yours, in the softest, sweetest and quickest of kisses. It gave you a brief electric shook and your heart skipped a beat at the gesture. When he pulls back, he sees you smile up at him shyly and he smiles too, taking your breath away even before he came down to repeat the movement.
With a bit more pressure and precision, his lips are on yours and move ever so tenderly, making you sight into the kiss and lean more into him, not sure if you’re strong enough to keep your legs steady. You kiss him back and his hands pull you that much closer to him, even though your bodies were already as close as they could get.
“J-Jungkook” you call as you come up for air, though he continues pecking all over your face, barely acknowledging your warning tone in your voice. “Hey, the producers will come back any minute now” you remind him. He humms into your skin, making you tremble underneath his finger at the feeling.
“They said fifteen minutes. We have about ten minutes left” he says, continuing the peck in your jaw. It was really difficult to be logical when he was so close, living such lovely kisses on your skin, his aromatic woody smell numbing your brain.
“W-We should be careful, Jungkook” you tell him, stepping a bit away to get your senses back together. He was way too intoxicating.
You hear him sigh sadly and look up to see his adorable pout in his lips, brows coming close with frustration. This man had the unique ability of being sexy and adorable at the same time.
“But I wanted to kiss you for so long…” he complains, tugging at your hand, trying to pull you back in. You giggle and get close on your tippy-toes to kiss his cheek instead, to which he both whimpers and smiles.
“Take me on a date and I’ll let you kiss me for however long you want” you assured him.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” His energy levels almost triplicate at such a promise from you, and he is all wide eyes and big smiles the rest of the day.
He made sure you kept your word on every single date he took you in, reassigning every free time he had on his schedule to be spent with you, even if only over calls or video-chat. He was the sweetest, most caring boyfriend you could ever ask for and the novelty of the relationship never seemed to wear off as the months kept passing by.
Rumors were starting to spread about you two, no matter how private you both tried to keep it. Ever since you released your collab song, that turned out to be a major hit, people had been shipping you two and any time you two were even in the same building gave away for articles to surface. You were a bit worried at first, but Jungkook never looked bothered by it.
A year into the relationship, you two were scheduled to, for the first time ever, sing your song together on stage. It was something you were so excited for, not only because you never got to sing with Jungkook for your fans live before, but also because you had not seen him for two weeks and were missing him like crazy.
You were on one side of the stage while he was on the other, and when you saw him you jumped in place and waved widely in his direction, making him smile and wave just as enthusiastically back. For once, you were not nervous about going on stage. All you had in your mind was Jungkook.
The song started and you both walked on stage, the fans yelling so loudly you could barely hear the music on your ear-piece, but you didn’t care. You sang with all the passion and feeling you could muster, your gaze never wondering too far from Jungkook’s, who was staring right back at you while he sang.
You reached up to hold his hand on the last bridge of the song, which he then took and made you spin around a couple of times, making you giggle while you sang, but you never missed a note. He then pulled you in and you were chest to chest, his hand on your lower back keeping you close while he held the microphone with his free hand. You were holding your microphone with both hands on top of his chest, feeling right at home when surrounded by was warmth and scent.
The song ended and both of you lowered your microphones, you smiling warmly at him and him looking at you with such love you felt like melting. And you almost did, when he suddenly pulled you in for a kiss a second before the lights went out on stage.
The crowd went wild but you zoned out everything except for the feeling of Jungkook, kissing him back with as much passion as he was kissing you, arms raising around his neck, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened.
You would only be confirming what hundreds of magazines and news reports were speculating already. Maybe going public would be a good decision after all. Jungkook didn’t seem to mind. And that performance would forever be the most well-known performance of your whole career. And you were so fine with that.
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fangirlfiction · 6 years
Addicted to You, pt. ii
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Series Word Count: 6.8k
Description: The mission.
Warnings: Spicy, angst, sad things. Mild swearing, mentions of blood, language. 18+ only!
A/N: This is a reupload of the entire series because tumblr sucks. That is all. FYI, ‘spicy’ is my new code for uh, intimate, moments. also the gif header is different for this chapter even though I wanted them to all be the same, but it won’t let me use the other one???
part three // series masterlist 
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You can cut the tension in the Quinjet with a knife.
Judging from the glances Bucky keeps throwing your way, he is still mad about your previous make out session and how things ended. Again. After another annoyed glance from Bucky, you sigh. “Could you please stop with the looks? I get it, you don't want to be here with me. I know we hate each other, so let's just finish this and be done.”
Bucky looks at you with confusion.  “I don't hate you.”
You unbuckle the harness keeping you in place beside him and stand. “Save it. I'll be in the back, let me know when it's time to land.”
You grab a bag of gear from the back of the rental car, huffing as you pull it onto your shoulder. Bucky is ahead of you, the keys to the room of the motel jingling in his hands as he walks. He reaches the door a moment before you, and he twists the key in the lock before pushing the door open with his boot.  As the door swings open, you both groan in annoyance.
“You've got to be kidding me,” Bucky mutters, eyes focused on the single queen bed situated in the middle of the room.
You roll your eyes and drop the bag inside. “I'll sort it out.”
Bucky grabs your wrist before you can walk away but drops it again when you glare at his hand. “You can't. There's nothing to sort out. Clerk said we were lucky cause it's his last room. The party at the castle has everything booked for miles.”
“Great,” you huff. “Honestly, just perfect.”
You grab clothes from your personal bag, stopping to turn to Bucky. “You should get some rest before the party this evening. We're gonna be up for a while.”
Bucky nods, but says nothing as you turn and walk into the bathroom.
An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, brushing the knots from your hair, attempting to stifle a yawn. You knew the mission was going to be a long one; the party started at 8 p.m. and was expected to last until sunrise. Deciding that a few hours of sleep would also do you some good, you emerge from the bathroom and into the now dark motel room. The curtains on the windows prevent most of the light from coming in, leaving the room in a hazy darkness. You glance at the silhouette of the bed, eyes making out Bucky’s form, and you stand there debating where to sleep, until his voice interrupts you. “Stop overthinking it and come sleep in the bed.”
“Fine.” You walk over to the bed and slide in beside him, careful to keep distance between you. You're asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
A few hours later, your eyes snap open, sure that you heard a sound. You stay still for a few minutes but hear nothing, and you start to drift off again when you realize Bucky’s head is on your pillow, and his arm is thrown over your waist. You turn slightly to look at him, eyes focusing on the face that's turned into your pillow. You keep still, debating what to do, as Bucky's breathing shifts the hair near your cheek.
A muffled voice breaks the silence. “I can hear you thinking.” He turns from the pillow and towards you, eyes focusing on yours.
“Sorry,” you whisper.
He reaches up and brushes some of your hair off your face, the metal of his fingers cooling the heat of your embarrassment. He lifts his head and moves towards you slowly, giving you time to stop him. He presses his lips to yours softly, and you melt into him. You push your fingers into his hair, sighing when his fingers draw shapes on the skin near your waist. He pulls away and you both look at each other, eyes having a silent conversation, asking if this is okay. You pull him towards you again and give him access into your mouth. He rolls over until he's hovering above you, before he reaches down to pull off your shirt, eyes never leaving yours. He stares at your bare chest, leaning down to press kisses on your newly exposed skin. Bucky's movements are slow. Deliberate. And you nearly burst from anticipation when he finally pushes inside of you, eyes locked on yours as he thrusts into you. Affection blooms in your chest as your climax builds, and there's something different about falling over the edge this time. Bucky leans down and presses another kiss to your lips before rolling over and taking you with him, your head settling on his chest as both of your breathing slows. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is Bucky threading his fingers through yours.
The loud ringing of your phone pulls you from sleep. You jump in surprise and fumble for the phone, answering without looking. “Hello?”
“Why do you sound like that? Are you sleeping? Where is Barnes? You're supposed to be getting ready!”
You lie easily, “Tony, can we play 20 questions later? I'm not sleeping, I'm just trying to get ready.”
“Fine. Call me before the gala.”
Bucky pulls up to the castle and gives the keys to the valet before helping you from the car. The ride to the castle was quiet, the earlier event hanging in the air but remaining undiscussed.
He offers you his arm, and you take it, trying to ignore the tension between you. He escorts you up the stairs and into the castle, both of you keeping an eye on the Hydra agents around you.
You count the guards as you pass them, leaning over to whisper in Bucky's ear, “20 guards, all armed. Surveillance cameras every 15 feet. No blind spots.”
Bucky pulls away with a laugh, pretending you told him a joke. He grabs two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, and leans down to reply, “You know what to do then. Server room is in the West Wing, and the intel is in the East Wing. We'll meet back here.”
You kiss his cheek and whisper, “Be careful.”
He squeezes your hand before turning and walking away, leaving you to wander towards the West Wing as innocently as possible. You finally reach the hallway to the server room, devoid of any guests. Your heels echo on the stone floors, making stealth impossible. You keep your pace slow, pretending to search for a bathroom.
You know you're in the right place when you round a corner and see a door blocked by two stoic guards. They glance at you as you approach, and you giggle and move closer. “Are you two lovely men guarding the bathroom?”
One of them starts to reply, but you shock him with the bracelet on your wrist before swiping your legs towards the other man, knocking him to the ground and leaving him unconscious. You take his gun and keys and unlock the door, before taking out two more guards. You activate the comms in your ear as you move towards the computers. “Server room secure, disabling the cameras now. Standby.”
You run the code for the cameras, disabling them one by one. You raise your head when you hear a commotion in the hall, and one glance outside reveals a group of Hydra agents closing in on you. “Shit.”
You slam the door closed and push a nearby filing cabinet in front of it just as Bucky questions, “What? What's going on?”
You run back to the computer, typing quickly and working to disable the remaining cameras. Something slams into the door, causing a loud thud, and you jump in fear. The slamming continues and you type faster as Bucky asks, “Talk to me, what's going on?”
“Hydra agents knocking on my door.”
You hear Bucky cock his gun. “I'm coming to get you.”
“No! The cameras are disabled, and we only have a 2 minute window. You have to go now.”
You hear Bucky kick a door in as the pounding on the door in front of you grows louder. Your voice is laced with anxiety when you mutter, “Bucky, this door isn't going to hold.”
“I'm almost done.”
The door starts to splinter and your voice shakes as you repeat, “Bucky this door isn't gonna hold, and I don't have enough ammo to take them out.”
Bucky's voice is soft when he replies, “Hey, it’s okay.  I'm gonna draw them away.”
And as soon as the words leave his mouth, an explosion rings out on the other side of the building. It's powerful enough to shake the entire castle. The banging on the door stops and you hear the agents retreat, but Bucky is suspiciously quiet. “Bucky, what the hell was that? Are you okay?”
You hear gunshots through the comms and a grunted reply, “I'm okay. Threw a grenade.”
“I'm coming to you, stay put!”
You push the file cabinet from the door, knocking it over, before throwing the door open and running into the hall. The sound of screaming and gunshot grows louder as you get closer to the main hall, and people push past you as they stampede towards the exit. You shove between them and struggle closer to Bucky as he speaks up in your ear. “We need to talk about last night.”
More gunshots. “Now?!”
Bucky grunts, and you hear someone cry out in pain in the background. “Yeah, I mean. Why not?”
“Because you're in the middle of a gunfight and I'm trying to reach you?”
“Reality is, you’re on the other side of castle, trying to fight through hundreds of scared party goers. You're not getting here in time. And I want to tell you that I don't regret it.  Last night, I mean. Or any night before that.”
You pause in the middle of the crowd, caught off guard. “What are you saying?”
“That I'm stupid for walking out on you two days ago and I'm stupid for letting you walk out six months ago. I should've fought for you. For us.”
“I thought you couldn't be in a relationship, Bucky.”
You hear grunting and more gunshots. “I didn't mean that. I said it because I was scared.”
“How much I love you. And how much I want to be with you. I couldn't stop thinking that I don't deserve you, and I thought it would be easier to pick fights with you and make you leave. I was so scared you'd wake up 10 years down the road and realize you deserve more than me.”
“Bucky...I would never do that. You have to know that.”
“I do. Having you reject me 2 days ago because I wasn't committing to you made me realize that you're not like that.” You hear a groan before he mutters, “I want to be with you.”
You start pushing through the crowd with more force than before, desperate to reach him. “You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that.”
The crowd finally starts to thin, and you break free and make it into the East Wing hallway, your heels clacking as you run to Bucky. “I'm almost there! Hang on.”
You don't even register Bucky's silence. Or the quiet of the hallway. You round a corner and see the blasted ruins of one of the walls, smoke rising up from the grenade site. Farther down the hall you see a torn open door, the wood splintered and broken, and you run towards it, sure that Bucky is inside. When you reach the doorway, you pause, shock overtaking you. There are bodies everywhere, all Hydra agents, all unmoving. You scan the room for Bucky, fear rising within you when you don't see him at first. On second glance you see his boots peeking out from behind a long wooden desk. You rush forward, sliding in blood, before you reach him. You drop down onto your hands and knees, eyes searching his body for injuries. There's blood all over his tux, the white shirt beneath his jacket stained red. You finally see the bullet holes in his stomach and you feel bile rise up in your throat.
“No, no, no, no, no.” You reach up and touch his face as you try to slow the bleeding with the other hand. “Hey Bucky, come on. You're alright, open your eyes.”
His eyelids flutter open and he whispers, “Hi.”
You don't realize you're crying until you see your tears land on his jacket, mixing with the blood there. “You're okay, you're gonna walk out of this.”
He reaches up and places his hand on top of yours. “I need you to know that I love you.”
You try to smile through your tears, “I know, but-"
You cut yourself off when you feel him take a shuddering breath, his eyes fluttering closed immediately after. “Bucky?” You shake him lightly. “Bucky, come on! Open your eyes!”
You collapse on top of him, sobs wracking your body, the thundering of boots growing closer. You turn as they reach the door, hand still gripping Bucky’s jacket, tears running down your face. The last thing you see before you close your eyes is an army of Hydra agents aiming their guns at you.
There’s no comfort in lost love.
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avengersnthings · 8 years
Yes Ma’am: Part One (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Summary: The Avengers have a brand new doctor, and she catches the eye of a certain super soldier. What will this super soldier do when he feels feelings that he hasn’t felt in half a century, especially when they are no longer directed towards the girl in his compass?
Word Count: 1, 051
Warnings: Slight swearing
A/N: Hello, everyone! This is my first attempt at something that hasn’t been requested, so I hope you like it! I am horrible at summaries so forgive me if it’s horrible. I’m not sure how long this imagine/fic will last, so please be patient with me! FYI, (Y/H/C) means “your hair color” for all those who do not know. If you would like to be added to my tag list, just send me an ask and let me know! Well, I hope you enjoy!
Tag List: @mp938368 @gcneral-organa @thatgirlsar
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“Right this way, Dr. (Y/L/N),”
“Thank you, Agent,” You breathed out. Adrenaline coursed through your body, igniting every nerve and fiber in you. Following the agent, you look up and see the enormous compound before you.
Holy crap...
Sun gleaming off of the compound, you see the familiar insignia proudly displayed on the front of the large building. Halting in your tracks, you take in a sharp breath as you stare up at the enormous building.
“Doctor (Y/L/N)!” A voice called out, drawing you from your thoughts of ‘Oh my gosh I’m really doing this. Holy crap.’
“Director Fury, so nice to see you again,” You shakily say, offering your hand. 
“So nice to see you. Not many people were willing to take up this position.”
“Yeah. Believe it or not, people actually don’t want to work with the Avengers. Something about ‘not wanting to deal with Stark.’”
“I heard that,” A metallic voice rang out. Looking up to the sky, you see Iron Man- holy crow, Iron Man!- descending from the vast blue above you. Landing ever so gracefully, the face plate opened up to reveal Tony Stark.
“Yes, well, some people do believe that you are difficult to work with, Stark,” Fury retorted.
“Bullshit. I am delightful,” Tony grumbled, staring daggers at Fury. His eyes shifted towards you, and with one glance at you, his frown turned into a smirk. “Well, hello, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Tony.”
Hand extended towards you, you shakily took his hand. Keep it together, (Y/N). “I’m Dr. (Y/L/N), but most people call me (Y/N).”
“Well, (Y/N), it was a pleasure meeting you. I’ll see you around,” Tony replied, and with that, his face plate closed and then he was off. 
Breathing deeply, you try to control your nerves. You just met Iron Man! Okay, okay, be cool.
“So, what do you think of Stark?” Fury asked, once again bringing you back to reality. 
“He’s... interesting,” You answer, following Fury into the compound.
“Yeah, interesting’s a word alright,” Fury laughed, leading you through the compound. “Just wait till you meet the rest of them. They are all interesting.”
“Looking forward to it,” You say with a hint of sarcasm, earning another laugh from Fury.
“I like you, Doctor. I knew I chose well. You’re just the type of person we need for the job,”
“Glad I could help,”
“Yeah, you won’t be saying that for long,” Fury chuckled, leading you down a hallway. “You’ll meet the rest of the team later. But for now, I’ll give you a little bit of a tour. Shall we?”
Fury had stopped, and was now looking at you. Gulping down your fear and anxiety, you nodded to him. “We shall.”
Groaning, Steve slumped into the nearest chair available in the conference room. Kicking one foot up after the other, Steve placed his feet on the long table as he relaxed after a hard day’s work of training. 
“You’re getting slow, old man,” Sam joked, taking a seat next to him. “Almost beat you back there.”
“You wish,” Steve retorted, a small smile playing on his lips. 
“Hey, Capsicle, no feet on the table,” Tony scolded, smacking Steve’s feet off the table. Rolling his eyes, Steve took down his feet as the rest of the team filed into the conference room.
“Okay, team meeting. Let’s do this,” Clint yawned as he laid his head on the table. 
“I agree,” Wanda said with a yawn. “The sooner we are done with this the sooner I get a nap.”
“You will get your nap soon,” Tony said as he pulled out the folder with the meeting’s agenda on it. “Now, let’s get to it.”
The meeting dragged on for Steve. All he wanted to do was go take a cold shower and relax for the rest of the day. Because of the meeting’s overall boringness, Steve found himself glancing out of the window that displayed the hall. Just as Steve was about to look away, a flash of (Y/H/C) caught his eyes, drawing him back to the window. 
There you were, following Fury in tow as he showed you around. Steve, intrigued by you, in more ways than one, kept looking at you from the window, ignoring whatever Tony was talking about. You listened intently to Fury, Steve noticed, always nodding along to whatever he had to say. You had moved further down the hall, which made Steve lean back on his chair as he tried to look at you for as long as he could. The further you moved down the hall, the further Steve had leaned back until-
“Uh, Steve?” Bucky asked as he looked down at his best friend sprawled out on the floor. Cheeks reddening at what just happened, Steve scrambled back up into his chair as the rest of the team looked at their Captain with confused looks. 
“I’m all good,” Steve squeaked out, causing him to clear his throat. “Go on.”
Tony, finding this just too hilarious, began to walk towards the hallway. “What made you fall over, Cap?” Sticking his head out the door, Tony saw you and Fury at the end of the hallway talking as you turned down another corridor. Smiling to himself, Tony walked back into the conference room.
“I see what it is, now,” Tony said with a smirk, causing Steve’s cheeks to redden a bit more. “You’ve caught a glimpse of Dr. (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
(Y/N)... that’s a pretty name, Steve thought as Tony explained that the team had a new doctor. 
“When will we meet her?” Bruce asked, collecting all of his materials since the meeting had ended. 
“Why not now?” Nat asked with a smile as she stood up. “I want a good look at the girl that made Steve fall over.”
The rest of the team stood up as they all said their agreements, following Nat and Tony out the door. Steve, still a little bit embarrassed, fell towards the back of the group with Bucky.
“All good, punk?” Bucky asked, nudging his best friend in the arm.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Steve replied, still in a daze about what just had happened.
Bucky, slightly chuckling at the look on his best friend’s face, pushed Steve forward. “Come on, let’s go meet the new Doc.”
Yes Ma’am: Part Two
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