#(it counts bc of thena)
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Pride Month time! (Dual Destinies version)
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honeyflies05 · 1 year
that looks fun wtf
i wanna join that cycling class
I am char char is me
what is gonna happen with the water bottle
yo he good?
apparently not
if my thighs poison me just let me die
Jesus they’re all goin💀
“did he just do math?? in his head??” CHIM-
denny missed the bus💀💀
denny and chim connection?? didn’t know I needed it
buck and chris relationship >>
that IS a classic origin story
that looks like a pioneer woman dish🤨
poor maddy💀💀
okay we’re back
…that house is green
“you and law enforcement” NSIDHDHSHA
she’s gonna have an asthma attack aint she
i too want a haircut without my mom’s permission
he seems like a creep💀
i don’t want him to do my hair
the dead nebulizer stare AKDJFJDJS
denny’s gonna get his ass BEAT
no Karen’s right
no bc see now I’m torn
athena going full police is so,,,,
they’re gonna station someone outside hUH
I’ve seen this part before
why does Eddie walk in here like he does this every Saturday night??💀
I’m gonna be honest how tf do you play poker
“maths not his thing” YEAH! ITS NOT!
“imagine that” SHE IS SO,,
STEAKS???? S T E A K S ? ?
she noticed.
oh so my guy was FR HURT??
no fr why didn’t his dad come to them?? HES THE ADULT.
okay can we agree the looks eddie was giving buck we’re NOT straight
i want denny’s mushroom shirt #imgay
hen’s mom being the mediator and voice of reason is so,,, ♥️💜♥️💜💗💜💕💜
denny had good intentions but also he’s like 12 so
what’s she got stuck up her asshole.
his math ain’t helping💀💀💀
hen knows how much that must hurt
buck was DEF on the phone with that girl he fucked in the firetruck
hen and chim bestieism
oh she SNEAKY
oh she wants a LETTER
okay but WHY does she want the mail
woooohoooo back to prison!!
buck would DEF use jeeyun for money skdichdhsha
my mom says aisha and hen’s mom’s actress are biologically related
hen’s mom is speaking truths with letting denny see his dad BUT telling his moms he’s doing it too and letting them regulate it like ADULTS
“like I got hit by a car” oh so he GOT JOKES???
them being ADULTS and creating ground rules!!!!!
Karen and hen being amazing mothers once again god they stay winning
chris is his sous chef!!!
America not using the metric system has its downfalls once again
“you know what a porterhouse is???”
“Buck.. I’m from texas” THAT HAD THE SAME ENUNCIATION AS “buck you don’t even have a couch!”
that’s the same room Buck was in😭😭😭
henren fans were FED tonight (me)
i can’t wait until I leave for college and my roommate has to deal with me and my 911 brain
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beananacake · 3 years
Savior (Part 6)
Ikaris x Reader
Summary: Ikaris has felt a him for millennia and he's never questioned it, until he found the source.
Chapter Summary: You learn the truth of their mission and you become haunted by your past.
Word Count: 4.6k words
Warnings: MAJOR MOVIE SPOILERS! (Anyone who hasn't watched the movie better not read this bc they're legit spoilies), r*pe and ab*se (but not too explicit), k*llings and d*ath, angst, SERIOUSLY THIS IS A DARK CHAPTER
A/N: Hey, everyone! I just want to thank all of you had given me kind words of encouragement. It's put me into a better mood than I did waking up. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to you guys but it's dark so I guess it doesn't really fit the bill of me being thankful? :/ Eitherway, this one is for you. Thank for all of those reading and keeping up with Savior. I love u guys so much, words don't do justice. I really love getting your feedback so reviews, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you find this too chapter too dark, I won't mind it you closed this and skipped it. You can always talk to me whenever you want to, my msgs are open for all. That being said, I hope you enjoy Part 6 of Savior!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | One Shot: Dear Diary
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Everything Thena told you about Centauri-6 and the destruction of that world had been true. Sersi told everyone about what Arishem had told her and the silence of the group was almost too deafening.
The Eternals and the Deviants were made by one Celestial, Arishem.
The Deviants were brought to Earth to clear away the predators but along the way, they had become predators themselves.
The Eternals were sent to Earth to keep the Deviants from consuming the intelligent life that is humanity.
Over the years, the population had grown until it was deemed enough to start the Emergence of a new Celestial, Tiamut.
And in consequence of the event, the Earth will destruct and humanity will die.
Centauri-6 had been one of those planets. It had birthed a new Celestial. Every after mission, Arishem had cleared them of their memories to prepare them for a new world. Unfortunately—or was it fortunately?—Thena’s memories were not wiped properly and she remembered how she and the others had died so a new Celestial could be born.
From Sersi’s story, it wasn’t that they ended in death. They were put out of order. Because they were more automatons than anything; loyal soldiers for Arishem to use to further his agenda and the birth of his race. Their home planet of Olympia did not exist. Their memories were taken out of their minds after every mission for the Celestial to study. They were manufactured for one purpose only: they were merely vessels and nothing more.
You looked over at Ikaris, finding him with a stern look on his face. You reached out to him to touch his hand but he moved it away. You tried again and he only stood, putting as much distance as he can from you. You didn’t try to put a name to the feeling of how you heart broke but you knew what it was.
“How did you know, Y/N?” Gil asked you and you looked back at him. He looked grave now, more like a warrior thinking of a battle strategy. “How did you know to ask her about Centauri-6?”
You sat straight in your seat, tampering down the heartache. “There was pain and regret in her voice when she told us about it when I first met her. Confusion wouldn’t make you feel those emotions. She was remembering.”
The mood was still somber. Even your powers couldn’t alleviate everyone’s spirits because you had been surprised and hurt by the revelation as well.
“I’m sorry, Thena,” Gil said. “You had been warning us but we weren’t listening.” Thena only nodded at him.
“There must have been something wrong when Arishem tried to reset your memories.” Sprite said.
“What do you mean?” Kingo asked.
“Isn’t that what Mahd Wy’ry is? All this time, Thena was remembering all the other planets that we were sent to and everyone dying during the Emergence.” Sprite told everyone.
You sighed and looked at Ikaris. He stood by the door and was staring out at the open. You got up and made your way to him, touching his arm lightly. He started.
“It’s just me,” you told him and stood before him. “Tell me what’s on your mind, Ikaris.”
When he didn’t respond, you palmed his face and tilted his head down so you can better see him. “I’m your angel. I don’t just kick ass and take names. I’m told I’m a pretty good listener too.”
You watched his face. In a few short minutes, he had changed so much. Gone was the man who almost kissed you. In front of you now was the old Ikaris, rigid and robotic. It broke your heart to learn that he was actually more a robot than a man. He had been close to giving in to his emotions and that was enough reason for you to know that there was still hope for him. All of the Eternals in this house were one and the same and yet they had evolved to develop emotions. Ikaris should be given the chance to do the same.
He only looked at you before he brought a hand to your wrist and pulled your hand away. “You wouldn’t understand.”
You scoffed. “How ironic, don’t you think, for you to tell me that. I’m not an Eternal but I know how it feels to be lost and afraid.” You move to catch his eyes again. “I know you are. I’ve seen that look in your eyes. It’s in everyone’s here tonight. I’ve seen it on my face before too.”
“I’m not lost or afraid.” He told you. He stepped away from the jamb and back to the room.
“Then tell me still.” You insisted.
“We have to stop the Emergence,” Sersi said and you both turned to her.
“Sersi,” Kingo said with a sad sigh. “We have no right to stop the Emergence or the birth of a Celestial.”
“Maybe not stop,” she looked at the people around her. “Maybe we can delay it until we figure out how it can come of out the Earth without destroying it.”
“Can’t Druig control it’s mind? Maybe put it to sleep?” Gil said.
“Put it to sleep?” Sprite asked skeptically and with a hint of sarcasm. “Are you serious?”
“Gilgamesh asked Druig to put me to sleep once,” Thena remarked.
“So I can take a vacation to Fiji,” Gil told them with a smile in his voice. You smiled along.
“We’re talking about a Celestial!” Kingo exclaimed.
“We gonna have to try!” Sersi asked around, tone incredulous. “We’re not going to let everyone on Earth die, right?”
You looked at Ikaris again. “Remember what we talked about?” You took one of his hands in yours, letting your calm flow through him. “About your heart and feelings?”
You felt the callouses in his hand, rough against yours and remembered that each of them held a story of his life. He had always used his fists more than his heart. It was time he rested this and use the other.
He looked at you, his eyes hard. “Now’s not the time for sentiment, Y/N.”
“The world is ending, Ikaris. If we can’t stop them—”
“We? You’re not a part of this.” He told you harshly. “You don’t belong with us. You don’t belong anywhere.”
You pulled back from him, recoiling at his words. Your skin dimmed as your power died down. Cold crept up from behind you and you hugged yourself, stepping away from him.
He was right, you thought to yourself as you looked at the face of the man you had sworn to keep safe. I don’t belong with them or anywhere.
You swallowed and took a shuddering deep breath, standing tall despite feeling so, so small. “Well, sucks to be you because I choose to stay and fight.” You were proud of yourself for keeping it together despite breaking on the inside.
You walked back to the group and sat beside Gil, keeping yourself close to him. Gil put an arm across your shoulder and squeezed. You smiled at him gratefully. You were still cold from Ikaris’s rejection but you were somehow thawing with the warmth of the reception of your newfound family.
“We need to go, now.” Ikaris said from his spot by the door. “We’ll find the others. Once we’re together, we’ll decide what to do with the Emergence.”
The trip from Australia to Amazon was long. Your silence on the way made it longer. You didn’t even try to lift everyone’s spirits. They didn’t question you; they knew you weren’t one of them and you processed the information differently and deeply. You kept mostly to yourself; everyone else except for Ikaris attempted to talk to you and get you to eat but you always said no. You knew it didn’t escape from them that Ikaris was avoiding you too.
You were weary when you landed in the Amazon rainforest. It was the closest thing to the fabled Garden of Eden that you’ve ever seen but that didn’t assuage the pain of Ikaris’s words. You thought you had moved on from that kind of pain but you were wrong. You were so wrong.
Druig lived in a small village with people who were the most serene bunch you’ve ever seen. You knew they were mind-controlled because normal people would always find fault for something and fight. These people here were too peaceful that it was almost eerie. Living in the forest added to that creepy atmosphere.
You saw Sprite approach one of the villagers and spoke in their language, asking for Druig and telling them that they were friends from university. The voice that came out of the man was an entirely different language and accent.
“Hello, Sprite,” he said and you saw the way his eyes turned milky before going a solid white.
The doors to the biggest structure opened and out came Druig, looking smug and none too pleased at everyone. He only smirked at your group.
“I missed all of you,” he said wryly as he crossed his hands behind his back. “Please, make yourselves at home.”
One by one, you entered his barn, noting the lack of furniture. It looked almost like a church of sorts, wooden benches the only furnishing. It was lit with bright fluorescents and it looked too sterile and out of place for something to be in the middle of a rainforest.
Everyone took their own seats and you sat near the aisle and away from Druig. You weren’t scared of him. You knew how powerful he was with his power of controlling and reading minds. That didn’t deter you, though. You understood his cause. After all, he was demigod who held love for humanity and could only do so much.
Sersi began telling him of what she had been told by Arishem. You kept your power low, just enough for the others to feel calm whilst still having enough grasp of their emotions. You didn’t want Druig to think you were taking from him his hold over everyone.
“You gave me a lot of bad news in one go, milady,” Druig said as he looked at Sersi.
“Can you help us?” Sersi asked hopefully. Druig was about to answer when her phone began going off.
The mind-controller ignored her, walked around the place and regarded all of you. “Do you all remember this forest? Beautiful. It was the last place we all lived together. I’ve protected this people for twenty generations now, from the outside world and from themselves.”
He walked over to Karun and looked at him intently. “Your kind, my friend, you will be responsible for your own extinction one day. What do you think?”
Karun put down his camera, looking at Druig with all the respect he could muster. “I think we must all learn from our mistakes and do better, sir. You must not give up hope—”
You felt Druig’s power as you looked at Karun’s eyes turn white from being mind-controlled. He threw away the camera he was holding.
“Oh, no, you didn’t.” Kingo said as he stood toe to toe with Druig. “Okay, new rule. No more possessing people’s valets.”
“Where’s your sense of humor, Kingo?” Druig mocked.
“You’re not a god. You know that, right?” Kingo challenged.
“How ironic,” Druig drawled sarcastically. “Kingo, the movie star.”
Kingo raised a brow. “I’ve directed some movies, too.”
Druig only looked at Kingo before turning to you. “What do you have on your back?” he told you by way of greeting.
You stood to your full height, just a tad smaller than him and looked him in the eye. “Why don’t you feel them and see?”
You unfurled your wings, left wing gently reaching forward to touch his hand.
“An angel,” he said in his flat voice as he felt the lightness of your feather but you heard the awe in them. “Why are you with them?”
“I choose to stay and fight.” You told him.
“No. That’s not it.” He learned forward to you, locking eyes with yours. “Why are you here, sweet angel?”
And then you felt it. Dull probes in your mind as all the seven thousand years of your life came flashing before your eyes. It poked at the recesses of your brain, bringing out memories from your subconscious you spent centuries to bury.
You opened your eyes, looking at the wide blue before you. You didn’t know where you were or what you were but you knew you had to move because something was coming your way.
You sat up and pushed yourself against a tree. Your back didn’t immediately meet its bark because you were granted extra limbs. White, powerful, mighty wings jutted from your back. You knew what they were for even if it had been your first time seeing them.
You peeked from the tree, watching a being from afar. They didn’t look big enough to cause the rumbling that had you scurry for the tree but there were many of them. And they appeared to wearing leathers of a sort. You looked down on yourself and found that you were naked and knew you had to get some leathers so you can fully integrate with them. They didn’t have wings like yours, though, so you had to be careful.
You slowly made your way to their camp, grabbing the first piece of clothing you see and donning them behind a copse of trees. Your wings were intuitive as they did not interfere with the leathers you wore. They were both corporeal and incorporeal, however that worked.
There was a rumbling again and your reactions were instinctive because when the creature came at you, you held out a hand and out came a burst of your power. It shielded you from the monster and you drew your hand back to kick its face. It did not do much but you didn’t have to react twice because there was another flying being that shot beams of light at it. You took that opening to hide behind the copse of trees, watching as this man in a blue suit kill it.
Yes, the voice in your head said. It is him you will save.
Him. You looked at the man again, watching how he fought against it bravely. You have to save him.
Another memory was pulled from you. It was angrier this time.
The sound of the whip was nothing to the white-hot searing pain you felt across your back. You screamed as the crowd cheered, joyed at watching you in pain. Your hands grabbed on to the manacles that were slapped on your wrist and you hugged the wooden pillar as another blow landed on your back.
“You have no right to talk to the leaders! You are of no consequence!” cried the man who whipped your back.
Hot tears fell from your eyes as you were scourged before the public. Your only offense was standing up for the child who had been mistreated. You weren’t its mother or its family. You put yourself between the innocent child and the man, even going so far as instigating a fight so the child would not have the attention on it as you told it to be free. Instead, they had captured you and slapped the chains on your wrists, punishing you by whipping your back until you were sure your wings were fractured and your back bloodied and open.
“Know your place! You have no right to interfere!” cried the man as he landed more blows on your open back. “You do not belong with us!”
You cried out as you heard bone break.
More probing in your mind brought you to a different century, in a different place.
The air was cold and stagnant. They had stripped you of your clothes. The only food you had were the bowl of spoilt milk and days-old stale bread. You had been lured by a man who had asked for your help but instead had captured you for your wings.
“I would make a fortune off of you!” He said as he had other men undress you and lock you inside an unforgiving cage.
You had been there for weeks now. Dirtied and molested. People grabbed at you if they did not see your wings. Those who did tried plucking your feathers and drew blood when they pulled too hard. Most nights, the same man who took you would take you against your will, forcing himself on you because he was so enticed at the idea of bedding a pure being.
You huddled against the corner, looking at the stars through your only window. You found solace at dusk because no one would dare come out at night. It was the only time you found everything beautiful. The stars shone brightly and the world was quiet. It kept the monsters at bay.
“Y/N,” you heard a faint whisper.
You started, making yourself smaller and backing to the corner. You kept your feet away from the silvery moonlight that bled through the window.
“Y/N, it’s me,” the whisper said. A face pressed against the metal rods of your cage. It was the man’s daughter. You never got her name but she had always been curious of you.
“It’s time for you to leave,” she said.
“I have nowhere else to go,” you told her. There was no more hope in your voice.
“Anywhere is better than here, locked in this cage.” You heard keys jingling. The door to your cage opened. “Hurry before he comes for you.”
You stepped cautiously, watching for any sign of the man who had repeatedly abused you but found none. You only found his daughter and she was covered in dark bruises, from her face to her arms. Your heart called out to her and you took her hands.
“Did he do this to you?” you asked. Your violation, you could take. But his own daughter? The man did not deserve the riches that was coming to him because of you.
“It doesn’t matter,” she said as she wrapped her shawl around your bare shoulders. “You have to flee from this place. What he did to you is wrong. I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner.”
“What will he do if knew you helped me escape?” You took the ends of the shawl and tied them firmly.
“It doesn’t matter, Y/N,” she repeated as she closed the door. “Go! Now!”
Your head pained as another memory surfaced, this time feeling it more than just in your mind.
You held the head of the man you had just slain, watching as his blood drenched the floor you were standing on. His head in exchange for your freedom. It was a hard sacrifice for an angel like you but one you were willing to make. The man had no conscience, brooked no argument as he went on to abuse you and the others.
You had been residing in a plot of land in the forest, away from the rest of the world when he and his group came and took over your village. All of the women were captured and used and slaved away, the men forced to work hard labor for no compensation. The children… The children were slain because they had no purpose.
The habitants were blinded by their promise of a better life for the village but that was before they held the residents captive and all of their resources siphoned from them. They were heartless beings who took advantage of the generosity and hospitality of the people.
It had taken you days to convince yourself that slaying them was the only option. More of the people had been dying because of starvation and fatigue. The women had been passed from men to men. You had been in their situation before you wouldn’t wish it upon others and that had been enough for you to take a knife.
Your attacks were quiet and deadly with the knife and with your power, you shielded yourself from them. You were a sight to be beheld when you glowed in anger and your brilliant light shining brightly. Your light burned their eyes first and their skin. It was an easy way for them to go. You saved the best for last and that was the leader, letting out your divine brilliancy before you sliced his neck in one smooth motion. It detached quickly from his body and you just stood there, watching as how you had executed the men who raped your home.
You knew your heart should feel heavy but it did not. You only felt triumph because finally, their reign of terror ended. You walked out of the shack they were staying and stood before the people.
You rolled the detached head to the foot of the leader, throwing the knife beside it.
“I killed for all of you,” you said to everyone. “You are now free.”
One by one, they fell to their knees. Some had cried at the sight of you, coming over to kiss your bloodied hands. They never judged you for your actions, only thanked you in their language. It was only then when you realized you were a corrupted angel; a being who had taken lives of men for the sake of yourself and for many. You promised safety and yet you killed.
And in all of your long life, you finally cried.
Your heart lurched as a familiar face appeared in your consciousness.
“Are you from here?” the man asked as he approached you. He had a happy disposition, smiling easily at you but you didn’t smile back. You had been weary of people approaching you, considering how much you had endured in the past thousands of years.
“What is it to you?” you asked, staying away from him.
“I’ve seen you lurking around here and I thought you must be from here. Otherwise, I would have to call the officers.” he said.
“No officers,” you moved away from him.
His hand clamped on your wrist to stop you and you stiffened at the contact. It had been hundreds of years since you were touched by people. It still had the same effect on you, the trauma of the millennia never leaving you at all.
“I was joking.” He let go of your hand. “My name is Jack.”
You looked at him. “What do you want?” you asked flatly, one foot out and ready to flee.
“I want to help you. You don’t look like you’ve eaten anything for a while now.”
And it was true. It was harder to hunt for food with all the modernities of the world. You stayed away from people because they always wanted something from you. You had given them everything you had and they always took. No one gave you anything back.
“I have food at home. It’s better than the scraps you’re getting from the garbage.” He gestured to your hands that were holding your lunch and dinner. Stale bread and the remnants of chicken were the best ones you have had in the past month.
“What do you want from me? Do you want to see my wings? Do you want to pluck a feather or sell me to people?” you stepped closer to the mouth of the alley towards the street.
“I just want to help,” he said. His eyes were still on you throughout the time he spoke to you. “I am not a threat. I only promise you a hot meal and perhaps a bath and some clothes, if you want them.”
“How do I know you’re not a threat to me? You all say the same thing,” you said. Your stomach sounded. You wanted to get out of that alley but he was making it impossible.
“You can alarm the neighbors if I ever do anything untoward. I promise all I want is to help you.” He held out his hand to you. “I will keep the door open so you can flee from me any time you want.”
You regarded the scraps in your hands. You were an angel, an old angel who had done everything for the world even at the expense for your soul. Was it selfish to want something for yourself?
You touched his hand gingerly, putting the food waste back on the garbage. “Promise me you won’t hurt me,” you asked of him.
He took your hand and smiled at you. “I will never hurt you.”
“That’s enough,” Ikaris’s steely voice cut through your memory.
You blinked and looked back at Druig, who now looked at you with compassion and admiration. His thumb wiped a tear that you had not realized had fallen.
“Why do you choose to fight for them if all they did is hurt you?” he whispered and in the silence of the room, it was loud enough for everyone to hear.
There was softness in his voice and understanding in his eyes. He and you were one and the same in your love for humanity despite its ugliness and fault.
“Why do you choose to love the people if all they do is wage wars against each other?” you asked instead. You took a deep breath. “I love them because that is who I am. Despite the circumstances and the pain, I still love them because they deserve to be loved.”
“Even Jack—”
“Don’t speak of his name,” you said in a hard voice. “Don’t probe my head for more memories of him. I respect you, Druig, and I hope it goes both ways.”
He watched you carefully and he nodded. “I respect you as well, Y/N. Perhaps more than these people I call family.” His thumb swiped another tear from your eye. “I will never hurt you. You have my word.”
He was suddenly yanked aside by an angry looking Ikaris, pushing his cousin away from you.
“I said, that’s enough.” Ikaris told him again.
You swallowed and touched Ikaris’s arm, willing more of your powers to him. The touch sent a shiver throughout your body and the memory of your almost kiss resurfaced. You pulled away when you saw the tension leave his shoulder, but not before you saw that he reacted to your touch—not your power—as well.
“Interesting,” Druig said as he looked at his cousin. “Very interesting, Ikaris.”
“You’ve played with her head—”
“Must be heartbreaking to find out you’re not mother’s favorite?” he taunted.
“I’m sure she’d be real proud of you,” Ikaris drawled mockingly.
“Druig, this is serious,” Sersi said as she stood from the front of the barn, facing the men.
You sat back on your bench, quiet and listening to them. Your hands shook from the weight of the memories but you held strong. The others were weak from their knowledge. They needed you to keep them together.
“I’ll tell you what’s serious,” Druig walked over to Sersi and stood toe to toe with her. “I was told I’ve been sent on a suicide mission for the past seven thousand years, that my entire existence is a lie. So, excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now.”
He walked to the door but he stopped beside you. “Walk with me, Y/N.”
“She stays.” Ikaris said. His tone was uncompromising, like the leader he was.
You stood and looked at Ikaris, willing your face to be impassive. “I’m not going away from you. I promised to help you fight the Emergence, didn’t I? Even if I don’t belong with you?”
Druig inclined his head towards the door and with one last look at Ikaris, you turned to go.
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druigswhores · 3 years
gold rush | 3
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pairing: druig x eternal!reader
summary: in which druig found himself falling for the gentle soul who was also known as the goddess of human love and flowers.
warnings: this series WILL include major spoilers for marvel eternals. angst, pining, unrequited love
word count: 3.8k
a/n: third chapter!! this one is hella long so good luck with that! just wanted y’all to be aware that if you do get inspired by my fic and write fics relating to it i would really appreciate it if you could credit me or @ me so I can see it since I spend hours planning and writing these chapters :/ + once again I have not proof read this as it’s almost 3am
masterlist - series masterlist
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“Phastos, didn’t Ajax say less working?” She questioned the Eternal who was standing in the center of the room. A few of the Eternals were scattered around the main room of the Domo, sitting as they watched Phastos continue to create plans for the advancement of technology while the rest of the Eternals were out fighting deviants.
Given the fact that it was around 575 BC at the time the Eternal rolled her eyes playfully as Phastos began to describe a steam engine he invented. She listened to him giddily explain his invention whilst Sprite decided to have fun, changing the man’s outfit into something he’d hate to be seen wearing erupting laughter from the other Eternals while she stifled her own laughter.
Footsteps were heard making their way towards the Eternals causing Sprite to immediately change Phastos’ outfit to the way it previously was, Ajax looked around the room as she walked in, shaking her head in disappointment as her eyes fell on the inventor who was still working.
“Phastos, did you go to the party last night like I told you to?” She questions the Eternal, wanting nothing more than him not overworking himself. He began to stutter, struggling to make up a lie.
“Uh- yeah the party, it was very-“
“He worked all night.” Druig commented, exposing him whilst chuckling at the fellow Eternal’s reaction, he was sat against the wall cross legged, beside him was her, fidgeting with something Phastos created earlier in the day purely for her entertainment.
“Who was talking to you?” Phastos retorted, causing Druig to laugh even harder, she swatted his arm rolling her eyes at him for getting Phastos into trouble.
“Get a life.” Ajax demanded, not wanting the Eternals to spend the years cooped up in the Domo while the rest of them defeat the deviants and protect humanity.
“Ouch.” Druig muttered, still attempting to hide his amusement while she elbows him.
She suddenly stood up from her seat moving to get the food that Druig was snacking on, deciding to snatch it out of his hand which led to him gasping in disbelief. He got up from his seat to get more for himself and his counterpart.
Hours later the group found themselves surrounded by humans, Sprite stood at the center using her projection abilities to cast images into the air for the humans to see, she began to tell stories about the Eternals from the past, about how they came to earth to protect humans from deviants and the made up story about Ikaris about how he flew close to the sun.
“I can't sit here knowing there are deviants still wandering around, hurting others.” Thena confessed, surprising the other Eternal who didn’t know anyone was standing next to her, she glanced at the woman sympathetically.
“At least you have the ability to protect them.” She shrugged, looking around the room to avoid eye contact with Thena as she felt a wave of self deprecation overtake her emotions.
“They began to call me the Goddess of human love, did you hear about that? I’m incapable of using my powers to protect them yet they give me such a title that I’m not worthy of owning.” Thena looked at her sympathetically, arms going around the Eternal in an attempt to comfort her before forcing the Eternal to face her, fingers holding her chin to make their eyes meet.
“Then let’s go.” Thena suddenly declared, the Eternal looked at her curiously.
“Let’s get out of here, let’s prove ourselves worthy of the names they give us. We cannot sit here and be idle while there are creatures out there to fight.” Thena continued, attempting to convince the hesitant Eternal.
She glanced up towards the air where Sprite’s projections lit up the room, remembering how almost all of the Eternals were mentioned in the stories, except for her.
She knew Sprite didn’t do that intentionally, she didn’t intentionally want to hurt the Eternal but by excluding her from the stories in which the Eternals saved the globe once again from deviants made her feel less and less like a hero and more of a spectator.
“But, all I can do is conjure up flowers and greenery, what good is that when I’m up against a deviant?” She questioned Thena truly believing she truly wasn’t capable of more.
Thena tsk’s in response shaking her head.
“You know if Druig heard you talk so low about yourself he’d do anything in his power to make you think otherwise.” Thena explains, hoping that her friend could see herself the way everyone else did.
“What he thinks doesn’t matter as much to me compared to what I think of myself.”
“You must not limit yourself, you’re a force of nature, literally, it’s in your powers.” Thena claimed, causing a giggle to escape the shorter woman, a soft smile appeared on her face as she kept her friend within arm’s reach.
“Just think about it okay, I’ll be here if you ever need a partner in crime other than the brooding telepath.” She teased before making her way towards the door, only to be stopped by Ikaris.
The Eternal couldn't hear the conversation between the two, deciding to make her way around the rooms and opting in small talk now and then with the humans. They relentlessly ask for her to visit their homes and bless their crops as she tries to explain that she doesn’t have the abilities to do so, her attempts were in vain as they were determined to get her to visit to which she eventually agreed.
There was a flash of gold in the air that ran passed her, the unmistakable entrance of the one and only Makkari holding a handful of trinkets that she placed on a table in front of a group of men, Druig sat across the men. While Makkari’s back was facing towards her, she could see Druig seated in front of her only a few meters away.
“The beautiful Makkari, you’re late.” She overheard Druig announce, a smile forming on his face as the speedster made her way closer towards him. Glancing away from the two in front of her she looked around the room, noticing that Thena was nowhere to be seen as she’d usually be found at Gilgamesh’s side. Ikaris stood next to Ajax, it seemed that the two were in the midst of an important discussion, but she had to distract herself from the self doubt that began to bubble up inside of her.
She was wandering around the room alone, torn between ideas, should she just retreat back to the Domo or stay at the event? The only Eternal to approach her at this party was Thena herself, other than that she spent the last hour or so hovering near the food.
She regretted making her way closer to Ajax and Ikaris, unfortunately overhearing an important confession from Ikaris.
“I won’t let my feelings for Sersi distract me from our mission.” Ikaris announced, determination written on his face, she was in shock after overhearing the confession, feeling guilt from eavesdropping and had to announce her presence to the two.
“But you’re allowed to live a life. Go, go tell Sersi how you feel.” Ajax insisted, Ikaris hesitated, not knowing what to do.
“I could help with that.” She declared, making her presence known to the two. They turned their heads towards her. “I apologize for eavesdropping, I was just about to leave, but, I do think this is wonderful news Ikaris!” She smiled, arms wrapped around him as she enveloped him in a hug, giddy with the idea that her two close friends will find love. Ajax believed that the goddess of ‘human love’ could in fact help with Ikaris’ situation, urging him to accept her help which he reluctantly did, she felt overwhelmed with excitement, mind racing with hundreds of ideas to help him.
Ajax left the two alone to plan together, now sat at a table with two drinks sat in front of them. From her seat she could see Kingo, Sprite, Sersi and Gilgamesh sitting together surrounded by humans who begged for more stories to be told. To the left of her behind a pillar was the table Druig sat at with Makkari standing in front of him, she could just about see some of the gestures Makkari made to the man as he began to stand in front of her, his head tilted up in a teasing manner as she mimicked his own. She struggled to hear what conversation the two were having due to the liveliness of the room, only being able to just about see Makkari’s hand gestures as she signed to Druig.
Due to Makkari’s back facing her, she only managed to understand the word’s ‘love’ ‘confess’ and ‘I love you’ before turning her attention to the man in front of her. “What do I even say to Sersi?” He broke the silence and disrupted her train of thoughts to which she was grateful for, he was unsure on how to tell Sersi due to the lack of experience he had with these kind of situations.
“Well for starters, maybe you should show her you care, do the things she enjoys to do, spend more time with her, continue to create that bond with her.” She advices, he nodded his head in response, making notes in his head as she continued. “Sersi clearly loves spending time with all of us, so you’d have to make an effort with that, no running off when we’re all in the same room, okay?” She teased, causing Ikaris to let out a groan of annoyance, his forehead leaning on his arm that rested on the table, she laughed at his childish antics, patting his head in a way to comfort him.
“I know it’s all stressful and complicated right now but these things take time. You don’t want to rush into anything and risk ruining it, and don’t worry I’ll be here to help you with any questions or worries that you may have.” She offered a smile, Ikaris looked back up at her, face relaxing as he took in her words.
“Thank you.” He responded, grateful to have the help of someone who understands his situation without knowing much. She couldn’t help but smile the entire time she plotted with Ikaris, sharing ideas back and forth with one another. The fact that her two friends could fall in love and spend the rest of eternity with one another made her heart burst.
And on another positive note, this allowed her to get her mind off a certain telepath who she believed couldn’t take his eyes off the speedster. Unfortunately missing the way his eyes would glance over at the table she sat at every couple of seconds, staring at her hand resting on Ikaris’ arm. Druig couldn’t stop staring at her smile, the way her head tilted back as she laughed, in different circumstances seeing her laugh would make the telepath’s heart grow twice its size but as he stared at the eternal next to her he couldn’t help the jealousy that flooded in.
“When are you going to confess your love for her?” Makkari signed to him, sick of his lovesick expression as he watched her talk to anyone else but him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He responded sarcastically, causing the speedster to hit him in the arm, glaring at him.
“Okay fine! But not love, at least,I don’t think it is. And who said anything about confessing?” He shrugged, avoiding the eyes of the woman in front of him. She looked exasperated, tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, her frustration increasing by the second.
“You can't keep up with the lovesick act, stop thinking you’re not good enough for her. The rest of the Eternals and I love you and we know she does too.” She paused.
“You’re not some bad villain you enjoy to paint yourself to be.” Makkari signed before making her way from Druig and towards the group of four Eternals, allowing him the time to think about what he was told.
Days later their plan was finally set in motion, everytime she hung out with Sersi, Ikaris would drop by and join them, expressing his interests in what they were doing, eventually the other Eternal would let the two continue bonding, making an excuse for her sudden departure and making her way to the beach that sat beside the village, home of the human’s who asked for her to visit a couple days ago in which she did.
Sitting on the beach alone allowed the Eternal to gather her thoughts while admiring the waves crash against the shore before pulling away, a repetitive cycle. The melody of the waves as it made its way closer to the sand brought her some comfort, the sound of water itself mesmerized her, something so simple yet so beautiful that can be seen in different forms such as lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds and so forth. The eternal decided from then on that if she were to live her life the way Ajax suggested, that she would live next to the river so she would wake up to the sound of running water every single day for the rest of eternity.
Unlike Sersi and Ikaris who now have each other to spend the next thousand years with, she was content with being alone. What's the point of finding someone to spend your life with when you can’t spend it with the person you truly loved?
The last few days since the party led the Eternal to intentionally avoid her telepathic friend. She couldn’t bring herself to be near him whilst knowing his secret, the feelings that he had towards the speedster. She was happy for them of course, they were her closest friends and if they were in love she’d support it, she’d do anything to make the people she considered family happy.
She wanted to tell Druig what she overheard Ajax talking about, she thought it would be best if he knew Ajax’s encouragements towards Sersi and Ikaris and that if he made the move to Makkari then he’d receive nothing but support from the rest of the Eternals, including herself.
Everytime she saw Druig, the speedster was found closely behind, it felt wrong to mention Ajax’s words in front of Makkari in case Druig wanted to be alone when he confessed his feelings but the eternal couldn’t bring herself to pull him aside, to be standing with him knowing his heart belongs to another whilst her heart belonged to him.
It’s okay, she thought. No one would have to know about her feelings towards the telepath, she’ll just bury them so deep that she forgets about them. That’s what she’s good at, right? Her abilities are related to nature and gardening so she can bury this as well.
For the meantime she’ll just have to love him in secret.
She thought about her abilities, comparing it to the other Eternals abilities. Ikaris could fly, Sprite could conjure up projections, Druig could control minds and Makkari can run three times faster than the speed of sound according to the inventor himself, Phastos.
But what can she do? Conjure up flowers? How could that help when up against a deviant.
Ajax’s words continued to echo in her mind from the first time they arrived on earth. How the fate of the human race is in their hands yet creating flowers can do nothing to protect them from these creatures.
Due to all the self doubt she felt after the event and the conversation with Thena she knew who she had to talk to.
“I don’t feel like I’ll be of much use here, I cannot sit idle while the humans give me such titles I’m not worthy of.” She confessed, Ajax nodded in response to show that she was listening, encouraging the eternal to continue as her hand stroked her back, comforting her while she expressed her worries.
“I don’t think I’ve reached my potential, I’m not good enough to be a hero right now and I need to find myself but I don’t know how.” She disclosed to the eternal who sighed in response at the self deprecating words, wanting nothing more but to help her.
“When Arishem gifted us our abilities he gave no limit to what we can achieve with them.” Ajax began, gently stroking the Eternal’s hair as they sat in the Domo away from the other Eternals, the maternal gesture leading the Eternal to lean her head on Ajax’s shoulder allowing herself to be comforted.
“He told me it was important for us to stick together throughout our entire mission, to give a helping hand to humanity and help them advance as people.” Ajax paused.
“I’ve seen how you’ve reacted everytime the others had to defeat a deviant, how you yearned to be there beside them rather than stay here spectating.” She continued, looking around the Domo as she spoke.
“It pains me to see you like this, but I know that what you need is to help yourself before you can help others. Thena’s right my dear, you are capable of so much more than you know and It’s in your hands to become the person you are meant to become.” She finished, wiping the fallen tears on the cheeks of the shorter Eternal.
“Oh, none of that nonsense.” Ajax joked, her grin widening as the other Eternal managed to laugh.
“They won’t be mad?” She questioned, overwhelmed by the feeling of guilt from the idea of leaving her family.
“Why should they? It’s not like you’ll be gone forever, you need to learn more about your powers and who you are, this is no place for that.” Ajax declared, pointing to the desert that could be seen out of the window.
“No buts. When we need you, we’ll know where you are. This isn’t a goodbye.” Ajax cut her off.
She nodded in response, taking Ajax’s advice into consideration and deciding to take a break from the life of an Eternal and to learn more about her powers. Hours later she found herself packing the things she owned and wanted to bring with her, at this point only one person knew that she was to leave in the evening to make her way to a place Ajax suggested she should stay at.
She decided to pack objects with a memory attached to it such as the things Phastos made for her and the objects Makkari managed to steal and gift to her and the gifts human’s gave to her in a way to show their appreciation for her.
She thought it was best if she left the items Druig gifted her but decided against that later on.
“What are you doing?” Sersi interrupts, holding Ikaris’ hand as she stands in the corridor. The Eternal paused, turning hesitantly with her belongings piled up in her arms.
“Nothing?” She questions which encouraged the two to make their way towards her, noticing most of her belongings were being wrapped up in cloth, almost as if she was-
“Are you leaving?” Ikaris asked in shock, grabbing the objects from her and keeping them hostage in his arms, she rolled her eyes when he refused to give them back until she explained what was going on
“I’m just going away for a little while.” She explained.
After answering all the questions the two had for her, she paused, noticing the different energy between the two, gasping in response. “You told her, didn’t you?” She exclaimed, looking at Ikaris who nodded, attempting to keep a stoic expression on his face. “He told me that you helped him with the whole thing, so I wanted to thank you in person.” Sersi claimed before abruptly embracing her in a hug causing a laugh to escape the other.
“I’d do anything to see the people I care about truly happy.” She confessed, smiling warmly at the two before they bid farewell, promising to not tell the others about her departure until after she left.
She glanced around one more time before leaving the Domo, she was hesitant about leaving without saying goodbye but Ajax was adamant on the fact that saying goodbye would make it seem permanent which it isn’t.
But she can't say she isn’t grateful that she didn’t have to be the one to tell Druig about her departure, she knew he’d be against her leaving. In her mind she was sure she was doing this for herself and for her to become a better Eternal but there was a voice in the back of her head claiming that she was running away from rejection, running away from seeing Druig continue to fall in love with one of her closest friends as she’d be forced to watch from the sideline.
She gave another glance around the Domo one more time before leaving, making her way to her new home.
“Congratulations, guys!” Kingo cheered after Sersi and Ikaris told them their news. All of the Eternals were full of joy at the news except for one. Kingo slyly nudged Sprite. “Aren’t you going to congratulate them?” He teased, causing the aim of her glare to be directed towards him.
“Wait, shouldn’t we all be here to celebrate this news?” Makkari questioned, the rest of the Eternals nodded in response.
All of the Eternals were in the room, except for one.
“Well, where is she then?” Druig asked, relieved that she and Ikaris didn’t have anything going on between them as he’d initially thought.
“She’s not going to be here for a while.” Ajax began to speak, causing the Eternals to suddenly speak over one another in confusion.
“What are you talking about?”
“Where is she?”
“What did you do now Ikaris?”
Ikaris shot Druig a glare for the last question, only to incite a laugh out of the telepath.
Ajax briefly explained that the missing Eternal is going away for space and on a journey of self discovery, wanting to respect the Eternal’s wishes of not telling the others the detailed reason of why she left as she didn’t want their pity or sympathy.
Makkari looked at Druig in concern, the telepath who previously planned to tell her how he felt towards her was frozen, to say he was mad would be an understatement.
He was infuriated.
Infuriated with her for avoiding him for the last week only to leave without saying anything.
Infuriated with Ajax for not telling the whole truth.
Infuriated with himself for not telling her everything he wished he could tell her soon enough.
But then the gear’s in his head began churning.
He glanced back at the new couple, before looking back at Ajax, she couldn’t have left because of this news, right?
Memories of the two at the gathering flickered through his mind as well as the recent memories of Ikaris and Sersi frequently seen with one another whilst you were nowhere to be seen.
He felt a twist in his heart as he realized what had happened and he too late to do anything to stop it.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
all works: @yelenabelovasgf @amourtentiaa @husherstan @peggycarter-steverogers @drpepperobsessed @ghost-bich @whosedevil @meg-nyt @freddiecore @missusstark @hehehehannahthings @tandefeaffe @rafecameronswhore @secretsthathauntus @idontwannabetherightwayround @crymanny
druig taglist: @dontstopxx @itscheybaby @halsmultibitch @hereiamhereigo @redroomproperty @serrendiipty @bellaiscool @justifymyfeelings @measure-in-pain @swaggieee @maddyt28 @minxie98 @bookthingz @whatdoyxumean @zofps @she-wintersoldat @the-killer-queenie @felicityofbakerstreet @bizzlepotter @elennory @camilaricci @thesecrethistoryofamanda @bittergomez @lalafl12
766 notes · View notes
thatblackravenclaw · 3 years
A Thousand More...
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a.n.: I WROTE ANOTHER FANFIC!! and yes it's about Druig because I'm a whore for him, but my next one however will be about Mr. James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, but for now enjoy another fanfic I wrote based on the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Druig (what's new 💀) x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive dialogue but mostly fluff and sort of proof read (heavy on the sort of)
word count: 2,045
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
We were sent here for a purpose. Destroy the Deviants and keep the humans safe. That’s all we were here for, right? Then why do am I almost getting myself killed while trying to make sure the man I’m in love with doesn’t die? Druig can take care of himself.
I don’t know how it started, but I know when. We were summoned on The Domo for the first time. I saw Phastos first. My first instinct was that I could trust him. I knew we’d be best friends and I was right. Sprite, feisty little one. Kingo, a bit of an ego, but a nice spirit, nonetheless. Ikaris, bold. Someone I felt that I would challenge one day. He also has older brother energy. Makkari, the kindest soul here. So pure and so full of love. Another close friend I sensed I would have. Sersi, full of compassion. We’d probably bump heads, but as someone I sensed would be like a sister figure, I didn’t doubt that we’d bump heads. Thena, another sister. I felt like I would need to protect her though. She’s bold like Ikaris, but with less of a god complex. Much humbler. Gilgamesh, more dad energy, but like a cool dad. Ajak, mother energy. I felt safe when I looked into her eyes. Lastly, I saw my love, Druig. I had never seen someone so beautiful. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. Everything just seemed so much brighter. The minute I saw him I knew my heart had made a promise to belong to only him.
How to be brave?
How can I love when I’m
Afraid to fall?
5000 BC Mesopotamia
“How is my favorite mind controller today,” I asked in a teasing tone to Druig. This is my most favorite part of the day. Teasing him when he’s minding his own business. I can tell he enjoys my company though. I see it in his eyes. Not the shimmering gold but the bright blue irises that I’ve fallen even more in love with.
“Better,” he said with a smile. “How’s my favorite flying fire starter today,” he asked with an equally teasing tone.
I started ranting about how Makkari stole my book and then ran off somewhere, “and of course, I can’t just chase after her for obvious reasons. Like I was just minding my business. Why-,” I continued on with my rant as he stared at me with such a loving look in his eye. I know that look because I have the same one when I look at him when he’s talking, fighting, breathing. I hope he never stops looking at me like that. I just wish I could allow myself to truly fall for him. Why am I so afraid?
But watching you stand
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away
Druig stood before us with tears in his eyes as the carnage happened below us. He was actually going to leave us. Seeing him stand up there with tears in his eyes looking so broken pushed away any doubt I had of not loving him. I didn’t get to ponder on the feeling too long due to hearing Druig say, “If you wanna stop me, you’re gonna have to kill me,” and then he turned around and just left. Didn’t even look my way. It’s times like this where I wish I could feel nothing because then I wouldn’t feel my heart breaking. After Ajak told us we could go our separate ways I took one last look around and flew away. From that moment on I learned to keep to myself. I never stayed in one place long enough and I made sure to keep myself hidden from the other Eternals, so I’d never be found.
1130 AD Iceland
Life in Iceland isn’t that much different than in Babylon. Different culture, but the people are nice. Whenever we’re not working, Sigrún, my best friend, and I go to see the Northern Lights. Sometimes when I’m looking up at the sky, I wish that Druig was here with me... It doesn’t do well to dwell on dreams.
“Y/N,” Sigrún shouted, “you were daydreaming again. Come on, who is it? You’ve been so quiet lately and whenever you finally talk it’s like you’re here but you’re not here.”Guess I wasn’t hiding it as well as I thought.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I teased.
“Uh, obviously. That was my whole point in asking.” She’s my best friend, yes, but I left that part of me behind. In order to leave it in the past, I cannot talk about it. “Well, if you must know, it's nobody. You know I just get in my thoughts sometimes.” Hopefully that will hold her off until I can come up with a better lie.
“Are you sure it’s not,” and then her eyes turned into that shimmering gold I wished to never see again.
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything
Take away
What’s standing in front of me
Druig’s POV:
I found her. I finally found her. God, she looks amazing even over 6000 years later. I come from behind a tree and face her. The only person who can render me speechless. Also, the only person who I’d rather die than see in pain, and when I look into her eyes all I see is pain. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” These are the first words she says to me. She used to look at me like I put the stars in the sky and now she looks at me like I’m the scum of the Earth. I really messed up.
“I’d follow you to the ends of the Earth milady.” Nothing. She didn’t even blink.
“Why now? You had absolutely no problem not following me in Mesopotamia.” A fact that has haunted me since the day I left.
“You left me. You didn’t even look my way. You said what you said to Ajak and left. Is that something someone who would follow someone else to the end of the world would do,” she asks, “Did I not matter enough to you? I thought you loved me Druig. You talked about following Arishem blindly yet here I am the fool who followed you blindly just to be left in the dust. If you’re here to beg for forgiveness then forget it. I forgave you a long time ago. You did what you felt was best for you and now I must do what I feel is best for me.”
And then she flew away. In the blink of an eye, she was gone. I wish I could stop the tears from falling from my eyes, but in truth, I don’t want to. I deserved to feel this guilt. I put her through so much pain and might not ever get to make up for it, but I will spend eternity trying. If there’s one thing she said that was truly right was that I loved her and I still do.
1492 AD Guanahani
It’s so beautiful here. I never realized how much I loved islands until now. The people are so nice even though I’m not like them. In exchange for me lighting their fires, they let make food for me as well as their families. I also may or may not have gotten rid of this weird European man named Christopher away. Like death away because he was giving me weird vibes. I know I’m not supposed to be interfering with human matters, but since when do I listen to Arishem anyway? Anyway, I can’t help but still feel lonely. I have grown to love these people as I did in Iceland, but I miss my fellow Eternals. I miss Thena, and Sersi, and Phastos, and Gilgamesh. I lost contact with them years ago. Running away from Druig also meant running away from my other family. It hurts but seeing him hurts more. I’m planning to leave again. I’ve been here a tad bit too long. Might check out what’s going on in Italy.
1503 AD Italy
The Italian Renaissance. One of my favorite things these humans have created. Leo released the Mona Lisa to the public today. Probably one of my favorite paintings he’s made. No one knows this, but I made a bet with him that he couldn’t make a painting without having inspiration from someone or something. He obviously proved me wrong. She’s absolutely gorgeous. Reminds me of Sigrún. Speaking of, I believe I saw a glimpse of Druig the other day. It might’ve been my mind playing tricks on me. Is it bad that I wish it wasn’t? It’s been 6500 years. I stopped hating him so long ago, but I’ve just been too stubborn to admit it.
Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died every day waiting
for you
Druig’s POV:
I think I almost got caught the other day. Yes, I’m watching over her don’t judge. I still watch over the Peruvians; I just also watch over her. I’m still waiting for the right time to talk to her again. I figured giving her another 6000 years would give her enough space before I tried. She’s in the courtyard today. Her skin practically glows against the cobalt fabric she’s wearing. I notice her turning too late though. She stares back at me, and I feel like I’m in a trance. I can’t move.
“I see you’ve found me again,” she says nonchalantly.
“I have. I told you I’d follow you until the ends of the Earth.” She doesn’t say anything. She just looks at me. I can’t quite place the look in her eyes and then, she kisses me. It’s not rushed and uncoordinated. Its slow and sensual. Like this is something we do every day.
“It’s been 6,128 years. 6,128 years of me trying to convince myself that the day you left is the day I stopped loving you. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t. I don’t want to.”
And all along I believed I
Would find you
Time has brought your heart
To me
Peru 1945
“My love, did you get the wood?” I hear Druig ask me.
“Yeah, it was by the tree in the middle, but Dario came and got it.” It’s been like this for the last 400 years. Not that I’m complaining. As much as I loved traveling, this is truly where my heart lies. Maybe not in the amazon, but wherever Druig is; you will find me.
“You know maybe my super cute and super strong boyfriend would like to get the wood for once.”
“I’ve already got wood for you, beautiful.”
“You’re disgusting and 100% the reason no one is about to see us for the next few hours.” He gives me a knowing smile and leads me to our little cabin.
Once we get in there though, the energy shifts. After a few minutes, he starts to speak. “I have something I need to ask you”
“What is it? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Darling don’t be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand
“I have loved you for thousands of years.” He says to me. I look in his eyes to detect any lies or hesitation. I find none.
“And I’ll love you for a thousand more,” I say with a smile.
“Only a thousand my love?”
I know he’s only joking, but I still feel the need to say, “Yeah. I think I may be tired of you after that.”
“I’m sorry to hear that because after this ring goes on your finger, you’re stuck with me for life.”
We finish our vows and then put on the rings we got for each other. We chose not to have a normal mortal wedding due to neither of us having a last name. Also, I think I prefer it being just us. I wonder how we’re gonna explain this to our fellow Eternals when the time comes.
91 notes · View notes
femtoddanderson · 3 years
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word count: 1.1k
authors note-
The oc Atremys is a POC but you can replace her name with your own. I will try my best to make the characters movie-accurate so if anyone has a really good synopsis tag me but I will most likely rewrite it when it is put on Disney plus. I was thinking to put this in chrono order but it will most likely jump around like the movie -
It came all too sudden. "it's time", Ajak said. She wondered how she knew this women's name, in fact, she knew the names of all of the people who surrounded her, the fact made her hazier than she was already. She approached a window in a nearby room, a man stood there, she knew him as Druig, his hands crossed in front of him staring out to the blue planet in front of her. "it's pretty" she said starring at the vast colors fulling the approaching land. He stood silently eyes still looking onto the planet. She turned to face him and held her hand out, "I'm Artemys". "I know", he looked towards her slight smile on his face.
The domo landed on a shore, they all walked in an arrow formation Ajak leading them. Humans ran amok, deviants terrorizing them. The group ran their separate ways her bow being drawn as second nature. The bow was made of gold energy same as the arrows. She ran approaching a deviant, fighting the deviant felt instinctive. Jumping over the beast, shooting the deviant in the neck then Kingo blasted it with his finger guns, "good one" he smiled. After both of the deviants were killed the Mesopotamians approached them cautiously carrying handmade spears. Druig walked towards the approaching Mesopotamians. He reached his hand and his eyes glowed gold from the original brown. The Mesopotamians face grew straight, their eyes growing the same golden. The spears were dropped as they looked around aimlessly seeming as though they forgot their previous intention. Ikaris came out hurt, Ajak healing him with her hand," thank you Ajak" he responded Ajak leading them into the arrow formation again. Ajak nodded at Sersi as a young boy approached them, Sersi pulls out a small brown ragged dagger from her sleave. She held it out to him as it transformed, the dagger became lined with gold and blue in her hand, the dagger was given as an offering. The people offered them a tent and rags to sleep on, Druig bowed towards the villager and laid his rag next to her without a thought. They went to sleep that night staring at the milky way wondering which one they called home.
Babylon 525 BC
Her purpose on the planet soon became clear. She was an eternal, sent by Arishem to erase the deviants. Her power a energy bow and arrow, Ajaks magic healing, Sersi's the ability to bend elements, Ikaris lazer eyes and the ability to fly, Makhari has super speed, Gilgimeshs powerful golden punch, Thenas energy ax and sheild, and Druigs mind control. Their powers worked in perfect unision as if they were made perfectly for each other, though they were a perfect family she prayed every night to arishem for the day she might return home to Olympia.
"which one do you think is ours?" Artemys signed to makkhari starring up to the sky just as she did on the first night. "i dont know maybe-", makkhari stopped signing sitting up at the vibrations of a deviants feet. "what?" she asked. Then the screaming of the near by babylonians started. Makharri grabbed the hand of the girl and threw her over her back as she ran the city walls. the darkness camoflaged the creatures, the only light being provided by the torches that lined the tall blue wall protecting the city center. There she was met with Gilgamesh and thena who were already tackling the deviant. Thena always seemed to have a smile on her face when fighting, maybe since fighting for her came with such ease. She got there in a blank of an eye, Makkhari leaving before she could sing thank you. Her arms stretched pulling the string on her bow and aiming at the deviants abdomen. The arrow exploded gold as it entered the creatures body spurting blue blood. The deviant ,being thrown off by your shot, gto thrown into the city walls by gilgimeshs arm, unthankfully for him the deviant took the blow easily and threw Gilgasmesh back into the wall. She shot another arrow warding off the creature. Artemys ran over to him picking him up as Thena started the monster her white suit never getting a drop of blue blood on her. Her moves where swift a smile still stretched on his face. She some times became jealous of her power, her ease. Thena became a mother to her just like ajak but she felt untouchable unreachable she could never talk to her like she did Makkhari. Artemys waved for Makkhari and signed to bring her up to the top of the city wall. She nodded and soon she stood on the tall wall looking at the battle that went on below her. She started hitting him towards the head of the deviant wearing it down. Parts of the wall were still surrounded with scaffolding rope holding up the wall, reaching from the top of the wall to the ground below. She pulled the bows string again forming another arrow and held it in her left hand. She took a deep breath placing her other free hand on one of the grass rope. Her breath hitched as she jumped, closing her eyes slightly at the pain of her hand gliding fast on the corse cable. The devaint cleared itself of any other eternal as Atremys neared the monster. She let go of the rope while she was a few feet off the ground causing her to slide straight under the deviant. Her right arm raised the arrow peircing through the royal blue skin of the beast’s chest and then through the abdomen as she slid under. Blue blood splattered and spread all on and around her suit and face, she perished at the feeling. She breathed out finally as she slid under. The body of the deviant flopped to the ground cuasing her to jump. Kingos mouth fell agape in shock staring at the body. Atremys sighed out of exhaustion opening her eyes to see Druig approaching her. “You ok, you look a little blue” a grin appearing on his face as he streched out his hand to her. “Shut up” she shook her head as she took his hand. He waved his hand letting go of her own once she stood, her magenta suit now looking like Ikaris’s . His eyes glew gold as he erased the memory of the surrounding babylonians. Ajak approached Artemys and grabbed her left hand softly, healing the rug burns that formed on her hand. She nodded in thanks as Ajak led them into the city center.
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hippopotamusdreamer · 7 years
Breaking Molds and Taking Names
Part 3
Warnings: none; minor character death Word Count: 3.3K Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Part 2 Masterlist Part 4
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3000 BC Ancient Mesopotamia
A cloaked figure is seen maneuvering through the back alleyways of a sleeping village. Stealthily, they moved across obstacles of crates and logs that had been in their path. Not a sound was made from them, all was still.
Although a full moon lay high in the night sky, the heavy spattering of clouds blocked out most of the light. Gaps led to the natural light to flow unfiltered and hit the ground below. Illuminating the unknown path that the stranger was taking, yet it seemed they didn’t need the extra help.
The sound of something snapping off in the distance halted the figure mid-step. Slowly and cautiously, they place their foot down and tried to mold themselves against the mud-brick wall. Trying to appear as insignificant as possible. As if choosing that moment, the sky darkened once more. Blanketing the world in darkness and giving this being their blessing to continue on their journey.
Removing themselves from the safety of the wall, the figure walked on. This time, hunched over and repeatedly throwing furtive glances behind them in caution. Making sure that they aren’t being followed to their destination.
Moments passed on in the same manner. The figure moving from alleyway to alleyway with no end in sight. That is, until they make a sudden right turn into a dead-end. The only thing inside the walkway was a single wooden door. Ominous looking as it was, the figure squared their shoulders and brought their fist up. Beating a specific pattern into the decaying fibers, the figure waits.
Patience led to agitation the longer the figure stood there. Foot tapping against the step they were stood on. Seconds pass on and the door finally crept open slowly. Just enough for the figure to slip in. Hurrying inside, the door immediately slammed shut and a small candle was lit up, being the only source for lighting.
Sersi is revealed then in the orange glow the candle gave off, having removed the hood upon her head. The area clear of danger allowing her to drop her disguise. Only to be quickly slammed into the door that she’d just entered from. A dark skinned man towering over her.
“Unhand me,” Sersi said through clenched teeth.
“Were you followed?” The man demanded of her. Seriousness clouding his face as he stared down at the woman.
“Of course not you ignorant fool. Now unhand me, I will not repeat myself again.”
He stared at Sersi a few heartbeats longer before ultimately letting her go and moving aside. “My apologies Sersi, I am only being of the cautious state. The humans have become restless as of late. I fear a revolt against the temples nearby are in the making.”
“Nonsense, Ajak. The humans are of no concern of ours, yet. I am most worried about the Deviants. Each century they grow in strength and numbers. And each century we lose one of our own. There are not many of us left on this planet Ajak,” she said while walking through what looked to be an unused homestead.
“I understand Sersi. With our home in the Northern ice lands destroyed, our ability to readmit ourselves to this Earth is nigh impossible,” Ajak explained while walking behind Sersi, candle in hand.
“With Prime Eternal Zuras and Thena gone on behalf of Kronos to apprehend Thanos and Ikaris mourning the loss of his son, we are dwindling in numbers. And now, with Makkari…” Ajak trailed off as they approached a small room.
A balding man with a look of displeasure sat looming over a heavily injured man upon a makeshift straw bed on the floor. Covered from head to toe in woolen cloth already being stained with his own blood. It appeared as though his bandages had recently been changed due to the alarming amount of used ones that surrounded both men. Disdain quickly imprinted its way on to his face as the bald man critically stared down at his patient.
Quietly, Sersi asks while kneeling down next to both of them, “How is he, Phastos?”
“Not well, I’m afraid to say. With his abilities preoccupied with the reconstruction of his arm and leg, nothing is blocking the spread of infection that has been running rampant within the village. Or the inherent blood loss he is procuring. The virus will take hold in his loose bloodstream and advance to his heart passage. If this keeps up, he won’t make it past daybreak,” Phastos clarified while holding the bridge of his nose.
“But how is that possible? We are Eternals, we are near immortal. How can something as insignificant as this, kill him?”
Though not together now, Sersi and Makkari had the title relation of lovers in the past. Centuries and infidelities on both sides led them to call it to an end 500 years ago. It wasn’t hard to miss the emotional conflict going on within her.
“Oh my dear,” Phastos says while glancing at Sersi with pity, “though you may be thousands of years old, there is still so much for you to learn.”
At that moment, Makkari gave out a shout of pain from his spot on the bed. Sweating profusely, his skin glistened in the flickering candlelight due to his fever. Having tried to curl himself into a ball, Phastos and Ajak moved quickly to stop his actions and hold him in place.
“Makkari please! You must lie still! Moving will spread the infection farther along and kill you faster,” Phastos yelled out.
Makkari’s only response being that of a painful holler.
“What can we do for him?” Sersi asked, resolutely to the side.
“Short of putting him out of his own misery? There is nothing we can do. It is all up to him now, whether he survives or not.”
Daybreak had broken through the village. There was a chill in the air that had been brought in by the night. Sersi sat atop the stone step, alone, and outside of the house she had stayed the night in.
It was as Phastos had predicted, Makkari had not survived the night. His cells had taken care of replacing his outward limbs, but the inside of his body…
It was left to perish and fail.
In a way, one could construed this as some form of morbid poetry about Earth and its fill of colorful inhabitants. Though Sersi did not care for the connection at the moment. Nor could she focus when a strange orange formation appeared in front of her. At least until it had started fizzing and growing.
Standing up quickly, she looked even more startled when the form grew twice more. Looking more like a doorway than the small circle it had begun as.
And then it opened.
Unsure of what to do, Sersi stood there dumbfounded as a man proceed to walk out of the peculiar door. Brows furrowed, she noted the strange garments he had been wearing. Gone was the armor of hide and leather straps that she had grown used to seeing among the human men in the village. Or the hair that resembled the dark feathers of the bird of prey out in the desert area.
Instead, the man before her had hair like that of the sun. Yellow and bright. With eyes so blue that they could rival both the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. His armor, a strange material that conformed to his being like a second skin. She may not have been a vestal virgin but this was too much even for her. The shield on his back was something she was familiar with. It meant that he was of the warrior kind. And yet the star that had been emblazoned on both his shield and chest had led her to believe that he had been sent from the cosmos.
Or a messenger of the Gods.
Pulling the cloak she wore closer to her person, Sersi also noted how tense he seemed. The confusion clear to the eye as he looked at his surroundings. Until his gaze landed on her and his entire demeanor relaxed immediately.
Approaching her slowly, the golden haired man acted as if he were handling a wild animal. Cautious of an attack yet prepared for anything that may happen.
“…Sersi?” he questioned, unsure of himself.
Taken aback by his knowledge of her, Sersi could feel her eyes widen in shock.
“Sersi, my name’s Steve Rogers,” he began while slowly approaching her. “I know you don’t know me doll, but you will.”
“You may put your arms down Steve of the Star-Wielders. I will do you no such harm.”
“Yeah, after what you did to Buck’s arm? I’ll take precautions,” he chuckled out.
“I am sorry?” Confusion lacing her words.
“Ah, nothing, forget I said anything. Listen, you may not know me now, but you’re gonna have to trust me on this. I have something I need to give you.”
“And why must I trust you Star-Wielder?”
“Because I…”
As he tells Sersi his information, a voice is heard from behind him, on the other side of the portal.
“I can’t keep this thing open for much longer Steve. Hurry it up, would you?”
The scene focuses back to Sersi and Steve.
“Well then,” Sersi says alight with astonishment. “I suppose I have no choice now. What is it that you wish of me?”
“I need you to watch over this for me,” he said while holding out an iridescent necklace to her.
“A gemstone jewelry piece?”
“Yeah,” he says softly while looking from the necklace to her.
“And for how many moons must I look after this?”
Steve now stood in front of the Eternal woman. He was just a head’s length taller than she. Which was a surprise to her, human men were just able to reach her height. And yet this man towered over her, like some Eternal. But she knew deep down that that was not what he was. He was human.
“Until you see me again,” he said while gently placing the glittering piece in her upturned palms. Confusion seemed to be permanently etched onto her face as he grinned down at her.
“Steve!” the ambiguous voice called once again.
Sighing, Steve brought his face down and left Sersi with a peck to her cheek. Her face quickly becoming engulfed with embarrassment. No man had done that to without her having to have had initiated something first.
“Oh and Sersi?” Steve called out from where he stood half inside, half outside of the portal.
“I like fondue.”
And with that, the portal closed, leaving Sersi alone once again. The sun had ascended higher into the sky and the songbirds had come out, enjoying themselves to their hearts content. The village itself had begun its morning mechanisms from its slumbering self as well.
Sersi blinked down at her hands, sure she’d just dreamt of the whole thing just now. But no, the iridescent necklace remained in her palms, winking at her in the sunlight. She brought the jewelry piece to her chest and stared forward once more, unsure if what just happened.
“He likes what?”
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The crowd came to life as the live band played an intro song for their main host. Jimmy Fallon walked on stage and waved out towards the audience. Face alight with glee at the reaction he was receiving.
“Hi! Welcome! Have a seat, have a seat! Welcome, to the show! Thank you very much, please have a seat. Thank you so much everyone. Welcome to the show!”
As he begins talking, the roar of the crowd quiets down enough for him to get control of the entire show.
“Thank you and welcome to the Tonight Show, I am your host Jimmy Fallon. We have an amazing show planned tonight. Chris Evans and Y/N Y/L/N are here with us to discuss their new movie Captain America: Celestial Core,” Jimmy tried to say over the roar that once again sprung up with his excited audience members.
“Amazing right! Then Blake Shelton joins us to talk about his new album and an interesting sushi dinner we had together. And tonight’s musical guest, amazing artist, Post Malone! Let’s give our guests a big hand and let’s get this show on the road!”
You stared on as Jimmy Fallon –THE Jimmy Fallon - began his introductory skit. Oh god, you were nervous again.
When your manager said that she’d gotten you an interview lined up, you thought it was gonna be something of a smaller scale. Like a one-on-one type of thing.
Nothing would have prepared you for something like this. LIVE! This was going to be in front of a LIVE studio audience. For it to go on LIVE TV!
A part of you knew that it had to be rehearsed and recorded first before going on air, but the semantics of it all wasn’t really important to you at the moment. Honestly, you were an actress, interviews came with the territory! You knew that when you started this endeavor! So why did it always make you freeze up?
A stagehand made their way to you, clipboard in hand. Writing something down on the board, he said to you, “Alright Miss. Y/L/N, you and Chris will be going on stage in about 10 minutes.”
“Call me Y/N, please,” you could hear yourself say faintly. Even to your own ears you sounded a bit off.
“Are you ok?” The stagehand questioned while looking up from his scribbling to look at you worriedly.
“I’ll take it from here Lance,” a voice said from behind you two. You both turn and see Chris standing there with a drink in his hand. Lance, looking visibly relieved, rushed off to continue doing his job.
“Here, drink this,” Chris says while holding out his cup towards you. Without even thinking twice about it, you grab the offered item and swallow the liquid straight back. Only to pull a face as soon as you were done.
Chris, obviously, was laughing at your expression.
“Did you just give me whiskey?” You asked disbelievingly.
“Jameson, to be exact,” he chuckled while nodding at you.
“…Where did you even get that?”
“I have my ways.”
You look at him with a deadpanned look before saying, “You bribed a stagehand didn’t you.”
He freezes up before averting his eyes and waving his hands around. Embarrassed at having been caught. “No, no! That’s not the point!”
“And what is?”
“That you need to relax and just chill for a bit. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
“Oh yeah? And how would you know that?”
“I’m Captain America,” he starts, placing his hands on his hips, striking his superhero pose. “I know many things. Just like I know you being fine is one of them,” he goes on to try to explain while expertly waggling his eyebrows up and down at you.
Your only response was to look at him incredulously while placing the cup down on an empty table that was nearby. All the while ignoring his double entendre and keeping your face from flaming up.
“Come ahn,” he said while following you, his Bostonian accent coming out in full force from the shadows. Making your own eyebrows shoot up and a small smile creep onto your face. Absolutely amazed at how cool and easy going he was with you.
A little too skillfully, he casually brought his arm up and draped it across your shoulders.
“All’s I’m saying Y/N, is that you rocked the CCSD panel and you’re gonna rock this interview too.”
Scrunching up your face, you just had to point something out, “Chris, I fell flat on my face that day. And then you made fun of me right after!”
“’Made fun of’ is such strong wording Y/N. I would say it was more of uh…heckle, really.”
“Heckle my ass, Evans!”
Chris Evans couldn’t stop the chortle of laughter that escaped him even if he tried. Not that he could help it, Y/N always found a way to make him laugh. Whether she knew about it or not. It’s just what made her special to him.
A fact that he wasn’t ready to share with anybody just yet.
Reigning in his laughter, he was able to calm down enough to say, “Maybe so. But the actual Q&A segment, you did a spectacular job for it being your first time on something like that! I was proud of you.”
Subtly, he began to move the two of you closer to the gap in the curtains that led to the stage. His plan to distract Y/N long enough to be lured on stage had worked perfectly.
Although, her downing his drink and automatically knowing it was whiskey was a bit of a surprise to him. He knew that she enjoyed a few drinks here and there from the wrap party they had for the movie but this made him curious. Now he wanted to see what other secrets lied underneath that nervous girl exterior.
Maneuvering them to the designated space, Chris looked at Y/N once more. She wasn’t a short girl by any means. Usually she came up to just about his chin, perfect height to rest his head on hers. Whenever he felt the need to, obviously.
Which had been often while on set. And even now.
But the heels she was wearing tonight, though not that high, had brought her up to his nose.
“Yeah right, you probably say that to all the girls,” she said jokingly with a roll of her eyes.
It took him a split second to remember what it was he had said last.
“What! I am offended! Does this look like the face that would lie to you?” He said while pulling a face at her.
“Yes! That’s the exact same face you made during break one time and then you nicked my granola bar!” She said with total seriousness, flicking his nose in the process.
“Hey!” He yelled out while rubbing his nose.
Instantly she breaks and is cracking up in his arms and Chris couldn’t help the warmth that resided in his chest at that moment. Joining in on her laughter, he’s vaguely aware that Jimmy is speaking to the audience again.
“Welcome back from the commercial break! If you’re just joining us, great, we’ll try not to make you fall asleep. Our first guests don’t really need an introduction but it’s nice to give them one anyways. One of them goes around toting a shield everywhere he goes and the other can transform it into anything she wants with just a flick of her wrist.
You snapped back to reality. Only this time you were less nervous than before. A soft bump to your head and a squeeze on your shoulder reminded you that Chris still had his arm around you. Glancing at the man, he gave you a genuine smile that you couldn’t help but return.
“You ready?”
“Got anymore whiskey?” You jokingly asked.
Grins break out on both of your faces as he shakes his head in response.
“Well shit, guess we have no other choice then,” you said while squaring your shoulders and somehow managing to wear a determined look on your face.
Feeling the chuckle coming from Chris, you’re frozen in place when you suddenly felt him place a kiss on your head.
“Please welcome my good friend Chris Evans and his lovely co-star Y/N Y/L/N!”
“You’re gonna knock them dead,” he whispered before leaving you to go on stage and is met with the roar of the audience.
Not giving yourself time to dwell on the fact that your face was burning up, you quickly followed Chris on stage. The audience being just as loud for you as it had been for him.
Part 2 Masterlist Part 4
a/n: So what I’m trying to achieve with this story is combining both the movie and the IRL aspect. The italicized part at the beginning will be the movie and the normal font is regular life. Let me know if it’s ok like that or if you’d want me to do IRL one post then Movie scene the next post. I kind of like it like this though becuase I haven’t seen anyone else try it out this way.
as always gifs are not belong to me
Tag List: 
@amyapathetic @buckys-perfect-storm @breenieweenie @flerghfood @loveyourselfcreateyourself @sarcastic-ohohoh @skeletoresinthebasement @tacohead13 @theloveablesociopath @thevanishedillusion
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scumbagmordremoth · 7 years
So now that I’m all finished with the story and trying to actually dick around int he new maps like I used to with the old ones...
I gotta say. I haven’t really enjoyed playing Gw2 since a couple months after HoT. I did those tree big community events back thena nd when they were done and i was no longer playing the content with those goals in mind I realized that I actually really hated almost every mechanical change they had added to the game. 
So I sloughed through a year because I was running a roleplaying guild but when that started to die off and my life got a lot busier and I had to decide whether or not I wanted to do things I actually enjoyed with my free time or run a dying RP guild in a game I no longer enjoy....Well the choice was obvious.
I spent my last three (consecutive) days off playing the game despite misgivings that I might have my time better directed at finishing other things. The last three I’ve really had to enjoy myself followed by what was, essentially, a week and a half of working. I think all in all, as of tonight worked about 93 hours since September 29th. A work week schedule only possible working retail on midnights. >.>;;; (saturday counts as two days as far as payroll is concerned so they often have me work 5 or 6 10 hour shifts in a row starting on friday so they won’t be required to pay over time. I got a little this time though.) To put into context the kind of “free time” decisions I have to make regularly to be able to allot enough time to essential things like cleaning and sleeping.
I don’t regret it for the first time in like a year.
I haven’t idled in Lion’s Arch bored once since the expac came out and I’ve been playing a lot more often. I might even start roleplaying IN GAME!!!! again. Exploration was fun again! I mean some of the maps had a little too much mob density for my liking but most of them had more than a few calm spaces where I could stand around and jump on stuff relatively safely (and I’m sure if i actually played on those maps with the right mounts and specs it would be much easier as I’ve found with HoT. Many of my earlier frustrations were solved with later masteries and specs.). Most of all, The story, while still having the typical Gw2 lapses in remembering our own lore than have been present since post level 20 personal story instances was finally lore breaking in ways that were entertaining!
So if you were on the fence about Path of Fire bc Heart of Thorns was disappointing: get it.
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beananacake · 3 years
Savior (Part 5)
Ikaris x Reader
Summary: Ikaris has felt a hum for millennia and he's never questioned it, until he found he source.
Chapter Summary: Ikaris tries once again to apologize. You learn what happened to Thena.
Word Count: 4.3k words
Warnings: MAJOR MOVIE SPOILERS!! (read at ur own risk, some dialogues are lifted from the movie lol), mentions of mental illness/health, nothing much ig??
A/N: hey, everyone! Quick note: updates for this and uploads for my other one shots would take a bit longer. I'm getting back on my treatment and i feel like sht during the first few weeks so chapters might not be coherent or stellar. I also reached 300 followers. Ur all blowing my mind! I love reading your comments. If I have some unanswered asks, its bc I don't want to give some stuff away ;) Reviews, comments, suggestions, asks, requests (and reblogs) are welcomed and accepted! This is never gonna be beta'd so all mistakes are mine. Part of 5 of Savior, everybody! Enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | One Shot: Dear Diary
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He had never worked for an apology before. He never had any need to because all of his actions were justified. He followed orders thoroughly and that saved him from ever apologizing. But you, this slip of an angel, you had the guts to ask him to mean his apology, whatever it was. Why you hurt was beyond him and he didn’t want to understand it more. All he had to do, after all, was to work on an apology to you.
Ikaris watched as you interacted with everyone on the flight except for him. He tried inserting himself to any of your conversations and while you were warm with others, you were cold with him. It was difficult to understand you because you would be so caring and open one minute and then you would be unforgiving the next, pun intended.
“No way!” You exclaimed and he looked over to find you talking to Kingo again. You had singled him out throughout the flight, making him stop doing his documentary of the Eternals, and had been talking to him about anything at all that you found interesting. It irked him that you asked for everyone else’s input except for his about Kingo’s movies, even if he had seen them all in support of his friend. It galled him more that you didn’t even once try to approach him again even as he tried apologizing once again.
“Yes, way! Who knew Aishwarya Rai wanted to be in a movie with me!” Kingo exclaimed, which had you giggling again.
Ikaris took to his drink once more, looking anywhere but at you. You’ve called and cussed him out since the moment you two had officially met. As his guardian angel, he was expecting of you to be drawn to him more considering you had sworn to protect him. But instead, your words had maimed and made him doubt himself, he was loathe to admit. If anything, you weren’t protective of him at all, other than that time in South Dakota.
“How does one work for an apology?” he asked Sersi as she sat back beside him.
If there was someone who knew of emotions and empathy, it was Sersi. He trusted Sersi and her judgement. After all, they had been partners for over five thousand years.
“Well,” she said as she buckled herself in her seat. “If we’re talking about Y/N, I would assume she would want for you to be more… feeling towards her.”
“Did that work for you and your human?”
“Dane,” she said. “His name is Dane and no. It’s different for everyone.”
“Different?” He turned to her. “Aren’t they all the same?”
She smiled at him piteously. “You are so out of touch with the world, Ikaris. A lot has changed. We all have changed and you still stay the same.”
“And do you think that’s a bad thing?” He found routine and constancy safe. Anything straying from that felt abnormal.
“There are some good and bad to it. It’s good you remained the same because you’ve always been loyal.”
He nodded. He was loyal to his duty. “And the bad?”
“The bad thing is also the good thing about you. You’re fiercely loyal that sometimes you don’t see anything else beyond your duty.”
He only raised a brow.
“It’s hard to explain but I said what I said. Your loyalty is your strength and your downfall.” She patted his hand.
“How do you apologize to your human?” he asked as he put down his drink.
“Call him Dane, Ikaris. He isn’t some pet and he isn’t mine.” She sighed. “When we apologize, we acknowledge our mistakes. We try to understand where we went wrong then we work on it.”
“But how?”
She was silent for a while. “Well, when I was late for my class one time, I had Dane come and cover for me until I arrived. I made it up to him by treating him out to dinner and also setting my alarm earlier than my usual so I wasn’t late again. It wasn’t a big problem or a fight but I apologized because I was in the wrong. I also find that changed behavior is the best form of apology.”
He only hummed as his eyes went back to you. Kingo was teaching you the dance sequence to one of his movies. He stood behind you as he instructed, holding your hand in his as he put you into position. His other hand went on your hip and that was enough for Ikaris to stand and put an end to it.
“Kingo,” he called as he made his way to you.
Every time he neared you, your power hummed around him. They were like little fires that licked on his skin, whispering when he was far but increasing in intensity when he was with you. He seemed to be the only one having that kind of reaction around you because none of the other Eternals were as electrified with you as he was. You made his skin aflame when you were just there but he felt the fervor of you whenever you looked at him.
“Yeah, boss?” Kingo said.
Ikaris looked at his friend and brought a hand down his shoulder, gently shoving him away from you. “Tell me about this new movie about me.”
Australia was okay for most part. Well, most being the operative word. You were fine with the heat and the climate and the people. Animals? Not so much. Almost anything that wasn’t a pet could potentially injure you. You had your wings out in case you needed a bit of lifting from the ground. You didn’t really do well with snakes and scorpions and whatever small creepy crawlies that escaped from Satan’s desktop aquarium.
“Is this the Deviant you found in London?” Kingo asked.
Thena and Gilgamesh settled in an arid place. Not much creature, save for some lost scorpions and maybe a snake or two. There were lots of unusual things strewn about the place that even the dead Deviant didn’t seem abnormal. If they were going for the post-apocalyptic vibe, they definitely got it down pat, you thought to yourself.
“No, it’s different,” Sprite said as she kicked the felled creature in the snout. “This looks uglier.”
“There must more out there than we thought,” Ikaris said as he walked ahead of your small group.
“Is this a Deviant, sir?” You heard Karun ask from behind you.
You had taken your spot behind Ikaris, powers at the ready for any lurking Deviants. Kingo was a great fighter but if he was busy with his documentary, the next best thing was you to defend Sersi and Sprite.
Kingo had started talking again, working on his documentary and you grinned despite the situation you were in. He was absolutely fun to talk to. He alleviated most of the heavy situations with his quips and he was much easier to be around with. Sure, he was a bit shallow but it was only because he was a superstar. You’ve learned on your way here that he was more than just the glitz and glamor of Bollywood. He cared for his co-stars and the extras of his new movie. He was almost like a philanthropist in that sense, making sure that the people who worked with and under him had pay before he left them to go do his other thing: being a bad ass Eternal.
Ikaris, however, you’ve ignored for most of the trip. You refused to notice the way you were drawn to him despite being angry at him. Maybe not angry. Just… disappointed. You knew he was a soldier and he was rigid as hell but you never expected the coldness in him after watching him for so long. And it was so contradictory because he appeared cool and uncaring to you but the way you were drawn to him was like a moth to a flame. You felt warm and tingly and you didn’t miss how your stomach fluttered whenever you catch him looking at you or calling your attention. The last time you felt this way, the effect had been near disastrous for you.
Ikaris knocked on the door just as Kingo called out his friend’s name with a flourish. He tried once again before the door opened.
And Gilgamesh, the most powerful of all the Eternals, stepped out in a dirtied apron.
He still looked big and formidable like always but seeing him in this state was comforting. He exuded that aura of protection that even you, an angel who people sought out for comfort, were soothed.
“What took you so long?” he said by way of greeting. When he saw the camera Karun was holding, he waved a hand away as if to swat it from him. You stepped aside, closer to Sersi so as not to be in his way.
“You look younger today, Sprite,” Gilgamesh said, as he wandered over to his outdoor oven. Whatever it was he was cooking smelt delicious.
“I have the same apron,” Karun said as he followed the mighty Eternal to the kitchen.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked as he checked on a pot.
“I’m Karun,” the stout man said with an easy smile. “I’m Kingo’s valet.”
“Oh, a val-ey, like Alfred in Batman!” Gilgamesh said with a grin.
“Gilgamesh,” Ikaris said in his no-nonsense tone. “The Deviants are back.”
“Yeah, no shit.” He said and you grinned. You knew you and the warrior would get along pretty well. “I could have used some help.”
“We were attacked by a Deviant in London,” Sprite said.
“Us too, in South Dakota.” You piped up. “We had two.”
“Who’s that? A new Eternal?” Gilgamesh asked and you stepped into his view.
“No. I’m an an—”
“Angel,” he said with awe.
You smiled. “Call me Y/N. I’m Ikaris’s guardian angel. Angel feels like a nickname.” You held out your hand to him and he shook it.
“You can see her wings?” Sprite asked.
You raised an eyebrow, not realizing immediately that he called you for what you were.
“I’ve never seen anything whiter than snow.” He moved to touch your wing.
“Don’t touch her wing, Gil,” Ikaris warned frostily. You only raised your brow at his tone.
Gilgamesh looked at you before drawing back. “Sorry. I thought angels were fictional.”
“So were superheroes but here you all are,” you said easily. “And it’s fine. I know you won’t hurt me.” You reached out your wing to his hand, gently tapping it. When he opened it, you tapped at his palm with a feather. The way he grinned at the contact made you smile. He looked like a kid at Christmas.
“I’m sorry, Gil,” Ikaris said from behind you. “Ajak’s dead.”
Gil drew back from you, looking at his friends, unbelieving. “What?”
“It’s true, buddy. We lost her,” Sprite said.
Gil frowned as he sat on the chair, burying his face in his hands. You touched his shoulder lightly, infusing your calming power to him. You squatted beside him, face near his.
“Even in her death, she spoke of her family.” You told him. He looked at you. “I was there when she died. All she wanted was for all of you to find each other and keep each other safe.”
He peeked at you and you smiled softly at him. “I’ll keep all of you safe if I have to.” You promised him.
He bobbed his head in acknowledgement. “Thank you, Y/N. I have to tell Thena.”
You moved aside from him as he stood and made his way to the lone standing tree in the land. There was a small lump of white at the base of it and when you walked closer, you saw that it was Thena crouched before the tree. Her hands were moving erratically across the papers.
“Stay back. The attack triggered her. She’s no fun to be around with right now.” Gil said as he led your group to the other warrior.
“Hey, Thena,” Gil called out. “Look who’s here. Give me your hand.”
You heard the whirring of powers before she even turned around. You stood in front of Ikaris and held out your hands, a force field shielding you and the people behind you from an incoming attack. You had seen Thena in combat. She yielded her weapons out of thin air and each one had been different for every attack. The best you could do was only to parry without causing injury to her. She already looked fragile. There was no need to further hurt her.
Gil only held out his arm to shield the mystical weapon. Thena’s eyes were completely white, like they had been possessed.
“Everyone in Centauri-6 is going to die,” she said.
Or haunted by a memory.
“It’s too late.” She said with a tone of regret and pain. “We can’t save them.”
It was definitely a memory of a sort. No one seemed to notice it but you knew. You knew what it was to be haunted by memories of the past. You had to help her in any way you can.
Suddenly, the environment started to change. You were enclosed in a lair of sorts, dark and robotic. In the middle of it stood a sculpture of a being. It looked otherworldly in this place but the Eternals looked right at home. Sprite’s illusion started to dance in the air around you.
“Thena, we came to Earth together on our ship. You’re an Eternal, the greatest warrior in Olympia, the legendary protector of Athens. The goddess of War.” Sprite said.
The illusions changed into Thena fighting a Deviant. You watched her prowess with admiration, even if it was just from Sprite’s imagery.
“Remember who you are,” Sprite said.
You lowered your shield as you saw Thena draw back her weapon.
Gil reached out again. “Remember,” he said as he intertwined their hands together.
Sprite drew back the illusion and you were once again back in the Devil’s backyard that is Australia. Somehow, you liked the illusion better even if it was dark.
Thena pried her eyes away from the warrior and when they landed on you, she tilted her head to the side. “Hello,” she called out.
You waved. “Hello, Thena. My name is Y/N.”
She pulled away from Gil and walked over to you. Her eyes roamed over your wings before landing back to yours. “Why are you here?”
“I’m Ikaris’s guardian angel.” You told her. You looked up at her eyes and held out your hand to her. “What happened to you?”
“She has Mahd Wy’ry.” Gil supplied from beside you.
“What’s that?” You asked.
“Her mind is fractured. She suffers from the weight of her memories.” he told you.
You nodded and looked at the goddess. “Tell me about Centauri-6. What happened?”
There was whirring once more and Thena produced another weapon, drawing back to hit you. You only raised your hand and summoned a shield to block her.
Her weapon broke through your barrier and you drew back, summoning your power to your fingertips. Thena came at you again, changing her weapon for a mace. When she moved to attack, you grabbed her wrist and passed your power to her.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Thena.” You said as calmly as you can. You held firm as she tried to wiggle away.
Mahd Wy’ry. Thena was sick. Gilgamesh had done a great job at keeping her sane but she needed someone to talk to. Someone who was willing to listen to her memories. From the looks of it, they weren’t ready for whatever it was she wanted to say. They were only keeping her from fully realizing her memories. You felt like you were the only objective one.
“Y/N,” you heard Ikaris say from behind you and you only shook your head. “Thena will—”
“No. Thena won’t. I’m not a threat.” You kept your eyes to the warrior. You gestured to yourself with your free hand. “I’m not a threat.” As if to show that you come in peace, you let go of her wrist and held your palms out to her.
“We’ll talk in private if you don’t want them to hear.” You told her gently. “I won’t hurt you even if you hurt me.”
“I don’t think that’s wise, Y/N,” Kingo told you.
“I’ll take the chance,” you called out.
Something shifted in Thena’s eyes and she changed back, looking at you now with her brown gaze. “Gilgamesh took the chance on me so I can keep my memories.” She said and looked at the other warrior on your right-hand side and smiled.
“Then you should know you could trust me.” You held out your hand to her again. “If I ever become a threat to you, just aim for my wings to cripple or kill me.” As if to make a point, you unfurled your wings wider to her. The dust swirled around your feet at the action.
“Y/N,” there was a warning tone to Ikaris’s voice. You ignored him.
“Gilgamesh? Do you think you can find something to do with the others while I talk with Thena?” You turned to the other Eternal, who watched you with respect for your bravery.
“Of course.” He nodded to you and then turned to the others. “Let’s go.”
Ikaris watched you from his seat at the table. You and Thena had returned after being gone for a while, talking about whatever it was the Mahd Wy’ry had wormed into her head. Ajak had told them it was the weight of her memories that her mind cannot handle. The only solution for it was to have her memory wiped but she had refused.
You and Thena had struck up a different kind of camaraderie after your conversation. He had been ready to step in when he saw the way Thena moved to attack you but you stood your ground. Gilgamesh had been the only strong one to elude her attacks but the way you calmly talked to her proved otherwise. There was something about you that brought a tranquility to everyone, excluding him. You only brought uproar in him.
“Is this what you guys eat everyday?” Kingo asked as he passed around the platter of beef. “This is amazing.”
“Thank you for this,” Ikaris said to Gil as he looked at his friend.
“You’re welcome. Help yourselves,” Gil replied and walked over to you, who had brought out the pie that was still baking when they started to eat. “Y/N, let me take care of serving. You have a seat.”
Sersi cleared her throat and Ikaris looked at her, watching as she gestured discreetly to you. He looked at you once again before clearing his own throat.
“Y/N. Have a seat.” He said as you turned to him at the mention of your name.
“Yeah, Y/N. I have a spot here for you,” Kingo said and he moved to make room for you beside him.
Ikaris speared his friend a glance. If Kingo were to always intervene, he wouldn’t have the chance to apologize. He was going to tell him off when Thena came and sat on that space. The only available space was the one between him and Sprite and he moved to make it bigger for you to move into.
Gil brought over a pitcher, claiming it was a drink worthy of the soldiers of the battle of Troy and placed it down in front of Karun.
“Should she be drinking?” Kingo asked as he looked at Thena.
Ikaris poured more of the drink in another cup and passed it to you. You looked up at him in surprise before you mouth twisted in a smile. He found himself looking at your lips for longer than the usual.
“You know,” you said as you took the drink from his hand. There were invisible sparks when your fingers touched his and he felt them all over his body. “You look good without the asshole shtick.”
“Y/N makes you more bearable,” Thena commented as she chewed on her meat.
The grin you gave the goddess warrior turned his wine sweet on his lips. “I keep him in line.” You said and looked at him as you drank.
He took a deep breath before turning away, balling his other fist under the table. There were some gibes at Sprite because whatever Gilgamesh said made her turn his clothes into that of a big baby. The table laughed when they saw and he watched the way you chuckled. There was something about the way you viewed the world. It wasn’t that he did not find Sprite’s prank funny but it was how you did. Every little thing for you mattered.
“Now that Captain Rogers and Iron Man are both gone, who do you think’s gonna lead the Avengers?” Sprite asked.
“I could lead them,” he said as he speared his food. “I figured I’d be good at that.”
“Sure, and give me a hard time catching up with you to keep you safe,” you snorted. “I better be paid for overtime.”
Everyone chuckled at you. You only raised your eyebrow at him in challenge.
“Ajak didn’t even ask you to lead us,” added Gil and the table erupted into noises of dissent. You were the only one who gave the warrior Eternal a fist bump.
“Ouch,” Ikaris said. “I’m going to let that one slide.”
A chair scraped against the floor and he looked over to see Sersi head for the door.
“Where are you going?” he asked. He felt you rise beside him but Gilgamesh pushed you back down on your seat.
“I just need some air,” Sersi said before leaving.
He knew better than to follow her. Sersi had chosen by Ajak as her successor as the Prime Eternal and he knew it must have been a daunting task for someone like her. He was a natural leader and Sersi wasn’t. He knew she was just coming into terms with her new assignment.
“This is really good, Gil,” Kingo said and everyone turned to him. “I could just paste my face in a bottle of this and you can sell some units.”
“Thank you. I chewed every single corn kernel and fermented it in my spit.” Gil said, proud.
You choked beside him and he looked over at you. Kingo spit back his on his mug.
“I mean, whatever works, right?” You remarked as you wiped your mouth dry. “Pretty good stuff, Gil.”
When the feast was done, you took it to yourself to fix and clean the plates. Kingo offered to help you—Karun insisted because empathy looked good on camera—but Ikaris had told him he would instead.
Changed behavior is the best form of apology, Sersi told him. If he wanted to properly apologize to you, he would have to get down from his proverbial high horse as you so eloquently put it and see the world as how you do.
“Have you ever done the dishes before?” You asked as you brought the dirtied dishes to the sink. “Because if you’re just going to mess up, I’d be cleaning twice more.”
“I thought you watched over me,” he stood beside you and took the dish towel.
“Dude, you’re not my 24/7 job.” You started scrubbing. “Technically, you are, but I need a life too.”
He only hummed and wiped down the plate you washed.
“If this is tedious for you, just go.” You said after a while.
“Why do you make it so hard for me to apologize?”
“Oh, this is you apologizing? I thought this was you showing basic human decency.” You passed a mug to him.
“I’m not human.”
“So am I but it’s hard to tell difference, no?” You washed. “Why do you think this is the best way to apologize?”
“How else do you want me to?”
“If I tell you, would that count as apologizing still?” You sighed. “Tell me, Ikaris.”
He turned his body to you, looking at your face. In the faint light of the setting Australian sun, you looked ethereal.
“Tell me why you can’t mix emotions and your duties.” You closed the tap and turned to him. “Sersi can. The others looked like they could. Why can’t you?”
He reached towards your cheek to push your hair away from your face. He saw the way your pupils dilated and he was sure he had the same reaction.
“It complicates matters,” he said.
“I don’t think it does.” You uttered. “If anything, it would make things clearer. You know what you’re fighting for.”
“Okay. If that’s what you think, is it working for you? Is it hard to be my angel when you so clearly loathe to be around me?”
You raised a delicate brow. “I wonder why that is,” you said coyly and smiled.
He felt himself smile with you.
“I don’t loathe you, Ikaris. I don’t even hate you.” You stepped closer to him, looking up at his eyes. “I pity you.”
“Pity me?”
You brought a finger to his chest and jabbed it at where his heart was. It sent a current across his body. “I pity this heart that refuses to feel.” You placed your palm against it. “You say you do but I don’t think you know how it truly is. I’m sure you love Sersi and had been in love with her for thousands of years but she’s moved on.”
He placed his hand on top of yours and looked down at you.
“You’re allowed to feel pain and anger and regret and love. No one will call you out for it.” You took a deep breath, your chest rising and he became hyperaware of how close you were to him.
“When you feel, it will set you free.”
Ikaris felt himself leaning towards you, watching your eyes as his head bent down closer to yours. You rose up to meet him halfway. So close that he was about to lay his lips on yours when Gilgamesh entered the kitchen.
“We need to talk. Sersi just spoke with Arishem.”
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