#(ill need to backtrack and add the tag manually to the posts relating to the ukagaka)
logicpng · 8 months
howdy! i downloaded the aster assistant a while ago and they functioned fantastically and i love them btw, but recently (just now actually) i noticed an issue i hadnt run into before.
i dont know if this is due to an ssp update and is thusly out of your control; but when vega or rigel manifest in their "pop-up" form, they are locked reeeeeaally low below the others' body. i can move the dialogue window all i want, but the "pop-up" stays down. similarly, if i grab the "pop-up", it takes their body up along with them.
its very strange and i didnt use to have this issue before, and im wondering if its just a setting in ssp that i need to switch on or off that you're aware of.
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ahh, yeah I think it may have been an update, there was something related to window positions. but things do just go off the rails sometimes. I probably will add a mode to adjust the side panel's position manually
them being fixed together is intentional on my part, just not to "lose" the panel if Aster's main body is dragged
for now you can enable developer options in SSP Preferences, press Ctrl+S on him*, and in the input window enter "\![reset,sticky-window]" to unlock em. once you're done adjusting just input "\![set,sticky-window,1,0]" to reenable it
(*That will open Script Input. You can also open it through Right Clicking on him and select Development Interface in Utilities submenu, it will have the button)
I hope this helps! posting this publicly too in case anyone who has Aster needs it too
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