#(ik it looks like she's in the countryside but that's not too far from the city center lmao)
httpiastri · 1 month
this is so so random but yall why is iris in my city?? like walking around near my former school????? 🤭🤭
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landograndprix · 8 months
I know there have been anons that view Lando and girlie’s relationship so far as just sexual, and I will agree that their txt are normally of a spicy variety but I would like to remind those anons that Lando so far in this relationship has been all about showing up. When girlie was sick, it was Lando that dropped what he was doing to make sure that both her and Z were taken care of. If you’re just interested in sleeping with someone (especially when you’re a f1 driver who could have any girl in a Monaco club) you don’t go through that trouble. When girlie was kicked out, Lando was the one that insisted on her staying at his place. He was out of town, no chance of anything happening. He who’s a high earning young good looking bachelor was more than happy to have his living room turned into a kids playground. He even insisted on it. He’s been the 1st to make sure that girlie is okay with all the flirty/spicy txt (love a consent king) that they’ve been sending and is quick to reassure her that he’s not just with her for the sex, he’s happy to just watch her work. I don’t think people are giving him enough credit, he knows that girlie was done wrong in her past relationship. He’s not expecting her to have no baggage, he’s working within what makes her comfortable and showing that unlike Charles he’s willing to show up for her. This seems very much as an actions speak louder than words moment. Charles was good about saying the right things, and he was even around in the short term; but I think Lando is trying to show both girlie, Z and the rest of the world that he’s around for the good, the bad and the ugly. Right now it seems that girlie is skittish, trying to protect her heart after Charles broke it, maybe even in denial about already being partially in love with Lando. I know Millie made the comment about “does Lando know this isn’t a relationship?” But I’d like to counter that with does girlie know this is a relationship, and that Lando is just letting her believe otherwise. I think that when she finally goes to him, and is willing to admit how she’s feel, there’s going to be this moment of “😐babe, ik 😊” from Lando. Not in an arrogant way, but in a babe you’ve been living in denial for a little bit; but that’s fine I knew for the both of us. Can also see him having a room set up for Z at his apartment, the whole place baby proofed and ready for their visits (and their move in). Absolutely love Millie, I know she jokes about girlie being her mom, but I really think she’ll do girlie a lot of good. To have a friend that really is a ride or die, completely willing to support you, even if they don’t necessarily agree with your choices is so freeing. Bonus points if she ends up with a driver. Would love to see her with Logan. The boy has alway struck me as an introvert, and his last year on the grid I didn’t see him really interact with anyone other than Alex. I would love to get to see Lando take Oscar under his wing, and then Logan b/c of girlie. I would love to see girlie put some of those maternal instincts into Oscar and Logan. Cause can you imagine poor Logan is being pestered into a relationship with Millie and then bullied (lovingly) on international tv by girlie? Forcing him to come to McLaren family dinners. Even when he insists that’s he’s not family. Oh damn this got away from me! Sorry, just love the fic and wanted someone to geek out with. 🧡🧡🧡
Oh I love the idea of lando just going with the flow and doing things in y/n her pace because he knows life is crazy enough for her and Z already and because he just really wants to be with both of them 🥺
I love the room set up by lando on his apartment for when they come over and now I can't stop thinking about little Z meeting lando his nieces 😭
I think Logan and Millie will be a perfect match! Logan and Oscar go way back too so it's one big family in the end, just imagining them around a big table in their massive french countryside garden having a bbq on a hot summer night 😭
And God, don't apologise, I love it when you guys talk about the fic 😭
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guineverist · 1 year
so. this is my first time doing anything in this fandom. i wrote a small 2k carobekah friendship/light slash fic last october but that was entirely different from what i'm doing here, which is 10k after 2 chapters. i'm not the most experienced writer either so i'm sure this is a little rough but i'm here anyway!
i've already posted the first chapter and it's an invisible life of addie larue fusion, which for those who don't know is about a girl who makes a deal with a devil/demon/creature/something that's never fully explained for "freedom" which ends up being immortality that comes with a side of no one ever remembering her, except who she made the bargain with. i think you can see where i'm going with this! it's not canon divergent, but it's very much not ah/au either
a lot of background for a snippet of a wip ik but i felt like it was all pretty important! so here's the start of my favorite scene from ch2 which i think shows the general vibe of the story pretty well.
Stealing from wealthy men was not the life that Caroline had planned for herself when she first dreamed of exploring the world. She saw visions of beautiful art, delicate dresses, and true romance, but that dream was crushed the second her father looked at her without recognition in his eyes. And even more so with every day that passed.
Instead, she started finding men with too much coin and too little sense to give a forced donation to her cause. Figuring out the exact boundaries of her curse was difficult work, and mistakes were dangerous, but eventually she discovered what strings to pull to get a desired result without technically leaving a mark on the world.
Directly poisoning a man's drink was impossible. By the time any sip from a poisoned cup was taken, her effect would have already been erased. Placing a sedative in a bottle of wine, however, and letting the man pour himself a glass remained within the boundaries of her curse. He made his own choice. She merely guided him toward it.
It would be a long time until she learned the intricacies of what she agreed to in that forest, but each hard-fought step toward mastery was a rewarding practice.
She was spending the one-year anniversary of her deal with the devil in an inn, pretending to be interested in the adventures of yet another man of means. All the men shared the same stories, activities they participated in to stand out did just the opposite, so she felt comfortable nodding in the right places as her mind was on the traveling exhibition that had come to Paris the week before.
Pieces of art from around the world had been stationed on a Parisian street for any passerby to look at. She was unable to focus on any one kind of art, constantly distracted by new things from new places. The Italian art created by artists from Florence, Siena, and Rome and metalwork from other cities in France ended up being her favorites, but even then she could not keep her eyes away from everything else.
Her attention turned back to the man, now deep in his cups. He introduced himself earlier in the night, but she did not pay enough mind to recall it. He was not far off from losing consciousness, and Caroline intended on seeing the exhibit one more time before it left for its next stop in Reims. She hoped she could find or buy a memento to remember it by.
When the man finally fell asleep, Caroline exited the inn room significantly richer. She stood outside the room for a moment and leaned back against the door. It was late enough that very few people would be wandering the hallways, and even fewer would take time to look at a single girl. 
She took the sedative out of her pocket and looked at it. She was spending the nights at a noble family's residence while the family vacationed through some part of the countryside. She had used the lady of the house's name to acquire a dress once. It only felt right that she made use of the house when no one was around to take offense. Trespassing would be the legal term, but it was hardly as though she was at risk of being prosecuted. There was a large part of her that wanted to make use of the sedative on herself as a way of getting the accursed anniversary over with, but the grogginess she felt in the morning afterward was enough to make her consider more carefully.
She had almost finished calculating the amount she'd need to take to be able to get to bed safely while still skipping as much of the night as possible when something in the air changed. It got a shade colder, as if something started drawing out the heat.
Caroline put the sedative in her pocket as she felt a presence at her back and, even after a year of silence, knew exactly who, or what, was there. The first few weeks of her new life were spent cursing the deal her past self had made and the demon who she had made it with.
It was odd, she thought, to be so aware of something she had only come across once. To be so disoriented before a conversation– a confrontation, surely, even starts.
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wizkiddx · 4 years
Admit you miss me
hello hello!! I’m trying to get better at this whole thing and also how to (ahem) use tumblr cos apparently have the abilities similar of an elderly woman but we move. hope people are okay, ik Christmas isn’t the easiest for everyone so sending love <3
I would also really really appreciate some improvements to my writing, I got loads sitting in my drafts but my dyslexic ass is struggling to sorta combine it all - so any help would be incred x x
Small and fluffy for you ;))) , Tomhollandxreader
Y/n/n - iMessage
‘Sorry I missed you call was in a meeting, you okay?’
‘Yeh I’m fine but can you call me please?’
Tom quirked an eyebrow at the almost instantaneous response of his girlfriend it was very out of character and made him worry a little.
1. Because she was the WORST replier he’d ever met, in the early stages he had really thought she hadn’t been interested at all given the typical 12 hr response time, so her answering before he’d had time to put the phone down was weird.
2. Because they’d already phoned today, always at 6 o’clock UK time and 1 o’clock (lunchtime) in Atlanta. The time difference was 5 hrs, which comparatively wasn’t that bad, but now for Tom is was half 8 in the evening, meaning for her it was more closer to 1 in the morning. Y/n never stayed up late either she was one of those earlier riser types, which always slightly infuriated Tom who occasionally just wanted days of lying in bed, legs tangled with his beautiful girl. But no, that was never allowed - instead sunrise walks or drives to the countryside for some fresh air.
So she had him downright worried, making him instantly leave the living room and Harry on his own, taking the stairs two at a time before reaching his bedroom and pressing the FaceTime button next to her contact as he flung himself on the plush duvet.
“Hey darling you okay?” He had to smile as her face appeared on the screen, the soft light of her bedside lamp casting soft glows across the left side of her face. Clearly in bed, Y/n was wearing a rather familiar burgundy hoodie and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, loose rogue strands framing her face beautifully.
“Mhmm I just need to speak to you.” She replied in a slightly muttered manner, running the nail of the third finger across her lip - something Tom did when she was thinking a lot- while she stared intently at the screen.
“You sound all serious love, what’s up?” He tried to stay calm, but being separated from her for so long meant it was only natural, he was worried this was something about them
“Well I just couldn’t sleep and was scrolling on instagram, saw the video you did for the brothers trust.”
“Is that it?” `he was a little perplexed, nothing in that video should’ve alarmed him.
“No because you looked all soft and tired and all I wanted to do was wrap you in a blanket and climb into bed with you” She rushed through the sentence, more than a little embarrassed.
“Thats what this is about?”
“No because you said you weren’t working too hard and that was a lie! Whats a relationship without trust Tom!”
He had to laugh at that too. His girlfriend was also possibly the most confusing person he had ever met. She was proud, headstrong, motivated and to almost everyone appeared to have a heart of stone. Tom knew better though. It made him smirk.
“Uh-uh don’t try and turn this on me, just tell me you miss me.”
“No I am strictly just worried about you health Tom! You haven’t stopped since you went to Berlin and I’m worried about you!”
“Or you couldn’t sleep because, as you have admitted to me before, you sleep better when I’m with you and that’s why you texted me as if something awful had happened!” The boy was good. He countered Y/n’s arguments perfectly with the truth that she wouldn’t admit.
“No..” She murmured while momentarily looking away, while she paused and laughed to herself about how well he knew her “and anyway you do look tired.”
“I sleep better when you’re here too” Tom spoke so softly, which made Y/n blush. And didn’t he know it.
“You are coming back at the same time in December right?”
“Yep and you better be ready to be stuck by my side for the rest of the year.”
“If I’m not busy with all my other boyfriends.”Y/n grinned, her tongue ever so slightly running across the back of her teeth - it was her mischievous look. Tom just snorted, which didn’t seem to be the reaction she had wanted, going by the immediate scowl.
“Oh really now?”
“Oh yeh since we went instagram official you are just one of my many options Tommy.”
“Better get my act together then!” Y/n smiled but let the conversation drop, as she just looked at the slightly fuzzy image on the screen. His face just made her heart ache because she really did miss him. Especially since the UK went into lockdown 2.0 a week ago because of the situation. It meant Y/n, a young working professional, was isolated into her own flat all bay herself. Last lockdown, she’d moved in with all the boys and Tom at their big all-expenses-paid house. But now Harrison had moved out, and since Tom and Harry were away it just made sense for her to stay at her place - she was paying rent for it anyway. But it was lonely as hell, even if she could ‘bubble’ with Harrison he was often at work because this time round he’d been allowed to continue unlike y/n who was working from home.
The reason she had called though, was because she’d just had to cancel her flight out to visit Tom. It had already been 2 months since she’d seen him, so Tom had offered to book her a flight to come see him for a week or so before shit hit the fan again. It scared her as well, feeling like this, Y/n wasn’t one to ‘fall in love’- not a cushy romantic at all. But now, she almost felt slightly dependent on Tom, he was a primary source of happiness - and right now was also on the opposite side of the world.
“,,,I’m sorry I can’t come next week. Second lockdown is shit by the way, I’m all alone and-“
“In the nicest way, shut up. It’s not your fault… and I’m sorry your finding it hard.” She hummed at that, as she wiggled down in the bed, getting a little more comfortable. “It’s late though love, why don’t you try get some sleep?”
“I like talking to you though.” She pouted in such a child like manner, making Tom laugh softly as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“I do too but we can do that tomorrow. Call me whenever yeh?”
“But Tom!” She quickly sneaked in, worried he was about to hang up on her… which of course he was not. “Will you stay on the phone for a bit? Just till I’m a bit um asleep?”
And that’s what they did, Tom whispering little stories about nothing until he was very sure she was deeply asleep - her chest rising and falling slowly and rhythmically in his jumper. Yes, they were far away geographically and yes, she clearly was having a hard time. But they’d get through it together.
Even if together meant through the ingenious invention of FaceTime.
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twinprime · 4 years
i was tagged by @hanniba1 for this super fun game!!! <333
🎃 Pumpkin: Favourite season? fall or winter but only aesthetically bc the cold makes me Achy 
👻 Ghost: Do you get scared easily? no unless we’re counting hearing loud sounds unexpectedly and then i’ll literally jump out of my seat. but jumpscares? horror? suspense? perfectly fine
🍭 Candy Corn: What’s your favourite kind of candy? lollipops, reese’s, or any chocolate with a caramel center!
🧛🏻 Vampire: What is your favourite supernatural creature? vampires!! although i do have a soft spot for werewolves too <3
🧙🏻 Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? teleportation!!! or mind control!! i think they’re both super neat
🍬 Trick or treat: What was your favourite Halloween costume? hmm probably either ghostface when i was like 7 or the joker last year
🐈 Black cat: Are you superstitious? only ironically, and i enjoy messing with my friends who are lmao
🪓 Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to? evangeline!! it was orignally one of the names my mother was thinking abt for me and i kinda wish she chose it instead of my current name
⚰️ Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories? man door hand hook car door.. i actually don’t really know any good ones but i know that the one story that scared the fuck out of me as a kid was the green ribbon. idk just the mental image of a girl removing a scarf from her neck and her head rolling off... anyway maybe i’ll go out and buy a green ribbon to wear around my neck
💀 Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone? thankfully i haven’t but i did fracture my finger once. not very painful but just really inconvenient
🐺 Werewolf: What is your favourite urban legend? can’t really think of any so i’m just copying ava and saying cryptids!! i was gonna go to point pleasant wva to go to the mothman museum when i drove across the country for college but my dad said “its too far out of the way.” 200 miles off our course is NOT too far away for mothman. but now i’m in oregon so i guess i’ll go look for bigfoot insteag ig
📽 Horror flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favourite? yes!!! i’ve only just started getting into horror/thriller recently though so i still haven’t seen a lot of the classics but some of my favorites so far are hereditary, midsommar (i believe in ari aster supremacy), donnie darko, jennifer’s body (which i watched for the first time last night!!), the lighthouse, crimson peak, and as above so below!! (ik a decent chunk of these don’t count as horror but i’m including anything suspenseful or unsettling)
🏚 Haunted house:  Would you prefer to live in the city or the country? city!! as much as i love the thought of living in the countryside i just don’t think id survive without having at least 10 different coffee shops within walking distance
🧟 Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse? ok what type of zombies are we talking abt here bc i feel like if they’re the slow zombies id survive. fast zombies? i have the speed and stamina of a three toed sloth
🔮 Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity? potion that fixes all my health problems. also ava if u make that potion that turns people into hugh dancy can i have some
🌕 Full moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? nighttime!!
🌽 Corn maze:  What is your favourite autumn activity? driving through the mountains!! also drinking apple cider, playing the danse macabre on repeat, watching scary movies, and layering 14 sweaters at a time
🧹 Broomstick: What exciting places have you travelled to? most of my travelling hasn’t been for vacations so i haven’t had the opportunity to really see anything exciting but i technically visited iceland because i had a connecting flight there and i got to explore london when i went back to visit family one summer... i also got to see the aurora borealis when i was on my way back from canada once
tagging @horrorlesbians @knifehorror @sapphoism @minyardy @nietzscheantrout @cravenwes @sidneyprezcott @trashmouthlesbians and anyone else who wants to participate!!
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