#(if anyone has made this already my apologies. I don't track the tags)
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Hi! So I have a rambling explanation that’s going to lead into a genuine question about making a website somewhat like a03 or finding alternatives to a site I will mention (it’s not a03 don’t worry)
I am a non/disney editor, crossover artist, amv maker and deep faker and any other term for “make videos of characters in canon or au type scenarios to music”. I’m also a fanficcer. And I remember when being wary of Anne Rice and Archie Comics and DC was a thing. A teacher, to cover his ass for an assignment of mine, taught me how to write an apology letter to a company on the offhand my hand written basically Batman fanfiction, made it’s way online or was heard about. I was in the tail end right before A03 but I am extremely grateful that the site exists. Okay. So now I need to talk about the Owl House. In season three episode special one, Luz Noceda makes an amv coming out to her mom.
Editor friends in a private discord were both happy and worried. Luz is one of us….but also Disney knows about us, to some level. Nothings happened I’ve just been stewing and I’m just worried something might hit the fan for the community given many of us use Disney media (hard not to when 80% of things put out is by them) So I’m asking how one would make a platform like A03 but for video media. Or if there’s things you know like that. YouTube is getting more and more difficult for anyone nowadays too.
Again, nothings really happened yet, I just can’t get it out of my head
Video is worlds harder than text, but you know that.
There are a couple of approaches here: First, more is more. The more sites you have your stuff on, the smaller the chance that Disney can nuke all of them. Second, if you're not just using youtube and getting good at playing the algorithm, you need some way for people to find you or to keep track of all your alternate hosting.
Vidders of the oldschool sort have taken to using AO3. It doesn't have native hosting, of course, but it provides a stable URL and useful fandom-based tagging without algorithm bullshit. It's also a decent way to get vids out there if you only have download links and no streaming (though, of course, that means fewer views). You can embed a bunch of different copies of the same thing in the same work.
I don't know of a ton of fannish attempts at video hosting that are open to everyone. The only person I can think of who's heavily working on that is the guy behind Vidders.net who has a few different projects going.
For other hosting options, I'd see what AO3 currently has whitelisted for embedding. Two obvious ones are Critical Commons and Archive.org.
Broadly, yes, fanvids and AMVs have been subject to even more disastrous mass deletions than fanfic has, and far fewer of them have been saved by other fans because video files are huge.
Oldschool AMVs in the strict sense (i.e. Japanese anime and not Disney) are catalogued and sometimes hosted on animemusicvideos.org. Oldschool Media Fandom has some vidding archivists, and really old stuff was released on tape and then disc, and people still have their copies of those. But online-only fannish video stuff from the 00s and 10s has massive gaps in the historical record already.
Disney is quiescent now, but they haven't always been, and neither have other rights holders. Worse, a bunch of hosts vidders liked just up and deleted their entire sites, wiping out eras of videos and commentary.
Your stuff is in less danger than it would have been 10 years ago, as far as anyone can tell, but video is always in massive danger of disappearing.
If you actually succeed at video!AO3, more power to you! I'm just skeptical that you'll be up to the technical and financial challenge if you don't already know more than you currently do, you know?
Hosting video has, among other problems, the issue that people trading actual abuse materials will upload their videos to your service. Hosts often play whackamole with illegal and traumatizing content. I've known people whose jobs exposed them to this shit, and they were... not okay.
I guess you could make things slightly easier on yourself if you restricted video to cartoons only, but then you'd have the same issues amvs.org does where people who start as one kind of editor start working with other footage and keep trying to upload the wrong thing.
It's often not really viable to host unless you make everyone pay and/or you're authorizing a few dozen accounts of people you've vetted, not running a service just anyone can sign up for. Hosting a hundred videos for friends that you have reviewed and know to be fanvids/amvs is a lot easier than hosting enough stuff that you can't personally review it all.
If you or anyone else is interested in trying to start a site, I'd go check out the various writings by Denise (who runs Dreamwidth). She has some twitter threads and posts on enforcement and running a platform. I remember she talked about the tech people use to detect CSAM from known law enforcement databases.
I don't want to be a downer here, but there are serious legal implications to being the actual host as opposed to just running a discord or something on someone else's platform and reporting some fucker if they try to post illegal shit.
If I were you, I'd get my buddies together, embed all our works on AO3, and then maybe make a collection or tagging standards so we could find each other's stuff.
For hosting, I'd add the Internet Archive, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. to Youtube and do a periodic audit of AO3 works to make sure links were still working.
AO3 already has a lot of tags that have been made filterable, like Fanvids, AMV, Video Format: Streaming, etc.
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Undead Unluck ep.6 thoughts
[I'm READY!]
(Contents: adaptation notes, pacing)
Gonna get this out of the way: that Spongebob joke killed me. Talk about elevating the source material. Admittedly I never really liked the original joke. I got it, I just didn't find it that funny, but barely-censored Sponebob running in screaming "YEAAAAH!" was so absurdly jarring that I couldn't help but absolutely lose it
After that, I don't really feel like I have too much to say about this episode. After five episodes, I feel like I've more or less adjusted to the Yuki Yase style, and we're not really seeing anything too new or different being tackled. I worry that my reviews are going to start getting pretty samey, since all I can really do is note how well the style fits specific scenes
That said, there were three standout moments that I have opinions on
The first was Andy's Crimson Waxing Moon, which I was very impressed was such a dynamic tracking shot rather than, again, recreation of the still from the manga. However, I was still hoping to see a recreation of the manga; the ending pose of Andy spinning through countless cut-up corpses is one of the many iconic visuals that I so love from Tozuka's compositional style, so while the anime's completely original take on it is vastly more interesting than the basic alternative, it came at the detriment of what I was hoping to see - Tozuka's paneling brought to life. I don't feel like I have the ability to fairly judge the quality of the scene we got because of this; I'm sure it's fine and even by most standards really good, I just can't help but feel that there's an extra bit of oomph that's missing that would have made me think it was great
What I did really love though was how they portrayed the spoil countdown. It was fairly simple, but I just liked seeing how they conveyed the visual and how it seemed to speed up when the kids thought they were going to be killed. The fact that the digits were kind of hazy was a nice touch, when they could easily have been solid numbers
Finally, the introduction of Spoil really did elevate it over the manga; where in the original he just kind of popped in and we cut straight to the chapel having already been destroyed, here we got to see the whole sequence. It was just as ominous as I wanted it to be, and it really made Spoil feel like that much more of a threat. Plus Andy's Crimson Cross was animated very well too; that one did match how it looked in the manga while still putting in additional touches like the blood spattering on the windows. That whole sequence really makes me excited for the upcoming battle
I did notice that this episode didn't stop at adapting two chapters, it siphoned a scene from ch.13 and put it before the conclusion of ch.12. I get the feeling that we can expect episode 7 to end around the middle of ch.15. I won't spoil (ha) what scene I'm predicting to be the endpoint, but basically I'm expecting to get through two stages of the Spoil battle and leave it off just before or at the transition into the third
Overall, the pacing is much slower than I expected it to be in my estimates, and we're currently a full episode behind my initial prediction. If my current prediction is right, then we'll actually be two episodes behind next week. I'm kind of meanly glad that that one reddit thread was just as wrong as I was, though, and it seems extremely likely that neither of our predictions for the end of the season will be correct. By current estimates, I'm expecting that we'll get to around ch.52 or 53, as that segment gives a really good conclusion+cliffhanger combo. Someone suggested that recently, but now that I'm looking for that post/ask, I can't find it for some reason, so apologies to that person for not crediting them
Before I sign off, does anyone have any opinions on me putting content tags on these reviews? In my manga reviews, I use them to telegraph which characters or worldbuilding elements that I'll be focusing on, but since the anime reviews are just comparing the episodes to the chapters anyway, is there any need for me to point out what I'm going to say? It kind of feels like I'm repeating myself, like anyone would know what to expect from these and that they're self-explanatory. Should I remove the content tags from the anime reviews going forward, or leave them for the sake of consistency?
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BL Tag Game
Yo @ommited-miscellaneously thanks my for the tagging me. I love needing out over these.
All time favorite bl character and why.
Pat Napat - living, breathing green flag. Respects boundaries, draws one when needed, admits to mistakes and changes. He is the first character that made me realise what the term comfort character means.
Kinn Theerpanyakul - the to protect and comfort instinct he brings in is soo strong. Grown to be a shadow of his father, we already see how different he is - passionate (we saw that in first episode when he murdered traitors and gift wrapped them with a bow) , loyal, honest, dependable and emotionally constipated babie of mine :")
What's your one character from a bl you wanted to punt in to the stratosphere?
(I am probably gonna get a lot of hate but let's go) Phupa - it bugs me that till end he did not apologise. And no he took a bullet isn't a justification to me because he would have done that for any civilian, hell team member. But he didn't apologise to tian and instead said non apology crap like "I forgive you", "torfun forgives you" and I was screaming at screen like WHERE IS YOUR APOLOGY MISTER??
Best music moment from a bl.
Please this answer is gonna be soo basic but Pat and Pran rooftop episode 5. Enough said.
AND to my star - the title track being played when he is running home to Seo Jun.
A popular heterosexual text you would like to see adapted in to a bl.
My mind is a blank. That's how long it has been since I've read a book. I thought of 2 Bollywood movies though - Don and Devdas.
Don - Ohm Pawat as Don and Bright as Roma
Devdas - Mile as Devdas, Win as Paro and the dude who played Mork in Fish Under the sky as Chandramukhi because he dances well - and if gulf can dance - gulf because he has got such expressive eyes! (desis I need yalls input on casting and hence tagging yall) @boysbeloving @surajmukhis @7nessasaryevils @sereinartemishan @m0hinii (I am tagging yall for the game as well)
A scene from a bl that always makes you laugh.
(this is low key mean) but the beach kiss as sotus s because they started a ppt??! Like my guys - you guys could have just faded the screen with a wide shot - WE WOULD KNOW THEY WERE KISSING - but instead they started a ppt
Biggest disappointment
None. I watch "No plot just vibes" bls to shut my brain so I know what I am going for.
If you ask me though, tonhon's characters writing - he could be written soo well and layered but instead we got... yeah, well.
What two random bl characters would make hilarious exes.
Sarawat from 2gether and Tharn from TharnType. The soft introvert and loud extrovert.
Who would be the funniest person to watch a BL in its entirety and which one would you make them watch.
I think my grandmother because she would be too busy processing it.
Best wardrobe moment/or character wardrobe from a bl.
The list is long people. Hold up.
Tang yi - history 3 trapped - THE SUITS. Especially the striped one.
Kinn Theerpanyakul - the helicopter blue shirt, the ombre suits, the black with white stripes when they were at hum bar and he was judging porsche for eating cocokraches. That shirt has me soo feral. I've written smuts in my head based on that shirt.
Fiat - don't say no- the red suit in finale.
I am tagging @morathicain @smittenskitten @snimeat @petevegas @liyazaki @ahdriking and anyone else who wants to do it
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Umbrella academy fiction
Chapter 1
Canon and OC; Deigo x OC, Klaus x OC platonic
*as always I do not own any part of the canon characters or show. I am merely writing my own adaptation to the storyline. Nor do I own any gifs/gif credit.
**I do own all things related to the OCs and additional story elements. And apologies, I couldn't find any "young" gifs of them, but they are all meant to be young adults to show age in this fic.
Tagging: @imcrowley , @wicked-bitch-of-the-west
On a typical sunny day in 1989 a girl was born under extraordinary circumstances - her mother beginning the day not pregnant and ending it with a newborn girl. Reginald Hargreaves was unable to purchase their gift from God, but as fate would have she would still become linked to the obsessive billionaire through Klaus, his disappointing Number Four.
One fateful night in her bar thrust the two into each other's life and they soon became close friends, their tragic pasts a common denominator. Emily tried to aid her friend and his family in thwarting the apocalypse, but her life ultimately lost when the shit inevitably hit the fan.
This is not that story.
Our story takes place five years after the Hargreaves family jumped back in time after unsuccessfully saving the world; bringing with them all the knowledge gained from their first chance at life.
"I'm telling you Diego. We can do this," Klaus said pleadingly to his brother. "She said if she had only gotten out a few years earlier, she would have had a better chance at life. We can give her that chance."
Diego stopped just outside his room. He eyed Klaus as he begged for him to agree.
"Please Diego. She is...was my friend," he corrected himself. This time travel thing was hard to get used to. "I owe it to her to at least try."
It was true that Emily had been as good a friend as someone could to Klaus back then. He'd beena raging drug addict who brought nothing but chaos. There weren't many people who could handle something like that. She'd been one of the few; even managing to get him into rehab a few times.
Not that it had mattered. Klaus had a standing bed there back then and the staff a running pool on how short his next break would last.
But it had been obvious she at least cared for him. And that was more than Diego could say for himself. Klaus was his brother and he had given two shits at the time if he lived or died.
"Fine," he finally agreed.
"Yes!" Klaus said quietly, but triumphantly.
With his second time around, he wanted to get it right. Make amends for his previous infractions.
Starting with this.
"But we do this my way. You got it," he said definitively, getting close enough to stop Klaus' little victory dance. He wanted to make sure his brother understood just how serious he was.
"Got it," Klaus said with a mock salute. "If I remember correctly, right around now would be the 'Halloween lockdowns' as Em liked to call it," Klaus said with a small smirk Diego's way.
His brother looked at him confused "Lockdowns? Where is she? A prison?"
Oh, that's right. He doesn't know.
It had taken Klaus awhile to pull what nuggets she had revealed of her past. He knew, without a doubt, Diego hadn't gotten shit out of her. The few times they'd met his brother was partial to being an asshole to anyone who even remotely took Klaus' side and she had been no different.
"She's at a religious boarding school," Klaus explained quickly. "A real scared straight kinda one. From what she told me though, the night before Halloween the nuns do one final sweep of the grounds, leaving the front door unlocked."
"Pfft. Morons," Diego huffed, the fact that he was speaking of godly women lost to him completely. "So it's a dash and grab. Easy."
"Yeeaa...about that," Klaus began tentatively. Diego had only just agreed to spring Emily from Hell.
"What?" Diego asked lowly. He knew he shouldn't have gotten his hope up so easily. Nothing was ever so cut and dry with Klaus.
"She's also, sort of, kinda in her own lockdown. We may need Five to help us too," he added reluctantly. "Which is fine," he quickly continued, keeping Diego from immediately changing his mind. "Ever since we got back Five has really been a team player. I'm sure if our little heist idea came from you he'd be on board. A hundred percent."
Diego couldn't take this shit with Klaus a second go 'round. He wanted to break Emily out of school? Fine. He needed Diego's help? Also, peachy fuckinf keen. But if he insisted on keeping secrets along the way then Diego would walk his happy ass on out the door and Klaus could go fuck himself.
He grabbed hold of his brother, who flinched more from shock than fear, and drug him into his room, away from listening ears. He tossed his brother onto his bed as gently as he could. Klaus watched as he pulled his desk chair over, sitting on it backward and leaning against it.
"Before I ask Five anything you are gonna spill your guts and give me all the Intel you have on Emily. Otherwise, I'm out and you're on your own."
Klaus groaned with Diego's ultimatum. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll tell you everything. But you have to swear you'll get Five to help no matter what," he countered holding up his pinky.
"What are you, six?"
"Nothing is more binding than a pinky swear," Klaus said, wiggling his fingers enticingly.
"You never quit do you?"
"Nope," Klaus said with a satisfied grin.
"Jesus Christ." Diego sighed with a roll of his eyes, but nevertheless he linked pinkies with his brother.
"No matter what," Klaus reiterated.
"No matter what," Diego reluctantly agreed before immediately letting go of him.
"Good," Klaus said clapping his hands together and rubbing them conspiratorially. "Now. What do I know about Emily?" he asked himself, feigning an attempt to really dig deep into his thoughts. "Em, Em, Em."
"I'm losing my patience Klaus."
"Alright, fine," Klaus said with an exasperated sigh. Nothing much had changed with Diego this time around - he was still far too serious for his own good. "I know she was one of the few dad couldn't buy, obviously. I deduced that one myself," he admitted proudly.
Diego rolled his eyes and sighed. Even without drugs Klaus' mind still ran a million miles a minute. "Focus," he said keeping his brother on track.
"Right," he replied forcing himself back to their present storytelling session. "She was unbuyable. Her parents were religious and pure," he said mockingly, throwing up the the scouting sign of three fingers. "When Em didn't fit it to their perfect life, they shipped her off and forgot about her. To St. Christopher's School for the Misguided to be exact."
"You mean that old school convent on the outskirts of the city?"
"That's the one," Klaus said in agreement. "She's been there..." he checked his wrist as if a watch sat upon it. "Twelve years now," he added looking back to Diego.
"Twelve years?! What the Hell Klaus?? I thought she was just sent there."
"Yea. When she was six," Klaus said with a snort. "That was after all the exercisims failed," he added nonchalantly.
"Exorcisms!?" Diego was beginning to regret his decision to help. "Look. I don't know what kind of "school" you're taking me to, but how do we know Emily even wants to break out?" he asked in a half-hearted attempt to back out.
"Because she makes it out on her own after another three years anyway. But she always said if she'd got out just a few years earlier she'd have gone farther in life. Between you and me, I thought she turned out just fine the way she was," he added leaning in conspiratorially.
"I don't know about that. She was friends with you."
"Hey! Unfair!" Klaus said feigning offense. "Trust me," he continued, shrugging off the insult. "Once Five is on board, everything will be fine," he said reassuringly, but with little affect. "Then it really will be a dash and grab. Five will just do his little time warp thingie and..." He sucked air through his teeth and gestured for in-and-out. "We'll have Em out and free as a bird in no time," he added with a sigh and a smile.
Diego stared at him, only reacting when his wide grin faded. His mind had already been made up, but it was sti fun to see him sweat. He promptly grabbed him up and pulled toward the hallway - and all the way to Five's room.
"Klaus has something he wants to ask you," he said pushing past their brother when he answered the door.
"And what might that be?" he asked, confusion evident on his face as he shut the door behind them.
Once through the threshold doego released his grip on Klaus and took solace off in the corner, waiting to see how well he did with Five. Their brother would be a much tougher sell. He'd never even met Emily.
"Well," Klaus began with a nervous laugh, glancing back to Diego hoping to get some backup. His brother simply urged him on. Klaus sighed and his entire being deflated with his refusal.
"Klaus, what the hell is going on? I don't have time for another one of your ridiculous pranks," Five complained impatiently.
"I need your help rescuing a friend," he admitted freely, turning back to Five.
Five laughed freely at his request. "No," he said letting his facial expressions fall flat. "The last time I tried to help you I ended up having to warp out of police custody."
"But you did get out," Klaus cut in trying to avoid a retelling of their most recent mishap.
"And I had to be the one to explain it all to dad. Alone," he added with rising anger.
Klaus grimaced. "Yea. Sorry about that. I wish I could have been there, really, but something important came up. Real now-or-never type stuff."
"What? Like avoiding the inevitable end of the world? Because last I remember we've already fixed that problem and I can't think of anything more "now-or-never"," he threw back at him.
He knew Five was right. "I guess when you put it like that, I could have made it," he admitted almost sheepishly.
Five merely scowled at his admission.
"But this is different," he added quickly, pushing past Five when he went to kick them out of his room. Klaus shut the door and leaned on it for added security he would finish hearing him out.
"How so?"
Klaus' smile returned. His interest was piqued. "Because we...are gonna..."
Diego rolled his eyes. His sales pitch was quickly dying. "Because you're gonna have me," he stepping forward.
"Not that I don't doubt yoir abilities, but how does that any different? Other than your presence of course."
Their brother's smile widened. "Yes!" he exclaimed before Diego could answer, outstreching his arms toward him and crossing to be by his side. "Because Diego here is an extra set of eyes and ears," he added, cradling his shoulders and endearingly placing his hand on his chest.
Diego glared at Klaus. "Because I will make sure Klaus doesn't screw anything up this time," he answerd shaking himself free.
Five remained silent, considering Klaus 'mission'. He had become anxious lately to do more than just train and follow daddy's orders - even if it was what they all agreed to before their jump back. Not that he would ever admit that to Klaus, but he supposed it could be worth it of Diego was on board.
Klaus stated expectantly and his brother who eyed the two of them. "Say I help you. What is your grand plan to save...who exactly?"
Klaus smiled widely at Diego, ecstatic that things might actually go his way for once.
"Emily," Diego answered, ignoring Klaus.
"Emily?" Five asked surprised with a slight laugh. "You mean the bartender psychic?"
"Telepathic," Klaus corrected him. "But yes. Her. So will you help me? Please?"
Diego rolled his eyes at the duo. "Just say yes already. I can't take much more of this," he added exasperated, dropping down onto the chair at Five's desk.
"Alright fine," he finally agreed.
Klaus began to shower his brother with thabks. He sure hadn't been as appreciative of Diego's allegiance. He huffed to hide his offense. "Klaus!" He pointed at his wrist when he had his brother's attention.
"Oh right. So. Now that I have the best two brothers on board..."
"Klaus," Diego warned.
"Alright, alright. Stop getting your panties in a bunch."
Diego jumped up ready to strangle him.
"Hey! Calm down!" Five intervened. "Don't make me regret helping you," he scolded his brothers. "Now," he continued once the two had parted ways. "When and how are we supposed to save Emily? And from what?"
"I'm glad you asked," Klaus responded slyly before repeating the plan to Five
"There it is," Klaus whispered to his brothers, pointing out their entry point.
They crouched hidden among the bushes just outside the point of no return. A nun came out of the front door, followed by two others, and just as Klas said left the door open. Diego huffed quietly to himself and rolled his eyes. Klaus smiled widely.
"Okay," Five said shifting his jacket and bit and readying to jump. "Where is her room?" he asked staring at the building.
It was your typical, old-school convent turned boarding opp. The layout would be easy to figure out.
Klaus shut his eyes and mimicked going over a map with his fingers. "It should be, if memory serves me right, last one on the left, second floor," he said opening his eyes and looking toward the building too. "She always said one of the only good things she remembered about this place were the sunsets," he said quietly to himself with a sad sigh. "West side," he added.
And just like that Five was gone.
He reappeared with a small pop in a girl's room. She was sound asleep, her back to where Five now stood. He crept to her bed and gently tried waking her.
"Emily," he whispered. "Emily wake up."
The girl began to stir, turning toward him. The sight of a boy by her bed had to be a dream. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, sitting up to wake up further. The realization that he was real hit her. Her eyes grew wide in terror and she screamed.
Five quickly covered her mouth. "Emily, please."
She quieted her screams realizing who he was and the fear in her eyes grew to confusion. She mumbled something into his hand.
"What?" he whispered, uncovering her mouth.
"I'm not Emily," she managed to stammer out quietly.
#the unbrella academy#umbrella academy#ua#klaus hargreaves#diego hargreaves#klaus x oc#diego x oc#fan fic#fan fiction#fiction#fanfiction#fanfic#indie#writing
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Meeting with the Opposition
Chapter Two; Chapter One is below (previous link wasn't working) Chapter 3 is in the makings
@artthingymabob is who inspired me!
@dystopianinterstellar @azirafuck (also ask if youd like to be on the tag list!)
I honestly thought this would be a one off thing but oopsie daisy I got inspiration big time! Hope everyone enjoys 😊 Reblogs super appreciated
Azriphale doesn't mean to be late yet here he is running through a crowded sidewalk people giving him nasty sideways glances. He isn't technically late but he isn't early; everyone in Heaven is slightly early as the term "fashionably late" was made by a demon and no angel wants to be associated with one of those. Well besides two; one of which is dubbed a traitor and the other is desperately weaving through crowds and could be considered a hypocrite if anyone is to find out why.
The reason he is running late is because of Heaven; an angel gone off the deep end. They created quite a ruckus- shouting threats at everyone, causing damage to walls, and pulling up several plants from a garden. It was a fit not tolerated in Heaven and so it ended with them being locked in a room until further notice. He being the one to find an unoccupied room as well as having to catch them. Aziraphale is almost positive they'd have to put them through a trial (and he'd have to organize it) but when is still in the unforeseeable future. Even if he does calm down in that time period they is no possible way of getting out of a punishment.
The angel arrives just on time but his face falls at the sight of the demon, Crowely, has already nabbed a table. An odd feeling, that isn't embarrassing, arises in him at the thought of the demon sitting at the table, awaiting his arrival. An odd tingly half familiar feeling he shoves down while approaching the demon in wait.
"I would usually apologize for being late but l, since you are a demon and I don't dare say sorry to your kind, I won't," Azriphale states sitting down not daring to make eye contact with the other.
"You aren't late, really you're perfectly on time. But our kind don't take well to apologies anyhow; anyone who tries we throw into the hell hound pit and bet on how long they will last," Crowely says and Azriphale looks up; the most horrific look plastered on his face. "I'm joking! I'm joking! Thought a being from Heaven could take a joke!" He lets out a hearty chuckle and Azriphale gives a forced smile in return.
Crowely is only half-way being truthful in this, as he is with most things, as demons tend to throw each other in hell hound cages all the time. The difference being from what he said is that apologies don't cause such a reaction; it really is just a sporadic action done whenever something mildly inconvenient but thoroughly irritating happens. He doesn't explain the logistics though as he can clearly see the angel is troubled.
Why he cares is a completely different story that Crowley will rather not want to think about. If he did try to explain though the conversation that followed would contain lots of half truths, hissing, stuttering, made up words (which if you mention that they are made up he will snarkily reply with "well all languages are made up) and end with someone getting stabbed in a major artery. So it's best to leave him be with his unusual consideration.
"I suppose we should get right on to business since the jokes have ceased?" 'And proven to be unfunny' but Azriphale only adds that on in silence. He doesn't want to push any buttons he doesn't have to today.
"Thinking 'bout ordering drinks first; Hell has been a bitch like usual and I've needed something to take my mind off it. So drinks first, work talk after,"
"Drinks don't sound half bad," He momentarily massages his temples before picking up the drink menu "With no war I'm assuming Hell's been rowdy?"
"Rowdy is a group of bratty teens whose equally bratty parents are going out for a month. Hell is a barnyard that has no food,drink, or cages and several exotic animals. Everyone is ravenous. Demons are thirsting for bloodshed so much we've had to bust several groups trying to form secret strikes to Heaven that would not only fail miserably but be embarrassing to see play out. One guy thought he could do a solo mission- and I have little respect for your army but I'm also not stupid and would send a single low ranking demon against God's army," Crowley rants and if not for the waitress' arrival he would've gone on a tangent. He orders the drinks flatly and expects Azriphale to follow suit immediately.
The angel however is smiling at him which led to a flick of rage ignite. What had he to smile about? That hell was hellish and chaotic? He should know that just because everything is a shit-show they were not to be reckoned with.
"Same wine as his, dear," Azriphale addresses to the waitress and she smiles politely before heading back to the kitchen. "I find it amusing; the angels above are getting antsy themselves. Today actually one of them was found flinging a sword around wildly yelling about how they would deliver "divine justice" to anyone in their path. Of course angels aren't as cruel as demons but...the war not happening has thrown everyone off course. Even the most mild mannered".
That's why he was smiling- a light weight lifts off Crowley's shoulders. "This is exactly why the two traitors need to be dealt with soon- I feel it would bring ease to everyone. Including, the eventual, second Armageddon," The waitress returns a smile of ignorance on her face. She didn't understand how weeks ago she should've perished nor does she know what these "fine" gentlemen are discussing. All she knows is what wine and food they order and all she hopes is that they give her a significant tip.
"No doubt; those trouble makers will be given proper justice," Azriphale says picking up his glass of Chardonnay.
"And no mercy," Crowely adds on, raising his own glass "Toast for the second Armageddon that-is-hopefully-soon-to-come, Angel?"
"To a successful second apocalypse!" The two clink glasses both wearing uncharacteristic smiles and having found a new sense of determination.
"Ssso you're ssaying?" Crowely slurs out, its blurred whether alcohol or his snake side were responsible for his long s'. Many drinks are shared between the two and many more were to come. Business is attempting to be addressed but as neither has the gull, or maybe the relaxation is a tad addictive, to sober up halfway thought up plans were being discovered.
"I say that- well I think anyway. Why not just, we'll just watch the two! Eventually they'll bl-blab out something of importance! How they- how they gone- they gone to go be naive,"
"Native, you ssstupid Angel,"
"Oh, same difference! It doesn't matter exact terminology. All that matters is...well is the- the plan," Azriphale waves his hands around before returning to his empty glass. Instead of flagging down the waitress, they had the poor girl running back and forth like mad, he flicks his fingers and both glasses fill up. Crowley opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and sips the wine. "Whether its the Great Plan or Ineffable Plan or might as well be Plan B, I really don't care. We just need a plan,"
"We have our plan," Crowley says with a slight huff.
"Our plan?" The words our, referring to him and Crowely feel so foreign, scandalous even, but fit on his tongue like a well tailored outfit.
"Yeah- Watch Gabriel and Beelzebub until they fuck up again. Y'know feel too safe let some information slip. Maybe we'll learn a weakness or two-whatever. And once we know all the right sstuff we crush them!" Crowley slams his fist on the table to reiterate his point.
"Our plan," Azriphale still echoes quietly as if it is a secret to keep. Which in a way it is; if the other Archangels knew what he's up too, even under the sake of serving retribution, he could get in big trouble. Consorting with Demons led to well... he looks up at Crowley whom he's had two meetings with so far and more to come...apparently it led to professionals getting involved to track you down to find your weaknesses.
Sure maybe the other Angels wouldn't understand and take what he's doing a completely wrong way but he is doing what is good! Surely if he wasn't God would punish him, right?
"I'd say let's get dessssert before we head out our separate ways, eh?" Crowely says bringing the fretting Angel out of his worries (or at least creating a temporary distraction from them).
"Dessert sounds lovely. I heard the creme brulee is to die for,".
#ineffable husbands#good omens#good omens au#azriphale#crowely#swap au#long post#tw drinking#yes i made parallels that is my job#ask to tag
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I have never doubted my feelings towards anyone I have told I love them. And outside of going a little beyond my means to make them smile I've never had to prove how much I truly love them....
But I've been dealing with this company BasicInvite.com
Screwing up our Save the Dates... And watching my fiancee tear up enraged me to a level I never knew... Like I love her so much and on such a primal level that just half tears in her eyes
Let's back up a bit.
Wedding Planning Pt2: invitations
I'm kinda jumping ahead of a bit but im pissed rn so we'll circle back around to the cute fun stuff of this topic. I'm sure by now you all have seen our bomb ass engagement photos. We loved them so much we wanted to use them as our save the dates!
We ordered our save the dates through this company. Being the life-long procrastinators we have chosen to be admittedly we sat on this longer than need be. So we Paid extra for the faster shipping. We get all giddy and excited because it's just one more step towards our new lives. Of course she goes to check on it first ... But the tracking number we received was not working. Called customer service and TREVOR explained that somehow our save the dates were lost!!
Some shit about the post office not scanning the box or something. Now they are a small business, probably have one person taking mail. Part of me felt like they just forgot to put the box in the mail. None of that mattered though. We NEED these save the dates ASAP.
He assured us he was print us new ones and they would be shipped out immediately and they would refund me The extra shipping cost. I lightheartedly tell him The misses will kill me cuz The was my task so don't worried about refunding the money and if we have to pay more to get same day shipping we'll do that. Apparently they can't do same day shipping which makes no damn sense but whateva. The next morning the original package mysteriously gets an update on the tracking number. Interesting... But regardless Trevor said he would send us a new set. Then we get an email. They TOO have noticed movement on the package and now will WAIT and see before they send a new set.
..No. We explain to them that we could not afford to wait, which is why we paid extra for the shipping anyway. I asked again for Trevor. He said they understood and would go ahead making the second batch. They were just "letting me know"... Ok... A day goes by and we reach out again because we havent got a tracking number for the second batch. They tell us that the second batch did not pass its quality control inspection and now they have to print a THIRD batch which would take another 3 days!!! They said the good news was that it looked like the original batch would be there the next day anyways. Upon hearing this my sweet little future wife begins tear up off pure frustration. Because honestly, and tell us if we wrong, but it really felt like our original assumptions about them just forgetting to mail the first box was correct. And now they are dragging us along until it shows up so they don't have to make a new box...
Am I wrong?
At this moment my patience had worn out.
I demanded to have this new batch made and shipped the same day because at this point we had wasted too much time to get a refund and go anywhere else. They gave me some b.s. about having a contract with USPS and can't do same day. I demanded to speak to a higher up which i was denied.
Fuck that.
You see the unseen problem small businesses have is that They rely too much on their own social media. So finding the CEO was only a click away.
And I sent him a lengthy FB msg

After that They assured me I would be getting my package that day and give me a full refund. Of course I had heard this three times already. I told them I would NOT get off the phone until my packing is literally in the hands of the postman and I get an email SAYING it was shipped. I'm not kidding you guise. I put the phone on speaker at work at say there with them for 5hours.
They actually sent a picture of the box on the truck and then tried to hang up on me! Hold up. No. I said I needed both the picture AND update on the tracking. Not just being a dick about the situation but if we all remember in the beginning how this all started was them saying "the mail man must have forgotten to scan it..." So you will WAIT with me as I refresh until it says on the way. But I felt bad for the poor girl on the phone, syd I think her name was. So I said this is Trevors fault put his ass on the phone.
There was a strange silence then she says he's out of the office... I really hate when people try and play you like we haven't all worked customer service and managers have given us the I'm not here face
I asked when he would be back and she says she can't give me his schedule. I then tell her if I have to call back for him the civility of this interaction, which was already at a low point, will be null. Further more I have enough sky miles to fly to Utah in the morning if I have to.... By this time the tracking has updated... She tries again to get off the phone. I say where's Trevor.. Oh he has magically reappeared.
Sounding annoyed by having to talk he immediately goes into this bland ingenuine corporate apology. BUT instead of apologizing on behalf of BasicInvite.com this foo says he stands by the quality and service of BasicInvite.com and he apologizes for USPS!?
How you gonna be so self absorbed you gonna blame the Untied States government.
Even if it's true they messed up the first box, which I still don't think they did. What about the 2nd box? Why did I have to curse two poor customer service reps out for you to figure out how to do same day shipping? He then tells me he thought maybe we were trying to get something for free
I went ALL the way off.
I said several times I didn't care about the money for these cheap ass save the dates I wanted the save the dates! I even suggested paying extra. So where in the fuck you get the idea I'm trying to get over?.. He hung up. I called back and got poor syd answers. I say put Trevor on the phone she again says he's not taking calls. I told her I will call everyday for the rest of this year until Trevor or Brock takes my call and gives me a real apology.
They truly had no idea who They just crossed.
I called everyday And only saying hello can I speak to Trevor til They blocked me. I then used the website chat. They blocked my IP from going to their website, then gave me a refund. I went to Starbucks used two pcs and vpns til they had to install a new chat service that could block instantly. Still all I said was hello I need to speak to Trevor. Finally getting a formal cease and desist email I stopped.Trevor you should thank your god that my god put a woman in my life with some sense because I was really prepared to torture you for the rest of my living days.
So now I have double the save the dates and nothing to do with them. If It were up to me I'd burn the whole lot of them post the video on IG and tag BasicInvite.com
Anyone out there listening please do not use these people. I should have known from the name they some basic bitches.
#lol#personal#wtf#im getting married#wedding#wedding planning#wedding invites#savethedate#wedding invitations#basic invties
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i was wondering, and apologies if you have been asked this before, but how do you keep track of what stories you've submitted to what journals/magazines/etc ? i've been struggling to keep track of my poetry submissions because i don't always send in the same poems to different places, and there are often long response turnarounds so it is easy to forget what has gone where and when and so on.
i’m so happy you asked!
this was a major problem for me for a long time and tbh kept me from submitting. it was just too much work figuring out what went where and who rejected me when and so on.
i have two methods, which is kind of invasive and which i recommend maybe doing one or the other. so first i keep a spreadsheet:
this keeps track of where i submitted (A), what kind of submission (B), what piece i submitted ©, how much it cost (D), when i submitted (E), when they responded (F), how many days* (G), and status (H).
*the formula for how many days is =if(F2=0,today()-E2,F2-E2)
then to the side i keep a totals chart:
it’s important to keep track of how much you spend on submissions so you can deduct it from your taxes.
i use countif formulas for the totals. for example, to count how many times i submitted A Wet Man, the formula would be =countif(C:C,“A Wet Man”).
the spreadsheet is really easy to use and maintain, but it doesn’t do everything i need it to. for example, i want something that can keep track of open and closed reading periods, when submissions to certain mags are due, what specific personal rejections say, and how many things i’ve sent where.
to handle those problems, i keep two trello boards.
i hear a lot of bad things about trello, and maybe it’s not good for major projects, but for my purposes it’s divine.
i’ll start with the writing board:
i have a bad habit of starting more stories than i can finish, so i keep track of my projects on this board. the lists tell me what project it is. the color tags tell me what the thing is (short story, novel, other), and what stage it’s in (not started, started, first draft, submitted, accepted).
on the left we have my MFA thesis, a short story collection. each entry is a story.
the number next to the name is how many words the story is. when you click on any of them, you see details i need to know about it.
i’ve attached the final version of the story, as well as the link to where it got accepted and a copy of the publication agreement, so everything is in one handy place. i also keep a RocketBook notebook so here is where i’d put my handwritten notes about the story too. (i can go over my RocketBook methodology at some point if anyone is interested).
then i keep a checklist of where all i submitted it to and i check them off when i get a reply.
and remember: don’t lose hope just because you get a rejection. my story Lien got sixteen rejections before it was picked up.
in the comments, i copy and paste any nice rejection emails i receive.
it’s important to keep nice rejections not just for the morale boost, so that next time i submit to Fence, i know to say something like, “i recently submitted my story Lien to your publication, and while it was not accepted, Ms. Wang encouraged me to submit again. i hope this story is more to your liking.” or if you get a personal rejection, it’s a good idea to submit again and email that person directly so they know to look for your submission.
the restriction with the writing board is that i don’t have a full image of, say, what i’ve sent to Fence already, nor does it help me in deciding where to send work in the future. i made a career board to keep track of publications, contests, workshops, fellowships, jobs, etc.
here i can post “due dates” for when certain journals open again or when they close, and i use the tags to keep a handy visual for who accepts what.
for example, yellow means i’m waiting on a response. green means they’re open for submissions, red closed. blue means they accept long work, purple short. etc and so on. teal means i received a nice/personal rejection. this way when i have a story ready to be sent out, i can pick out my first ten mags pretty easily.
i copy and paste the submission guidelines in the description, and put the link to the site in the attachments. the due date in this case was that they reopened for submissions March 1.
i make a checklist that shows what i already submitted. so i know what i’ve sent already.
i keep trello and my submission spreadsheet up in a tab all the time, so when i get a notification of a rejection, i can update all three pretty quickly. the benefit of the trello boards is that they extend beyond publication – the writing board helps keep track of necessary research and files for composition and editing; the career board keeps me focused on all CV-boosting things. for example, this year i chose to apply to the New York State Summer Writers Institute instead of the Breadloaf Conference or Antioch, but now i have a place to remember a year from now to apply to Breadloaf or Antioch or wherever else. it’s also a good place to keep track of fellowship and grant opportunities.
this is really kind of an intense way to go about tracking submissions, but once you get it set up, it’s pretty easy. i imagine with poems you’ll have to adapt this a bit, because you have to do a lot more legwork on the submission front. like i only have 3 stories out at any given time which keeps the assembly line of submission pretty cut and dry, but i imagine you have dozens of poems. i hope this can at least give you some ideas for tracking.
and for those interested in the assembly line, it basically goes:
write the thing
edit the thing
pick out 10 places to send the thing
send the thing
wait for 10 rejections
repeat steps 3 through 5
after 20 rejections, consider repeating steps 2 through 5
get the thing accepted
make edits based on editor feedback
sign publication agreement
bask in glory for ~30 seconds
write another thing
if (plural) you found this helpful at all and want to buy me a coffee, here’s my ko-fi. my other advice articles can be found in my writing advice tag, or you can check out a collection of my advice, Drunk on Writing. (it’s spring break so i’m hoping to get the 2017 edition out soon).
and if you have any other questions about writing or publication, feel free to shoot me an ask
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Jimin finds scared bunny hybrid jungkook on the streets and takes him home? And kookie needs cuddles? You don't have to if you don't want to of course...
Jimin finds scared bunny hybrid jungkook on the streets and takes him home? And kookie needs cuddles?
Jimin didn’t exactly find him more than he found him. The hybrid.
It wasn’t exactly a cold day, it was just grey but what were they expecting of London anyway?Jimin was ready to go to work, all clad in a suit with his files to work. He was not as much of an assistant as he was working with the scientists himself. They led him do smaller experiments and handle the files for a little bit of extra money and he was very grateful for that because well he needed every bit off extra money he could get because the government didn’t support their studies. They were late in the 90s when people found out how to create a hybrid, a cross between the human species and animals. At first they did it with a monkey, the guy coming out of it was as intelligent as everyone else but the features -such as the ears and nose of a monkey- made him an outcast. People treated hybrids wrong since than and it didn’t change twenty years later.
Therefore Jimin and the scientists were working to find out a way to make out rape, assault and abuse on hybrids, evennon-verbal hybrids. They researched a lot and they had already found one way or another but it always was painful for the hybrid to go under those ministrations, so they worked on further against the will of the people who thought that hybrids were just abominations who deserved the exact treatment that they were getting.
So on this early morning to work, when Jimin was trying to not let the files fall that he just collected he ran into a boy, a little bit smaller than himself, knocking him down in the process. It was a bunny hybrid Jimin noticed when he took in the ears and the way that the boy flinched when he fell onto his butt, probably the spot where his tail stuck to him. “Excuse me, Sir,” he said. Jimin was expecting just that, every hybrid needed to treat ‘normal’ people with respect because else, well there were no safety rules or any rights for hybrids as it is. They needed to be careful in any way.“But can’t you watch your step?”He looked up at that in shock. “What?”“I said what I said,” the boy snickered before he scrambled up, grabbed the cap he had been wearing before to hide his ears before grabbing onto the news papers that he had been carrying. Oh, Jimin thought. He’s the news letters guy, the one that walks by my house every time.
Jimin was on his way to apologize when suddenly a woman came by and swatted the boy upside the head with a thick purse. “Watch your steps yourself, you filthy creature of hell! You’re not even human, how dare you insult one of the human kind?”
The hybrid was about to speak up, looked like he wanted to talk back again, when the woman suddenly pulled her phone out.
“I think I’ll just need to contact your superior. The tag on your ear mentioned the realism company, am I mistaken?”
Jimin could see the flash off hate making it’s way over the guys face before another emotion stuck to his features. Fear. It cling to him like dust, visible in the way he didn’t get up from the floor, chose to bow instead in utter submission. Jimin found it disgusting how the people around them applauded when he laid his head on the ground, his hands clasped in each other but never came an apology out of his mouth.
“It’s fine, Miss. Really, it was my fault, I got it from here,” Jimin smiles kindly, got up and assured her that everything was fine until she was finally moving away.“Are you okay?”Jimin reaches to touch the hybrids shoulder but he flinched away got to his feet and looked like he was about to run off when Jimin grabbed his hand.“Don’t go back there,” he said. “I saw you flinching, I know what they’re doing to you. Please, don’t.”The other closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before he snatched his hand back, pressing his wrist to his chest as if it has been burned.“And what do you think am I supposed to do?” he spoke blinking up at the grey sky.“You heard her yourself, I’m a creature out of hell, not even a human being, where am I supposed to go? It’s not like anyone will take me in.”
“I would.”He mustered him sideways, his eyes filled with the suspicion of the streets, the suspicion that he probably has been carrying with him since childhood. A stress that Jimin couldn’t even imagine if he tried.“Yeah, to do what? You may look kind on the outside but what’s underneath? Another rapist? An abuser? Maybe someone whose gonna hold me, the abomination, in a cage to let me starve to death?”
And Jimin hated the accuracy of his words, hated how they applied to so many people who walked past them. All those people who would be kind to Jimin but would rather have the stranger die than take him home because he had bunny ears.
“I’m not. I’m actually an assistant and- well kind of part of the scientists who are searching for ways to find out who was raped and abused and other similar stuff.”He halted for a second looking at the other guy who had a look on his face that gave away that he simply didn’t want to believe him.
“You can follow me to work if you want to. And if you… well if you like it you can come home with me. You can’t have your own room because I only have one bedroom but you can sleep on the couch, maybe I could arrange a door for the living room that you can lock in the night; I don’t know man.”
The hybrid didn’t even look at him before he abandoned the news paper into the next trash can. Than he turned and jerked his head forward as if to tell Jimin to move.
Jungkook did learn that the guy worked with the scientists that he claimed to work with but that didn’t make him want to come inside. He was still scared of being caged or similar so he waited outside until late in the evening when the kind looking stranger walked out again looking a little bit stressed out.
“I’m sorry for leaving you on your own for this long. You could’ve come inside but- yeah no I get it,” Jimin stuttered.“All good. Where’s ya home?”The hybrid was moving his head every now and than seemingly scenting the air while Jimin led him home. Maybe it’s a way of remembering where they came from, maybe he just wanted to track something else or maybe it just smelled like carrots, Jimin should stop focusing on the small details, really.
When Jungkook say his first foot through the door Jimin saw the stress that was lingering upon him, the tension running through him like little electric waves, creating their own tense atmosphere in the process.“Are you alright?”“Just- just let me take it in, okay?”And Jimin stood back while the hybrid took his first few steps inside, scented the air - Jimin still didn’t know what he was searching for - before walking further in and finally falling onto the couch, the tension flowing out of him as he sunk further into the soft cushions.
“Can I come in?”He looked up, tilted his head a little and laughed. His laugh was different from the snicker Jimin heard before it was a little high pitched and noisy but still so, so endearing.“It’s your home, so I guess so.”
“Dude what’s your name?”“Dude?”“I just didn’t know how to address you,” Jimin answered. He twisted his fingers in shame before taking in the figure beside him.“Ah, right. Jungkook.” Jimin nodded. Easy name, not for English people maybe, but Jimin was Korean and so was Jungkook’s name.
“How come you have a Korean name?”“The yk bred that I come from was started in Korea so they wanna keep that mark on us with the names,” he answered easily. It almost sounded like he trained the answer over and over again to make it sound more casual.
“So your parents have Korean names too?”
Jungkook flinched at that question and although it was the slightest flinch Jimin still caught it. He looked around another time, sniffed the air again before replying.“My parents are Korean and so are their names.”
“You don’t know them, do you?”
Silence. Than he laughed a laugh full of hatred.“If I knew them? Yes, I did. I love with them in a five meter cage, well lived. I just left them, I guess.”He shrugged but Jimin saw that that fact feared him apart. Why did he do it then? Why did he come with Jimin if it hurt him so bad?Jungkook seemed to catch onto that but he didn’t answer just shrugged again and buried himself further into the couch. He was almost lying now, his back laying on the seating area, his head leaned against the back of the couch while his long legs were stretched out infront of him.
“I’m sorry,” Jimin said.And without thinking about all the things that he knew about Jungkook he moved to hug him.It didn’t work out. Obviously, it didn’t.
Once he crossed the border to his personal space Jungkook flinched, was up in a second and then across the room. His ears were pressed flat on top of his head, he’d probably bare if his fangs if he would have them but as a bunny he was a bred that couldn’t fight, so his natural instinct was to flee any confrontation.
“I knew it,” he hissed. His feet were rammed against the floor, his hands touching it maybe a meter forward. The whole position reminded Jimin of the Olympic Games where they let the people run to win a medal, what was it called again? He couldn’t remember. “You were only acting kind. How could you? And you also work with those scientists fucking-“He cut himself off when Jimin raised his hands in surrender.“I wasn’t going to do anything, really.”Jungkook scoffed.“You wanted to grab me. Don’t lie, I had a ton of people takin advantage of me, I know how it looks.”
They both were silent for a second, Jimin realizing that Jungkook didn’t know hugs. Or maybe he did, maybe he knew them from his parents but he certainly has never been met with stranger kindness.His parents probably trained “stranger danger” into his head and Jimin couldn’t blame them. Everyone was an potential abuser from their point of view.
“I was going to hug you.”As easy as that he stood up. He grabbed a scarf that was lying around and held it out.“Look you can bind my hands together and hug me if you don’t trust me enough. You don’t need to hug me at all, I’m a stranger I get it. I just felt super sorry and wanted to give you some comfort.”“A hug?”Jimin could hear the questioning mark at the end of the sentence, the light difference of pitch in Jungkook’s voice as he eyed him up and down.
“Yeah.”He didn’t move in, but he didn’t move farther away from him either and Jimin counted that as win. “Look as I said, no need for hugs, let’s just settle down. Just watch the fire, okay?”Jungkook hesitated but then he nodded. Jimin settles down quickly. One couldn’t see Jungkook move at all though. It took two minutes for him to even come up and out of his defensive position and another five to just slowly creep closer until he was able to squish himself onto the far end of the couch where Jimin could not touch him if he tried.
But after a while he moved closer. “I like hugs,” he mumbled.“They’re comforting for me.”He breathed in before lifting Jimin’s arm up and wrapping it around his waist.“But not from people I don’t trust. I’m a bunny after all, we’re basically scared half of the time. We only flip over people if we trust them and stuff like that.”Jimin hummed deep in his chest. His breath hitches when Jungkook leaned against him as to feel the vibration of the hum.
“So the rule is if I wanna get out of your hold you have to let me go immediately or I’m going to fight as much as my bred can fight. Okay?”He nodded.“Okay.”With that he let his head rest on Jimin’s chest, his arms around the waist of the latter.
They listened to the fire and at some point Jungkook fell asleep. So Jimin moved to get to his bed when Jungkook suddenly startled.“What are you doing?” he mumbled his voice lazed with sleep.“I want to go to sleep.”“Hmn.”Jungkook yawned.“Let me come with you?”
That was unexpected actually made Jimin freeze on the spot.“My bed is small though-““We can cuddle as long as you let me go when I say so.”“Yeah… we can, could.”
He lifted Jungkook in his arms because the older didn’t seem like he wanted to move soon.“Wanna be the little spoon,” Jungkook mumbled when Jimin settle into the bed next to him but didn’t move to sleep.“Ok, ok.”Jimin chuckled as he settled Jungkook between his arms. “Good night, Jungkook.”“Good night. Jimin.”
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