#(i hope this doesnt seem pretentious or anything omg!!!)
undefeatablesin · 1 year
girl has never been the same since she discovered ✨fangs✨ it's all she can think about now
(mind if i use aloysha's teeth as a reference for my own arts when trying to draw sharp teeth in humanoid mouths? just drawing piranha-like teeth doesn't sounds right😭😭)
Fangs have altered my brain chemistry and drawing them is all I think about 💙
But as for using my art for your own study, I am flattered you think my art is even usable for reference material frankly 🫢 However, if you haven't already, I would advise studying from photo references of both human and canid dental models first; especially if Aloysha's teeth are the sort of aesthetic you're going for! You really need to know what your subject matter actually looks like before you can translate it into artwork with confidence.
Studying from another artist is useful to a degree, as they have already gone through the work of simplifying and stylising the subject matter, and that can help a lot with figuring out your own style! But ultimately, nothing really compares to studying from the real thing. I mostly study wolf skulls and teeth as reference for Aloysha!
Making sharp teeth look belieavable in a human mouth relies on knowing what both animal teeth and human teeth look like, the different types and shapes of teeth, how they are spaced out in the jaw-what those teeth are actually for, even! Little details like that can influence and inform how you draw teeth and make them seem a lot more "correct" than they would otherwise ✨️
I am nowhere near a professional or an authority of course, but I feel imparting the advice and tips that have helped me might help you too! And I think that will help a lot more than looking at my art, as you will likely pick up mistakes I myself make by doing so 😂 but if you are still struggling after doing some photo study, then some light referencing won't hurt ✨️ obviously as long as my art isn't being directly copied or traced (for works that will be published especially), I don't have too many qualms.
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cleansoil · 4 years
painting rosé n waterfalls also black nail polish please
thank u for asking ily. also small disclaimer i am a little drunk so sorry for how long and messy these answers are lol
painting: in what ways are you creative?
im gonna preface with i hated writing this answer because idk how to say im good at things and i feel like it all sounds pretentious 
i dont think of myself as a creative person at all because im not very good at coming up with original ideas in art so this made me hmmm.
however im really good at cooking which is nice bcs i often cook for my friends and they are like this is the best version of this dish ive ever had. and also being vegan means you kinda have to be creative bcs i really like meaty/cheesy/creamy things which is like the opposite of vegan lol so working out what ingridents can replicate that has taken a lot of research and testing. and then having no money bcs student loans, mental illness & drug addiction meant i had to do that without spending money or energy. so i had to work out how to create a food that was vegan, cheap, very easy to make, and would taste as good as any not vegan thing.
im also good at giving people different perspectives on their problems especially if it involves empathising with someone else. and coming up with reasona that could be causing someone to act a certain way. ive experienced a range of things and im intensly self aware so im good at explaining to people why they are acting a certain way or why someone around them is acting a certain way. having a lot of undiagnosed mental health problems as a teenager lead to me doing a lot of research into psychology so i now know A Lot about mental health and understanding why people do hurtful things to others.
i also study philosophy so i know how to structure arguments well and how to pick them apart very thourghly. i can come up with a way to argue anything and to refute any argument. this is similar to the last one but yeah im generally good at seeing things from different perspectives and understanding why people would have those perspectives from studying psychology & philosophy.
i amost forgot this one but i have an 'interesting' fashion sense. its something i actually dont think about anymore because its such an ingrained thing to me at this point but im good at coming up with styles and outfits for myself. i like finding what colours go together and look good and how to make something look simultaneously ridiculous yet coordinated.
i make pretty journals too, working out the combination of scetches, colours, personal writings, collage, etc is fun and some of my journals are BEAUTIFUL its annoying i cant generally show them around to people because a lot of the text is very sad and awkward to read but i appriciate them.
in general im good a curating beautiful moments, i often find myself thinking about how something would look from an ouside perspective. something ive been told a lot is that my life is very aesthetic. i will find a way to place myself in a situation eg. like watching the sunset from a roof top with a loved one smoking a cigarette. im just generally good at making life look like an indie movie. or thinking that something will be a fun story to tell so creating it.
and lastly i like tattooing people, im v much a perfectionist which is useful in tattooing by hand because its gotta be very perfect lol.
rosè: what’s your opinion on shyness? 
firstly this seems like a weird thing to have an opinion on lol but
i guess its interesting how pathologicalised its become vs how it used to be considered a personality trait. things like avpd, social anxiety, autism/scd would make someone appear shy but then like are there people that are just shy without having a mental health issue? then then also introverts vs extroverts. like i seem shy to people because of my mental health problems but i dont think of myself as shy because at baseline im a massive extrovert, i love people, and i like sharing things about myself. but im not "shy" i just have a disorder like its not a personality trait its an illness. i kinda feel like the concept of being shy just dismisses social anxiety as something thats normal and okay when if your afraid to talk to people you should find ways to get past it and maybe get therapy if you can.
waterfalls: describe your perfect date.
i dont think its about the activity of the date itself but more about the person. i also dont think there would be any one perfect person. overall it would have to be beautiful, romantic, interesting, memorable, and long. probably having food and wine somewhere then going to a beautiful location and having interesting and deep converstations. i usually date people that are pretty into physics & philosophy & stuff like that because i like learning from people. maybe my ideal date would be sitting on a cliff at sunset while someone explains their theory of the universe to me. yet at the same time i appriciated the last date i went on where i went to the pub w a dude (who was not as attractive irl as he was in his pics) and he talked about how he had an incredibly smart lizard then i downed his beer bcs we were getting kicked out and i showed him my titty tat. i guess i think all dates, good or bad, are perfect because they are a good part of human experience also im a lonely lil bitch id take any romance rn. one of my favourite genre of dates is where the other person doesnt realise its a date because those are often very cute and less nerve wracking and i like the bit after where one of you if like haha that was a date and the other is like omg... i didnt know but u hoped
black nail polish: what do you do to pamper yourself? 
ngl nothing rn and i should probably change that lol
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