#(i have not read the comic yet I'm still in 2001)
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horsechestnut · 11 months ago
There are so many Dick, Bruce, or Tim kills the Joker fics on AO3, meanwhile Barbara was the one talking about how The Joker should be the exception to the No Kill Rule years before Red Hood Jason even existed.
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a-bad-case-of-the-stephs · 3 months ago
Oh also bestie do you have any reading recs for Steph stories but like. Not the common ones (i.e her solo, mainline appearances in Robin93 or Batgirl00, etc). bc I literally bought the JLI 1990 annual (the justice league Antarctica issue) bc it had cluemaster on it and it was the closest I could get to a Steph comic (genuine insanity on my part. This is before Steph was even introduced too she's not even mentioned 😭)
I have ofc read her DC showcase and her Solo short story by Damion Scott (which are some of her better known 'bonus material' I'm thinking) but I honestly don't mind rereading any of her stuff (I might reread her stuff from the Jon Lewis era of Robin bc I generally enjoy his take on Steph a lot).
Anyway feel free to take your time, Lord knows when I'll be free to read these (end of term hell) but yeah. Need more Steph in my life right now and she's not appearing in any books currently so...
I’m sure any comic i could mention you’ve already seen, so I’m not sure how much help I could be unfortunately. I will try my best however!!
If you’re doing rereads I have to start with mentioning Bruce Wayne The Road Home: Batgirl (2010). It holds such a special place in my heart. The closest thing we get to acknowledgment and catharsis for all the fucked up ways Batman treated Steph. It’s got a few weird lines but generally a very uplifting read for me. They finally let her slap Batman in the face!! Huge win!!!
One Steph related comic I hadn’t read until super recently is Suicide Squad #1 (2001), the comic where Arthur Brown “dies”. I always figured Arthur died in a suicide squad given the context we get in Robin 1993 but I never actually got around to finding and reading the actual issue until fairly recently. Definitely recommend checking it out if you haven’t yet, steph isn’t in it physically but there’s a few Steph mentions and they’re all Fucked up.
Birds of Prey #99 (1999) is a another good one where Steph is not there physically (she was busy being dead at the time), but she gets mentioned in a really fucked up manner. Important to my understanding of Babs and Stephs relationship in Batgirl 2009, it’s sort of a precursor to their relationship there. Also just great for the tragedy of Stephanie’s death and how people acted about her once she was dead vs towards her when she was still kicking. Also a win for Steph and Jason Todd parallels.
If you’re rereading Jon Lewis’s run you KNOW I have to mention Robin 111. So much is there. Her huge sweater. Her horrible bruise. Her fuckass bob. Her little smile. Her eyebags. The pure sweetness and raw anger and soft hurt. Big comic for me.
The Robin/Spoiler Special (2008) is very interesting and I haven’t seen anyone talk about it here (then again I am super new to tumblr so I’m sure it’s been discussed). A lot of the art is extraordinarily beautiful, and it’s the only comic which shows us any part of Stephanie’s Dead Year (that I’m aware of) so it gets points for that. I haven’t broken it down very much in my head but there’s really a Lot to look at and consider.
Another Steph comic I just recently finished fully reading is Batman Family (2002). 8 issue series I generally found enjoyable. Steph only appears in issues #2 and #8, and generally plays a minimal role. It’s mostly of interest to me bc where it takes place chronologically. It takes place more of less immediately after BW:Fugitive concludes. So for steph, about when she was fired as Spoiler but didn’t know It yet. I’ve been trying to place each issue timeline wise for her because there’s some fucked up Tim Drake related connotations depending.
Secret Origins 80 Page Giant (1998) is another essential steph appearance for me. It gives us harrowing insight into a lot of aspects of Stephs childhood, her relationship with Crystal, her experiences with abuse, and a painfully sweet glance at how she saw Batman when she was a kid. Takes place mid-pregnancy arc where Steph reflects on her past.
Idk if these count as ‘mainline’ but I feel like I have to mention Gotham Knights #22 and #37 (2000) anyway. Essential to my understanding of Stephanie’s dynamic with Batman during her time sanctioned as Spoiler. I reread these all the fucking time. They are exceedingly sad from a Steph POV so reread with caution.
Anyway, hope I was able to be at least a little helpful. Would srsly love to hear ur thoughts on any or all of these if you end up reading or rereading. No pressure, like you said, it’s a pretty busy time!
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sporkberries · 2 years ago
Hello! Do you have any recommendations for Roy Harper reading? I'm not bothered about which continuity or where, just if you had a suggestion for where you think he's best 👀
If you wanna go back to some older stuff you can check out the silver age green arrow comics and Teen Titans 1966, I'm not the BIGGEST fan of TT 1966 but it does have some cute and funny moments. I mainly read Bronze Age to Modern age so we'll go with that moving forward. Green Lantern(1960) #85-86 This is Snow Birds don't fly and Roy's most iconic story, It introdcues Roy's struggle with heroin and is pretty sympathetic to addicts which was QUITE the big deal at the time. I also think its important for to me say Ollie is not the best parent in this one, he reacts out of anger and is incredibly upset with both Roy and himself for Roy's addiction. OLLIE DOES LOVE ROY AND IS USUALLY QUITE A GOOD PARENT, THIS IS ONE MOMENT THAT DOES NOT DEFINE HIM OR HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ROY. MUST READ not just for Roy but for comic book history in general Action Comics(1939) #32 This one is a small one shot thats post snowbirds. Roy is on his own but it shows that he and Ollie still care about eachother and that Ollie really misses Roy. The New Titans(1984) #20-21 THE REVEAL OF LIAN'S EXISTENCE !!!!! ALSO JADEROY!! also itty bitty robin Jason is in this story. ABSOLUTE MUST READ Action Comics(1938) #613-618 I LOVE THIS STORY I LOVE THIS STORY I LOVE THIS STORY. It hurts me but i love it... Jade and Roy and Lian... It also shows how Roy ended up getting Lian. other than that I will say no more... ABSOLUTE MUST READ Titans(1999) #1-2 Lot's of Cute content with Roy and Lian here. I wouldn't consider it an absolute must read but again its fucking adorable so i recommend it. Titans(1999) #6 Donna Kyle and Roy beat up a Nazi with a tragic backstory or whatever, meanwhile Lian is being babysit by someone her mom has personally affected.
Titans(1999) #8-13 JADEROY!!! JADEROY!!!! LIAN!!!! Deals with the aftermath of the previous rec. Also some DonnaRoy which is admittedly cute. This story kinda covers all the moral complications of Roy and Jade and Lian. How Jade's crimes affect them all, as well as how Roy feels about Jade. I would consider this one a must read. Titans(1999) #21-22 Aftermath of previous rec, Chesire is being held to be tried. I realize a lot of these recs are relate to JadeRoy and Lian but they are so important to his character. If you enjoyed the previous story read this one, but i wouldn't recommend it in a vacuum. Titans(1999) #30 More JadeRoy, I am predictable. This is Jade's trial. If you like the previous two storylines read this. It makes me sad it makes me emo I love Jade so much and she went through so much and it doesnt excuse here actions but it still hurts. Roy makes a decision. Roy appears prominently in The Outsiders but i haven't read it all yet so i can't speak on it. Green Arrow(2001) 1-10 This is an ArrowFam MUST READ. Ollie returns from the dead, mia is introduced, Ollie and Connor, and Ollie reuinites with Roy and Dinah. It's very good. Green Arrow(2001) #16-21 General ArrowFam goodness. Ollie and Roy Goodness. Just,,, emotions.... Ollie is Roy''s dad... I weep...
Justice Leauge of America(2006) #1 Roy and his Uncle Hal :). Also Roy joins the JLA
There's more probably but this list is getting pretty full. These are also all in chronological order so :333. as a sort of anti- recommendation if you want to read an absolutely awful roy that is horrible in every way and want to be mad about it read rhato. its awful!
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gamesception · 1 year ago
Sception Reads Cass Cain #39
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Batgirl (2000) #19 - October 2001 Writer: Kelley Puckett..........Pencils: Damion Scott Inks: Robert Campanella.....Colors: Jason Wright
Another memorable one shot story in what has become the definitive Cass Cain story mold. I don't think I'll have too much to say about this issue specifically. Those who were fans back in the day surely remember it, and if you're new to Cass's Batgirl run then as always for this early period it's a good book and I encourage you to go out and read the issue for yourself, especially since work has been busy this week, so I don't really have time to go through this issue in detail.
Still, by way of brief recap, this is the one where Cass is patrolling extra hard, determined that literally nobody in Gotham should die that night, when she's distracted by a news broadcast:
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Wait, whatever state Gotham is in has the death penalty? Then why do all the super criminals never yadda yadda cinema sins ding sound.
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The guy himself is super stoic about it. No sign of repentance or reflection or regret, but he's clearly accepted what's about to happen and determined to face it with some degree of dignity.
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But then cast abducts him mid-execution
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Only to be stopped by the mother of the woman he killed. I know I'm rushing through this summary, but just, the faces in these panels are so good. Cass's pleading and heartbreak, the woman's implacable stone-faced determination in the face of this demon-looking vigilante, the way the murderer, shocked out of his stoicism, can't bring himself to face this woman. Also just thematically, the metaphor here for Cass's own internal struggle with guilt, that no matter how much she's changed, no matter how much good she does as Batgirl, the man she killed, someone's son, maybe someone's father, is still dead, and she can never change that. It's extremely blunt and on the nose, but it works.
So anyway, back the murderer goes, only now that his stoic shell has broken he can no longer face his end with peaceful dignity. All Cass managed to achieve was to make his death more horrific.
And of course we find out that the reason Cass was so determined that nobody should die is that this was the anniversary of the murder she committed. Which of course is a very Bruce-like sort of sentimentality.
We've seen this sort of stand alone episodic one shot from Cass several times now. As much as I like the more serialized stuff playing with her various relationships to Bruce, Babs, the rest of the Bat family, or her dad, or her mom (as of yet unconfirmed by canon), these sorts of one shots really do seem to be the stories og Cass worked best in, the stories she was designed for even. While we've talked about this before, here a short bullet-point review of what defines a classic 'Cass Cain story' from her early Batgirl period
Stand alone story. One issue of the comic, one complete story. It might presume familiarity with Cass's character and background, but they're generally meant to be satisfying even if this is your first introduction to Cass.
Human focus. Cass's stories are concerned not with aliens and demigods and magic and science so fictional it might as well be magic and other larger-than-life comic book tropes, rather they're focused on relatable human characters, regular people trying to survive in a dispassionate world.
Somber tone. Cass's stories aren't upbeat action adventures where good triumphs over evil. The overall tone isn't fun, it's sorrow, grief, isolation, where light and hope are all the more precious for how rare and fragile they are.
'Street level' antagonists / no costumed criminals. This is arguably necessary to maintain the above focus and tone, but no super villains whose bombastic gimmicks and personalities would distract from the humanity of the everyday people around them. Even in the rare case when an enemy has super powers - "Meta" in issue 3, Kenny in issue 10, the cybernetic assassin in issue 18 - they're still dressed in more or less normal clothes and treated as regular people, not comic book super villains. And even then they're the minority of antagonists, usually Cass is fighting regular street thugs and mob guys, even though she's arguably the most explicitly superpowered member of the bat family, which in turn minimizes the length and importance of action scenes so the story can focus on human drama and personal themes.
Heavy thematic resonance. Cass as a character is about family - the family we're born to, or that we choose, and about the tension that results when a family member genuinely loves you and yet is still terrible for you or to you. And she's a character about doing the right thing even when it's hard, even when it doesn't seem to make anything better. And she's a character about guilt, about what it does to you, about how it can motivate you to do better while still hollowing you out inside, about how penance alone without the catharsis of absolution is a bottomless pit that will never be filled no matter how many acts of contrition you pour into it. These themes are the core of Cass's character, and her most iconic stories all relate back to one or more of these core theme in some way. "My dad's bad, isn't he" "Maybe he did [change], but my daughter is still dead"
Not every issue of Cass's book has fit into this description, but when she's not caught up in some crossover story or going through some significant shift to her status quo, these are the sorts of stories she's engaging with on a regular basis. Again, these are arguably the stories she works best in.
I've made no secret of the fact that, while I like modern Cass and I'm glad she exists, she doesn't really hit the same to me as Cass classic. And yeah, a big part of that is that her history and relationships just aren't the same. She doesn't have the same fraught relationship with her father, there are no parallels between David and Bruce, Bruce isn't particularly central to how she became a hero - he wasn't even Batman at the time. She didn't become a hero by stepping into a legacy role Babs had left behind, so there wasn't this close generational connection between her and Babs, or even any particular relationship between them at all until a good deal later.
She still felt guilty over killing someone, but it was something she was forced to do under threat, not something she willingly did only to suddenly regret it in the aftermath, so the guilt seems a lot more misplaced. Also everyone knew about it from pretty early on and forgives her for it, there isn't the same period of her actively hiding it sure that everyone would reject her if they found out like we talked about last time.
So yeah, so, so much of her history and relationships are completely different, but something I maybe haven't focused on enough is that her stories are different.
From the moment modern Cass is introduced she's tied up in global conspiracies, the league of assassins, people turning into monsters. She's on teams with super-powered allies fighting costumed super-criminals in serialized stories that take years to play out to any meaningful resolution. The concise, street-level stories focused on the individual humanity of the people involved and on connecting her stories to her history by thematic links... I haven't read all of modern Cassandra's appearances, but I've read enough of them to say that these kinds of stories either simply aren't present or are overwhelmingly in the minority.
Even in the 'Batgirls' title that sadly ended last year, with Cass, Steph, and Babs are working and living together, theoretically my all time dream book. But their interpersonal relationships are rarely the focus and their adventures are mostly fighting various larger than life costumed criminals. It was a fun book, sure, but even in itself that's a break from OG Cass's deliberately somber tone.
So I guess if there was one thing I'd like to see from modern Cass, apart from some sort of retcon restoring the OG David Cain with his difficult and layered relationship to Cass, it would be a return of the archetypical Cass story, because these are the stories that best highlight Cass's best qualities - her empathy, her compassion, her inner conflicts.
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duhragonball · 11 months ago
I am not sure why you decided to cover Evangelion all of a sudden, but I am hella old like you and haven't watched it for whatever reason either. (which was strange because it was all the rage back at school thousands of years ago)
Not sure why this series eluded you also, but anyway I just want to thank you for this opportunity as I have decided to watch along. Looking forward to seeing more of your analysis.
Do you have any other bucket list 90s anime series that you have some interest in covering? I recently got around to Martian Successor Nabisco myself because the theme song is amazing
PS: You're a chemist right? Please make some crazy chemical that will make oldness go away for your sake and mine, it's 2024 I can't believe we haven't invented immortality yet
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Thank you for reading.
I don't remember exactly when I first heard of NGE, but I'm pretty sure it was in the late 90s, probably in the Diamond Previews or Wizard Magazine. As I got deeper into comic book collecting, I bought both of those publications, and as anime started to gain a foothold in North American nerd culture, I started to see more and more anime/manga products referenced or advertised in Wizard and Previews.
I pretty much despised anime in the early 90s, mostly thanks to poor localizations of shows like Superbook and Speed Racer, which made the whole genre look like a bad joke. I remember those ads for "Japanimation" that tried so hard to make it sound badass and cool, but the ads were so corny that they ended up making the stuff look even dumber. By 1997 or so I had kind of learned to tolerate it as a concept, although I still had no interest in it. Sailor Moon was on Toonami, but it seemed like they only put it in the block to add a certain variety to the show. Vintage superhero fare, Thundercats, Sailor Moon, and that Johnny Quest show with CGI. Then they added an obscure show called Dragon Ball Z to the lineup, and that slowly won me over.
By 2000 I was tuning into Toonami mainly for Batman and Superman TAS, and getting hooked on DBZ and Tenchi Muyo! at the same time. I refer to these as the "Four Horsemen of Toonami" for that reason. In 2001 I started writing a Superman/Tenchi crossover, which basically cemented my status as a huge weeb. (Luffa is just a continuation of my effort to do fanfics of the Four Horsemen block of Toonami.*)
Anyway, somewhere in this period I probably started seeing merch for Rei and Asuka in their plugsuits or whatever they're called. I might have seen the Evas but let's be real, a mech wouldn't have stood out much in a genre full of giant robots. I'd see ads for things like Eva and Revolutionary Girl Utena and wonder just what the hell these things were about, but I also just shrugged and accepted that I would probably never find out, since anime was expensive and difficult to find, and I wasn't going to go out of my way just to satisfy idle curiosity. Back in those days, anime was an investment, and I wasn't going to pay thirty bucks for three episodes of something unless I knew it would be good. I tried a few things like Noir and Excel Saga, but only because I had a fairly decent idea what I was getting into.
By 2016, I had more disposable income, and this blog was pretty well established as a way to spend my free time, so I started looking for new things to watch. I checked out Hellsing Ultimate mostly so I'd be able to understand the jokes in Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. I checked out JJBA because it was red hot at the time, and everyone was talking about who their favorite Jojo was, and I wanted to know what that meant. I checked out Utena because I got a tip that it was available for free on YouTube, and I watched the first season of Sailor Moon. I didn't do all of that in 2016. It probably took me until 2018 to get all that watched.
So it was probably somewhere in there that I gave serious thought to tracking down Neon Genesis Evangelion, because it's one of those that I always wondered about, and now I had the means to actually find it and watch it, and I had enough anime experience that I felt reasonably confident that I could appreciate it. I suspect that I could have screened it between 1997 and 2010 I just would have been confused. But I've seen people talk about it for a lot of years, and probably a lot of that's been on tumblr, and it's just one of those things that's been on the fringes of my pop culture awareness.
I think NGE finally became available on Netflix in 2020 or something? But there were fans complaining about the dubs and the subs, so I thought I should hold off for a while. In 2021 I finally just said "fuck it" and bought a used copy of the "Perfect Collection" on DVD. My thing was, if I was going to watch this, I wanted to get it right the first time. I've savored Dragon Ball for decades by watching the dub, then the subs, but if I'm going to try out new stuff I don't want to have to keep going back to get the "true" experience.
I'm doing it now mainly because I hadn't had time before. I've been caught up in other things, and 2024 looked wide open, so I started thinking about things I've been putting off that I really wanted to do, and this was one of the first things I thought of. I just want to scratch that itch, and even if this show turns out to be awful, at least I can have the satisfaction of knowing I finally saw for myself.
As far as other old anime titles, I don't have any immediate plans. I still need to watch the Akira movie, but I read the manga so that sort of damped my interest in checking out the movie version. Galaxy Express 999 is on my bucket list, kind of for the same reasons as Evangelion and Utena, where I used to see ads for it and wondered what it was about. Fist of the North Star also interests me, because it has a kickass theme song, and I'm pretty sure it had a profound influence on the early years of JJBA. But I probably won't get around to them for a while.
Ultimately, there's only so much I can do with the time I have on this planet. There is no elixir of life, and unless they let you watch anime in heaven, I have to set priorities. One gripe with anime that I still retain from my youth is that it's pretty damn impenetrable. What I mean by that is that you can't even remotely judge a title by its cover, and so much of this stuff runs together that it's impossible to tell what would appeal to me and what isn't worth my time. I think that's why I've let popular culture and memes guide me in recent years. Stuff like JoJo Fridays and "Bitch, I Drink People" are tips that these shows had lasting appeal, and you don't make an impression like that without having a solid story. They can put a bunch of boobs on a DVD cover, but they can't draw a picture of the stuff that counts.
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kiddphel · 2 years ago
do you have any recs for miguel comics??? ive been meaning to get into his comics n usually id just go chronologically, but i think youd have good recs for his comics :D
Chronologically actually works pretty well I think, cuz I do like a lot of his comics! I mean sure some of them suck but like. They're charming. And also there are like, 3 or 4 times where his universe/timeline just gets hard reset so just. Take a lot of that with a grain of salt.
His original run from 1992 is of course recommended, even despite a lot of the shitty writing at times. The art is phenomenal I love Rick Leonardi's work. And I do love the foundation for Miguel's personality and story that's built upon. He's very different to Peter Parker and it shows and it's shown in an interesting way that makes him an enjoyable character (just wish the writing wasn't so fucking overly mean to him for no reason sometimes).
There are some 2099 (World of Tomorrow) comics that show not just Miguel but the other 2099 versions of heroes but I'll be honest I haven't read those yet. I heard they were confusing. And also I think Punisher 2099 sets up a villain for Miguel's comic but god it's. Messy. I realized you asked me what's the best to read and I'm trying to give the comprehensive timeline KJDSHGJDS sorry autism moment
Going back to what I do recommend and like, it's a one shot but the Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man is fun I love that one a lot. This is not at all required reading but he does join the Exiles in the 2001 run at around Issue 75 and ngl I skipped there cuz I really do like the Miguel bits in this one. He's not the main character but I think what he adds is fun :) It's a different canon from the main timeline Miguel but it's fun. Captain Marvel (1999) issues 27-30 also bring Miguel back and I think like, set up for future stuff but tbh you don't have to read this and I haven't yet so idk if it's good.
From here it gets. Messy cuz there's the 2014 run but that requires previous reading in The Superior Spider-Man but you can also technically just, skip that and start the 2014 run cuz they do kinda catch you up, but if you want backstory his stuff starts there. I did like his stuff in Superior Spider-man tho. ANYWAYS I like the 2014 run a lot. Then there's Secret War 2099. I cannot remember if I read that DSLJGHSLDJ. But from there is the 2015 run which again you can just kinda jump into and they catch you up. I like it! I think it's fun. Hate once he gets his white suit but hey. He's still cute in this run.
There is a 2019 oneshot that's... Fine. It's fine. I don't really like it but it's a hard reboot of Miguel's timeline and universe again. But not necessary reading. You can read it if you like! But I didn't care much KJLDSFHGHKF
After that there's Spider-Man 2099 Exodus which I DO really like! 2099 Exodus Alpha is actually really good and has one of my favorite covers. And then the latest run he had was 2099 Dark Genesis which I REALLY LIKE. There's Carnage 2099 and I fuckin love this one I actually own all 5 issues.
This got long sorry however I'm not done. Not a comic but if you ever wanna watch smth he's in, the video game Edge of Time is Very good and has Great Miguel characterization and dialogue. There are full playthroughs on Youtube and I really do love this game.
Ok now I'm done sorry for the TED Talk enjoy comics
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hachichimitsu2 · 4 years ago
Hachi ✨ 20 ✨ She/Her ✨ 🇵🇭 ✨ INFJ 6w5
Hello, I’m Hachi! I'm a full-time freelance illustrator on Fiverr, and I hopefully plan to branch out in other artistic areas in my life! Expect me to dump all of my artistic interests over here : #hachichiart
I also have a children’s picture e-book that I self-published on Amazon. I made it as a requirement for my high school thesis, so while the art there is definitely a representation of my past, I still stand by the message I was trying to send. I hope to eventually branch out this series in a form of a webcomic of sorts, for people who can’t afford to purchase my e-book for financial reasons. These characters are extremely dear to me, and I can’t wait to expound on them when I have the time lmao. Here’s a tag regarding the series: #behindtheartistichand
Some note-worthy things to mention, this blog is generally 15+, but I do make sure to tag any NSFW content and general triggers out there. I often post and retweet adult animation, so I’d say tread carefully if you’re a minor. I’m also critical with the media I consume, but most of the time, I like to talk about why I like something rather than why I hate it. I just find it more fun to expound on the positives of my favorite things. I also don’t take everything seriously.
Please let me know privately if I did or say anything wrong. Sometimes I say things without meaning to, and I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. If you take offense with anything I posted, just send a polite DM and explain why it offended you so I can be educated regarding the subject. I’m also available for any questions, DMs and a genuine chit-chat.
1. Character-Driven Storytelling
2. Adult Cartoons
3. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows
4. Pastel Goth / Creepy Cute Fashion
5. Coming-of-Age Stories
6. Magical Girls
7. Psychological Horror
8. Well-Written Children’s Media
9. RPG Maker Horror Games
10. Video Essays & Film Studies
11. Speed Metal / Vaporwave / Shibuya-Kei
12. K-POP / J-POP Girl Groups (Serotonin Babey!)
13. 4LT (MBTI), Typology, Cognitive Functions
14. All Types of Artistic Endeavors (OCs, FanArt, Comics, Film, Music, Fanfiction, etc.)
1. K-ON!!
2. Hunter x Hunter
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
4. Ojamajo Doremi
5. Ouran Highschool Host Club.
1. South Park
2. Bojack Horseman
3. Moral Orel
4. Ed, Edd n Eddy
5. Infinity Train
1. Interstellar (Favorite Sci-Fi Movie of All Time)
2. Nacho Libre (Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movie)
3. Johnny Got His Gun (Scariest movie of all time due to the sheer existential dread)
4. Studio Ghibli Films (Particularly Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro & Grave of the Fireflies)
5. Perfect Blue (Favorite Anime Movie)
6. One Cut of the Dead (It’s hard to recommend this movie without spoiling it, but it’s an absolute must that you finish it in its entirety before you proceed to make any further judgments)
7. Coraline (I know almost everyone loves Coraline at this point, but it’s genuinely good.)
8. Interview with the Vampire (Favorite Vampire movie of all time that doesn’t seem overdone or cliché. It’s also really gay)
9. Get Out (2017)
10. Us (2019)
11. Up (2009)
12. Toy Story (Movies 1 to 3)
13. Hereditary (2018)
14. The Shining (1980)
15. Audition (1999)
16. Misery (1990)
17. The Green Mile (1999)
18. Shawshank Redemption (1994)
19. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
20. Mommie Dearest (1981)
21. The Others (2001)
22. The Platform (2020)
23. The Lodge (2019)
1. Homestuck (It’s been a good while since I read Homestuck, so my memory of the general storyline is fuzzy. I’ll re-read it once I have the chance)
2. When They Cry (Currently up-to date with the Higurashi anime and watched the live-action movies. Finally started to tackle the sound novels. Have yet to encounter Umineko and Ciconia)
3. Age of Youth (Favorite K-drama of all time.)
4. Squid Game (Battle Royale-type thriller series that tackles capitalism and the illusion of choice and free will? Sign me the fuck up)
5. Majisuka Gakuen (Favorite J-drama of all time. Also, yes, I’m biased because of my love for AKB48.)
6. Flight of the Conchords (Favorite live-action series of all time.)
7. Adult Cartoons (The Boondocks, Camp Camp, Superjail, The Oblongs, Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, Beavis & Butthead, Daria, Smiling Friends, Aggretsuko)
8. FilmCow (I absolutely love everything they put out. Currently up to date with VuloLives’s broadcasts)
9. The Eric Andre Show (A good friend recommended me this show, and I haven’t stopped since.)
10. Nathan for You (My humor condensed into one show)
11. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows (Sweetness & Lightning, The Amazing World of Gumball, Spongebob Squarepants, Gakkou Gurashi, Lucky Star, Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight, Koufuku Graffiti, Hidamari Sketch, Pita-Ten, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Di Gi Charat, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Yama no Susume, Shirobako, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Saint Young Men, Gunslinger Girl, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Osomatsu-san, Hey Arnold, The Peanuts, Arthur, Hibike! Euphonium, Nichijou, Asobi Asobase, Azumanga Daioh, Codename: Kids Next Door, Chowder)
12. Idol Anime (Love Live! School Idol Project, Aikatsu, Revue Starlight, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Pretty Rhythm, AKB600SEC // Will get into IDOLMASTER eventually)
13. Undertale (Will pick up Earthbound and Omori eventually)
14. RPGMaker Horror Games (Mad Father, Misao, The Witch’s House, Ao Oni, etc. Hoping to get into newer released games!)
15. Fictional Children / Adolescents Getting Trapped in Dangerous Scenarios (Digimon Tamers, Made in Abyss, The Promised Neverland, Alice Academy, Code Lyoko, The World Ends with You, Total Drama Island, Danganronpa)
16. Weird, Experimental or Slightly Disturbing Series (Serial Experiments Lain, Kuchuu Buranko, Invader Zim, Flapjack, Salad Fingers)
17. Shounen Anime (Yu Yu Hakusho, Mob Psycho 100, Dragon Ball Z)
18. Magical Girl Anime (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, RWBY, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, My Little Pony, Princess Tutu, Powerpuff Girls, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Bee and Puppycat, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Steven Universe // Will pick up She-Ra & The Owl House Eventually)
19. The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor (Don’t let the jump-scares deceive you. It’s a genuinely good character-driven horror series)
20. Sci-Fi Cartoons (Rick & Morty, Solar Opposites, Futurama, Bravest Warriors)
Tumblr media
1. Trey Parker & Matt Stone
2. Gain & Narsha (BROWN EYED GIRLS)
3. Hyuna (SOLOIST)
4. Sooyoung (SNSD)
5. Gyuri (KARA)
6. Hani (EXID)
7. Seulgi & Yeri (RED VELVET)
8. Sana (TWICE)
9. Yves & Olivia Hye (LOONA)
10. Shuhua (G-IDLE)
11. Yena (IZ*ONE)
12. Winter (AESPA)
14. Shiroma Miru (NMB48)
15. Yabuki Nako (HKT48)
16. Takahashi Minami (ex-AKB48)
17. Kojima Haruna (ex-AKB48)
18. Shinoda Mariko (ex-AKB48)
19. Sayaka Akimoto (ex-AKB48)
20. Watanabe Mayu (ex-AKB48)
21. Shimazaki Haruka (ex-AKB48)
22. Matsui Jurina (ex-SKE48)
23. Sakura Miko (HOLOLIVE)
24. Natsuiro Matsuri (HOLOLIVE)
25. Oozora Subaru (HOLOLIVE)
26. Inugami Korone (HOLOLIVE)
27. Houshou Marine (HOLOLIVE)
28. Kiryu Coco (ex-HOLOLIVE)
29. Momosuzu Nene (HOLOLIVE)
30. Kureiji Ollie (HOLOLIVE)
31. Takanashi Kiara (HOLOLIVE)
• Instagram: @Hachichimitsu
• Twitter: @Hachichimitsu
• I take art commissions on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/hachichimitsu
• I have a children’s e-book on Amazon. Make sure to download the Amazon Kindle app to be able to read it on your smart device: https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Artistic-Erika-Marie-Vargas-ebook/dp/B08789CW3V
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buttonholedlife · 5 years ago
Over a decade later, I'm still fascinated by Techno Viking
More than a decade after its own launch, I'm still captivated due to the notorious Techno Viking online video.
There is actually something indescribably fascinating regarding it. I discover myself watching the clip at the very least numerous opportunities a year. I can easily try to detail it, however its own enigma steers clear of writing. Every little bit of information in the online video just falls perfectly in to spot, as if it was presented. However it had not been.
Where perform I start? Bear along with me throughout this review-- or even scroll up to see the actual video first.
The video clip opens along with a girl in a bright, cyan hairpiece awkwardly dancing to a techno keep track of ("Sat nav" through Can-D-Music) in broad daytime. She is actually certainly not the only subject matter visible-- she's dancing following to a crowd of ravers-- but she is actually undoubtedly the concentration of the acton approximately that factor. Out of nowhere, a noticeably drunk guy enter the structure as well as quite aggressively run across her.
It is actually unclear if his actions are actually willful, however he promptly starts strolling away after running into the female. This is when the actual protagonist of the video clip come in: the guy currently notoriously called the techno viking.
Shirtless, the techno viking grabs the intoxicated man through the wrist, and promptly captures his various other hand, too. The techno viking, who's completely mounted as well as wearing denim shorts, mean-mugs the intoxicated guy, tells him off, as well as releases him, directing in a direction past the frame. The intoxicated male starts walking in that direction, and also leaves the structure.
The techno viking maintains mean-mugging him, gazing at him for a great 10 seconds. He then elevates his hands again as well as-- I take up-- keeps directing at the intoxicated man for one more 6 secs a minimum of.
Then, virtually as if on hint, an arbitrary person strolling in from the history pulls a canteen away from his bag, approaches the techno buccaneer, as well as floats the bottle-- which somehow he stores bottom-side-up-- right facing the techno viking's face. Without even switching his head, the techno viking grabs the bottle, and only then acknowledges the male by glancing in his direction.
He opens up the bottle as well as arises to drink from it. A few gulps later on, he returns the bottle to the fella.
There's no saying to if there is actually something in the water, however the techno viking appears refreshed. He instantly begins dance in an ahead motion, every move of his sticking right to the rhythm of the track in the background. The group that was lethargically dancing currently follows him as he marches ahead.
An additional random gentleman surfaces from the group and also hands the techno viking a leaflet. Again, without even switching his mind, the techno buccaneer grabs the leaflet, still softly dance. The men departures the framework. The monitor in the history modifications ("Save Modifications and also Departure" by Winstan vs. Noia). The techno viking pauses momentarily to take a peek at the brochure. He then closes it, points at someone out of view and mumbles one thing indistinctly, as he at the same time tears the leaflet apart and also drops its to the ground. He's dancing throughout all of this.
The cameraperson briefly switches their lense to the left behind to expose the techno buccaneer was talking with the guy who initially ran across the female in the cyan hairpiece. They then flip the lense backto the techno viking who's still dancing. At some time, one more guy moves toward the techno buccaneer, that shifts to engage in discussion, and also ignores the cam.
The video clip fades to black and our company see an intertitle reading "Fuckparade, 2000." Fin.
Numerous have tried creating the video clip in several parodies, however none of them pretty capture the state of mind and characteristics of the online video with the same credibility as well as proximity. You may immediately tell they're-- at ideal-- low-priced duplicates of the authentic.
They are actually clearly considered and also choreographed, yet still seem to be much less staged and also choreographic than the real online video. Gone is actually the bizarre dynamism and changability. They also underdeliver as apologies, considering that there's nothing at all specifically comical concerning them.
Techno Viking: the beginning tale
The video recording, which was initially tape-recorded through performer Matthias Fritsch at the Fuckparade in Berlin in 2000, was very first discharged in 2001. It failed to, having said that, obtain interest until a user re-uploaded it to YouTube in 2005, and also it subsequently went virus-like in 2007 after carrying out the spheres on different notification boards.
For those strange, Fuckparade was conceived as a counter-demonstration to Love Parade-- a large electronic songs dancing event which originated in 1989 in West Berlin.
As Affection Procession turned into a mainstream sensation, enticing thousands of guests, it removed certain more speculative noises that were actually when important to the festival. This didn't sit well along with some hardcore supporters, so they booted off Fuckparade to commemorate these "forbidden" styles.
The techno viking was actually, presumably, some of these followers.
According to reports from 2010, the Techno Viking footage has actually amassed over 20 million views, however the actual amount is actually much higher today. Definitely, the 1st handful of end results on YouTube have virtually 40 million sights combined. Fritsch claims the video clip has even more drawn in over 700 "remix" models and also reaction video recordings.
Despite all this focus the video clip has actually created, the identification of the techno viking remains a mystery. A lot of have ventured the techno buccaneer made a look in a German body building series referred to as Raab in Gefahr in 2009, yet the proof isn't really effective. Some have advised the male in the video recording is in fact former UFC boxer Keith Jardine.
Still, an attorney embodying the undisclosed techno viking insurance claims he has actually certainly never been a public body, nor possesses he ever meant to turn into one.
All we understand is actually the techno viking had not been a large fan of the Techno Viking video clip. That is actually likewise why there's a legal representative entailed in this story.
Shortly after the online video went viral, Fritsch was actually come close to with some deals to profit off of the notoriety of Techno Viking. Along with placing adds on the clip, the musician also crafted as well as sold a small volume of Techno Viking merch.
In overdue 2009, a lawful agent delivered Fritsch an end as well as end letter on account of the techno viking. The letter asserted Fritsch's use the video recording breached the techno buccaneer's civil rights, and also required it be removed right away. It additionally forbid the performer from marketing merch (he had actually only sold an overall of regarding $14,000 really worth of products during the time).
Factors deviated for the even worse when the techno viking took Fritsch to courthouse in 2013. Later on this year, the courtroom regulationed in benefit of the unnamed techno buccaneer, ordering Fritsch to pay EUR13,000 (nearly $14,400) in loss as well as an extra EUR10,000 ($11,050) in courthouse charges.
The musician was actually additionally ordered to stop making use of the techno viking's photo.
Life after "death"
While the undisclosed techno viking efficiently blocked Fritsch coming from utilizing his photo in his art, that didn't deter the artist coming from more working toward the story.
Fritsch later on ran an Indiegogo initiative, seeking to bring up funds for a film entitled The Story of Technoviking, which he ultimately discharged in 2015.
In the documentary, Fritsch observes the folklore of the Techno Viking coming from its birth at Fuckparade in 2000, to its surge as a virus-like phenomenon around 2007, and its own succeeding commencement into the meme empire. The film also looks into the ethical as well as lawful conundrum of that owns the photo of the Techno Viking: the anonymous lead character, the performer, or even the we, the net.
I'm certainly not one of these individuals to comment, "Who's enjoying it in 2020?" under online videos, but there is actually a single thing I recognize for certain: the magnetism of the Techno Viking video is infinite, and also I do not doubt I'll discover myself watching it in 2020-- and in 2021, in 2022, as well as so on.
Due to the fact that Techno Viking is going to for life stay on in the kingdom of memes.
This content was originally published here.
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