#(i got alex in this quiz btw)
flash-from-the-past · 7 months
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Which spy are you?
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conanssummerchild · 8 months
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why would you say this to me
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Hii love! Can I get a ❤️ for any golden trio era Slytherin?
I'm a Slytherin and despite the stereotypes, I would consider myself to be pretty nice to strangers and like just people in general. I may be "mean" to my best friend but it's banter and we both do it to each other. I am an intj-t but the weirdest thing is that each time I took the personality quiz I was an introvert ( and the percentage was usually in the 80-90s) even though I would talk to any stranger I am compelled to converse with and have quite a large group of friends if I do say so myself. I often tend to get annoyed when people touch me (not inappropriately ofc because anyone would get annoyed if that happened) or my stuff unless they have my permission to. But I guess it's normal because I have boundaries and people need to learn to respect them (very passive aggressive lmfao) and I like having my own space just as much as anyoneee!!!
My love language is physical touch!! I love cuddles and BANTERRR. Banter is THE best with friends and people I like. (btw the banter is usually within people's boundaries bc I'm not disrespectful and I know their boundaries and usually do it to people I know really well)
I'm pretty smart like in maths I get 100% but then theirs geography (ofc I didn't take geography for y10-y13 and ofc I don't have it for uni) and I just wanna meet myself out a window (did you know there's a word for that? Defenestration?)
Also if you can't really tell I have ADHD ☠️ (and OCD but how would you guess that based on this text?)
I used to make bad friends like if you divided nice people and bad People in half and told me to choose I'd literally steer off to the bad side. I gave up my crush for one of my friends than she got into an argument with me and started bullying me 😊💢 (I rejected my crush because she liked him but turns out it was a dare anyway). So yeah. I suck at making good choices. Well used to. Now I'm in your blog and that's the best choice I've ever made. I can be the sunshine of the group (like make people laugh) but I'm actually masking it and am depressed ooh and I am secretly spy agent who loves assassinating people (why tf did I write that and why am I keeping it in?)
Because I'm the youngest in my family people think like stuff that's triggering doesn't bother me? I mean spiders bother me and they're only part of trauma that I've been through (and I'll leave it at that bc I'm annoying lmao)
My decisions are based on other people's decisions (I can't make my own decisions because If it's wrong I don't want to be guilty so I'm solely doing it for self preserving purposes)
I'm funny but most of the time make vulgar jokes (again around People who I know don't mind or make them in front of me as well)
I think you know my personality (a lot about it lol) I am clumsy. I'm also used to be top of my class but my friends were near the bottom ☠️
So, appearance wise I'd say I'm mid. Like not the most amazing beautiful person but not the ugliest either. I am a brown skinned Asian person and I have medium hair which is so f*cking (excuse my french) naturally curly I wanna pitch myself off a seven foot building. I have brown eyes and am like 5'6/5'7? The last time I checked was like 11 months ago 😬
I love reading books like the hunger games, Lockwood and Co, Alex Rider and like anything mystery or crime related. My favourite genre of books and movies is thriller!!!
My clothing style is all over the place lmao. I wear cute vintage clothes for formal occasions, I love wearing like summary dresses, for prom I wore gowns because yea. I also like look cute in skirts so I wear skirts but usually I opt for like cargo pants, APPLE BOTTOM JEANS (boots with the furr sorry I'm cringe acsaccacva)
I love listening to music: I listen to Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter, Olivia Rodrigo, Gracie Abrams, Maisie Peters and Arctic Monkeys (so many more but I don't wanna annoy you and like keep you any longer.)
I wrote a lot sxaxxacscsta
Hope it's enoughhhh
Byeee love your workkk
Good luck on your uni examsss 💖
Hiii, thank you for taking time to write this ❤️🫶🏼
So this was a tricky one, because I REALLY tried to find the perfect Slytherin boy for you but hear me out.
You sound so interesting. You are not someone who can be easily defined as one thing (humans in general shouldn’t be easily defined but we tend to do that, because we can’t be bothered to dig deeper and get to know them)
But anyways, as I was saying, you take the things that make you you and show-pass them to other people, do you know how much courage someone needs to have to do that?
You give pieces of yourself to the world- and if you do that to the extent it doesn’t exhaust you- then it’s such a beautiful thing to do.
You help create the world around you, you give to the world.
And I really want to pair you with someone who would not only appreciate this, but also crave it, love it- love you.
And the only person right now, that comes to mind and matches your energy is our dear Golden boy Cedric Diggory.
He seems to me like a person who would love unconditionally and would be proud to call you his.
He isn’t overbearing and he isn’t too quiet. He is perfect. And he’d give the best advice!!!! Without telling you what to do, he’d encourage you to use your voice, stand your ground and live your life to the fullest.
And darling, you should! Don’t let people affect you, they really don’t define you.
Read your message again, and see yourself as the witty, funny, creative person you are!!
I wish you truly the best & if you want tell me share your thoughts on this or anything else you’d like
My messages are always open 🤍
And if you call yourself mid again, I’ll hunt you down 🧟‍♀️
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wrenqueenisboss · 2 years
naw I’m sorry about that by but but
why are you so hyped? Um curious now-
and I’m doing decent
at breakfast right now 😋
Gonna try and eat it all
ty!! it’s all good tho
(sorry for the late response btw, I had to take a spanish quiz!)
you got this!!!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Idk why I'm so obsessive Hoodie this year- I just got back into creepypasta, and immediately go for this man,,,- you could even say I'm his biggest simp 👀
Btw! How are you doing on this fine evening/morning?
I just woke up, it’s 10 am in chicago.
I was a huge Hoodie simp both when writing my quiz, prior to the quiz and starting this blog.
However, I’m kinda not in love with Creepypasta or marble Hornets rn so all my love is going to the fuckin Wolfman from Darkwood, Darkiplier (it’s because of Celine I—) and Alex Mercer.
Here’s a brian gif
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alexwritesfiction · 4 years
Hey Alex! I did your quiz (It was awesome btw) and I got comedy, which is amusingly accurate :D
tysm :)
hahahahahhagshaha kayla comedy fits you perfectly if you think about you dropping facts into my inbox every so often XD thanks for taking the quiz!
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
it seems to have gone well cooler alex allowed me to be co-president 😊
thank you very much 💕
oh that's great!! glad she liked the present 😊
i'm very happy you were feeling so good and i hope that's still the case & your boss from summer camp sounds great 🙈 when did you work in summer camp? and how was it?
well i took the quiz twice now (it's really amazing for when i don't quite know what i wanna listen to) and i first got songs to survive to and then melancholy both very good playlists btw -fiancee
hell yeah!!! what you guys deserve tbh
well i worked AT the camp two years ago so the summer of 2019 (i was a camper there for two summers as well uhh 2016-17) and then i did the virtual camp thing that they did last summer when actual camp got cancelled because of covid but i have all of my fingers crossed that regular camp will be able to run as usual this summer and man do i miss it, it was so much fun and really good for me lol because i spent a lot of time outdoors doing physical work. good good stuff
omfg is it really???? i’m very glad dfklgdfjmjfj cant believe you are using it for its intended purpose but i’m glad it’s working at least!!! and THANK you i actually saw you listening to melancholy i was like :’) love you
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hello hello hello.
im a bad person. like actually a bad person. i did something legitimately bad that i dont really want to talk about but i have to be honest with this blog and like idk it’s on my mind so i gotta. okay how do i say this. fuck okay i’ll just do it.
i missed class today. for the first time all semester. i’m a bad person. i was just so tired after this week and our story last night. my alarm woke me up, and i went pee, and got back in bed, and the next time i opened by eyes it was 9:47. aka 47 minutes after class started. i feel bad. i always feel bad when i miss class. poles is funny. he took a selfie with all his friends who showed up to class. aka himself and 3 stick figures drawn on snapchat. 
at least i got to eat breakfast and then go to the ecc and study for our quiz. also, bags did the exact same thing i did and thus was not able to wake me up and stuff.
studying was chill, i listened to new music. i’m mad kendrick didn't drop his album today, actually mad. i was looking forward to it. the new harry styles track was actually enjoyable and I'm surprised. the new chainsmokers was... fuck them. just not listenable like i can't I'm sorry. i had never listened to halsey before, but its exactly what i thought it was, overproduced hipster girl pop trash. not that overproduced hipster girl pop is inherently bad, but she’s bad. other new tracks were whatevs. wait wait i almost forgot, the new french montana track was horrendous. like what even is that fam. idgi.
had a quiz in systems. it wasn't horrendous, but still pretty bad and that made me a sad mark. 
i got froyo with poles after and then he came over and hung out with bags and kyle and i. we made kyle wait outside for like 15 minutes and pretended we weren't home lmao. 
oh yeah kyle’s here btw. his spring break trip got cancelled and he figured why the heck not.
but yeah then kyle left to go day-drinking with kassandra and bags went to work and poles and i literally just hung out in my room doing pretty much nothing.
it made me happy cause like poles and i literally were not doing anything but we still had super fun times and that’s so qt and he’s my bestest bff. 
he left to go on a tinder date. she didn't come. fuck that b. who would stand up mr alex s poles. like wtf. that hanna bitch better watch her back. 
played games with buds.
then kyle came home drunk and i kinda just turned netflix on and left him and kassandra downstairs. like i guess that kinda makes me a bad host but, idk i was just trynna play games with buddies and they just ran up on me all drunk and high or something idrk.
but yeah
time for deep mark.
okay i kid you not, but i googled questioning general beliefs and the first link was an lds.org video lmao.
but really uh time for thoughts and mark ideas.
okay so like I'm not some all-knowing jerk that is a super genius but i’ve always considered myself to have really strong reasoning skills and i guess that leads me to fake deep mark.
i say fake deep cause idk I'm not a psychology major fam, buzz off.
okay so i’ve had this conversation extensively with myself and my parents and friends and actually quite a few people, but okay.
wait on second thought this one isn't really some psychological deep thing. but kinda will turn into it maybe, if this plays out how my head thinks it will. 
okay so, we as a developed society will more than likely face a frightening revolution within our lifetimes. not like uprising type of revolution but a revolution in the way our entire economic system and the way people function. okay so within my lifetime, i am near certain that self-driving vehicles and the technology behind them will be perfected and mass-produced. what does that do? it gets rid of a huge part of our economy. not in a bad way for economic reasons, but in a bad way for people who need jobs and a method to contribute to society and a reason to exist on this planet. perfected self driving cars won't crash (once perfected), self driving cars will move efficiently and won't be late and won't brake too hard and won't cause damage to themselves and so on and so forth. truck drivers, won't need em. body shops for cars, nah fam. the huge chunk of the medical field that dedicates time and money to car accidents, meh. even car manufacturing and sales will go down cause like why would people need new cars. if you can just nap in your car and tell it to drive to LA, plane travel will take a hit. road work will take a knock, when there’s not people driving poorly on the roads. hoping by this time gasoline powered cars are gone, but if not, self driven technology will be a lot better at accelerating and braking to use it’s energy source as efficiently as possible. the fields go on and on and on and in most of the senses it’s a good thing. like it would be great to not waste money on these things, but people lose jobs, but not like jobs because we have a recession, but if anything jobs would be lost because we’d be doing too well. now i named one field, but consider the continuation of “robots” and computers and machines taking human labor jobs. but not just that, I’ll be a lil harder to replace, but in a perfect world computers take my job too eventually. a computer with infinite options and an understanding of which options are preferred will always be quicker, more efficient, and probably even better at engineering than i may ever be. it’s just a matter of developing a very complicated code. 
i’ve talked a lot but i’m just now getting to my actual thing. what do people do when they have nothing to do? like it’s easy for me to sit here and say idk fam watch netflix and relax, but no really. if even 20% of all currently employed people had their jobs taken by a computer tomorrow, what do they do? like they didn't lost their job because of economic issues or they fucked up, no like their method of bringing bread home is no longer available. what do people do? looking past the economics of it, let’s say the government is super aware and like wow people you’ll just get paid to exist cause we dont really need you as laborers. what do people do? have we forced people into just being laborers? i feel like there’s so many people who are nothing more than their 9-5. they go to work. they have small talk and perform a simple task over and over. they come home. they eat dinner. they stare at a screen for 4 hours, they go to bed. they do it again. i dont think anyone is inherently a mindless zombie like this, but i think it’s happened. if you just told everyone they didn't have to work tomorrow or the day after that or after that, people would have no idea what to do with their lives.
i dont think this, but i should mention it, what if some people really are just zombies? what if some people really don’t think anything. what if some people dont have any real deep down interests. or they can, but they dont care enough to. what i become that. 
i dont ever want to be that. i want to be me. i never want to go through the motions.
i’m better at closing this conversation off in person but i am scared to see what happened when we reach a society where laborers aren't needed. (please forgive me, i dont mean this sourly) where, the less intellectual are put in a place where they have to sit around and feel purposeless to society? of course i’m looking at this in a dystopian sense, i assume that similarly to the renaissance, art and knowledge will be further pursued when we are chilling financially, but idk it’s interesting to think about things like that. also the general public will grow more and more knowledgable along with this and maybe we’d have a super crazy smart culture. idk fam, this wasn't actually that deep but just something i thought of and not really on the theme of questioning things. that will come mañana and beyond that i’m still working on it. sry
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
hello i'm sorry i'm so late to answer your messages my brain is being so weird but i managed it now 😊 also i love how i said take your time with answering and you answered immediatly 😅
i'm gonna have to negotiate with cooler alex actually i can't fight him about this i like him too much 🙈
oh and thank you very much i wish you a happy new year as well (when you posted this it was not the new year for me yet btw i still had a few hours to go)
ooh okay very interesting once again and also good to know thank you for educating me 😊
that's so niice! giving gifts and them being well received is one of the best things ever i think and i really hope the last one will arrive soon (it is also both very cute but also very weird to see you use an emoji)
RIGHT who would say no to colin firth? not me that's for sure. also i actually saw another post i have to show you i'm sorry i keep sending you posts
how are you doing my love? oh and also i love that quiz you made!! -fiancee
fhfdjhkgmlhj i am unpredictable what can i say. good luck with cooler alex though he’s ruthless /j
oh well !! happy new year now then!!! hope it’s a good one <3
YEAH the last one arrived yesterday and i gave it to my sister and it was well-received! so!! yay to that!! and yes i know it’s weird but it’s about the growth yknow what i mean i just have to get past it
pls send me all posts that you want, honestly it’s all good i enjoy receiving good posts !! <3 i am quite good right now i just got off a phone call with my boss from my summer camp and it was like the best call ever i love my boss so much :) very glad you love the quiz you’ll have to let me know what you get/got
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