#(i blame my choice of focus music for its 'influence' lmaooo)
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
Even Our Private Lives Are Great Too!: Chapter 5
this happened ig
previous part (chapter 4)
next part (chapter 6)
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Yujiro: Do you have any secret tips to share?
IV: Hmm… Lemme think…
After pondering over Yujiro’s question for a moment, a small smile spread across IV’s lips.
IV: I’d say it’d be to overcome hard times together… I guess.
Yujiro: “Overcome hard times… together…”
IV: We’ve been friends even before we started making music together, you know?
IV: We’ve seen all kinds of sides to each other, and we’ve overcome all sorts of challenges together.
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IV: I get the feeling that that’s why our bonds with each other are so strong.
Yujiro: (I see… So they have intimate relationships with each other… that have existed longer than they have been artistes.)
Yujiro: Do you guys also discuss the kinds of activities that you’d like to partake in in the future?
Yujiro: It kinda seems like you’re able to communicate about things like that without needing to say them aloud.
IV: Well, even though there certainly are parts that we’d just understand about each other, we do discuss the finer details with each other as we go along too.
Yujiro understood just how important IV’s position within FT4 was, just from his facial expressions and the atmosphere around him alone.
Yujiro: (...He’s amazing. He’s definitely the pillar of support for FT4…)
Yujiro: ..I’m sorry for asking you so many questions. Though, um, IV, what is your dream?
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IV: …My dream?
Yujiro: Yeah. I’d like to hear all about it, if you’re willing to tell me.
Yujiro: I’d like to use it as a reference during our… I mean, LIPxLIP’s activities.
IV: I see… My current dream is…
Yujiro: (“For FT4 to become the best artistes in the world”, or something?)
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YUI: Ah—! There they are!
Before IV could even voice his reply to Yujiro, YUI and Aizo returned to their sides.
YUI: We had some super spicy food! Man, I’m so stuffed, I can’t eat another bite!
IV: Yeah, welcome back. You guys sure are quick.
IV: You look all chipper, YUI… But Aizo, on the other hand…
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Yujiro turned to look at Aizo, who had been dragged along by YUI, only to notice that his face was rather pale.
YUI: Aizo turned really pale in the middle of our meal yannow~!
Yujiro: He’s still pale right now, though.
YUI: Well, last time, he found the food so spicy that his eyes rolled back into his head, so I guess this is kind of an improvement.
IV: Well, if you insist…?
Aizo: YUI’s gonna… kill me someday…
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YUI: Hey, I’m not gonna do that! I’m still going easy on you, yannow?
Aizo: Eh?! You’re going easy on me?! You mean, there’s stuff out there that’s spicier than this?!
YUI: Of course there are! The world’s a huge place! There aren’t any limits to how spicy food can be!
Aizo: I’m seriously starting to… hate you, you know…
IV: Haha, sorry about this, Yujiro. It sure looks like my YUI has caused quite some trouble for you guys.
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Yujiro: Nah, it’s fine. I should be thanking him for spoiling Aizo instead.
IV laughed softly as he watched the exchange between the ever-excitable YUI and Aizo.
IV: Let’s backtrack to our conversation from earlier.
Yujiro: …Yeah?
IV: Regarding my dream… One of of my dreams has—
IV: Already come true, I think.
Yujiro: …?
Yujiro: (What does he mean…?)
Yujiro: (...But, well.)
Aizo: Please, I beg you, don’t make me eat super spicy food anymore!
YUI: What do you wanna eat next time, then? Super sweet foods?
Aizo: Does the phrase “in moderation” even exist in your dictionary?!
Yujiro: (Well, I had lots of fun today, so it’s all fine with me.)
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