#(i am hoping to eventually make a carrd for verses btw - attempted it with an old multi but never finished)
antihcroes · 2 years
because i've decided i am doing it, some info on violet's werewolf verse:
she was turned, not born, when she was about 17 - attacked while out one night
her parents don't know about it at all, she's made sure to keep it hidden especially from her father. sneaking out to the woods for every full moon
her wolf form is more similar to the 'werewolves' (shapeshifters) from twilight in the sense that she completely becomes a four-legged wolf. and like twilight, she's bigger than your average wolf. though she isn't as large/as think as those wolves. a lot more sleeker, almost cat-like
not only does she keep it hidden from her parents - she keeps it hidden from most anyone, unless she really forms a connection with someone and feels safe enough to tell them. or she meets another supernatural creature
traits she has (both in and out of wolf form) - fast healing abilities, heightened senses, superhuman endurance and strength. also has superhuman speed and agility but that is only in wolf form
her bite is infectious, but only in wolf form, can also infect by scratching. she tries to keep herself away from people as much as possible when she's in wolf form
(i just wanna note with the comparisons to twilight, she is a normal werewolf who transforms under the full moon, she is not a shapeshifter)
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