#(i is why he was nicer to seb after he came back. cause he was an old man! dhfjkf in the context of f1)
skitskatdacat63 · 9 days
Prev reblog, imagine if they all fought for Fernando's love 🥹
Flavio who devoted and then killed his career in service to Fernando, Carlos Sr. who Fernando has looked up to and known for 20+ years, Lawrence who can provide for Fernando with his deep pockets, Adrian who has the potential to build Fernando a winning car
Who will he pick!!!! I vote Carlos Sr 🤭🤭
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specdracers · 4 years
𝐃𝐀𝐘: november 26, 2020 ( thanksgiving ) - november 27, 2020 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄: evening - early morning 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: brooklyn, ny  𝐓𝐋 ; 𝐃𝐑: landon meets his mom for the first time and it goes really well! He almost cries but they’re good. she asks him to come back for christmas. ( and thankfully gets him a new phone because his is awful )
          landon takes a bus out of roseville to visit his mother for the first time up in new york.
          landon almost misses the bus out of roseville, too distracted by his peers and all the different stores in the small town. he can’t help but to wonder if he should bring some sort of gift to her house, considering it’s the first time they’re meeting and it’s a holiday. but he doesn’t. she’s under the impression that he’s a broke college student, which he is, just not the type that she thinks he is. so he steps onto the bus, showing the ticket to the driver a little breathlessly ( considering he just ran from the entrance ) before going towards the back of the bus. he’s been here before, on a bus to new york city, so it feels a little nostalgic for him even if it’s not for the same reason. 
         the bus is somewhat empty, and he guesses roseville doesn’t have too many people leaving it, so he’s able to prop himself up against the window with his legs stretched out. for a little bit, he opens up one of the textbooks he had brought to go over some of the content in his driving in harsh conditions course, but that doesn’t last long. the words aren’t making any sense to him, and the low hum of the bus on the interstate is too much for him, even with his headphones in. sighing, he closes the book and decides to just do things on his phone, and that’s until grey ends up texting him that he and his friend are in the room for a little bit before going out again. 
         for the majority of the rest of the trip, landon’s on the phone with him, and he tries to not dwell too much on the fact that he enjoys listening to grey’s accent far too much and it gives him butterflies. the older couple near him constantly give him looks when grey says something that makes him laugh a little too loudly, and landon’s always giving them a soundless sorry before going back to the conversation. but it’s not long until grey’s getting dragged out to do something else, and landon definitely can’t hide the sadness in his voice when it’s time for them to hang up ( but he still promises to send grey a text when he gets to his mom’s ). by the time they hang up, landon still has a little bit of a drive, so he brings out the textbook once again, trying his best to focus but it really just sits there on his lap while he spends time texting seb. 
         when he gets to new york, he texts addie ( saying his mom is still weird for him ). and she offers to have her driver meet him at the station, but he declines the offer. he’s spent too much time in new york, and he knows the way to get to her apartment easily. he finds that he misses the crowded streets, the street vendors yelling to advertise their food, and people bumping into him but continuing on their way. it’s refreshing, for him to be somewhere that he loved. not that he doesn’t like gallagher, but he’s just always felt better when he’s in the city. 
         it doesn’t take him long to reach addie’s apartment, and his first thought is that this can’t be right. it’s a nice apartment, one that his old friends in new york would have had him scope out to see. surely, this can’t be where his mother lives. the doorman clears his throat, getting landon’s attention. “can i help you with something?” 
         it shakes landon out of his daze, and landon nods his head. “yeah, i’m here to see my mom, sorry.” he offers the older gentleman a weak smile, and his voice comes out more nervous than he would have liked. it’s nerve wracking for him, considering this is his mom, and he never even thought it would get here. the doorman opens the door for him after his explanation, and as he walks in, landon adjusts his backpack as he walks through the lobby. it’s far too extravagant, unlike anywhere landon’s ever lived before. he remembers that the information noah gave him said that his mother had moved up in her company, but he wasn’t expecting this. 
         he presses the button to the floor that addie told him, and he takes a couple deep breaths as the elevator ascends. landon considers texting his friends, seb, maia, grey, anyone just so they can tell him to relax, but when he checks his phone, there’s no service in the elevator. he gulps as he watches the floor numbers continue to increase until he hears the beep indicating the elevator stopped. he stares at his blurry reflection in the elevator doors, and he considers what would happen if he just presses the first floor button. he says something came up at school and had to go back. his friend needed ... something, seb would probably cover for him. the possible escape plans are going through his head when the doors open, snapping him back to reality. his eyes close, and he decides to walk. one foot in front of the other, he tells himself mentally. you can do this. not to mention, he has no relationship with her. if things get bad, he really can just leave and go back to gallagher. he’s pretty sure he blacks out for a moment because when he looks up again, he sees the door with her apartment number shining in fancy silver numbers. 
         landon flexes his hand a couple of times, trying to gain the courage to knock on the door. with a deep sigh, he raises his hand and knocks on the door. 
         when the door opens, he’s met with an older man, and he assumes this must be his mother’s new husband. landon opens his mouth to say a greeting, or an apology if this has all been a joke and this isn’t the right apartment, when he hears from the back, “is that him, john?” he can hear the southern accent in her voice, and she sounds even nicer than she did on the phone. addie, his mother, comes around the corner, wiping her hands on a towel before slinging it over her shoulder. before landon, or this john, is able to say anything, addie walks up to him and instantly wraps her arms around him. 
         he stumbles backwards a little bit, the surprise of her hugging him causing him to lose his balance. “sorry, i probably should have asked before doing that,” addie says as she lets go, a nervous laugh coming from her. 
         landon shakes his head, and he can’t deny that even though it’s the first time he’s met her, it still felt nice to be able to hug his mother, and the words still don’t seem real. “no, no, it’s alright,” he tells her, a small smile on his own features. “i’m landon.” he knows she knows that already, both of them probably do, but he still feels like it’s something he should do. 
         john is the one that speaks next, hand outstretched for landon to shake. “and i’m jonathan, it’s nice to finally meet you.” 
         landon takes the other man’s hand and shakes it, nodding as a response. for someone usually so chatty and can strike up a conversation with anyone easily, landon’s speechless. 
          “here,” addie says, offering landon her own hand before she continues. “i’ll take your bag, and i’ll meet y’all at the table.” 
         landon nods, giving his mother a small smile again because it seems like he’s forgotten how to speak. he follows jonathan into the apartment, and he finds himself taking in all of the opulence of the apartment. jonathan sees this and comments as he’s having landon follow him into the dining room of the apartment, “your mom’s on her way up to become the cfo of the marketing firm here.” 
         the man’s voice catches landon by surprise once again, and his eyebrows raise because that’s pretty impressive; that’s his mom! “that sounds really cool,” landon says, and he hates how awkward he sounds talking to him. “what is it that you do?”
         the two make idle chit chat as addie puts landon’s bag away and once she reappears, she’s setting food down on the table. “i wasn’t sure about what you liked for thanksgiving, so i made just about everything,” addie tells him from across the table, setting down the last of the food for their meal. “you’re not vegan or anything, right?”
         the question makes landon laugh as jonathan begins to cut the turkey, and something about it seems like it’s a tradition for him to cut it. “no, not at all. everything looks great,” he tells her as jonathan begins to put pieces of turkey on his plate. and since he hasn’t eaten anything since breakfast at gallagher, his stomach’s already grumbling at the sight and the smell of all the food. 
         throughout their meal, the three of them catch up. she describes what her job entails, jonathan talks about growing up out in california, and landon has to make up some lie about what his major is, saying that it’s business. when his mom lights up with something resembling pride, he wishes that it was actually business or something similar so he doesn’t have to lie to his mother. 
         at the end of the dinner, jonathan begins taking everyone’s dishes and cleaning up, another tradition or routine that landon believes is normal for them. addie and landon both thank him, and as soon as her plate is cleared, addie leans forward on the table, and landon thinks he knows where this is going. 
         “there’s nothing you need to apologize for,” he tells her before she’s even able to say a word, and the surprise is written all over her features. he, of course, knows how old she and matthew were when she got pregnant with him, and while he used to be angry at his parents for abandoning him, now he’s definitely moved towards understanding why they had to do what was best for all three of them. “i turned out just fine, so don’t worry about it.” yeah, he definitely has a little bit of baggage because of some of his experiences, but he doesn’t blame either of them anymore. 
         he can tell that addie lets out a long breath, making it seem like she was finally able to let go of one that she’s been holding for years⎯⎯ twenty-three to be exact. even from across the table, he sees her brown eyes begin to water as she nods. “i just wanted what was best for you.” her voice is small and it tugs on landon’s heartstrings, and he gets up from where he’s sitting and going over to her, wrapping his arms around her this time. 
         “and i got it, and we both seem happy, and that’s all we could ask for, right?” he says into her hair, and dammit he’s feeling his own eyes start to burn with tears that he blinks away. 
         he feels addie nod her head once more, squeezing her son as a way to make sure that he’s real and he’s here in front of her. she lets go, wiping her tears from her cheeks before letting out a shaky laugh. “damn, i really didn’t want to cry today,” she clears her throat, dabbing at her eyes with a napkin from the table. she looks up at him, offering him a small smile. “but i’m proud of you. you seem like you’ve made good choices and have a plan, and that’s all a mother could ask for.”
         he gives her a small smile because he doesn’t recall the last time someone’s ever said they were proud of him, and it makes him almost start to cry but he’s able to blink them away. he’s about to respond when jonathan comes from around the corner ( and landon thinks he stayed away on purpose now ). he tells them that there is something that needs to be done at his office, and that he has to leave unfortunately, but he tells landon he’s more than welcome to come back to visit them anytime. after giving addie a kiss on the head goodbye and landon another handshake, jonathan’s out of the apartment. 
         once he’s gone, addie asks landon about school, his classes, friends, and if there’s a special girl or anything. the last one makes him smile, shaking his head. “um, not a girl,” he begins because it’s always scary to come out to people at first but especially the mother you just met. “his name’s grey and i don’t think anything will come from it, but...” landon trails off with a shrug, but he’s reaching for his phone to show her pictures of all his friends-- seb and him in manchester, alex and landon after finding out they were actually married in berlin, and then she asks for a picture of grey. and he realizes that he doesn’t actually have any pictures of grey ( give him a break, he didn’t even officially ask for his number until a few days ago! ) so he pulls up his tinder account shamelessly, and he kinda goes on a rant about grey and how much time they’ve been spending together and he realizes that this is probably a lot more than friendship so far. 
         following him talk about grey and his other friends, the two stay up for hours on end talking about everything but also nothing at the same time. he realizes that there wasn’t even an awkward stage between the two of them, and he wonders if addie has this effect on everyone or if it’s just him having desperately wanted someone like addie in his life. it’s when jonathan comes home at almost midnight when they figure they should all go to sleep considering addie and jonathan both have to go to work tomorrow. 
         addie walks him to his room, explaining that he’s more than welcome to use anything he wants. and it’s different for him, since he can’t remember the last time he’s had his own room. he never had one growing up, and even though he had an apartment to himself, it’s different when it’s in someone else’s home and they tell him it’s his. he mutters a thanks taking in all of the different aspects of the room ( and he’s sure it’s just their guest room, but still! ) “just let me know if you need anything, alright,” she tells him before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. the gesture shouldn’t bring tears to his eyes as he says good night and she closes the door, but it does! he’s realizing that his mother is probably one of the sweetest people he’s ever met, and he can’t help but to think how lucky he is to have been able to meet her. 
         early in the morning, landon wakes up to the smell of pancakes and bacon, and he stretches in the bed which is considerably larger than his dorm bed or any other bed he’s ever had. after brushing his teeth and getting ready for the day and to head back to gallagher, he walks out of his room to go into the dining room where addie’s bringing the food to the table again. “good morning, how’d you sleep?” and normally, he wouldn’t want to talk to someone so early in the day before waking up, but there’s something about addie’s energy that helps him wake up instantly. he tells her that he slept really good, better than anything a dorm could provide when jonathan walks in, dressed in a suit and tie before sitting across from him. as the three of them begin to eat breakfast, they all make small talk, and landon finds out more about jonathan’s and addie’s work, and he does find it interesting.
         jonathan checks his watch before looking up at addie who gives him a small nod. his brows furrow together at the exchange, and he’s about to ask a question about it when addie begins to smile and holds up a gift bag for landon. “here, christmas came a little early for you,” she says, offering landon to take it. 
         confused, landon takes it, opening it to find the most recent iphone inside. he shakes his head once he realizes this isn’t a prank and the box is actually empty, “thank you, but there’s no way i can take this. this was way too expensive.” but if their apartment has anything to show for it, the two of them aren’t hurting for any type of money. 
         jonathan and addie both shake their heads, and addie reaches out for landon’s free hand. “don’t worry, landon.” she tells him, her smile so bright and warm he wishes he could have known it sooner. “it’s our gift to you. i’m sure you’re doing great in school and you definitely deserve it... plus, i saw how awfully cracked your screen was. honey, it was time for a new one anyways.” the last comment makes all three of them laugh and even though landon still doesn’t want to take it, he knows better than to argue with his mother already. 
         “thank you. for this, and everything.” landon figures they aren’t wanting a thank you, but he feels so grateful that they were willing to open up their home to him with barely even more than one phone call. 
         the three of them carry on eating breakfast before it’s time for both jonathan and addie to get to the office. landon’s already packed his bag, so he helps them bring the dishes into the kitchen before heading towards the door. both of them say their goodbyes to him and hug him and before he leaves, addie says one more thing. “and in case you need somewhere to go for christmas, know that you’re always welcome here.” 
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Loving Her: Alex Morgan - Chapter 8
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(Y/N) POV:
“In conclusion, these women are nothing more than your typical arrogant Americans who think they are better than the rest of the world based purely off of the fact that they are American.”
“Jesus…” Kelley said as Alex finished reading one of the hundreds of articles about how we are a bunch of bullies. We are currently in a room getting massages and doing recovery as we are talking about controversy that followed last nights game.
“I don’t think I am better because I am American…I think I am better because I’m more talented.” I said earning a few chuckles from some of the girls around the room.
“That might be the attitude that got us into this mess.” Pinoe said as I shrugged my shoulders. “Way to stay humble though…”
“I can’t help how amazing I am….” I said laughing as they shook their heads.
“Kaylyn Kyle is also on Twitter talking about getting death threats after her comments about us.” Alex said as she continued scrolling on her phone.
“Listen, this is the World Cup. Goal differential matters and maybe we celebrated too hard, but again this is the World Cup. I’m going to celebrate every single goal like it’s the last.” I said as there were a few head nods.
“I’m over talking about it already to be honest…” Alex commented as I nodded my head along with her.
“You’re going to get asked a million times about it.” Allie said as she groaned.
“I know…”
“In other news, most of America has decided that they don’t like that you didn’t put your hand on your heart and that you didn’t sing the anthem.” Allie said looking to Pinoe who rolled her eyes.
“We been knew about this…next!” she said as Allie laughed.
“Most of our fans are calling you out for flirting with Alex during the game…” she said looking at me as I grinned.
“I was flirting, and she was flirting back…” I said looking to Alex who blew a kiss at me. I grinned at her sending her a wink as the others groaned.
“Oh hey!” Kelley said looking across to me. “I finally figured out why you and Christen don’t like admitting your best friends…”
“Oh, pray tell…” I said with disinterest as I turned to look at Alex who shot me an amused smile.
“So, when she first got to Utah, I really did think you guys had like a thing…” I could have got whiplash with how fast I turned my head as Alex scowled at Kelley who grinned at us. “Wait…hang on let me explain…”
“You thought we had a thing?” I asked with a disgusted look. “I mean like yeah she’s hot…but like also gross…”
“Excuse me?” I turned to Alex who was now scowling at me.
“I think you’re the hottest person I have ever met…” I said as Allie and Pinoe were practically on the ground cracking up. Alex shot me a look as Kelley continued.
“Yeah I thought you guys had a thing…you spent a lot of time together at each other’s places. So, naturally…I was like they like each other which was confusing because you know as far as I knew Chris and Tobs were together and you were madly in love with Alex…then I realized that yes you were in fact extremely into Alex so I was like okay so they aren’t together…”
I was staring at her in disbelief as Alex just settled on glaring at both of us. Allie was grinning looking back and forth between us as Pinoe was still trying to stop herself from laughing.
“So, it settles that you guys are best friends because you spend a lot of time together, you have your own little inside jokes, and you genuinely just seem to have each other’s backs. You also love to annoy each other, and you hate to admit that you are best friends. Which leads me to believe that you have a very antagonistic friendship. Normally, I would just say these are two people who don’t like each other and leave it at that, but like you do care about each other so much.” She finished as I thought about it. I mean she wasn’t completely wrong, but the idea of admitting that Christen was my best friend just seemed annoying.
“That actually makes a lot of sense. You do love to annoy each other, but your also like one of the first to defend each other. You seem to be pretty informed on each other’s lives and your connection on the field is super strong which would indicate that you are in fact close...” Pinoe commented as I made a face. I turned to face Alex who still looked mildly irritated.
"Look away. I’m not over your comment yet.” She said as I looked back at Kelley who shot me a grin and thumbs up.
“I didn’t know you were such a genius Kelley.” I said sarcastically as she nodded her head.
“I keep telling you…” she said before getting a serious look. “Do you not agree though?”
“I feel like…your half right…”
“I’ll take it.” She said with a wide smile as I rolled my eyes. I finished my massage before everyone else, so I offered to wait with Alex who shot me a small glare.
“Okay. Your still not over the comment…I’ll give you a little space.” I said as I kissed her forehead. “I love you”
As I walked out of the room, my phone rang. I picked it up with a smile when I realized who was calling.
“Well…I didn’t realize that my best friend was such an arrogant jerk.” I laughed at Sebastian’s comment.  
“Me neither.” I joked as he laughed.
“We watched the game yesterday. We were very proud of you.” He said as I smiled. “Mom was freaking out when you scored. Though, she does think you could have been nicer to the other team.”
“It’s the World Cup. I don’t have time to go easy on anyone. You can tell Mama Alvarez that I am sorry though.” I said as I approached my room. I opened the door and sat down as I continued talking to him.
“I understand that and I’ll let her know. Santiago thinks you weren’t ruthless enough.”
“Santiago just likes to watch people cry.” I commented earning a chuckle from Sebastian.
“Yeah…how are things though?” he asked as I laid there thinking about it.
“It’s going pretty good. I’m relieved that the tournament has finally begun for us.”
“Yeah I get that…I am really sorry we can’t be there.”
“I know.” I said not wanting to have this conversation again. “You guys all have jobs and lives. It doesn’t just stop because I am playing in the World Cup.”
“Yeah, but I am sure everyone else’s family is there and technically we are your family.” He said as I nodded my head. “We aren’t being a very good family right now.”
“Seb…I don’t want to talk about this right now.” I said as I felt my eyes stinging slightly. “I appreciate everything you guys have done for me…and hopefully I will be able to come home and stay home soon.”
“You’re still trying to do that…” he said with a little bit of shock in his voice. “I thought you were happy in Utah.”
“I am, but I also want to come home and be with you guys…my family.” I said as I heard him sigh.
“Aren’t you worried about the consequences of your actions?”
“A little…there’s no guarantee that anyone finds out what I did…in this case, the reward is worth the risk.”
“Does your girlfriend at least know?”
“No…I need to tell her, so she isn’t blindsided, but it’s not exactly easy saying you fucked over one of your friends…”
“I can only imagine….how are things going between you guys?” he asked me curiously and I couldn’t be more grateful for the subject change.
“It’s going really well…I opened up to her about what happened with my family…”
“Yeah Santiago told me…he said he was super proud of you and so am I…” I smiled a little at his comment of being proud of me. “I imagine it was really difficult for you…”
“Yeah…it’s hard letting people in. She took it all really well though…I was pretty grateful.”
“Santiago said something about her threatening to fight you family…?” I let out a laugh.
“Yeah, she definitely wants to fight them…” I said as I heard the door open. Alex walked in and she still looked a little upset. “Seb I think I need to call you back.”
“Okay. I got to get going anyway. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”
“Love you too.” I tossed my phone to the side as I watched her move around the room. She was refusing to look at me which only caused me to smile.
“Are you really giving me the silent treatment?” I asked as she glanced at me which only caused me to grin and let out a laugh. “You are…”
“Shut up…” she mumbled as I pouted and stood up. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind resting my head on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” I said as she stopped what she was doing. I took that as encouragement to go on. “I think that you are the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen…the first time I ever saw you was in 2014…I was playing for FCKC and you were playing for Portland and I saw you and you took my breath away. I was too afraid to talk to you because you were Alex Morgan and I was just some random person. Then, I came onto the team and I started to get to know you and when I say I fell completely head over heels…it’s an understatement. I already thought you were beautiful, but you took my whole heart with your mind and the way you look at the world. I was a goner. Completely and irreversibly in love.”
She had completely relaxed into my arms at this point as I swayed us slightly. She had intertwined our fingers as I placed a small kiss on her neck. I turned my head slightly as I looked at her.
“There’s never going to be anyone who means more to me or makes my heart beat the way you do.”
That seemed to be enough as she then turned in my arms slightly bringing her hand up to the back of my neck as she connected our lips. I kept my hands on her waist as the kiss got deeper. Eventually, air became a necessity as she leaned her forehead on mine. Our breaths were short as we stared into each other’s eyes.
“I need you so much.” She said as I nodded my head slightly.
“I need you too.” I said as she leaned in and kissed me again. “Loving you is the only thing that has gotten me through the past couple years…I mean yeah we’ve been together for like a month, but it feels like so much longer than that…”
“I know what you mean…I feel like we’ve been together for years at this point…” I picked her up as I laid us down knowing our best conversations came when we were laying down comfortable with each other. She rolled her eyes but happily accepted my actions.
“I can’t imagine my life without you…” I admitted as she adjusted her position, so she was laying directly on top of me with her head on my chest looking up at me.
“Me neither...I see my future with you and only you.”
“It might be a little premature, but like…I see it all with you…” I said as she gave me a soft look. “I see marriage and kids and having a house near our families and growing old together…” She had a smile on her face as she leaned up to kiss me and then hovered over me.
“Do we have a dog? Or any pets at all?”
“Plenty of pets…a house close to the beach so we can take the kids there…Kelley can teach them to surf. Tobin will try to teach them to skate until one of them falls and then it’s immediately vetoed. Sebastian and Santiago will fight over which one of them is the favorite Uncle while Jeri and Jeni duke it out with Kelley and Sydney and the others over who the favorite Aunt is...we will lose our minds over the amount of people who try to spoil them…” She had a grin on her face as I smiled up at her.
“Everyone knows you buy the love…” she commented as I nodded my head.
“Obviously, I’ll take them to Sebs and Santi’s moms house so she can teach them all the good recipes like she taught me…”
“Oh, I didn’t know you could cook…” she said with a playful smile
“Yeah, it’s one of my many talents, but it’s better they learn from her…”
“Will our kids play soccer?”
“Only if they want to…we wouldn’t want to force them into anything…whatever they decide to do is what we will support…and we are going to love our kids unconditionally…they will know that we would do anything for them. That we will always protect them and care for them and never make them feel like they can’t come to us…” I said getting slightly emotional. She gave me a soft kiss.
“I can’t wait to have kids with you…you’re going to be an amazing parent.” She said as I smiled at her.
“I only want kids if I can have them with you…” I said as she nodded her head.
“How coincidental because I only want kids if they are with you too…” I grinned at her as I leaned up and kissed her with as much passion as I could muster up.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” She smiled at me as I stared into her eyes. “I am sorry by the way…”
“It’s fine. I overreacted. I just get protective because what we have is so special and I don’t want anything or anyone to ruin that.” I gave her a soft smile.
“There isn’t a thing in this world that could take me away from you.” I said as she smiled at me.
The rest of that day and the next few days seemed to fly as we got to the Chile game. Alex was pulled away a little more because of having to do media for the team with Pinoe. So, that sucked. I spent the time she wasn’t around with Christen, Becky, Tierna, and JJ. I sort of rotated between the four. Mainly Christen or Becky though. Becky had been pleasantly surprised upon finding out that I had opened up to Alex about my past. She called it a breakthrough. I disagree, but she’s a little smarter than me so I don’t have enough ground to stand on to disagree.
The game against Chile was going to be a good one. We’d be fools to count them out especially considering they have Christiane Endler. I knew how talented she was, and I wanted to play against her so badly, but alas Alex and I were both not starting because most of the starters were left on the bench to rest. I was disappointed to not get to play but ultimately, I was happy to cheer on the rest of my teammates once the game actually started.
Christen was tearing it up during the whole game, yet she never scored which was injustice given some of her shots. I cringed a little when Carli missed the penalty. I could tell the entire bench was shook as we watched the midfielder miss.
“We are never going to hear the end of this…” I said as Alex gave me a look shaking her head. Though, Kelley shot me a small amused smile. It ended up being okay though because Carli scored two and JJ walked away with one goal. All in all, we were in a good mood because the win meant we were going to knockouts. That was the goal for the first couple games, so we did exactly what we set out to do. So Far.
The next big test would be Sweden and I was pumped to get to play against them. I knew the big storyline was that they had knocked the US out during the Olympics, but I knew it was exhausting to talk about with everyone.
“Well done!” I said giving Christen a hug as the forward smiled. “I’m actually really mad that you didn’t score.”
“It’s fine. We got the win. That’s what matters.” I nodded my head as we walked towards the rest of the team after the game.
“On to the knockouts.” I said as she nodded her head.
“Got to play Sweden first though…”
“Yeah, you nervous for that game?” I asked as she shook her head.
“A little. I know everyone is going to make it about getting knocked out of the Olympics.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking…” I said as we approached our team. We joined the huddle as Jill talked for a few minutes before walking off. Christen and I continued walking as I saw and pulled JJ in for a hug.
“Nice goal my friend…” I said as she smiled at me.
“Thanks!” she said as I kissed her forehead.
“You’re beautiful head.” I joked getting laughs from her and Christen as they hugged.
“It was a good assist.” She said as I nodded. I searched around the field for Tierna and spotted her talking to Kelley and Becky.
“Yeah, I feel like she’s the future of this team…I mean she can do that at her age…where will she be in five years?”
“I know right?” Christen said as we came across Lindsay, Mal, Rose, Sam, and Sonnett. “I used to think the same thing about Mal.”
“What about me?” she asked as she looked between us.
“You had so much potential and now I just think what went wrong…” I said as her jaw dropped, and a pout formed.
“She skipped college and went pro…that’s what happened.” Christen said as I grinned and hit her shoulder getting a smile in return.
“I hate you guys.” Mal said with a pout as I pulled her into me.
“Oh, come on…we are just playing…we love you so much…” I said as the forward tried to get away from me.
“No, you guys are jerks…” she said as Christen let out a laugh.
“The Non-Best friends strike again…” Lindsay said as everyone laughed when Christen and I both immediately made faces at each other and shook our heads.
“Not best friends.” Christen said as I nodded my head to her statement. JJ shook her head as the others immediately started disagreeing with us.
“If you guys aren’t best friends, then Lindsay and Mal never skipped college to go pro.” Sonnet said as Lindsay and Mal both turned to Sonnett with glares. I laughed as I shook my head.
We all then started making our way to the locker room as Christen and I continued talking about the Sweden game…eventually the topic switched to Alex and me.
“Things are going really well…getting pretty serious…” I said as she smiled.
“I’m really happy for you…” she said softly as I looked at her and nodded my head.
“I am equally happy for you and Tobs…but if you tell anyone I said that…”
“I know.” She said before I could finish my sentence. “You’ll kill me.”
When we got into the locker room, I gathered all my stuff. I walked towards Alex who sent me a small smile. I hugged the forward as she stroked the back of my hair.
“To the Knockouts, but first Sweden.” She nodded her head to my statement.
“Got to get past Sweden first.” We exited the locker room and made our way back to the hotel, mostly everyone was pretty tired, so it was off to bed.
As I was laying with Alex in bed, she was tracing patterns on the portion of my skin that was exposed from t-shirt being up a little.
“You’re disappointed you didn’t get to start huh….” She said after a moment. I nodded my head a little.
“Yeah…I was at first at least…I think it’s the first time that I have ever enjoyed just watching the team play…with me not playing at all and you not being on the field either…”
“You like to watch when I play…?” she asked looking up at me.
“Yeah, I am fascinated by everything you do…especially when you play.” She smiled leaning in to give me a kiss.
“You always know just what to say huh…” she said as I grinned and nodded my head.
“Another one of my many talents” she shook her head giving me another kiss.
“Yeah, well go to sleep Ms. Talented” she said turning our light off and snuggling into me.
“I love you.” I said kissing her forehead.
“I love you too.” She mumbled as we both drifted off to sleep.
To Be Continued…
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married 8.
Warnings: domestic henry, a kiss, mention of the word whore, probably a curse word or two
Featuring: Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, Robbie Amell.
Part 7:
It was already dark by this point
she would always sing in the car to new music that only she listened to everyone hated that she liked every single new song on the radio however they adored their best friend so it didn't bother them that she would sing loudly on road trips, it wasn't new to them it was traditional except for tonight, she sang nothing and looked out the window Henry tried to get her talking every once and awhile but it didn't work.
"Wait in the car for me, I'll be back" he said, he walked up to his front door unlocking it and slipping in quickly
Henry's such a good man, I wish I could have someone like him you know someone who takes care of me like he does, thinks about me..when nobody else does she sat there thinking of all the things that could've happened tonight- not one thing she wanted happened, he didn't stop the wedding she didn't stop the wedding he said he loves her but never continued to say anything else
Only 20 minutes later he had walked out in different clothes "oh comfy" she smiled sadly at his warm comfy clothes "its not like you don't own most of my clothes at your place" he said getting into the car she smiled devilishly "you know I can always buy you your own, oh and also I'm missing a certain sweater and if I find it in your closet I'm taking it back"
"Rude" she said rolling her eyes "it's not rude it's my sweater" he rolled his eyes putting the keys into the ignition the seatbelt noise and lights turning on
"Is it the white one with the buttons" she admitted he started the car with a laugh "yeah" he looked at her "oh you can have that back I don't even wear it" " I'm taking back the clothes I like" "you're not" "I am" he backed out of his driveway and drove off onto the road to her house
"Okay fine but there is two pieces you absolutely cannot have"
"Which are?" He said looking at from the corner of his eye "the navy blue sweater with the white letters of the sleeves, that's the sweater you put me in when I stayed at your house... that one night" she trailed off he knew and put his hand on her hand for reassurance "and that grey t shirt it's so comfy and big smells like you" none of the words on the clothing would come into her mind "you took that out of my drawer you thief!" he said "it's no big deal I'll buy you a new one!" She explained she loved arguing with Henry like this, it was just a lot of teasing it never went further than teasing ever.
"I'll be looking forward to it" he laughed and so did he adored their playful arguments about literally nothing it felt so pure to him knowing that he still had that friend, that one friend who you could talk about anything with smile with laugh with, she has always taken my side and I've taken hers.
Sebastian was worrying as soon as he walked into that front door, everything came crumbling down.
"Mom" sebastian yelled his mother coming down the stairs quickly hearing her son's voice "baby" she put her hands on his face "I messed up I really messed up ma and I don't know how to fix it" he paced she hugged her boy he hugged her back "I'm gonna lose y/n I'm gonna lose her cause I made too many mistakes that aren't fixable" he was so worn out at this by time he wanted nothing more than to just perish, nothing felt real.
"sit down, you can always fix things between you and y/n just tell her everything the truth the real truth." she sympathizes with him he sat down on her and his "father's" couch "where's tripp" he was so done with this day he rubbed his forehead cold metal on his skin he looked up the wedding ban still on his finger he pulled it off and threw it across the room it hitting the wall falling behind the TV.
"He's asleep he was so angry at her he couldn't contain it, cheating on you like that? He's is very protective over his kids seeing her hurt you like that drove him crazy"
"Tripp doesn't care you're just saying that to make me feel better" sebastian folded his arms over chest looking at the TV screen which played some kind of cooking show it was quiet "your father loves you sebastian, can you just not be a jerk for 10 seconds and maybe you will realize that all the people in your life love you and care about you." His mother was right and he knew she was right it was just his anger and his frustration would always come out at the wrong times.
"Is rose okay?" His mother nodded "she had a talk with faith and she reassured her that you were okay" he laughed.. the sound draining quickly
"Do you remember what grandpa said before he passed" she laid her head on her sons shoulder he gave her a questioning look "Something Broken Can Always Be Fixed" she looked at a frame picture of her father and sebastian on the wall a few months before he got sick, sebastian opened his jacket pocket feeling the silver ring she gave him he pulled it out looking at it twirling it in his finger "she gave this to me a few days before the wedding, she said she needed to give me it now because the wedding was going to be too hectic to actually see my reaction" he swallowed thinking about a more simpler time, and then he remembered the argument in his driveway and that... that was the worst day for him.
"Grandpa gave it to her to give to me when I needed it the "most".. now I know why she gave it to me so early" he looked at the engraved writing inside of the ring, "how did he know to give it to her?" His mother asked "She's been in my life forever he knew she was someone to keep forever"
Henry put down his bag on her bedroom floor "what if I just call him to see if hes okay?" She was still thinking about it, I mean he did confess his love for her.. she should talk to him at least for a minute right?
" but after everything he's done you still want to check on him?" she stared at him "what if he needs me" "you both will live with it, you both need a breather from each other I promise it's for the better" he looked for her remote throwing it at her she turned on the TV, the news was on it was 11pm on a Sunday, the streets were somewhat quiet..
He sat next to her on her bed she laughed at him whilst he stared at her studying her facial features, he always admired her.
she pulls the hair tie out of her hair fixing it on her wrist, looking at him from the corner of her eye "what?" She finally broke the silence
"You know, I always thought you were gorgeous" she smiled "oh come on" she put her hand on his shoulder
"When we were nineteen I considered asking you out and I chickened out!" He said both of them laid on the pillows watching some show
"Nineteen year old me was a hoe" she said with a laugh "nineteen year old you was hot" he half smiled she pushed his arm lightly
"nineteen year old me would've so fucked nineteen year old Henry, we were very fuckable than" she smirked "yeah twenty five year old y/n and Henry are very fuckable dont underestimate us" he filrted, he got up looking in her closet she blushed lightly
"After all these years you still make me blush" she threw a pillow at his backside which he caught and threw it back at her "I'm very charming what could I say" he laughed but it was muffled her clothing in the closet making it seem quieter.
"Where the hell is my white sweater?" he said inside of the closet looking "the last article on the right side should be it" she focused on his back and butt "I am not a sexual object you can objectify" he looked over his shoulder at her with a fake frown she laughed very loudly covering her face in embarrassment he turned to her "I'm kidding" he pulled the sweater out onto her bed "I thought this was nicer? How long have you had it"
"A few months I thought it was comfy but it was just itchy" she laughed
"We should eat?" He suggested
A phone call ruined the mood definitely. It was Henry's and it was Sebastian
"Hello" he answered the phone putting it on speaker.
"Are you with her?" Seb asked he looked up at her for an answer she quickly nodded no
"No I'm alone what's up" He acted like he was concerned when in reality he wasn't.
"I think I need to see her just explain everything really get to the bottom of it?" He sat next to her she looked at Henry, Henry looked at her gave no real answer
"I think you should do whatever you feel is right" Henry said, he wanted them to mend their relationship but he knew sebastian wasn't going to do that properly.
"Is it too soon?" He was curious
"No do it because you want to not because you have to" Henry wanted to get mad and just scream and tell him to wrap it up were adults!
" if I just give it time??"
"How long is she suppose to wait for you?"
Sebastian had no answer on the other side
"Don't call her than it's that simple" he looked at y/n for reassurance she had no reaction
"Henry, I didn't know how I felt about her until the night of the argument it really got my gears turning that I was making a mistake I didn't feel like myself"
"Seb you haven't been yourself since Alex walked into the party on the roof, it's a completely different person you have turned into, you know that y/n told you" he looked at y/n and she mouthed "he knows he just wants to hear you say it" she said to Henry In a small whisper
"I know I just wanted to hear you say it" Henry gave her these eyes like how did you know "I know him" she mouthed no words coming out of her mouth
"Henry I didn't call for you to be angry"
"She said it, I absolutely couldn't care less if you get together or not"
"She doesn't want to talk to me.." he was bummed, and tired I think sebastian needed to sleep for the next week and think about what he did "she wants to talk to you beileve me just not tonight call her tomorrow and work it out alright" Henry said
they hung up and Henry gave her a weird look
"why did you want me to do that?"
"I don't want to suffer anymore if he wants me if can call me I can't do it.." she said he turned to face her getting closer to her "you're a good women, my best friend you deserve someone who will take care of you" she pulled him towards her face her kissing him he kissed back lightly a small smile creeped onto his face "what was that" he asked "I wanted to see what it would be like, was you okay with it" she was a little afraid thinking she overstepped
"I liked it" he tried to contain his self from giggling it was just funny to him, that they kissed and it didn't certainly mean much to the both of them... or so they thought. she got up grabbed her phone off the living room coffee table
"Okay I'm not watching a chick flick" he insisted coming behind her resting his chin on the nuk of her shoulder
"You love my chick flicks cavill, romance is the key" she looked to the side of her to see his face
"Fine I choose the food" he grabbed the phone out of her hand "hey" she got offended "I don't want Chinese or thai food" "you're making me sad"
"You get a chick flick, I get those tacos from down the street"
"You always complain their bad?" She looked for her jacket
"Yeah? Your point is?" He said she laughed shaking her head, never mind she thought.
"Or I get a chick flick and we go get both" she dangled her keys in his face he grabbed them "okay"
"Why" she whined
"Because you're a horrible driver"
"You just keep offending me?"
"I guess it's in my nature" he laughed kissing her cheek she was fluttered by butterflies in her stomach, she liked the way Henry made her feel.
"Should I change my shorts it's cold" she said
"Change I'll wait for you"
"Thanks" she went back into her room to change her shorts when all of sudden she realized.... I kissed Henry?
He watched her walk back into her room his brain exploded with questions... I kissed y/n?
He bit his lip knowing that she wanted that she wanted him, it was crazy for him to ever think she wanted him in that kinda way, he didn't just like the kiss he loved it.
When they got into the car it was quiet but a comfortable quiet a very bearable nice quiet being in the company of someone you would do anything for was a good feeling.
"Are we just not gonna talk about you kissing me earlier" he tried to keep a straight face wanting to smirk so badly
"I just wanted to see what it was like that's all" it was kind of a lie, she wanted to feel something anything and she got it she felt butterflies
"Oh okay" he nodded at her, a red light appearing in front of them he looked to his right at her she looked at him "can you stop staring at me" she let out a small laugh "you're beautiful I can't help it" he looked back at the road
They got to the thai place ordering, they waited when a familiar face they had just seen a few hours ago appear, Robbie.
"Robbie??" Henry called out to the man sitting by himself, he held y/n's hand his protective side coming out strongly
"Henry y/n" robbie said he was still in his suit no tie on his dress shirt unbuttoned hair was tousled he looked like a wreck
"Hows it going y/n after everything?" Robbie knew feelings for sebastian
"Okay I guess, what happened?" She asked, Henry felt sympathy for the guy all he wanted was the girl he loved and got put into a lot of other shit. And so did she "Well after you all left, sebastian's father yelled at me for ruining his son's "marriage" and taking away the one good thing sebastian had in his life" robbie air quotes marriage because it wasn't a real marriage and they both knew it "and then Alex came and told me to eat shit and screamed at me for the first time in 4 years that was fun, and now am here eating thai food alone at almost 1am" he was so frustrated
"hey go get the food" Henry whispered to y/n and that's what she did
"Listen robbie what you did today was a bold and brave move, you had more guts than any one of us since the past 5 months I know things are probably really shit right now but I promise everything will fall into place" he put his hand on his shoulder a comforting hand robbie gave a comforting smile "I did this all for her, and i get nothing out of it" he said the women with his order ready to hand it to him, "I know everything's gonna be alright" he patted his shoulder once again and regrouped with y/n "thanks for the talk Henry you're not so bad" robbie tried to joke around Henry laughed "yeah people tell me that" he held y/n's hand out the door
"What you did was really nice of you"
"I heard you"
"Yeah I just felt bad for the guy"
"Me to, but I guess me and robbie are going through it together huh?" Henry smiled sadly and hung his arm around her "we're gonna get through it okay?" She nodded they got into the car and drove to their next destination, remotely "bad" tacos as Henry says.
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Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
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“No one can know about her,” Moriarty fussed to his loyal sidekick Sebby, the Terror Tiger, looked unfazed by the declaration from his boss.
This wasn’t something new to him considering their gigs as superheroes for the greater part of London.
As Pyro Professor and Terror Tiger they constantly battled with the evil masterminds such as Ice Man, Purple Pirate or even worse, tango with their favorite henchman, Captain Action.
It was always a game of cat and mouse as the lone duo tried to rid the city of their influence and control while managing to evade arrest. A deed, most annoying slow considering Mycroft Holmes aka Ice Man had his hand in the pockets of every major business and authority.
To have their own sibling Eurus as their mole was a blessing the city couldn’t afford to lose as she had a watchful eye on both her brothers evil schemes. 
“Boss, if the Ice Man and Purple Pirate haven’t caught onto our real identities by now then I don’t think we have to worry about it,” Sebby rationalizes to Jim, “I mean they still won’t come to terms that the Holmes brothers are villains so why worry about us?”
“Because if they figure out who we are our families will be in danger,” Jim stresses, “They  could be used as bait or worse!”
 This isn’t the first time that Jim had gone off like this about his sister _____ after a difficult foiling of the dastardly duo but this is one of the few times it was too close for comfort.
However, being an orphan of war Sebastian can’t imagine what it feels like to lose someone but if its anything by the way Jim acts he know it can’t be good.
Not one of them could figure out why or how ______ kept ending up near their battles but it was starting  to put Jim on edge and when Jim is on edge then he’s crawling up his back with complaints that makes him want to claw off the backs of the infamous Holmes brothers just to make Jim stop crying.
And he just got his titanium claws resharpened just for the occasion. 
Watching and (tuning out) his boss’s ramblings about keeping his sister safe Sebastian turns his attention to the big screen showing off the city’s zones praying for a distraction when a cellphone rings.
“I’m holding out for a hero! I’m holding out for a hero until the morning's light..”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Jim was surrounded by some of his most dangerously sensitive bombs-the ones that only required just a light pressure to set off- Sebastian might have found it funny how he fumbled for his phone to answer it. 
With his cat-like reflexes he swooped in to drag the the nervous man from dropping his device on what would be an instant death for them both and answered the phone for him.
“Sebby,” comes an excited voice from the other line, “It’s great to hear you! How has the canning business going with you two lately?”
Sebastian winces both at the moniker that ____ picked up from her brother and the fact that she still believes that lie.
How anyone believes that lie is beyond him but then again, people still can’t believe that Sherlock Holmes is the Purple Pirate DESPITE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT EACH TIME BUT ONLY PURPLE. THERE’S NO MASK TO OBSCURE HIS FACE OR HAIR BUT WHEN HE TRIES TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT THEY THINK HE’S “CRAZY”.
But thanks to his ever witty and not good with lies on the spot partner the first thing that came out of his mouth for their nightly activities is starting a canning business and they’re in a relationship.
Needless to say, this puts a damper on his dating life but for the life of him Sebastian doesn’t have the heart to cheat on Jim for fear of _____’s private version of “You hurt him and I’ll make sure you have a 4 year slow death in the backyard tool shed back in Sussex where no one can hear you scream.”
If ______ is anywhere near as bad as Moriarty Sebastian doesn’t want to be on her bad side. 
“Yeah, its going great _____,” Sebastian says convincingly while shooting a glare at Jim who is piteously trying to reach for his phone, “So what are you up to sunshine?”
“I’m so glad you asked,” she continues with enthusiasm, “You see, I met this guy...”
“You met a guy you say,” Sebastian parrots loudly knowing good and well that it would send her brother into a rage.
It really shouldn’t bring Sebastian as much joy as it does but Jim jumping desperately to retrieve his phone but it does and he continues to torment him.
“So what? you want me and Jim to meet him,” Sebastian carries on causally like Jim isn’t trying to scale him.
And failing.
“Yeah, actually. I’ve kinda been seeing him for over 2 months now and want him to get acquainted with you guys because I might be bringing him home for Christmas this year,” she states with more confidence than her brother wearing spandex tights.
“Ya know that’s a pretty big step in a relationship right?”
“I know,” _____ agrees, “But this guy is just so right for me that I don’t feel like its too big of  deal.”
  ‘Yeah I know,” Sebastian concedes, “But you know that your brother is going to have kittens right?”
“Well, that’s why I want you to come with. Nothing can settle someone down like their spouse am I right?”
“Speaking of which is my brother around?”
Looking around and finding that Jim had skunked off somewhere was alarming.The guy never gave up that easily which was why he was the Purple Pirate’s favorite target. 
“I think he may have ran to the loo-” Sebastian tries to say before an image of terror, Moriarty running full speed with one of his guns toward him with a battle cry of “GIVE ME MY PHONE” being heard throughout the hide out. 
“No, wait! ____, here he is,” Sebastian cries as he throws the device at Jim and runs for cover.
The phone is quickly caught by Jim who purrs his hellos to her and then promptly hangs up.
Sebastian doesn’t have to turn around from his hiding spot to know that its Moriarty standing behind him. His voice is dark and deadly as he leans closer.
“You tease me like that again when ______ is calling and I’ll clip those claws permanently.” 
“Yes boss,” Sebastian responds carefully knowing that when Jim is in one these moods that his life can very well be in forfeit because for all of Jim’s silliness he was a damn genius with an affinity for violence and murder. 
He could only shudder of what horrors Moriarty would unleash if he had not been on the side of angels.
“So, when are we meeting him?”
“Next Tuesday at 6″, Jim spats coldly, ‘And you had better not make us late.”
“You know that’s not my faul-” Sebastian says defensively until he sees the look of murder in his boss’s eyes. “I mean, sure boss,” he corrects himself, “are you going to use Eurus to spy on the bloke?”
“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I want to know the scum who’s shacking up with my sister? I want to know who he is, what he does and what he shits to see if he’s good enough for her! I wanna maul the guy with all the dirt I have on him so he’ll fuck off and leave us alone.”
Poor guy Sebastian thinks as his boss stalks off to Skype Eurus he can’t be all bad if ____ likes him.
“Believe me the feeling is mutual.”
“Guys, can we settle down please! We’re in a public place!!”
“You gotta be kidding me.”
Here, sitting before him in the flesh in one of his bespoken suits, is the Ice Man at one of the nicer restaurants in London acting like he’s an honest to God good man beside Jim’s sister. 
Like the guy hadn’t tried to murder them last week for foiling their slave labor camps in India or tortured them on occasion.
And to make matters worse his hand is on _____’s thigh, oh my God Jim is going to murder him before the waiter even arrives.
________ has her hands up as is to stop her brother from launching himself over the table to fight and pronounces quickly, “I can explain!”
Well this would explain why Eurus couldn’t find information on him Sebby muses as the air becomes frigid. 
Crap, its one of Ice Man’s classic moves Sebastian thinks as other civilains begin to feel the icy sting.
“Explain what,” Jim spits out venomously, “that this monster brainwashed you into thinking that it loves you? That not even you can recognizes that he’s the Ice Man, the man responsible for the poverty and waste in our country? That he’s so evil that members of his own family are trying to end his tyranny?”
“Now you see here, you two-bit genius,” Mycroft interjects, “I may make up causes and strife for my own gain but my love for ______ is one of the few things from me that are true.”
“Bullshit! You’re just using her to get to me!”
“Why would he want you when you already have Sebby,” _____ cries.
“I’m not gay!”
Sebastian can already see their waiter in the distance looking far too nervous to approach the shouting match that was their table so he shooed him off with a “come back later.”
Realizing that this would not only lead to a needless blood bath but to unmasking their identities to the public Sebastian tries his attempt to at least save this meal.
Tapping his glass to get their collective attention Sebastian starts,” Shut the hell up, you guys are causing a scene.”
Pointing at Mycroft accusing Jim begins to mouth out, “But he started-”
“I don’t care who started this I told you to shut up!”
He looks around the table at the lot of them.
______ looking confused and hurt that anyone would accuse Mycroft of anything less than sainthood, Mycroft torn between tearing ____ away with him like the villain he is or staying to suss out any evil intent toward her and Jim seemingly five seconds from ignoring the command to maul the Ice Man outright.
Praying to whatever deity that cursed him into a situation like this Sebastian began. “Look, we can’t outright believe that Ice Ma-I mean, Mycroft has the best intentions toward you _______-”Only to be interrupted by Jim’s HA!
Giving Jim a glare Sebastian continues, “However, JIM, we also can’t lawfully say that Mycroft’s feelings aren’t true because we aren’t mind readers.”
“I bet I can find us one on Craigslist!”
“Jimmy shut the hell up,” ______ hisses before gesturing for Sebastian to carry on. “So, my proposal is that we, Jim and I, monitor you two just to make sure that you’re safe.”
“But I’m 32,” ______ complains, “I’m too old for a chaperone!”
“Listen, I’m doing what I can _____. It’s either this or Jim’s going to try and murder Mycroft when you’re not around. It’s a compromise.”
“As if he could after all this time,” Mycroft snidely remarks.
“Maybe I just didn’t have the right motivation,” Jim counters getting squared up.
“Promises, promises,” Mycroft teases as he gestures for a waiter,” Besides we both know who the better genius is.”
“Yeah, your little sister.”
The air was becoming increasingly frigid to the point where Sebby was sure that he would have to evacuate people from the premises until _____ leaned onto Mycroft’s shoulder, melting away the frost.
“Guys, guys! Let’s stop the banter and eat! I’ve been dying to try this menu for ages,” _______ says cuddling Mycroft’s chill into submission.
“Anything you wish ______,” Mycroft says fondly in a way that makes Jim’s skin crawl.
Later after the bill was (fought over) and paid for  _____ hung back with him while Mycroft and Jimmy went to “talk” about some ground rules in private.
 “Sebby, why do Mycroft and Jimmy hate each other,” she asked innocently, “I know they never went to school together and Mycroft rarely leaves his office so how would they know each other enough to despise one another?”
Cursing his boss and this ridiculousness of their town Sebastian states, “We’re rival canning companies.”
“Oh, well that makes sense.” 
Listen, I’m not the best at superhero/villain names so cut me some slack. 
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nevermindthewind · 7 years
change of plans
The day started like any other, with Wes waking up to a little voice in his ear. “Daddy, you wanna play dinosaurs?” Wes smiled to himself and opened his eyes, only to find himself face to face with a blue eyed, bed-headed boy with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Wiping the sleep out of his eye he checked his phone, clicking it to check the time. 6:03. Nice. “Sure, Buddy,” he said with a yawn. “Can Daddy make some coffee first though?” “But Mama already made coffee!” the little boy protested. Wes frowned, confused; he was always the first one up. He rolled over, only to find the other side of the bed unoccupied and the sheets all pushed to the side. “Mama beat us this morning!” he exclaimed, pulling the boy onto his lap. “Can you believe it?” He planted a kiss on the boy’s cheek. “Morning, Buddy.” “Morning, Daddy,” he replied. “Should we go make breakfast before dinosaurs?” “Okay. Can I have pa-tarts?” Wes laughed as he lifted the boy and got out of bed, “Sure, just don’t tell Mama. Our little secret, right Seb?” “Right,” Sebastian agreed, bringing his hands to his mouth as a sign of secrecy. Wes set Sebastian down and put on a shirt before padding into the kitchen. He got a packet of strawberry pop tarts out and threw them in the toaster. While he waited for those he got out two bowls, filling one with Froot Loops and the other with Raisin Bran. After drowning both in milk he left Sebastian playing with his favorite velociraptor on the floor and took the bowl of Froot Loops into the guest-room-turned-study, where he figured a stressed out Laurel would be awaiting him. Sure enough, he was right. Her hair was up, her coffee cup plastered to one hand and a report in the other, and the desk was covered in files. He knew her firm had a huge case coming up, and that Laurel was doing the cross but still, Wes hadn't seen her this stressed in a while. He’d have to tread lightly. He knocked before entering, but Laurel didn’t hear him, or if she did she didn’t acknowledge it. Wes walked in anyway, setting the bowl on the table before placing both his hands on her shoulders and gently massaging them. “I brought you some breakfast,” he said softly. “I mean, it’s only cereal, but it’s pretty much the only thing I know how to make without burning anything.” She looked up, smiling at the greeting. “Thank you,” she sighed, leaning back into his chest. “You sleep at all last night?” he asked. “Like three hours? I woke up in a panic at four and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I just decided to come get some work done.” She reached for the sugary cereal and took a bite. “Ugh, the best. Thanks, babe,” she said, planting a kiss on his hand. “Is the little man up yet?” But before Wes could even respond Sebastian came barging into the study. “Daddy my pa-tarts are done!” he announced. Laurel sat up and looked around at Wes, raising her eyebrows. Wes looked away sheepishly. “Buddy that was a secret, remember?” he whispered. Sebastian immediately clapped his hands to his mouth. “Oops.” “Pop tarts, huh?” Laurel said, putting down her bowl and pulling Sebastian onto her lap. “You know, before we know it we’re gonna have a little azúcar monster on our hands.” She tickled Sebastian’s sides, causing him to shriek with laughter. “Mama no! I not a monster!” he laughed. “You sure?” she asked with a smile, tickling his belly this time. Again the boy shrieked before breaking into a fit of giggles. “Yes!” he cried. “Well good,” said Laurel, planting a kiss on Sebastian’s messy curls. “Then a couple pop tarts won’t hurt, will they?” She lifted him up and gave him another kiss, this time on the cheek, before placing him back on the floor. “Te amo, Osito.” “I love you too, Mama,” he said, giving her a toothy smile. Wes loved moments like this, when he could just watch the two of them interact. He adored his son, more than anything, and he knew Sebastian loved him too. But there was no doubt in his mind that, at the end of the day, Seb was a Mama’s boy through and through. Laurel and him had a bond like nothing Wes had ever seen before. Watching them together was like watching magic; he could watch them forever. “Go get in your chair, and Daddy will come bring you your food, okay?” said Laurel, causing Seb to immediately turn and run back to the kitchen. “Really, pop tarts?” she asked, turning her attention back to Wes. “Sorry,” he replied with a guilty grin. “But it’s just so hard to say no to that face!” Laurel huffed with exasperation as she took another bite of Froot Loops. “What am I gonna do with you?” she asked mid chew. Wes bent down and kissed her shoulder. “Love me anyway?” he asked. It’s what they always said to each other when they were stressed or upset or anything. Despite whatever has happened or whatever would happen, they would always love each other. She rolled her eyes before leaning into his touch. “Love you anyway,” she replied with a soft smile. She squeezed his hand before picking up a file. “Want me to take Seb out for the morning? Let you get some work done?” Wes asked. “Would you?” she asked hopefully, once again looking up at him. “I just need a couple hours. Then we can do something fun this afternoon, maybe take Seb to the park over on 4th?” “Sounds great,” he replied, patting her shoulders and leaving her to work in peace. Little did she know what surprise he had in store. After breakfast and dinosaurs Wes got himself and Sebastian ready and out the door in record time. He put Seb in a pair of pale yellow shorts and a navy button down while Wes opted for jeans and a green and navy plaid shirt, both dressing a little nicer than they normally would on a lazy day like today. “Where we going, Daddy?” Seb asked as Wes carried him out to the car. “We’re gonna run a couple errands for Mama,” Wes replied. “I have a surprise for her.” “A surprise?” the boy asked, excitement in his eyes. “Yep, you wanna help me?” Sebastian nodded fervently as Wes set him in the car seat. “What we gonna do?” Wes explained his plan as best he could to a three year old as he buckled him into the car seat. “So it’s just like Dora, right? It goes jewelry store, flowers, Mama. Can you say that?” “Joo-ry store, flowers, Mama,” Seb echoed. -- There were a couple more steps to Wes’ plan, but they still managed to get everything done in about three hours. They got home right as Michaela and Asher were arriving, Asher carrying a giant speaker up to the front door. “Hey dude,” said Asher, clapping Wes on the back as he got out of the car. “Ready for the big event?” “Asher!” Michaela hissed. “You wanna talk a little louder? I don’t think she heard you!” Wes was about to respond, but he got cut off by a very excited toddler yelling from the backseat. “Auntie Kay! Uncle Ash!” “Hi Buddy! How’s my favorite boy?” Michaela asked, moving to the back door to let Sebastian out and smother him with kisses. “Good,” Sebastian replied with a laugh. “Daddy’s giving Mama a ring today!” “I know! Pretty exciting, huh?” she exclaimed before turning to Wes. “And you? You ready?” Wes stuck his hand into his pocket, feeling the velvet box for the hundredth time since picking it up. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” he responded, the nerves he’d been harbouring for the past few hours peaking through. “I don’t know why you’re even worried,” Asher commented. “You guys have basically been married since Laurel saved your ass in our first class.” He had a point. Even before they started dating, before Sebastian, they’d been a team first, always having each other’s backs. That sort of bond was immediate, one that was only strengthened by time. He couldn’t keep track of how many times Laurel stood by him when she didn’t have to. And now here they were, four years and one incredible kid later, still standing by each other, still each other’s champion. They’d talked about getting married, multiple times, but it never really seemed like the right time. When Seb was first born they were just trying to survive, trying to figure out how the hell to be parents. Then there was graduation and new jobs and on top of that when you threw a toddler into the mix, a wedding just didn't seem feasible. They were basically married already, why go through the all the theatrics? At least that's what he told Laurel. In reality he'd been planning on proposing since the day he'd realized he loved her, the day he almost lost her. The night of the fire was one of the worst of his life. But after feeling completely and utterly helpless as he watched Laurel fight for her life, after hours of trying to imagine life without her, Wes knew he never wanted to live another second without her. She was, and always would be, the love of his life. After that it was just a matter of time. And now after months of Michaela and him dropping not so subtle hints, the day was finally here. “Not worried, just…” Wes trailed off, “I just hope it all goes smoothly.” “It will,” Michaela replied confidently as they made their way up the stairs. “Just don't fu-” “Uncle Connor! Uncle Ollie!” Sebastian cried as Ollie pulled into the parking lot. “Saved by the Con,” Wes whispered under his breath, to which Michaela gave him a playful shove. “Hey Seb-master!” said Connor, ruffling the boy’s hair. “Hi Sebastian, you ready for the big day?” Oliver asked. “Uh-huh,” Seb murmured under Connor’s hand. “And you?” Oliver asked, looking to Wes. Wes rubbed his beard. He’d be better if he didn't have all these people breathing down his neck. “Let’s get going,” he replied as they all made their way inside the condo. “You guys stay quiet in the kitchen, I'll come get you when it's over.” He takes the flowers and Sebastian from Michaela, leaving the other four as the two of them head into the study. “Alright little man, you ready?” Wes asked, bouncing Sebastian before setting him down and handing him the flowers. “Yep!” Wes took a deep breath before opening the door… Only to find Laurel dead asleep with her head on the desk, her coffee cup still in her hand. It was all Wes could do not to burst out laughing. Of course, after all that planning, she was out like a light, throwing all of his plans out the window. Right on cue the music he’d given to Asher to play began wafting through the house. Thinking on his feet, he waved Sebastian over and the two of them inched closer. “Hi Mama!” Sebastian half whispered. Laurel opened one eye and gave her son a lazy smile. “Hey, Osito. Whatcha got there?” The boy looked up at Wes, who nodded, then handed the bouquet to Laurel. “They're for you,” he said with a shy smile. “Wow, thank you!” she replied. She also looked up at Wes, but in sleepy confusion rather than confirmation. He just gave her a smile as he slid down onto one knee. “What are you doing?” Laurel asked with a yawn, still not fully awake. “I...well I have a question for you,” said Wes, his smile growing. “It's kinda important.” “But I'm sleeping,” she whined. “And why is there music playing?” “It has something to do with what I want to ask you.” Laurel sat up, pulling Sebastian on her lap and looking around. “Hold on...music playing, guy with important question, are you on your knees?” she asked, looking down. He nods. “...on his knees,” she smiled, bringing her hand to his face. “Were you so bored on your errands this morning that you decided to ask me to marry you?” Wes laughed and gave her a tiny nod. “Well, kinda, yeah. Yeah.” Then he took a deep breath and asked the question he'd been wanting to ask her for years. “Will you marry me?” She just looked at him for a bit, a small, unsure smile appearing on her face as his question began to sink in. Finally Wes broke the silence. “Any thoughts on the answer? Yes, no, get out of my face loser? They're all possible.” She stroked Sebastian’s hair as she stared into Wes’ eyes. “Hmmm,” she hummed mischievously. “I think I'll go with...yes.” Wes’ eyes lit up, a huge smile returning to his face. “Really?” She nodded, her smile matching his. Suddenly Wes remembered the ring. Pulling it out and fumbling a little bit, he opened the box and quickly slid the ring into Laurel’s finger. “Thank you for asking me,” she whispered. She brought her hand to the base of his neck, pulling him so close their foreheads touched. “And thanks for not going with one of those melodramatic proposals with a bunch of people. I hate other people.” “Me too,” he agreed, kissing her before pulling away. “I'm just gonna go turn the music off, I'll be right back.” He smiled at her until he closed the door and then raced into the kitchen, where the rest of the K5 were waiting with champagne. He held his finger to his lips before they could freak out. “Hey,” he started at a whisper. “So she’s really tired.” They all exchanged glances but didn't say anything. “So I think we're just gonna stay in. But thanks for all your help!” “Wait what?” Michaela exclaimed. “Yeah, we’ll call you tomorrow. Now go, before she hears you!” And with that he heads back into the office, leaving them to show themselves out, unplugging the speaker on his way out. He opened the door to find Laurel showing off her ring to Sebastian. “Daddy did a good job, didn't he?” Laurel asked him, looking up and smiling at Wes as he entered. “Yeah, good job Daddy!” said Sebastian. “Thanks, Buddy,” he replied, picking the boy up before taking Laurel’s hand and pulling her to her feet. “And thank you,” he murmurs to Laurel, a grin creeping back onto his face. “For what?” she asked, looking up at Wes with a knowing smile. He meant to just say for saying yes, for agreeing to be his wife. But as he locked his brown eyes with Laurel’s blue, with their son on his hip, he knew that would never be enough. For so long he'd been on his own, with no one to rely on but himself. But from the minute Laurel walked into his life he had never been alone. Now he never would be. And that was something words just simply couldn't express. So instead he took his other hand and cupped her face, kissing her slow and deep…well, as deeply as he felt comfortable with Sebastian right there. When they pulled apart she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. He laughed as he wiped her cheeks with his thumb. “For loving me anyway.”
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greeneyedgirls4 · 7 years
The ex, the fight and the unexpected ending
Numbers request for anon for Seb (angst with fluff) - 27 “Oh, fuck off!” Y/N = your name.
Language and angst but fluff at the end. Feedback is always welcome and if you have a one shot request, storyline/character/real person or numbers request then please read here and feel free to get in touch with me anytime. Thanks for the request and enjoy! Sebastian Stan x reader. My masterlist is here.
“Ok I’m off.”
“Of course you are!” You shout back at your pig headed boyfriend.
“I told you I was going out tonight so I don’t know why your so upset.”
You turn to face Seb when you hear his footsteps stop at the living room door. “Well if you don't know why I’m upset then clearly your dumber than I thought. Just get out Seb.”
“Fine! Be like that.” He replies, slamming the living room door.
You breath a sigh of relief when he leaves. You weren't in the mood for an argument right now, all you wanted to do was sleep.
You took out your anger on the pillow that was sitting beside you on the sofa. Punching it with everything you have before ripping it apart with a knife. A very sharp knife.
Stepping into the bedroom you spot a letter on the bed. Opening the seal your heart sinks.
An hour later you hear the key in the door, sitting up in bed you grip the letter tightly. You see Seb walk into the bedroom with a large smile on his face.
“What is this Seb?” You whisper, holding the letter up.
You watch his face drop and his hand run through his hair. “I was going to show you it later.”
“Is later after you go out for dinner with your ex or when my parents divorce comes through?”
“Darling please..”
“Don’t darling me!” You shout, throwing the crumpled up letter at him and nudging your way past him. “You know what why don’t you just go back to your ex.”
“Maybe I will. At least she actually showed her true feelings to people!” You hear him say as you feel tears well up in your eyes. “I-I didn't mean that..”
“Oh, fuck off!”
“I told you to stop calling me that!” You shout, turning to face him. You can see the tears in his eyes and it almost breaks your heart. Almost.
“What’s this really about?”
“It’s everything Seb! It’s you being away for months on end, me only getting to visit once every two weeks and even at that we still hardly get to be together. It’s you going out for dinner with your ex.. like who does that then not telling me about my parents getting divorced. A letter, a simple letter from them and you couldn't even give me that so yes Seb, it’s everything!”
You watch him take a step back as if your words have just sunk in. “W-Well what do you want to do about it?”
“It’s not just my decision Seb. We are meant to be a couple so we do things together.” You reply, your heart beating wildly in your chest at your own heartbreak.
“Maybe we should take a break. Give ourselves some breathing space.” He suggests and you can hear the weakness of his voice as he tries to hold back the tears. “I’ll stay with Chris tonight.”
“Good idea. I’ll get out of your way so you can get what you need.”
You watch him shuffle around looking for various items and all you can do is cry. You don't want him to go, you don't want to just give up because things have gotten a little hard. Maybe if you say something, anything then he will stay and you can go back to when it was all so simple. When you both could walk down a street without paparazzi following Seb. When he was able to be around more rather than working all the time and especially when you actually talked about things and didn't just sweep it under the carpet.
“From the ashes we will rise.” You hear him whisper before the apartment door closes and your left with your own thoughts again. He knew you loved that line from The 100. He knew everything about you.
Two days passed and Seb did what he said he would do. He didn't contact you and for the first time in a long time you didn't feel so suffocated with everything in life. The only problem was that you now felt like you were missing half your body.
Taking a seat in your local cafe you pull out your tablet and start reading the book you just bought. Your about to leave when you hear someone cough beside your table.
“Can I take a seat?” You hear the all too familiar voice say and before you can answer you meet the blue eyes of Chris.
“What do you want?”
“Seb said you might be here and I wanted to have a word.” He says, looking down at his takeaway cup before meeting your eyes again.
You sigh. “Did he send you?”
“No. No. I came because I’m worried about him.”
“What’s wrong?” You say, moving closer to him.
“He hasn't slept in two days y/n and he's barely ate. I know something has happened between you two but he's really miserable.” You watch as his face drops. “He was meant to be filming yesterday and I couldn't even get him out of the house. He just kept going on about how he's failing you and that you deserve better. I think he’ll get a bad reputation if he keeps this up.”
You shake your head and stand up, Chris following close behind. “What do you want me to do? He was the one suggested the break.”
“I don’t think he really wanted it.. as I know you didn’t.” You hear him say and you narrow your eyes at him. “I can see the red rims around your eyes plus the shorter nails on your right hand where you have been picking them. Seb said you do that when your nervous or upset.”
“Oh yes because Seb is so good at reading other people!”
“Please just speak to him..”
You think about it. You didn't want to go on a break. God you wild have talked to him the moment he came through the door but your anger was getting the better of you then. “He has five minutes.”
Arriving at Chris’ apartment was easy. He only lived a few minutes away and he had the car with him. You step into the living room and spot Seb sleeping in the corner. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
“But he’s aslee-”
Before you can finish the sentence Chris is already closing the living room door and Seb is beginning to stir. You watch as his steel blue eyes open and lock on yours immediately. “Hi.”
“Hey. Chris said to come.” You say, taking a seat on the opposite sofa to him. You take in his dishevelled figure. Red rimmed eyes, tousled hair and baggy clothes is all that’s left of him now. “How have you been?”
He laughs and oh how you've missed that sound. “As you can see.. not very well.”
“Yea of course.” You reply, rolling your eyes at your own stupidity. “Chris said-”
“Don’t listen to Chris. He thinks he knows us both like the back of his hand.. and even that’s debatable.”
“I think he was trying to help.”
“Well he has his own problems. Him and Jenny split again.”
You sigh. “Must run in the friendship group.”
“It must do.” You both laugh when he smiles. “I was actually going to come and see you today.”
You see him reach into his pocket and pull out a small box. “I was going to do this somewhere nicer obviously but I guess this will do for now.”
He kneels in front of you and opens the box causing your heart to stop. Inside lies a small silver ring. A large diamond in the middle and smaller diamonds surrounding it. Two gold bands intertwine and wrap around each other, making the ring circle complete. “I love you. Let’s start with that. I also want to spend the rest of my life with you y/n. I went to see my ex because do you remember me telling you that she also owns a jewellery shop?” You nod as a smile spreads across your face. “Well she had this specially made for you. I wanted it to be special.. just like you. I’ll ask you now but I can always ask you in a nicer place later so y/n will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“Oh my god yes!”
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