#(hope he got all the attention he wanted and got railed real good <3 oops what who said that)
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sparfloxacin · 1 year ago
Clingy Allu my beloved 💖
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quickspinner · 5 years ago
Finding Harmony - Ch 1 The Key of M
This story is complete on AO3
Season 3 was still coming out when I wrote this one, but it’s still probably my favorite of my works so far, so I hope you enjoy it. This is part of my ongoing effort to get my AO3 works posted to tumblr; you can filter the tag ‘backlog’ if you’d rather not see them.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Summary: Before any note can harmonize with another, it has to be on pitch. When Luka agrees to work with Marinette on a design project, he's happy to see that she's started making some changes for her own happiness. “It’s like you’re tuning your strings right now. You started out a little flat, and then you tuned too sharp. So now you're working back towards your true pitch." As she gets closer to striking her true note, he can't help but think how beautiful they sound together. He wishes she could hear it too.
“Marinette wants your body.”
Luka nearly swallowed the guitar pick he had clamped between his lips. He made a muffled sound and dropped the sheet music he’d been trying to arrange so he could whip the pick out of his mouth to demand, “What did you say?” He moved his guitar off his lap and turned to hang his legs off the edge of the bed so he could face his sister as she crossed from the door towards her end of the cabin.
“Finally,” Juleka smirked. “I’ve called your name three times. Marinette’s been trying to call you for like an hour.” 
“What?” Luka frowned and shuffled around on his bed, finally finding his phone half-buried under his pillow. Sure enough, he had a bunch of missed notifications. “Oops,” he muttered.
“I just got back from her place,” Juleka told him, sitting sideways in her vanity chair to face him. “She’s got an idea that she’s all fired up on and she’s wondering if you’d be willing to model with me for it.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, Jul,” he said almost automatically.
Juleka smirked. “I know you’d do anything for Marinette.”
Luka smiled ruefully. “Yeah, that too.”
“Like you can talk. I’m gonna go call her back now.” He stood up and walked out to the deck.
Marinette picked up on the first ring with a delighted “Luka!” that made his heart skip a bit. 
“Hey, Marinette, sorry I missed your messages, I was kinda in the zone and I wasn’t paying attention to my phone. Juleka just told me you were trying to reach me.”
“No problem, I understand, I’ve been there! I’m sorry I interrupted, though, I guess this could have waited, it’s just I was excited and you know I’m a planner and—”
“Breathe, Marinette, it’s fine.” He smiled, leaning on the rail of the boat. “What do you need?”
“Well, you know I felt really bad about that whole Reflekdoll thing a while back—”
“That wasn’t your fault.”
“I know, but—“ Marinette sighed. “Well, never mind about that. I still feel bad for Juleka and now that I know she wants to model I started thinking about what would look good on her, because you know the suit before was cute all but it didn’t really scream Juleka, and so I started messing around with some designs, more of my edgy stuff, you know, the kind of thing I do for Jagged Stone and Kitty Section, and the more I thought about it the more excited I got and I think I have some really cool concepts—”
“Breathe, Marinette,” he repeated, grinning. 
“Right. Sorry. Anyway um I guess designing for Juleka kind of got me thinking about you, and I have some things in mind that I think would look really good on you and I was wondering if you would mind taking some pictures with Juleka when the pieces are done? What do you think?”
“I think all you had to say was ‘Hey Luka, will you model my designs with Juleka,’ and I’d have been sold,” Luka chuckled. “I don’t know if I’ll be any good but you know I’d do anything to help my two favorite girls. Just tell me when and where and what you need me to do.”
The delighted squeal that answered him left him grinning for an hour.
“Mom Luka’s here we’ll be in my room see you later!”
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Cheng,” Luka said with a chuckle, as he followed Marinette through the bakery at a slightly more civilized pace.
“Good to see you, Luka. There’s a plate of snacks in the fridge if you two get hungry.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
It was a good thing he’d been to Marinette’s place with the rest of the band, because she was so far ahead of him he might as well have been by himself. When he climbed up through the hatch into her bedroom (her room was really pretty cool for not being a boat), Marinette nearly barreled right into him. “Whoa!” he cried, catching her around the waist just in time to keep her from falling over. “Relax, Marinette, I’m not going to turn into a pumpkin. You can slow down a little.” He waited until she was sure she had her balance back, and then let her go.
“Sorry,” Marinette said, bouncing slightly on her toes and then grabbing his hand to drag him to her chaise. “I’m just so excited to show you. I hope you’ll like it.”
Luka took a seat on her chaise as she directed and smiled as he watched her rush around. “It’s great to see you so inspired. Maybe I’m off base, but it just feels like you’ve been missing a little bit of your spark lately.”
“Yeah,” Marinette sighed, and it was like all the frenetic energy drained out of her at once. She came and sat next to him on the chaise, looking almost...mournful. “A lot of things have been happening, and I’m starting to realize that I’ve been...prioritizing the wrong things. Sometimes the wrong people.” She glanced at him and then away, twisting her fingers. “I didn’t like the person I was becoming. Which is complicated, because I didn’t like the person I was before, either. Before I met Alya and A-Adrien and got to be better friends with Nino and Kitty Section.” She flashed him a crooked smile. “You wouldn’t have liked me then either. I was a pushover and a victim and a...a bystander.” Luka moved closer and put his hand on her shoulder in silent encouragement. “Some things happened at the beginning of the school year that really pushed me out of that comfort zone, and I started really trying to be a friend, someone my friends can rely on, and for a while it was great. I still messed up a lot but I started standing up for myself and other people, and I wasn’t such a spectator. But...” Marinette chewed her lip. “I don’t know, I feel like somewhere in the last few months I got confused.”
“Yeah.” She nodded slowly. “I need to find a way back to the person I wanted to be. Except I don’t even know who that is, because if I don’t like who I was before and I don’t like who I became, then where am I trying to go?” She moaned faintly and put her face in her hands. “And all you did was compliment me and now I’m just spewing this out all over you and you didn’t ask for any of this, I’m so sorry. I’m probably not even making sense.”
“Marinette, you’re making perfect sense,” Luka said, squeezing her shoulder, and reaching down for the guitar case. “It sounds like you’ve been bottling that up for a while.” She nodded, face still in her hands. “It’s like...you’re tuning your strings right now,” he continued. He set his guitar on his lap, set his fingers and plucked a string. “That’s G, right? You started out a little flat.” He moved his fingers and played a G flat. “So you started tuning towards your true pitch.” He played G again. “But you overshot and you went sharp.” He played the G sharp. “So now you’re working back towards G again.” He plucked the G one more time and grinned. “Or maybe it’s M in your case.”
”There isn’t any M, Luka,” Marinette giggled. 
“I think there is,” Luka smiled, fingers fluttering in a familiar pattern as he played up and down a G major scale. “I think you’ll find it.” He looked up and met her eyes. “And when you do, it’ll be beautiful.” 
Marinette held his gaze for a moment, then blushed and looked at her hands. “Thanks Luka. I know—well, you’re one of the people I haven’t treated so well, so...thanks for understanding.”
“I could tell it wasn’t the true note, the real you. We all make mistakes, Marinette. You’ve always been honest and sincere with me, and I value that more than anything.”
Marinette smiled weakly. “I feel like that should be part of the Couffaine family motto. Liberté, sincerité, originalité.”
Luka laughed out loud. “I like it.” 
Marinette, smiled, and the light came back into her eyes as she jumped up. “Enough navel gazing. How do you feel about snakes?”
Luka’s eyes widened slightly and he felt a flicker of panic. “Uh—”
“Because I have the greatest plan for you,” Marinette said, rushing over to her desk. “Check this out.” She pulled up a board that had been laying flat on her desk and held it vertical so he could see it. Front and center was a large picture of a blue and black striped snake with a red head and tail. It was bold and striking and it looked nothing like Viperion. Luka relaxed a little. He should have known better.
“Snakes are cool,” he grinned. “I like the colors.” 
Marinette squealed and bounced a little. “I know, they’re perfect for you! I mean blue was the easy choice but I was afraid that would be predictable and boring but then I found this picture and—Can you help me hold this? Thanks. So the snake—it’s called a Malasian coral snake by the way—is the inspiration for collection, see? I’m working out an embroidery design, and I’m also incorporating the colors, although not as much on Juleka’s, I want to use mostly black for her with maybe a bright pop of color, maybe the red, see? And if she’s posing with you, maybe she won’t be so nervous. It’ll be a good way to help her get a little more experience so she’ll be more comfortable next time, and if the photos turn out well she’ll have a start to her portfolio.”
“Sounds great. You’re so thoughtful, Marinette. I know Juleka will appreciate it,” he told her admiringly.
“I really haven’t been lately,” Marinette sighed, as he helped her lay the board back down flat. “But I’m trying to be better.”
Luka touched her shoulder. “If you really want to change yourself, I know you can, Marinette. If it’s worth anything, I think you’re pretty great the way you are.”
He jolted when Marinette turned to him and threw her arms around his waist and hugged him tight, but he put one arm around her and hugged her back. “Thanks Luka,” she whispered. “You’re the best.”
He patted her back gently, resisting the urge to really hold her. “So, what do I need to do?”
“Measurements!” Marinette snapped back on task. “I need to take some measurements. Especially for the shirts and jacket, I’ve got to make sure there’s room for all—” she gestured vaguely at his shoulders. “That.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “All what?”
She rolled her eyes at him and turned to her desk to dig out a measuring tape. “Take off your jacket, Luka.”
He did as she asked, laying the guitar back in the open case and dropping his denim jacket and hoodie on the end of the chaise. Marinette pursed her lips as she turned back to him, then took his wrist and held up his arm so that his bicep was flexed. “Yep. That’s what I meant.” Luka felt a sudden flush as she ran her hand up his arm and onto his shoulders. “You’ve got a lot more muscle than the guys in my class—except Kim but he’s a special case—and your shoulders are broader.”
“Um...thanks?” Luka cleared his throat.
Marinette jumped back. “Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just thinking out loud.”
“It’s fine,” he said, though he knew he was blushing, and he couldn’t quite keep from smirking just a little bit. “Go ahead.”
Luka stood patiently while she measured what felt like every inch of him. 
“Sorry,” she said, writing numbers down. “I just don’t want to have to make you come back, so I’m trying to get everything I think I possibly could need. Once I’ve gotten a little further in the designs, I can bring fabric samples over to the Liberty for you guys to look at.”
“I appreciate that, Marinette, but these are your designs, you don’t need our approval.” 
“I know, but I want you guys to be comfortable with the clothes, especially Juleka now that I know she’s so nervous. And the best part of designing is seeing how excited people are to wear the finished product. I really want you guys to be thrilled.”
Luka smiled at her enthusiasm. “I have confidence in you, Marinette.”
She flashed him a soft smile that made his heart flutter. “You always have, Luka. I appreciate it.” She straightened up and put her pencil down. “I think that’s everything I need.” Marinette bit her lip, and looked a bit...shy? That was new. “Um...do you have to go right away? We could hang out for a bit if you’re free...do you play video games?”
“Not really,” he admitted, with a shrug, and then added quickly as her face fell, “I’m always up for trying something new though.”
The way she lit up at that was not good for his heart. “Well, I’ll go easy on you since you’re a beginner.”
Luka chuckled. “Teach me your ways, master.”
Even ‘going easy,’ she destroyed him. His quick fingers and excellent hand-eye coordination were his only chance for redemption. At the same time, he’d never enjoyed losing more. Competitive Marinette was a side she’d never shown him before and Luka was hard pressed to pay attention to the game, distracted as he was by her wide smile and sparkling eyes. After she’d pounded him a few times, she had mercy on him and switched modes so that they battled together against online opponents. He was still pretty useless but she didn’t seem to need him to win anyway, and playing cooperatively gave her more opportunity to coach him. By the time he had to leave, he could at least survive through the fight while Marinette took their opponents apart. That was good enough for him; the game was okay but he mostly just enjoyed watching her have fun. This was clearly one of her passions and he loved watching her be so gung-ho over it.
“You’re amazing,” he sighed finally, putting down the controller. “I think I’d have to practice a long time to get good enough to even come close to beating you.” 
“Oh, I didn’t—you did really well for your first time!” She hastened to reassure him. He laughed at her round eyes and panicked expression.
“Relax, Marinette, I don’t mind. Even losing to you is fun. You’re cute when you win.” He winked at her and she blushed, but recovered quickly.
“You’re right, I am amazing,” Marinette said airily, and then giggled. “At least at video games. My classmate Max and I played in the interschool tournament and we tore the competition apart.” She looked down at the controller and sighed, putting it down on the coffee table. “I actually haven’t taken much time to play lately, I’ve been so busy. Another reason to make some changes.”
Luka put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly. “I don’t know what happened and I wish you weren’t so sad about whatever it was, but it sounds like you’ve got a good handle on what you need to do, so I know you’ll be fine. Thanks for teaching me, Marinette. I had fun.” 
“Me too,” she smiled at him. “Thanks, Luka, your support means a lot to me. And,” she blushed a little, “Thanks for hanging out with me.”
“I love spending time with you,” Luka said, letting go of her shoulder and getting to his feet. “I do need to get home now though. I’ll go grab my stuff.” He went up the stairs to her room, giving her time to recover from her spluttering. Luka sensed that she felt lonely and unappreciated lately, and he didn’t want to pass up a chance to let her know how much he appreciated her, or how happy he was to spend time with her.
Luka put his jackets back on, zipped up the open guitar case, and lifted the strap over his head. He stopped by the desk, looking down at the snake image, and smiled to himself before going back down the stairs.
Marinette walked him out through the bakery, where her mother pressed a small box of sweets into his hands. “Be safe getting home, Luka,” Marinette told him at the door.
“See you soon, Marinette.” He smiled at her, squeezing her shoulder once more before walking away.
As he walked he thought about what Marinette had said to him. Luka was glad she was taking some time and space to take care of herself, but he couldn’t help wondering what brought on the change. Marinette seemed so down about it...He hoped she felt better about it soon, because the changes she was making seemed good for her. So far, he certainly liked what he was seeing. It was great to see her investing in her art. Just spending time with Marinette was enough for him, but getting to be involved in something she loved so much made it that much better.
Luka sighed, adjusting the guitar case and smiling at himself. He’d long ago accepted that he was hopelessly deep in a hopeless love when it came to Marinette. He knew Juleka thought he was an idiot, but he really just didn’t mind it. 
Loving her made him happy.
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megairishrose · 8 years ago
My Mother’s Daughter chapter 3: Everything comes with ...
Oops wasn't going to cover this one so…
Damn it.
Bloody Hell.
Seriously Sophia Eleanor Cassidy should have known better than to play around with magic. Of course she would end up in the Enchanted Forest. And she discovered that fact when she finally stood up and took in her surroundings. There was a village in the distance and on the road were wagons with people who looked like they belonged at the Renaissance fair.
Sophia needed to blend in. Thank the gods her magic was working. She quickly changed her outfit; she could not go around in the Enchanted Forest wearing jeans, a purple sweater and sneakers.
She was consumed in a cloud of yellow smoke and when it faded, she stood there wearing a location appropriate outfit. It was a long skirt, a long sleeved top and an embroidered vest. At least it wasn't a corset.
Now what to do? Where to go? Who could possibly help her get home?
What had her parents drilled into her head? When in trouble, no matter what, go find Killian. Her godfather wouldn't ask questions, like if she showed up at his door at three in the morning with a body, he would just get a shovel.
Finding him wasn't going to be a problem. Sophia dug around in her satchel and found the items she needed. Uncle Killian's loaded dice; he was teaching her how to play.
A simple locater spell would lead her right to him.
The dice rose and slowly began to move and Sophia followed. Thankfully the roads in that direction were empty or there would have been questions.
Finally, she did reach a village. Sophia lightly grabbed the floating dice and let them continue to guide her. They then stopped at the door of a …pub? How far back had she traveled? What kind of man was she going to find?
Sophia put the dice back in her satchel and opened the door.
It looked like a scene from the pirate movies she had seen so many times with Liam and Hope. And she had a bad feeling she was in big trouble.
Her hazel eyes scanned the room; she didn't see him, just a sea of unfamiliar faces.
Then someone walked up behind her and grabbed her arm. Oh, this could not be good.
"Hey sweetheart, looking for someone? I can help you." He was so much older and taller than her. Not that it mattered, but she wanted to avoid using magic. So her elbow slammed into his stomach and her foot met his face when he doubled over.
"Not a chance." Sophia growled, she had never been so grateful that her mother gave her self-defense lessons. But now she had gained the attention of the entire pub.
Including the person she needed.
Captain Killian Jones sat at a table with a few men and two women. His blue eyes looked at her with the same expression as home, he was impressed. Sophia almost took a step forward then noticed something about him. He had two hands. Oh, she had gone so far back in time, before Grandpa cut it off. How long had he been a pirate?
Sophia pulled herself together and walked over to the table. Don't call him Uncle Killian, that would be awkward. She told herself.
"Captain Jones, I need your help." She straight out said. No use beating around the bush here.
"You seemed to be able to handle yourself well without help, love." He lifted his mug to her.
"I need your help getting home."
"What do you have to trade?" He asked.
She didn't bother going for her bag and rolled her eyes. "No, you're going to do it because you are a good person."
There was a laugh around the table. So he had been a pirate for a while and had gained a reputation already.
"He's anything but good." One of the women commented.
Sophia forced the urge to throw a punch. "Back off."
"Make me." The woman fought back.
Sophia chuckled. "Never start a fight you win."
The woman stood up, deciding to start said fight. Kilian was faster, placing himself between Sophia and the woman. "Why do you need my help?"
"Because my mother told me to find you." Sophia answered honestly.
Killian stared at her, confused. He turned to the others at the table. "Give us a moment alone." They did listen, the women gave Sophia a dirty look. Killian pointed to an empty chair. "Sit." Sophia did. "Who are you?"
How was she supposed to answer that? Your goddaughter. "My name is Sophia, I'm the daughter of your friends."
"How old are you?" He wanted to know
Killian did some quick math in his head, where was he fifteen years ago? Or where was Liam fifteen years ago? Why wasn't there a sick feeling in his stomach, he actually felt comfortable, like he knew her somehow.
"I'm sorry, lass, I can't take you on the Jolly Roger. You have me mistaken for someone better." He stood up but handed her a small bag of coins. "For passage to whenever you want to go."
Sophia looked at him, shocked beyond words. He was just leaving her? Killian left her sitting there. It took her a few moments to make a move to follow him.
She had to push through a crowd and somehow reached the door. But when she stepped outside was where the trouble started.
Sophia was thrown into a wall, there was ringing in her ears. And an unwelcoming voice. "You should have come quietly."
She could feel blood on the back of her head. Now she wished she had a clear mind to use her magic, push him away, or even rip out his heart.
But thankfully she didn't have to do that. The man standing in front of her was suddenly knocked to the ground.
"I believe the lass said no." Came Killian's strong voice. Through her half opened eyes, she saw him, being all protective, the way he was supposed to be.
He held his hand out to her, to help her to her feet. But she couldn't move and blacked out.
Sophia slowly came back to the world. The first thing she noticed was she was in a bed, and everything was rocking. Then she smelled sea salt. And someone was gently pressing a wet cloth to her forehead.
"You got hit pretty hard, but you will be fine. You certainly can handle a lot." It wasn't Killian's voice.
"Where am I?" Sophia asked weakly.
"On the Jolly Roger, you're safe now."
Sophia opened her eyes and finally saw the woman in front of her. Her voice was caught in her throat and she was terrified. "Who are you?" Their eyes meet.
"My name is Milah."
Of course this was going to be where she ended up. Sophia had been randomly thinking about her father's mother before the portal opened. But never in a million years did she think she would be face to face with her.
There were so many odd things about that statement. First off, Milah was just her father's mother, not Sophia's grandmother. Helen and Belle were her grandmothers because they cared about their family and would never leave them. And two, it was only a few hundred years, not millions
About half a day after she came on to the Jolly Roger, Sophia left her cabin and walked onto the deck. It was a real pirate ship, like in the movies. The only difference was none of those pirates could be trusted. Here, she could trust Killian with her life.
Milah on the other hand, Sophia had issues.
"I think you were born with sea legs. I had such a hard time adjusting. How are you feeling?" Milah asked.
"I'm fine." Sophia answered curtly.
Milah tried to hide her hurt feelings. "I'm sorry if we got off on the wrong foot…"
Sophia spun to face her. "Wrong foot, wrong foot!?" She let her sudden anger get the best of her. This woman ruined her father's life because she was selfish and wanted out. If there was one thing Sophia learned from her parents, it was you never ever leave family behind.
"We've never met." Milah tried to be reasonable.
"And you wonder why I don't like you…" Sophia mused, their identical hazel eyes met. Milah was still confused as Sophia walked away and leaded against a railing, trying to calm herself down. Her magic would do something stupid if she kept her anger inside and unresolved.
"You certainly have a tempter…" Killian had come up next to her.
Sophia let out a humorless laugh. "You should see my mother."
"We will get you home, lass. Don't lose hope." He tried to reassure her.
"I know. I'm just lost and angry and homesick." Her parents were looking for her, weren't they? Amelia would do everything in her power to open another portal.
"If there's anything you need to make the time on this ship more bearable, do not hesitate to ask. Anything, lass." Killian offered.
She looked at him, anything she needed? There was one thing she did want. "Really? No questions or judgment?"
"Absolutely not."
"Can I get a hug?"
Captain Jones stared. He was a cruel cunning pirate and this girl wanted a hug from him? But he promised no question or judgment. So he obliged her.
Sophia wrapped her arms around him, this was definitely her godfather. The man who told her stories to calm her fears during a thunderstorm when he and Emma were babysitting her years ago.
Killian just held her and something about it felt comfortable. He suddenly felt very protective but he couldn't figure out why.
Sophia eventually pulled back.
"Better?" He asked. She nodded, she felt so much better. And he had a question for her. "Lass, I need to ask you a very serious question, am I you father?"
Sophia's eyes widened at him and then she began to laugh. "No, no. You are not my father." She wiped a tear away, apparently that was a stupid question. "But my parents trust you."
Sophia continued to keep her distance from Milah, it was just so uncomfortable to be around the reason her family fell apart. She watched her every move, listened to every word that came out of her mouth. And there were times she wished she hadn't.
Milah was going on a rant about her cowardly husband one night. "He seemed content to live as the village coward, instead of leaving and beginning a new life somewhere else. He was scared of everything. I wish he had fought and died rather than run. Running was the only thing he was good at…" She would have said more but a cup was thrown across the room and hit the wall a few inches from Milah's head.
The entire room turned to see an enraged Sophia standing there. Silence fell over the room. In that instant there was fear.
Good, let them fear me. Sophia though before turning on her heel and walking out. She had not physically thrown that cup, it was all her magic. She had to get her feelings under control or she would be something terrible, like break the ship in half. So she walked out to the deck.
Milah was talking about her husband, the father of her child. How dare she? Maybe Sophia didn't know all the facts, but one doesn't talk like that ever.
That was her grandfather, one of the bravest people she knew.
But was she wrong?
"Lass, are you alright?" Killian stood a few feet from her, concern in his eyes.
"If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all." Wow, she was such a Disney kid, quoting it like a second language.
"Sometimes the truth hurts."
"You don't have to tell me. Was she right? Everything about her husband?" Sophia was almost scared to ask. "What happened that day?"
Killian sighed and leaned against the railing next to her. "Milah left with me early that morning but her husband came on board to get her back. I offered to give her back, but he would have to fight for her. Win her back fair and square. It's only good form."
"Good form is knowing a person can't be won." Sophia told him.
That made Killian uncomfortable, maybe he hadn't used the right words. Sophia's parents must be very forward thinkers and she had strong women in her life. "Milah had made her choice; she didn't want to go back. But if her husband won, I would have convinced her to stay with him. He didn't even pick up the sword I offered him. A man unwilling to fight for what he wants…"
"Gets what he deserves, I know." Sophia finished the sentence for him. She froze, that might have been too far.
Killian looked at her strangely. How had she known that line? "Yes, exactly. We all make decisions, not all of them easy."
"She abandoned her family, her child. You don't do that. Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten." Sophia said. "My parents made hard choices: lying, murder, sending people to jail, stealing, but they always put family first."
"Then you are very lucky, Sophia. I promise you that I will get you home." Killian told her, meaning every word.
He used her name, that rarely happened. Maybe everything was going to be alright.
Sophia decided to be the bigger person and sat down next to Milah. She just wanted to get another side of the story. All she had to go on in was a book, the book that made Henry believe and bought Aunt Emma into Storybrooke.
"I'm sorry I lost my tempter, I barely know you and maybe I prejudged you."
Milah looked over at her, there was happiness in her eyes, she was given a chance finally. This girl had confused her, she reminded her of someone and her heart hadn't stopped aching since Sophia came onto the Jolly Roger. "Do you want to start over then?"
"Yes." Sophia held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Sophia."
"Milah. What brings you here?"
"I was playing around with magic and opened up a portal." Sophia answered honestly.
"You're from another realm? Which realm, what is it like?" Milah asked. She was very curious.
Sophia launched into a story about her home, but she avoided names that would blow her cover.
Killian watched as the two women talked. He liked the sight then he noticed something. There were some very strong similarities between them. Their posture, their smile, the way Sophia was animated while she spoke.
Something was up. But he would be patient and wait for Sophia to tell them.
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