#(hahahaha yeah it turned out they didn’t actually like me and were purposefully playing with my feelings but anyways)
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i don't "date" and i don't "chill" and i don't "hang out." i make pacts. i swear oaths. i forge unbreakable bonds. this makes me a cool breezy person to take on road trips et cetera
#I say this posed with a foot on a chair and my hands on my hips and sunglasses#as I watch my first relationship become a smoking pile of rubbish and my best friend stops talking to me#(don’t worry guys it’s all better now)#as I watch my last relationship explode in my face and i will never be friends with them ever again#(hahahaha yeah it turned out they didn’t actually like me and were purposefully playing with my feelings but anyways)#thank god I still have my current best friend!#there’s no escape from meeee#dumbass (affectionate) <3333#we shall go on a road trip :3#and both survive hahahaha
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officially got rejected today. laid in bed finishing my 4740 project and my other group members don’t even know the amount of effort I put in. it’s fine though. they didn’t purposefully slack off or anything. I just have unusually high standards I suppose and can’t function in groups.
other news. today was the segc social. maya definitely likes keith. hahahahahahaa she literally got up halfway through and went to sit on the other side of the table to be next to him. this girl jesus. I sat next to her bc there was only one seat left and was like oh you’re maya right. which I only know from stalking her fb. and she was like yeah and you’re lucy right and went back to talking to mahdia lmao. I talked to chloe and sergio and xavier though. and it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. we were talking so much that everyone else on the other side finished their food and we weren’t done at all. also when we were ordering it skipped all the way down to me without me knowing. and I was like wait what. and then the waitress came down and sergio was like wait what. and then spent so long picking his dinner. like she went and got everyone else’s. and came back and he still wasn’t ready. and then collected everyone’s menus and he finally settled on something. and when chloe came in the waitress came back and asked her. and she was also panicked. idk I think it’s funny how we all went through that. on our way out keith was like I felt so far away from you guys. directed mainly at xavier. and I was like you missed our game.
secret santa was also really cute. we went around and said clues for what we bought and I guessed phyllis bc she said decor. she got me the hanging picture thing. and a plant. when everyone went around via was like oh you’re holding the present in your hand. and phyllis was like no this plant is for me. but then she was like plot twist! this is for you. and I was the surprised pikachu meme. it was so cute. ahhhhhh. also like mahdia knew what I got her and I knew what phyllis got me bc we all made wishlists. but wow I did not expect to be so happy opening it. and I talked to mahdia after and she was so happy to get my gift too. gifts are so nice. so weird
when we were walking after dinner the group got split up. bc half of us was waiting for xavier. we saw a party bus on the way and jokingly said we should just say it was ours and get on. but then xavier was like no wait lemme ask if we can take a pic inside. and we did lmao. and then I was talking to keith going upstairs and I told him he missed it. he was wearing his athletic jacket from high school and idk if it was his jacket or what but his shoulders looked hella good today. fuuuuck. maybe I never paid attention but also maybe it was the jacket. when thomas said his gift was $40 and keith and I both mouthed 40 and looked at each other. I went to the bathroom and opened the door to him. lmao I’m lame but at least I know it.
we played the voting game and I got first in line for hell. which I love. lucy is short for lucifer. also people said I was mysterious. also that I would be from the future. also dhanush was like the funny thing is and said a spiel about trivia and then I was like wow that was so funny sarcastically and everyone laughed. making fun on dhanush is easy. damn I miss our invested team. on our way out dhanush was like lucy is wrecking me today but I know she has a soft spot for me. which is true in a way. like I wouldn’t make fun of him if I didn’t know him enough. but then I said sungjae was my favorite. he’s so unproblematic and soft.
I’m really glad I went today. sergio is cool. I wanna hang out with him more. chloe is cool too. I wanna be friends with them and xavier and sungjae and phyllis and thomas. he’s so funny. and keith oops. although I feel like I could actually really like phyllis and thomas and sergio. there was a post semester survey and I think I answered those three for the people I wanna get to know better. I didn’t put keith bc I didn’t wanna expose myself even though only the presidents probably see the survey. but now I genuinely have those three as my answers. and tbh anyone there today was chill. like why did I waste so much time. I could’ve like tried talking to people more. watch me next semester though forget this feeling. and have that irrational anxiety around these people again.
I’m happy I went. I’m happy I stayed even when a huge group of people left after secret santa. accidentally fell asleep and woke up at 6:40 and then stayed in bed for another 10 minutes debating if I should just not go. bc getting ready and walking would take 30 min and sometimes showing up late sucks more than not going at all. but I did it. I took a bus and was only 15 minutes late. I think it was a blessing in disguise when there was only one seat left and it was at xavier’s end. even though initially I was like oh keith is on the complete other end of the table. like in my row and furthest from me where I couldn’t even glance at him if I wanted to since he was too far to talk to. but it’s ok. sergio and chloe and xavier made up for it.
when we were leaving xavier was like lucy you should talk more during g-body. aw. I will try I guess. I hope so. also I need to go to secon next sem. bc I definitely missed out on bonding last year bc I didn’t go.
yesterday keith and I talked before class. and it was fun. he asked about my project and I asked about his. he said that apparently his guy thought they weren’t working on the project and sent an email like yeah this semester was a failure. apparently a bit nicer but still. I thought it was mean. and I asked him about his finals. and then this dude like heard him talking about public finance and interrupted. and then he was like wait sorry what was your question. cutie. I love when he turns around to talk to me. bc he could just talk to his friend sitting next to him but he turns around and talks to me and includes me in the conversation sometimes even when I don’t even really know his friend. he asked me what I’m doing next summer. and oof. I was like don’t ask me that question. he asked me if I was doing anything over break. he’s going to florida to visit family. I’m getting my wisdom teeth out. he did it summer after freshman year. his friend is gonna be in sab fran. I said I had family there and visited last summer. we talked about the masters presentations. and I said one of them was sloppy and kind of annoying. I asked him when his last day was. his last final might be the 17th but I don’t remember. I said mine was the 16th but I’m leaving the 21st. and he was like oh that’ll be a chill few days then. but I’m picking up shifts for work. oh that’ll be a profitable few days then. I asked if he was gonna be on my project team next sem. and he was like will you have a good project. but it would be fun. more fun than the other ones. I do not know for sure if I heard the last part right but if he did. damn son
also I felt bad when I walked in late and they were like lucy! and I saw keith turn a little to wave at me but I was like too anxious and trying to figure out where to go and didn’t like say hi to him. sad. I asked him yesterday if he was going today. he said he was going to dinner but had to leave kinda early afterwards. he said he wanted to sleep. which sad. why didn’t he stay longer. I wish he was there for the voting game.
hahahaha last semester I wanted to ask keith to go to an apo fellowship with me. but I didn’t wanna expose myself. but it’s the end of the semester again and I wanna hang out with him again. oof this time I don’t even have anything to ask him to do with me. I just wanna hang out and eat lunch or something
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#WalkingReview S7E7
I hear that the mid season break is happening right now, and that the show’s coming back either this weekend or next. Cool, that means that last episode WASN’T the mid-cliffhanger? Or the one before it? whichever one ended with Coral zooming off to his indefinite doom…
did you threaten him
did you hop a truck
are you making bullets
are you playing by their rules
what kind’ve a life though?
oh yeah their beds got burnt, that’s a burn
whenever someone purposefully goes looking for zombies it’s never a good sign (mentally)
whatever happened to the whole “remove the jaw and they’re docile” thing? Remember how her whole idea of using them as bodyguards was like a HUGE deal, now they pretend like it never happened
ooooOOOooo a walkie talkie….oh noooo
waaaaaait you’re telling me those two dudes were hanging out in the back of that truck, waiting for the Horde to pass by, and NEITHER of them realized there were TWO men in the back with them??? It’s way too small of a space to not hear them breathe or smell them or anything
Yeah, that’s what I thought…
Coral really is a massive tool, what’s he think is going to happen when they get there…they’ll start unloading until it’s just him at the back of it and then bang
Dwight, you’re holding the gun by the magazine…you can’t shoot like that
So we finally get a look at the complex they’re staying at, is that significant? It’s big, sure, the prison looked bigger. And we’ve already had an episode of them showing us around…
the kid should realize by now that if they can do this to a guy like Daryl, how in the hell does he stand a chance
I really like how Negan treats Coral though, it’s like a respect for each other’s ability to really not give a shit about others
and that’s when Coral realize he’d rather be Negan than his Dad
This dickhole is still blaming everyone and everything else for his issues
that look, mayor kid is dying soon
It’s like Negan has never read a history book, and doesn’t know how this will EVENTUALLY end for him
The sound of his leather when he leans in close to threaten you with his smile…
i would love…LOVE…to know what’s going on in his head
gives a kid a beer, tells him to go look at a bunch of girls titties, and shows him how to get a room full of people to bow…he’s insane but he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing
I went and got chocolate cake because i don’t need a reason to eat chocolate cake.
geez how many wives does he have? and if everyone here hates him WHY DOES NO ONE DO ANYTHING
It’s just so frustrating, there are so many people surrounding him at all times, and WE know they all hate him, but no one does anything, not even stab him in the neck or something
UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGH MAYOR BOY STOP! No one gives two shits about your opinion. You are wrong and weak.
Also, Gabe hasn’t been around for an awful long time! I feel like we have too many characters to keep track of properly now.
I hope Mayor Boy tries to overthrow Rick, Negan hates disloyalty and kills him for it
“what you’re saying doesn’t make you a sinner, but it does make you a tremendous shit”
so wait, Pastor’s just going to walk all the way home? Does no one in this show have a concept of they’re own reality!?!
I know that look; it’s the look of a character that is doubting themselves and needs to do something stupid on a Glenn-like level to find himself again
It’s a fair trade really…you took two lives and he just wants you to take your bandage off
One person in this room is about to die
hahahahaha yeah Coral, sing!!
This MIGHT be the episode that turns Coral into a character I can actually watch
and shit dude, Negan can jump from understanding to insane in an instant!
Did he just say…
I wonder what would happen if everyone just started saying “no” at once
that look…
see, surrounding him, if they just snapped right now
Who’s Mark? ooooh blondies ACTUAL husband
see, even the Dr doesn’t like him
oooOOOOOH that’s how Dwight’s face ended up like that!!!!
yeah Daryl, your wife is done with you
ummmmm…Coral….no…just don’t….
What’s his eye socket full of? Gross? Yeah, it’s full of gross.
see, Daryl saw Jesus, how can NO ONE ELSE IN THAT 10 STORY FACILITY SEE HIM!
note? key? go now? Is this dwight listening to his wife a little bit? Is he going to use daryl to do the dirty work in hopes that someone kill kill began so he can have her back???
So all that whistling bullshit at the beginning was so that she could make a tiny roadblock…so she could go to Negan…why does everyone want to go TO Negan!?
woooaah they actually went back to Alexandria?!
hahahahahaha um, girl…he’s not going to buy that from you. Yeah, fat joke, you didn’t see that coming?
hahahaha he’s trying to be all badass and villainous and they’re crying through his evilness hahahaha
I mean yaaasss girl BUT NOOOOO
fists with your toes haha
oh shit….no…not the baby…
and that will ultimately be Rick’s new downfall, good, just another reason to never have kids (aside from all the reasons Coral has given us)
houseboat with zombie filled moat, and a sign warning people what your capable of…THIS guy looks awesome and I want to learn more about him. Which means will skim over it and go back to the same ol’ same ol’
Again, dude on a perch with a list in latin stating all his cache’s, and we’ll never learn about him. We’ll just skim over it.
“they’re here. he’s here”
Wait, that was the ending? Such an awkward fade out of music…and like…obviously Negan’s not going to “move into the suburbs” why would you end on that statement???
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