#(graphite is buddys hatchling who works in an aquarium)
poisonhemloc · 1 year
taco truck au with limited amount of actual taco truck mentions- eventually i’ll write up a proper ‘dragging oc from game into au’ thing but right now its cliff notes version
‘why does this go here’ so i can not lose it in discord
‘why not make it one long reblog chain from you’ cause then im not sure if im inflicting this on other people
Granite gets into town from a long distance bus, with about forty bucks and a backpack with some clothes. They do not have, a computer, an easy way to charge their phone, a place to stay, or a way to get more money, but they find a gym with a cheap membership and showers and sign up, assuming they’ll do some classes to make it look like they’re here for the actual gym and not the showers until they find a job and a place
It’s a parkour gym frequented by Feldspar, who’s helping keep an eye on the newbies while they’re still not allowed to do difficult physical activity (it’s been a couple years since Crash but, that’s not a lot) and Graphite, who’s lowkey idolizing Feldspar. Granite and Graphite are not related. They do look very similar, though, just Granite’s taller. (Are you two twins becomes a running joke, very fast) Granite does not have success finding a place but is actually enjoying the gym, and then when Feldspar leaves a flier up for the taco truck they run, they apply, and manage to get the job.
They’re paired with Gabbro (after training with Gossan and Feldspar at Sap). Granite doesn’t realize, but Gossan, Feldspar, Hornfels, Gabbro and Chert (not Riebeck because they’re the next newest person) have been having an on and off ‘hey I don’t think the new kid has a house’ conversation and while Hornfels’ ‘just let them talk and try to figure out where they are’ method is prevailing Gabbro decided a month ago to just. Stalk Granite after work to figure out where they’re going. And finally figure it out the first day they get a fall downpour, and show up with ‘hey you don’t actually get a choice, pack your backpack you’re staying at my place’
Gabbro sends a bad 2 minute sketch to the text chain everyone is in for coordinating the trucks of a bad drawing of Granite like they’re a shaky crying shelter dog in the rain captioned ‘picked up a stray’ and is ignored because that’s just how Gabbro is
Chert, who would have done this weeks ago in person but they’re rarely scheduled to work with Granite, finally sends a ‘hey Granite where are you living again I missed it’ And gets a ‘Oh yeah I have a new place! Giant’s Deep district’ and a bad 2 minute sketch that’s more recognizable as Gabbro looking stoned in their beat to hell car going ‘heeey need a place?”
which sets off a ‘oh no who picked them up are they safe’ discussion in the chat that’s been worrying and Gabbro gives them twenty bucks for the sketch, frames it, and puts it on their desk at their day job.
Hornfels stops by a few days later, ‘hey we gotta talk about- what is that on your- are you KIDDING me, Gabbro, you knew-’ and texts the full chat on accident ‘Gabbro is who picked Granite up they’re not in danger and they were just letting us worry-’ and chaos breaks lose
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
im gonna start tagging this as the taco truck au
(mostly from conversation with Feef)
Tektite is a retired (volunteer) firefighter, and an active park ranger. The reason they’re still active is Marl, local Issue who has Issues with One Specific Tree. Tektite is the only person capable of talking them out.
Gneiss is a retired doctor. The two are on again/off again, and live in Gabbro’s apartment/condo complex (Granite is Gabbro’s new roommate so that area gets more attention)(they needed a place and Gabbro’s other other other hobby is taking in strays)
(Don’t remember if I said it already)(this is from Hollows on discord and you have a tumblr and for the life of me i dont remember what it is) Rutile runs the parks and rec in the area- they’ll put on festivals and events that the taco truck goes to.
There’s, three trucks, now? The first one is the smallest, no one really loves working in it except Feldspar, no one is comfortable working in it except Feldspar, Gossan and Chert. The other two are larger- Chert and Riebeck work together (Chert is in charge, is the chef, is the driver, Riebeck has the neatest hand to write things down and is good once they get into the flow of it) and Gabbro and Granite work together (newbie with the most experienced person who isn’t Feldspar Gossan or Esker) Gabbro and Chert can work together (Gabbro takes cooking and Chert has to deal with people) but Chert and Granite or Gabbro and Riebeck all work fine. Riebeck and Granite barely manage to keep their heads above water but since Chert and Gabbro are both part time sometimes that’s just how it goes (Granite cooks, Riebeck takes orders, because Riebeck burns things when they’re nervous)
Gossan is still down an eye, here. There was a manufacturer’s defect with the truck (brake line wasn’t attached correctly) and it failed while Feldspar was driving them. Truck hit a tree, Gossan lost an eye and broke an arm and several ribs, Feldspar got ejected from  the truck entirely. Gossan was awake after a couple days, and no one knew where Feldspar was for three weeks (assumed they were dead)(was going to be brought to the morgue soon to maybe id a body?) until Gossan recognized a scar on a Mx Doe in the coma ward (medically induced coma). Feldspar was woken up a week after, and still isn’t medically cleared to drive
Buddy Feef’s hatchling Graphite is an aquarium employee with an unhealthy fixation on Feldspar and Slate, who they see as Immortal and a Mechanical God (Feldspar used to do (illegal) drag racing and they did crash but never badly enough to take them off the track more than a month, they won money but they would have done it for free)(Slate hot rodded their cars). Feldspar is fond of them, in a ‘hey so if you go totally limp right before you hit you won’t break every bone in your body’ ‘I know i was just doing that but don’t you dare’ kinda way.
Graphite and Granite both are learning parkour because Feldspar is still doing it (more carefully)
I do have. Rough permanent menu figured out. And Feef wants to draw one of the trucks and this has taken over my brain
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
misc and disjointed taco truck au stuff
You can get pretty much anywhere with public transportation- take a bus, train, subway, whatever. If you don’t want to, it’s really easy to bike places. Following that, there’s not a lot of call for having a driver’s license- so not a lot of people have them.
But. Taco truck is a truck. So everyone who actually works on the trucks needs a license (eventually). Hornfels is the only person who doesn’t- they don’t need one. Slate has one too since, mechanic. (Mica can drive! Not legally though.) This Granite finds out they need glasses when they go to get a license and is. Not. excited.
Graphite (Buddy’s hatchling who works at an aquarium) is very Friend focused, and got to know the truck crew just by trying to be friends with them. Feldspar and kinda Esker decided to be irresponsible older relatives, Gossan is the only responsible one, Slate took the longest to warm up, but Mica likes them- Mica was and still will weld fish together when they have free time and scrap (Slate sells that in the shop but all proceeds go to Mica)
Gabbro wears. Almost exclusively. Punk cherries. Yes that is a splatoon boot no I do not care. Riebeck does also wear boots.
...Due to, I’m writing bits of this including The Crash, Feldspar got a fun new freckle pattern- it’s one big freckle, surrounded by broken circles with other freckles in them, looking like the solar system. It’s also on their butt, so, they don’t. Tell people. Gossan knows (And Graphite, due to minor Gym Shower incident, but Feldspar doesn’t realize that)
Final bit. Porphy’s #2 at Sap... is a nebulous, idk right now. They might be, Cycad (a Nomai). They might be, someone’s hatchling, if someone wants their hatchling slotted into all this.
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
small collection of things (taco truck au)(again)
I think I’m gonna go ahead and make this Gabbro HoH (I love the headcanon but it doesn’t work for my normal Gabbro) which. Lead to the realization that with how the Hearthians are, they probably have a sign language that everyone know regardless of if anyone’s deaf (Both in this au and just, in general).
It also leads to ‘Gabbro we need to’ *frantically switch to signing* ‘Put your hearing aids back in you need to work tonight’
Granite and Graphite (buddy’s hatchling who’s an aquarium employee, at the same parkour gym as Granite and Feldspar, plays the accordion) will meet up periodically at various parks to hang out and play their respective instruments. The only rule is you gotta take a parkour route to the park. Gneiss, a retired doctor and current part time music shop employee/helper who’s one of Gabbro’s neighbors has gotten to patch instruments together a number of times.
Gossan has and keeps up to date first aid/cpr certification; before they started the taco truck with Feldspar they were getting start money through working as an EMT and they’re not doing that anymore but they keep their certification active. When Feldspar was racing (not racing now because they’re still not cleared to drive following the crash) Gossan was always there as first aid for any crashes. Slate and Esker were both there as Feldspar’s... not pit crew, cause these aren’t legal drag races, but essentially pit crew. When people hear about that, it’s not a surprise Slate did that. It is a surprise Esker did.
As a joke Slate made a little tiny rocket out of spare parts that Feldspar put on the order window of the truck. When they got a second truck, Slate made one for that truck, but it kinda became, whoever is chef, they have their little ship they put on the order window- and since the cooking can vary in spice levels from ‘little bit of a kick’ to ‘sign a wavier first’ the ships are the best way a layperson can tell what level of spice to suspect.
The first little ship was half crushed when Gossan and Feldspar crashed; Hornfels salvaged it, and Feldspar still has it, but their new truck has a different ship.
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