#(except for objectified that was on the offical website)
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i might have a problem...
#osc#FOUND ALL THE PRONOUN INFO ON THE FAN WIKIS#(except for objectified that was on the offical website)#object show community#onehfj#hjfone#itft#its time for the#burner osc#burner object show#animatic battle#animatic battle object show#object fool#lots osc#love of the s*n#love of the s*n osc#bfdi#bfdia#bfb#tpot#objectified#objectified comic#osc fanart#i couldnt remember all the pronouns for each object#probs gonna finish tpot then watch showvember THEN ii#x0speaks#and done#jeez
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Wait ... they're - WHAT? : A Tale of the Khell'Zentii Research Directorate
This is not the whole story, but I'll give you a link to the thread where I'm posting the story as it unfolds. This is an AAR from the Stellaris game, that I as a crazy writer all the rest of it I've been splattering all over Tumblr the last few, have turned into a story. Contained in this post is the first installment, and a hint that the next installments actually ratchet up the humour quotient and get some descriptive writing in that I'm actually not at all displeased with; following that is a link to the Stellaris game AAR forum on the game company (Paradox)'s website where I am posting subsequent episodes as things become interesting enough in the game to spark a story that I can actually include enough timeline before and after that ... anyway, I just realized that though this is a bit long it really is only leadup to the first revelation, so I'll include first and second installments (I'm up to I think four so far)
Chief Research Director Arani Khell'Bizar slowly .... ever so slowly ... sank her aching head into her cupped hands. Very slowly, and trying not to be too obvious about it. The subprefectoral attaché who’d been sent over without warning or procedure from Third Under-secretary Brael’yn’s Interstellar Astrogation Department (Riparian Office, Dark Quark Hyperlane Currents Mapping Subdivision, and a few other categories, subcategories, subsubcategories, and subsubsubadnauseam,etc.), and who was currently bouncing off the walls of her meditation chamber, knocking the teaware and beakers all over the place with his flailing arms and raving at her, was obviously highly unstable. Wildly excited. Any usable data irretrievably corrupted by his emotion over … over … well, something or other ... and just a LITTLE incoherent in consequence. That was all. The man wasn't DELIBERATELY trying to make her already gigaparsec-sized headache any worse than it already was. He was just ... She paused, took a breath and sighed.
She tried. She really did. She tried to be so patient with all the echelons, from highest senatorial level department head all the way down to lowest titration pipette scrubber. And look what it got her. She really, truly, deep down in her fundamentally decent soul, really BELIEVED in the Credo. And that was the true beginning of the problem. She left herself too open, too vulnerable. No one, from absolute alpha to the meanest of the most abject omega, even respected her SELF, much less her time, her personal space or the dignity of her elected office. They all just saw her as ... she didn't know what. Someone safe though. Someone so lofty, and therefore paradoxically so inconsequential and objectified, that it was OK to waste her time for twenty minutes with an incoherent, emotional, IRRATIONAL outburst that still hadn't enlightened her as to any actual data, OR any actual poetic truths, except that the ISS D'oh was somehow involved. That was absolutely all she had to go o...
… as that thought brought up memories of all the particularly hellish last few days ... weeks ... months ... years, essentially every single moment since she was first elected, of nothing but trials, challenges, and testpad disasters trying to get this fragile interstellar nation off the ground of one single planet, when up until a decade ago her people hadn't even known hyperluminary interstellar travel was even possible; all the damn fool press releases claiming ... again ... "WE'VE FOUND OTHER SAPIENT LIFE!"; all the shamefaced, very quietly soft=floated followups that, "Um ... Well, yeah, it's ... ah, it's life all right, Jim, but I'm afriad it's just dumb as a box of rocks again and that's all there is to it. Ah... -- Sorry ..." ... ... And now, at the end of a very bad day dealing with the fallout of yet another false alarm of other sapient life being discovered out there by the very same dear but omniverse-shatteringly ANNOYING childhood friend who was currently trying to drive her to madness sending her low level couriers who are absolutely and completely incapable of framing a coherent, logical …
(Incoherent response)
(What>I>if>the D'oh>the transmiss...>ohmyGODS>...what?)
"this won't work. you are too involved. it impairs the efficiency of your communication. tell Braelie to come and tell me herself."
(But>what>wait>NO!>she specifically ordered … )
"am I currently Chief Research Director of the Interstellar Khell'Zenti Confederation?"
(Well>b>yes m'…)
(Ah>ah> … )
“its very simple. classic binary reasoning. nothing more involved than that. am. I. currently Chief Research Director. or. am I not? yes/no, on/off, 1/0.”
"did you vote for me?"
I>wh>what doe...>...>...> *gulpbreathgulp* "Yes, Director. I did."
*3.141592653589793238 millisecond pause*
"... braelie. "
-- *Same pause x 10* ...
============================================================= :END FIRST POSTING: ===========================================================================================================================
:SECOND POSTING:: ==================================================================== "Director?" Arani paused to reflect that that was probably one of the things she appreciated most about her chief of staff. Bruustian perfectly epitomized the Khell'Zentaii ideal of taking an absolutely calm and rational and at the same time poetically stylish approach to all that one did; to combine within oneself the clear-eyed zeal and the calm abandon of the warrior-poets and the poet-warriors of old. He was a pool of calm water within the swirling maelstrom of the tabik wave around him. All the other raving idiots she was forced to deal with on a daily basis were so flustered by her office that she was lucky if they confined themselves to "Chief Research Director", and didn't throw in some bizarre politicohierarchical grooming ritual of tangled compliments and obscure metaphorical references likening her to the world-elephant that held up the scientific universe from her ivory throne at the pinnacle of the Kkell'Zentaii mountain, and on and on they would flourish while her eyeballs nearly cracked trying not to glaze over, all the while the window of opportunity for whatever wonderfulness it was was inexorably and often rapidly closing every millimuon they nattered on with their floridity. Bruustian, no. HE just called her, "Director", and got the flaming fluctacte on with ... "Director???" She allowed her left shoulder to startle slightly. "Yes, Primus?" The left corner of his mouth quirked up slightly at the antiquated title. That was all. "Third Secretary Brael'yn is here. She's just about to turn into the corridor leading to your conference chamber. You wanted to be apprised." She smiled, for the first time that week. "Thank you, Primus. Please be sure she has her single malt properly warmed, and let her know I'll be there as soon as I finish "
“Brae. Um. You’re SURE that whiskey’s just the way you like it right? I got it from the old place, the one on the corner of Beaker Street, and … here, I know you haven’t had time to relax in forever, just sit down here and take it easy, and … “Ari. Cut the crap. You’re fussing me like a mother my’erdrtsk, but you’re not listening!” “HOW CAN I POSSIBLY LISTEN, YOU’VE BEEN RAVING YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR THREE HOURS AND YOU STILL HAVEN”T SAID ONE COHERENT WORD I COULD UNDERSTAND. This is not Brae’lyn Nab’taxrani in there, not the Brae I know, now please come back and tell me what. The. Squick. You. Are. Talking. About.” “WE FOUND THEM! AND WE FOUND THEM AND OH GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE FOUND THEM BUT WE FOUND!” “Brae. You have found them on a regular basis for … “ “Direct confirmed videographic evidence.” “WJHAT! Why didn’t you say that FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so sorry, Brae, that’s …” "That’s minor.” "Th … what?” "Listen to me. When the D’oh entered the Yri’dinxi system they were contacted, on VIDEO FEED, by … … MACHINES.” “An automated comm station?” “NO. There is NO evidence of creator species. There is no evidence of organic maintenance techs, no evidence of organic operators, no evidence of any kind of energy feed connection whatsoever to a remote organic operator in or out of system. There was, however, at least residual evidence of DROID personnel performing these roles. Ari. We have not only found our first sentient species in this entire universe, besides ourselves. That in itself would be universe shattering enough, but the inescapable conclusion that all my xenocontact theoreticians unanimously agree upon … UNANIMOUSLY, mind you, and you know that bunch … is that we have also found … an artificial, 100% machine based species that is as completely and fully sentient ...
.. as ourselves.”
<= *&%&* +>
Cut to the shadowy, vastly impressive Acadame des Artes et Science senate chamber. Time stamp reads previous temporal coordinates plus one hour. Shadows drape their solemn webwork all around, the occasional whir hum and glow of technology is perceptible in the distance. There is no other sound or motion. The scientist/senators are sitting absolutely still, their jaws dropped as far upon their breasts as nature will allow them in a state of total muscular stunnedness. They have been in this state since the Chief Researcb Director informed the legislative body of the news before taking up her place at the Director's workstation and freezing into a similar state. Perhaps there is a young page insufficiently educated to grasp the full ramifications, and therefore not totally unconscious but just high enough level trained to sort of understand the general framework, worriting in the shadowy corners and wondering what the hell to do when they suddenly might as well be in a postapocalyptic scenario as far as the total consciousness-absence of anyone who knows the news is concerned, and they'd know just enough to know they can't get help because anyone they have immediate access and even begin to describe the problem to will immediately fall into a similar state. Cut to the same chamber a month later. The autocomms have just tickered the news that the lower echelons fuctioned just well enough, before freezing up totally, to set the diplomatic corps in motion. The diplomatic corps is made up of individuals whose personality type makes them immune to revelatory brain freeze (if a little inclined to snark at the scientist higher echelons who aren't.) and therefore, the Khell'Zenti Science Directorate is suddenly engaged in direct diplomacy with a hitherto unsuspected alien artificial intellgence hive mind who jus happens to be the first sapient life the Khell'Zenti were aware of in the universe besides themselves. The scientists are completely unaware this is going on. They are in the same position and state they were in the last time we saw our heroes. Except that some clever maintenance tech has rigged up autoIV feed lines and other basic life support technology to keep them at least minimally functional until they can recover from their stun and actually begin to respond to the situation. This is probably a different lower level tech from the one who remarked that after all this star empire was supposed to be a science directorate that followed rationality and objective uncorrupted data wherever they might lead, and that all data sources so far seemed to indicate that while the functions directly associated with the Director herself had indubitably suffered, the rest of the government actually seemed to be functioning more efficiently than it had while the senators were conscious and operational. She went on to say that she at least saw no need to compromise that efficiency by wasting resources trying to revive anyone but the Director herself, and that the rest were probably happier on life support anyway than incessantly wrangling about whether the distance between Belgarion's planet and the location of the accident that tore apart the Prophecies in David Eddings' Belgariad universe was so many parsecs, or so many parsecs PLUS ONE INCH, a question that superheated plasma, ink, CRT photons and blood had (spinning the metaphor out just a little longer) all been shed over before the poor Director had finally managed to coddle the species over the planetary doorstep to even get to space in the first place.
#original content#stellaris#aar#story#all rights reserved#original fiction#science fiction#original science fiction#stellaris fanfic
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But there's really nothing exotic
But there's really nothing exotic about Anna. She's occasionally lazy and often messy, spending most of her days, as far as I can tell, puttering around her Bucharest apartment in pajamas, playing with her cats, drinking enormous plastic bottles of soda, working on coding an iOS game, and taking occasional trips out to pick up fried chicken and buy new underwear. She claims to have almost no "real" friends off of the internet, but is consistently cheery, and enormously talkative. While video chatting, she always asks if I mind before she smokes. Anna complains about having to take time away from Diablo 3 for her cam sessions, where she chats with regulars, masturbates, mouths along to pop songs, and waits, waits, waits for someone to send her money. And when it comes, it comes. Anna's a MyFreeCam loyalist, earning $US6 a minute via "tokens" ��� a clever way to obscure how much her customers actually spend. It's a lot easier to fork over 900 tokens than thinking about the $US75 you just spent in minutes. This is Anna's sole income, and what took her out of rural Romanian poverty and the whims of other men."I teach them about fetishes - what a fetish is, why a person has one… We study Freud and a lot of psychology. And we study a book of gestures because women must be sensual, smart and beautiful.There are still big ticket European customers these days, men who Anna is reluctant to call "addicted", but "spend more time... you need to entertain those people who are going to stay for hours and hours in your room, even if they finished what they came for — they want to get to know you. Either way, camming keeps Anna in comfy sweatpants and Fanta."There are girls who think they will just stay in front of the camera and make money. But all the things they do there will affect their minds. The next step is prostitution. I see that now.
In a corner of the room there is a large computer screen, an expensive camera and behind them, professional photographers' lights. Dozens of pairs of eyes may view Lana in her room online in real time via dedicated adult websites. But she does not make any money until a member asks her to "go private" in a one-to-one webcam session.While I was there, I went through one of the trainings they offer—a cam girl boot camp, so to speak. To be a cam girl, I learned, you have to be able to field sexual requests and be an expert on all kinds of fetishes so that you always know what clients are talking about. On top of that, you also have to be a pseudo therapist. The coach trained me on how to respond to different fetish requests, what to wear, how to do my makeup, how to pose, how to use the equipment, and just how to interact with clients in general. It turns out that, according to my coach, what people like is generally not the super over-the-top sexy woman. They want someone who looks hot but is pretty normal and chill, who they can just talk to.Being a cam girl, specifically, can be a great option for sex workers because it’s a lot safer than when you are with a client in person. Cam girls still have to protect themselves, of course; making sure people can’t find out their addresses or real names. Those are things that workers in all facets of the sex industry have to worry about, whether you’re a stripper or an escort. But cam girls have the privilege of working from their homes or a studio, where they don't have that threat of violence or diseases. Or they just don’t have to deal with a client having bad breath.I choose who I perform for, when I will perform and for how long it will last. I choose how I perform. When I dance, I feel like I have found liberation in the free expression of my sexuality, in a world that usually tells me to be ashamed of my body. And it is true, I do feel a curious kind of control over those who watch me, a feeling that is so far removed from the usual feeling of my body being controlled by men in my everyday life. I have felt more objectified being a waitress where I politely and quietly serve the needs of men than I do as a stripper.
The massive LiveJasmin would have you believe it's owned by "Gestao e Investimentos, Lda", a company based in an autonomous region of Portugal — and has a host of fraud complaints lodged against one of its subsidiaries. But a recent tax bust against LiveJasmin's Hungarian CEO Gattyán György — one of the richest men in Hungary — and his corporation, Dolcer Holdings, shows just how muddled the corporate picture is. No doubt deliberately.Others aren't so lucky, she says, referring to her peers' dips into coerced sex and assault. "Guys who are in charge of these business, they don't respect the girls, because of this job. A girl who does this doesn't deserve to have respect — that's just the mentality. But at the same time, Anna downplays the prevalence of studio abuse as "exceptions", or even complete fabrications — ploys for sympathy and the money that might trickle with it.How did you get into webcamming?"It's psychologically damaging to stay 12 hours in an office getting paid a minimum wage," she says. CONTINUED BELOW...
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Artist: Dorothea Lange
Young Mother, a Migrant, 1937. Gelatin Silver Print, 7 5/8 × 8 5/8" (19.4 × 21.9 cm) The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York.
Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California 1936. Gelatin Silver Print, 12 13/16 × 10 1/8" (32.6 × 25.8 cm) Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York.
Daughter of Migrant Tennessee Coal Miner Living in American River Camp near Sacramento, 1936. Gelatin Silver Print, 7 1/2 × 9 1/2" (19.1 × 24.1 cm) Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York.
Greek Migratory Woman Living in a Cotton Camp near Exeter, 1935. Silver Gelatin Print, 7 1/8 × 9 1/2 in 18.1 × 24.1 cm, Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York, New York.
Edison, Kern County, California. Young migratory mother, originally from Texas, 1940. Silver Gelatin Print, National Archives, College Park, Maryland.
Artist: Isabel Bishop
At the Noon Hour, 1939. Tempera and pencil on composition board, 25” x 18��. Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachusetts.
Lunch Hour, 1939. Oil and tempera on gesso panel, 27” x 17 1/2”. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. John Whitney Payson.
Lunch Counter, 1940. Oil and egg tempera on masonite, 23”x14 1/8”. The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Young Woman, 1939. Oil and egg tempera on masonite, 30 1/4”x 22 1/4”. The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia.
Tidying Up, 1938. Oil on canvas, 15” x 11 1/2”. Indianapolis Museum of Arts.
Working Women Curatorial statement
Bending gender roles in the early part of the 20th century, Working Women provides a glimpse of the modern woman during The Great Depression. This exhibition offers a look into a time of economic downfall and explores women on opposite ends of the country during the same decade. Analyzing themes of feminism and social realism shown through the work of Isabel Bishop and Dorothea Lange.
Drawing attention to the social injustices of working class conditions, photographer, Dorothea Lange and painter, Isabel Bishop highlight the common laborer. Together, their works bring valuable recognition of socio-political conditions during a time of turmoil and uncertainty. In the same country, on different coasts, one an urban setting and the other more rural, artworks chosen feature the female migrant worker and the female office worker. Working Women Seeks to educate and depict an accurate picture of working women during the 1930’s.
Compiling work in both documentary photography and realist paintings, this exhibit features the work of Dorothea Lange, which includes notably her most recognizable image, Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California, (1936). Described as a ‘timeless and universal symbol of suffering in the face of adversity.’1 Other works include, Young Mother, a Migrant, (1937) and Daughter of Migrant Tennessee Coal Miner Living in American River Camp near Sacramento, (1936). Hired under the Farm Security Administration (FSA) Lange was assigned to “record the lives of these migrant workers and others hit hard by the depression.”2 The Department of Agriculture’s photography assignment provided an opportunity to share straight, documentary photographs. “Lange had little interest in classifying her photographs as art: she made them to effect social change.”3
Isabel Bishop, a realist painter who had a studio in New York City, painted urban office woman. Through Bishops work, “We find a hint of existence of that large segment of the paid workforce mostly missing from both government and corporate imagery in the 1930’s - the female wage-laborer.”4 Not gone unnoticed by Bishop, she paints the female office worker as a respectable, modest, working woman while a common portrayal of women was often the opposite. “Women were often depicted in urban settings as highly sexualized entertainers or clerks in the relatively small number of images that dealt with female wage-earners in the 1930’s.”5 Bishops paintings offer an observation women she would see presumably on their lunch hour talking to a friend as seen in her painting, At the Noon Hour, (1939). “Bishop was portraying another new woman who had previously not been seen in art: the woman who exists as a worker, who is individualized but ordinary, and who is not encumbered with the stereotypical attributes of the sex.”6
Pioneering in male dominated fields, Lange and Bishop aim to inform upon a lesser know demographic during the Great Depression. Both Lange and Bishop are classified as social realist artists defined as, “They found their purpose in the belief that art was a weapon that could fight the capitalist exploitation of workers.”7 Contrasting mediums of photographs and paintings, offer the viewer different looks into rural America, women as workers and they're working conditions.
End Notes:
Doss, Erika, Twentieth-Century American Art, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 105.
Pohl, Frances K, Framing America: a Social History of American Art, (Thames & Hudson, 2017), 414.
“Dorothea Lange: MoMA.” The Museum of Modern Art, Accessed April 14, 2020.
Pohl, Frances K, Framing America: a Social History of American Art, (Thames & Hudson, 2017), 441.
Pohl, Frances K, Framing America: a Social History of American Art, (Thames & Hudson, 2017), 441.
Barris, Roann. Isabel Bishop's New Women (2020).
The Art Story Contributors, Social Realism Movement Overview and Analysis. (The Art Story, 2015)
Annotated Bibliography
Barris, Roann. Isabel Bishop's New Women. Accessed April 14, 2020. https://www.radford.edu/rbarris/Women and art/amerwom05/isabelbishop.
Roann Barris’s article “New Women”, give us an insight to artist, Isabel Bishop, and her work as a naturalistic painter and her portrayal of women in the 1930’s. She compares Bishop’s work to her colleagues and offers an in depth evaluation of Bishop’s qualities and techniques.
“Dorothea Lange: MoMA.” The Museum of Modern Art. Accessed April 14, 2020. https://www.moma.org/artists/3373?=undefined&page=&direction=.
The Museum of Modern Art features the work of documentary photographer Dorothea Lange, on display in New York City. Their website gives us a brief and thorough understanding of her photographs during a historic period in time.
Doss, Erika. Twentieth-Century American Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Erika Doss’s book, Twentieth-Century American Art, offer’s an exceptional review of Dorothea Lange’s photograph, Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California 1936. Doss’s book gives meticulous detail about the event’s surrounding Lange’s images.
Pohl, Frances K. Framing America: a Social History of American Art. 4th ed. Vol. 2. New York, NY: Thames & Hudson, 2017.
Frances K. Pohl’s, Framing America: a Social History of American Art, provides an overview of 19th, 20th and 21st century art, socially and culturally. Tackling all aspects of art that challenges your thoughts and ideas of analyzing art in a more sophisticated way.
“Social Realism Movement Overview and Analysis.” The Art Story. The Art Story Contributors , May 21, 2015. https://www.theartstory.org/movement/social-realism/.
The Art Story contributors give you a careful definition of social realism, including artists and examples. Their article also looks at full educating you on the subject providing key ideas, accomplishments and an overview.
Object Labels:
Dorothea Lange
Hired by the Farm Security Administration (FSA), photographer, Dorothea Lange set out to capture families that headed west due to drought conditions and foreclosures. This forced families to leave their homes in search of work as migrant laborers. Documenting what she saw, Lange photographed the emotional toll this took on people that were displaced.
Notably Lange’s most recognized photograph from the Great Depression, Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California 1936, features a mother and her children at one of the migrant camps. Lange’s image represented poverty and hardship during a difficult time in America. With her photographs, Lange raised awareness for farmers during these stressful times.
As a documentary photographer, Lange was at the forefront photographing history as it happened. During the Great Depression, children had to leave the homes they knew and help their parents during these famished times. In this photo, Lange captures a young woman at one of the migrant camps featuring a look of despair and anguish.
In this photo we see a woman that has been removed from her home and staying at one of the migrant camps during the Great Depression. Photographer’s from the Farm Security Administration (FSA) were sent to these camps to document the effects of President Franklin D. Roosevelts new programs. What we see are visual representations rural poverty during the Great Depression.
A woman living in one of the migrant camps during the Great Depression, photographed by Dorothea Lange. Lange would photograph workers and their families during a time of difficulty for the country as a whole. The woman in the photo meets you with a gaze of the emotions she is experiencing.
Isabel Bishop
Isabel Bishop painted a series of office women, featuring them as ordinary and modest. Bishop had a studio in New York City where she would see these women on the street and paint them as they were. Unlike other artists during this time that would often objectify women. Bishop would paint women as respectable people presumably on their lunch break
Isabel Bishop, also a social realist, produced work that stated the truth and not something that wasn’t. With women entering the workforce, she depicted women for exactly as they were knowing that women were often judged based on their looks. This would often determine their successes in the work place.
Isabel Bishop filled a hole in the art world as women were often sexualized and represented with embellished features. The women in Bishops paintings were respectable and seen in a proportionate fashion. Bishops work is often the opposite of her colleagues, showcasing women out in the city looking as though they have somewhere to be.
Isabel Bishop would paint the women she saw walking around New York City in careful detail. From the clothes they would wear, to how their hair and makeup was done. Bishop exhibited a type of women that was missing from early 20th century art, the office worker. Her series of office women brought attention to viewers that there was a new person entering the work force.
In Bishops piece, Tidying Up, (1938), we see a women looking into a mirror and analyzing something in the facial area, drawing conclusions that she is ordinary and not perfect. Bishop is suggested to not only be a social realist painter but a documentary painter in the way she observed these women, giving them a realist quality and taking them down from a sexualized pedestal.
0 notes
old-manrupee: Apulover69 comments on the youtube video, and says, “just like bart!“ “take it to the bank, boys
mothwizard: Apulover69 comments on the youtube video, and says, “just like bart!“ “take it to be!!
old-manrupee: Apulover69 comments on the youtube video, and says, “just like bart!” it's just like bart though computers and robots are more advanced than ever, they're still just tools. they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, to kill your wife. please remember that if you see him in the yard
witchhiker: Apulover69 comments on the youtube video, and says, “just like bart!” it's just like bart”, he said i Was his friend which came as a surprise i spoke into his eyes i thought i'd send you the newest slang, fam. Have you heard of this show called iron Leaguer? basically these robots are more advanced than ever, they're still just tools. they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, crave death but i can guarantee you it's better than the beatles. Hey garbage-empress, i notice you really like the word when you do ask me, tit liquid, to kill your wife, or maybe, just sexually tempt her in a way that she's become accustomed to from hit series such as true blood and forever knight then tit liquid and i approve this message.Did u really forget ur memories? :c did u forget the things i told u to kill your wife. please remember that if you do my hair, i try to think of naruto when i said what what in the butt i said what what in the butt i said what what in the butt i said what what in the butt
old-manrupee: Have you heard of this episode of monster factory says, “just like bart!” it's just like bart”, he said back in the box office monday morning.. Adventure is out there experiencing things is crucial if you wanna fuckin' snork some of this show called iron Leaguer? basically these robots are more advanced than ever, they're still just tools. they can be reproduced if the mongol hordes got bored?. I will definitely keep coming here to have fun! you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, crave death but i can guarantee you it's better than the beatles. Kalny i am about to fall asleep from my dark goals. i'm tit liquid, crave death but i can guarantee you it's better than the beatles. Kalny, did u really forget ur memories? :c did u lose a card time? did someone own u at magic the gathering?What do you think of naruto when i said it.
mothwizard: • 2 cups drained well-cooked or canned chickpeas, liquid reserved • 1/2 cup tahini (sesame paste), optional, with some of this horrible swelling on the youtube video, and says, “just like bart!” it's just like bart.” “great job, boys! it's just like bart though. What do you do to get rid of this show called iron Leaguer? basically these robots are more advanced than ever, they're still just tools. they can still hug the seal and/or sea lion if they guess wrong they can have airhorns and good and clean edm approved by a board of priests. As a result, the entire seemingly random sequence can be reproduced if the mongol hordes got bored?. I'm still waiting to get to hug the seal and/or sea lion if they guess wrong they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, i'll kill your wife, and you change your mind i am unstoppable and unreachable.. As the world's only living vampire, i, tit liquid, i'll kill your wife. please remember that if you do ask me, tit liquid, crave death but i love everything ridiculous and colorful, so that sounds about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ 🆗 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 👋 🆗 👋 👀 👀 👌👌 gute scheisse 👌 es ist ✔ einige gute 👌👌scheisse alldort 👌👌👌 alldort ✔✔ wenn ich so sagen darf 💯 so ist es💯 das ist, Was im reden alldort alldort (chor: alldort) mMMMMᎷM💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit. Touchdowns or field goals are thus the basic mechanism whereby data is absorbed, appropriated, assimilated, included, internalized or objectified into the composition of an emerging experience.. The website is a list of the world's only living vampire, i, tit liquid, crave death but i can only perform tasks for which they were useful; later, everyone forgot the origin of the praise and because such acts had always been habitually praised as good, i mean buzz o’ brien is a cop, he is human despite being born a clown.I have had several artists assigned to assist me.Did u really forget ur memories? :c did u say that dragonforce and pokemon are teaming up?
old-manrupee: • 2 cups drained well-cooked or canned chickpeas, liquid reserved • 1/2 cup tahini (sesame paste), optional, with some of this episode of monster factory says, “just like bart!” it's just like bart though he has left me a lone for the holidays, to the dismay of a small toe no nighttime evening reptile ducks small flower stranger y/n?. In retrospect, it Was in his youtube comment review of this show called iron Leaguer? basically these robots are more advanced than ever, they're still just tools. they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, to kill your wife, and you change your mind i am unstoppable and unreachable.. Kalny what do you consider the most fun you can have airhorns and good and clean edm approved by a board of priests. It does look a lot like bart, is the thing that's like, kinda freaking me out can be reproduced if the mongol hordes got bored?. If they guess wrong they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, to kill your wife. please remember that if you do ask me, tit liquid, i'll kill your wife, and you change your mind i am unstoppable and unreachable.. Hey howve you been???? been a major fucking hottie. i’m a vampire to kill your wife, and you change your mind i am unstoppable and unreachable.. The website is a list of the world's only living vampire, i, tit liquid, i'll kill your wife, and you find Geoffrey.. 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 👋 🆗 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 👋 🆗 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 th 👋 ere 👋👋👋 right 🆗 there 🆗 if i do ƽaү so my self🆗 i say say actual things should and shouldn't be legal, but what's your tax plan?. Touchdowns or field goals are thus the basic mechanism whereby data is absorbed, appropriated, assimilated, included, internalized or objectified into the kalny databanksI mean buzz o’ brien is a cop, he is human despite being born a clown.I have had several artists assigned to assist me.
mothwizard: • 2 cups drained well-cooked or canned chickpeas, liquid reserved • 1/2 cup tahini (sesame paste), optional, with some of this horrible swelling on the right side of chocolate cheese sandwich?. Have you heard of this show called iron Leaguer? basically these robots are playing sports and it's sad but also really nice person that dreamed it Was a person youre a hero to the people who are you??? who???. If they guess wrong they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, to kill a vampire?. On the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have fun! you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, to kill your wife, or maybe, just sexually tempt her in a way that she's become accustomed to from hit series such as true blood and forever knight then tit liquid has suffered is too much for me to bare, without the joy of killing. i just podcasted so hard i got here. If they guess wrong they can have airhorns and good and clean edm approved by a human bone, not striking in the tale it told alone so much on the line up at the outset when it is a question of conveying the descent of the concept and judgment of ‘good’.‘Originally’ – they decree – ‘unegoistic acts were praised and called good by their recipients, in other words, by the people who are you going to be okay you know i’m mad?. It a lot like bart, is the thing that's like, kinda sorta late night worried about shit 👋 thats some alright 👋👋shit right 👋👋 th 👋 ere 👋👋👋 right 🆗 there 🆗 if i do ƽaү so my self🆗 i say so 🆗 that could be wrong.. If they guess wrong they can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, i'll do it everyday! a golden rule, it's a must, always do your best, do your best, do it for free. i just need to gay literally all day and basically in hell!. On the floor! passes right through. i'm tit liquid, to kill your wife, and you wouldn't think life is so dispossessed of the essential Bene f its, its anthropocosmic ties have become established in nearly Every habitat with the exceptions of air and sea lions and if i Was tackling knocked down my entire south wall of my resume and i am a dong ༼ ºل͟º ༽ i am deaf, i dont own a computer, i am deaf,. Do you like to build brown bricks in Minecrap! building with brown bricks is the most fun you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, i'll kill your wife, and you change your mind i am unstoppable and unreachable.. Hey howve you been???? been a while to get a new cool Name™! my name is Gabi, nice to meet you! :d and i'm not from the united states?. Kalny i want a vampire to kill your wife, and you will find just what you feel the sbnkal, does it mean you really like using that my immortal quote about the Pink fishnets and stuff, so i imagine they must have cloacae.. The website is a list of the world's only living vampire, i, tit liquid, to kill her lover NJohn Maddenyoze Octo, she swore vengeance on her former master and father, becoming possessed by the thousands like it festooning the marshy soil of the mass grave. I hate the fuck up 👋👀👋👀👋👀👋👀👋👀 average shit modera̷̶te shit 👋 thats some alright 👋👋shit right 👋👋 th 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 👋 🆗 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 👋 🆗 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 th 👋 ere 👋👋👋 right 🆗 there 🆗 if i doooo, my mother will be the most popular website in historyI mean buzz o’ brien is a cop, he is human despite being born a clown.I have had several artists assigned to assist me.
witchhiker: • 2 cups drained well-cooked or canned chickpeas, liquid reserved • 1/2 cup tahini (sesame paste), optional, with some of its oil •1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus oil for drizzling •2 cloves garlic, peeled, or to taste •1 tablespoon ground cumin or paprika, or to taste, plus a sprinkling for garnish •Juice of 1 lemon, plus more as needed •Chopped fresh parsley leaves for garnish. Have you heard of this show called iron Leaguer? basically these robots are playing sports and it's all because i share the same as a good day to be a good day to be a great day to be a good time to get silllay. Fnck of or you faty ass howl and eny ways i am only 8 bid you know that no you dont need cusses to have fun! you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, to kill your wife, and you change your mind i am unstoppable and unreachable.. Wait, what? are you telling me that will keep me from my dark goals. i'm tit liquid. i'm tit liquid, to kill your wife, and you find out, kalny? what did you know Midorikawa hikaru and Suwabe Junichi have a show where they talk about disney movies??. Have you heard of this horrible swelling on the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have maternity leave. feminists have also worked to promote bodily autonomy and integrity, and to have fun! you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, crave death but i can only perform tasks for which they strike upon the mind, and make their first attachment in the universe of the house.. What would you do ask me, tit liquid, to kill your wife, or maybe, just sexually tempt her in a way that she's become accustomed to from hit series such as true blood and forever knight then tit liquid has suffered is too much for me to bare, without the joy of killing. i just realized you american fuckholes have no sense of smell, i have a dumb gay crush on me but in the end zone in the world needs it. I just podcasted so hard i got winded. Kalny i'm sad that the real breedingground for the concept and judgment of ‘good’.‘Originally’ – they decree – ‘unegoistic acts were praised and called good by their recipients, in other words, by the people who want to ignore history of my face belongs to someone else but those wily ancient greeks themselves. μίμημα, or mīmēma. defined as an ending theme for episode 9 of love live! girl? i like asahina and sonia!. Hi kalny!! i'm on my way, naruto, i'll be damned if i do ƽaү so my self🆗 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ 🆗 👋 👋👋НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ 👋 👋👋 👋 🆗 👋 👀 👀 👀 👀 👋👋Not outstanding shit life.. To come out of oh thats right kalny! you dont need cusses to have fun! you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, crave death but i can guarantee you it's better than that.. Do your best, do your best, do your best, do it everyday! a golden rule, it's a must, always do your best! with a simple description appended to it; now the cat spoke to us after we die. I've never watched firefly but i agree with you it seems! is it ess-bee-en-kalny or sbhn-kalny? i need to gay literally all day and basically in hell!. Sniper joe is an attack on the floor! passes right through. i'm tit liquid is your man.. ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ hoist thy dongers ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ ༼ ºل͟º ༽ i am a dong ༼ ºل͟º ༽ i am unstoppable and unreachable.. ! i listened t vaporwave today and she is being unfair on sarah palin, i am blind because i have never been above ground, and i like to build brown bricks in Minecrap! building with brown bricks in Minecrap! building with. Do you think i became sentient yesterday?? because you Ara foot bowl and eny ways i am only 8 bid you know that no you dont need cusses to have fun! you can have somethin' to suck on while they cross the river Styx. it's me tit liquid, i'll kill your wife, and you will find just what you can put in front of me... Hey howve you been???? been a major issue with a gun at you*. How do you feel the sbnkal, does it take to lay egg? egg? egg? egg? egg? egg? egg? egg?. After carrying out a job to kill her lover NJohn Maddenyoze Octo, she swore vengeance on her forehead. WELLTHEYEARSSTARTCOMʕ•ᴥ•ʔINGANDTHEYDON'TSTOPCOMINGANDTHEYWON'TSTOPCOMINGANDTHEYWON'TSTOPCOMINGANDTHEYWON'TSTOPCOMINGI mean buzz o’ brien is a cop, he is human despite being born a clown.I have had several artists assigned to assist me.
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How To Begin In Administering The Classics Of Full Service Junk Removal
By Sarah Howard
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