#(even if i was always at a beautifully steady 5 fps the entire time)
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luminarrow Ā· 8 months ago
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had lots of fun at the ttcc pride parade shoutouts to all the lesbians ā¤ļø (im boo boo snifflepaws!)
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wildlyminiaturesandwich Ā· 6 years ago
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The Sims 4 Moschino Stuff - Early Access Build/Buy Review
Huge thank you to the EA Game Changer Program for providing me with the opportunity to play Moschino Stuff early!
Ever since I saw the trailer for Moschino Stuff, I knew the Build/Buy content was going to be the part of this pack that I was the most excited for and interested in and for the most part I absolutely love a lot of it. But, like CAS, Build/Buy is not without itā€™s issues.
As always, if you have any questions about the pack, feel free to send me an ask!
See a preview of all the new Build/Buy items here
šŸ‘—The Buy
I pretty much love all of the Buy Mode objects. The couches come in some very cool patterns as well as solids, the funky pop art mirror is fun, and I love that the end table is much lower than most end tables we have so it sits nice and flush at the same height as the couches and coffee table.
But my favourite things are probably, as always, the decorative stuff. More specifically the LiBEARian (the books with the bear book ends, get it!), the Simsational Style Stack (the magazine pile) and the Amp Stack (theyā€™re all in the pics above). Even though the Amp Stack is purely decorative, it looks very cool sitting next to a guitar and adds a lot of character to any musicianā€™s house!
I also really like the Repurposed Gear Chest (the trunk with stickers on it) thatā€™s essentially a coffee table and looks very cool and retro, and the Tastefully Empty Bookcase which... is not empty at all? lol I do wish the bookcase came in different heights and widths as well, but at least this time itā€™s a short one, unlike the bookcases that came with Seasons and StrangerVille that I love but never get to use because theyā€™re too tall for short walls.
Something thatā€™s bothered me pretty much since base game released is that thereā€™s no consistent colour palette for all build/buy objects. I get that each pack has specific themes and there might be colours that fit that theme better than others but I would love to see a consistent palette used throughout every pack ā€” say like black and white obviously, 5 different wood tones, 5 solid neutrals and 5 solidĀ ā€œstandardā€ colours (blue, red, yellow etc) ā€” and have every single item that gets added to the game made in those colours, then if a new pack has specific colours for itā€™s theme they can be added on top of the standard palette. I like the colour palette that was chosen for the items in this pack but I found it really hard to find anything from other packs that matched it. It bothers me so much that nothing ever matches from pack to pack, half the time objects in the same pack donā€™t even match! And even now that the 350 new swatches were added to base game doors... they still donā€™t match anything else!
Sorry, I know Iā€™m ranting and this has very little to do with Moschino Stuff but it just really bothers me that nothing ever matches because whenever I build I spend hours trying to find a floor to match the trim around the bottom of the wall Iā€™ve chosen, then none of the doors match the floor and trim so I have to change it all, then none of the windows match the doors, floor and trim, and on and on until Iā€™ve completely forgotten what I originally wanted the build to look like!
I really like the new frames we got for photos too, and the fact that they can now be placed on tables BUT Iā€™ve had a couple of issues with them. First of all, itā€™s not possible to turn the frames placed on tables using the alt key, so you can only turn them in 45 degree increments and I hate that. I like to have all my photo frames slightly askew at different angles and it bothers me that these ones can only be places either facing straight forwards or angled by 45 degrees.
The second issue I have with the frames is actually more of a technical one but Iā€™m not entirely sure if itā€™s the frames themselves, the photos, or the photography skill; I havenā€™t been able to work that out yet. When I have a sim take photos using the new tripod and camera everything is fine, but the second I exit out of the photography UI my FPS drops drastically.
I thought it was just my computer being stupid at first, until other Game Changers started reporting the same issue. I suspect it might be the photos and frames ā€” specifically the new collage frame ā€” because as soon as I remove the frames from the lot, the FPS goes back to normal. My game normally runs at a steady 60 FPS at all times but as you can see here, it drops down to 8-12 whenever there are framed photos on the lot and shoots back up when I delete them.
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NOTE: This was with my game 100% CC and Mod free.
All of the new photography gear is so cool too! The fact that most of the items (like the tripod, camera, and tape markers) can be picked up in your sims inventory is so handy; your sim can just grab their equipment and head out into the world to take photos of other sims, landscapes, pets, and themselves literally anywhere they can plop the tripod down! And the backdrops have some really cool backgrounds for you to take photos in front of... or maybe... some other... uses šŸ˜ˆ
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šŸ‘—The Build
I think the thing most people were looking forward to in this pack were the beautiful windows and doors; Iā€™m definitely one of those people lol They are definitely gorgeous but as seems to happen every single time we get new windows and doors, the selection is limit in many different ways.
Every single colourway for both the windows and the doors is either white, black, red, or some combination of those colours. There are no colourways that match any of the other colours used on the furniture for the set (like blue, pink and yellow) and absolutely zero wood or neutral tones.
There are also no other heights for both the door and window other than for the shortest wall height, which absolutely baffles me because theyā€™re clearly a set made to be used in lofts and converted warehouse type builds... builds that are generally made with either the medium or tallest wall height. They also didnā€™t bother to make single tile versions of any of the windows and doors, or even a closed version for the smaller window!
But whatā€™s even more baffling (at least to me) is the way the door was made. I literally spent a full 30 minutes just sitting here in front of my computer, staring at this door, trying to figure out what could possibly have been going through the head of whoever made it when they decided that not only would it be shorter on one side, therefore also shorter than the windows, but also that it wouldnā€™t take up the full two tiles it was allocated and therefore wouldnā€™t sit flush up against the windows it was made to go with!
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I saw a tweet by one of the Gurus that basically said ā€œItā€™s the right height on the outside, just flip it aroundā€ but... that still leaves you with one side shorter than the windows, itā€™s just now on the other side, and thereā€™s still gaps at the side! Why you would go to all the trouble to make the windows fit beautifully together like that and then not make the door exactly the same height and width! It bothers me way more than it probably should but I just donā€™t understand!
On the plus side, there are some base game doors that fit in with the windows (kind of) that I will probably use instead of the Moschino door... at least until someone makes a build add-on for them anyway lol
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šŸ‘—The Verdict
Overall, while I have issues with some of the build/buy stuff, this is where this pack makes up for the lack of CAS stuff in my opinion and what would make me want to fork over the $10 for the pack. To be completely honest, Iā€™d pay $10 just for the LiBEARian though šŸ¤£
All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own. I am not paid by EA to ā€œhypeā€ their games; I am given the opportunity to review their games early in exchange for an honest review.
Click here for my Create-A-Sim Review
Gameplay Review coming soon
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