#(even if Rui was implying 'Yeah lets do it' OR '{I am} going to do it {with you all}')
koushirouizumi · 11 months
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoiler
Rui: "Boku wa..." On screen sub-title: "Let's go!"
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skydigiblogs · 2 months
silly 02tb thoughts a month after we watched it
going through the 02tb tags trying to figure out if anyone came away with anything resembling my interpretation of some of the lore dropped and wondering if i need to watch it again bsdjhfbjshdfds
i went into the tags because wikimon has yet to include an in-depth summary. reason being is i'm writing some self indulgent shit (that's already being a little flexible with canon). it's not going to be something i even publish but i am writing it indulgent of the interpretations i came out of 02tb with. and i am realizing now, i don't think i ever shared those interpretations?
like both of them are probably not the intended reading. like i'm fairly certain that's the case.
but i also keep seeing people talk about kizuna and 02tb regarding unreliable narrators (and narratives) after having just put myself through the hell of tri again. so, bear with me on my two very wild interpretations that might mean i need to rewatch 02tb (bearing in mind that i watched the kizuna dub and 02tb subbed).
it's me, it's a long one under the cut.
first: in consideration of the canonicity of tri.
yes. i hate tri. we all know this. i'm fairly certain bandai really wants us to just let tri be forgotten. on this note, i had to double check the flashback footage because i could swear we never saw a digivice during bakumon's sacrifice. we do, i just forgot because by loss i was surviving only through doing art on my tablet.
anyways. what is the digivice functionally? in 02tb, it's literally the objectification of a bond. that which represents the connection between a human and digimon. we usually see it as a mode by which digivolution occurs, but is that necessary to incite digivolution? we do see that himekawa has a digivice in the flashback, so if the timeline is accurate (and what both rui and ukko say in 02tb about the digivices origin), this is explicitly a "don't think about tri" kind of moment.
this is my sillier consideration, so bear with me for a sec while i ask two questions:
is the narrative rui's portraying the whole picture? is it honest to god the first digivice? or is this just rui's perception of the situation? how much do he and ukkomon know about other digimon related events?
could a version of tri's prequel events have occurred without digivices? again, are they necessary to incite digivolution? (i also want to note, tangentially, that we don't really see crests given to the first digidestined group which, idk. how did y'all reach perfect?? whatever, it's tri, nothing makes sense lol.)
second: what is ukkomon's responsibility regarding the things that antagonist digimon have done?
so this is more something i think could be a misread to the viewer than anything else, but the final incident with ukkomon before rui snapped at him in the flashbacks, where ukkomon seemed overjoyed that digimon partners would be willing to sacrifice anything (even their lives) for their human partners, kind of struck a chord with me.
ukkomon is vaguely connected to homeostasis. we think, at least, yeah? it's unconfirmed, but it's heavily implied or speculated within the text (and i think it might be purposeful that they didn't confirm it to be homeostasis, if only because narratively speaking it highlights the confusion of their whole situation in a way that, imo, serves a lot of the themes of the movie surrounding communication BUT I DIGRESS).
i don't think ukkomon is a malicious actor here, to be clear.
i also don't think homeostasis is one, either. it's frequently stated to be an arbiter of balance, not a force of good or evil. like, the definition of lawful neutral.
however, ukkomon connecting humans and digimon through digivices ("forced partnerships"? it's been like a month since i watched 02tb so i don't remember if they phrased it like that but) could potentially come with a signifiable drawback.
sort of like a newton's law of good and evil in the digital world, i guess.
basically, by connecting so many humans and digimon, what if the kickback of those connections is that it causes "evil" digimon to appear? either by way of homeostasis needing to maintain balance (neither "good" nor "evil" are allowed an excessive advantage) or by way of exposing vulnerabilities in the digital world's systems by distorting them to create those partnerships.
this is the interpretation i kind of walked away from the scene where ukkomon and rui watched the fight against armageddomon, since ukkomon seemed so comparatively excited to see such strong digimon fighting. if the kickback of ukkomon granting rui's wish is that evil digimon get stronger and stronger as more and more chosen children receive their digivices, does ukkomon know enough about the mechanics of his wish granting (or the digital world) to recognize it?
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skyhopedango · 1 year
So like... like...
Here I am, just minding my own business, being in a somewhat better place mentally in these past couple months (despite my world getting increasingly worse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), considering slowly getting back to fandoms and reactivating my social media and stuff*... especially after having an AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH moment over Loulou*di's Dying Matter**
...and then I open Twitter, and the HanaDoll* account comes at me like
Tumblr media
I'm so worried! I really really don't want this franchise to get one of those really cheaply made idol animes, like the TsukiPro show... but I don't think they have the funds of even UtaPri, let alone Idolish7 or something... Also this franchise has such an amazingly well thought-out visual design, it would really really suck to see it not being done justice in an anime, but I can't imagine it having the sort of money to make it happen... Oh well, we'll see.
Anyway, though, it says the anime will be adapting Season 1, which is I guess a safe way to go? It's a good introduction to the HanaDoll* world. Honestly, though, I would have preferred more manga over an anime. S2 would make a great manga, especially with Loulou*di and the sheer intensity of their... *gestures wildly* their everything. Maybe, if the anime makes any decent business, they'll restart the manga.
So anyway, I guess I'm back? :D
I thought I'd just sit down and write a post like "the world still sucks, and it sucks more and more with each moment, and I'm still feeling low-key anxious, but I guess I'm doing better, enough to have been able to sob my heart out over Think Of Me: Mono anyway,*** so let's just slowly ease back... also maybe write something about Mono because yeah that should totally be written about..."
Instead it's
"OH MY GOD HanaDoll* is getting an anime WHAT"
I guess that's how my life rolls! :D;;
*If anyone happened to have read this far - I apologize to anyone who have written to me or messaged me! I turned off app notifications on all my social media, but left email notifications on Tumblr, and got none, so I was like okay, so it's peace and quiet... except as I found out a week ago, my email client at one point decided to deliver all my Tumblr notification emails right into my junk folder. 😩And since that folder is set to be emptied in every five days... yeah, I basically missed everything. So I'm very sorry if you wrote to me and I didn't reply!
**I haven't had the opportunity to listen to the Think Of Me: Ark drama yet, but of course I did listen to the songs, and look,
1. I don't need to have listened to the drama to assume that Dying Matter is a Rui song, and
2. I guess this is basically canon confirmation that Rui is in love with Ageha? not that it hadn't been obvious so far but here they just flat out say it, not even in English or whatever like in Butterfly Knife, just flat out 愛してる、愛してる、愛してる/"I love you, I love you, I love you";
3. anyway that aside, tell me this is not going where the song implies it's going dear god Ageha, Rui, no, never mind poor Toki, also
4. 葬列の果てまで/"till end of your funeral procession" is just an absolutely amazing line, just... chef's kiss. This is Loulou*di, guys, they're not satisfied with the cheap dramatics of "until the end" or "beyond the grave" or whatever, no, it's "till the end of your funeral procession" because why be OK with a mere ten if you can turn it up to eleven. (Also, the visuals and implications it evokes are amazing. Hama Takeshi keeps doing it with this band, damn that man.)
***Dear god, Toki and Kaoru, My poor, poor Toki and Kaoru. Just... damn. That whole scene of them together. Oh god. Poor Toki. Poor Kaoru. Someone please help these boys.
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my-emotional-self · 5 years
He Wasn’t Good Enough For You
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Fluff
Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence
Request: Hi! Can I request a Chris x Reader fic with angst and fluff (romance too? Chris is in love with Reader.  There’s a trigger for implied domestic violence) where she is his personal assistant, but also a trusted friend.  One day he’s out with friends but she shakingly calls him because her boyfriend got violent thinking they slept together.  Chris is furious, goes immediately to get her but he calms down in order to assist her in everything after.  I hope it’s not too much but thank you anyway J
Requested By: Anonymous
Moving to Los Angeles three years ago, you were sure you would be stuck waitressing for the rest of your life; or end up moving back home.  You didn’t want to become an actress like many others did however. Instead, you wanted to become a personal assistant as that was what you had known was the best fit for you.  
You were organized, and loved helping people out; you were also a workaholic.  Lo and behold, even though you had no experience, you were called in for an interview to work with a high end actor and sure enough, you got the job.  
Working with Chris Evans had been a dream.  Not only was he such a patient, kind and passionate person, you also admired the work he had done throughout his career; the highs and the lows.  
Over last year you had been his personal assistant, the two of you had gotten closer, forming an extremely tight bond in the form of friendship.  You wouldn’t lie, he was also very handsome to look at and it didn’t help that he flirted with you.  That’s just the way he was; he was a natural flirter, but so were you.  
But, you had been in a serious relationship for the last year and two months.  You loved your boyfriend, but over the last few months, he began to assume that you and Chris were messing around on the side.  You had never cheated on a boyfriend, let alone your current boyfriend.  No matter how many times you tried to reason with him, he would just storm out of your shared house, only to come home and apologize to you.  
It didn’t help that you worked long hours, even well into the weekend; but yet again, you loved your job and you got paid very well.  Living in Los Angeles was expensive as you had learned and you wanted to work as much as you could to build a savings nest for yourself.  
If you were being honest with yourself, you had been thinking about breaking up with Blake when he began to accuse you of messing around with Chris.  But you gave him the benefit of the doubt, wanting to see if he could prove himself to you.  Yet were you starting to think that he would never drop his accusations against you.  
Chris had given you the next two days off; telling you that you worked hard enough and deserved some free time.  He was going to be out with friends so you took the opportunity to spend some quality time with your boyfriend.  
“Ugh, you smell like him,” Blake, your boyfriend said after he pulled away from hugging you that night you got home from work.  
Furrowing your brows, you couldn’t help but scoff at him.  “Smell like him?  What is that supposed to mean?”
Blake’s face turned red, his jaw clenching as he walked away from you.  “You damn well know what I mean Y/N!” he yelled, making you jump.  
“If you are insinuating that I was ‘with’ Chris, yet again, I’m sorry to tell you that you are WRONG Blake! How many times do I have to tell you that I haven’t slept with him?  YOU are my boyfriend!  I wouldn’t cheat on you!”
He turned to face you, marching towards your body and before you knew it, he raised his hand and slapped you across the face.  
Your face began to pulsate and heat up from the slap as you stared wide eyed and jaw slacked at his ministration.  Raising your hand up, you caressed your face, feeling a bruise beginning to form already from the family ring he wore on his finger.  
“How dare you raise YOUR voice to me!” he roared in your face as you flinched away from him.  “I don’t care what you fucking say.  I know your sleeping with him Y/N.  Just fucking admit it!  You’re a whore just like the rest of them!”
Tears began to fall from your eyes as you turned and raced towards the bathroom.  Quickly you locked the door behind you and you grabbed your phone from your back pocket.  
“She has a boyfriend guys. I can’t just try to sweep her off her feet!  I wouldn’t do that to someone who’s already dating somebody,” Chris said, taking a sip of his beer as he chatted with his friends in his backyard.  
“Yeah but dude, you are so in love with her,” one of his friends remarked.  
Chris smiled, thinking back to the time he had first met you.  He couldn’t fool himself; it really felt like love at first sight.  Your eyes are what done him in.  You had such beautiful eyes and when you smiled; your eyes lit up like a thousand stars.  
He knew you had been dating someone right from the moment he hired you.  But that couldn’t stop the feelings he began to have for you throughout the oncoming months.  The more time he spent with you, the more his feelings grew for you.  He couldn’t complain however, he was just happy to have a trusted friendship with you.  But what he wouldn’t give to have more.  
Chris’ phone began to ring as he apologized to his friends once he saw it was you.  Standing up, he moved to a more private area of his yard before answering.  
“Ch-Chris,” you said shakily, your chin quivering as you tried your best to hold in your tears.  
“Y/N?  What’s wrong?”  He could hear the discomfort in your voice.  He had known you for a year now and could read you inside and out.  
“Blake,” you choked out, letting the sobs free.  “We…we had a fight.  And he thought you and I had been sleeping to-together.  He…” you were cut off by your own crying.
“Hey, hey take a deep breath sweetheart,” he soothed, but deep down, he was furious at Blake for making you cry this way.  
His endearment made your heart leap; they always did.  “He…he hit me Chris.  He slapped me across the face,” you cried out.  Blake began to pound on the door; his yelling could be heard by Chris through the phone.  
Chris’ free hand balled into a fist as he wanted to rip Blake’s throat out himself.  “I’ll be right there,” he growled out.  
After hanging up the phone, you clutched to your body as you sat on the floor against the wall; your blurry vision glued to the door, terrified that Blake was going to bust it down. “Go away!” you tried your best to scream but it came out like a choking sound with your sobs.  
In what felt like eternity, the pounding finally stopped, but then you heard Chris’ angry voice echo from outside the door.  
“Where the fuck is she?” You heard pounding feet, before a soft knocking on the door.  “Y/N, it’s me, Chris.  Open up.”
Shakily you got up on both feet before moving to the door slowly.  Unlocking it, you opened it to see Chris standing before you.  You couldn’t help yourself as you leaped into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest as his arms wrapped protectively around you.  
He bent down, picking you up and carrying you bridal style through the house.  Everything was a blur, but you soon smelt the fresh air and you knew you were outside.  
Chris placed you down onto the gravel of the driveway, leaning up against his car.  Opening your eyes, you saw the worried look in his as your hand gripped his waist; not wanting to let you go.  
His hands were placed on your face, tilting it to get a better view.  He saw the small bruise forming under your left eye and wanted nothing more than to go back inside and kill Blake; but he had to be strong for you.
“I’m-I’m so so-sorry,” you hiccupped out.  
“Sweetheart why are you sorry?  You have nothing to be sorry about.”
You looked up into his worry filled eyes.  “Because I rui-ruined your guys night.”
Chris shook his head, giving out a strangled laugh before wrapping you in his arms.  “Baby don’t even worry about that.”  Pulling away he wrapped your face in his hands again. “Y/N, he wasn’t good enough for you. He never was.  You deserve so much better than him.”
“I don-don’t know where to go right now.  Where am I go-gonna live?”
“You come home with me. I have enough room for you to stay for as long as you need.”
Leaning forward you wrapped him in a hug; his arms around you making you feel safe and secure for the first time in months.  This is what you were supposed to feel like in a relationship.  This was the kind of love and attention you were supposed to get.
You had always felt like Chris had some sort of feelings for you; more than friendship. Maybe now with Blake out of the picture, something better would come along your way.  
Tag List: @badassbaker @guera31 @tanelle83 @xjjlex @chrisevansfanfic @princess-evans-addict @pumbibaby @joannie95 @patzammit @brastrangled @mrs-captain-evans @notyourtypicalrose @sfreeborn @esoltis280 @xxloki81xx @bornfortherainydays @poerebel @livslookingforloki @raveviolet @southerngracela @the-wayward-robot @scuzmunkie @cinna-minseok
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rhiezus · 5 years
          Speak Now by Taylor Swift as Our Ships, Characters & More
(disclaimer: i don’t really remember this album, except for a few songs so it’s definitely gonna be like a first listen after a long time so keep it in mind that i’ll probably change opinions a lot according to as it goes)
Man, this song is a rollercoaster of nostalgia. But... Looking as it is this song is like the march band song of Jinhwan and Bomin, because after all the hard work and stuff, the fact that both had parents who didn’t exactly lived a nice love and they didn’t knew exactly how to portray that once they found each other but they learned it pretty fast tho. Could be Nayoung and Keun? No because, even though she comes from a fucked up background this just... the vibe just isn’t. Oh my god, Danbi and Daehyun too...
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables Left a small town and never looked back I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts
I mean... This is exactly Bomin and Jinhwan.
Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing that's ever been mine
But this... It also reminds me of Danbi and Daehyun, so... yeah.
But we got bills to pay We got nothing figured out When it was hard to take Yes, yes
I’ll finish it of with this part: Reality is starting to set in and discourage her. Paying bills is one of the most common annoyances in life. Although they have these problems, when you truly love somebody, you don’t let anything get in the way of that. A relationship can be put to the test when real life sets in, and everything isn’t about romance. However, we can see from the song’s bridge that things turned out very well for them.
Sparks Fly
Because of Taylor’s description, I think this is Julie and Valak:  is about falling for someone that you maybe shouldn’t fall for, but you can‘t stop yourself because there’s such a connection, there’s such chemistry. Isn’t this exactly how they happened?
Drop everything now Meet me in the pouring rain Kiss me on the sidewalk Take away the pain 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Seriously? The pouring rain here is the booty call... And then I remembered Julie masturbating thinking about Valak kkjkjkjkk nO BUt c’mon, yeah. “haunt me when you’re not around”, also Julie being the only person Valak ever saw... It’s the connection.
My mind forgets to remind me You're a bad idea You touch me once and it's really something You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be I'm on my guard for the rest of the world But with you I know it's no good And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would
I talked so much about them on that urstyle look that I have nothing to say except just show it to you. Oh my god, this is Ruy to Hai too... Jesus! I don’t know the feeling of falling in love even though you shouldn’t because you know it’s probably not gonna lead anywhere... It’s there. It’s this two ships.
I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right And lead me up the staircase Won't you whisper soft and slow? I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show
I love genius on this: Again, a sexual reference. The original lyrics of “it’s wrong enough to make it feel right” were “gonna strike this match tonight,” implying that the two are going to have sex. SEE? SEE? It’s Julie and Valak, but also Ruy to Hai. And it’s rock enough gonna imagine Ruy covering this on a Coachella and everyone going like, wtf???? But everyone also jamming cause well it’s Taylor Swift.
Back To December
Damn, I so thought of jumping this but this is the song that started this all so I just couldn’t and I wanted to listen to it. This is also the song that made me do this in December, it was a must. I’m just gonna include a few genius things for this to keep confirming it’s identity to a particular situation/ship. But also, let’s appreciate the lyrics as always.
I'm so glad you made time to see me How's life? Tell me, how's your family? I haven't seen them in a while You've been good, busier than ever We small talk, work, and the weather Your guard is up and I know why
We all know how this went, Nayoung seriously concerned about his family and the fact that Keun was working a lot, it’s also incredible that we already been through their break up and that now they are officially reunited again, it’s crazy. The “your guard is up and i know why” is my favorite part in this. And: This is about a person who was incredible to me- just perfect in a relationship, and I was really careless with him. So, this is a song full of words that I would say to him that he deserves to hear.
So this is me swallowing my pride Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night And I'd go back to December all the time It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
That december night, actually it was not at night it was like afternoon-ish because I imagine it was a pretty sky and rained, so it was like very chilly which made Nayoung get sick for walking in the rain like that. But mostly because that day changed her for good, after that she was a different person, a more decisive and strong person... It’s very beautiful. AND THE “FREEDOM AINT NOTHING BUT MISSING YOU” YEAH. 
And then the cold came The dark days when fear crept into my mind You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye
Genius: Taylor reflects on the relationship as she wishes she could have pushed through her fears to make things work.
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile So good to me, so right And how you held me in your arms that September night The first time you ever saw me cry Maybe this is wishful thinking Probably mindless dreaming But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't So if the chain is on your door, I understand
We know pretty much everything else so, for last I’m gonna leave us with the genius explanation: About that “change my own mind” Taylor felt insecure about their relationship and didn’t trust TL (have to call him that or else it’ll be too confusing), so she broke up with him. Now she sees that he was trustworthy all along and wants to go back in time, tell herself to trust him, so they can be together again. Glady time passed, and they are happily together though, can you just imagine if Keun had decided not to get off the car that day? Or if Nayoung just didn’t try to leave for Busan? Or better, if Sanchan just kept his mouth shut? No? Me neither. I think somehow they’d still have met and would be back together because it’s Nayoung and Keun.
Speak Now
I had to read the whole lyrics and genius descriptions before to say I think this is Chihye and Lian, but like in a different sense, not a wedding one. This could definitely be Soonyi to Sanghee if they had met before he got married to Jihu, yeah because of the feeling of the song it’s much more her than Chihye. But the lyrics tho it’s Lian coming to Busan after being mia for years and Chihye is married to his best friend. 
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in On a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
See? Also I think Haneul probably did a cover of this when Hyuntae was all in those kdramas, maybe he did once when he got like married in the end and she sang this in an Instagram live and people died laughing.
This is surely not What you thought it would be I lose myself in a daydream Where I stand and say [...] Don't say yes, run away now I'll meet you when you're out Of the church at the back door Don't wait or say a single vow You need to hear me out And they said "speak now"
But the “this is surely not what you thought it would be” it’s definitely about Chihye and Pyongho’s, also Jihu and Sanghee marriage... Isn’t it? Both got married because a child was on this way and they thought they could really fall in love and at some point they really were in love, but it faded off and suddenly they had no idea how to carry that on or if so break it but how? Because there was a child on the way. Oh my god, how did I forgot Inna, tHIS IS TOTALLY INNA DREAMING WHEN SHE HEARD PYONGHO WAS GETTING MARRIED TO CHIHYE AND THAT’S WHY SHE DIDN’T WENT ON THEIR WEDDING JESUS CHRIST IM SO SORRY I FORGOT HER EXISTENCE, THIS IS HER!!
Fond gestures are exchanged And the organ starts to play A song that sounds like a death march And I am hiding in the curtains It seems that I was uninvited By your lovely bride-to-be [...] She floats down the aisle Like a pageant queen But I know you wish it was me You wish it was me (Don't you)
Jesus christ, this is Inna dreaming that Pyongho didn’t marry Chihye and actually didn’t went to the wedding because she was really afraid she would ruin it and she was scared to see that Pyongho could actually have feelings for Chihye. She definitely wished it was her and I think for a while Pyongho did too.
I hear the preacher say "Speak now or forever hold your peace" There's the silence, there's my last chance I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me Horrified looks from everyone in the room But I'm only looking at you [...] I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in On a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
I’m speechless, this is totally Inna even how the song goes... 
And you say "Let's run away now I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door" Baby, I didn't say my vows So glad you were around when they said "Speak now"
This is such a happy but sad song, especially knowing that she didn’t go and that didn’t happen, but that it totally would if she would say that, wouldn’t it? It would. And the genius just adds up: One of my friends … the guy she had been in love with since childhood was marrying this other girl. And my first inclination was to say, ‘Well, are you gonna speak now?’ And then I started thinking about what I would do if I was still in love with someone who was marrying someone who they shouldn’t be marrying. And so I wrote this song about exactly what my game plan would be. And lastly, Gok Inna here on: she “[lost herself] in a daydream” about objecting to her ex’s marriage.
Dear John
Yes I’m gonna make you listen to this whole song because there was a lot of time I cried thinking about this song and it’s meaning, and I’ve waited a long time to tell you about this. Okay so, this album there is a lot of sad songs involving Nayoung’s life what the fuck. First to explain let me begin with the lyrics:
Long were the nights when My days once revolved around you Counting my footsteps Praying the floor won't fall through... again
Nayoung was like 15 when she first met the nameless, and he was like this co-worker older guy he was almost like 25-30/so and he was really nice towards her, they played a few parts together of course not as a couple yet because of the age gap but he became a friend and because he was successful I think Chihye let her be around with him. That’s the age Nayoung started going up to parties with the actor's crew, Kim Yura (who I think is a few years older than her, yes like 1 or 2) and such... And such as any male predator he made her feel good for hanging out with them like it was a privilege, because of that she was obsessed with making him proud and making him notice her. First, she never had a father figure around, so she has daddy issues and second, she never had someone treat her like that, so she wanted to stand out to him. 
You paint me a blue sky Then go back and turn it to rain And I lived in your chess game But you changed the rules every day Wonderin' which version of you I might get on the phone, tonight Well I stopped pickin' up and this song is to let you know why
Literally, she was a kid and he was a really old man who got close to her. At first, he was really careful, he was just like a friend, he used to buy her gifts, take her to parties and then back at her home like just to gain her and her mother’s trust. Which he did, that’s why Nayoung though she was in love and he had such fucked up games just like her mom that she thought this was the right way to love. Once he would give her stuff and then she’d call him and he’d say she was too fat on her last drama, so she’d believe him and go on crazy diets to make him see she was like “the good girl” he and her mother loved too much. Then he’d reward her for that, he’d take her on a date or something... Fucked up, I know but keep up.
Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone Don't you think I was too young to be messed with The girl in the dress cried the whole way home I shoulda' known
I think they only went on a real relationshi-ish when she finally hit 17 to 18, because it was almost legal and he started giving her favors and more contracts to dramas. Yes, he was a very powerful man and I think that was the time Nayoung became really famous because he was favoring her and she was doing exactly what he wanted her to do. It was extremely toxic maybe even more toxic than with her mom, but because she was young and everyone was okay with it, she was too. Honestly, I think Nayoung even though she loved him, she really did, she thought it was the best relationship she ever had (because she never had any). 
Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong Don't you think nineteen's too young To be played by your dark, twisted games When I loved you so? I shoulda' known
Nineteen was the time they probably had sex for the first time, yes, she played her all those years just for that. And it was terrible, I think that was when Nayoung felt it was really wrong because she always saw him as a good person but in the end, all he wanted was for her to be his doll, to follow him up and give everything he wanted, including sex. I even imagined after they had sex, she really hated because it was no good and he became even more manipulative towards her, so she finally stopped caring for him, stopped picking up his calls and started to ignore him, not really go to all parties when he was there and stuff. So he got mad and wanted to cut her off a bunch of shows and dramas, but since Nayoung was becoming more famous than he’d thought she would he couldn’t, so that’s why he started aiming for someone else. 
You are an expert at sorry And keeping the lines blurry Never impressed by me acing your tests All the girls that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes 'Cause you burned them out But I took your matches Before fire could catch me So don't look now I'm shining like fireworks Over your sad empty town, yeah
Like I said, she stopped caring for him and started moving on with her life as an actress so she became really big at that time, she was at the peak of her age and everyone loved her for being “the good girl”, “the angel”. Even though Nameless was a really bad man who chased young girls, Nayoung got out before he really fucked her even more than he did, so that’s why she felt like shining at the time without knowing the consequences he left on the term “love” for her. That’s why it was always hard for her to trust people, especially men. Also, the reason I think she was never really best friends with Mark even though they did work together, they were just co-workers. Before that, she was also best friends with Kim Yura, but because she backed off their group of friends a little, Yura became really mad and they drifted away. But I don’t think that’s something Nayoung really had the courage to explain to anyone because she never knew how? The only time she did was to a psychics after she and Keun broke up like they were trying to understand all her trauma and he probably explained that what her mother had was not really a good idea of love, that’s when she understood that Nameless wasn’t too and they talked about it. And you knew that story, but I think you always knew as Keun like only from above that it was toxic, so now you have the real details and how it all came to me when I listen to Dear John. 
What a country twist, sometimes I forget this is Taylor’s old album. This is about someone that said she really couldn’t sing and trashed her performance, so she did this song and looking at this I think this is Sulji to everyone who says she is weird and didn’t really deserve to be in Attik. Also her to JYP when she was kicked off. I can’t really see any other reasons, you name it. 
You, with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again Got me feeling like I'm nothing You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard Calling me out when I'm wounded You, picking on the weaker man
And the way the song goes through is very Sulji alike. The genius, Taylor said something that literally looks like Sulji in an interview: Some days I’m fine and I can just brush it off and go about my day, but some days it absolutely levels me. All I can do is continue to try to work hard every single day and feel everything.
Someday, I'll be living in a big old city And all you're ever gonna be is mean Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me And all you're ever gonna be is mean Why you gotta be so mean?
Seriously? Yeah, that’s the only thing I can see for this song. Remember her crying in front of Keun? She went home listening to Mean by Taylor Swift, I’m kidding she probably doesn’t listen to Taylor but still... This song translates the feeling.
And I can see you years from now in a bar Talking over a football game With that same big loud opinion But nobody's listening Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing But all you are is mean All you are is mean And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
I love Sulji’s development, she came from criticizing people on the internet to being one of those people she probably already criticized so she grew a lot when she was about to debut because she realized for real how life was hard. Before she used to just brush it off as if it didn’t hurt her at all, but as she finally did something she was passionate about and had a reason for it, she didn’t wanna lose it so she worked very hard. That’s probably why Keun put her to debut even though she didn’t have a lot of time practicing with Attik, because she was open to every critique to work hard and develop, that’s why she did. She wanted people to change their minds about her, her family and ex-colleagues, but at some point, after debuting she just realized some people are just mean for no reason at all and after all that, she was a good person and very hardworking and if they couldn’t appreciate that it was really their lost. She just came a long way for her mom not caring about her existence, then being bullied, then kicked out of a company, just to debut and work to be better... So this song speaks a lot about the people who don’t deserve her time.
But someday, I'll be living in a big old city And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah
So yeah, there is that.
The Story Of Us
Damn, I love this song. I’m dying I was just reading genius and I hate how much Hyuntae and Haneul this song is. Congrats Haneul you have another Taylor song, really, rEAlly. 
I used to think one day, we'd tell the story of us How we met, and the sparks flew instantly And people would say, they're the lucky ones I used to know my place was a spot next to you Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat 'Cause lately, I don't even know what page you're on
Exactly right after they break up, I think there was always this heavy cloud between May-b and WNDR because everything was great and had this bunch of couples and because they were from the same company they always had to be around each other sometimes. Which was weird now because Haneul had no idea where Hyuntae minds were after he broke up she felt like she didn’t know him at all as she thought she did so, of course, she wanted to hate him, but she couldn’t because it was Hyuntae and they had to work together sometimes too. Just like Taylor said: is about running into someone I had been in a relationship with at an awards show, and we were seated a few seats away from each other. I just wanted to say to him, “Is this killing you? Because it’s killing me. But I didn’t. But I couldn’t. Because we both had these silent shields up. YEAH. LET ME IMAGINE WNDR AND MAYB IN THOSE KOREAN AWARDS ACTING REALLY WEIRD AND PEOPLE TAKING PICS AND STUFF. 
How'd we end up this way? See me nervously pulling at my clothes and trying to look busy And you're doing your best to avoid me I'm starting to think one day, I'll tell the story of us Of how I was losing my mind when I saw you here But you held your pride like you should've held me
This also remembers me when Hyuntae left his pride to apologize to her but this only made Haneul be even more angry towards him, because he made her feel like it was her fault or as if she didn’t know him at all when she did and he just twisted by being a total coward. She totally lost her mind over something she never thought she would, because Haneul always had this idealized idea of love, that Hyuntae didn’t know how to portray at first and perhaps that’s why he felt like he was not suited for her expectations or to his as well. And genius: Now, instead of experiencing a great life with him, she can’t even sit by him without feeling awkward.
This is looking like a contest Of who can act like they care less But I liked it better when you were on my side The battle's in your hands now But I would lay my armor down If you say you'd rather love than fight So many things that you wish I knew But the story of us might be ending soon
All those covers and acting shady like she didn’t care or like she cared too much, I think at some point Haneul just grew tired and realized how childish she was for doing this when Hyuntae didn’t even care and that’s why he broke up in the first place, right? So that’s why “The battle’s in your hands now”, says a lot. And “so many things that you wish i knew” is exactly what I said that Hyuntae said but didn’t have the courage to. This song is Haneul mad about everything but at the same time letting her guard down because she is curious about them and because she misses him, trying to know if he still does too. 
Never Grow Up
This song is so sad and so boring at the same time but here we go. I think this is for Yehjin and Kuen at the same time because I don’t know why... I feel like Yehjin would have this feeling for Kuen ever since she was born: listen up.
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger And it's so quiet in the world tonight Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret I'd give all I have, honey If you could stay like that
On genius, Taylor said: ‘Never Grow Up’ is a song about the fact that I don’t quite know how I feel about growing up. It’s tricky. Growing up happens without you knowing it. Growing up is such a crazy concept because a lot of times when you were younger you wish you were older. I look out into a crowd every night and I see a lot of girls that are my age and going through exactly the same things as I’m going through. Every once in a while I look down and I see a little girl who is seven or eight, and I wish I could tell her all of this. There she is becoming who she is going to be and forming her thoughts and dreams and opinions. I wrote this song for those little girls. Tell me if this isn’t Yehjin deep down to Kuen? 
Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home Remember the footsteps, remember the words said And all your little brother's favorite songs I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone
Seriously? Everything. Even though sometimes Kuen is a pain in her ass, since little it was her best company because Kuen was born when Yehjin was already a teenager so I think she tried to protect her in every sense even though when she was older Kuen made fun with her, still, they were always really close. I can totally picture ten-year-old something Yehjin holding baby Kuen and thinking how she wished her to stay that little forever, just like she wished not to grew older.
So here I am in my new apartment In a big city, they just dropped me off It's so much colder than I thought it would be So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on Wish I'd never grown up I wish I'd never grown up
This part is exactly how Yehjin will be in a few years with the same feeling.
I have many ships for this moment of meeting someone and realizing this could be something really big like love first: Hana and Mark, because ever since they met for a few seconds in the club it was exactly how Hana felt for a little while and then on the coffee shop again, it was the same wonderstruck feeling that Taylor describes, so it happened twice even though they had no clue yet it could be love at first sight thing. Second, Ella and John. Because? I don’t know, the vibe from the song and how they met and she is totally in love, sounds like Ella to John. Third, Jinhwan and Bomin, that’s exactly how it went since they first met at the market and he was just selling seeds... Yura and Chiyo, ever since they first encounter there was something in the air and Yura was enchanted to met her. Probably Yehjin and Chang too. Oh my god, Hyanggi and Hyunki. IS THEIR SONG SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy Vanished when I saw your face All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
Let’s go back to Hana and Mark for a second, because Hana hated being a model and when she met Mark over the coffee shop and they became friends it was different? It was like a grown-up feeling she had, he was different from everyone on the field and he was really nice, funny... So yeah. Bomin faking the rich life that her dad wanted for her, finding something real and risky for the first time ever. Yura also, faking it, even though she was finally openly gay she still had a long way to go towards life until she met Chiyo who opened her for so many things else. And Hyanggi, who finally would have a real love thing, even though she didn’t expect it at all.
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" Across the room your silhouette Starts to make its way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks Like passing notes in secrecy And it was enchanting to meet you All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you
There is a lot of ships, but you still can see it, yes? I can. I’m still speechless by Hyanggi and Hyunki though because it blew my mind. “like passing notes in secrecy”, isn’t that them exactly? There was a total spark ever since they first crossed eyes, yes.
The lingering question kept me up 2AM, who do you love? I wonder 'til I'm wide awake And now I'm pacing back and forth Wishing you were at my door I'd open up and you would say, "Hey" It was enchanting to meet you All I know is I was enchanted to meet you
This part “who do you love”, is very Hana when she realized she was falling in love head over heels for Mark and I think that’s how she found out. She was like “really? I care about who does he love? why?” that’s when it hit her off. The door part too reminds me of Hyanggi with Hyunki, actually wishing he would take action because she had a crush on him and for the first time didn’t know how to act around a guy. 
Please don't be in love With someone else Please don't have somebody Waiting on you Please don't be in love With someone else Please don't have somebody Waiting on you
Just to finish off to say how this song connects the feelings between a lot of ships. She whispering, this is so Hana... And the fact that she is so stupid and would rather wait on him than to actually say she was in love with him, it says a lot. Also, I can totally imagine this song in the background of their romance/story, you know when you put on a song, close your eyes and you can see all the keys scenes from a ship like on a movie scene? Yeah.
Better Than Revenge
This song is between Jihu and Soonyi because: “Better Than Revenge” is rumored to be about actress Camilla Belle, who infamously stole Joe Jonas' heart while he was dating Taylor. /// Also, this is Linlin to Danbi when she thought there was something going on between her and Mingyu.
The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and I had it all, I had him right there, where I wanted him She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause She took him faster than you can say sabotage
Right? Right.
She's not a saint and she's not what you think She's an actress, whoa She's better known for the things that she does On the mattress, whoa Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys On the playground won't make you many friends She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind There is nothing I do better than revenge, HA!
The “shes not a saint, she's an actress” is so Danbi to Linlin, maybe I think that’s why Linlin never liked Danbi in the first place because Danbi is such a good girl on everyone’s else’s eyes and Linlin always thought she is fake. 
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey You might have him, but haven't you heard? I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey You might have him, but I always get the last word
Also, this part “i always get the last word” I feel like is very Jihu’s personality. 
Stay with me alright? This is a long album, I just realized it now, for god sakes... I feel like this is about Chihye, literally everyone to Chihye, because:
I guess you really did it this time Left yourself in your war path Lost your balance on a tightrope Lost your mind trying to get it back
Although this song is Taylor to Kanye, yes again. The lyrics hit me about Chihye a lot and all her trajectory of being mean without even knowing it.
Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days? Always a bigger bed to crawl into Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything And everybody believed in you?
Yes, when she had a nice life with parents and friends, and lived it big thinking she’d be rich forever until it all breaks down and she had to live in the street, surviving to a be a completely different person but having no idea how. It’s like her whole life was destinated towards tragedy and instead of fighting against it, she just let it be. 
It's alright, just wait and see Your string of lights is still bright to me Oh, who you are is not where you've been You're still an innocent
I feel this speaks a lot of Hansol and Nayoung to Chihye, like she always acted like a big baby even though she was their mother. And only they are capable to know what they’ve been through, that’s why sometimes I feel like they’d protect her because it was toxic in a way only they could understand. Also, in some aspects, this is Lian like you spoke last time, the only one who remembers her in a nice light like the “innocent” one.
Did some things you can't speak of But at night you live it all again You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now If only you had seen what you know now then
I think as Chihye was getting older and with a lot of personality disorders, Hansol couldn’t get away from her because deep down he knew she was suffering too and that she only had him who cared about her in this world. It’s strange because even though both were raised by her, Hansol had more of an understanding of Chihye’s feelings than Nayoung ever did. So he knew how hurting she got on her last years alive, how sorry she felt and how she just wished it to be over even if she didn’t say it.
Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catching days? When everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you Wasn't it beautiful running wild 'til you fell asleep Before the monsters caught up to you?
Sad, I know. I’m not gonna say anything anymore, it’s just Chihye’s last years alive. What I mean is: Rest in peace, Chihye, you really do deserve some peace after all.
What a weird song, I didn’t remember this one. Anyways, this could be Kayn and Araki but mostly I think is Jihu and Sanghee (yes, I’m gonna insist in these characters, you will see why). This could even be Kyungri about her dad, seriously.
You and I walk a fragile line I have known it all this time But I never thought I'd live to see it break It's getting dark and it's all too quiet And I can't trust anything now And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake
Seriously? The only thing I think ain’t Kayn and Araki is because of the dark twist, is like she is pledging for him not to go and this isn’t them. 
Whoa, holding my breath Won't lose you again Something's made your eyes go cold
I think this is Kyungri and her dad now, nothing is gonna change my mind.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Something's gone terribly wrong You're all I wanted Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't turn back now, I'm haunted
Last Kiss
Oh finally this album is coming to an end, it’s been almost 3 hours on the row why did I decide to talk too much?! I love this song so much for no reason at all, is just a really beautiful song and a breakup song so it’s hard because there isn’t a lot of painful breakups that we talk much as the ones we talk much... But I feel like this is Bonghu and Sanchan. Could it be Nayoung and Keun, yes? But I think is too much of a melancholic feeling for their breakup. This is more like something that happened and went on for a long time, probably Seulgi and Hailey or even at some short period Sulji and Seth. Yes, I will take responsibility for everyone that I said. But mostly, Bonghu and Sanchan definitely. 
I still remember the look on your face Lit through the darkness at 1:58 The words that you whispered For just us to know You told me you loved me So why did you go away? Away
Now it feels stupid that they had to break up at that time, but weren’t they just trying to find a reason to be free for something that they thought it would be big when in fact it really wasn’t? 
I do recall now the smell of the rain Fresh on the pavement I ran off the plane That July 9th The beat of your heart It jumps through your shirt I can still feel your arms
Haneul also listened to this for the time she spent in bed sad about her breakup with Hyuntae, but it was just for a while. She probably cried a lot to this one. 
But now I'll go sit on the floor Wearing your clothes All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss I never thought we'd have a last kiss Never imagined we'd end like this Your name, forever the name on my lips
I hate this part because it reminds me when I listened to this thinking about Nayoung and Keun’s break up and I would picture her literally using Keun’s shirt and just sitting on the floor thinking about them and every moment they had together.
I do remember the swing of your step The life of the party, you're showing off again And I roll my eyes and then You pull me in I'm not much for dancing But for you I did
Suddenly this is Seulgi and Hailey, the difference between their personalities and how much in the period they weren’t together they missed each other, not much like lovers but more as best friends as they always were. Seulgi did, in fact, a bunch of things she never thought she would for Hailey and Hailey also did things for Seulgi she’d never thought she would.
Because I love your handshake, meeting my father I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions
This reminds me of Haneul and Hyuntae a lot, but also Bonghu and Sanchan.
So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe And I keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are Hope it's nice where you are
This part! This part right here is why I said Sulji and Seth, “life in pictures” and “hope it’s nice where you are”. I don’t believe Sulji had such a melancholic feeling of their relationship like this song, but she did have good feelings for it and that’s why I said this could be them too, she recalls it nicely like the only thing that lasted well for her. And how their friendship was something beyond young kids love, so they moved on quietly and nicely for it, they were real grown-ups in their breakup, I'm proud of them for it, there wasn’t bickering like there is in almost any breakup we have.
Long Live
I’m gonna used this moment to dedicate this song for our generations in general but most important for us and our imaginary world that somehow brought us the energy to keep moving forward in our hard times, which brings us joy and that just strength this friendship to be something I never imagined. Thank you, I love you forever bro.
You held your head like a hero On a history book page It was the end of a decade But the start of an age
I feel like this couldn’t be more right, the fact that I pushed this to be on the last days of the year, the decade. To where we met almost six years ago and how we became really best friends for almost 3 years now, just imagining things that never happened but that brings us something extraordinary. We still have a long way to live and hopefully always together, so this is to you, to us!
Long live the walls we crashed through All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you I was screaming, long live all the magic we made And bring on all the pretenders One day, we will be remembered
Long live to all our stories, our dreams, our plans, ambitions, and secrets we share so deeply. I sound so melancholic in this but I have to because I feel like things are about to change but not this, the connection we have is bound to be forever and I always have to thank you for that. We are exceptional.
Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life, with you
*peace sign* I love you, Happy New Year and that we keep this friendship forever, even if things get crazy and life steps in, I hope we can always count on each other and out great imagination because that brings me faith. 
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Alright, I think we can make it official, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is really an exceptional horror-action anime. Whatever else it may be. Man, this episode made my skin crawl, all puns intended. We are going to get into all the creepy, dreadful and just plain sad details of episode 16 in just a bit. So you know, spoilers and all that. But First, Hi Crow! It’s been a rough week all around I think. How have you been?
  Oh! I’m bold this week. Good to know… Yes, it’s been a rough week. Nothing compared to what others have gone through, certainly. But, strangely enough who writes for hours each day, I still can’t talk about it. It’s good to have something like this to focus on. So, buoyed by Inosuke’s excellent use of powers in the last episode, let’s dive in!
  are you sure? there’s spiders…
I have been in a bit of a daze so the few seconds recapping episode 15 were actually pretty welcomed, and it was all I needed to get me right back on track. Inosuke and Tanjiro are in a creepy spider filled forest, tracking down a demon that uses spider webs to manipulate people like puppets. All the while, Zenitsu having been left behind is trying to track them down, mostly to get Nezuko back and then get out of there.
Right off the bat, we get to see the injured Demon Slayer Murata show us how he earned his place in the corp by stepping up and offering to cover Tanjiro and Inosuke’s retreat, buying them some time to get away from the possessed slayers. Because they’ve essentially given the main cast super powers, it’s easy to forget that all corp members are exceptional. No one survives the final trial by luck. I was cheering Murata on (even remembered his name and all!)
I almost cheered for Murata-san! Fear can overcome any of us. What’s important is how we react. Murata took courage from Tanjiro and (though he likely wouldn’t admit it!) from Inosuke, and he was ready to get back into the fight. He was better armed, now, too — with knowledge! He knew why his comrades were attacking him, and he knew how to counter them.
he looks a little like Levi
Pretty soon, our two heroes make it to a second wave of entangled slayers and this is where things go from creepy to gut-wrenching. The sheer amount of psychological and emotional trauma on that girl’s face, having been forced to murder her comrades by her own sword, her own body mangled in the process. The few slayers still alive made to move through excruciating pain on completely broken bodies. I have seen a lot of bleak anime but this was hard to watch even for me. 
The contrast with Inosuke’s carelessness (thankfully toned way down) and the occasional almost funny action moments, made it all the more horrific to watch. As if puppets weren’t disturbing enough already.
it was a lot rougher in the moment
What hit me hardest was that she hadn’t given up. She was still in the fight, even though the webs controller her every motion. The only thing she knew to do was beg Tanjiro and Inosuke to flee and bring back more powerful Demon Slayers. Her desperation hurt, and her continued bravery made it even worse.
I had speculated last week that they may be some happy demon family that just wants to live in peace. Well, we got our first clue that I was wrong about the happy part. A point that’s going to get gracelessly hammered in later on. Still, this first scene of the younger demon boy we saw last week (apparently named Rui), coldly scolding his mother for taking too much time to eliminate the intruders and threatening to tell his father as the woman completely panics, added yet another layer of unsettling. What did you think of that scene Crow? 
 I went from wanting Inosuke and Tanjiro to put her down to wanting to protect her! Did you see the look of panting terror on her face after Rui walked away? You mentioned last week how the design of her face used colors and designs that were at once beautiful and terrifying. Now, combined with her fear, the whole experience was surreal. At this point, she’s acting purely out of terror.
That was an awesome moment!
you don’t hear monsters say that too often
I guess the show figured we needed a little breather at this point because we cut o a crying Zenitsu in the forest calling out specifically for Nezuko. Even though he’s doing his usual whiny coward schtick, it’s subdued. I liked it this week, as I did last week for that matter of fact. He’s grateful his sparrow comes back for him and so far, despite it all, he’s not running away. 
When we meet up with Tanjiro and Inosuke, they’ve figured but how to incapacitate the victims without killing them. Get the threads tangled up in threes. Simple but smart! I liked that solution. Unfortunately, this does nothing but push the already distressed demon to panic furter and she twists all the slayers necks in desperation. 
My notes at this point simply say, when Tanjiro gets mad, even Inosuke gets quiet.
I also don’t know what to say
The anger of a gentle man… And yeah, Inosuke was quiet. Not sure if he just sensed that was a good idea, or if he couldn’t speak.
At first, I was all like “Look how excited Insouke is! He loved the idea of tossing everyone into the trees so the webs would get tangled!” Then, as you said, the demon twisted all their necks and killed them.
There’s something about seeing something horrific when you’re in the middle of something frothy that makes the horror even more penetrating.
Without time to mourn, the demon unleashes her strongest “doll”, which appears to be a large headless demon body. I’m not exactly sure what made this thing stronger than the slayers other than it being bigger (and implied that the skin was thicker). Since the same demon has been physically controlling all of them, we can assume they all have the same sword skills. They mention something about the threads getting thicker and stronger the closest you get to her (good explanation), but they’re more or less at the same place as the last batch of slayers they fought. 
Maybe physics has the answer? The demon’s joints were more powerful than the humans’. Too much pressure and striking strength had shattered the bones in the humans. With the demon, it had a tougher frame. It made more sense before I wrote it down…
turns out I managed to avoid taking a pic of the guy
Anyways details. It’s a good excuse for some of that trademark gorgeous animation, and I’ll take it. This said, for me, the grimness of fighting was is a very dead headless corpse only enhanced how sad the situation was for all the victims.
The story slowly built the horror and unleashed it in that fight. Very well done!
Possibly to mirror this serious turn we go back to Zenitsu, for just a moment, and there is a second while hearing a disturbance in the forest, where Zenitsu seems not quite himself, muttering that he’s about to get mad. This is the fully conscious Zenitsu so maybe that part of him isn’t buried as deep as we think.
Sidenote, even though he wasn’t there, Zenitsu has probably heard everything, including the other slayers laments and explanations of the situation, yet he still went in. That’s impressive. Oh, yeah! His super power is hearing! Dang, Irina, you’re right — even knowing what was in that forest, he still went in. 
bird on head is a great look
After defeating the big bad headless thingy, it’s finally time for Tanjiro to confront the demon directly and as has become something of a Demon Slayer tradition, in the end, she was more pathetic and miserable than truly monstrous and Tanjiro was ever merciful. 
This time, I thought giving us the demon’s background was the wrong way to go. Her interactions with Rui and her dread of the mere mention of the father were more than enough to tell us exactly what was going on and seeing it actually play out on screen, I believe lessened the emotional impact. It was one step too far. Do you agree?
as below
When Tanjiro saw her switch from attack to acceptance, he changed his strike to Fifth Form, Blessed Rain After the Drought. He still decapitated her, but it was painless. She just felt a warm release. 
And did you notice in the mid shot, you could see her head slowly tracing Tanjiro’s trajectory while her long hair, which his sword had severed, floated to the ground? That was a beautiful moment. It said as much about her as it did about Tanjiro (who I am not convinced is the combat form of Tooru Honda). 
And of course I agree with your insight here. The scene should have ended there. Her fear before told us everything we needed to know about her past. I thought that was a rare misstep after such a meticulously crafted episode. 
I liked the bob cut
So once again, we didn’t really get to see Nezuko at all. The series has used her sparingly so far, giving her plenty of excuses not to be there (i.e. sleeping off injuries or avoiding daylight), but this time they were fighting other demons in a dark forest at night time (we see the moon in several scenes) yet she stayed in a wildly swinging box. I’m wondering why this is. Any ideas?
Best I can figure, they want to show her sparingly. Cute is powerful, but its strength wanes with use. That sounds almost scientific, doesn’t it? Given how seldom we get to see her, each occasion is worth a celebration! 
That said, I’d like to see more of her; I’d like her to lose the bamboo bit. But maybe the point is to keep me wanting that so I keep watching episodes in suspense! 
that’s what we want to now
I liked this episode. I like the entire series when it sticks to its strengths (which in my opinion are flashy action to show off that animation, tense adventure and schlocky horror). As it seems we are in for more deep dark forest, having learned that one of the 12 kizuki is here, I’m thinking we still have a few pretty intense episodes coming our way and that’s great!
I want to see what happens when Zenitsu gets mad. That might be something to see!
Reviews of the Other Episodes
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 01: Cruelty
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 02: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 03: Sabito and Makomo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 04: Final Selection
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 05: My Own Steel
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 06: A Friend fo All Humans
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 07: Muzan Kibutsuji
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 08: The Smell of Enchanting Blood
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 09: Temari Demon and Arrow Demon
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 10: Together Forever
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 11: Tsuzumi Mansion
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 12: The Boar Bears Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 13: Something More Important Than Life
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 14: The House with the Wisteria Family Crest
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 15: Mount Natagumo
you know how it goes, all the screeancaps for you!
  Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 16: Clearing away the Cobwebs Alright, I think we can make it official, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is really an exceptional horror-action anime.
0 notes