#(editing the rough draft will start tomorrow and maybe MAYBE the chapter will be released on sunday cuzdangimtiredandschoolandstudyingexist)
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enchantedchocolatebars · 1 month ago
CHAPTER 6 OF "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human" is officially DONE! 💖 💛 🧡 🩷 ✨️ 🔮 💕 💟
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thewriterowl · 4 years ago
Do you have a standard writing process? Particularly with long fics? I start out plotting everything to some degree and then start writing but then usually what happens is I get too excited to share it so I start posting before I finish and then my mental health just kinda goes "and we're not finishing that"
Hello! Well I try to sort of do the same--that’s how I did it with Stars. But yeah, getting all the details out can burn you out quicker than what’s fair :/
So what I’ve sort of learned to do (especially coming out from What the Stars Let in, since that thing was nearly 500 pages in like three months) was the following:
1) I had major focus points already confirmed in my head: I knew Din and Luke would have an arranged marriage, I knew I wanted Luke to share his story to the Mandalorians, I wanted Luke to fight Dark Troopers, I wanted Din to have a moment or two of jealousy, I wanted there to be a “betrayal’ from Din, I wanted Luke to sacrifice himself by stopping and moving a cruiser, i wanted them to be separated, I wanted Din to have a moment facing darkness, and then I want them together. Besides a bare skeletal structor of a story (din and luke fall in love in an arranged marriage) i focused on story-points I wanted to see happen and made it a goal to get to one....and then get to another and it made me more excited for the plot point coming next rather than trying to rush to that ending.
2) For the scenes I was really excited about I wrote a rough draft instantly. I pretty much had a draft of Luke stopping the cruiser and then “dying” since chapter two because I knew I wanted that to happen. Same with the Dark Trooper chapter. Of course a lot of details were added or changed as the story progressed but i was able to really plan things because not only did I know I wanted those scenes, I had them written out so I could figure out how to foreshadow things in regards to them easier.
3) Although I am influenced by my readers and I try to keep things “Realistic” in the story (aka, why I didn’t turn Din dark though it was a temptation) I write what I want to read. This, of course, can hinder the writing process cause you’re putting a lot of extra love into it because, being honest, i want it to inspire others to write things like it so I can read something next so if it is not well received then it can be a bad sucker-punch...but I was just like, i gotta get these moments out there regardless of the response.
4) This isn’t the best advice...but I wrote when i wanted to...basically I am mostly working from home and in a job I loathe who has drained me of most all my happiness for the past three years and has used me something bad, but I’m shackled to them cause money. Well...I write on their time now (not on my work computer lol) so I sort of had this momentum of MASSIVE writer’s spite. “Oh, you’re gonna call me in to work on my day off AGAIN????? well, ok then...tomorrow from 8 till 5, I’m writing this space-dad fic and only answering some emails”. Maybe not risk your job for a fic...but i would recommend see if you can find some sort of spite to influence you case man, that stuff works maaagiiiic. 
5) Push through the block but not necessarily in a way that burns you out. If you can’t write out the chapter you are currently on, then don’t. Skip five or more scenes ahead and just start there and then go back later and tie things in. You do not have to write your fic in chronological order, so don’t shackle yourself to it. You on a scene with Din and Luke talking about the Force, it’s needed and important, but eh, you’re not feeling it? Go on and write their love confession scene. Or their fight scene. Or something you actually DO wanna write. Go read fics, maybe go and talk to artists and writers about general things and chat. Talking to others about things, not necessarily in detail, can be huge.
6) Bringing in the things I’ve said before; this is not something you need to write chronological--so don’t. The writing can be a fun puzzle. Write the parts you want first (aka the corners as many start with as they do a puzzle) and then start connecting things. I found it a lot easier and a bit more fun to do that way.
7) If possible, and this can be hard, try to be a chapter a head of your updates. With a good chunk of Stars, I was like seven chapters ahead of myself. Not so much with this new one (and for sure not with Little Bird) but it sort of releases some worry and pressure off of you. If you have an idea for a fic, try to see if you can upload it once you have two or there chapters written (not edited, that can come as you get read to upload) and it makes you have a deadline but one that isn’t looming.
8) I also gave myself a deadline. I wanted to update at least once a week. This may not work for everyone, so it’s just about figuring out what works for you...but I think I would recommend you set up a realistic goal on how often you update.
9) Just focus on one chapter at a time as you upload. A multi-chap fic can be so easy to get lost in (I may not update some of my Avengers fic) and that’s fine. It’s disappointing and sad, for yourself, but it happens and it should not be a burden on you. You’re writing these things for fun and if it doesn’t work out, well sucks...but there was no harm or waste to it. Some free content just won’t get finished. Happens every day and it’s all good. You just take up the next wave of inspiration and try to get it finished.
10) Ensure you have fun and keep other fun projects available. That mental stuff loves to take away fun, passionate projects. it’s a miserable monster that just wants to suck you dry from it. Take yourself from the project on occasion and write a one shot (these things are miserably hard for me) and use it as an exercise. It challenges you in a different way, gets you to do something new, and can give you and your mental-monster some whiplash so that it can’t instantly take it away from you.
11) If you lose your hyper fixation/love for a pairing, don’t grip on to it for the sake of a fic. I love DinLuke now and I don’t see that changing anytime soon...but when/if it does, I’ll need to just step back and let it go and wait for it to hit in another wave later. Just enjoy the fandom as a fan and you should have a lot more joy and ease in taking part of projects that way.
Those are my little tidbits that’s helped me with stuff so far at least!
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katnissdoesnotfollowback · 6 years ago
Hi there... *pokes head in and waves awkwardly* sooooo I’ve been kinda keeping this quiet because it’s been a lot of frustrated deleting and starting over for awhile, but I finally feel like an update is a real possibility here soon and given that almost everyone in fandom I’ve talked to lately has been going through a rough patch, including myself for a bit there, I figure maybe this might give someone a smile or two? soooo...
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Now, before you all start screaming at me, that’s still a draft, and it’s also a draft that’s got three scenes that need to be added to it. My current goal now that I’ve got some real progress and feel like I’m kinda sorta back in the mind set for this story, is to have those three scenes written by tomorrow night and an update posted by mid May. Keep in mind that an 11k+ mofo of a chapter is gonna take some time to edit. In the meantime a small snippet from chapter 26 of Outside Chance (yes you read that correctly, I said Outside Chance):
Haymitch, Twill, and the other coaches are waiting for us and start talking almost immediately as we warm up, in constant motion to prepare. It all becomes a blur. A picture of my skis, a selfie for Prim, a quick dance and a kiss from Peeta, a hug from Madge, stern words from Haymitch. Steady beeps and then the long tone, releasing me onto the course.
Ski then shoot, simple enough.
I feel good, great even as I move through the course and hit most of my targets. Only a few misses mean that I’ll at least make the pursuit. That’s my goal today anyways. Narrow the field then catch them all on the downslope.
It’s as I’m heading into my third and final lap passing through the stands that I hear them. Normally the sounds of the crowd fade to the background, no more present than the buzzing of a hummingbird’s wings or the constant tones of the earth. These shouts cut through somehow, straight to my awareness. My name being yelled in familiar voices. Prim. Ryen. Half a lifetime of memories surges through me. I risk one quick look and nearly stumble on my skis.
They’re all there. All of them, cheering me on. I think. I’m moving too fast to be sure, but I know I spot Prim’s face and Graham’s. I know I heard Ryen, too… and if they’re in the stands, then I can’t imagine Savannah and the girls and Gramps are not.
As I leave the stands behind and lose sight of them, the sounds still ring in my ears along with the pounding of my heart, the whoosh of my breathing in time with my skis.
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bucky-take-the-wheel · 7 years ago
Oh, That’s Just Bucky Part 4
AN:  I didn't realize that I started this story almost a year ago and I'm just now updating it wtf? In an effort to get a new chapter out this is a VERY rough draft and I might go back and edit later. I'm sorry guys, college kicked my ass but I kicked it back! 3 Bs and a C+ ayyyeee~ Anyways, just know I love this story and I didn't mean to abandon it. I hope this chapter lives up to what you expected. I definitely have more in store for these guys, so stay tuned!
Summary: Steve Rogers is in a shitty relationship with a shitty guy. However, things take a turn for the weird when Steve moves into a new apartment that isn’t as empty as he thought. Little does he know that there’s actually a pretty helpful demon living there too. It’s just the way he delivers his messages that bothers Steve.
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Warnings: hurt Steve, not graphic though, very upset Natasha, Steve not taking care of himself.
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
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“Hemophobia?” Bucky repeated tentatively.
“Yes! It means I’m extremely afraid of blood. It’s my phobia, that’s why I always fainted when you used blood to communicate with me,” Steve said leaning forward excitedly. It was such a relief to finally be able to connect with someone besides Natasha and Steve’s doctor. No one understood or tried to just ignore it. Steve was pretty sure that Chad didn’t even know, even though he’d told him multiple times when the other man would want to watch a slasher flick.
“So what do I do with these?” he asked curiously holding up the stack of colorful sticky notes in his clawed hand. Steve had encouraged him to slip back into his natural form since it was more comfortable and he insisted he wasn’t scared of the demon anymore.
“Why, I’m glad you asked!” he chuckled holding up a box of glitter gel pens, stickers, and various other types of fun stationary.The next two weeks was filled with colorful notes with small reminders written on them and the occasional drawing of a hellhound in red glitter pen. At first, they were just reminders written and stuck on the mirror, but they gradually began to take over the apartment. Steve would brush his teeth and smile at the drawing of the horrendous creature on the pink sticky note stuck to his bathroom mirror. But then one would be on his lampshade in his bedroom, 
“The plumber is coming tomorrow to fix the kitchen sink. Wear actual clothes, please” followed by a smiley face. Steve laid in bed and stared at the water stains on the ceiling and sighed. 
“Why don’t you ever come out? The reminders are helpful, but if I’m going to have a roommate it’d be nice to actually talk to you face to face every now and then,”
“All you had to do was ask,” a gruff voice suddenly came from Steve’s left on the bed and he almost screamed before he saw it was just Bucky lounging on his side in his usual getup with a crooked smile.
“Give me an asthma attack while you’re at it! Jesus, do you even own any other clothes? You look like you’re about to go to a rock concert or a BDSM party.” Steve grumbled grabbing the pen and pad on his nightstand usually meant for Bucky’s use.
“What’s wrong with my clothes?” the demon frowned and looked down at his body. Steve blushed and quickly looked away to write “pajamas” in a list for things to get him when he went shopping next.
“Normal people don’t wear tight ass leather pants and that only all the time. I need to get you some clothes, and don’t worry, I’m already writing myself a reminder,” he smiled flashing the demon his growing list of necessities. 
“But I’m a demon and this is what I’ve always worn,” Bucky pouted and rolled over on his stomach to give the other man a pitiful look. 
“Well, I plan on introducing you to my friend, Natasha, so you can’t be wearing that when you meet her. She might just steal you away from me,” Steve said scribbling harder on the notepad. Suddenly, warm fingers clutched his chin and wrenched his head to the side, almost painfully. His wide eyes met fiery black ones and he had to suck in a sharp breath.
“Believe me, no one is stealing me away from you,” Steve almost died and went to heaven (or hell) right then and there. If he’d been on his feet he would have definitely fallen. With a graceful roll Bucky lifted himself and glided across the room.
“I guess I’ll leave it up to you then. However, if you haven’t guessed, I prefer form fitting and black clothing. Night night, Stevie.” Bucky leaned down like he was going to kiss his forehead, but instead slapped a sticky note there instead before disappearing into thin air. Steve sucked in a breath and flopped back onto the mattress before peeling the paper off his skin and reading it.
“Don’t forget to buy me clothes tomorrow
Steve encountered three more notes before he even left the apartment the next day, but no sight of the demon anywhere. He sighed as he passed the second bedroom with an unfinished canvas in it.
 I’ll get to it later.
The half finished family portrait stared at him in judgement, the father seemingly glaring at him. He quickly shut the door and moved to the kitchen to find quite a bit of money and a note.
“Take this and don’t question it. Make sure to eat something with protein in it. I’ll see you later
The blond raised an eyebrow at the cash and the little signature that was starting to show up in the demon’s notes. He was also questioning how he was considering calling Bucky that. He shook his head and grabbed some eggs from the fridge and popped some toast in the toaster. Shortened versions of hard to pronounce demon’s names was one thing, but a pet name of an already shortened name was something else entirely. But Bucky started it, so maybe it was okay? Steve groaned and slammed the fridge and pulled out his phone to text Chad. Maybe he just needed to see his boyfriend.
“Wanna come over 2nite?” he sent the text and shoved his phone back in his pocket and sighed. Chad was probably still in bed from an all nighter with his friends. Steve was slightly startled by his toast popping up and grumbled as he quickly pocketed the cash and swiped his breakfast from the toaster. He was too irritated and confused to fix eggs and headed out the door. He needed some air to clear his head.
Steve flopped down on a bench and huffed. So far he had only found a couple of t-shirts and one pair of gothic looking pants at Hot Topic and some pajama pants but that was it. He couldn’t have Bucky walking around in just a pair of pants, but he also wanted to pick things Bucky would actually like to wear. Apparently Hot Topic no longer carried goth stuff anymore and that was his last hope. He doubted the demon would like a My Little Pony dress. Steve’s sugar was getting low and he was getting irritated with all the people so he resigned to go home and just order the rest of Bucky’s clothes online. At least then the demon could pick out exactly what he wanted. Well, that was the plan, until he got up and promptly passed the fuck out. Again.
When he came to he was being surrounded by tons of shoppers and the EMTs loading him onto a stretcher. One of the EMTs noticed him coming to and smiled reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, we found your emergency call list in your phone and your friend Natasha is meeting us at the hospital. You’ll be just fine.” Steve groaned and rolled his head on the stretcher. He would never hear the end of this from Nat and she’d never leave him alone. 
I’m going to have to sell my haunted apartment and all my belongings to pay for this ambulance ride alone. His eyes shot open and he almost sobbed. 
Bucky. He would have to leave Bucky. Steve tried to sit up but he was strapped down and they were already pulling away. The nice lady from before put calming, gloved hands on his arms and gave him a reassuring smile.
“Steven? It’s okay, we’re just gonna bring you in to check for a concussion. You fell at a weird angle and hit your head pretty hard.” Steve squinted and could vaguely feel something being pressed to his head but all he could think about was the demon at home who was waiting on him. The one that couldn’t leave the apartment no matter how hard he tried. Everything was a blur as they unloaded him and put him in a bed in the E.R. Steve only caught a blur of red in the whir of sterile white. He knew Natasha was there but he couldn’t focus on one thing. It was like someone had put his head in a blender and left it on. Finally, he snapped out of it when he felt a hard pressure squeezing his upper arm. He glanced over to see Nat sitting beside the bed with tears in her eyes. At that moment, he realized he too had tears streaking down his cheeks.
Without thinking he said, “Where’s Bucky?”
Nat just gave him an incredulous look.“Who?” she said.
“Nobody,” he croaked.
“Do you know how fucking scared I was? An EMT called me saying you were passed out in the middle of the mall bleeding like crazy and they were carting you off to the hospital and to come immediately. I’ve imagined this scenario different ways before and I thought this was it. I don’t show it often, but I am genuinely scared that one day that call will be someone giving me far more fatal news. What happened? Did you let your sugar get too low again?” her hand was back on his arm again, squeezing like a blood pressure cuff. 
He looked away and swiped the tears and nodded like a scolded child. Nat just sat back and shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest, tissue clutched tight in her hand.
“Thankfully, you didn’t get a concussion and you were cleared to be released once you came to. The doctors think you went through a brief episode of dissociation.”
“I don’t know how the hell I’m going to pay them back, Nat,” he croaked running his fingers through his already mussed hair.
“You don’t have to because I already did. Once you get your shit together I’ll take you home and we’re gonna have ice cream and a full on cry session. I’m not doing it in front of all these people,” in an instant Natasha Romanoff was clear faced and ready with her purse and keys and out the door. Steve was left speechless as the doctor came in and signed his chart with a quick, “Be more careful with in the future, Mr. Rogers,”.
Steve changed slowly and grabbed his shopping bags before trudging out to the waiting room to meet with Natasha. She was already wearing her sunglasses so he couldn’t tell what her eyes were saying, but she was stiff. He gingerly wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his head on her collarbone. Her high heeled boots were actually welcome today. Steve just wanted to be small and comforted.
“I think we overreacted a little bit today…” Steve started as soon as they got in Natasha’s car, but a seething glare sent his way stop him dead in his tracks.
“Don’t you ever tell me how to feel, Steven Grant Rogers. You can’t tell someone how to feel, and how I felt today was very real and I don’t want to hear another peep about it.” Before Steve could say anything else she started the engine and swiftly backed out of the parking spot and sped out of the parking garage.
You can’t tell someone how to feel, huh? Steve leaned up against the cool glass and drifted off as the engine hummed underneath him.
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