#(dunno if i should put this as a hc post or not but like m a n )
spiinsparks · 2 years
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         ||.  wait a hot diggity dog second tails had to learn to fly the tornado from somebody —
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
I was tagged by @memes-saved-me <3<3<3<, Thank you, love <3<3<3<
1. why did you choose your url?
It’s because, one day, just a few months after starting to write again, feeling like I was sweating blood every time I had to sit down and do this, Neil Gaiman made me feel the most understood I‘ve ever felt when it comes to writing:
“It's a weird thing, writing.
Sometimes you can look out across what you're writing, and it's like looking out over a landscape on a glorious, clear summer's day. You can see every leaf on every tree, and hear the birdsong, and you know where you'll be going on your walk.
And that's wonderful.
Sometimes it's like driving through fog. You can't really see where you're going. You have just enough of the road in front of you to know that you're probably still on the road, and if you drive slowly and keep your headlamps lowered you'll still get where you were going.
And that's hard while you're doing it, but satisfying at the end of a day like that, where you look down and you got 1500 words that didn't exist in that order down on paper, half of what you'd get on a good day, and you drove slowly, but you drove.
And sometimes you come out of the fog into clarity, and you can see just what you're doing and where you're going, and you couldn't see or know any of that five minutes before.
And that's magic.”
He summed it up in another interview like this:
“Writing a novel is like driving through the fog with one headlight out. You can’t see very far ahead of yourself, but every now and again the mists will clear.”
i printed it and got it on my wall, too. so i don't forget.
and guess what’s one of my all-time favorite songs? yeah, you got it :D
also, that's the amount of mental enlightenment I go through life with: half the standard equipment. So it fits me pretty well i guess.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
yeah i’ve got a few. most of them to stash things i like, in general or in other fandoms, but in harringrove i have @thequarryatnight as a fic/hc storage of sorts.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
uh, technically a few years?. I've had a few different accounts that I always ended up forgetting about. But had never really used Tumblr until this past last year and a half.
4. do you have a queue tag?
I use the most simplistic 'queue' ... when I remember to put it on XD (which, I should, because I'm always so worried people think I'm in here ignoring them when in reality what I usually have is the longest queue)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Uh, long and boring story? xD. I started posting harringrove in my main a few months after I started using the account again, along with posts/reblogs for other fandoms. But with Tumblr being the chaos it is (for me at least, and for the way my poor add brain works) it felt pretty overwhelmed, having so many different things in one place, and never being able to find anything so I decided to make this one side-blog only for posting my fics, but then people started following me here and suddenly there were a bunch of them and then suddenly it felt like it made more sense?, rebloging things in here where more people could see them? so I made @thequarryatnight and started reblogging my stuff in there, so I wouldn't get crazy, and started using this as a more fandomish blog.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love pictures taken from the side? xD, they’ve got this feeling, of looking at someone without them noticing. there’s a longing in there that’s always fascinated me, and steve’s breathtaking in this one (same as billy in my main pic, imo). i like to think billy'd look at him and think ‘fuck’, fall in love for the hundredth time so, yep. I love that pic.
7. why did you choose your header?
Is a picture of Santa Carla at night, aka Santa Cruz, where Lost Boys was filmed. Is my second favorite fictional town (first is Astoria i might have a list) and the feeling of it is just *chef’s kiss*. Had to have it. But I’m thinking of revamping it for the summer? maybe? I’ve got a few ideas, it’s been hard to decide, but I wanna bring out the summery vibe this year.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
it’s apparently my upside-down kiss one! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (i used this page since I had 0 idea of how to check this)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i honestly don't know, but they all are amazing mutuals <3
10. how many followers do you have?
one of the best things about tumblr: doesn't show the follower count <3 (imo)
11. how many people do you follow?
about 1000? xD
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
if saying the first stupid thing that comes to my head in here is considered a shit post, then,t o o m a n y.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I've been trying to reduce the number of times I come checking but still, way too many :D
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
nope. never. sometimes i want to leave my opinion in some posts, but i still feel pretty insecure about the language, so i'm perpetually afraid of being misunderstood.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts
the ones with something good/bad is gonna happen if you don't reblog? i usually scream internally while i fast-scroll past them while both feeling like bwahhahaha and scared shitless.
16. do you like tag games?
oh i LOVE tag games too much.
17. do you like ask games?
very very much. even if sometimes i repent bc it's hard for me to find the time to answer them xD.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
dunno but @chichipafarolillos is my personal superstar <3
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no xD but I really really <3<3<3 my mutuals.
20. tags?
@ghostofjellyfishforgotten @missroserose @rascheln @neonponders @cockasinthebird @thatharringrovehoe @edith-moonshadow @dyingontheharringrovehill @wholeshebangs @irishbeings @smashmouth-hargrove @mourntheantagonist @aestheticchaoss @somuchanemoia @cupidsintern
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Replies Are Back!
it’s been a while... xD
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Conifer: Charlotte! Guess what? I’m pregnant!! Charlotte: Really?...”
Ahh more babies!!
of course! i still have themed names to use ;)
ladyanyarose replied to your photoset “Charlotte: So…you write bad smut to relax your brain. That’s new....”
Okay but Salim is seriously the worst neighbor ever. XD He's either whoohooing or playing loud music ever night and then the one time one if my sims decides to work out in the morning in the treadmill he comes over pounding on the door saying how loud they're being. Salim. Stop. XD
YESSSSS!!!! this exactly! apparently even showering, doing homework or having a midnight snack is too loud for this poor old man XD it’s happened m a n y times
(thank you for this comment btw i’m not anti salim or anything but i love complaining and it’s good to know i’m not alone ;))
pixeldemographics replied to your post “official nsfw warning”
smh annie i will shield myself from n o t h i n g
at ur own risk my dude
simphonics replied to your post “psa welp guys i’m afraid this is the kinda content i post. berries and...”
I love this content.
i know i @-replied to this but i want to delete this post and save it somewhere else so again- thank you so much ♥
monets-pixels replied to your photoset “Conifer: Char! Jess promised to take the kids tonight. Are you ready...”
one can never have too many nsfw scenes amirite?? (i say that but i had a whole load of regrets but in the end this cost me less followers than the pool stuff so i guess it’s a success? and there’s still the wedding night to come ;))
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
dats a big ring
gonna take what you can get smh this is the base game ring i ain’t going cc hunting for that but also they’re not poor so there’s that
thatsimslove replied to your photoset “Eva Velasquez ~”
Ohh I love her
thank you!! me too, i wish i had motivation to play vanillas
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “W: Gotcha!!!”
Protecc this child
we will :,)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “(Random HC I have about Charlotte: she’s actually a pretty big fan of...”
its ok u are goals without plate merging and tBH i LOVE THIS CHARLOTTE HEADCANON SO MUCH!! we discussed it so much but i live for charlotte and her positivity and her FINDING WAYS to SMASH that positivity in is so good it feels so organic pls take these char feelies
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i see jess is going to perform the rare ass jump ;)
mar: im so glad im in the cold water already
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
aaaa this tickles my aesthetic bone so much
fucccccccccc highest!!! praise
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
ok but char is such a Gr8 and Amazing and Beautiful Mom i love her
;___________; me too i want her to be everyones mum
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: You too, Jessamine. Where am I going to put you???”
in the bED 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
you are not wrong
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: What are my kids doing out of the pool! Unacceptable. Back in, the...”
im still legitimately weeping at this!!!!!!!! hes such a good dad to these kids that i still dont know i lov!!!!!
akjsfaksfjahskfjasfkajsfkasfjaksfasd i cry i feel like such a kidnapper still but im glad!! soon enough bby do it for them (also for all the milestones in between that will be beautiful)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “MARVISION: A C T I V A T E”
jess can feel the weight of that marvision
u bet i cry hes so close it must b something else
the strongest part of mars body: the arms? the dicc???? nah its the e y e s
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “MARVISION: A C T I V A T E”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Man, Yarrow, we gotta come up with a way to keep you up to date!!...”
im sorry im in love with your berrifications
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Man, Yarrow, we gotta come up with a way to keep you up to date!!...”
that visual tho...imagine
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Hi there, Tide! T: Oh hey Calla! Need a pair of strong arms for...”
i love this start of a beautiful friendship based on video games and political conspiracy theories
:,) ah yes that is a thing smh tide (smh me and my eagerness to hav this fam in my save)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Hi there, Tide! T: Oh hey Calla! Need a pair of strong arms for...”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “i’m sorry i just rly love them”
who are these kids Whomst
i dunno......i got them from this girl maybe you know her???? shes rly talented and rly good to me and idk how she deals with all the crap i put her sims in but shes rly nice shed fit your bill perfectly you should follow
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i die at ficus stopping playing altogether (i already knew it but it still packs a punch to my gut)
s a m e
i guess hes just........good at giving up i cry
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
!!!!!!!!!! ok but wow i love how different they are in coping and how it feeds these bits of characterization of theirs!!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
a Blessed self insert!! 💖
she has to b good at it SOMEWHERE u kno!!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
yessss give me the girls being c u t e !!!!!
ofc my dude
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
idk this boy who is this
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i cry i need to post them more because i lov this word so much
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
pls harm this nasty boy make him suffer
later, my friend, later
also i think most of the suffering will be up to you oops
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
This is truly how u kill a catii
i dunno you seem pretty alive to me still
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
Holy hell u deviants mind the kids!!
n e v e r you know the pool brings out That Side in them
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
!!!!!!!!!!! im weeping
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Mar? Are you gonna let go of me? M: Something tells me that our...”
!!!!!!! ur givin the catiis all they want i want to cry
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: Charlotte! My agony aunt. It’s been far too long. Can I have a hug?...”
malmine kids whomst idk them
im just picturing you saying whomst and im loving it
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: Charlotte! My agony aunt. It’s been far too long. Can I have a hug?...”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “Guess what time it is!!”
!!!!!! its time to kill catii!!!!!!!
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “oK BUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AT SCHOOL???”
my poor bb!
there’s two of them p l s they’re both sad pls be nice
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
his face is still so PERF
i KNOW he’s truly timeless
simphonics replied to your photoset “And now this has turned into a couple photoshoot so it’s time to end...”
but they're adorable!
i know, but i didn’t rly have room or time for more of them :/ they’ll be back soon tho! as always
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “F: ✊ ✊  A: �� ��”
they need to boink he has a terminal case of dast zadaning
looks like it there is No Hope i cry i should hav let them
pirouettingplumbobs replied to your photoset “F: ✊ ✊  A: �� ��”
Awwwww missed these two
me too! sometimes i forget how much fun they were because all the generations have been so much fun ;_;
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “Dog looks great on you Aur! You should wear it more often.”
pixeldemographics replied to your post “i have a queue for today and tomorrow, and regular posting is picking...”
i cry i still dont hav a witty reply for this but this is definitely going in the top comments of 2018 maybe i should make that a thing
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “Introducing Kumquat ♥”
what are u paying???
pixeldemographics replied to your photo “[[MOR] aaaaaaaaaaaaa f u c k ;_; this seriously made me cry the best...”
u are good enough no BUTS no IFS no NOTHING u rly are you dang gourd!!! and i do i do i do and thats the truth!!! ily my angel
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