#(drawing aethers is so hard god help me buT I'M TRYING)
pestilentbrood · 1 year
How about my little guy?
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iamthecomet · 1 year
In a similar vein to the scenario I drew earlier; Rain is quiet when he cums, so Dew's knows he won't make a sound if he just... ya know, slips a "helping hand" down his pants during mass or whenever really, but Dew?
Dew's loud.
But not intentionally loud.
He tries so hard to be quiet, and he's incredibly embarrassed by the sounds he makes, because they're so needy.
So while Rain is about to bust in complete silence, without any warning whatsoever, Dew sounds like he's close the entire time.
And Rain tries to be all "cool" about it, like, "Haha, yeah, I'm completely unaffected-"
But unless he starts thinking of things to distract him from what's going on, he's gonna explode, and Dew knows that, but he's not bothered by the idea of Rain finishing early, because it just makes it so much easier to get away with it...
...If Rain can keep Dew quiet that is.
Anyway, the thought I leave you with, is Rain trying to make a "closet session" last, but he knows if he hears Dew so much as whine, he's either gonna nut or they're gonna get caught, so he has Dew's shirt -which is still on him, just pulled up past his nipples, wadded up in his mouth with his on hand hold it there to muffle the sounds he's making.
And then it's all for naught, because Rain comes so hard he accidentally shouts the rawest, gravelly, "Fuck!" and bumps Dew into the door ever so slightly... just in time for one of the other ghouls (or multiple, whose to say they weren't all looking for them) to be passing by and see Rain just, flushed to the gills, eyes wide and mortified, while Dew's just there, drooling through his own shirt and dazed as all get out.
...I also considered combining another thought, where Dew's in that nun habit I put him in that one time with Mountain, and it being the coif in his mouth, or them using that outfit to pretend Dew is a sister of sin or something.
LAMP YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS TO ME. look LOOK. I am such a slut for gagging people with their own clothes. But the SHIRT. Still ON HIM. COEHJKAHFDSAF. I wanted to have coherent thoughts about this but they are not THOUGHTING. Thinking about Rain using the hand not clamped over Dew's mouth to play with his nipples, just to hear those little muffled whines that draws from him. And the fact that RAIN is the one who makes the noise. That he's the one who wants it to last but he's the one who can't handle it. God. How DARE YOU. I'm picturing the door swinging open. Both of them tumbling out, entangled. Rain still inside of Dew, barely finished cumming, toppling to the floor at Aether's feet. Rain going beat red. Dew spitting the shirt out of his mouth and grinning up, dazed and cock drunk at Aether like he didn't literally just get caught with his pants down. H E L P.
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