#(don't get me wrong. i don't particularly MIND the other teams pulling shit. if the fia wanna be real fucking unclear about the rules?
op81s · 18 hours
i'm gonna be real honest here. i don't particularly care if the mclaren wing is deemed illegal by the fans. 'cause at the end of the day, we all live at the whims of the fia. and let's be real here. other teams have definitely benefited from the fia turning a blind eye to them before. so until the hammer comes down from the fia? that wing is staying on.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
Steddie brain rot
Some rollerrink had opened a few towns over and the kids really wanted to go. Despite them all being sophomores, none of them have their license, so Steve has to drive. He tries to get one of the other adults to come with, but everyone is busy.
Robin and Nancy have a date, andJohnathon and Argyle are busy(not that he was particularly close to either of them).
That leaves Eddie, who he expected to laugh in his face at even the thought of him going roller skating. But surprisingly, he agrees.
When they get there, the kids all go off and begin skating right away. Steve and Eddie sit by the sidelines, and watch.
Steve notices the way Will sadly watches Mike and El skate hand in hand. "Poor kid..."
"What?" Eddie asks, confused. Not following Steve's inner train of thought.
"Will. He, um has been through a lot. And take this with a grain of salt because obviously he has never said anything to me, but I think he's into Wheeler." Steve says thoughtfully.
Eddie smiles, he loves that despite the lack of credit the kids give him, and he gives himself he is incredibly observant of those he cares about. "Yea...I can see that. At hellfire, he is always looking to Mike for some kind of approval. It's cute."
Steve chuckles hearing Eddie "the freak" Munson use the word cute. He shifts to a solom smile. "Yea but it's hard, too. You know being gay in a town like Hawkins, never being sure who you can tell, never being sure who will reciprocate your feelings, being scared to mistakenly confess that shit to the wrong person. That's why I am so happy Robin lucked out with Nance..." his voice sounds sad.
Eddie picks on the hints of sadness. He sounds like he is talking from personal experience. "Steve...um have you ever felt that way? I mean you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to...I just...I don't know. I wouldn't hate you or anything."
For a moment, the breath catches in Steve’s throat, Eddie had read right through him. But he takes Eddie’s words at face value, Eddie won't hate him. In a low voice he whispers "Yea, A few times. Like I'm definitely into girls, but there have been a few guys. One I even kissed."
Eddie’s face goes pink at the thought of Steve kissing a guy, a tinge of irrational jealousy fills his mind. He tries to keep his voice calm. "Out of curiosity, can I ask who?"
Steve's face flushes at the question, but nods anyhow. "I mean I used to think Tommy H. was attractive, but he was an asshole, so I got over that. There were a few random guys on the swim team with me."
"And the kiss?" Eddie pushes
"It was Billy Hargrove...we kind of had a thing. I think Max knows but no one else does. He...died before we really had a chance to figure out what we were, and what we wanted." He says sadly.
"I'm sorry, man." Eddie replies trying to cover up the shock of Steve and Billy. "So, has their been anyone since?" He feels badly for pushing but his own self-deprecating curiosity has gotten the best of him.
"Yea..." Steve admits, but instead of saying who he asks "Have you...um ever felt that way about a guy?"
Eddie can't help but shoot his a little smile. "Only once...like I've never dated anyone, haven't really cared to. But there was a guy recently, Stevie."
The silly nickname slipped out but he hopes Steve is getting what he is trying to telepathically imply. Steve blushes "Do I, um know him?" Steve leans in slightly, so he is closer in Eddie's space.
"Funny you should ask..." Eddie starts but before he can finish, Dustin interrupts them. "Why are you guys just sitting here?? Come on, and skate."
Eddie groans to himself as Steve pulls aways. "Okay, whatever Henderson. I didn't want to embarrass you guys because I am so talented." Steve jokes as he stands up. He looks at Eddie as Dustin skates off. "I'll grab us some skates."
Eddie watches him walk off, silently cursing Dustin. Worst possible timing and now he was going to embarrass himself in front of the man he was trying to impress.
Steve returns with a pair of skates for both of them. Steve puts his on but notices the hesitant way Eddie is putting on his own. "What's wrong?"
He wants to say 'I'm mad because I was trying so hard to tell you I like you.' But instead focuses on the more immediate problem. "I can't skate."
"Oh?" Steve says, sounding a little disappointed before perking back up. "That's okay, I got you, Eds."
Eddie blushes at the soft way Steve says his name. He nods, the air betweenthem has definitely changed. "Thanks...big boy." He adds to break the nervous tension, flashing a smile.
And Steve didn't lie. He did have Eddie, holding onto the other man so he didn't fall as muck. Eddie holding onto him for dear life as he clumsily made his wayaround the rink. And to his surprise, Eddie was enjoying himself. Now whether that enjoyment was from skating or the way Steve Harrington was gently guiding him, wrapping his arms around his waist to support him, he did not know.
They stayed for hours before finally bringing the kids home and dropping them off. When Steve pulled up to Eddie’s trailer after ushering Max to hers, he clears his throat.
"Hey, Eddie?" He sounds nervous, as he looks at the passenger side seat.
Eddie turns his head to meet his eyes.
"Yea?" He says softly.
"I...um, really had fun today. So...um thank you." He wants to say more but has lost the momentum from earlier.
Eddie's heart is beating fast. "Anytime, Harrington. I liked spending time with you....and the kids." He quickly adds.
Steve lets out a nervous laugh. "Yea, me too. I also like hanging out with you...and the kids of course. But can I ask you something?"
"Sure..." Eddie tries to sound confident.
"Earlier, you were going to tell me who you liked, right? Can you tell me now?" Steve feels silly asking but hopes it's who he thinks it is. He leans closer to Eddie over the center console, resting his hand on the metal head's thigh, praying he is not going too far.
At this point Eddie feels like he is going to combust into flames any moment. So he takes a chance. "How about I show you?" With that, he nervously scoops Steve's chin up, pressing a gentle kiss against the other man’s lips. He pulls away slightly to gage Steve's reaction.
But before he can get too far, he feels Steve move his hand to the back of Eddie’s head, twisting his fingers into Eddie’s hair, pulling him back in for a long, needy kiss.
After they have to pull away for air, both men of flushing, lips pink and kiss swollen. "I think that answers my question." Steve laughs.
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free-pancakes · 3 years
I exactly don't remember it's fanart or ACWNR..but Levi killed/fought some people who harassed Isabelle by cutting her hair..so a prompt on Levi giving some lesson who harassed Hanji.
Levi stared at Hange’s hand as she absentmindedly poked at her dinner rations with a fork.
“Four-eyes, stop playing with your food.”
“What?” she asked, her voice uncharacteristically hollow. Her mind was obviously somewhere else, but not in the way she’d be when her thoughts were on her research. This was much different, and Levi knew exactly why. As he pushed back in his seat and stood up, Hange didn’t even flinch. She continued to stare down at her plate, rolling her fork over the peas, squishing them between the spokes at random. Levi walked out of the mess hall, and he stole one more glance at her as he walked through door—no change, no smile, no wave goodbye.
Levi took one of the horses and made his trek towards Sina. As he rode, the events of this morning played in his head.
He and Hange sat together at a military meeting in Sina—not paying attention to the presentation at all. These monthly meetings were pointless for the Scouts and were clearly more of use to the MP and Garrison, but they were required to attend, to all the Scouts’ annoyance. Hange and Levi played their usual game of taking bets on how long it would take for Erwin to start tapping his foot with impatience, how many times Nanaba would punch Mike for saying some kind of inappropriate joke, how many sketches Moblit would make of Nifa as he stared at her from across the room, how long into the meeting it would take before Eld would hold back laughter at Petra kicking Oluo underneath the table. Hange won majority of their bets today so she was in such a great mood. Levi couldn’t help but feel happy at seeing her brag about how well she knew their friends. He never understood how he survived all these meetings before he started sitting next to Hange during them.
As they walked out together, Hange realized she forgot her notebook. Levi gave her an annoyed scowl and returned to meeting room to retrieve it. He was ready to throw it back at her like a frisbee when he turned the corner because he was sure it’d make her laugh, and he loved the sound of that. But before he could do so, he heard stern, mocking voices. He only caught the end of the conversation, but it sounded like some moron MP was harassing Hange, calling her some stupid waste of space, going on about he was the one had to deal with her paperwork and crap on titans. Before he left, the MP officer managed to spit out a final comment on how she was only in the position she was in because rumor had it she was good friends with both the Commander and “humanity’s strongest,” and spit in her face before walking away.
Levi couldn’t get Hange’s resulting expression out of his mind. Normally she didn’t take MP harassment personally and laughed it off, but this one particularly affected her. He knew she’d be back to normal after a day or so, but Levi wasn’t about to let this one slide. After all, this moron was asking for it by dragging him and Erwin into the picture.
Levi slipped into the MP barracks, sneaking silently in the shadows. He quickly turned behind a corner as a light switched on and some MP officers walked out. They were... gossiping about him and Hange being in...
...a relationship? Levi’s face turned red hot in embarrassment. Goddamnit Erwin wasn’t kidding that there were rumors about him and Hange. This threw Levi off, so much so that he didn’t notice a young man and woman approach him from the side.
Levi looked at them, both completely frightened seeing THE Levi Ackerman standing in front of them. Levi put his index finger up to his lips, gesturing that the two best stay silent. Then in a blink of an eye, Levi was gone.
“Hitch, shouldn’t we...”
“Marlo, I’m not about to mess with that guy, let’s just go, ya big oaf.”
Levi walked around until he heard voices behind a door, and he recognized the one right away. They were still shit-talking Hange and Erwin, and Levi had enough. When he got his chance, knocked out the officer when he turned the corner alone, and carried him away.
When the officer came to, he woke up laying down in a candle lit room, the sound of loud, giant, heavy breathing to his left. Before he could figure out what the hell was happening, he was grabbed by the collar and found himself staring into the dark grey eyes of Levi Ackerman. “Woah what the—“
Levi dragged him over to the titan Hange and her team had captured the other day.
“You think Hange is at the position she’s at because of who she knows?”
Levi held the man up near the titan’s face, and he screamed as the titan attempted to chomp at him, where Levi pulled him just an inch from safety just in time. The man screamed and gagged as the rancid breath of the titan reached his nose.
Levi dropped kicked the guy and punched him straight in the face, breaking his nose.
“Hange and her team caught this big guy right here, think you can do that?”
Levi bent down and sat on the MP officer’s chest, and the man flinched, his eyes filled with fear, his smart mouth shut and not wanting to ever say anything bad about Hange Zoe ever again.
Levi pulled out a knife from his pocket with a casual look in his eyes, spun it in his hand and held it right above the man’s throat.
“Did you really think you could get away with saying such bullshit straight to Hange’s face? And even think you could drag me into it without facing some sort of consequence? You sicken me,” he muttered as the knife clattered to the floor and the man yelped at the sound.
“So if you ever hurt Hange like that ever again, just know...” Levi leaned down, his nose just an inch away from the man’s face, his eyes shooting daggers into the officer’s.
“...I can make a way for them to demote you and make you a Scout. And your sorry ass knows you wouldn’t survive a minute during an expedition.”
“And you think you know who Hange Zoe is?”
He shook his head.
“That’s right, because her stupidly kind self would save your ass if she saw you in trouble on an expedition, despite how horribly you treated her.”
Levi stood up and gestured the man to stand.
“Now you can walk yourself all the way back to Sina, idiot.”
The man scurried away but before he could leave the tent, Levi made one more request.
“Oh, and you seem like you’re all talk and your moron friends probably listen to you. Do me a favor and stomp out those rumors about Hange and me. My relationship with four-eyes is none of your business.” The man frantically nodded and ran off.
Levi sighed, and walked back to the barracks. As he passed by Hange’s quarters, he pushed the door open and peaked inside the dark room. There she was, her back to him sitting at her desk, the light of the moon shining through the window, outlining her frame. Levi pulled up a chair behind her and rested his chin on her shoulders and she leaned her head on his.
“Something wrong, Levi?” They sat in silence for awhile, only the sound of their breathing filled the room, along with a few residual sniffles from Hange’s silent crying over the MP officer’s words that morning.
At least Levi knew she wouldn’t be getting any crap from the MP anymore. He scared the guy good.
He wrapped his arms around Hange’s waist from where he sat behind her, and she curled her fingers gently around his hands.
“No, I’m good right here,” he whispered with a tiny smile.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Only Traitors Consort With The Damned. (Part Fourteen)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: injuries, death, blood, use of harmful gas, bad language
Context: (Y/n), Dwayne, Nico and Paul try to reunite themselves with David and Marko.
A/N: I'm sorry if this is getting a bit repetitive now, I promise it won't go on much longer!😅
Edited By: @jawline-of-steel
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A hand on my shoulder wakes me, the gentle yet insistent sensation of someone shaking me from my dreamless sleep becoming apparent. I crack my eyes open to look at who it is, immediately meeting a hard grey stare as I do so, Nico's slightly dishevelled hair falling into his face slightly as he carefully tries to wake me, a grim smile creasing his features as he sees me looking at him. Withdrawing his arm, he replaces it where it was before: at the small of my back. Realising now that I'm lying on his chest, I go to roll off, hoping I haven't made him feel awkward in any way, only for him to stop me and gingerly help me sit up with him.
"Go steady, (Y/n). You're hurt, remember?" The werewolf chides me, lifting me very carefully off of his lap and onto the sofa beside him, keeping his hand at the crook of my back as I let out a whimper of pain, accidentally putting weight on my back leg.
"Yeah, thank you." I smile at him, turning my gaze to the room, where I see Dwayne and Paul watching us closely, both of them tense and jittery. Somehow neither of them look as if they've slept well.
"Sleep well?" Dwayne asks, voice sounding oddly detached, his mind clearly elsewhere.
"Surprisingly, yeah. You?" I respond, rubbing my head as the events of the night before come flooding back to me, dread reawakening itself in my core at the memory.
Paul laughs, bitterly.
"Not at all." 
I nod, hearing exactly what I expected, pulling a sympathetic face as I do so.
"Do you think we can get back to the cave?" Dwayne interjects, the brunette anxious to get back to his friends.
I think for a minute, considering the dangers and odds of what might happen if we did, replying a minute or so after, noticing now how Dwayne has started pacing.
"We should be able to. If they found nothing, then the team will have moved on to the next likely spot, so there'll probably be very little risk in trying. If there is any threat, it'll probably only be a guard or two left there to catch me, but I reckon David and Marko will have taken care of them." I frown momentarily, "You guys must be hungry. When was the last time you fed?"
Paul and Dwayne look at each other briefly, seemingly considering when their last meal was, neither of them particularly sure of themselves.
"It definitely wasn't yesterday. We were going to, but then things went wrong, so we never really got a chance." The blonde reveals, scratching his head slightly, "Can we go, please?"
Unsurprised at their eagerness, I go to stand up again, groaning when a bolt of agony spikes up my leg. Frowning, Nico moves to support me, pushing me back onto the sofa with a firm hand.
"Take it easy. I'll carry you." He reassures me, getting up to stretch out his rippling muscles, his bones cracking audibly as he does so, the sheer size of him made more apparent than ever in the small confines of the safe house. The three of us can only watch in awe at the sight of the werewolf tensing and flexing some of his more painful muscles, eyes naturally drawn to him. Noticing our stares, Nico lifts an eyebrow.
"What?" He asks, looking at us all in turn, clearly confused.
"Nothing." We all say in unison, looking away again until he's finished, at which point he comes over to me and scoops me into his arms again.
"Ok, let's go." Dwayne proposes, leading the way out of the safe house and to the ladder leading up to the abandoned gas station above, where Nico briefly hands me to Paul so he can climb up and take me from him again when he's made it through the opening. Once the three of us are out in the open again, we start walking in the direction of the Bluff, Nico following on after Dwayne and Paul, who are going much faster than him, despite his broader stride, due to their nervous disposition. Neither of them say a word, choosing instead to focus on getting where they need to be, navigating the darkened surroundings with ease, using their heightened senses to the best of their ability. 
As we walk, however, I become increasingly aware of Nico tensing behind me, the werewolf becoming warrier with each step, his grip on me incredibly tight as he moves along behind the vampires. The werewolf's head twitches in each direction every now and then, listening out for any tell tale sounds, though I can tell from the set of his jaw that he has not heard anything.
"What's wrong?" I ask him softly, worried at his behaviour.
"It's too quiet, I don't trust it." He says, looking down at me momentarily.
I frown, tensing my own muscles as I realise he's right: the surroundings are silent, not a sound to be heard for miles around except the footsteps of the three walking beings, the air laced with secrecy, my gut starting to wrench as my instincts start screaming at me to run. Before I can say anything, however, I notice that we've arrived at the Bluff, the raging sea audible from here as the cool breeze blows harshly around us.
Instantly, the two vampires run forwards into the light fog that surrounds the top of the cliff, something which I've never seen before up here, both of them eager to see their friends. Nico is more hesitant to follow, only just stepping into the mist to avoid continuing on into what could be certain doom. As he does so, I catch sight of two familiar figures standing at the crest of the cliff, looking as if they are waiting for us, their features obscured by the fog, though their silhouettes are very recognisable: David and Marko.
With cries of relief, Dwayne and Paul run towards the other vampires, only to slow down when neither of the others reciprocate the movement, both of them remaining stock still. Paul and Dwayne come to a halt, calling out their friends' names, only to be met with silence, something finally clicking in my mind.
"Shit, they used gas. Cover your face, now!" I yell out to them, aware now that we've been duped into feeling safe. Nico growls and steps back, his head twisting frantically from side to side, eyes flashing amber as Dwayne and Paul turn to face us, clearly confused. As they do so, two audible whooshing noises are heard, grunts of surprised pain escaping the vampires as crossbow bolts suddenly appear, protruding from their stomachs, blood erupting from the new wounds as they look at each other, then at me, terror clouding their eyes momentarily before they collapse to the floor, unmoving.
"No!" I scream out, wishing I could go to them, horror flooding me like a burning acid, fear and panic shredding any rational thought I had beforehand, my body writhing in Nico's grip.
"(Y/n) we have to go! Come on!" The werewolf says to me, sounding oddly aggrieved and reluctant to do so, clearly regretful that we have to leave them behind, only for a yelp of pain to fall off his own tongue, his eyes widening as he looks down at the silver knife in his chest. Staggering, he tries to hold me up, only to awkwardly fall to his knees, dropping me in front of him as his hands clutch at the bloody wound in his chest, his breathing heavy and ragged, the light leaving his eyes as he looks over at me one more time, before he drops to the floor, his muscular body soon going still.
"No, no, no! Nico please wake up! Please! Come on, this can't be happening! Oh, god, please wake up!" I shriek out, tears suddenly finding their way out onto my cheeks, coursing down my face as I sob into the bloodied shirt of my best friend, clutching at him as if I can bring him back.
"And this, my dear, is precisely the reason why you are no longer suitable for your job." A cold, snake-like voice cajoles me from somewhere behind me, the sound inciting a feeling of anger deep inside me, "You know the rules."
"Fuck off." I spit, turning to face the newcomer, keeping a grip on Nico's limp body.
"Now, now, there's no need to be vulgar." She chides me, coming closer, though her features are obscured by the presence of a gas mask. I know exactly who it is without needing to see her, however, and my suspicions are only confirmed when she makes a hand signal and the gas is switched off, the fog gradually clearing.
"I'll be vulgar if I want to be." I snarl back at her, glowering defensively at her as she removes her mask.
"Maybe around the scum you consort with, but not with your superiors." Valentine Fletcher commands, her pale, gaunt features highlighted harshly in the light from the tower just past the Bluff, each alabaster plane of skin cast in a bluish hue. Her pallid hair is swept up into a tight bun, her piercing heterochromatic eyes fixed sharply on me as she nears, "Plus, if you behave yourself, your friends might stand a chance of surviving."
At this, I frown and look ober where she is pointing, my heart dropping even further when I see what it is. 
David and Marko are tied to respective chairs, their legs staked to the seats with their eyes covered in what I can only assume are holy-water soaked blindfolds, blood staining their skin and hair, their heads bowed to their chests. Behind them stands a line of black-clad Hunters, their faces masked, too, to ward off any remaining effects of the gas. Horrified, I look back at Valentine, who smiles at the look on my face.
"Well? Can we discuss things in a civil manner?" She chuckles mockingly.
Part Fifteen
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starker-garbage · 6 years
What about an AU where Tony can read peters mind? I don't know if he tells him or nah, but he keeps hearing Peter talk about how sexy, intelligent... Etc Tony is, and .... Or maybe thee other way around, and its Peter who reads Tony's mind(?)
i may have changed this up a bit, nonnie, but i got this idea and there isn’t anyway i couldn’t do it
soulmate au, you can read the mind of your soulmate.
Tony knew Pepper wasn’t the one. They both tried and say they had The Connection, the telepathic one someone has with their soulmate once they meet, it’s literally like the other half of you was found.
And as much as Tony wanted that to be Pepper, as much as Pepper wanted it to be Tony, it just wasn’t going to happen.
So, as he got older, he has just assumed he would never find his true soulmate. A bunch of people didn’t and they were in a similar situation, they would just conjure something up that wasn’t there.
And, that’s what Tony realized he was doing.That was until he met Peter Parker. The boy was so young, in fucking high school for God’s sake, but there was no mistaking it, Peter knew it, Tony knew it, they were connected. There were some sick fucks up in the universe that had decided this and now Tony was somehow going to have to deal with it.
Mainly, he just felt bad for the kid for getting stuck with someone like him.
It all happened when he greeted him when Peter got back home from school, Tony was waiting on the couch, only wanting to recruit him for the team, and it was an instant feeling of we’re connected, it was a way of knowing what the other was doing and thinking, without really knowing.
Tony knew that Peter wanted to go talk privately, Tony knew that Peter was confused - he could know his basic emotions like second nature - and that’s how he knew, that for some sick reason, Peter Benjamin Parker was his soulmate.
Yet, when they went in Peter’s bedroom, Tony did what he thought would be best. Pretended like he didn’t feel any different. He addressed what he came here to, speaking only of business, and then leaving, pretending nothing was different.
Tony was going to tell Pepper at first, it made sense. He had found his soulmate, it would only hurt Pepper to stay with her longer than he should. After thinking about it, he realized he wouldn’t tell Pepper and he would stay with her, and his reasoning was good enough.
Peter was too young and it would only hurt the boy more if he did give into temptation. Pete deserved better than what Tony could give him, so no matter what, Tony was going to continue on as he was, he couldn’t be with Peter no matter how bad he wanted to.
And it wasn’t really a problem. Of course everytime when they were together it hurt. Because Tony knew. Tony knew this was the person he was meant to be with. Yet he couldn’t say anything because he wanted the best for the boy, and he wasn’t the best for his soulmate.
So, they worked together, working on new suits, upgrades on the tower and so on. And everything was bittersweet, Tony knew he was falling in love with the boy, but he couldn’t stop it. He could only hide it.
“Mister Stark,” Peter said one day as they were working on suit updates, Tony looked up at him with a smile.
“Yes?” He asked, turning back to the project at hand, however he was all ears for Peter.
“Can I ask you something… kinda personal?” The boy said, obviously growing nervously.
Tony let out a laugh. “I don’t see why not kid,” The mechanic leaned back in his chair. “What’s on your mind?”
Tony wished he would have said no then. He wished he would have told the kid personal things weren’t what they discussed at work, because he could read what Peter was thinking, and while it wasn’t an exact thing, it was pretty clear to see ‘Soulmate’ Was a thought, passing through the kids mind.
Tony had to start thinking of something to say, something for every possible outcome.
“Pepper,” Peter began, standing awkwardly in the workshop. “Is she your soulmate?”
Tony gave a bittersweet smile, “No,” He said calmly. “She’s not my soulmate, I’m not her’s. We both know it, we do love each other but -”
“Can I ask you another question?”
“Actually, Kid-”
“Have you found your soulmate, or think you found your soulmate?”
The question was going to come up soon, Tony could read it on the other boys brain, but he still had no clue how to advert the topic. “I - uh-”
“Because, Mister Stark, I know this is going to sound crazy but I really think I’m your soulmate,” Peter said in one rushed breath. “I didn’t think it was true, but I feel something with you, something I’ve never felt with anyone before. I have thi feeling like I understand you I know you, I can see your thoughts. I know I can, and I also know this sounds crazy, but Tony I’m sure of it -”
“No,” Tony said quickly. “You don’t actually feel anything about this.”
“No! It’s not like that, Mister Stark, I swear! This isn’t some school boy crush! I really feel like we have a connection, an unbreakable one! I need you to believe me. I feel like I’m being pulled towards you! We have something, I just know it! You need to believe me, Mister-”
“Peter, you can’t feel anything. It takes two to be soulmates.” Tony said shortly.
“You’re trying to tell me that you don’t - you don’t feel anything between us?”
“Nope, nothing!” Tony said, a little more aggressively than he should’ve.
Peter was quiet. He didn’t know what to say. He knew there was something there, and how strongly Mister Stark was denying that, he knew that there was something. “Mister Stark,” He spoke up again after unscrambling his thoughts. “I know you don’t believe me, but just try a little, to open your mind to think that maybe, just maybe -”
“Kid-!” Tony began yelling.
“Tony! Listen to me! Please!”
“No!” Tony yelled, he was going to put an end to it. “No, I don’t feel something, you don’t feel something, no one feels anything. I’m not your soulmate. I’m not the man you’re destined to be with, I am your mentor, and only your mentor, nothing more. And most importantly, KID,” Tony made sure to put extra emphasis on that word. “I will never be nothing more to you. You’ll find your soulmate and realize you were wrong.”
“I know I won’t. We’re so-”
“Dont’ say it, Pete.”
“Tony, please.”
“Get out,” Tony said, throwing down the rag he was using to wipe his hands on the table.
“Mister St-”
“PETER! No. You don’t understand what this is yet, well of course you don’t, because there isn’t anything to feel, to understand. Nothing. So go. Tomorrow we’ll just pretend this didn’t happen. But as for now. Get. Out.”
With tears brimming his eyes, the other boy left, however, not without slamming the door behind him.
Tony broke down as soon as he was sure he was alone. He sat down, sighed, and cried. He knew the boy was his soulmate. And the Boy knew it too.
Peter stayed true to his word, the next day, he showed up for work and they ignored the elephant in the room. They danced around each other, they didn’t look at each other, not directly. Little touches they would usually share, little seconds where contact would be established as they worked ceased to exist, and they just worked, making shit upgrades, new weapons to protect the world, your typical things.
And so it continued all just like that. Of course Tony still had a extra motive to protect the boy, just because he wouldn’t ever be with him doesn’t mean he didn’t have the loving connection to be with him.
So, when Peter tried to do something on a boat, Tony was furious. He didn’t even need to be that informed of all the details, of how the boy literally tried to hold it back together, how dumb could one person be? Like sure, he’s a fucking teenager, but seriously? He doesn’t have enough common sense to know that his idea was a fucking DUMB one?
“Previously on ‘Peter screws the pooch’ I tell you to stay away from this,” Tony reasons. “And you HACK a multimillion dollar suit so you could sneak around my back, doing the one thing I told you NOT to do.”
“Is everyone okay?” Peter asks, dismissing whatever Tony was going on about. In all reality, Peter was mad at the guy, even after their whole ‘pretending to bury it’ ordeal, he very much had not buried it. It was a very present thought in his head. All. The. Fucking. Time. (As was it for Tony)
“No thanks to you,” Said Tony, emphasizing on the word ‘You’.
Not being able to keep a lid on his anger, Peter turns around. “No thanks to me?” HIs voice was already breaking. “Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it!” Peter got closer to Tony, who was hovering above in his suit. He probably wouldn’t have the nerve to do all of this, the yelling and mild hand gestures, if Tony was actually standing in front of him, but chances were, the actual Tony Stark was somewhere in Italy or maybe Hawaii. “But you didn’t listen! None of this wouldn’t of happened if you had just listened to me!”
There was a beat of silence. “If you even cared,” Peter felt his arms go partially limp. “You’d actually be here,”
Cue, Tony Stark, actually being there, walking out of the Iron Man suit, fucking as intimidating as ever.
“I did listen kid, who the hell do you think called the FBI? Huh?” Tony began his rant. He didn’t particularly like his soulmate (Rather he would admit that being a fact or not) thinking that he didn’t care. “Did you know, I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else thought I was crazy recruiting a 14 year old -”
“I’m 15,”
“No, this is where you zip it!” A year really didn’t make a fucking difference.
“The adult is talking! What if someone had died tonight? Hm? Different story right?” Tony asked, barely pausing to wait for Peter to respond. “Because that’s on you. And if you died,” Tony said, lifting up his palms. “I feel like that’s on me,”
Tony watched Peter’s face instantly. “I don’t need that on my conscience.”
“Yes sir, I’m sorry-” Peter apologized, losing his nerve.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it,” Tony said quickly.
“I know, I understand, I just -” Peter sighed. “I wanted to - to be like you,”
Tony sighed, looking at the younger boy. Emotions of loathing, sadness, desperation? Flooded Peter’s thoughts. “And I just wanted you to be better,”
Awkward silence and diverted eyes.
“This clearly isn’t working out, imma need the suit back,”
“What!” Peter asked, looking up to meet the mechanic’s face. “For how long?”
“No,” Peter said, he was able to do so much with the suit, the last thing he wanted was for it to be gone. It was kind of like the only thing he and Tony did together anymore. Make something for the suits. No matter what, he was down about the suit getting taken away, but everything that came with the suit was going to be missed. And, that was time with Tony.
“Yes, that’s how it works,” Tony said,
“No, No, Please,” It was like holding onto the one thing they’d shared and Peter really didn’t want that to go away.
“Let’s have it.” Tony said, not letting up on his decision.
“You don’t understand,” Peter began. “This is all I have! I’m nothing without this suit.”
Tony looked into Peter’s eyes and sighed. “If you’re nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t have it, God, I sound like my dad.”
And any hope of keeping the suit and everything it stood for was gone. It felt like Peter’s mind was racing a mile a minute. He looked away, and back, trying to focus all his thoughts. Swallowing any pride he may have had left, he looked up at his mentor. “I don’t -” He stuttered. “I don’t have any clothes,”
“We can sort that out.”
And they did. Peter always had shit at Tony’s, so they both knew there was probably the best place to go. It was originally proposed for Tony to carry Peter shamefully across New York, as he did when Peter almost drowned when Tony was on vacation and was carried out of the water with the suit, but Peter shrugged the older man off and swung all the way to Stark Tower.
Once he arrived and was sitting in the living room, he had to wait for Tony to get there. Spidey Suit - 1, Iron man Suit - 0. Peter wasn’t even sad anymore at everything. He was mad, and fed up, and ready to just be fucking done. He got screwed over my the universe. Wouldn’t be the first damn time.
His soulmate didn’t want him.
Thanks, Universe, can you fuck with someone else now?
Tony flew into the living room, his suit removing itself from his body. Ha. Ha. Apparently it couldn’t leave Peter alone. Granted, this was Tony’s house and he was awaiting Tony, but still! Did he have to home at the exact moment he was contemplating the meaning of his life? No.
“I’ll get you some new clothes, then strip from the suit.” Tony said, walking into his room, most likely going to get said clothes.
Peter sighed and just stood in the large living room, listening to every sound Tony made in the other room. It didn’t take long for the billionaire to come back into Peter’s view, holding pajama pants and a shirt that read ‘I survived my trip to NYC’.
“Ha. Ha,” Peter said very sarcastically as he held his hand out for the clothing items. “Very funny.”
“I thought so to,” Tony said, smiling with a hint of sarcasm. “Go change.” The man gestured to the general direction of the rooms. Peter did as he was told. He took the suit off, knowing this would be the last time he did it, and then slid on the other clothes, which were comfortable, but he really wasn’t looking forward to going home in them.
“Here’s the suit.” Peter says as he walks out from one of the rooms. Tony takes the suit and looks at the fabric intently.
“Thanks,” Tony says quietly. He wants to say more, but what could he really say? ‘Can’t wait to not give this back to you and ignore you, see you tomorrow, kid!’ See? Wasn’t the best conversational piece.
Peter began walking out the door in the baggy clothing, but stopped himself. “So, is this going to be it?”
“What?” Tony asked, knowing ‘what’ already. Telepathic connections, remember?
“This is it? We’re not going to talk anymore, be there anymore, we’ll just drift away from each other, right? That’s what you want?”
“Of course that isn’t what I want,” Tony said quietly.
“I say something, something true,” Peter says, ignoring the mumbling Tony had just said. “And you don’t even attempt holding a conversation with me. What’s wrong with me, Tony? Honestly? Is it because I’m a boy? Too young? Just not for you?”
Tony had two choices. Tell Peter the truth, that was the first (and wisest) choice, however, Tony decided to go with the latter, which happened to be ‘Continue to lie’. “Peter, you aren’t pointing out something true, how many times do I have to tell you that?”
“See, I know you’re lying!” Peter yelled, walking away from the door and back towards Tony. “And you know how I know that? The same way, you know already how I know, because I can see what you’re thinking! I know it and you know it! Stop lying to me and tell me the real reason.”
Once again. Two choices, two paths. “Peter,” Tony began. “Stop trying to convince me there is something when I know there isn’t anything.”
“Just tell me why, before I leave, tell me why you don’t want to love me, to accept me, we could be - Mister Stark - we could be happy together.”
“There’s nothing to tell Peter. Whatever you’re feeling,” Tony lifted his hands as if he was presenting something. “Not real,” He finished.
“I’m tired of your bullshit, Tony, tell me the fucking truth!”
Tony was growing increasingly frustrated. “No! You don’t understand!”
“Try me!” Peter yelled back, getting closer to Tony, who wasn’t having any of it.
He could have chose to fight, like he always did, but he was done harming the boy. “Peter, just get out.”
No one moved, nothing changed, not even the AI’s.
And just like that, Peter was rushing out of Stark Tower, exasperated tears strolling down his cheeks as he made his way back home to seek out comfort in his aunt’s arms.
And that was it for a long time. They barely talked after that incident. It didn’t make sense. Peter did get his suit back, it was Tony’s way of saying ‘I’m sorry I was an asshole’ (Pepper, who had found out about Tony and Peter’s situation, had told the billionaire that his little apologies would sometimes manage to work on her) However, Peter didn’t see the charm in them and while they were now on neutral terms, they no longer hung out.
Tony hated what had happened to their relationship, if anything, it gave him just another reason to hate the universe. Tony wanted Peter, but didn’t want Peter, and he needed Peter, but at the same time, he wanted Peter to have a good life with someone better than him.
However, Tony is human, and sometimes thoughts like ‘Would the Universe really fuck Peter over and give him me for any other reason than the fact we would actually be really good together?’ but he dismissed those thoughts, because Peter was perfect. Tony? He was the textbook definition of a mess.
The next time Peter and Tony hold a conversation, there’s no time for awkward ‘So, how’s your life been?’ Because there’s this big Purple Grape with a nutsack chin running around, wreaking havoc.
At the beginning, it was about keeping each other and the rest of the world safe. It wasn’t about petty arguments on rather they should be together or not. It was about keeping shit together and not letting half the world disappear.
Then, things went up, Peter couldn’t breathe, he was told to let go. It was a blur, but he knew one thing, he wasn’t going to stay on Earth while Tony risked his life (again) for the Universe. Though, when a parachute surrounds you, it’s hard to hold on.
Peter managed to get himself stuck in some part of the spaceship. He stayed hidden for awhile, but then thought sitting there wouldn’t do anything. So, he made his way out to find Tony and the Wizard guy.
Obviously, Tony was furious. He told Peter to stay back, one thing, that’s all he wanted. He wanted to know that at least Peter was safe on Earth. Having him here would make it hard, extremely hard, he couldn’t handle that. He couldn’t face the fact Peter, the one thing he had to protect, was now with him on a one-way ticket ride on a strange spaceship.
“What’s your situation here?” Stephen asked, looking as the two arguing back and forth. “Is he like your ward?”
“What are we?” Peter said, looking at Tony, then Stephen and back and Tony. “Sore subject,” he said shrugging in Stephen’s direction.
“We’re not doing this now.” Tony said, walking away from the kid.
“Fine,” Peter said, obviously not fine. “Whatever, but if I end up laying eggs in you or whatever -”
“What?” Tony asked, a little snappier than he had to.
“I’m trying to say someone’s coming.” Peter rolled his eyes.
When the two were fighting side by side, all problems were still VERY present, but they were ignored so they could get their task done, and the two fought together really well. They accomplished a lot when they worked together as a team, unfortunately, as soon as the enemy was defeated, their adrenaline was pumping and they needed someone to take it out on.
So it would insure for fights, fights that brought out feelings they had been holding in, tears were shed a few times, and in the end, nothing got resolved, they just ended up getting so mad that they couldn’t even put it in to words, so they’d stop talking until it was repeated again.
When the fight against Thanos was lost, and he took the time stone and went off to collect the others, moral was more than a little low. Sadness, despire, defeat, all emotions both boys were feeling. Everything felt so hard and impossible.
Tension was once again growing between Tony and Peter. It was hard for it to not, once again, the two were adrenaline’s bitches. “This is it,” Peter said. No one else was around, only Tony, the others were out of ear shot as long as they kept their voices at a regular level. “This is where it ends, you know that right?”
Seeing Peter give up hurt Tony, the kid seemed more than ready to just die, and that was painful to see. However, what was Tony supposed to say. “Kid! Don’t worry about it! This won’t be the end!” Yeah, no that’s not an option. Instead, Tony just looked up at the kid sadly.
Tony’s reaction made it real, so Peter swallowed and sighed. “It’s really it,” He repeated. There was a beat of silence before the boy spoke up again. “And you still won’t admit it,”
Tony sighed. “There isn’t anything to admit, Peter.” It had become routine to just say it. It didn’t even upset Tony to lie anymore.
Peter leaned his head back and sighed. “I don’t want to fight about it anymore, Tony.”
“Then stop bringing it up.” Tony said.
“It’s just a little frustrating-” Peter began.
“And we’re fighting about it.”
“That you won’t admit it! Who’s going to know now? No one can judge you now? Unless it’s a you thing, or a me thing, maybe me isn’t good enough for you,” Peter tried to reason back and forth with himself, Tony wasn’t going to say anything anymore. He. Was. Done.
“I can try and understand. There are a lot of factors as to why you might not want to be with me. There’s the obvious one, the age gap. Then maybe it’s because I’m a boy-”
Still, Tony gave no reply, letting the boy ramble on to the same points.
“It could also be the fact I’m not Pepper or that I’m not hot enough for you, or maybe not smart enough. Is that it? I’m just not on your level?”
“Peter,” Tony sighed. “Please, just drop it.”
And, he did. He didn’t talk to Tony for the rest of the wait on Titan.
Until it happened. Back on Earth, Thanos had collected all the stones and snapped his fingers. It was done. Slowly but surely, everyone began fading, dissolving away into nothing. Tony looked around, watching as Strange, Quill, and even Mantis slowly became nothing but dust.
“Mr. Stark?” Tony turned around and faced Peter, his worst nightmare coming true. “I don’t feel so good.” Peter said as he stumbled on the ground.
“Are you alright?” Tony asked hastily, watching as his young soulmate practically feel forward.
“I don’t know, I don’t know what’s happening,” Peter said, his voice breaking. He fell into Tony’s arms. Tony held onto the kid, shock washing over his body. “I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go. Sir, please. I don’t wanna go,”
Tony slowly lowered Peter down to the ground, hovering over him slightly. “I don’t wanna go.” He said one last time before making eye contact with Tony. He had nothing but sadness and regret in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” He said finally. Tony still couldn’t react, shock was overtaking every other emotion as he watched the love of his life fade away and turn into nothing but dust. He sat back, looking at the spot Peter had once been laying, and then around to see he was the only one left. He looked down at his hand, waiting for whatever had happened, to take him also.
But it didn’t.
Now he was stuck, stranded, alone.
“…I’m so sorry,” He mumbled as he brought his hand up to rest his chin against it. “So, so sorry.”
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musictatertot · 6 years
Walking a mile in their shoes (Yang)
A previous post about Ruby and her character development up until the episode "So That's How it is" has lead to this! Yang is absolutely fascinating!
Let me know if you guys noticed anything I missed or if you think I have misunderstood/misinterpreted something (highly likely).
Yang Xiao Long
Out of every character in the show right now, Yang worries me the most. Her character development has been spot on and completely realistic, but not particularly in a good way. At least, not for the situation she is in.
Yang has been through some shit. Not even just recently, but her whole life. The feeling of abandonment that has followed her her whole life has never really gone away. In fact, it's only grown stronger.
In the first three volumes Yang was bullheaded, stubborn, energetic, and a large positive influence on her team. She had always been Ruby's cheerleader, pushing her to be more confident in herself and go for the gold! She was the main support pillar of Blake, working closely as her partner to make her feel safe and listened to. Those first three volumes we didn't really see many interaction between her and Weiss, but just because you aren't actively working to help someone doesn't mean you are not helping at all. Weiss is from a very tense, closed door kind of home. Yang, for all intents and purposes, was the Sparta kick to all closed doors she had never known was possible. Watching someone with that kind of confidence can be extremely inspiring, and I believe that might have been a strong portion of the respect the two clearly had for each other throughout those first three volumes, as shown in the two vs. two battle in the tournament.
Then Beacon fell and everything went wrong. Cinder was right to have them take out Yang the way they did (those rat bastards. I still love them as character portrayals but damn them!). Yang was the unshakeable foundation. She held absolute belief in herself because she had worked her damned hardest to be able to feel that way. She made sure her team, her family, saw her as someone they could depend on. Someone who was strong enough, and good enough, to defeat anything in their way.
Mercury and Emerald took that from her. I know we all place pretty much all of the blame for Yang's emotional turmoil right now on Adam (and rightfully so that dick) but I don't think we should forget that directly before that she had already been shaken down to her core beliefs. For a moment there, her whole team had been against her. Not aggressively, no, but it was clear that they were horrified by her actions (false as they were but no one had known that yet).
Suddenly her role was gone. Ruby looked at her as though she were the one that needed supporting. Blake, for a heart wrenching moment, believed she could become a cruel person. And Weiss...
Weiss actually surprised me. For all of her troubles with Ruby and Blake before I had expected at least a small confrontational remark. Nothing major, she had clearly already grown and opened up some by that point, perhaps just asking her why she did it. Instead she was completely supportive of Yang, immediately believing that she had a reason for what she had done and that the reason was valid. I knew she had grown but at this moment I realized how much. Good job Weiss.
I think that was a strong starting point for the supportive relationship (romantic or platonic, I just love the interactions and really, really want to see more so you can choose for yourselves) that they begin to develop in the fifth volume.
Weiss withstanding, Yang was still at a loss. Then she hears about her mother from Qrow. I won't say it was a wrong call, I don't have enough experience with either of their emotional states to say if it would have been better to remain silent or not, but it is factually accurate to say that Yang was in a very emotionally vulnerable state when she got the news.
Mentally vulnerable, mentions of absent mother thus bringing a strong reminder of those heavy abandonment feelings, Beacon falling, loosing an arm (another huge part of who she is) and then Blake leaves.
If the tournament had gone well, or at least Yang had been left alone, I feel like Yang would have reacted a bit differently about Blake's disappearance. She still would have been upset, absolutely, but the strong stab of betrayal she had felt would have been lessened. At least, I believe so. Too much had happened, she couldn't think about why Blake had left. Only that she had.
Thoughts of abandonment had already been on her mind. The situation exacerbated that and tore what little mental defenses she had left down. Losing her arm was, no doubt, an extreme blow to her core. The mental manipulation just added twice the impact.
(I actually think she should be equally, or maybe even more so in some cases, vengeful towards Emerald and Mercury, but I can see how the actual physical trauma has overwritten what they did in her mind a fair bit)
As such, I was supremely impressed when she was able to pull herself up again, and in such short time too! I know it was months covered in the fourth volume, but things like that can take up to years to even to begin making strong progress in. She wasn't completely stable, of course not, something like that doesn't just go away (and CRWBY you are gosh darn amazing for keeping that in mind you loveable masterminds) as shown by her shaking hand in tense situations and outbursts of anger whenever she is questioned but she was taking strong steps forward. She was trying, and really, that's all I wanted for her.
Honestly, I think at this point she has genuinely moved on from the trauma of what Adam has done to her (not the feelings they inflicted, but the trauma of it), taking that pain to make herself stronger, but she is still struggling immensely with what Mercury and Emerald did to her. This is especially worse because I don't think she even realizes that there is a problem that needs to be addressed (Jinn, can we please have some more questions please? We need a therapy circle, stat).
There are a lot of different ways to process trauma. It all depends on the person and what works for them! For the trauma with Adam Yang has turned her pain and fear into vengeance and anger again. Awesome for her, she's moving forwards! Unfortunately, by not paying attention to the mental attacks she suffered she is using those same tactics against those without fully being aware. In volume five it was not quite as noticeable, a few moments here and there (shouting at Ruby and Weiss, losing her cool when asking about her mother being turned into a raven), but I especially noticed it in her character songs. Especially "Ignite".
Yang's songs have always been about self assuredness, fighting, and unwavering confidence. These were still there, and I loved it.
There was also a lot more... aggression. "I Burn" as well as "Armed and Ready" were about fighting and fighting back against an oppressive force. "Ignite" was a bit more brutal. Slowly but surely her actions are taking on more violent means. She has always been a fighter, so violence is par for the course, but the line in particular in "Ignite" that caught my attention was "Didn't mother warn you, now she's going to mourn you". Several other lines follow this thread and I can clearly see that her anger and bloodlust is on the rise.
Not necessarily a bad thing, when fighting enemies. Not a great thing when it is directed at the people closest to you as well.
I adore Yang, but I am growing increasingly worried about her more constant bouts of anger. They are valid reasons for anger, but she is losing the restraint she once had. My main case in point is when her, alongside Weiss and Blake, turned their weapons on Qrow.
Weiss and Blake I can understand. They don't know Qrow. All they know is that he is extremely loyal to Ozpin so of course they would be wary of him approaching Ruby when she stands against him.
Yang, however, knows better. She's known Qrow even longer than Ruby, and his actions were clearly pacifying. Standing between him and Ruby, sure. Letting him know you stand with her, even if he disagrees. Pointing her weapon at him, that's too much. That is a reaction without thought, which is becoming more common.
I also find Yang acting more and more like, well, a rebellious teenager. Teenagers go through a hormonal period where it is literally almost impossible to see things from a point of view different from their own, particularly when they are upset. Everyone has it at different times in their lives ranging from preteens to even their early twenties, but it is still a process of growth. It is very egocentric, very normal, and a very bad time for it.
Yang has no patience anymore. She is acting hypocritically more and more often. Being angry at Ozpin for hiding things is natural, and I expected it. But the amount of anger she held and self righteousness she showed was at odds with her own secrets regarding Raven. Protecting her mother is something I empathize with, but Raven is also a Maiden. If you're going to get mad at someone for hiding things about the fight you are in, you should be aware enough that you are doing the same. She is not; this the teenage egocentrism.
Even during Jinn's story about Ozpin's past, Yang's expressions were more often anger than anything else. And not really anger at anyone other that Ozpin. She can not break herself from her original thoughts that he can not be trusted, regardless of his reasons.
I am especially worried about her thoughts on her mother now. Because she did not trust a word her mother said, but as it turns out not everything she had said was a lie. This, almost scarily often, had the ever present thought of "what else was she right about". Now I am worried that her mind will make that emotional leap of distrusting Ozpin so much that she believed everything her mother said. She still is angry and hateful for the abondment but now there is a valid reason for it. Her mother abandoned her for a reason, and that reason is currently locked away inside a lost farmer boy.
Im hoping Weiss or Ruby is able to get through to her. I wish it could be Blake, but with the previous abandonment and Yang's feelings about it I don't think she will really be willing to listen to what Blake has to say while her emotions are still high. Ruby has a very special connection to her and has the best luck of making her step back, but I think Weiss has the best chance of making her reflect. Speaking from experience it is kind of hard to take when you get a younger sibling's criticism for you choices. It's both a matter of pride and a matter of you, being the oldest, are supposed to be taking care of them and showing them the best way. I hope it will be Ruby who makes her take a step back, Weiss who makes her reflect, and Blake who listens and supports thus bridging the gap between them and restoring that trusting relationship Yang desperately needs.
I love Yang. I hope she looks in and works to help herself soon, before she does something she will regret.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Hi, I was wondering if there are any fics you can rec that have no smut? I don't mind sex scenes but just looking for popular non-explicit fics that might fit the bill? Thank you for all the work you do!
Tags page 1 has fics sorted by rating. These tags might particularly interest you:
G / PG
T / PG - 13
M / R
Also, here are a few to start out with. I’ve organized them with G rated fics listed first, T rated next, and then M rated. 
But We Can Try by hetrez (complete | 10,567 | G ) 
Bucky said, “These are love letters, Rogers. You’ve been drawing me love letters.”
naturalization status by silentwalrus (complete | 807 | G ) 
The official press briefing on the apprehension of the DC14 assailant draws quite the crowd, and not just because Captain America is there.
Steve, Bucky, and the Tinhat Collective by mypedia (complete | 7,039 | G )
The internet and the Avengers fandom react to the events of Civil War.
How do they get 200% more attractive when they’re covered in dirt
2554 notes
Mistake on the Part of Nature by idiopathicsmile (complete | 1,274 | T )
Steve takes in Bucky’s betrayed look and Sam’s confusion, follows Sam’s gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face.
“Oh,” he says. “Bucky found out about bananas.”
In which an American icon is mourned. But probably not the one you’re thinking of.
tin soldiers by idrilka (complete | 19,743 | T ) 
In his 2009 book on Captain America comic books, war photography, and American propaganda, Everett claims: “There is nothing to suggest that either the graphic novels issued during the war or the photographs taken during Rogers’ stay with the Howling Commandos can serve as a basis for a queer reading of Rogers and Barnes’ relationship. But even more importantly, there is nothing to suggest that such a relationship ever existed in the first place, and as such, those queer readings are not only misguided, but also libelous” (197).
[from: Lynn E. Anderson, Captain America: Behind the Mask. Steve Rogers and the Contemporary Hero Narrative (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), p. 242.]
In the aftermath of Steve’s return to the world of the living and the battle of New York, the academia and the Internet react.
A Precarious, Fragile Thing by Taste_is_Sweet (complete | 6,961 | T )
“I didn’t know he did that,” Tony said. He knew Bucky liked tucking himself so far under Steve’s arm that it was like he was trying to climb into his armpit. But he’d always stayed upright, just kind of plastering himself against Steve’s side. This blanket thing was new.
“Seventy years of skin hunger,” Steve said. His voice was just as soft, but for a moment his eyes flickered hot with anger, bright as the candy-colored screen. “He was always tactile. Now, when things get…well, sometimes it helps. The contact.”
And it looked…nice, the two of them together like that: Comfortable. Familiar. Safe. Tony knew what a precarious, fragile thing it was, to feel safe in the middle of the night.
White (Boi) Wolf by Lasgalendil (complete | 3,323 | T ) 
The one where Shuri sciences the shit out of everything and adopts a puppy—er, sad disgruntled POW in desperate need of a snarky little sister and an upgrade.
(Or, Shuri lends a hand.)
Count the Rings Around My Eyes by caughtinanocean (complete | 2,630 | T ) 
In the wake of his time with Arnim Zola, Bucky doesn’t trust anyone to tend his wounds—Steve, however, is not just anyone.
“I know it ain’t as nice as what you see in the mirror, Cap, but that’s not the sort of reaction a guy likes when he strips,” he quipped, face still covered by fabric that had once been white (before all the dried blood and sweat).
“Sorry, Buck.” Steve tossed the shirt out of the way. “Just, I know I owe you a lot of taking care of, but did you have to get it all outta the way in one go?”
Who Let You In?* by birdbrains (complete | 19,635 | T ) *consent issues due to past brainwashing which are eventually resolved 
“Is he here?” Sam asked.“I don’t know,” said Steve. “I’m—hey, Bucky, are you here? Can you hear me?”“Or whatever you prefer to be called,” Sam put in.“Yeah,” Steve said. “It’s me, that dumb guy with all the problems? Remember me?”
Slow Work by lorata (complete | 81,114 | T ) 
It’s 2011, men are allowed to marry, and Bucky is dead.
The future isn’t all that’s strange. Together in peacetime for the first time since before Steve took the serum, Steve and Bucky struggle to find their place – and each other – in the middle of a new millennium, new bodies, and new dynamics.
Or, just because you wake up in a century where everything you’ve repressed is magically okay, that doesn’t make it easy.
The Diaries of Bucky Barnes by afterlifeoftheparty (complete | 15,208 | T ) 
“This young soldier was writing about war, but not only that. No, the most remarkable extracts from his diaries are the ones about emotions; those passages in which he writes about loss and pain and loyalty and love.”
When Bucky Barnes’ diaries are leaked in the 70s, reactions vary from one thing to another, even decades later.
Blood* by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (complete | 45,682 | T ) *fantasy AU
In a world where magic is as commonplace as electricity, HYDRA worships a god who craves order through death. They used His blood to create fierce Soldiers then enslaved them by chaining their souls.
The man who was James Barnes is the last Soldier, the rest having been put down after succumbing to the call of the Blood. One night, out of control after a mission, the increasingly unstable Soldier runs into Steve Rogers. Instead of being turned into a red smear on the ground, Steve successfully talks him down. HYDRA decides to keep him. The Soldier’s the last one they’ve got; if Steve can keep him calm he’s going to do it whether he likes it or not.
Like fractious racehorses have companion goats, they hand Steve off to the Soldier as a kind of pet. But studies have shown pets can ease depression, despair and loneliness, lead to an increased sense of safety and well-being, and provide a source of protection and unconditional love. HYDRA really should have reviewed the literature before they decided to give Steve to the Soldier. Especially since, once Steve Rogers is involved, protectiveness can get slightly out of hand.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) byfallingvoices, radialarch (complete | 20,605 | T )
The Associated Press @APWinter Soldier set to stand trial for Washington D.C. massacre and treason apne.ws/1og6SWE
the inaccuracy of historical wartime dramas by Mici (noharlembeat) (complete | 3,039 | M ) 
There was nothing wrong with Howling Commandos, not really. It was new and shiny, made only six months before Steve woke up and on the brink of cancellation until it was announced that Captain America was found, at which point ratings skyrocketed. Steve would have heard of the series, except that he was too busy figuring out his phone, handling alien invasions, and battling crippling depression (that he would not admit to anyone, even himself). The result was that 25 episodes later, Howling Commandos was the most popular television shows about the war on the planet, with a loyal following, and Steve was almost totally oblivious.
(or: Steve has feelings, and shouldn’t ever watch television)
i heard love is blind by girl0nfire (complete | 1,159 | M ) 
Steve keeps bringing home guys that look like Bucky; Bucky keeps bringing home guys that look like Steve. Sam just wants to drink his coffee in peace. (Guest appearances by nearly every character Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans have ever played. Really.)
winter wheat, sunflower peat by newsbypostcard (complete | 25,284 | M ) 
In the dead of the night, a man pulls over for a hitchhiker.
i was found and now i don’t roam these streets by hipsterchrist (complete | 15,613 | M )
They’ve decided to start producing Bucky Bears again, now that he’s all shiny and redeemed and fighting for good on this big Avengers misfits team. “He has a little shiny gray arm,” Bucky says, wiggling the stuffed arm in question, one of the tweaks made in the new model. It takes Steve a second to realize that Bucky’s got a small smile on his face, actually looks a little bit proud around the eyes.
Or, Bucky relearns himself and how to be on a team, the rest of the Avengers try to get answers, and everyone watches too much Criminal Minds.
New Tricks by OddityBoddity (complete | 18,520 | M )
The one where Bucky busts up a dog-fighting ring.
Don’t Ask* by AnnaFugazzi (complete | 21,491 | M ) *period typical attitudes ; canonical character “death” 
Captain America and Bucky Barnes were like brothers. Everyone knew that.
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