#(darling musings.)
cumtastiics · 8 days
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"oh... how beautiful you are," his voice slightly shaky as he whispered, the back of his hand caressing your cheek.
he admired you. the way you spoke so kindly, how your voice was so sweet compared to other people.
you were a gift from god.
"please stay still for me, my love.. i can't have you squirming around while i paint, now can i?" his voice was still soft, never daring to raise it even the slightest bit.
he never wanted to share you. was that bad? you could be his pretty little doll... whimpering and begging for him.
"f-uh-ck," he'd moaned desperately in your ear. you're so perfect for him, whimpering at each touch. "don't cum yet, y-you can hold it in.. right? be a good doll.."
he wasn't a loud person, he never was. yet, whenever he made out with you, it felt like he could never stop talking about you.
"s-so pretty," he shivered, watching you reach your climax. "good doll.."
he could never degrade you... you were too perfect for that.
he gently wiped your tears with his thumb, desperately trying to go as gentle as he could with his cock sliding in and out, but he really couldn't help it. "i'm sorry.. you're doing sososo good for me.."
after all, he was the painter and you were his muse.
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tried to make it g/n.. i don't really write smut like stuff so idk if I did it well
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mochixkisses · 6 months
isn't that what you want, angel? my complete, total devotion? you know i'd give all of myself to you. you just have to say the words, and i'd be all yours.
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silver-1ining · 3 months
My darling angel, the only end proper for us is to merge as one, and bear our scars together as a shining burning singularity
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lovings4turn · 3 months
This one is weird. Jack Hughes always has his stuff touching yours. Puts his shoes next to yours at a friend's place, rearranges the shower so that his shampoo is next to yours and his body wash is next to yours etc, at the lakehouse he moves his brothers coffee mugs to a different shelf so that his is next to yours. He likes the reminder that your lives are so deeply intertwined and wants every extension of your existence next to him. Thought this up because of my middle child compulsion to have all my things together/organized and Jack has such strong middle child energy lol.
nonnie love … i am OBSESSED with your mind because you’re SO RIGHT !!! ‘he likes the reminder that your lives are so deeply intertwined and wants every extension of your existence next to him’ i’m dizzy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
and he doesn’t even think anything of it either !!! it’s only rly when luke walks into the kitchen as he’s rearranging the mugs and is all ‘jack what??? are you doing??’ that he’s like hm … maybe this is a Thing for me
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prophetofthemuse · 30 days
Hello! My name is Elijah Vsevolod Vasiliovich Volkov, and I have wavy golden-blond hair like a crown (that’s how I got my name) with leaves and twigs tangled in it that reaches my sharp jawline, and dark brown eyes like deep pools of honey; some people have told me I look like Jamie Campbell Bower (Author’s note: If you do not know who he is, please go find a photo online, and report back to me with your opinion).
I am not yet forever united in death with my darling muse, but I wish I was, because he’s incredibly divine and beautiful. I am definitely not a human, but my teeth are straight and white. I have scarred ivory skin.
I am also a prophet, and I stalk the camp ground of a local summer camp close to Cleveland, Ohio called Camp Here and There, where in truth, I do not work (I’m 29).
I was a nurse, in case you couldn’t tell, and all I wear are scrubs. For example, today I was wearing a set of short-sleeved teal scrubs splattered in blood, a too-small purple wizard cape with stars on it, mismatched socks, and brown Doc Martins. I am not versed in applying makeup, however I do have blood staining my mouth like red lipstick, not that anyone would be able to tell, due to my plastic pink cartoon elephant mask.
I was wandering along the edge of the woods, watching the nurses’ cabin. It was quite sunny and warm, bathing the trees and ground in a heavenly glow, which I was very happy about.
An exceedingly-average young man in a labcoat and glasses stared at me. I smiled widely, and put my middle finger up at him.
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70sgroovy · 5 months
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candy darling photographed by anton perich, 1970🔮
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darlingrini · 1 month
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More goatlings cause, I have a problem but its getting me to draw so yay :'D ;; my goat Musing shes a gentle babe who loves a cardboard flower she was given as a young girl.
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runaway-dreamers · 1 year
An opportunity for Wally request has arrived!! Exited-exited!
Since im a tiny bit evil it would be fluff turned angst >:)
How about while Wally and Reader cuddle, Wally asks about our heartbeat, we answer explaining that its a sign of us being alive, as a consequence of that he learns about our mortality
Ty for your consideration 🌹
Hmm, I'm a little awkward here. I do hope you like it! Thank you, Anon!
Here in deeper conversations, I find myself wishing to be folded into you.
The Everyday Life of Wally Darling
Word count: 1,116
The sun dipped low in the cloudless sky. Shadows of buildings were slanted across the now empty roads, a deepening orange filled the spaces between. A breeze lifted the weightless blinds filling every corner of the room with the smell of late spring afternoons. The gently lifting and falling curtain cast its own shadow on the two sleeping bodies held close to one another. 
You were laying on your back with Wally's head resting on your chest. Your hand was gently combing through the soft blue waves of his hair. A comforting silence had built around you. Nothing was said as his hand pressed gently against their skin. It gave way, but remained taut against the pressure. What started off as helping a stranger turned into this.
During that time spent caring for each other things were thought of, but never asked. Questions weren't able to pass from their lips. There was a clear wall between the two. A wall that made conversation tough. They would converse about the general, but just as important, well being of one another. They would chat about Wally's new painting. You would ask about the different techniques he used this time around, and he would give them all the information he could offer. The two were close friends. 
There was a mutual understanding expressed in eyes half-looking as they passed by one another. They shared it when they said their goodbyes or see you later. They shared it when talking over morning coffee. A moment's grief made painfully acute by avoidance. They ignored it as much as they possibly could hoping that this was the correct path. 
It must have grown over time nurtured by him admiring you in the morning sun as they gazed into eyes still glittering from sleep. It may have been when you first saw him with his hair down watching the sun rise from the kitchen window. All you really knew was that this little pang of joy grew into a pulsating surge of longing. Without much words spoken the both of you had begun sharing a bed. Wally would go quiet first as he felt the tautness of your skin. His head would always rest on your chest. Your hand always traced along the fine stitches on his body. 
The first time Wally had his head on your chest, he had squeezed you so tight and pressed his ear as close as he could. You said nothing when he did this, but you could feel the racing of your heart. At some point you had slept and woke to him still listening. He never asked. You never offered.  
The growing weight of unspoken words would always become too heavy, and those questions must flow. Wally moved propping himself up on his elbow. His thick blue hair slipped from between your fingers. The movement roused you from your sleep, and you looked at him concerned. 
"Neighbor, I've been meaning to ask," His voice was low as he spoke, "What is this sound in your chest? Is it a crank? A voice box?"
Wally rested his hand on your chest, his fingers curled and his pointer gently tapping to the rhythm of your heart. His eyes held the same sweet look they always did. The same look you'd always seen when he offered you tea or a bite of his apple. His hair hung down to the side with strands caught in the golden hours glow, and you wanted to run your fingers through again. He looked like a dream, a fantasy. 
"That's my heart. It keeps the tempo of my life." 
Wally stopped tapping as you spoke, "Keeps the tempo of your life?"
His confusion was showing. The walls were slipping. The moon had risen and the night spread its deep blue glow. They stared at one another waiting to see what would happen next. Behind the silence tension had sprouted.
"Yes. If it stops, well, it means the show's over." You tried to laugh away the uneasiness hoping the conversation would change quickly. 
Wally laughed montone and robotic, "Hahaha, what show would that be?" 
"The, uh, Y/N show." Your heart sank. 
He was confused, "How would I turn it back on?" 
"You can't. No one can, really. Maybe I'm not explaining it right," You sat up, "My heart is why I'm alive. When it stops beating I'll be.. not alive." 
Wally sat up and stared at you, his eyes never leaving yours. They widened as yours winced. 
"What happens when you're not alive, neighbor?" 
"I imagine it's us returning to the primordial soup, the creation of all things, but I don't know." 
"So when your heart stops, you'll no longer be here?" Wally's voice cracked as he struggled with the weight of what he just learned. The pieces were not clear and didn't fit well together, but from the jagged edges came an idea so startling it caused him to cry. You pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back and kissing the side of his head. Neither of you spoke as Wally clung to you listening once more to your heart.  
"That isn't right now. Right now I'm here with you still living, still with a beating heart. You can hear it whenever you need to. Imagine my heart beats for you, too." You spoke softly, your words barely a whisper in the dark. 
You sat there for a while just holding one another. It felt like new questions were waiting to pour out from the both of you. New conversations waiting to be explored. Things to understand and things meant to cause arguments. Why did it suddenly feel like these things now had an even tighter deadline? Like they might not ever be spoken of. The potential of you and I was a burden threatening to drag us under. 
With Wally's head against your chest and your hand absently rubbing his back, you could let yourself believe an ending was far off. This moment could last forever through the winding night, through the rising sun, and through the cool blue of daytime skies. If this was the anchor in the now uncertain ending then so be it. Assume for a second this is all there is. Being here together for a moment in a lifetime of change and hardship was more than enough.
"If.. You leave. That loss would change me. You'll have gone somewhere I can never go." Wally spoke next, his voice would shake and crack. 
"An eventual inevitability, but not right now. I promise I'll stay right where you can see me for as long as I possibly can." 
"I'll memorize the tempo of your life, Y/N."  
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
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Candy Darling photographed by Jack Mitchell in 1971 💌
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
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Oh who are they?
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mochixkisses · 8 months
god, i wish i could live inside of you. i would attach myself to your bone if i could.
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silver-1ining · 3 months
Don't you get it, little dove? That you're mine, just mine all forever? Every breath, cell, every spark of life and drop of blood in you is all mine— and I'll gladly rip it all away if your gaze leaves my existence for even a second.
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jirai-boy · 3 months
I wish I could hand you the entire world.
From the smallest hut to the largest cathedral, I would work day and night to make sure it's all perfect for you.
I'd hand craft you a throne and sit at your feet, gazing into your eyes with nothing short of adoration. Waiting for you to bless my ears with your soft voice.
But, we are too far apart.
It's a cruel twist of fate, isn't it? I long to intertwine my hand with yours, to ruffle your hair, to hold you.
But I can't.
But one day, I will.
So will you wait for me, my muse? My sun, moon, and stars? I will hold you close one day. And when that day comes, I will place my heart into your hands.
You may do whatever you wish to it. I trust you.
(this post is written by a man and is about another man. please be normal.)
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ghouljams · 1 year
Sorry I just caught up on your blog and fae soap is making me beam. I can she one of those silly scooby doo montages of him racing around trying to resolve debts and keep even with hooks with you. You’re just so carefree and generous but he’s determined to have you on even footing
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I love Fae!Soap, but he is absolutely not trying to stay even with his darling! He just knows what to say to get his hooks in her, like I said he's an expert on trapping humans. He tells his darling to pay him back to test his hold on her, see if his tethers took hold. None of the fae boys are particularly interested in having equal footing with their darlings.
Still, I do think Fae!Soap's darling is better at keeping up with her debts than other Darlings. Or at least she looks better at it, but really she's just feeding the leannan sidhe.
"What's this?" Soap asks tugging the little paper bound notebook from your bag. You grab for it and he holds it out of your reach, thumbing it open.
"It's nothing, it's stupid, give it back," You tell him quickly, grabbing his other arm to try and pull him down. He just holds your notebook higher.
"If it's nothing then why do you care?" His free hand moves quickly, wrapping around your grabbing hand to hold it still, before he thinks better of it and twists it behind your back tugging you against his side. He's not hurting anything but your pride, but boy does that sting.
"It's not-" He hums cutting you off. Stopping you from saying the magic words, 'it's not polite.'
"These are good," His fingers tighten around your wrist, "Really good." You glance over your shoulder at him, watching him smile as he flips through sketch upon sketch of him. His face, his hands, eyes, smile, the way his muscles move, the way he catches the light, all neatly detailed in your meticulous cross hatching and obsessive line work. His hand on you burns and so do your cheeks.
"That's enough, I'm really-" You feel all his attention slide onto you, the heat of him as he moves to press against your back, holding your open notebook in front of you. Making sure you know he's seen the filth that's been occupying your mind. His lips brush against the shell of your ear as you turn to keep your eyes off the page he'd stopped on.
"Really what, hen?" His voice in your ear is low and promising, "looking for a live demonstration of what you're drawin'?"
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logicpng · 1 year
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well uh. should i..?
(few alt versions under cut)
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also just cuz i like yall this is what the actual image looks like:
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...and then stretched and slightly edited to actually fit in the canvas viewer before taking the photo
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did i have to do that? probably not but it was more fun that way
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darlingrini · 1 month
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I got really back into goatlings XD the fun part is I am making some of my goat OCs yanderes so stay tuned for some actual yandere art for once ;3 but for now please enjoy these doodles I made for some of my goats profiles!! We got Yakkity the Wandering Good Luck Charm, Musing the Gentle Beauty, Venissa the Isekai'd DnD Player, Icicles the SnowGoat, and Caroler the Christmas Dreamer.
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