themratts · 25 days
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they kiiiiiiiiss
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ethanwaynee · 2 years
w. @lenamorales
Encontrou Alena sentada junto da piscina após a cerimônia e decidiu se juntar a ela, porém antes ele parou no jardim e pegou uma das rosas cor de rosa, tirou os espinhos e então pegou uma garrafa de vinho na cozinha e voltou para a piscina. — Posso? - Perguntou, apontando para o lugar ao lado dela, para se sentar e assim que recebeu um sinal verde dela, ele se sentou e ofereceu a rosa. — Não te dei uma mais cedo na cerimônia, mas acho que todo mundo merece pelo menos uma. - Sorriu. Por todo mundo ele se referia as mulheres. Abriu a garrafa de vi ho e ofereceu a ela. — Estão falando de estratégias lá dentro, de quem é match de quem. - Ele começou jogando conversa fora. — É muito louco não? Há tantas possibilidades. A Alejandra jura de pé juntos que nós dois somos um match. O que você acha?
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@sacredpyre // beckett x alena loosely based on this.
It is a humble offering—a gift that can span from generation to generation, and each time it's crafted, it's somehow filled with more love than before. Peach cobbler. But not just any peach cobbler. It's the Boyer family peach cobbler, famous for the extra bit of sugar the matriarch once put in it all those years ago that could send anybody in a rush.
Beckett remembered how much the other blonde loved it, especially with a scoop of vanilla ice cream to cut the tartness with some creaminess. It was the first and only thing he could think of making for tonight's dinner, which was a celebration of reconnecting for the first time since they were 16. They had been under the same roof for about a week or so now, but with busy schedules, things were hard to plan. The wait was worth it, he thought.
He wasn't much of a cook, so the rest of the meal was provided by one of the southern comfort food restaurants in town, but he hoped setting the peach cobbler in a nice ceramic dish in the middle made up for the presentation of it all.
Beckett brushed his hands together and began untying his apron, flashing a warm smile at Alena. "Ready to eat?" he asked, intentionally not mentioning the peach cobbler, which he knew she'd love and be excited over. (Or, at least he hoped.)
"And don't worry, I got your vanilla ice cream in the fridge."
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creepynancy-chan · 1 year
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Songbird (Song So Mi). Solomon Reed Alena Xenakis (Alex). Rosalind Myers Kurt Hansen, Aurore and Aymeric Cassel Johnny Silverhand, Lizzy Wizzy
(c) Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
CD Project RED
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eirasummersart · 2 months
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I was trying to imitate my trad inking style in digi, and looked for a few brushes for CPS. Ended up liking this one and doodling Alena to try. What do you think? C:
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altairtalisman · 1 year
Lena's Bio
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"Death has rejected me, but its cold embrace... I shall forever be cloaked in it."
More details on Lena is under the cut
Name: Alena "Lena" Rybka
Age: 614
Height: 166.5 cm
Birthday: 1 Trieme 1408 (Ilkulei)
Orientation: Cisgender Bisexual Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Frostull (formerly human)
Country of Birth: Lyuharrno
Likes: Summer, children (non-romantic), all potato dishes, all fish dishes (especially gravlax, surströmming, and hákarl), alcohol, kompot
Dislikes: Winter, beetroots, being photographed
Hobbies: Dice making, cooking, reading, chess
Personality: Tends to be tired and pessimistic, though underneath all that hides a meticulous hard worker and an extremely warm heart that is as soft as a burnt marshmallow. Regardless whether she's in a good mood or not, she'll forever be an introvert at heart
Style: Long simple skirts in dull cool colours paired with tall boots to cover her legs as well as long-sleeved black blouses with mandarin collars and patterned cuffs. Always wears a Hirdiellese carnival mask to hide her face whenever she's around others except around those she's extremely close to. Also wears a blue plaid scarf and greyish-blue gloves trimmed with furs to cover up the remaining exposed skin
Status: Alive
Abilities: Able to freely control and create ice as well as summon wintry weather, also unaffected by freezing temperatures. Is also able to freely freeze any liquids she comes into contact with
Background: When Alena was 21, she met the love of her life in a bookstore and married him three years later, giving birth to a healthy daughter a year afterwards. They lived together in bliss near the wintry forests of Lyuharrno, away from civilisation but never too far. However one day in Primna 1436, when Alena went out to buy groceries, her house was caught in an avalanche which killed her family and left her as the only survivor
Initially, Alena tried her best to cope with the grief of suddenly losing her family by going about her days prior to meeting her husband. She was proven unable to do so as she realised that almost everything that she did reminded her of her late husband and daughter, yet she still persisted as she believed that time healed all wounds and she too, would be able to move on if she tried hard enough
Her efforts steadily took a toll on her mental state, which was further worsened by crippling loneliness as she was unable to get used to life without her family. Eventually, she found it increasingly difficult to get out of bed and thoughts about how it would be nice if she could melt away akin to snow in spring visited her frequently
At 32 years old, Alena came to the conclusion that since she could no longer return to life before her family, she might as well join her family and continue her blissful life with them. She decided that she would join them in the same way that they had left, and visited Lyuharrno's coldest region in the hopes of freezing to death
To ensure that she would die as quickly as possible in the freezing weather, she stripped off her clothing and submerged herself in a nearby lake before resurfacing and lying on the snow, aware that her survival instincts might kick in should she try to drown herself
As she drifted off to sleep in the raging blizzard, she dreamt of her husband and daughter calling out to her with outstretched hands. Just as she reached out to them, she was blinded by light that could only be described as supernatural. When she woke up, she was distraught to discover bleak white surrounding her as well as Aiden staring down at her with a relieved expression on their face
Realising that the celestial had prevented her from reuniting with her family, she yelled at them to get lost and broke off a nearby icicle with the intent to stab herself to death. Aiden prevented her from doing so and mumbled an apology for Alena wouldn't be able to fulfil that wish anymore
Unable to comprehend Aiden's words, she stormed back home with the intent of committing suicide another day. When she arrived back home and glanced at a mirror, she discovered that her physical appearance had slightly changed. In shock, she accidentally summoned numerous icicles at directed it at the mirror, shattering it
Aiden, who had followed her home, explained that in their attempt to save her from death, they had accidentally caused Alena's existence to become non-human and given their past experience with Ilias, it was likely that the Lyuharrnese would live forever. Alena, devastated by the celestial's words, attempted to kill them by freezing Aiden to death as well as spearing them with numerous ice spikes. They all failed, and Aiden revealed their existence as a celestial, which meant that they couldn't die
As Alena still believed that she could die, she tried all sorts of ways to do so, which included burning herself alive, hanging herself, and decapitation. All of her attempts failed, with the last method surprising Aiden as they noticed the water in the air freezing around her neck, repairing it. The celestial then concluded that Alena has become an ice elemental, which enraged her as she hated the cold
After spending almost a century by her side, Aiden left Alena on the condition that they exchange letters. Internally scoffing at the celestial's condition given that they don’t remain in one place, she half-heartedly agreed with the intent to not follow up on her promise. Several months later, she received an unwanted visit from Aiden, thus learning the hard way that she needed to follow up on her promise if she was to keep Aiden at bay
In 1543, Brianna had gotten lost during her holiday in Lyuharrno and eventually stumbled across Alena's residence. Initially, she chased the dullahan away but relented shortly after. It was then revealed that Alena used to be human, yet did not fit the descriptions of former human species such as vampires. After Alena explained how she came to be, all the while expressing her desire to join her family in the afterlife, Brianna decided to stay and figure out what Alena really was, all while trying to convince her to not commit suicide
After a few months, they discovered that Alena's existence was similar to the Asanokian yuki-onnas. Alena then mentioned that there were others similar to her, but they were considered alive in contrast to the yuki-onnas. Brianna felt iffy to classify the Lyuharrnese as a yuki-onna, and decided to conduct more research on the number of beings whose existence were similar to yuki-onnas but did not fit their typical description
Eventually, the dullahan discovered that there were a sizeable portion of beings that were similar to Alena. Brianna decided to coin a new term encompassing all beings that were similar to Alena in that retrospect, with the latter remarking that it was almost comical that someone who was not 'one of them' was the one trying to label their existence
The dullahan, taking Alena's half-hearted remark under serious consideration, decided to gather the opinions of others before coning a term that accurately described them. Eventually, the term 'frostull' surfaced and quickly gained popularity amongst the beings. Brianna and a few others spread the word about the existence of frostulls, even approaching the Fourteenth Dullahan, who was compiling information on Ratein to create a handy traveller's guide, to add the existence of frostulls into yon guide
Afterwards, Brianna decided to return to Balwirk while getting Alena to agree to exchanging letters. The latter simply nodded, having learnt the hard way with Aiden. With Brianna gone, Alena slowly realised that while she had not completely moved on from her family's deaths, she was perfectly content with her current existence, forgotten by everyone except the harsh winter
Alena then continued to live in relative peace, initially struggling to pick up from where she left off centuries ago. A letter she had received from Hana informing her of Brianna's passing in the Balwirkian War prompted her to double her efforts in managing her apparent depression, though Alena did not understand why the dullahan's death motivated her so. Eventually, she managed to resume a life almost similar to the one she had prior to her marriage and made the decision to make and sell dice for a living in order to force herself to actually get out of bed every day and to leave the house
A day before her 415th birthday, Alena chanced upon an unconscious Adríana sold in the Lyuharrnese market. Deciding to cook herself a feast to celebrate not being checked on by Aiden for a long time as well as her birthday, she bought the mermaid and brought her back home. She was shocked to discover that the mermaid was actually not dead as the mermaid woke up shortly after she washed the knives she would be using to slice her open
Adríana introduced herself and cheerfully declared that since Alena had bought her, she technically belonged to the Lyuharrnese and therefore, would live with her. Stunned by the mermaid's candidness, Alena had trouble explaining that she had bought her with the intent to turn her into a celebratory feast that also served to be her birthday meal and blankly agreed to Adríana's ludicrous declaration
Once she had processed her thoughts, Alena wanted to toss the mermaid back to the sea but was informed that Adríana would always return, partially because she had fallen for Alena at first sight and partially because she would most definitely be killed by Frigans if caught in Frigan-ruled waters
Unable to get rid of the mermaid, Alena surrendered to her fate and began living with Adríana. She soon discovered that life with the mermaid wasn't as bad as she had expected, even similar to the life she had with her late husband and daughter...
Unmasked Appearance:
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daughterofhecata · 9 months
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Once again I aimed for complete blackouts on @batmanisagatewaydrug's and @macrolit's reading bingos and this time, I actually succeded! (Even if I took some liberties with the term 'novel' on the macrolit one, mostly focused on the 'classics' aspect.) Lowkey proud of myself ngl.
Titles for both under the cut, full reading list here.
graphic novel: Christopher Tauber, Hanna Wenzel: Rocky Beach. Eine Interpretation. [no english title]
horror: Jáchym Topol: Die Teufelswerkstatt [org. title: Chladnou zemí/engl. title: The Devil’s Workshop]
author you’ve never read before: David Henry Hwang: M Butterfly
translation: Władysław Szlengel: Was ich den Toten las [org. title: Co czytałem umarłym/engl. title: What I Read to the Dead]
poetry collection: Richard Siken: Crush
a book recommended by a friend: James Oswald: Natural Causes. An Inspector McLean Novel.
verse novel: Alexander F. Spreng: Der Fluch [no english title]
novella: Thomas Mann: Der Tod in Venedig [engl. title: Death in Venice]
a book w/ vampires: Michael Scott: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2. The Magician.
book w/ a cover you think is cool: Cornelia Funke: Tintenwelt #4. Die Farbe der Rache. [engl. title: The Color of Revenge]
2023 release: Jonathan Kellerman: Unnatural History. An Alex Delaware Novel
book w/ an animal on the cover: Faye Kellerman: Der Zorn sei dein Ende [org. title: The Hunt]
book published before 1980: Josef Bor: Die verlassene Puppe [org. title: Opuštěná panenka/engl. title: The Abandoned Doll]
science fiction: Ursula K. Le Guin: The Dispossessed
romance: Akwaeke Emezi: You made a Fool of Death with your Beauty
historical fiction: Alena Mornštajnová: Hana [org. title: Hana/engl. title: Hannah]
450+ pages: James Ellroy: Die Schwarze Dahlie [org. title: The Black Dahlia]
memoir: Jeanette McCurdy: I‘m Glad My Mom Died
re-read a book from school: Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen [engl. title: Spring Awakening]
short story collection: John Barth: Lost in the Funhouse
non-fiction: Vera Schiff: The Theresienstadt Deception. The Concentration Camp the Nazis Created to Deceive the World.
book w/ a movie adaption: Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
book published in your birthday month: Jan T. Gross: Neighbors. The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland.
anthology: Alain Locke: The New Negro
Classic Author A/B/C: James Baldwin: Giovanni‘s Room
Published between 2000-2023: Kim Newman: Professor Moriarty. The Hound of the D‘Urbervilles
Philosophy or Literary Criticism: [various books and essays for three literature courses]
Harlem Renaissance: Claude McKay: Harlem Shadows
Children’s Literature: [various Three Investigators books]
Fan Fiction: [various works]
Essays or Satire: Mark Thompson: Leatherfolk. Radical Sex, People, Politics and Practice.
Book of Short Stories: John Barth: Lost in the Funhouse
Classic Author G/H/I: Lorraine Vivian Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun
LGBTQ+ Author: Ocean Vuong: Time is a Mother
Published before 1940: Friedrich Schiller: Maria Stuart
Classic Author J/K/L: Ursula K. Le Guin: The Dispossessed
Detective, Horror, or Suspense: Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin und der Schatz der Könige von Frankreich [org. title: L'Aiguille creuse/engl. title: The Hollow Needle]
Classic Author M/N/O: Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
Classic Author S/T/U: J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
Poetry or Play: Arthur Schnitzler: Reigen [engl. title: La Ronde]
Biography or Non-Fiction: Peter Hallama: Nationale Helden und jüdische Opfer. Tschechische Repräsentationen des Holocaust. [no english title]
Classic Author P/Q/R: Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
Graphic Novel: Christopher Tauber, Hanna Wenzel: Rocky Beach. Eine Interpretation. [no english title]
Published between 1940-1999: Hanna Krall: Dem Herrgott Zuvorkommen [org. title: Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem/engl. title: Shielding the Flame]
Classic Author D/E/F: Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho
Young Adult: Kathy Reichs: Virals #1. Tote können nicht mehr reden. [org. title: Virals]
Gothic Fiction: E.T.A. Hoffmann: Nussknacker und Mausekönig [engl. title: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King]
Classic Author V/W/X/Y/Z: Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen [engl. title: Spring Awakening]
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gwendolynlerman · 1 year
Deutschribing Germany: regions
Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Württemberg)
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Baden-Württemberg is divided into thirty-five districts (Landkreise) and nine independent cities (Stadtkreise), both grouped into the four administrative districts (Regierungsbezirke) of Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, and Tübingen. The capital city is Stuttgart.
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The predominant climate type is warm-summer humid continental, but the western part (Baden) has a subtropical highland climate. As a result, in most parts of Baden, the climate is warm almost all year round and summers are mostly dry, while winters are wet and foggy.
The rest of the state has more temperate temperatures, especially in summer. Areas of high elevation get snow frequently, and summers are rainier than in Baden.
Due to the climate differences, average annual temperatures range from 5 °C (41 °F) in the Black Forest to 13 °C (55 °F) in the subtropical areas.
Although Baden-Württemberg has relatively few natural resources compared to other German states, it is among the most prosperous and wealthiest regions in Europe.
The state is known for its strong industries, including car manufacturing, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. It hosts the headquarters of some of the largest German companies, such as Borsch, Mercedes-Benz Group, Porsche, and Schwarz Group (owner of Kaufland and Lidl).
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Baden-Württemberg is also a popular holiday destination, including a variety of sights like the residential court towns of Ludwigsburg and Karlsruhe, the spas of Baden-Baden, the medieval architecture of Ulm, the Black Forest, and the traditional university towns of Heidelberg and Tübingen.
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Famous people
Alena Gerber - model, actress, and TV host
Anja Jantschik - journalist and writer
Anne-Sophie Mutter - violinist
Ayla - producer and DJ
Frank Christoph Schnitzler - actor, artist, and musician
Frederik I - Holy Roman emperor
Friedrich Wilhelm Schnitzler - landowner, business manager, and politician
Jens Weidmann - economist
Sophie Weber - singer and younger sister of Mozart's wife Constanze
Walter Haeussermann - scientist
There are two distinct regional cuisines: those of Baden and Swabia. The cuisine of Baden is considered one of the best regional cuisines in Germany and is based on fruit, herbs, vegetables, game, poultry, fish, smoked products, wine, and beer. It has many influences from Alsace and Switzerland. Specialties include Flammkuchen (pizza with thin crust) and Schäufele (pig's shoulder meat).
Swabian cuisine has a reputation for being rustic but rich and hearty. It is characterized by fresh egg pasta, soups, sausages, broths, and sauces. The most famous specialties are Maultaschen (meat and spinach-filled dumplings, either fried or served in broth) and pretzels.
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Baden-Württemberg was formed from the historical territories of Baden, Prussian Hohenzollern, and Württemberg.
100 - Roman invasion of Württemberg
3rd century - the Alemanni force the Romans to retreat west
496 - Frankish invasion
915-1313 - Duchy of Swabia
1083-1495 - County of Württemberg
1112-1803 - Margraviate of Baden
1278-1805 - Further Austria
1495-1803 - Duchy of Württemberg
1500-1808 - Swabian Circle
16th century - Protestant Reformation
1524-1525 - German Peasants' War
1618-1648 - Thirty Years War
1803-1806 - Electorate of Baden; Electorate of Württemberg
1805-1918 - Kingdom of Württemberg
1806-1918 - Grand Duchy of Baden
1918-1945 - Republic of Baden
1945-1946 - South Baden
1945-1952 - Württemberg-Baden
1945-1952 - Württemberg-Hohenzollern
1946-1952 - Baden
1951 - vote on the union of Baden and Württemberg
1952 - State of Baden-Württemberg
1956 - opponents of the merger sue and win
1970 - vote on the restoration of the state of Baden fails
Two dialect groups of German are spoken in Baden-Württemberg: Alemannic and Franconian dialects. These include East Franconian, High Alemannic, Low Alemannic, Rhine Franconian, South Franconian, and Swabian.
Monuments and landmarks
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Maulbronn Monastery Complex
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dearbisexual · 2 years
OK here's my 2023 reading list, i wanna try to get back into reading in earnest so here are the books i'd like to start with (i just picked them up kind of randomly from around my room lol)
Signs Preceding The End Of The World by Yuri Herrera <- this will be a reread. i want to reread it because i have a better grasp of the premise now and i think i'll enjoy it more
Dreadnought by April Daniels <- kind of a reread as im going to start over b/c it's been a long time since i first started reading it
A Map Of Home by Randa Jarrar <- picked this up at a used book store, don't know a lot about it
The Kingdom Beyond The Waves by Stephen Hunt <- from the same used book store as above, all i know is that it's a TOR fantasy novel
The Lady In Gold by Anne Marie O'Connor <- nonfiction book about the history of the Klimt painting 'Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer' which was stolen by the Nazis
The Zen Of Slime by @.sparklygoo & Alena Woods <- a silly book about slime recipes i picked up for 2 dollars at the discount store
May We Shed These Human Bodies by Amber Sparks <- a short story collection that ive tried to read before, i think it's magical realism, i stopped reading b/c i think i got annoyed by one of the stories but i'd like to try again
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot <- nonfiction about how doctors took tissue samples from a Black woman with terminal cancer without consent in the 1950s and the cells from the tissue samples NEVER DIED and they were able to use them to further medicine and make a ton of money and never compensated her family whatsoever to this day. my high school biology teacher had us read sections from this book and i found a copy at a thrift store for 25 cents and ive been meaning to read it properly forever
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Jan Václav Stamic (Johann Stamitz) (1717-1757) - Organ Concerto No.2 in C major
1. Moderato 2. Andante 3. Allegro
Alena Veselá, Organ
Dvořák Chamber Orchestra, Vladimir Válek Conductor
Recorded in Church of Our Lady before Týn in Prague ( pictures in video)
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foxvalleylover · 2 months
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ORANGE BLOSSOM Jo Malone London The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. Photography (c) Michael Dürr Talent : Erin Alena Pretorius Body and Soul Vienna more : www.michaelduerr.com
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themratts · 8 months
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Valentine’s Day is around the corner 🥰
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ethanwaynee · 2 years
w. @lenamorales
Já se encontrava em um estado mais solto, na qual conseguia conversar e se soltar mais sem ficar tão nervoso e sem gaguejar tanto. Quase podia dizer que estava se divertindo. Estava cantarolando uma das músicas de natal que tocavam, indo para o lado de fora com uma cerveja na mão quando viu Alena se aproximar. — Hey Alena… Se divertindo? - Ele que não era de puxar muito assunto, resolvera parar para conversar com a morena. — Você viu que estão falando que vai ter jogo mais tarde? - Ele havia ouvido mas não sabia ao certo do que se tratava, se a outra tivesse mais informações talvez ele ficasse sabendo através dela.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield must battle a rogue warrior seeking revenge after unleashing the deadly G-Virus, whilst a mutated monster goes on a rampage. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Leon S. Kennedy (voice): Paul Mercier Claire Redfield (voice): Alyson Court Angela Miller (voice): Laura Bailey Curtis Miller (voice): Roger Craig Smith Frederic Downing (voice): Crispin Freeman Senator Ron Davis (voice): Michael Sorich Ingrid Hunnigan (voice): Salli Saffioti Rani Chawla (voice): Michelle Ruff Rani’s aunt (voice): Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Greg Glenn (voice): Steve Blum WilPharma CEO (voice): Michael McConnohie U.S. President (voice): Kirk Thornton Various (voice): Cindy Robinson Various (voice): Dave Wittenberg Various (voice): Kari Wahlgren Various (voice): Kyle Hebert Various (voice): Barbara Goodson Various (voice): Keith Silverstein Various (voice): Yuri Lowenthal Various (voice): Megan Hollingshead Various (voice): Skip Stellrecht Various (voice): Troy Baker Various (voice): Karen Strassman Various (voice): JB Blanc Various (voice): Johnny Yong Bosch Greg Glenn / G-Curtis (motion capture): Derek Mears Film Crew: Executive Producer: Masao Takiyama Screenplay: Shoutarou Suga Director: Makoto Kamiya Sound Director: Yota Tsuruoka Editor: Ryuji Miyajima Layout: Nobuhito Sue Sound Designer: Koji Kasamatsu Production Manager: Yoshimi Sugiyama Costume Design: Kuniko Hôjô Compositor: Naoyuki Fujii Stunts: Satoshi Hakuzen Executive Producer: Haruhiro Tsujimoto Executive Producer: Keiji Inafune Original Music Composer: Tetsuya Takahashi Co-Producer: Hidenori Ueki Story: Hiroyuki Kobayashi CGI Director: Atsushi Doi Casting Producer: Michelle Ladd Stunts: Naohiro Kawamoto Storyboard Artist: Shinji Nishikawa Casting Producer: Thom Williams Producer: Taro Morishima Associate Producer: Scott Dolph Video Game: Shinji Mikami Stunts: Jersey Maki Itosu Sound Editor: Yoshiki Matsunaga Casting Producer: Hiroyuki Yoshida Compositor: Hiroki Ando Storyboard Artist: Kiyoshi Okuyama Production Manager: Sareana Sun Associate Producer: Daisuke Gomi Stunts: Koji Kawamoto Video Game: Kenichi Iwao Story Editor: Father Video Game: Tokuro Fujiwara Video Game: Takahiro Arimitsu Modelling Supervisor: Yoshiaki Hirabayashi Producer: Seiji Iseda Associate Producer: Aki Kiuchi Executive Producer: Ivan C. Shih Co-Executive Producer: Toshi Tokumaru Associate Producer: Mareo Yamada Production Design: Shiho Tamura Production Manager: Alena Fang Production Manager: Kumiko Oguri Second Assistant Director: Kentaro Fujisawa First Assistant Director: Gaku Nagao Prop Designer: Takumi Sakura Storyboard Artist: Hiromitsu Soma Dialogue Editor: Les Claypool III Character Designer: Kazuhiro Asakawa VFX Artist: Wu Bin Lighting Artist: Zhang Bei Modeling: Stacy Chang Lighting Artist: Peng Chao Modeling: Hsin-Che Chen Modeling: Soyoung Cheng Modeling: Chaucer Chiu Lighting Artist: Liu Dexin Compositor: Nobutaka Emoto Lighting Artist: Le Gao Compositing Lead: Tsubasa Harikae Lighting Artist: Yifang He Lighting Artist: Zhang Hongkun Animation: Ni Hongtao Stunts: Nobuhiro Inohara Post Production Producer: Yuuki Hashimoto Assistant Editor: Narihiko Kôno Movie Reviews: Andre Gonzales: It’s just like if I was watching the video game. Pretty cool movie. These are the 2 characters I remember the most because I loved Code Veronica so much.
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gtaradi · 4 months
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eirasummersart · 7 months
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I haven't been able to draw much aside from things I had to. I wanted to doodle stuff for myself but failed a lot on digital. So I tried today to doodle something on traditional and used my OC Alena for it C: She's my Genshin Impact OC but since this art is just random I won't tag it as that hahaha
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