#(c: liila)
lonestarbattleship · 1 year
Battleship Texas: Hits from the Battle of Cherbourg
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"On this day, June 25th, 1944, the USS TEXAS was hit by two German 240mm shells off the coast of Cherbourg, France.
The First Hit
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At 1310 TEXAS receives a hit from a large caliber shell atop the ship’s armored conning tower shearing off the top of Direct #3, which fell on to and injured the Gunnery Officer beneath it. The shell would then strike the longitudinal frame on the ship’s foremast causing an upwards explosion into the Pilot House directly above injuring many of those inside. By 1325 the crew began removing the thirteen casualties wounded in the explosion. These men suffered traumatic leg injuries, fractures, contusions, blast concussions, and abrasions. The ship’s helmsman, Christen Norman Christensen, would receive a fatal prognosis and die of his wounds later that day, becoming the ship’s only combat fatality during her career.
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The explosion sheared off three sections of floor plates damaging the steering gear, compasses, engine revolution indicator, and many electrical cables and circuits. The space was demolished, and could no longer serve as the ship’s control station. All ship control operations moved to the Conning Tower as the ship maneuvered radically away and out of range of the German battery.
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'The conduct of all hands during the action was worthy of praise and attaches no censure to anyone on board. In particular, Lieutenant Command Louis P. Spear, USN, Lieutenant Clarence L. Moody, Jr., (ChC), USNR, and Eddleman, Will J., Bgmstr2c, V6, USNR were worthy of praise for the cool manner in which they rendered first aid to the wounded on the Navigation Bridge, in spite of the continued fall of enemy shells in the vicinity of the ship.' Battle Report, J.M. Cabanillas, USN
As the ship maneuvered away, the guns of Turret 4 and 5 continued to fire over the ship’s stern. These blasts warped nearly every door midship, damaged 40mm director mounds, and set fire to some of the canvas covers that were draped over the 40mm ammunition. With ammunition in such close proximity to the fires, nearby crews consisting of both Sailors and Marines quickly jumped into action by throwing the loose ammunition overboard.
'There were canvas covers over the shells in the gun tub. Circular canvas covers protected the clips that were in the racks on the gun tub. That canvas is what caught fire when the 14-inchers fired aft. No canvas cover on the guns themselves. The Marines threw the hot 40mm ammo over the side. No one was injured. The deck did not catch on fire, but there was lots of shrapnel on the deck. The shrapnel made dark spots on the deck.' -Veikko Liila, USMC
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Second Time's The Charm
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After a quick maneuver, TEXAS returned to face the battery once more. Both TEXAS and Battery Hamburg would exchange fire, encountering many close calls as gun salvos continued to straddle the ship. At 1444 two shell splashes were reported near the ship’s portside bow, and just three minutes later, an unexploded 240mm shell was discovered inside a stateroom on the Half Deck. TEXAS had been hit a second time. With no visible or reported damage, the ship continued its brawl with the relentless battery. By 1500 the ship had received orders to retire and return to Portland, England.
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Upon returning to England, the 'dud' 240mm German shell was removed and disarmed under careful direction of the Bomb Disposal Officer. The shell would then be placed back on TEXAS, where it still resides to this day.
'The performance of the TEXAS while under heavy and accurate fire of the enemy was outstanding. She was smartly handled and continued the engagement until ordered to withdraw, although hopelessly outranged and continuously harassed by enemy fire over a period of two hours and twenty minutes.' - C. F. BRYANT, USN."
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Group Facebook page: link
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mysdrymmumbles · 2 years
Crack thought of the day: "The Kyrians read thirst tweets/hate comments."
Thanikos, sitting with Arios and Adrestes as he reads his: "I want to climb that hand like a tree." That would be very difficult, mortal. I would not stay still for that.
Liila: That's what they're hoping for.
Thanikos: ??? They wish to see if they can cling to my armor while I fly? A test of endurance?
Arios/Adrestes: *expressionless*
Liila: Oh, come on. I know you all know what sex is.
Liila: *rolls eyes, looks away*
Thanikos/Arios/Adrestes: c: 
Eridia: "Eridia is the meanest of all the hands." Oh. Well. Oka--
Lysonia: *leaning over* Who wrote this?
Eridia: No, it's okay. People can think what they want--
Lysonia: I will stab them.
Eridia: Lysonia, no--
Lysonia: Lysonia, yes.
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roosapoosa · 7 years
Tag Game
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better! I was tagged by @meteoroidi 
a - age: 22, soon to be 23
b - birthplace: Planet Earth
c - current time: 20:36
d - drink you last had: Fanta Zero Sugar, flavor was Strawberry Twist
e - easiest person to talk to: Someone who is very close to me 
f - favourite song: I’ve been really into listening the soundtrack of Netflix show Las Chicas del Cable (Cable Girls). If I have to choose one favorite song, it is “I’m in love with you” by Kate Paxton and Charlie Silver
g - grossest memory: I don’t have proper answer to this question because I have very selective memory XD
h - horror yes or horror no: Horror, never
i - in love?: Yes I’m very much in love <3
j - jealous of people?: Not really
k - killed someone?: Obviously I have not
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: Walk by again
m - middle name: Liila Arelia
n - number of siblings: 1 lovely younger sister, @meteoroidi :)
o - one wish: This is a tricky question, I don’t want to reveal my wish because if I do, it might not come true ;)
p - person you called last: Mero maya <3
q - question you’re always asked: I don’t have any specific question people always ask me, but most common is probably tourists asking directions to places (even in grocery stores..) :D
r - reason to smile: Everything that brings happiness :)
s - song you sang last: “Destination Calabria” by Alex Gaudino XD (I have no clue why or where this song popped into my mind but I had it stuck on my head in school today)
u - underwear color: Light pink
v - vacation: As a designer I don’t have the word ‘vacation’ in my vocabulary, I’m gonna be working my a** off in school for the whole summer
x - x-rays: Of my teeth, jaws and wrist when I was young
y - your favourite food: All, except foods that contain mushrooms, radish or pumpkin.
z- zodiac sign: Leo
I’ll tag @hetamariar & @mmmelme :D
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meteoroidi · 7 years
Tag game
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better! I was tagged by @emppuko
a - age: 20
b - birthplace: Outer space 
c - current time: 15:12
d - drink you last had: Water
e - easiest person to talk to: Kastanja
f - favourite song: Currently I’ve been loving these three albums: Adiemus - Songs Of Sanctuary, Adiemus II - Cantata Mundi and Karl Jenkins - Stabat Mater (sorry I couldn’t pick just one)
g - grossest memory: I got sick, vomited salad and it got stuck in my nose. I also vomited vanilla yoghurt the next day and it tasted very bad.
h - horror yes or horror no: No.
i - in love?: Very much 
j - jealous of people?: Sometimes 
k - killed someone?: In my dreams and imagination 
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: Walk by again maybe
m - middle name: Liila Emilia
n - number of siblings: 1 big sister
o - one wish: To be content with myself
p - person you called last: My dad
q - question you’re always asked: Well... Now that I think of it, I’ve been asked about my sexuality quite a lot lately. I don’t mind as long as the askers are not rude.
r - reason to smile: Special friends
s - song you sang last: Cantus - Song Of The Spirit - London Philharmonic Orchestra
u - underwear color: Purple
v - vacation: Adventuring in a forest or something would be lit
x - x-rays: From my jaws and teeth some years ago
y - your favourite food: Pizza
z- zodiac sign: Aquarius
I’m very bad at tagging people because I’m anxious but well, maybe I can still tag someone...! @roosapoosa @petollinenperstasku 
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mysdrymmumbles · 2 years
Thanikos: *finds all the maw walkers crying* ??? What happened?
Carroll: We found this scroll...
Blood: *hands Thanikos the scroll*
Thanikos: You’re crying because of this?
Blood: It’s beautiful.
Thanikos: *laughing* You like my poetry that much?
Maw Walkers: 
Liila: You wrote this?
Thanikos: Yes?
Carroll: But...but how? This is...amazing. This is on par with long, long dead poets.
Maw Walkers: 
Thanikos: I am a long, long dead poet.
Maw Walkers: 
Thanikos: c:
Inaar: I keep forgetting everyone here is dead.
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mysdrymmumbles · 2 years
I'd like to give you the same ask: the odd ones for Adrestes and Embrosia. :)
<3 I wanna preface this by saying this would be waaaaaay down the line, because Liila wouldn't really shift to Embrosia until well after she's gotten her wings, and then she'd still answer to Liila, but start to feel more like Embrosia as time goes on, if that makes sense? idk.
1. What are things they both find funny?
That's hard. Embrosia loves bird/feather jokes, even after eons of hearing them. They make Adrestes roll his eyes hard, but he loves how happy they make her.
When people try to give them orders, they both laugh. This rarely happens, as Adrestes *is* a paragon and Embrosia is a senior ascended, but still. Every now and then they go to an Ember Court where some new venthyr doesn't know them and thinks kyrian are goody-two-shoes who can be ordered around.
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?
Embrosia: *running fingers along his jaw* You have an amazing jawline. Adrestes: *is happy* Embrosia: I bet you have pretty eyes, too. Adrestes: Embrosia: You know, if I could ever see them. Adrestes: My hood is going to go missing again soon, isn't it? Embrosia: c:
Adrestes: *watching Embrosia lovingly* Embrosia: ??? Adrestes: I somehow always forget how pretty your hair is when there's specks of anima caught in it. *catching some of Embrosia's hair and pressing a kiss to it* Embrosia: *feathers fluffing because she still gets embarrassed by compliments*
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
They like to sit in high places and watch the world below, or go incognito as aspirants and help newer aspirants. Embrosia sometimes drags Adrestes all the way to Olympic Village. He grumbles about leaving his temple, but he does like to get to spar and wander the old grounds, and Embrosia can get him into some mischief from time to time <3
9. Have they made each other cry?
Embrosia has a tendency to get into mishaps and mayhem follows her, so she's been kidnapped/gotten involved in weird adventures where she went missing enough times that Adrestes knows she'll be back, but at the same time, he can't help but wonder if this is the time she won't come back to him, and that anxiety has made him shed a few tears over the eons.
Sometimes Embrosia gets frustrated with how little Adrestes thinks of her friends from her life. Because she's kept them. And Embrosia knows that he must prioritize his temple, but sometimes she feels like he thinks the people important to her are not important and that upsets her. She's cried because she wishes he and Haa'aji could be friends, but they REALLY don't like each other.
11. What causes them to fight?
Embrosia can still be rather careless/self-sacrificial with herself. Like, shielding aspirants from falling debris or something like that and getting herself hurt. Adrestes gets upset that she doesn't take better care of herself and that she is so willing to let herself get hurt to spare others. They fight about that, on rare occasion.
Embrosia will pick a fight with him if she feels like he's being too harsh toward his disciples or aspirants, if he's not doing enough to see things from their perspective. She does it in private, at least, so it's not a show for the whole temple.
Also, Embrosia's unyielding love for a particular Ardenweald soul that causes mischief whenever he's in Bastion is a point of contention between them. (It's Haa'aji)
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
That's hard because they're very good about not crossing each others' boundaries, but I suppose Embrosia will never stick solely to Bastion for Adrestes, and he will never run away from the realm for her.
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
Embrosia hates that damn hood and his love of it. Embrosia also hates it when he leans into his position as a paragon 'too much'. If he pulls rank on anyone, she gets grumpy.
Adrestes hates that she will absolutely steal his hood and hide it. He also dislikes some of the chaos she causes when she gets bored/wants to remind him that paragons are not so different from the rest of them.
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Even after eons, the color red reminds Adrestes of Embrosia's hair when she was alive.
For Embrosia, it's the sound of his laugh. She can hear it the way some bells chime, so even when she's away from him, she feels like he's there with her.
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
"I do not dislike you."
"I don't dislike you, either."
And then everyone would groan because it has been eons. Will they ever let it go? No, they won't.
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
Adrestes tries to see past duty to others' feelings more since meeting Liila/Embrosia. He takes more breaks from his work and lets himself relax occasionally because of her.
Embrosia is better about not assuming that people in positions of power are always corrupt or out-of-touch since meeting Adrestes. And she takes better care of herself thanks to him.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
Embrosia is idly reading through a few notes she has received from beyond the realm when she hears his footfalls. She barely has time to look up before she feels Adrestes' arms slipping around her waist and tugging her into his lap. She adjusts her wings quickly, though she can’t help but smile at the way his rest heavily over her own, curling out around them. His forehead rests against the nape of her neck, and he doesn’t say anything.
He doesn’t have to. 
It has been a rough couple of weeks, with some of the newer aspirants who seem to question everything. He has groused multiple times that he doesn’t know how they made it to his temple. Now though, he just sits with her, in the quiet, curled around her.
She lets her free hand come down to rest on top of one of his, lacing their fingers together and then squeezing his hand gently. He merely tugs her closer.
She finishes going through her messages, bringing his hand up to kiss his knuckles once when she feels him shudder. When she finishes catching up, she sets her notes aside and then snuggles back, pressing herself against his chest and shifting just enough so that she can lean back and rest her head against his. 
The divet between his brows is deep as his lips dip into a deep frown. His gaze is straight ahead, looking at whatever problem is in the forefront of his mind, but he doesn’t let her go.
She catches his other hand then, laces their fingers again, and settles back to wait out his mood. He will find his voice when he needs it, but for now, she knows the best she can do is just be there. He would not have sought her out otherwise. 
She does interrupt his brooding after a time, pressing a quick, chaste kiss to his cheek. That catches his attention, his gaze flitting to her. For a moment, the skin around them crinkles as he meets her gaze. He closes his eyes then, rests his head against hers, and sighs.
When she smiles, he echoes it. It is faint, but grateful, and she knows that he will be alright.
25. What moves do they know work on the other?
Embrosia will drag her nails down his shoulders, and ruffle his smaller feathers, and it drives him wild.
Adrestes can nip her earlobe and it makes her shiver.
27. Do they have any kinks/fetishes that they share?
They both have a bit of a voice kink going. And a thing for wings.
29. What are each of their signature foreplay moves?
Embrosia will flit up to him and whisper something dirty in his ear when he's in the middle of something Important™ that has him blushing and trying to stay focused long enough to wrap things up before he excuses himself to go find where she's flitted off to to wait for him.
Adrestes does a good strip tease ;D And he's very good with his hands <3
31. What do they love to do after sex?
Snuggles and bathing together are the big two.
Adrestes: *catching some of Embrosia's hair and pressing a kiss to it* I'm proud of you. Embrosia: ??? Adrestes: When you were in Wisdom, you didn't even rearrange any of the bookshelves. Embrosia: Embrosia: I have to go fix something. Adrestes: Completely unrelated to bookshelves, I'm sure. Embrosia: Of course... Arios: *frowning in the distance*
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