#(but with a healthy dose of teenager pettiness and bad impulse control)
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numericalbridge · 9 months ago
"#(most likely imo him stopping being friends with odalia over whatever happened during the rats play)"
I'm sorry this may come out of nowhere but I just can't get over this tag because it makes it sound like the Darius & Alador/Odalia rift was over Raine of all people and is just sounds so fucking funny to me like holy shit.
Raine: I just ended a 5 year relationship.
Lilith: OMT are you ok?
Raine: I'm fine, it wasn't my relationship.
Absolutely not canon but funny as hell that image may forever live on my head now, you placed a curse upon me and I wanted you to know.
Haha, 😆
To be fair - since this is my theory only for the case where the old hexsquad was not one single friend group and instead people Eda had particular memories about - it would be not because of Raine specifically, but more like Darius standing up for what is right/realizing Odalia had crossed the line.
Longer explanation if you are curious:
Obviously this is based mostly on the vibes and there are way too many variables and i feel like even things that were initially planned since s1 can be changed/retconned, so, as i've said, i find it hard to speculate, but when i tried picturing what a raeda-focused old hexside spin off would've looked like as a mini-series or comic - and i don't think it would work as anything longer - it seemed like the Rats play was meant to be an important event, and, lets be honest, i don't think it would be very likely for Darius to get a lot of screentime judging by the way the main show handles its characters, so tying up development of several supporting characters to the Rats play could be a possibility, even if that wasn't the initial pre-shortening plan for the Darius, Odalia and Alador friendship break up. And in Eda's memory in Kings Tide: compared to Odalia, Darius seemed to be placed closer to Raine and Lilith and his expression seemed more open to me (although everyone was off-model in that image, lol), so i assume Eda had some positive memories of him.
So my speculation is that Odalia could've done something that crossed the line, Darius, who previously might have been somewhat 'antagonistic' towards Raine (like pestering them about their acting abilities etc), wouldn't support it and eventually stoped being friends with Odalia, while Alador for one reason or another wouldn't and that caused the rift that just continued to grow. Darius standing up for what is right/for other kids would also tie with ASIAS.
But the thing is, i don't actually want this speculation to be true, lol, because i would much prefer 1. Darius and Raine being some kind of actual friends in school and then drifting apart, even if doesn't fit Eda's Requiem and 2. i love the headcanon that Darius used to be much more open in his school years and more like s2 Willow - though still petty and somewhat bitchy - and became more closed off and cold with years, and that's something that he has to work on, post-canon. And the above scenario might not fit with this headcanon.
And my personal favourite headcanon for Darius and Alador friendship break up is either disagreement over some fundamentals of abomination magic and/or just petty teenaged drama that spiralled out of control (though i dread to imagine what fandom's reaction would've been).
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gem-quest · 5 years ago
[ I N F E R N A  . . . ]
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Real Name: Victoria Chang (goes by “Vicky”)
Age: 22
FC: Hoyeon Jung
Species & Class: Fire-Mage, Rogue
Guild: Obsidian
“Middle finger up, F you pay me”  —Blackpink, Boombayah  
Description of In-Game Powers: Inferna (Vicky) can generate and manipulate fire. She should theoretically be able to put it out, too, and control it in a more precise way, but so far, no luck. Over-using this ability results in dizziness and fatigue. 
In addition, Inferna has a natural affinity for fire-related ability scrolls, potions, and items. She is invulnerable to fire, though water and being underwater in general gives her up to -2 in defense.
Place of Birth: The suburbs surrounding Baltimore, USA
Appearance: Although Inferna’s natural hair color is black (technically, dark brown), she had it dyed red when she first got to college. In-game, she changes her hair color very often, utilizing a bunch of H-rank potions that are only there for cosmetic effects. She also gives herself a bunch of face tattoos in-game, just because she can. Currently, she has some of the lyrics from Blackpink’s DDU-DU DDU-DU tattooed around the area of her left eye, like so.
“I just think that it’s kind of lame that there isn’t even a Starbucks out here. I mean, all this fancy mead is fine and all, but sometimes I just really want a frap, you feel me?”
Places Most Likely to be Found In-Game: Inferna adores the Level 7 Tearoom. She’s always been keen on spilling the tea, both literally and metaphorically (plus the sweet treats don’t hurt!).
Inferna’s also a pretty regular sight in Yue City, trying to market her Inferna Sauce and Inferna Sriracha to beginner players.
Current Inventory: 
Flaming daggers x4
Regular daggers x2
Pocketknife x1
Silver dust x5
Dispelling amulet x1
Crossbow x1
Ignitium potion x2
Lock picking set x1
Ictuium potion x7
Black pearls x3
Blue pearls x3
“Inferna Sauce” (AKA hot sauce that tastes like Lao Gan Ma/chili sauce that she made using in-game ingredients to spice up the bland-ass white people food available in the marketplaces) x10
“Inferna’s Sriracha” (same deal ^^^) x14
Shortsword x1
Murmurationium x1
Assorted sweet treats from the Tearoom x22
+ assorted foodstuffs/drinks, and more coins than anyone would ever need because she’s such a goddamn hoarder
Strongest Character Trait: Flippant
“Leak college textbook pdf files, not nudes. Jeez.”
Strengths: Inferna’s a total boss at League of Legends (she was Diamond before she decided to check out Gem Quest), meaning that she’s pretty familiar with a lot of the game mechanics that GQ was founded on; in-game, she’s very good at appearing out of nowhere and then fucking off with whatever she decided that she wanted to steal; despite the fact that she thinks computer science is boring as all hell, she’s not bad at it - she hasn’t failed so far, which is a sign that she must be doing something right; somehow passing 3 years of CS courses means that Inferna’s pretty well-versed in a variety of programming languages (Python, Java, Haskell, Ruby, C++, etc); has a very good memory, despite her general flightiness; her in-game character is very speedy, if not always very stealthy; quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination (Inferna would like to thank her eleven-odd years of playing League); a natural curiosity about the game has led to Inferna exploring all the little nooks and crannies of every level she’s been to so far, so she knows about many little secret passageways and the like
Weaknesses: In real life, Inferna’s primary motivations are 1) food, and 2) being petty, and this is definitely true in-game as well - the primary difference being that in real life, Inferna does not have the ability to whip out flaming daggers whenever she wants to; in general, Inferna is ready to throw hands way too often for it to be healthy; very reckless and impulsive; tends to jump to conclusions and rush into things without thinking it through; fickle as actual fuck; flighty and easily distracted; probably more fixated on trying all the pastries in the Tearoom than actually clearing the game; stubborn, headstrong, and bullheaded when she focuses on something long enough to decide that she wants it, no matter what - Inferna has a very ‘my way or the highway’ attitude; can and will pack so many meme and vine references into one sentence that it’s practically incomprehensible; what is self-control?; is avoiding all her responsibilities 24/7
Player Stats: Inferna’s got pretty high strength stats for her class, mostly because she decided to spec into fire-mage abilities (”Honestly, I just wanted to be like Uncle Iroh from ATLA and breathe flames from my mouth”), but her cautiousness is abnormally low for a rogue.
Inferna’s general personality is better suited to being a Knight or a Rider, but on the intro screen she read that Rogues tended to get easy money, so she was immediately sold.
Personality: Well, to be perfectly frank, Inferna is...kind of a bitch (and, in real life, she was kind of an attention whore as a teenager, though she mellowed out a bit once she got to college). Inferna's perfectly aware of this, but she also like, doesn't care. With her sarcastic and irreverent sense of humor, Inferna is flippant and frivolous, always brushing other peoples' concerns and criticisms off with a breezy "eat a dick" (or something along those lines). Inferna is also a bit vain, especially when it comes to her hair, and has a very irreverent/ironic sense of humor (and she always appreciates a good nerdy science pun).
Although she really isn't the nicest person around, Inferna’s outgoing nature and spunky spontaneity (paired with a healthy dose of snarkiness) has still made her a couple of friends (and said friends are usually just as thick-skinned as Inferna can be). She's a bit too cocky and reckless for her own good, and she can be blunt to the point of being cruel. Inferna has no sense of tact nor subtlety whatsoever, and she means something when she says it. Inferna's not afraid of confronting someone head-on, and she has absolutely no patience for pussies who would rather subtweet her than talk trash to her face.
Flighty and fickle, Inferna's not always very good about texting back or making plans. She's extremely petty and makes way too many smart remarks for her own good, and has quite the temper on her - Inferna is both easily excited and easily angered, and can be rather capricious if she hasn’t had any coffee. However, she's also quick to forgive (if not necessarily to forget), and she can be surprisingly perceptive and observant sometimes. Inferna's a bit of a hypocrite in that she's not afraid to call out stupid bullshit when she sees it, but she's also very much full of bullshit herself, a fact that she will freely admit to. And although she doesn't seem to take anything seriously, Inferna can and will hold a grudge until the end of time if you piss her off enough.
Finally, some people can find her downright annoying, which Inferna is also perfectly fine with. She's quite self-aware, despite what one may think after interacting with her, and she's definitely not as clueless or oblivious as some people think she is-it's just a matter of if she cares enough to confront somebody about something. And, spoiler alert: nine times out of ten, she doesn't.
“I do things for two reasons, and two reasons only: 1) spite, 2) the aesthetic. That’s it.” 
Biography: Inferna had a pretty normal childhood, all things considered; she was a rebellious kid for sure, but her parents were patient with her and let her do what she wanted, so long as her grades didn’t slip (granted, her mom was pretty pissed when she decided that she wanted red hair on a whim one day and just went ahead and got it dyed, but beyond an annoying lecture, there were no other consequences). Inferna got into the gaming scene pretty quickly as a kid - she passed over stupid games like Call of Duty for ones where she could fuck people up and look cute, like League of Legends or World of Warcraft. 
Inferna got into a fairly decent public university in Baltimore, and was subsequently pressured into pursuing an undergrad degree in computer science by her parents. Inferna thinks that CS is alright - it’s not her favorite thing in the world, but it’s not unbearably boring like reading wack ass Shakespeare plays and then bullshitting a 2000-word essay about it - and so far, she’s passed all her classes. Which has to count for something, right?
Inferna decided to check out Gem Quest not long after it was released to the public, during the summer after her sophomore year of college. The only reason she really decided to was because she was tired of forking over $10 for each damn skin in League, and with a game like League, what was the fucking point if she couldn’t have a cute character? She slowly got more into it as time went on - the character customization options were absolutely gorgeous, plus she liked being able to actually sample the in-game foods - and it was strangely freeing, in a way, to be able to go on her own adventures and explore everything the levels had to offer. A way better use of her time than sitting in the library trying to debug her goddamn code, in Inferna’s opinion.
As Inferna began to take Gem Quest more seriously, she built a reputation for herself as That Bitch (TM).Thanks to her penchant of hoarding items and coins, she has gotten quite coin-rich, and thanks to her affinity with games that were similar to Gem Quest, she quickly advanced through the easier levels. 
Inferna was...surprisingly nonchalant, regarding G’s recent announcement that players could not freely leave the game anymore. She figures that if something horrible happens, she can always steal a relinquium potion from some rando, but until then, she’s just going to enjoy life. G told the real world about the development, Inferna’s assuming, meaning that her parents won’t be expecting her anytime soon. It’s selfish of her to just leave them out there worrying about her, really, but Inferna doesn’t want to go back to the real world, not just yet - one day, she’ll steal that relinquium potion and finish her degree like she’s supposed to, get a 9-5 office job like she’s supposed to, spend all her time on boring software development like she’s supposed to - but right now, she just wants to have some fun.
ENTHRONED - Inferna met Neddy for the first time in Finvarra’s Gardens (Level 10), which Inferna beat a long time ago but returned to because she remembered that the level had the most gorgeous pastries (she forgot that eating/drinking anything would trap her on the level for the rest of the game). Neddy reminded her of that rule, and Inferna spent an inordinate amount of time fawning over Jack like he was a puppy (before asking to ride him, which Neddy agreed to). Inferna thinks Neddy is super cute and generally likes both her and Jack.
Eventually: realizing that Inferna and Plagueis have run into each other before + Inferna has heard the rumors about him and Bloodbriars having the Supernova scroll, Inferna helping Neddy beat Level 30 because she thinks dodgeball is fun
MORNINGSTAR - Inferna met Morningstar in the depths of the Descend one day before the first event. Noticing Morningstar’s potioneering supplies, Inferna asked her if she had anything that would “make it feel like being high on weed, not this red gas stuff that’ll probably give me cancer” (Inferna’s not like, that big on weed, but she likes it on occasion, and kind of misses getting high). 
Eventually: form a small two-person party together, Morn being all starry-eyed about Inferna telling her about how she’s fucked around in general (going to college parties, getting absolutely wasted, getting twisted, just generally dumb college freshman shit), somehow realizing that Inferna knows Emily through a League Discord server
"DDU-DU DDU-DU” by Blackpink
“Fire” by 2NE1
“Friends and Foes” by Higher Brothers ft. Snoop Dogg
“Dalla Dalla” by Itzy
“Icy” by Itzy
“My New Swag” by VAVA ft. Nina Wang & Ty
“Solo” by Jennie of Blackpink
“Boombayah” by Blackpink
“Just Like Fire” by Pink
“High Hopes” by Panic! at the Disco
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ayzrules/leak-college-textbook-pdf-files-not-nudes-gq/
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