#(but he is being honest xD honesty can be seen as a sign of respect)
What about Princess Ayeka? :p
{Send “What about” and a person and my muse will say their honest feelings/thoughts about them. || Open and Accepting!}
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“From what I’ve seen and heard, she’s pretty tenacious. I appreciate that attitude in a person. It’s really important not to give up on what you want. Life’s not gonna hand everything to you just because you want it, not even if you’re a princess!” 
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“If Princess Ayeka didn’t understand that, I probably wouldn’t like her at all. She’s definitely one of the most thoughtful and polite princesses I’ve run into. Of course I’m also not  trying to conquer her people so that could have something to do with it! Ha ha ha! Sometimes I wonder just how much of a fight she would put up if I was a threat. Especially when I see her fight with that other alpha female over petty things or for Tenchi’s attention. I’m curious if she’s serious during those fights, or if she’s holding back.”
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“She’s strange, but not in a bad way? Just different from what I’m used to. I can’t really put my finger on why, but I enjoy talking to her. She gets a little snippy sometimes, but I can’t blame her for that. She’s only like that when someone’s being rude, or annoying her, and I get that way too so I understand. When she gets like that with me it’s because I’ve said something thoughtless. Might take some time for me to notice it since she doesn’t correct me the way Vegeta does.”
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“Huh…come to think of it, she’s never insulted me back when I’ve offended her.” Not in a way that actually offended him or that he understood anyways. “Not used to that either. I mean, yeah I was respected as the General of the Saiyan Army but that was a long time ago.” 
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