#(but also Daci lost their MIND over Shadowheart last summer so it's like we take turns pfft)
aprillikesthings · 6 months
Okay I do want to watch another episode tonight instead of just back-tracking to watch stuff from earlier episodes over and over and roll around in my feelings and yell about them at my partner
BUT (this is from Corridors)
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Yeah yeah Horde Prime is evil and the actual villain of the series but the fact is: he could read Catra's reactions to things. ("Elevated heart rate, dilated pupils. Adora means something to you.") And while obviously he sees affection/love/etc as bad things, he still nevertheless tells Catra (more than once) to her FACE that she still has feelings for Adora.
And yeah the feelings are often a mixed-up mess of envy and resentment, which comes out of Catra as anger and a need for revenge, and which Horde Prime accurately interprets as very painful for Catra--none of those feelings would be as strong without the love and grief under it all and causing so much of it.
It's a cliche but it's true: the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. And Catra might feel many things for Adora but indifferent is not one of them.
And it's just SO TELLING that after Horde Prime's next line: "Don't you want to be free of it?" Catra doesn't think "ha ha yeah that would be a relief lol"
She bristles and gets angry.
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And then looks terrified
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And YEAH obviously some of it is a logical reaction to being threatened with joining the hive mind.
But also she doesn't actually want to be freed from her feelings for Adora. And I don't know if she even knew it until that moment.
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