#(brain better recover soon. i cant think and noises hurt and everything is too bright but i wanted to finish my homework today. boooh!)
videoworm · 1 year
20mins flea market -> brain fog 4 eva 🤪
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Erased Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Requested by: Me
Warnings: Violence, and language.
A/N this might turn out to be 6 or 7 parts. Oops.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8  Part 9 Part 10  Part 11  Part 12 Part 13
-One month later-
It has been about a month and a half since the last time that I had to pull Bucky back from the cliffs of insanity and about a month since I basically told him to fuck off and not talk to me anymore.
Was it super petty and stupid and kind of rude? Definitely. Am I going to be the first one to apologize and make everything right? Hell no.
I mean, I don’t think that I have to be the first one to apologize. I really don’t think that I did anything wrong. I was the one that was trying to help him. The one that was trying to make everything better for him. Help him sleep better and help him forget some of the horrible things that he did because those Russian scientists thought that it would be fun to turn him into their own personal Rag Doll.
BUT NO. He completely wants to treat me like a tiny little child that is going to break at the first sign of trouble and that was kind of my last straw. I have been treated like a kid by Natasha and Wanda and Steve and Tony, and everyone else in this building – even though I am 25 and have two PHD’s in psychology and sociology – but to have him do that to me, to have him treat me like a kid hurt. I had always assumed that he would be the one that treated me like I was supposed to be treated. Guess I was wrong.
I am currently in my living room, reading a book that I had picked up a couple days ago from the local Half Priced Books. Because I am not an actual part of the Avengers team, because I dont go out and save the world or go on all of the life-threatening missions, no one really knows my face or my story. They don’t know who I am or what I can do and sometimes that is really sad to think about. Sad to think that no one knows what I can do.
But that also means that I don’t have to worry about people coming up to me when I am out and about. Not like with Cap, or Black Widow, or even the Winter Soldier. They are known. They have fan fics written about them and smut written about all of them. Tumblrs dedicated to them. I don’t. I don’t have to worry about a mob of people coming after me for my autograph, though sometimes I wish that they would.
The rest of the team went out on a mission about 2 days ago. Apparently out to the middle of nowhere Russia to take out one of the final hydra bases. I hadn’t even gone to the mission meeting because I knew what they were going to say. I knew that it was gonna be the same thing over and over and over again. Them telling me that I wasnt ready or that I wasn’t strong enough. Always the same.
Suddenly there is a loud ringing in my ears and I drop my book to pick up my cell phone to my ear. Then comes the screaming from the other end.
“Y/N!!!” It is Natasha that is screaming at me and I pull the phone away.
“What is wrong?!” I ask as I sit up straight and let her talk into the phone. I can feel her fear and anger over the phone. Can hear the erratic heartbeats that thumps in her chest and the way that her brain is filled with thoughts of killing. So many thoughts running through her brain that I cant sort all of them out.
“Its Bucky! I don’t know how all of these hydra guys keep getting through to him, but they do! And this time he escaped! We couldn’t catch him in time. Watch out. He might be coming back for you,” Natasha says and then the call goes dead.
And that is when the high pitched sound pierces my ears and I double over from the ringing that comes through my head and scrambles my brain. It makes me fall to my knees and suddenly the elevator door opens and the first thing that I can see is the metal arm of the Winter Soldier. And the second thing that I see is the dark blue eyes of a guy that has been taken over by the dark side
“И снова здравствуйте. Запомни меня?” Hello again. Remember me? He takes a step off of the elevator and I can see the small machine in his hand that is emitting the high frequency wave that is causing my powers not to work. If I cant think properly, I cant use my powers.
“I know that you can speak English, asshole,” I can barely get the words out because my ears are throbbing and my brain has no idea what to do with the fact that it cant do anything. It wants to go into panic mode but that would be disastrous.
“Then I guess you already know that I know that if I get rid of you, no one will be able to bring James back. You die, and James Buchanan Barnes dies with you,” this side of Bucky has a Russian Accent. He holds his head high and he embraces the evil that resides within him. So different from the Bucky that hides away from the things that he has done.
“Look at you, being all poetic and shit,” I spit out. And that is when the first kick comes directly to my face and knocks me backward, onto my back. The back of my head hits the hard tile floor and black spots begin to appear in my vision.
Don’t go into panic mode. Don’t go into panic mode.
“Look at you, pretending to be brave,” A kick to the stomach. “Pretending to be strong,” Another kick to the ribs. I can feel it crack and I can feel the wind be knocked out of my lungs.
Gasping for breath. Trying not to pass out. These are the two things that I am worried about right now. I can still hear and feel the high pitched wail that pierces my brain. I am also worried about turning that thing off. I turn it off and I win this fight.
“I am strong. You just like to cheat,” I pull myself onto my hands and knees with shaky limbs, but that gives him the perfect opportunity to kick my stomach again. I am so close to falling over but I take a deep breath and then pull myself onto my feet. Not an easy feat, might I add.
“That isn’t going to work on me. I am not above cheating to get what I want,” As soon as I am on my feet, there is a fist to my cheek and I stumble back a couple steps. Everything hurts and with that siren wailing in my brain, this man might actually get his wish. I might die here.
“Then I guess you wouldn’t minded if I cheated either,” I give him a smile that is bloody and weak and that one second of a confused look is all that I need to get him where I want him.
I take a deep breath, step forward, and land a fist straight to his jaw. He takes one step back, but I am following him. The high screech in my ear is causing me to fade a little but I keep my stance. Just a little bit longer. Before he has time to recover, I spin around and land a kick to the other side of his face. I stumble forward as he stumbles back, pure shock written on his face.
He regains himself and takes a step forward to throw another punch, but I am quick to dodge it. Bucky always go to the right first when he is punching. It was safe to assume that the Winter Soldier would do the same. He takes a step forward, reading himself for a kick, but I drop to the ground quickly, kicking out my leg to push his right foot right from underneath him. Bucky also always steps forward with his right leg when he is about to do any sort of kick. I guess watching the team spar is advantageous after all.
I feel like I am about to puke because of the noise pounding through my head.
The Winter Soldier falls to the ground, and when he does, the device falls out of his hand and shatters on the ground. And then everything is silent.
Just the way that I like it.
The Winter Soldier doesn’t get a second to move before he is lying still as a statue on the ground. I can see the pain written on his face as I stand above him. My legs are wobbling and trying to think too hard makes me feel like I am going to pass out. But if I don’t get Bucky out of this before I pass out, I really am going to die.
“See. I knew that you were going off of Bucky’s assumptions that I didn’t know how to fight. Figured you would treat me like a child just like the rest of them,” I smile a bit at him and close my eyes, letting myself get lost in Bucky’s mind.
I find the memory, one where there is a man screaming Russian words over a loud speaker, and quickly pull it out of Bucky head. I watch Bucky’s eyes close for a second and then open again to stare up at me with those bright eyes.
“Y/N!” He screams as I let my hold of him go, watching as he scrambles to his feet and quickly grab me.
“Good to see you again, Buck,” I whisper and then everything goes black.
@buckybarnesappreciationsociety @zestygingergirl
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