#(au where this is how she meets lena for the first time heheh)
dancedance-resolution · 8 months
I went to a queer craft fair today and it was so cool!! There was a print that made me think of you, it said "dyke around and find out" and that seems like something that might be your aesthetic. anyway, just dropping into your inbox to tell you this tidbit :)
aromarianne!!!!!! this ask is from december but my brain randomly thought of this today because. imagine. kara coming to alex all miserable bc it was singles night at the alien bar last night, alex, and nia said the best way to get over non el is to get under someone new, um, an-and i guess i had too much aldavarian rum because next thing i knew i was standing there and i was kissing this girl, and i was like, oh….jeepers this is….Something! but then we stopped kissing and she was. so pretty and she had like. lips and a face and freaking eyebrows and she winked at me, she winked at me alex, and she said ‘that oughta show him what he’s missing out on’ and alex! alex! she was straight and just kissed me because i’d been telling her i was mad mon el left me, but rao, alex, i’m……
alex, beyond exasperated with her dumbass little sister: idk what to tell you kid, dyke around and find out 🤷
kara, still miraculously clinging to the smallest shred of denial: find out what………ALEX, FIND OUT WHAT….
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