#(annalyse lemoine - you can't see that you're about to fall)
talesofterrebonne · 3 years
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The Lemoine Witches: Presley, Annalyse (deceased), & Evangeline.
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
@ghxstwrxter​ is getting a thing to start off a bit of the pre-pain
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“C’mon.” With a kiss, Annalyse pulled away, but kept her hands in Cooper’s. “Close your eyes. Trust me. Ya do trust me, doncha...” Keeping hold of him, she started walking backwards -- off the boat and onto the shore of the small island located deep in the bayou. A place where the two of them could be alone and just...be. No friends. No coven. Nothing to distract them. 
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
@ghxstwrxter || Continued from [x]
“Mmm-hmmm.” Her Mama and the others had used three different methods to determine such. And then, just to be quadruple sure, Annalyse had stopped in the drug store and picked herself up a pregnancy test. They were most definitely having a baby. “They’re already taking bets on whether it’s a boy or a girl. I told them there was no way to know this early but Mama swears that’s not true and that the baby is most definitely a boy. Doesn’t feel like a boy, though. Not to me. I think it might be a girl...is that dumb? It’s dumb, isn’t it?”
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
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talesofterrebonne · 3 years
Open Starter - Annalyse Lemoine || Open to All
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The celebrations had barely begun and yet there was Annalyse...dancing by the bonfire, a glass of what could only be Octavia’s spike cider in one hand. There had been a bit of debate about whether the redhead would even make it to the night’s gathering given her new beau...but thankfully, it seemed she managed to pull herself away...
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
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Headcanon: Remy
A green iguana and Annalyse’s familiar. While Remy absolutely adored his witch, he despised Cooper -- hissing at him and attempting to bite him whenever he got too close. Apparently he had Cooper pegged from the beginning.
After Annalyse’s death, Remy moved to Presley’s along with Eva. There he survived a few more years until he, too, eventually passed. As per Coven tradition, he was cremated and his ashes sprinkled on Annalyse’s grave so that they can once again be together on the other side.
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
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You know that sometimes, it feels like It's all moving way too fast Use every alibi and words you deny That love ain't meant to last
Relationship Aesthetics: Annalyse Lemoine & Cooper Montgomery
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
Open Starter - Annalyse Lemoine || Open to all
“You have to swear not to tell anyone. I mean it; swear to me...” There was a sense of excitement as she spoke; her words practically dancing off her tongue. In them you could hear the promise of something thrilling. Something that would change everything.
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“Cooper’s asked me to marry him...”
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
tag drop pt 2
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