#(and there’s some more lyrical songs in the finales for campaign 1/2)
stone-stars · 4 months
Wanted to say thank you for unintentionally starting me on listening to naddpod.
I played a clip you posted some time ago (the home is where the hearth is song) and couldn't stop thinking about it for days and I started listening to the show from the beginning, I'm now nearly at ep 30 of season 1 and I absolutely love it.
yo!!! hell yeah!! home is where the hearth is is SO good (admittedly you’ve got a Bit to go before you get there lol, it was new when i posted it)
i’m glad i could get you into this podcast it’s very very dear to me!!! and damn you’re moving fast, the songs only been out for like three weeks! enjoy all the adventures ahead of you, they rule :3
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tekabecca114 · 2 years
I'm sorry but I have to gush over the new PSO2NGS Dark Falz Aegis fight. Specifically its music but I do have to give credit to the fight itself as well. Full thoughts under the cut. Warning: Very Long
It's super fun throughout the whole thing. The fight opens with the standard enemy gauntlet as you approach the boss itself, which is massive and wholly visible in the distance. As you finally close in, phase 1 begins. The music is a remix of the Dark Falz theme from your first battle with it in NGS. Aegis blends in with the darkened skies in a way that sells how powerful and insurmountable it is. You scramble around to kill more adds and dodge incoming lasers as you summon your own firepower, a portable cannon. The retaliation begins as you fire barrage after barrage at Aegis' barrier of guns.
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It's fun as hell, but after enough damage is done, the Central Cannon fires a huge blast, weakening Aegis and beginning phase 2.
And holy shit-
The song opens with vocalist Anya Floris reprising the opening melody to Song of Mourning as the boss reveals its true form. Its attacks are easily called but devastating, prompting you to quickly learn its patterns for efficiency and to prevent a low rank. This somehow creates a battle that feels rewarding to master as you dodge perfectly while also maximizing damage done, which will be important as there are multiple DPS checks throughout the fight.
Anyways, the music.
I haven't found an official title for the song yet but I will add it here via edit when it is released. After the opening, the song Our Life, Our Scars properly begins with some anxious, doubtful lyrics.
Official Lyrics
Thought I knew what I struggled for Thought my future would bring me more The beginning, so enchanting, seemed so right before I've seen death and what goes with it Numbing childish dreams for justice and whatever flows with it I admit, I am lost
Given the themes and context, it's not hard to see who this song is about;
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It's Aina, your companion.
Despite what you may or may not think about NGS' story as a whole, Aina has been through a LOT of shit, with her father Garoa and hometown getting nuked by the very thing you are fighting and her being thrust into battle alongside you to try and carry Garoa's legacy despite her lack of experience. You've seen her grow and learn where her skills lie and how she can help and not feel like a burden to her team.
The intensity dies down a bit to allow you to focus on a chance for some big damage. Platforms raise up and you find debris to launch back at Aegis to chip off some more HP.
And then another voice joins the song.
What's your story? Where's your heartache? Hold out your hands to me In the dark times when you feel alone, let's find what we're here for What's the reason? Who's the target? Where is our tomorrow? (What's the reason? Who's the target? Where is our tomorrow?) I will find the answers (You can find the will to fight to follow the sun) The battle is ours, our life, our scars! (The battle is ours, our life, our scars!)
There's a bit of speculation over what character this voice (EN: Aimee Blackschleger) is meant to represent but there's two main theories. It could be the Player Character, although personally, I'm pretty sure they are represented through a male vocalist (ex. PSO2's Dark to Light).
The other, more straightforward answer is that it's Manon, your other companion.
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While Manon's story is still very much open, leaving a lot of her past and motives unknown, she certainly fits the bill to be supporting Aina's vocals here. She's very serious and "no-nonsense" when it comes to her job as an ARKS Defender, but she is still somewhat empathetic towards others. You finally see some of her emotional cracks show during the Stia campaign as being unable to save some of the fellow ARKS soldiers weighs on her mind heavily.
The song is more optimistic, but there's still an air of anxiety to it. Lots of questions, but they're slowly replaced by certainty and confidence. Nearing the end of this long encounter, you hear your allies sing with hope as you near the final DPS check.
I am here on a mission. "Purpose," I have gained it from you (There's a mission. There's a purpose. I'm at your side) Taken out of my darkest hour, and leading the way (In the dark times, when you feel afraid, the way will become clearer) There's an answer. Life is with us. There is our beginning (There's an answer. Life is with us. There is our beginning) We have seen the sun (We can find the will to fight to follow the sun) The battle is ours, our life, our scars! (The battle is ours, our life, our scars!)
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The final DPS check begins as you have to stop Aegis from absorbing enough energy to wipe you out. Dashing from meteor to meteor, you smash each rock as the music swells to begin finally playing the main theme, A World Beyond The Sky. This is notable because this is the first time this has happened in PSO2NGS, despite it being a staple for Urgent Quest bosses in PSO2 with its main theme.
As Aegis' final attack of desperation backfires, it lies limp, fully allowing you to finish the job. And I'm just gonna let you watch the finale cutscene because... wow.
There is so much to go over here.
Crawford firing multiple volleys from the Central Cannon, making damn sure it does not escape this time
All the comrades you met through the regional campaigns giving you the power of a goddamn Spirit Bomb
GAROA???? pushing you to advance
Your character becoming a fucking METEOR as you focus all that Friendship Energy into a single punch that blows CLEAN THROUGH AEGIS
And then finally dropping you off in a field of flowers, a tradition I hope they keep going with future Final Bosses.
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It gives you somewhere calm and beautiful to reflect on everything that happened (while also sorting through your presumably low-tier loot).
This fight proved to me that PSO2NGS is still worth playing despite the lackluster launch and basic story and I hope this at least convinces a couple people to give the game a proper shot.
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bvannn · 5 months
Weekly Update April 12, 2024
This week was awful. I’ve been bogged down with homework, surgery sickness briefly returned, my congenial illness was flaring up the worst I’ve seen in since my 2022 surgery, and to top it all off I still have 3 lab reports and a paper and presentation to do this weekend. It’s fine but it does mean I am a bit limited with my art stuff. I’m still doing what I can though.
Comic progress: page 1 is completely done, page 2 needs some backgrounds and lettering and it’s good to go. I probably could do those tonight and maybe if my mood improves I will but for now I’m taking it slowly. The third page will probably also be pretty quick, as from what I remember it didn’t have a lot of panels. Progress is going as fast as I can handle with my situation. I’d like to think it’ll pick up once I graduate but I’m anticipating I’ll need a break. When I graduated high school I slept for 25 hours straight (unless my clocks were wrong or I misinterpreted, which is possible), I anticipate doing the same again for Uni. After that I’m hoping I’ll pick up the pace.
Animation: my limited time has put the animation in a weird spot because I don’t have enough time to draw storyboards, but I have had time in waiting rooms and waiting for things to cook in lab, and I’ve been writing out a plan for what shots I want where and when, so I’m still making progress. I just need there to be a span of time where I have the free time and my body is in a state where I can draw well enough for the storyboards. Admittedly I’m really bad at storyboards and everything gets cleaned up with animation after, but I haven’t decided yet if there’s enough shots with the type of movement to justify making a puppet rig. I anticipate one for a profile view but am unsure if it needs to be a complete rig or if I’ll need the other angles. Again I’m not as worried about it right now, since that’ll be dictated by the storyboards.
Other songs: In addition to the cover I’m sitting on right now I’m also close to done with another, plus almost done with that instrumental medley. Also got more lyric work done for the two originals I’ve been sitting on. Last night I tried some piano to try to relax, and to practice melody writing. On a good night I can write a single melody line in 20 minutes, which I think is pretty good, and now I have a couple more I’m sitting on, which I’ll likely turn into OC themes, but only after everything else is finished. I’ll try to time myself on the rest of the music making process so I can be more consistent, but again I’m waiting on free time.
The other thing I did this week was writing. A bit of OC story writing, and a bit of TTRPG writing. I’m still a little stuck with the third chapter but I got through the worst of it, just need to come up with some thematic encounters and on to chapters 4 and 5. I’ve been back on a low level of epithet erased Brainrot since I’m finally trying to read Prison of Plastic, so I’m hoping I can channel that into writing, but it’s mostly been theorycrafting about the future of the OG series. The more I think about it the more sure I am that Sylvie is going to join Bliss Ocean and be a villain. Anyway I’m writing that campaign, good chance it’s a ways off yet but it’ll presumably be done during a time where I have more free time anyway, so I’ll just write it up proper then. Other writing thing I’d want to put more effort into would be a pitch comic for my secondary OC story since people really seem to be interested in those characters, but outlining the overall story will come naturally and from there I’ll find the most natural starting point. I’m not thinking too hard, I’m very bad at thinking.
Next week my objective is going to be to survive. My body is having a lot of problems and schoolwork is piling up (two events that are probably related but it’s fine that means they’ll go away around the same time) and anything else I can do will be comic, finish second cover song, and storyboards, in that order of priority, while lower effort projects will be storyboard planning, lyric writing, and story/TTRPG writing, in that order of priority. I’ll still try to have enough small drawings to post but looks like you guys are getting tired of those so I’ll try to space them out a bit better. Thank you for being so patient, I promise it’ll be three more weeks most of this slump before I pick up and really get working again!
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mychemicalraymance · 4 years
I’m I’m not saying it’s not true but how is cancer about aids?
omfgjsh. i should have realized i would get a bunch of asks abt this. ok never confirmed. but the lyrics are like. things that are about having aids but not explicitly. like ok they sound like they COULD be about being gay and dying from aids but like youre not sure. but like also i think theyre specific enough that they cannot be about anything else. like they are 60% about aids. not enough that people will a) notice or b) understand if you’re not gay/ thinking about gay ppl. but enough that when you take the lines out and close read them they logically don’t really make sense if you say no this CAN NOT be about aids. 
Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my things
And bury me
In all my favorite colors
My sisters and my brothers, stillI will not kiss you
'Cause the hardest part of this
Is leaving you
1. aunt marie. having an aunt who is the inheritor of your estate instead of your parents. gay estranged family narrative. 
2. bury me in all my favorite colors:
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3. my sisters and my brothers - more common in the 90′s gay liberation political slang. i.e. calling each other lesbian sisters trans sisters gay brothers etc when referencing another group to show solidarity within the lgbtq community.
4. i will not kiss you - a popular stigma during the rise of aids was the idea that you can get it from kissing (and hugging, spit, etc) and it was super harmful and created this image of gay people as villainous deliberate spreaders of deadly disease. info about aids was so mystified and unknown in the beginning that many gay people thought this too. there’s a graphic going around rn that’s popular that was part of a campaign to de stigmatize kissing :
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All my agony
Know that I will never marry
I'd ask you to be true (I'd ask you to be true)
'Cause the hardest part of this
Is leaving you 
5. know that i will never marry - less obvious, makes sense within the context of aids / gay liberation, but plausibly deniable as a lyric about dying too young to marry (but like. also something that happened to aids victims. dying too young to see the possibility of marriage). the right to marry which was a bigger deal than some of us give it credit for (not that it should be number 1 top priority BUT within the context of aids....  the idea of like. not being able to see your partner when they die in the hospital. not being the person who gets their ashes or decides if/where theyre buried. basically no spousal rights when your longterm partner dies, it was amplified when so many gay people were dying) 
6. cause the hardest part of this is leaving you - very ephemeral evidence here but sort of what i was talking about before. the context of seeing you partner die was especially amplified by aids, moreso than any other terminal illness i would posit. it was just a matrix of things that created this especially tragic outcome where young people were seeing their partners die quickly with nothing being done about it and no solution. so you have this whole community of people who just saw their friends (but especially partners) die within a few months. and the whole politicized magnified idea of who you loved being the crux of their illness - gayness being the elephant in the room, a political sentiment that is based ENTIRELY around who you love. 
the final touch is calling it CANCER and not AIDS. a song coming out called AIDS esp in 2006 would be literally a joke, like laughed off of the cultural stage. and so calling it CANCER makes it less of a joke, less about the highly agitated and political gay experience and making it about cancer, the ultimate equalizer, the person killer, not the f-g killer. basically reframing aids in a way that makes it more human (even though it is. human. ). leveling the playing field. etc. (more to say abt this but i’m running out of patience) and like i said having it be coded and signalling - gay experience. 
ok! that’s a lot i know but i’m like writing something for my gender and sexuality class about this song el oh el. 
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Masterlist of my Måneskin posts, I will update it when necessary. Dates are in the YMD format, the newest additions are purple. Red are things you might want to look at.
This list was getting too long, so I decided that if there are 4 or more vids/pics from a certain event, there will be the date, name/place of the event and a link to all the posts I've made about it.
Sometimes some links don't work - in that case you can search for the date or go through the tag "mine".
Tags I frequently use.
Photos (including screenshots, press scans etc.)
2018.01.15 - Milan Fashion Week
2021.01 - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni
2021.01 - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni part II
2021.01 - RaiPlay
2021.08 - Teraz Rock cover
2021.08.19 - Måneskin in Poland - Poland smashed everything (including Damiano's hand)
2021.08.19 - Måneskin in Poland - more of Damiano's injured hand
Videos (lives, MVs, interviews etc.)
2017.12.14 - X Factor Italy (finale) - Medley: Beggin, Take Me Out, Somebody Told Me
2018.01.07 - Che tempo che fa - Chosen
2018.03.25 - Che tempo che fa - Morirò da Re + interview
2018.10.28 - X Factor Italy - Torna a casa
2019.01.20 - Che tempo che fa - Torna a casa and Fear for nobody
2019.10.31 - X Factor Italy - Le parole lontane
2020.03.29 - making of Stato di natura
2020.11.01 - Che tempo che fa - Vent'anni (part 1)
2020.11.01 - Che tempo che fa - interview (part 2)
2020.11.01 - Che tempo che fa - backstage
2020.11.05 - X Factor Italy - Vent'anni (and talking)
2020.12.17 - Sanremo Giovani finale
2021.01 - RaiPlay
2021.01 - TV Sorrisi e Canzoni
2021.03.02 - 2021.03.06 - Sanremo 2021
2021.03.06 - Zitti e buoni after winning Sanremo
2021.03.07 - Che tempo che fa - intro + Zitti e buoni
2021.03.07 - Che tempo che fa - interview, Orietta Berti
2021.03.08 - Soliti Ignoti - Zitti e buoni (and they talk here for about 30 sec)
2021.03.22 - Le parole lontane
2021.05 - Måneskin for Crudelia (Cruella) 2021
2021.06.18 - Humberto (Dutch show)
2021.06.25 - newonce.radio - interview with Måneskin
2021.07.15 - BlickTV - Måneskin playing the Never have I Ever game
2021.08.06 - I Wanna Be Your Slave with Iggy Pop
2021.08.11 (published) - 1LIVE SESSION - live from Cologne, Germany
2021.08.15 - Damiano and Legolas
2021.08.15 - Interview in Belgium
2021.08.15 - Golden record for Zitti e buoni in Belgium
2021.08.19 - Lividi sui gomiti Thomas remix
2021.09.10 - Gucci Aria Advertising Campaign
2021.09.23 - Genius Verified: I wanna be your slave lyrics & meaning
Damiano singing IWBYS a cappella
Concerts, tours (photos, videos etc.)
2021.08.13 - Rock for People Hope (Czech Republic)
2021.08.14 - Ronquière Festival (Belgium)
2021.08.19 - Open'er Park (Poland)
2021.08.19 - Open'er Park (Poland) - Damiano explaining what happened to his hand
2021.08.19 - Open'er Park (Poland) - Damiano and Ethan with fans, Damiano showing what happened to his hand
2021.08.30 - Russia
2021.09.01 - Radio Europa Plus
2021.09.11 - Austria
2021.09.25 - France, Global Citizen Live
2021.10.06 - Germany
2021.10.28 - NME: Måneskin on their first ever gig, first tattoos & their first jobs
2021.10.29 - Ed Sheeran talking about Måneskin
2021.10 - Mammamia promo tour (Italy, France, Sweden, Netherlands, UK...)
2021.10-? - Mammamia promo tour in the US
2021.10.26 - The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
2021.10.27 - New York show (not every post is tagged, check the main tag for the US trip, search for "new york" or "27.10.2021")
Halloween 2021
2021.11.01 - Z100 New York interview
2021.11.01 - DC101, Mike Jones interview
2021.11.01 - LA show (not every post is tagged, check the main tag for the US trip)
2021.11.02 - Gucci Love Parade
2021.11.04 - 106.7 KROQ Private Concert
2022.02.06-2022.03.24 - Loud kids on tour
Text (translations, how-tos etc.)
putting Amandoti (and any other song) on your Spotify playlist
2021.06.25 - naTemat - translated interview with Måneskin
2021.09/2021.10 - Mammamia promo
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huanglaoshu · 3 years
Bandroid for Dummies
Based on combing through the #bandroid tag, thanks to: @theleakypen, @zylaa, @iamwestiec, @scarlettohairdye, @paintchipblue, @lesbianjinzixuan, @shadaras and @garage-bandroid, @drumbotlovebot, @bandroidfandroid
“Bandroid” is a live-action TV show featuring the adventures of a 5-man band, including their robot/android drummer Drumbot. There are currently 5 seasons. The special effects are very basic, reminiscent of Star Trek TOS. Though in Season 1 it started out with such plots as trying to get small time gigs and “The Battle of the Bands” arc, later seasons include more and more dramatic spy-thriller-like adventures, including an entire time-travel arc. The show went on a hiatus between Seasons 2 and 3, when during which, “Bandroid: The Animated Series” aired, filling in some of the time skips in Seasons 1 & 2.
Notable episodes include:
“Bet Your Bottom” – where producer Zhu Ming has to fix Drumbot when it’s glitching right before a performance
“Arnarson is Not the Arsonist” (Season 2) where Jon and Paul went into hiding and Jesse had to figure out how to clear Jon’s name, causing a rift between Jesse and Jon
The Time Travel Arc, where Paul and Drumbot go to 2000BCE with the help of Professor Hayashi
“May You Please” – a May Wen-centric episode with much keytar drama. Fans posit that there may have been two sets of hands on the keytar, fuelling a May/Jesse ship
“Drumbot Alone” – a two-part episode where Drumbot leaves the band behind temporarily to develop and grow as its own individual. Notable for the hilarious mini-golf scene and the lady who mistook Drumbot for her dog walker
The band consists of:
Jon Arnarson (he/him) – the gay lead singer, who writes soulful and inspiring lyrics
Paul Ahmed (he/him) – the guitarist, Jon’s platonic life partner, and the most popular person to ship with the main character, Drumbot
Bailey Kane (she/her) – the bisexual bass player, center of fan's "Get Bailey a girlfriend" campaign
Drumbot (it/it) – the drummer, an undercover android hiding from the government. It traveled the universe for 500 years before crash-landing on earth in the 1600s and has the sum total of human knowledge downloaded into its neural net – Drumbot is played by a 35 year old woman in a costume
Jesse Washington (they/them) – (seasons 1 & 2 and the animated series) the ace, nonbinary keytarist – played by a nonbinary actor who uses xie/xem/xir pronouns.
May Wen (she/her) – (seasons 3, 4 & 5) keytarist
Other characters include:
Zhu Ming (she/her) – the band’s producer who pointed Jon and Paul to the storage unit where Drumbot was in season 1 – played by an in-demand actor with many other commitments, so only appears intermittently.
Vivian Wen – (season 4) May’s sibling, a genderfluid antagonist character
Eolus – an android
Professor Hayashi – The person who helped with the time travel shenanigans in season (5?)
Babylonian Fig Seller – during the Babylonian time travel arc, the Fig Seller teaches Drumbot how to identify ripe, unspoiled produce – sings a duet with Drumbot before Drumbot returns to the present time. The duet later becomes the band’s song “Tower of Babel”
Jodie McKee – shows up in the Battle of the Bands Arc, member of a rival band who had chemistry with Bailey
The Spirit of Music – not a character per se, but a palpable presence throughout the show when the band is performing
Some Song Titles:
“Binary Heart” – the band’s most famous song, also the name of their first album, they played this song during the season 1 finale while the government agents were converging on the stage
“Tower of Babel” – a song developed during the Babylonian Time Travel Arc
“Vanilla Chinchilla” – inspired by Bailey’s chinchilla adventure in season 3
“Baby broke my circuits” – a song simultaneously heartbreaking & an awesome dance tune
“The hemoelectric slide” – a darkwave remix of the electric slide
“Reuse recycle” – a very sad song
“Beep You’re It”
“Motherboard Motherboard”
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jasminesgardens · 3 years
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Set Up
Musical Episode Mechanics
Conclusions and Links
Heavily inspired by the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Musical Episode: Once More, With Feeling, I put together a Musical Episode for my own players that went down beautifully and here’s how you can too!
1. Have your players (whether subtly asked or not, up to you) send you a playlist of songs that relate to their character, their relationships and scenarios they’ve been through in the past. Sort through these songs into “Main Plot” and “Scenarios That Could Happen”. 
Prompt Examples from my Musical Episode:
Main Plot: Prologue/Opening Narration, First Song (Morning Sequence), The Whole City is Singing, Figuring Out What is Happening, NPC Karaoke Songs, Player Karaoke Songs, A Call to BBEG, Battle Songs, Reveal of BBEG, Revealing Deepest Darkest Secret, Aftermath, End Credits and After Credits.
Scenarios That Could Happen: Dream Sequences (What Ifs, Foreshadowing or Nightmares), Reflection on their Pasts/Families/Homes, Attraction/First Kiss/Getting Together/Examining the Relationship/WooHoo Moments, How the Party is Seen, Arguments/Make Ups, Praying to their Gods, Positivity/Negativity, Stress/Learning to Relax, Fight Training, Opening Up/Confessing Feelings (Romantic, Friendly, Truthful), Cheering Up, Anger/Protests, Celebration/Drunken Songs, Death Saving Throws and Continuing the Fight.
The playlist is public so just search up DND: The Musical Episode by Princess Jasmine Flies Away.
2. Ask your players, if you haven’t already, for their deepest, darkest secret. The secret they would take to their grave. A secret about their lives or a fear they have could be the prompt. (This is what will be revealed later to the whole Party!)
As I was heavily inspired by the Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Musical Episode, I used the episode to dive board my idea of what my “Main Plot” would be and explore the themes of secrets, speaking your truth and aftermaths. So even after my Musical Episode, my players and their characters were still thinking of what was revealed and what to do going forward with their relationships and themselves. That’s what will make your Musical Episode fun but also thought-provoking and memorable.
Examples from my Musical Episode:
“I’m going to die in six months.”
“I fear I’m on the path to becoming my step-father.”
“I fear my mission from my Goddess is to simply be the sidekick.”
Set Up:
1. Curse your Party. 
Example (taken from DNDSpeak and tweaked, warning a little gruesome): I sent my party on a mission to rid the City’s Sewers of the Oozes and Slimes that lived down there as the previous adventurers sent had not returned. While giving hint, and a child NPC who asked them to look, that recently a lot of pets had gone missing in the area around the Sewers. 
With every Ooze and Slime encounter, a voice would call out asking the adventurers to leave, getting more and more angry, desperate and threatening as they approached their hiding place. 
In this evil Bard’s hidden lair, they discovered the Bard had been stealing pets and using them to make into instruments. Not allowing the Party to leave, they fought and the Bard lost but just before he did, the Bard cursed my party. 
The players killed the Bard with fire so all the set up and hints in his lair burnt with him but if they hadn’t, they would have gotten hints of his worship to a certain demon and how he was planning to give his instruments as a gift to them.
I let my party spend the rest of the day doing whatever they liked and waited until the next day for the curse to take affect (which I recommend).
2. Setting Up Music
As I DM on Skype, I used JQBX for everyone to be able to hear the songs at the same time live but you might find other platforms or just be able to bluetooth to the speakers and use Spotify as you play in person (lucky sod).
Then completely shock your friends by awakening them to a performance. Start with a dream sequence or a morning montage or a title sequence! Have fun!
Musical Episode Mechanics:
1. When to Sing:
After the initial shock of the Opening of the Musical Episode, the party will believe the Musical Episode is a curse inflicted on just them (If you’re like me, it isn’t. It’s the whole city because that’s hilarious.) but unaware of when they will start to sing again.
I recommend it every time a party member gets emotional, reaches a perfect opportunity for a scenario song or simply plot development. These songs hint towards characters’ feelings for themselves, other characters, certain scenarios and maybe even their deepest, darkest secret so every time it happens, play the song that incredibly reads them to filth and ask them to roll a constitution saving roll, needing to beat 13. If they fail, write a tally mark for which player and wait for your finale to reveal what for.
I rewarded my players with 10XP each song as it gave them confidence to perform, improv and just get silly!
2. BBEG:
Through researching into what this curse could possibly be, introduce the demon Kacophony the Musical. They’re dramatic, crave entertainment and force people to sing for them with fiery magic, which can lead some of their victims to become Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru in Star Wars: A New Hope. The party will know Kacophony is responsible as you’ll sprinkle in the hints of burnt victims after each Musical Number, the same amount of bodies as the tally marks you’ve been collecting.
Now in my Musical Episode, I put Kacophony the Musical in the place they were cursed. My players went earlier than I would have liked so don’t be afraid to say “not the right time” for Act 3 and help them circle back to there later, after a full day of singing and dancing.
Example: I had a singing woman lead the party back to the Sewers ominously after quite a hearty song.
When discovered, Kacophony is waiting there with their goons for the “cast of today’s musical”, revealing that the person who cursed them gave a huge sacrifice to troll the city with this ridiculous curse, give Kacophony a few souls and to embarrass the party.
Example: My Evil Bard offered all his gruesome instruments and his own life to Kacophony. 
Kacophony the Musical will reveal two things.
First, what all the constitution saving rolls have been for. Every failure (a roll under 13) has led to someone’s end aka the burnt victims they have seen throughout the day. Tell your players how many people they have each ended with their rolls and if your party is as morally good as mine, you will have people ready to fight. If not, embarrassing them through song is enough for one.
Which brings me to the second reveal, Kacophony the Musical is a Musical Demon (obviously). Musicals reveal what characters are really thinking to their audience; their hopes, their dreams, their deepest, darkest secret. 
Have your party fight this demon only to be unable to not say their deepest, darkest secret to one another (it’s up to you if its based on roll or unescapable), causing a ton of big reveals, suspense and tension, which Kacophony can use as a getaway. 
It’s up to you if you want the party to defeat Kacophony the Musical. I didn’t as I preferred the idea of Kacophony being a showman who hides behind their spells and goons, reads the party to filth and then just leaves when it gets boring, leaving them on the mind of the party long afterwards but if you do want your party to defeat them, then make it so. 
Kacophony the Musical’s Character Sheet: Inspiration from Rahadin from Curse of Strahd and Cantus by u/Jacknerik
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3. The Curse and Aftermath:
Finally, the curse lasts for 24 hours, so when your players awaken the next morning, the curse will be gone but no one will forget how yesterday changed their lives and how flipping awesome your session was. 
In the aftermath, my players had a lot of role-play heavy conversations which led them to build up their relationships and their own storylines and a city of people who either were trying to remember the awesome lyrics they sang yesterday or are now afraid of music (possible Footloose inspired sequel adventure).
Either way it was a lot of fun and certainly went down as one of my best sessions as a DM.
Thank you so much for reading, my name is PrincessJasmineFliesAway on everything else and my credentials in DMing can be described as Wizarding World 2.0, Shifting into the Star Wars Sequels and Barbie Mermaida the Campaign. Goodbye.
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highwarlockkareena · 3 years
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From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES: When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Thank you ali for the tag on this collaboration with @nyx4, ali! @wendashanren
tagging: (I mostly talk about collaboration for this one but if you check #showyourprocess most people talk about how they made their creations or check my first post about giffing here!)
@elysean for this set @timothyolyphant for this set @sugardaddyahxu for this set @jun-hee for this set @bloominflowers​ for this art
I wanted to collaborate with Jackie on a set. We’d talked about it anyway, and thought about what we could work on. So when I saw this request on mdzsnet, i knew this was the one for us.
wei wuxian, black/red, cql, yp!wwx/sunshot campaign scenes/nightless city scenes, the lyrics from "the war" by syml
I knew Jackie loved Syml, so she’d want to make this request, so I put both our names down to claim it, then when Jackie was online checked if she’d prefer to do this one solo, or shared. She loved the idea of a collab, so we got to work.
First we listened to the song a couple of times, thinking about how it worked for wei wuxian. then we broke down which lyrics we wanted to use and the general scenes for them.
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We split them out across a number of gifs (originally it was 4 but I don’t have a screenshot of that) with a general idea of scenes we’d work from for each. As you can see, I do plan but my notes tend to be sparse reminders rather than detailed. jackie wanted to dig the angst knife in deep and wanted the ‘my war is over’ to coincide with wei wuxian falling off the cliff, so we worked back from that for our scene choices. 
Originally it was going to be 4 gifs, all of them with the lyrics that made it to the final set, but it would have been too much text on each gif so first we decided on a gif without text in the middle before deciding on spreading out the song a bit more which led to the 7 gif set.
We started making gifs 1 and 3. in my usual fashion i made about 10 gifs to pick which scenes i wanted to work with & jackie made 1 because she isn’t an idiot. 
Kareena does make a ton of gifs just to choose one or two, which is both amusing and amazing. I have proof!
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Luckily we’re both admins on WoHDaily, so we used the drafts in there to share a post we could both edit gifs in & out of. 
I’d wanted to do a silhouette edit similar to one in @lan-xichens lovely overlay tutorial, but it wasn’t coming out the way i’d liked, so I had to keep trying different things until it worked as I’d envisioned. 
I finished a touch before Jackie who had taken time to pick emotionally devastating scenes for her gif, so we used my red throughout both, but then  tweaked each gif with feedback from each other. 
When we first decided on the scenes, I waited for her to do the first gif so I could match her colors. Once she made the first one, I showed her this template I made so we could visualize how it’d look.
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Then we moved on to the next gifs. This was harder, because we didn’t want to overload the set by making every single gif super fancy, so we tried out a variety of things to see what would hang together nicely. 
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Above is an example of one idea of mine that got discarded. I think i had 3 iterations before we got to the gif below. 
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I then moved on to gif #6 and I made a gif which Kareena completely shut down. She said, Jackie, this is really ugly. I accepted it, because she is the one with the skills here, and because she was right. (KAREENA: this is a lie - the gif is *gorgeous* but it just has a lot going on in an already busy gifset.)
There was too much going on in that gif and it didn’t really fit with the set we were making. The gif we ended up with fit much better and I’m glad she said something. For the last gif, I showed her a few shots and we both agreed on those two (wwx crying, walking backwards on the cliff). I made a couple of gifs that Kareena was nice enough to say were gorgeous, but I thought they sucked. Third one is what we ended up with.
For me, most of the work was in getting the scenes to fit the lyrics and to work with the color scheme that the requester gave us.
We continued to work this way, making ideas and sharing them, tweaking or discarding or remaking as necessary until we were both happy with the gifs. It wasn’t too hard to get them to work as a set, it was mostly about communication and honesty. jackie and i get on well enough to crit each others gifs without worry, so we both liked what was created. We pushed each other, Jackie knows I’m very lazy & she didn’t let me slack. I pushed her in other areas so that we both tried out new skills. 
Once the seven gifs were made, it was time for typography! We spent a little time discussing our love of simple fonts, sharing a few examples, before I handed over to jackie as the typography queen.  
Now, fonts:
Yup, I like simple fonts and for the typography not to take over the whole set. Luckily, Kareena feels the same way, so early on we decided on two fonts, one of them to highlight a word here or there. I showered her some fonts samples, we agreed on a style, and then I got to work.
The fonts used were:
Ostrich Sans  https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/ostrich-sans
Memories  https://www.dafont.com/memories-2.font
I kept it simple, just looking where the text would look best. I didn’t know how to wrap text around a shape before, which is what I wanted for gif #3. Turns out it’s very easy and people probably know this already but I’m a ps noob (lie). Still putting this here just in case anyone wants to know.
Using the Ellipse Tool/Custom Shape Tool, I made a circle 2px bigger than the bw gif i wanted to wrap the text around. I didn’t want the shape to be visible, so I chose Path there. (If you choose shape, the actual shape will be visible in whatever color you have chosen)
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With the Type Tool, just hover over the line of the shape and a squiggly thing will appear. Click and start typing. I then dragged the text and fit it over the bw gif. I made the shape on the side so I could see it clearly, but you can make it over the actual shape you want the text to wrap around. Listen, this is the best I can describe it ✌
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We discussed how to post the set. Since it was a group effort, should one of us post it or should we post it via the net? Since we’ve also got another request lined up to collaborate on, we decided that I would post this set & Jackie would post the next one. 
It was fun, it was about communication and compromise. Pushing each other in our weak spots, nitpicking at each gif to make them the best we could, agreeing why one gif might not work in this set. It was about mixing two styles but still creating something we both liked! It was enough fun we have two more collaborations planned, just to keep having fun and to keep learning.
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
To the snowy summit side by side
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Part 7: And now... what?
This is a post long overdue. I must admit, this is the most difficult one, so I was putting it off, reading again and again what I had already written and browsing through the internet to try and get the most complete picture.
Disclaimer: in this case, almost all of the post is my personal opinion (I tried to keep the previous post objective). I’m biased because of the XZ friendly content I’m usually exposed to and by my own views of their situation. Open to discussion, but please make sure you’ve enough information to do so.
Let’s go back to anon’s original ask:
Hello could you give us an update on xz's situation? I know we*bo and his studio has taken some steps recently but how has this affected public opinion on xz? Has it improved/ are more people favoring him or has it gotten worse?
I think I have been answering your first question in the past posts. However, about the next two:
When I was compiling information and writing the previous posts, a song kept coming back again and again to my head, specifically, this part of the lyrics:
In the mortal world, how can praise or condemnation, success and failure be measured?
(Yes, it’s from WuJi-无羁)
What happened to XZ was a combination of incredibly bad luck, strenuous social circumstances (the pandemic), high stress in the public and a set of underlying issues that had been festering for a long time.
From being a celebrity on the way up, he suddenly became a scapegoat for a conflict he hadn’t caused and the receiver of a lot of senseless hate. He didn’t do anything from start to finish in the 2/27, but ended up the most affected from it, as the consequences reverberated all the way from March to July.
Because XZ didn’t ask the author to write such a fanfic. He didn’t request for it to be taken down. He didn’t ask his fans to report anything. And he didn’t have anything to do with ao3 being banned in the country as a response. From start to finish, he didn’t participate in any of it.
Many of the analysis I’ve watched/read determine that the cause of the problem  were his fans. One of the bloggers even said that “his fans are the ones that have hindered his career the most”.
But, from my point of view, the saying of “two people can’t have an argument if one of them doesn’t want to” also applies here. From start to finish, the issue was filled with overreactions and exaggerated responses from both XZ’s fans and the rest of the people that engaged in this ridiculous fan war with them.
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However, let’s keep in mind that “XZ’s fans” is also a huge generalization. Most of the people don’t have the necessary time, resources and mental energy to engage in ridiculous crusades in the name of their favoured celebrity.
Part of the reasoning of the anti-XZ faction is that he should have taken measures and steps to make sure that his fans didn’t cross the line. However, even if the people leading all of this are only a small % of his fans, they are still a lot of people. Being the receiver of their fans’ love and admiration doesn’t make him and his team able to discern who is a reasonable, sensible fan, and who is a crazed troublemaker. And being famous and admired shouldn’t make him the responsible of all of his fans actions (in my opinion). I think this is also how Western society would view the situation.
I was surprised to discover that c-society did expect him to “guide” his fans, because he has a huge influence on them and he’s supposed to guide them towards more civilized behaviour. It’s not of course what everyone thinks, but the stance his studio has taken also points in recognizing that they should have done that (there are more reasons to their stance, of course, explained in the part 5+6).
However, people did realize (I think) that most of the people that follows him gives him support silently. There are of course ardent and fervent people who jump to defend him, but even that kind of behaviour is discouraged by XZ’s studio (applying that ignoring the antis is the greatest way to defeat them).
So here it came the lyrics from WuJi. It’s true that a fraction of his fans have caused him a lot of trouble. But this kind of fans (there is a fine line between very invested and obsessed) are also the ones who push forward a lot of events, who create things like “XZ’s fans Association” and who promote his works the most. His studio did call them out in the end, and said that everyone should relax in their support, but it’s also true that this fans also had a great hand in pushing him to the top of the charts. There’s a very fine line between gain and loss here, so how can one measure the value?
(But the antis who disguise as his fans and create trouble just for the sake of ruining his reputation are a whole other issue. No excuses for them).
Finally, the answers
To answer (I know we*bo and his studio has taken some steps recently but how has this affected public opinion on xz? Has it improved/ are more people favoring him or has it gotten worse?) more exactly:
When we are talking about public opinion, it can actually be divided into 3 factions: his fans, the antis, and the actual general public who is neutral by default.
1. His fans stayed the same, supporting him through the storm. The opinion of the fans isn’t so easily swayed (though he has lost some in this process, he has also gained new followers), and the main feeling they have towards him now can be summarized in 心疼 (”xin teng”, a feeling that, in this case, can be described as “I’m really sorry that all of this has happened to you because I know that you were innocent in this”). I’ll explain a little bit more about his fans support in the last part of the post.
2. The antis can also be divided into 2 groups: “regular” antis and “professional” antis. The 2/27 Great Union community still exists, but it’s a closed off community and to enter it, the new member has to be approved by a moderator. I’ve seen public comments with the 2/27 Great Union tag, that after his interviews have morphed into “I’m a commoner and I hate XZ”, but they are a lot less active these days. Even if they still have hate after everything that happened, the average anti has gone back to their usual life after quarantine was lifted, so it’s less active.
Some of the “regular” antis will stay active, but that’s to be expected. For example, some of WYB’s solo fans were all exploding over the new vlog XZ’s Studio updated three days ago. While it’s ridiculous for the rest of us, these people will continue their “XZ is using WYB to further his own fame” campaign.
However, it’s different with the “professional” anti. As we said in previous posts, people like “B” has a lot of time, energy and resources to invest in a smear campaign against XZ. Where does all of that come from? I don’t know. What I do know is that once XZ’s topic cools down enough and another scandal of another idol, no matter how small, appears, they’ll shift to hate content about the other idol. What matters to them is to produce content that people will engage with, so they get more views and followers, and profit with it.
3. And now, the “neutral-by-default general public”. There is a problem in how we, as netizens, manage the information. In the previous post, I talked about a hater who had written an assessment because “XZ’s fans” had insulted her parents. While the main objective of the document wasn’t to see how the general public views him, I took the data she had extracted.
The general public isn’t so neutral anymore. While it’s true that XZ keeps gaining fans (he’s still riding on CQL’s success train), what general public, the average passerby, has heard from him is:
A XZ fan has stolen a deceased person’s account to keep promoting him
“XZ’s fans” attack a user’s parents on Father’s Day.
A primary school teacher promotes her favourite idol in her class.
These are bound to create a bad image and reputation in people’s mind. We know (I explained all of those incidents in previous posts) that only the teacher incident was truly caused by a XZ fan. There’s no proof that the person who insulted that user’s parents was a XZ fan, and w/ibo has proved that the “stolen” account incident was a scheme from start to finish.
However, the headache in all of those incidents is that the initial issue (“a XZ fan stole a deceased person account to continue to promote him!”) is announced widely and loudly, attracting people’s attention to it. However, people won’t dig up more information. Less than half will actually read the article or investigate more about it. W/ibo actually investigating it and discovering that it was all a plot to frame XZ isn’t given importance, nor does it go on the hot search chart. People only know what happened at first, but don’t know how the story ended. And this is a huge problem for him, because people accuse him but don’t care to know if he was actually the culprit.
(Wow, just like WWX in CQL).
So I found this to describe it.
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There are still neutral people: those who couldn’t care less about the tabloids, and that never read gossip sites. These are still a great part of the general public. Anon was asking about the public opinion: the fact is that previously neutral people have only heared bad things about him for half a year, so that’s bound to affect their image of someone they’re not invested in.
If XZ were defeated, and retired, I’m sure a lot of articles like “framing the innocent” would appear. We people just like to have something to talk about.
His fans’ support
XZ ended 2019 with his followers on w/ibo numbering on 21,690,000. The exact number of his w/ibo followers right now is 26,458,877 (26,459,350 two hours later, by the time I’m editing this to post it). He continues to be liked by more people, and antis may try to reduce his popularity, but it’s a fact that his talent and effort are appreciated by people with no hidden agenda. 
XZ is also slowly coming back to work and to his endorsements, which are very good news. We saw him recently in the R/SEONLY add for Chinese Qixi, in the event for Cao Yu’s anniversary, the vlog the studio updated.
Less directly, Kai Xiao Zao, one of the brands that didn’t stop working with him even after 2/27 (they are a smaller brand, and they must have invested a lot in their endorser, so they can’t just put him aside like other bigger brands did), recently put up little stands in malls all over China to promote their new product. In every stand there was a wall for customers to write and a couple of XZ cardboard cutouts.
In his interview in Yunnan, XZ had been seen wearing his red cord bracelet, to ward off bad luck. So fans started to add their own amulets to ward off bad luck and offerings to the cutouts.
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They started off like this...
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Fans came...
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And they ended up like this. The funny fact it’s that people started to add plush toys, hats and even food to the cutouts, so based on what “XZ” is wearing one can guess where was the photo taken.
This was a widespread phenomenon in all of KXZ stands. So to say that XZ has lost support from his fans would be certainly false.
His dramas are also expected to be aired soon and have been confirmed to. His patience is paying off little by little, and he’s coming back to work.
The moral of the story
I hope we can all learn something from this. If anything, it has changed my own attitude on the Internet. I used to be very quick to answer with extreme words if I felt strongly about a topic. Now I try to tone down my responses. I’m not saying that you’d all do the same, but it’s a lesson I extract from other people’s experiences. History should serve to avoid mistakes others have committed as much as possible.
In the technology and communications based world we live in, to believe that what we do on Internet doesn’t affect real people’s everyday lives is a huge lie. So, now that we can see that XZ is slowly coming back, let’s all remember that this once happened: let’s all be kind on the internet and avoid engaging with people who dedicate themselves to spread hate.
It has been hard on him. But he’s going to top the snowy summit. Let’s do our best to support him rationally.
Prev: Part 5 and 6: A snowy summit
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manjuhitorie · 4 years
Hitorie - Ongaku to Hito Magazine Interview - English Translation
Since we too are shouldering so much sorrow ourselves, it was all the more reason to try and find a way to do something about it... That's when we realized it's not about supporting people, it's rather about offering comfort to them.
Interview: Usami Hiroyo Photo: Nishimaki Taichi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Tell me how the process went, how did you feel creating a whole new album by yourselves?
Shinoda: In order to keep the band Hitorie alive, forever playing the songs wowaka left behind wouldn't be enough to sustain us, we realized. So the three of us got together and each wrote about 1 chorus of a demo song. No big ordeal, we just knew it had to be done and went along with the flow almost.
-ygarshy, Yumao, did you have also have a hard time coping with the reality of making an album?
Yumao: Absolutely. Like "Are we really going to do this?"
ygarshy: I can't say I felt the same way as either of them, personally. Making an album was indeed the natural flow of things, but I'm still struggling to cope with it even now. I'm still questioning why I had to be main composer of a song, even if deep down I may understand why it had to be done..
-Was there any event that triggered you to act, despite each of your inner turmoil?
Yumao: Back in 2019 we toured as a trio for the first time, that may have been the trigger. Our emotions had burst out of us back then. We were in the midst of the HOWLS tour as a quad until it had to be cancelled right in the middle, so.. We had restarted the tour back as the three of us. Immediately after we begun though, did we begin to be filled with doubt...
Shinoda: Somehow Yumao and I both were never too nervous touring. That is, until the last day. When the question of what we were going to do next finally weighed in on us.
-ygarshy was nervous then?
ygarshy: Unlike the two of them, I was suffering so much. First of all I wasn’t even grasping the reality. Then our audience too came bearing mixed emotions as well, and it was unlike anything I had seen before. There were even people flat-out bawling their eyes out... Normally I never have stage fright, but that situation was nothing of the ordinary. Somehow the three of us pushed through until the end.
Yumao: When it finally hit us, like what the hell are the three of us doing out here! Up until then we were just telling ourselves “This is fine, this is fine.” To be honest we’re still doing that now, if we weren’t we wouldn’t be here.
Shinoda: Not to mention that Yumao had said something backstage that day which was pure cash money.
-What did he say?
Yumao: I had said something along the lones of “If we’re doing this then why don’t we go all the way? As long what we do is acceptable and civil, why don’t we just do it? Don’t you wanna bring in even bigger crowds? I wanna perform at Zepp and tour and stuff, don’t you. Then it’s simple, we gotta write some good songs.”, I think.
-You had no choice but to push forward... You have such strong feelings for the band to propel you forward. Therein lies my question, what originally spurred Shinoda to take on the vocal role?
Shinoda: After wowaka’s passing, we held a memorial event at Studio Coast. When we were discussing options on what to do for the event, ygarshy pointed at me and said “You should sing.” I have a history of singing for old bands in the past so it’s not as if I’m a stranger to singing but.. To sing under those circumstances felt like all too heavy a responsibility for me at first. That’s when even an acquaintance of mine contacted me and said “You’ve gotta sing.” While mulling over the problem before me, I went out to Family Mart, where I managed to hit the kuji lottery 7 times out of 8... That’s when I knuckled under, “Fine, I’ll do it.”
-The kuji lottery...?
Shinoda: One of those campaigns where you get one ticket for every purchase over a  certain amount. But I was serious about it that time!!
-Ahahahha!  Wait, is it okay for me to laugh at this.
Shinoda: If you don’t laugh then it will feel worse, so laugh by all means, it’s fine (laughing).
-Back to the discussion earlier, ygarshy what was your reason for endorsing Shinoda back then?
ygarshy: We were considering various options for the memorial concert, among them was inviting a substitute singer but, I really wanted to keep it as just the three of us. What was within our power was the question, and I knew of Shinoda’s singing abilities so.. I knew it would burden him further and make his load heavier, but I put that all aside and still told him “Go sing.”
-How did you feel about it Yumao?
Yumao: I understood why ygarshy ordered Shinoda, and I too wanted him to sing. But I knew Shinoda was stressing over it, I told him “If you really don’t want to then don’t do it, we’re not forcing you.” The memorial concert could just be anything and I’d be fine with it...
-Ultimately the choice was left to Shinoda.
Yumao: That way was for the best. But when he did announce that he would actually sing, I was indeed glad.
-I can sense that Shinoda, as the new vocalist, had to deal with an extraordinary amount of pressure and tribulations at times though.
Shinoda: That’s right. But there’s tons of three-man bands out there who sing while playing insane guitar pieces, and they get by just fine. We may be completely incomplete as a band but, I still desire to show an audience a good time. I was able to press on because of my standards as a performer I wanted to uphold.
-ygarshy, Yumao, what was your response to Shinoda’s circumstance? Did you try to lessen his load in anyway?
ygarshy: I basically strived to keep the bass and drums steady and consistent, so that he wouldn’t stuggle at all when harmonizing with it. The only thing I could do was use my bass to try and let Shinoda know that no matter what happened it would be fine.
-So you supported him through means of performance. What about you, Yumao?
Yumao: I reached out to him directly. Not by letting him talk or vent to me but, I tried to do more idle chitchat with him and stuff. It’s important to aaaalways rehearse with a straight focused head, and I always do that because I love to anyway but, if I could be like a crash pad cushioning his singing, then I hope that would be enough.
-Your consideration for each other shows in the album as well... On to the next question. At your 7th anniversary concert yesterday, Shinoda you had said “I hope this crazy shit can be turned into something you can enjoy.” When I heard that it really stuck me how strong you are Because there’s no need for you to ever get over grief, instead you cradle that grief and comfort others with it too.
Shinoda: this may sound weird but... I was worried if there were people out there who may still keep on grieving along with us. We expressed ourselves, our grief and how we feel. In the hopes that people may empathize, or something... Since we too are shouldering so much sorrow ourselves, it was all the more reason to try and find a way to do something about it, something for others who are in true sorrow right now... That's when we realized it's not about supporting people, it's rather about offering comfort to them.
-I see. Sorrow is inescapable so long as we're human. I sense in this album the potential to draw in people who even know nothing about Hitorie. Especially the final track, YUBIKIRI, of which Shinoda wrote the lyrics while Yumao composed the music. The bubbly melody is so easy on the ears, and the strong commitment to coping with reality shines right though. This song could practically be a good luck charm, it has such energy.  So what were you thinking when you wrote it?
Yumao: For me personally, making a song that would fit Hitorie's image would be an utterly impossible feat. So I buckled up and wrote something I could.  Putting emphasis on my feelings deep down and my own self-expression. The concept for the most part was "A sense of hope, like when the sky clears up and opens wide". When I made my order to Shinoda for the lyrics, I told to keep it straight enough that even a teenager will get it.
- You did a great job at expressing such bright brilliance. How did you confront the lyrics per order Shinoda?
Shinoda: I tried to make it about, like people confirming each other's existence, people hoping to see someone again one day. You may notice that the mood of the first bit is a bit different from the second bit as well. That's because the second was written fit to Yumao's order, while the first bit is supposed to be like a letter written by me to the other 2 members.
-As in the chorus lyrics "To cry, to laugh and rage/To inhale, exhale and inhale/You'd be surprised by how little we have time for such stuff, always so busy/Well then, that's it for today/So let me hear your voice again"?
Shinoda: That's right. Like "We're all so busy writing songs and doing whatever, but this pace is nice, let's keep this up."
-When you say "Let's keep this up", is that akin to a wish for Hitorie to keep on having good songs, including the ones wowaka left behind, and for people to see the beauty in your band?
Shinoda: I'm constantly feeling like our songs still haven't gone as far out in the world as they can go, there's more people out there who would connect with the songs if they could just hear them. I want to find a way to connect with them. Performing and writing music is something I love  to do, it's who I am, and there's no one else out there who could do it with me like the amazing comrades I have here can.
Yumao: I feel the same way.
ygarshy: Yeah. Me too.
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davebuckleslefthand · 3 years
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theheroheart · 4 years
New Years Meme 2020
@arqueete:  “This survey is a meme that has been passed around among my friends since back in LJ days. If you want to join in, please consider yourself tagged.”
I used to journal more, and stuff like this is really nice to look back on, because I have terrible memory for life stuff or the passage of time. So here, for future me.
1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? Uhhhh wear a mask to the grocery store? This was not a groundbreaking year for new experiences.
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? I didn't have any. I don't make any. I mean, sometimes I make them in the vague "I want to focus on this in the future", but I'll already have forgotten by March, like I don't really PLAN my life in such a way. I just have goals that aren't tied to specific points in time. You get there when you get there, and you choose what you want to prioritise.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No, but my brother got married, which was very exciting because he's 40 and has never had a girlfriend who he considered important enough for me to meet. (And my sister-in-law is delightful.)
4. Did anyone close to you die? My (half-)brother's dad died a few weeks ago (cancer), but I didn't really know him, so I wouldn't say he was close to me. I did spend almost a week at my brother's place to be there for him though. And honestly, I kept thinking about how my mom's dead this year, because in a way I'm glad we didn't have to deal with this year together. She already died from respitory failure, had poor impulse control and sense of safety, and I would've been CONSTANTLY worried about her.
5. What countries did you visit? I was gonna go to Malaysia (for my brother's wedding celebration), but that didn't happen. (Flatmates were gonna go to Japan.) So. Yeah. Home country all the way.
6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? A driving force to move forward in my life?
7. What date from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? I don't think... that there is one specific day? I guess the US election? Despite me being Norwegian, it's still fairly historic.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? /stares blankly at the wall I did do some nice art pieces? I coped? I managed to have good times and make friends despite everything else.
9. What was your biggest failure? I dropped out of two classes specifically because I couldn't do remote learning and self-structured study (BECAUSE ADHD YO), even though it wasn't even that HARD subjects, which was very frustrating. It hasn't set my study plan back, thankfully, but it still felt like a waste.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Only mental. And thankfully not as bad as it could've been, but hell yeah there was some strong anxiety in there.
11. What was the best thing you bought? I've bought some great video games this year. Animal Crossing brought 250 hours of fun, Hades brought 100 hours so far. Good investments.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? // 13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Both of these are related to pandemic behavior so I think you can guess.
14. Where did most of your money go? Entertainment? Also, god, I spent so much money on theatre tickets that are now just vouchers for non-specific future performances. I'll get my money's worth eventually, but right now it's hundres of dollars worth just sitting in vouchers. OH, and, digital D&D books.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? I had tickets for Chess. Several tickets, for multiple performances. STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THIS PRODUCTION THOUGH. But they're still doing it so hopefully it will still happen.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2020? Not sure I have any specific ones, actually. No iconic music.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: Last year I was feeling very accomplished. I was challenging myself, had befriended lots of classmates, had gotten through some stuff I was quite proud of managing. This year has been... not that. But on the other hand, I'm not as exhausted from school stuff, and I'm ready to actually go places and try to do things, as opposed to just wanting a month long nap.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? General life maintainance stuff. Not just school work, but like, focus more on money sensibility and try to get on disability, go to the dentist, work with my doctor more... All of that got a little bit just... postponed indefinitely.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Uh, can't think of any notable negative behaviour. It's mostly stuff I didn't do. Like, I had some bad anxiety in the spring, but honestly I think I did an appropriate amount of worrying.
20. How will you be spending Christmas? Had my first christmas with my flatmates (whom I love very much), and had my dad over as well. It was very lovely, and socially way less draining than usual.
22. Did you fall in love in 2020? lmao I'm aromantic
23. How many one-night stands? lmao I'm asexual
24. What was your favorite TV program? There were a few this year! Good Omens, The Queen's Gambit, Julie and the Phantoms, Avenue 5. There were more I watched and enjoyed, but I think those stand out the most. Also, does Critical Role count? OH, The Baby Sitters Club! A lot of good stuff.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Nah. I don't hate a lot of people.
26. What was the best book you read? Don't think I read anything notable this year. Don't read a lot of books, I prefer to consume stories in other media.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Julie and the Phantoms. Not because the music is astounding or anything, but it was very feel-good and fun. Don't think I had a lot of new music.
28. What did you want and get? D&D campaigns? Have gotten really invested in one of them in particular, it's delightful.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? Hmmm. The only one that stands out was The Old Guard. I watch more series than films. 2 hours isn't long enough for me to get properly invested AND satisfied.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 33 and I don't know that I did anything special. I think I just chilled? Flatmates made me a nice breakfast!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having the energy for essays/exams, probably. Just feeling like I actually had some accomplishments. OR LIKE. If Norway did like New Zealand and just wiped the virus out.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? Pyjamas. Occasionally 'apocalypse chic'.
34. What kept you sane? My flatmates and my dad. Reliable social interaction with people I care about.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Matthew McNulty, which applies to every single year. But this year I started both a gallery website and a discord server for him, so it was a particularly good year for him.  (Special mention to Paul Spera, who I finally talked to face-to-face, through Zoom, but still.) Also I'm using 'fancy' platonically.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? Ha aha hah all of them, oh god. BLM, probably, though. That was when I still had the energy to get invested.
37. Who did you miss? So many people. Like, come on. I don't know that it was even specific people so much just... being in a group? Like, my choir gang?
38. Who was the best new person you met? Met a guy I ended up playing a LOT of board games with. We haven't really talked in a few months now tho. And there's a friend I didn't MEET this year, but I really connected with, who's also now my DM, which was really nice.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020: It's not necessarily new knowledge, but this year has really driven home the need for both community solidarity and governmental support/leadership.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: I'm alone in my apartment, that means I can do anything / I'm not wearing pants (alone in my apartment - Brian David Gilbert)
Summary: It's been a conflicted year, a lot has felt like it's been on stand-still, but there's still been some good things in there.
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strangenewfriends · 4 years
During a pivotal year of his solo career, Harry Styles has notched another monumental achievement: his first No. 1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
As “Watermelon Sugar,” the standout track from Styles’ sophomore solo LP Fine Line, lifts 7-1 on this week’s Hot 100 tally, Styles tops the chart for the first time, after previously reaching a No. 2 peak as a member of One Direction. After starting his solo career with his classic rock influences on his sleeve, Styles has become a fixture at pop radio in 2020, with both “Watermelon Sugar” and “Adore You” becoming ubiquitous top 10 hits this year.
How shocking is the ascent of “Watermelon Sugar”? And what could the song mean for Styles’ future at the Grammy Awards? Billboard staffers answer these questions and more below.
1. On a scale of 1-10, how surprised are you that “Watermelon Sugar” is the song to finally give Harry Styles his first Hot 100 chart-topper?
Andrew Unterberger: Three months ago, it would've been a 10 for sure. Types of songs that don't usually go to No. 1 in 2020: fourth official singles, songs that have already dropped off the Hot 100 for multiple months after debuting, rock (or at least rock-based pop) songs. "Watermelon Sugar" was each of 'em, and even as recently as last week, I'd have been, like, an 8 about it going all the way to No. 1 -- even with a viral video, good audio-only streaming numbers and huge radio support, it seemed to have hit a ceiling outside the top 5. But a concentrated fan campaign and some good chart timing have put it over the top, and maybe I shouldn't be so surprised by that in 2020 after all.
Jason Lipshutz: I’d give it a 7 -- not because of any deficiency or quirk with the song, but because of its circuitous route to the top of the Hot 100 chart. Styles performed “Watermelon Sugar” for the first time on Saturday Night Live on Nov. 16, 2019, and released music videos for three other Fine Line songs before finally returning to it in May. That’s an incredibly slow burn -- to provide some context, “Watermelon Sugar” was released the same weekend as the ill-fated Charlie’s Angels reboot! -- and an unlikely path to pop ubiquity, to say the least.
Joe Lynch: I guess 9? It's super catchy and easy to get into, but it's just not the vibe of most 2019-2020 Hot 100 toppers – although given that Taylor Swift's "Cardigan" cozied up to the top slot last week, perhaps we're at a point in the pandemic where people are specifically turning to something that's a far cry from the top 40 norm for a break in monotony.
Lyndsey Havens: I'd say a 6. Three years ago (and still today) I thought that "Sign of the Times" could have and should have topped the chart, and then I thought that "Adore You" might finally do the trick. But people do say "third time's the charm" for a reason, and it makes sense that, after two strong top 10 singles, the continual growth of Fine Line well into 2020 and the strong promotional push, that this summer-ready, breezy pop-rock track has claimed the chart's top spot.
Stephen Daw: I'm clocking in at a solid 5 — it's surprising (to me, at least) that it took Harry Styles this long to log his first No. 1, but as soon as I heard "Watermelon Sugar," I was confident that, if a song off of Fine Line was going to reach the top of the Hot 100, it would be this one.
2. The success of Styles’ second album, Fine Line, has been one of the biggest stories in mainstream pop this year -- the album is still in the top 10 of the Billboard 200 chart eight months after its release. Why do you think Styles’ sophomore solo LP has resonated so well this year?
Andrew Unterberger: I wish I knew -- as do record company folks around the world, I imagine. It's a very good album and Harry is an extremely likeable star, but nothing about an album that feels largely like a tribute to '70s pop-rock and post-peak Paul McCartney would've struck me as an album to take him to that next level of stardom. He's just a star -- one with a big-enough gravitational pull to bend the mainstream to him -- and I won't underestimate him so easily again.
Jason Lipshutz: In 2020, artists like Dua Lipa, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez and 5 Seconds of Summer have all released top-notch pop full-lengths... but I have returned to Fine Line more than any of them. Part of that has to do with its sense of uplift and enthusiasm during a particularly trying year -- shout-out to “Treat People With Kindness” for snapping me out of some grade-A funks -- but Fine Line’s songs are stronger than those of Styles’ self-titled debut, the pacing is immaculate, the hits are far more effective and Styles is more comfortable in his own, ‘70s-pop-channeling skin. Fine Line is part throwback, part comfort food, part magnetic artistic presence, and remains an excellent front-to-back listen.
Joe Lynch: I think he's in a great spot in his career: not only has his 1D fan base embraced his maturing sound (which, to be fair, isn't a tough sell – this is very accessible pop-rock), but his gender-bending, classic rock-worshiping fashionista persona has expanded his listenership beyond the realm of card-carrying Directioners. Plus, it's an album that's crafted to last: this is meticulous studio pop that mostly eschews the tiresome trends and tricks most producers feel obligated to slap on a recording to make it feel “contemporary.” Fine Line occupies its own lane instead of competing against two-or-three new sound-alike albums a month.
Lyndsey Havens: Harry is the "perfect" pop star: his One Direction past earned him a built-in (and very dedicated) fan base, he’s mysterious enough but generous with his content, queen Stevie Nicks has become his number one fan, and, of course, he delivered an album filled with fantastic pop-rock hits and ballads. When Harry Styles arrived, fans had to adjust to Styles' sonic pivot. But by the time he delivered Fine Line, both Styles and his fans had matured -- and those pop-rock roots he planted years prior were in bloom. There was no adjustment period, and in my opinion, that allowed Fine Line to be immediately and repeatedly consumed.
Stephen Daw: There's a lot to be said for Harry's massive, mobilized fan base, and for his status as a burgeoning pop auteur in the modern era. But I think both of those facts only help uplift the fact that Fine Line is simply a great album. The songs aren't pigeonholed into one specific sound, yet they retain this classic, pop-rock finish to them that passes the minivan test; there's something for parents and kids in all of these songs.
3. Styles’ other Fine Line hit, “Adore You,” peaked at No. 6 earlier this year, and comes in at No. 12 this week. Are you a “Watermelon Sugar” person or an “Adore You” person?
Andrew Unterberger: I think "Adore You" is the better song, but I'm glad that "Watermelon Sugar" was the song to get him to No. 1. "Adore You" was the dead-center top 40 single -- and even "Falling" could've caught some post-"Someone You Loved" radio spillover -- but "Watermelon Sugar" is just pure Harry. He couldn't have asked for a better, more validating single to affirm his superstardom.
Jason Lipshutz: Hard to pick one, but give me “Watermelon Sugar” for the higher sing-along quality. Watching Styles perform Fine Line in its entirety at the Forum in Los Angeles last December included an arena of fans shouting “Watermelon sugar, HIGH!” -- and this was before the song was a chart-conquering hit. I suspect “Watermelon Sugar” is going to be a euphoric live staple in the coming years, which gives it the edge for me.
Joe Lynch: Definitely "Watermelon Sugar,“ a perfect, laid-back summer jam that gently uplifts without ever demanding attention. "Adore You" is solid but tailored for a specific topic, whereas "Watermelon Sugar" is the kind of softly buoyant treat that floats well in a variety of contexts.
Lyndsey Havens: I find it interesting that the two songs off Fine Line to stick around the chart's upper echelon are a bit similar-sounding. One of my favorite things about Styles is the risks he'll take, best evidenced by his debut solo single "Sign of the Times,” but also by Fine Line tracks like "Lights Up," "Falling" and "To Be So Lonely." But that's exactly what makes me a Harry Styles fan -- he's no one trick pony (insert joke about him heading in more than one direction), and while "Adore You" and "Watermelon Sugar" may not showcase his range, they've both become Styles standards for me. But to finally answer the question, I have to go with "Adore You" for the lyrics alone. I mean.... how can you compete, or argue, when he pleads like that?
Stephen Daw: They're both excellent songs, but if I had to pick, I'm partial to "Adore You." Sonically, the groovy bass line and stylized guitar riffs hit me right where I live. Lyrically, I respond a lot more to the "strawberry lipstick state of mind" than I do to something that "tastes like strawberries on a summer evening." But they both have strawberries in there, so it's a win either way!
4. Styles is now the second member of One Direction to score a solo No. 1, following Zayn with “Pillowtalk.” If you had to choose one of the other members -- Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson -- to someday score a No. 1 single, who would you put your money on?
Andrew Unterberger: Can't say the prospects for any of them reaching the Hot 100's peak are looking particularly robust right now, but if I had to choose one, I guess I'd say Liam. He has connections throughout the pop world that could result in him finding his way onto the right collab -- with buddy Post Malone, perhaps -- to find his way back to the top. Rooting for Louis, though! Go Louis!
Jason Lipshutz: I’m going to zag a little and go with Liam Payne, who scored an unexpected top 10 hit with the Quavo team-up “Strip That Down” and has been trying to recapture that magic in the years since. Payne’s solo debut didn’t offer any other standout singles, but he’s proven capable of headlining a rhythmic pop single that sticks around at radio, and I wouldn’t be shocked if he does so again over the next few years.
Joe Lynch: That's a tough question, because I could see Liam or Louis hopping on a track as a featured artist that goes all the way to the top. But if we're talking primary credited artist, it's gotta be Niall Horan, who has demonstrated probably the most solid catalog and sonic cohesion thus far of those three. Not saying it seems likely, but then again, when Fine Line dropped, who thought "Watermelon Sugar" would sweeten up the top spot on the Hot 100?
Lyndsey Havens: Justice for Niall's "No Judgement"! I played that song a lot when it first came out. But I actually think it's a smarter financial move to bet on Liam Payne, considering his strategy of collaboration. He's worked with Zedd, Quavo and Alesso, among others, and I wouldn't be all that surprised if in another year or so he lands on a track -- or a remix -- that shoots to No. 1 for the star power alone.
Stephen Daw: While Liam is the only other member to get one of his songs into the Top 10 of the Hot 100, I'm putting my chips down on Niall. Heartbreak Weather turned out to be a pretty fun record, and I remain convinced that "Black and White" is going to have a second life (much like "Watermelon Sugar”)!
5. Finish this sentence: at next year’s Grammy Awards, Harry Styles’ “Watermelon Sugar” will __________.
Andrew Unterberger: ...be shut out. It may score Harry his first nomination or two -- either solo or with 1D -- but considering how the Recording Academy has given him the cold shoulder so far, and seeing how overlooked he was even among this year's VMAs nods, I don’t know if I see him taking home his first Gramophone for it. (Uh-oh, looks like I'm easily underestimating him again -- never mind, I say the song sweeps.)
Jason Lipshutz: ...be nominated for record of the year, and Fine Line will be nominated for album of the year, and justice will have finally been served to Styles, who has yet to garner a single nomination over the course of his career. Will either win? It’s too early to say, but I like Fine Line’s chances at this point.
Joe Lynch: ...sow seeds of discontent; the Grammys will continue to ignore Harry Styles, and the fans will unleash their exasperation on Twitter with the machine gun-rapidity of a cartoon character spitting out watermelon seeds.
Stephen Daw: ...probably get nominated for record of the year. It would be worthy of a spot in the song of the year and best pop solo performance categories as well, but something tells me that if one of his songs were to be nominated for those categories, "Adore You" stands a better chance. While it would be great to see Harry win, if he were nominated in this category, he'd likely be going up against the likes of Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, The Weeknd and/or Megan Thee Stallion, and I just don't think he'd be able to clinch the ROTY win with that kind of competition.
Lyndsey Havens: ...still taste like strawberries on a summer evenin’.
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Hikaru on YORU NIGHT×YORU NIGHT Highlights/Summary
Program: 「鷲崎健のヨルナイト×ヨルナイト」 Channel: 文化放送 Internet Radio 超!A&G+ Air date: May 14 (Thursday) Air time: 24:00~25:00 (JST) Homepage: http://www.joqr.co.jp/yonayona/ E-mail: [email protected] Broadcast link (incl video): http://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php Repeat: May 15 12:00~13:00 (JST)
The episode is available on Bilibili! All credit goes to VOCALOID. There is part 1 and part 2. I downloaded both videos, cut some of the unnecessary stuff and joined them. HERE is a Google Drive link. Please note that there is a tiny part missing in the middle of the video after the intermission. Takeshi read a fanletter asking about the differences between being a member of a group and doing solo work. The video starts with Hikaru’s reply. 
Here are the higlights of today’s broadcast 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
There really wasn’t a lot of Hikaru in this. Such a shame.
After an eternity of Takeshi blabbering on and on about who knows what (how can he talk so fast?) FINALLY a wild Hikaru appears XD
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On a random side note: Takeshi spends way too much time thinking about how to say Hikaru’s stage name “H-el-ical//”.
Awww, it’s so cute how they are saying Hikaru’s “older sisters” (i.e. Wakana and Keiko) are not there to form a wall in front of her to protect her. Typically they would take on the talking duty but now she has to do all the talking herself.
Hikaru has been reading manga, watching anime, reading books, watching films, doing work for H-el-ical// during this stay-at-home-period. The things she usually does since she is a hikikomori anyways.
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I love how Takeshi is so impressed by Hikaru writing her own lyrics for Altern-ate-. I am glad her work is appreciated.
Hikaru talks about her predicament when she was filiming the PV. How she had a hard time standing on the edge of that cliff. How there were a ton of insects because the location was so close to the water. And she was there pretty much all by herself because it was all shot with a drone. Poor Hi-chan.
After a long break they read out some fan messages. One question is about the differences of being part of a group and being a solo singer. Hikaru says she has to think a lot more about how to present herself, what to say, how to act during MCs, how to do her goods introduction, etc...it’s been really hard because talking is not her forte as we all know. And back in the day all three of them would think about how to present themselves on stage. Kalafina songs were always quite dramatic after all so presentation was key, Now she needs to figure out that stuff all by herself.
Someone asks which parts of the PV are particularly important. Hikaru says it’s all important and you should pay attention to every little detail.
In the future Hikaru would like to compose some music herself.
Hikaru talks about her「Altern-ate-」 Video Upload Campaign which starts tomorrow.
HERE is the download link for all the material you need if you want to take part in the campain (doesn’t seem to be working atm - hopefully that will change soon. EDIT: It’s working now!)
・ Instrumental ・ Lyrics (Japanese) ・ Lyrics (romaji) ・ Melody sheet music ・ Chord sheet music
We got a short version of Clea-rly-. First impression: Not sure. It’s cool but it doesn’t really impress me too much. Will have to listen to it a few more times.
Oh no, there is a special that will also feature Hikaru but it’s only for premium members T_T Should have expectd this. I guess I DID expect it but meh, there is no way for me to watch it.
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Survey #294
“maybe it’s not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate”
Is your bed big enough for two people? Yes. What is your favorite board game? I like Battleship. Have you ever been hospitalized for more than 2 weeks? I think one stay at the psych hospital stretched over two weeks, maybe three. I don't remember. When was the last time you heard someone scream? Irl, probably at some point visiting my sister's family and my baby niece was upset. If you include via audio, a couple days ago when watching Egoraptor's Kingdom Hearts 2 stream. He's a Loud Boy. Who was the last person to call you baby? I have no clue. Why did you last go to the airport? I was going home from Sara's. Have you ever showered with another person? Not since I was a little kid with my sister. Is there something you are keeping a secret from your parents? I mean, nothing major. There are small things I don't tell them, though. Are you able to forget people easily? FUCK to the NO. What disgusts you about bathrooms? Sharing a toilet with literally anybody. Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair? I mean maybe at some point, but I don't think so. What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? If you’ve never been in a relationship before, do you watch Scrubs? I knew Jason maybe two/three weeks before he asked me out. We clicked so damn fast. Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? It can become a bit much. I have (had?) a friend who did this profusely to the point it was pretty impossible to have an actual conversation, and then she fell off the face of the planet. Being in love is an absolutely amazing thing, but like... that's not all you can talk about. Do you enjoy old movies? Yeah, there are some great ones. Do your neighbors annoy you in any way? Someone a few houses down has a dog that NEVER shuts the fuck up. I don't know how it doesn't lose its voice. What was the last party you were invited to? A Halloween party hosted by my friend Summer a few years ago. It was a good time. Are you honestly happy with your life right now? N O P E Do you find it fun to pray for people? I don't pray, but even if I did, "fun" seems like the wrong word. Generally when you pray for someone, there's something negative going on in their life, so like... I think "fulfilling" is maybe a better word? Has your mom ever crocheted you a blanket? My mom has deadass been working on a massive blanket since she was in her 20s (maybe even a tad younger), and she's at the tail end of her 50s. She works on it less than once in a blue moon. She started with the intention of passing it onto her kids. Do you regret letting a certain guy slip away? Debatable. It's questionable if I ever would have gotten competent help without Jason leaving, and if I didn't, what if he finally had enough when we were already married with kids (that's what I wanted at the time, anyway)? That would have broken me even worse. What show did you want to be on as a kid? Whatever the Nickelodeon one was where you got slimed lol. Do you have regrets? Of course I do. Does anyone really know you? My mom and Sara, at least. What song do you want played at your wedding? It depends on my partner and songs we consider special. Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? No. I do, however, love me some "Love Story." And you are LYYYYYYINNNNNGGGG if "Picture To Burn" doesn't make you feel like a Bad Bitch. Would you ever dye your hair unicorn colors? I would DIIIIIEEEEE to do that in pastel tints. I wish my damn hair took color well... I have literally only had ONE very effective hair dyeing experience, when my friend spent hours turning it red. It stuck for MONTHS. List 3 of your pet peeves. 1.) Turning tragedy into a competition; 2.) making mental illnesses "trendy;" and 3.) elitists of pretty much anything. Do you type fast? Very. What do you like to put on your pancakes? Typically just maple syrup, but I'll put butter on them if given it at a restaurant. Have you ever accidentally drank spoiled milk? I've taken a sip and immediately realized and spat it out. Have you ever had your heart broken? More like shattered into incalcuable pieces. When you were 3, was your natural hair color the same as it is now? No, I was dirty blonde. Have you ever received a scary message from someone online? Yes, I'm pretty sure. What does your first name rhyme with? "Infamy" is close enough, ig, if we're excluding other names. Do you have freckles on your face? No. I did as a kid, though. Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? Probably the angel kitty (I had a coloring book, even), but they're all SO pretty. I love Lisa Frank stuff. Does your family always have your back? My mom and dad do, at least. My older sister does, meanwhile it's hard to tell with my little sister. She's not very affectionate and expressive of love to the point I question a lot if she even likes me. What type of wedding do you want to have? Gothic! Are you more of a leader or a follower? A follower, within reason. I'm definitely not a blind one. Do you know anyone with a profession in law? Quite a few, actually. Have you ever Googled yourself? Yeah, at some point. Do you have a regular vacation spot, or do you always go somewhere new? We don't really go on vacations. It's not an expense Mom can really afford. Where were you working 10 years ago? Nowhere. ... 5 years ago? Still nowhere. ... 1 year ago? Nowhere. What's the shortest amount of time you've had between relationships? Like a day. I know it sounds bad, but I left Girt already knowing I loved Sara, and I didn't really have anything to heal from. As a child, what comfort foods did your parents make for you when you were sick with a cold or flu? We'd have Saltines, chicken noodle soup (which I never really liked), and ginger ale. What's your favorite art style? Probably hyperrealistic fantasy stuff. What time period is considered to be your country's 'golden age?' I don't know, I'm not a history buff. Have you ever done LSD? I've never done any drugs. Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave? N/A What is your favorite parody movie? Maybe the Paranormal Activity one. I barely remember it, though. What kind of first impression do you hope others have of you? That I'm kind and friendly and really care about their feelings. Do you have a good sense of balance? NOOOOOOOOOO. I stray like a motherfucker when I walk. Have for many years. It's weird. What is your least favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry, ugh. Does your car have heated seats? No. What's something that has been in your local news lately? I don't watch it. What's your favorite internet meme? Oh, I have no clue, I love memes lmao. What is the strangest pizza topping you've ever eaten? Nothing, really. I'm not very adventurous with pizza. Can you name any books or movies where all the main characters die? Not off the top of my head. Do you live alone? No, I live with my mother. What’s the grossest thing you’ve encountered in/at a fast food joint? *shrug* Do you swallow chewing gum? No. Do you ever get goosebumps while listening to songs? EXTREMELY easily. Like that is so, so regular, be it from the lyrics, the singer's voice, or just the music. Are there any amusement park rides you refuse to go on? Why? Most, really. I get dizzy way, way too easily and don't want to faint. What is the best roller coaster you’ve ever been on? I'm afraid of roller coasters, so I can't answer this. Never touched one. Don’t you think black jellybeans are icky? Ugh, YES. What was the last thing you measured with a ruler? I helped Mom use the long, flexible kind to measure the couch because she was gonna move some furniture around. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? Oh, I'm sure the mountains when driving to Tennessee. I was too young to remember it well, but I can never forget that I marveled over them. Would you rather have a Playstation or Xbox made console? I'm a Playstation gal. What if you were watching COPS and saw your significant other on there? I'm... not gonna lie, if it was Jason for doing something stupid and not, like, murderous, I'd probably cackle. Have you ever tried to write to any celebrities? No. When was the last time you blew bubbles? I ain't got a clue. Have you ever stumbled across a beehive? More like wasp nests. What food(s) make you cringe? Quite a lot, given my extreme selectiveness with textures. More than anything, probably egg yolk. Have you ever played an automated 20 Questions game and beat it? Ha, I actually had one of those! I have, but damn was that hard. Have you been to a restaurant where they cook the food in front of you? Yup, Ichiban. Pretty cool. Do you feel that presidential campaigns make people too competitive? I mean, no. People care about who is going to be the head of their country. Do you find Family Guy hilarious or offensive? Neither. Do you still write letters to people, even though there’s e-mail now? No. Have you ever had an accident involving a microwave? Ha, I'm a travesty of a cook, so yeah. I remember on one occasion I accidentally dialed in many minutes for popcorn and entirely forgot about it. Safe to say I didn't eat it. I've split hot dogs in there, and I'm certain there's more. Do you like the movie Forrest Gump? I adore that movie. One of the best films ever imo. Can you handle heat well? I honestly doubt you'll meet someone who handles it worse than me, especially physically. I have severe hyperhidrosis, so I will literally sweat like a pig in 70* weather. I absolutely cannot handle it. Do you smoke weed? What are your opinions on its legalization? No. Legalize it for at least medicinal purposes. Have you ever had a school shooting at your school? HA, I can promise you my high school must have at some point. Are you usually the first to do something, or are you more of a follower? I don't pay attention to this. What is your favorite way to eat a potato? Fries, yum. Are roses your favorite flower? No, but they're high on the list. Have you ever been to a horse race? No. I think they're abusive anyway. Do you like lobster? No. Have you ever swam in a lake? Yeah. There's one lake I swam in that was so clear you could see pretty far and just watch the fish and turtles. Have you ever convinced someone to show you their private parts? "Convinced"????? That's fucking coercion. I've seen people naked, but not by fucking pressure. What is the greatest treasure you have ever found? My older sister found a cracked amethyst geode once. Idk where it's at now, but I hope she (or we at the house, depending on where it is) finds it at some point, though. My niece has come to love smooth rocks and pebbles, and I think crystals would blow her away, never mind one that size. Do you eat beef? Regrettably. Are you good at card games? I mean, what's the game? I'm not exceptional at any I can think of. What is your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. Did you ever play the Oregon Trail game? Omg yes!!! I LOVED playing it as a kid, especially the 3rd one, I think? Do you watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia? No. Who is your favorite country singer? I actually do enjoy Tim McGraw pretty consistently, but I don't actually seek out his music. Do you know anyone who is Mormon? An old best friend was. Do you like grunge? Yeah. What’s your favorite kind of cheese? American. What’s the most historic thing that has happened in your lifetime? Most likely Covid. What’s your funniest story involving a car? It's not hilarious, but once we were behind someone whose license plate said "omw" lmao. What scientific discovery would change the course of humanity overnight if it was discovered? Well, a proven Covid vaccine. Do you think that humans will ever be able to live together in harmony? Nope. What’s the scariest non-horror movie? Idk. What’s the most amazing true story you’ve heard? I'm not sure. What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? Having to explain my Mark tribute tattoo lmao. What was one of the most interesting concerts you’ve been to? I've only ever seen Alice Cooper, and while it was great, "interesting" seems like the wrong word. Where are you not welcome anymore? Probably Jason's house, at least not by him. Or Colleen's, probably. Idk how she feels about me by now. What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced? Paying bills. What’s the smartest thing you’ve seen an animal do? I kid you not, our first cat would look both ways twice before crossing the street across our house. (Please do not allow your cats outside.) She'd do it even more when bringing her kittens there too to hunt. Chance was truly incredible. I could really give a lot of examples of her intelligence. I also had another childhood cat (my favorite before Roman) who would respond to a certain clap pattern I'd do if Mom let me bring him inside. Wherever Charcoal was wandering, he'd come running. What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? Oh, I'm sure it was RP-related stuff as a kid. What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down? I'unno. What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series? Possible spoiler warning for a super old movie??? Probably when the main character of Old Yeller had to put the dog down because of rabies. But I cry like a bitch easily, so maybe there's something that tears me up even more or just as badly. What odd smell do you really enjoy? None that are "odd," really. What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? I've seen a mink once when fishing with Dad deep in the woods. What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction? Oh, I don't know. I'd have to think for a while & I don't feel like it. What food do you crave most often? Probably ice cream. Who in your life has the best/worst luck? I don't know about best, but my mom absolutely has the worst luck. Which apocalyptic dystopia do you think is most likely? A meteor, maybe? If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? I'd want to know if they were criminals or just dangerous. What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen a kid do? Oh, my niece is so funny. One of the things that gave me the biggest laugh (and was most adorable) was this time I was taking family pictures for Ash at a local lake, and Aubree went running into the gazebo, span around totally like in a princess movie, and exclaimed, "It's enormous!" She is such a darling. If people could read your mind, what would they usually find? Just how bored I am, memories of Jason bc trauma, lamenting my disappointment in myself, "why is Mark so perfect," worrying about Sara, thinking of RP character developments... What celebrity would you like to meet? Mark. 100%. I would die to just thank him (if I could get words out, oof) and hug him and try not to soak his shirt in tears lmao. Do you need money to be happy? Don't bullshit me, you wouldn't be happy homeless because you can't afford a home. So to a degree, yes. What's a good idea you've had recently? Hm. What gift would you like to receive? At this current moment, Cloak's (Mark and Jacksepticeye's clothing brand) limited edition "life after death" design for a shirt. It is so fucking pretty, and I love the nature focus. What are you most excited about right now? Honestly? Getting my laptop back. I wanna play WoW lmao. What's your favorite song from a movie? Maybe uhhhhhh was "Supermassive Black Hole" actually written for Twilight? Where would you like to volunteer? I very, very badly want to volunteer to take pictures of animals up for adoption in shelters for like their social medias and stuff. I've asked like the two local places, but no bites yet. What's the last song you listened to? Metallica's cover of "Turn The Page." What's the last YouTube video you watched? I'm watching Gab Smolders play SOMA. Fantastic game.
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asbcblog · 4 years
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1. I remember everything - John Prine
I was going to write an incredibly earnest and long review of this song that outlined just how much John Prine meant to me. I can’t really do it and I think this song probably says enough alone. With only a few chords he always manages to express all the little things that make love what it is, all different kinds of love. Long lasting, short moments, love with places, sounds, going places and staying home, endless family ties, and the often fragile but in the end tenable love between all human beings in the face of catastrophe. The pandemic stole a lot of things from a lot of people this year, including John Prine, but he will remain one of the greatest songwriters of all time and his songs will live on forever.
2. Dream Palette - Yves Tumor
I can’t drive but let’s pretend I’m driving, I’m in LA and it’s night time or something, my elbow’s out the window, don’t know why I’m wearing sunglasses, this song comes on the radio, I’m the coolest person alive.
3. Boylife in EU- Yung Lean
Not to repeat my review of Garden but when the chorus comes I feel like I’m on top of a really big hill and its pouring it down with rain and im screaming but this time its because of a no-deal Brexit.
4. Garden- Joseph Futak
My review was already used as part of Joe’s promo campaign and it said: “feel like im on top of a really big hill and its pouring it down with rain and I’m screaming when the drums come in x x”
5. Circle the Drain- Soccer Mommy
I like this song because I too, am often alone in my room, and I have also become obsessed with subtle breakbeats to an extent where people around me have become very bored of the subject.
6. The Brothers William Said- The Innocence Mission
I listened to this song over and over when I was travelling round London in January just after my birthday, it felt like I’d been listening to it for years, like it was in a movie I’d forgotten. It felt at the time like I was saying a lot of goodbyes, recognising that things weren’t really like they used to be.
7. On the Floor- Perfume Genius
Say it with me ladies: I CROSS OUT HIS NAME ON THE PAGE!!!!
8. Shameika- Fiona Apple
She may not believe it but I bet Fiona Apple looked tough with a riding crop.
9. Song for Our Daughter- Laura Marling
Everything about this is fantastic, mellow and bright at the same time. Every part is brought forward individually and no part of this song gets left behind. A stunning vocal from Laura Marling and purposeful lyrics set to a cinematically emotive instrumental. Pure magic as always.
10. Building site outside- Piglet
Not going to lie, I was in a very vulnerable emotional state when I listened to this song for the first time, but I think that makes it no less powerful and just, sad. The lyric ‘she smiled at me so much last time’ is just so simple and devastating that you forget this would’ve been on every indie film soundtrack from 2000-2008 if Piglet was an industry plant.  
11. I wonder- Shamir
One word: EPIC
12. Crimson Tide- Destroyer
Listened to this every time I came on my period this year.
13. In the Dining Room - Joe Pera talks with you
Adam showed me Joe Pera when I really felt incredibly sad at the very beginning of this year. It’s a show that’s made me feel good, no matter the circumstances. This moment in the show made me smile, and I love hearing Gene come in a bit too early.
14. Stupid Love- Lady Gaga
Shakin my little booty in the kitchen to this x
15. Might bang, might not- Little Simz
Livid we didn’t all get to go to End of the Road and see all the hot dad’s loving Little Simz.
16. Fire- Waxahatchee
A truly insane vocal. I listened to this song on my way to work almost every day from September to December and fantasised singing back up at some kind of outdoor gig in the summer and it made everything significantly less bleak.
17. Hannah Sun- Lomelda
This song is too nice and genuine for me to say anything other than, “really lovely song :)”.
18. Scroll of Sorrow- Machine Girl, guayaba
Listened to this a lot this year while sitting on my kitchen floor staring into an empty oven, wondering if I was ever going to go to a party again.
19. Build a nest- Jeff and Ruby Parker
Have put this on in the flat because the guitar solo reminds me of everything my dad listens to at home. A really great piece of music that kicks off a really exciting album.
20. Kiss me thru the phone- That Kid
Ned said yesterday that he thought it was funny how much the original of this song is so foundational to hyper pop and I agree. Also I’ve started saying ‘Bitch’ like That Kid does every time I stub my toe.
21. Cuckoo- Sam Amidon
I am punting down a creek, looking in the branches that hang over the water for the bird that shall lead me to my next clue.
22. Places/ Plans- Skullcrusher
Used this song to comfort myself in moments where I also just don’t understand why I’m not famous.
23. Sweetjoy- Jam City
Finally….. HAIM for dudes.
24. Clean Living- Slow Weather
I saw someone listening to this on the side of my Spotify so I decided to give it a go and it was a fantastic decision. It’s mental that half of this song is an outro.
25. Summer All Over- Blake Mills
Along with the music video visuals and the dampened piano tone, this wins the competition for least summer-y song with the actual word summer in the title.
26. Ready Cheeky Pretty- CHAI
All of my joy this year has been brought to me by CHAI. I have nothing negative to say about CHAI. If you have anything negative to say about CHAI you’re gonna have to go through me.
27. Diaphanous- Land of Talk
This band was recommended to me by a guy I was trying to flirt with at rough trade east but everything closed before I could impress him by saying ‘I think they’re really cool’.
28. Anything - Adrianne Lenker
Anyone who has ever attempted to write a song with me knows how much I simply love rhyming. Seriously though, every thing rhymes, brilliant stuff. (It’s also such a brilliantly full and constant song that still manages to move and remain exciting from start to finish. I imagine this is partially due to Adrianne Lenker’s almost nursery rhyme- esque structure and also due to her beautifully colloquial approach to family dynamics.)
29. Blow- Dj Gigola, Kev Koko
This song makes me wish I was Jason Bourne- just wanna jump really far while something explodes behind me.
30. Money Can’t Buy- Yaeji, Nappy Nina 
‘Well I’ll buy some Yaeji tickets, they’re for NOVEMBER, there’s NO WAY they’re gonna get cancelled’.
31. Only the Truth- Johanna Warren
When I first listened to this song I felt like I was floating in the ocean looking up at the stars as the drums came in on ‘what more can I do’. An incredibly beautiful and careful song.
32. Gasoline- Haim
2020 could probably be summarised with the phrase ‘WHY AM I NO LONGER IN CALIFORNIA? WHY DID I LEAVE CALIFORNIA?’ And this song is the 3 minutes 13 seconds seconds of escapism I needed to not topple into a full spiral.
33. Mapuu - Ic3peak
No one can convince me that Ic3peak are real people. They are a collective made up of child ghosts.
34. Don’t Worry- Bladee
Whenever I have an anxiety attack in the night I wake up and see Bladee’s ghost of the future over my bed, he says ‘Don’t worry’ and mumbles for a bit as I fall back into a peaceful sleep.
35. The biggest tits in history- The magnetic fields
The most relatable magnetic fields song imo.  
36. Sand Castle- nijuu
Yujin is a genius and my answer is yes, I do want to just walk for a while.
37. Curl Up- Darren Hayman
Ned reminded me how much I used to love Darren Hayman, and both of them have been a pretty big part of my year.
38. When Will Death Come- Sarah Mary Chadwick
‘Wow, mental voice’ - Ned, while doing the washing up.
39. Dear Dad - Sylvie Wiley
‘But I didn’t cry, you’d be proud’ Sylvie, I’m weeping forever.
40. 34+35- Ariana Grande
41. Garden Song- Phoebe Bridgers
Phoebe Bridgers is a pretty unparalleled lyricist and this song feels like a disconnected series of thoughts that somehow all make sense together and come to create something that doesn’t build, but all just kind of sits? What I’m trying to say is that I don’t really know what she’s talking about but like, I get it.
42. Ringtone (remix) - 100 gecs, Charli xcx, Kero Kero Bonito, Rico Nasty, 
I love the way it sounds like everyone got just one take and had to improvise all the lyrics but it still bangs.
43. Changer- Andy Shauf
Thank you lord for another album about a smaller than average man overthinking all of his social interactions with lots of lovely clarinet parts.
44. What’s your pleasure - Jessie Ware
My pleasure jessie? Probably just sitting by the fire with a tough crossword and a glass of merlot x
45. Slime- Shygirl
Shygirl’s series of singles this year made me even more livid that I had to take out my eyebrow piercing for my new job this year.
46. Sears Tower- Salem
Perfect halloween release.
47. Title track- happyness
Ned turned to me and said: ‘so is their new thing that they sound like Elliot Smith’ and I said: ‘and that’s a bad thing?’
48. Cross-sound ferry (walk on ticket) - Hamilton Leithauser
Have found unbelievable joy in chopping veg and shouting GREEEEEEEN PORT, NEEEEEEWWWW YOOORK alone in my kitchen.
49. Lowswimmer- Hailaker
I’ve loved hearing Jemima’s voice when I haven’t got to see her much this year. I normally take the piss out of the Hambledon line but I haven’t seen that this year really either. I guess we find sentimentality in strange places.
50. XS - Rina Sawayama
This song made me feel very decadent on those days where I didn’t wash.
51. Emily- Clem Snide
Let’s be more kind and brave in the face of it all.
52. Building a fire- Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy
P.O.V you’re doing bushcraft in the garden with your husband Bonnie Prince Billy and he’s here to protect you.
53. Asexual Wellbeing- Okay Kaya
This song absolutely bangs but I am truly bewildered by the way they singled out the line ‘if they could put a pulse into a spinach leaf, can they turn the two of us into a tree?’ in the production as if that was a true piece of genius. As I say great tune tho.
54. Anthems- Charli xcx
The soundtrack to couch to 5k
55. Never Better- Kitty Fitz
A SE London queen bringing us huge pop tunes in 2020. So so excited to see what 2021 brings us from Kitty, she’s gonna be a real force!
56. Deep in Love- Bonny Light Horsemen
This is such a delightful song which (mainly due to the time I actually got around to listening to the whole record) for me really rang in the spring. A beautifully recorded testament to the feeling of love getting stronger meaning you have a lot more to lose.
57. Malibu- Kim Petras
My song of the summer, made me feel like I was at the beach when really I was in Lewisham.
58. Like I’m Winning it- Girlpool
I’m so delighted that the turn girlpool have made this year is towards dramatic goth music with breakbeats. Their voices both sound amazing and they look simply incredible.
59. Azad- Frazey Ford
I have no idea what she’s saying as always but I love it.
60. Helio- Charlotte Dos Santos
I’m literally so excited for what Charlotte Dos Santos is gonna put out next. The production is fantastic and her aesthetics are flawless.
61. Lost in the Country- Trace Mountains
‘I checked my email twice as I cried’. Safe to say we’ve all been there this year amirite girlies x
62. Unfold You- Rostam
I hated this at first, I thought, what’s this lo-fi beats to study to shit, but it’s now my classic ‘I’m just gonna pop to the shops, anyone want anything? x’ song. Huge.
63. Oh Yeah- A.G cook
One of 2020s realisations is that me and A.G Cook kind of look like we could be cousins.
64. Can’t cool me down- Car Seat Headrest
I would like to personally thank will Toledo for giving me a tune that got me off my ass when I was too warm to do exercise this summer.
65. Take back the radio- Katy J Paerson
In love with Katy J Pearson’s voice and the way this song builds. Just pretty flawless and feel good in my opinion. I think she’s such an exciting new artist who’s gonna be around for a very very long time.
66. Good Woman- The Staves
‘I’m a good woman’… speak for yourselves.
67. A Little Love- Jack Francis
Feel like I’ve been singing this song for about 5 years! It’s amazing and I’m so excited about what Jack’s going to bring out in 2021, he’s a genius and also the nicest man on the planet.
68. Lullaby No.4 - Snailbeach
This song makes me feel like I’m being hypnotised on a haunted carousel in a very relaxing way.
69. Boyfriend in every city- Roma Radz
Sucks that she can’t see any of her boyfriends cos of covid :(
70. Jaja ding dong- Will Ferrell
Get back in there and play Jaja Ding Dong !!!!
71. Highway- Jonatan leandoer96
Man, would be pretty sick to have 20 boys outside the club but alas the clubs are dead and I’ve only regularly texted about 4 people this year.
72. De nadie- Kali Uchis
Felt v sexy listening to this for the first time in a Morley’s in Honor Oak.
73. Weird Fishes- Lianne La Havas
This album was a pretty triumphant return for Lianna La Havas and me teenage self simply couldn’t be happier.
74. Micro Creature- Aya Gloomy
Love that despite everything about this song telling me otherwise, that the artwork for this single looks like Aya Gloomy is just chilling in the fields by my family home in Hampshire.
75. Si Ella Sale- Bad Bunny
Better get on the duolingo now if I’m gonna know what this guy’s saying at Porto next year.
76. Through my sails- Mountain Man
Truly gentle reimagining of an already incredibly beautiful song, mountain man make every word seem new!
77.Christmas Day (get me outta this funk) - Baggio and Blue 5 Years- Bath days
In joint 77th place are two banging Christmas songs that have soundtracked a pretty bleak Christmas period and have made me feel pretty joyous in their ways, despite one literally being called Blue Five Years.
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